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Smashing Pumpkin Party
Live music, drink specials, giveaways and a pumpkin carving contest with high stakes: If you win, you get a prize, if you lose, your work gets smashed. More: Friday, Oct. 22, 6 p.m.; Free; Bart’s Mart, 3042 Eastway Drive; facebook.com/Bartsmart.clt
Tim Burton’s macabre classic The Nightmare Before Christmas is shown in its entirety on a large screen while Charlotte Symphony brings Danny Elfman’s rambunctious, colorful score to life. More: Friday & Saturday, Oct. 22-23, 7:30 p.m.; $29 and up; Belk Theater, 130 N. Tryon St.; blumenthalarts.org
B(art) Sale & Halloween Hangout
Costumes are encouraged for this bake sale and art sale. More: Sunday, Oct. 24, noon-4 p.m.; Free; Petra’s, 1919 Commonwealth Ave.; petrasbar.com
The brewery with the hellish name has a cute event planned: a costume contest for dogs. Prizes for three categories: Best Overall Costume, Most Creative, and Best Human and Pet Duo. More: Sunday, Oct. 24, noon-4 p.m.; Free; Devil’s Logic Brewery, 1426 E. 4th St.; devilslogic.com
Cult Movies in the Cave: ‘Trick or Treat’
A bullied teenage boy is devastated after the death of his heavy metal idol, Sammi Curr. But as Halloween approaches, he discovers he may be the only one who can stop Sammi from making a Satanic comeback from beyond the grave. Starring Ozzy Osbourne and Gene Simmons. More: Tuesday, Oct. 26, 8-10 p.m.; $5 donation suggested; VisArt Video, 3104 Eastway Drive; visartvideo.org/events
All dressed up and everywhere to go
So you’ve got the perfect costume idea, and now you don’t know where to go? Don’t even worry about it. We’ve got you covered. Happy hauntings!
Paint & Boo’s
Local artist Aimee-Rose hosts a step-by-step Halloween-themed instructional painting class while you sip on some Primal brews. More: Thursday, Oct. 28, 7-9 p.m.; $25; Primary Brewery, 16432 Old Statesville Ave., Huntersville; tinyurl.com/PaintBoos
Halloween Double Feature
Bands followed by burlesque: Oh! You Pretty Things, Harriet Rip, and Sanhaim perform, then the monthly drag revue comes in for another semester of Ghoul School. More: Friday, Oct. 29, 8:30 p.m.; $15; Skylark Social Club, 2131 Central Ave.; facebook.com/skylarksocialclub
Plaza Midwood Fall Crawl
The day kicks o with a costume parade for the neighborhood’s little ones, then back to the park for local music, beer, wine, bounce houses, face painting, t-shirts and a vendor village. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m.; Free; Midwood Park, 2100 Wilhelmina Ave.; plazamidwood.org/events
Cassette Rewind’s Back in Time Halloween Costume Bash
Everyone’s favorite ’80s cover band hosts a costume party. Think Hot Tub Time Machine for costume ideas. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 8:30 p.m.; $15$18; Amos’ Southend, 1423 S. Tryon St.; amossouthend.com
Boo Bash 2021
Out of the Blue performs at what’s billed each year as “the best Halloween party in Charlotte,” and with $1,800 in costume contest prizes up for grabs, we can see why. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 7 p.m.; $11; Coyote Joe’s, 4621 Wilkinson Blvd.; coyote-joes.com
The Phantom Friends
A costume party that includes a live show from Phantom Friends with Red Dress Amy and Rothschild. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m.; $10; Two Buck Saloon, 1113 Hawthorne Lane; facebook.com/twobucksalooncharlotte
Devil’s Night
Flamingo Revue is ready to re it up with a burlesque tribute to the spookiest night of the year. Compete for Pumpkin King or Queen in the costume contest during an electric night of glam and gore, the sexy and the scary. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m.; $20-$25; Visulite Theatre, 1615 Elizabeth Ave.; visulite. com
Soul Train Halloween
That Guy Smitty and VonFunkHauser present a special Soul Train Halloween version of Deep Fried Disco featuring a Soul Train line and costume contest. More: Saturday, Oct. 30; $10; Snug Harbor, 1228 Gordon St.; snugrock.com
Halloween with Hunter’s Travesty
The local roots-rock Americana band hosts a Halloween party at Comet Grill. More: Sunday, Oct. 31, 7-10 p.m.; Free; Comet Grill, 2224 Park Road; cometgrillcharlotte.com
Petra ed
Music from Paint Fumes, Mindvac and Coughing Blood, with sounds from Monster Piece on the back patio. Midnight costume contest with $100 cash prize. More: Sunday, Oct. 31, 8 p.m.; $7-$10; Petra’s, 1919 Commonwealth Ave.; petrasbar.com
Movies on the Wall: ‘Little Shop of Horrors’
Catch this 1986 ick starring Rick Moranis right outside of Tommy’s, with hot dogs, sodas, popcorn, and candy available. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, movie starts at dusk; $5; Tommy’s Pub, 3124 Eastway Drive; visartvideo.org/events
Halloween Bash at The Fat Parrots
A costume contest, a DJ, cornhole. What more are you looking for? More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 10 p.m.; Free; The Fat Parrots, 5146 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road; tinyurl.com/FatParrots
Spooky Fest
Storytelling by Spooky CLT (see our Haunted Uptown piece above), live music by Monster Piece, and costumes are welcome. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 7 p.m.; Free; Bart’s Mart, 3042 Eastway Drive; facebook.com/Bartsmart.clt
Halloween Fiasco
Just an absolute clusterfuck of great bands doing covers: Jaguardini does Ace of Bass, Ryan Lockhart does Garth Brooks, The Safety does Taking Back Sunday and many more. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m.; $10; The Milestone Club, 3400 Tuckaseegee Road; themilestone.club
All Hemper’s Eve
Blackberry Ridge Farm hosts this afternoon festival featuring a vendor market, food trucks, beer, pumpkin painting, outdoor movie, trunk or treating, a costume contest, a bon re and more. More: Saturday, Oct. 30, 4-8 p.m.; Canned food donation suggested; Blackberry Ridge Farm, 14820 Beatties Ford Road; blackberryridgefarmnc.com