Fiji - QCCP Photography Workshop 2011

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Fiji Photography Workshop 2011 Queenstown Centre for Creative Photography

The images in this book remain the copyright of the photographers. Contact Queentown Centre for Creative Photography+64 3 4090272

Fiji 2011 Photography Workshop March 13-15 2011 Based in Nadi which is located on the Western side of the main Island of Viti Levu. With trips to Sigatoka market, Kakabuta Pottery Village and Jovou Toga Hill Fort. The Photographers; Faith Naivaluwapa, Laura Pitman, Sandy Wild, Lesley Wild, Maree white, Jeanette Cricket, and Isoa Tokalautawa. The Tutors: Mike Langford and Jackie Ranken - Queenstown Centre for Creative Photography The theme of the workshop being Travel Photography and Portraiture

Colour and design

Sigatoka markets

Kakabuta Pottery Village

Kava ceremony

Jovou Toga Hill Fort

Bessy in the bar of the Mercure Hotel Nadi - Our Workshop base.

Sitting- Faith Naivaluwapa, Laura Pitman, Sandy Wild, Lesley Wild, Maree white, Jeanette Cricket, and Isoa Tokalautawa. Standing Mike Langford and Jackie Ranken (tutors).

Creative Photography Workshops - FIJI

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