Teaching & Learning Blueprint
1) Effective planning at QEA will encompass using current data, including student profiles and SISRA, to plan a variety of appropriately differentiated activities that cater for students of all learning styles enabling expected learning gains to occur, but also promote literacy and numeracy across the curriculum. creating progressive learning outcomes that are clear and levelled appropriately for the ability of learners
2) Preparing the learning environment at QEA involves liasing with relevant support staff to enable the creation of visually stimulating, informative and relevant displays. preparing appropriately differentiated and engaging resources in advance, and in co-ordination with TAs and/or other supporting staff. establishing a welcoming, organised and structured start to sessions with staff demonstrating high expectations and standards
3) An efficient start to learning at QEA will include meeting and greeting students enthusiastically and on time, whilst promoting and enforcing Academy standards and expectations starting sessions promptly with relevant activities that engage learners appropriately according to their needs sharing clear objectives and progressive, levelled, outcomes with learners
4) Progress in learning at QEA will be demonstrated by creating systematic AFL opportunities throughout the learning cycle that allow learners to reflect upon progress towards previously shared progressive learning outcomes providing learners with a variety of opportunities and strategies to demonstrate their understanding and progress on their learning journey towards the intended outcomes and/or levels using high quality and appropriate questioning techniques that promote higher level thinking from learners enabling them to ask questions of themselves, each other and adults in relation to their understanding
5) Staff at QEA will adapt learning by using effective AFL, plenaries and questioning sessions during learning that will assist in checking the understanding of learners ensuring effective deployment of additional adults to assist learners where appropriate modifying tasks as necessary to take account of fluid learning needs. e.g. diverting from a lesson plan in order to address current misconceptions and ensure adequate progress and challenge.
6) Learning will be assessed at QEA by providing regular constructive written and/or verbal feedback which enables students to know where they are, where they are going and how to get there involving students in varied assessment opportunities, where permitted, to ensure their understanding of assessment criteria.
7) Future planning at QEA will involve effectively analysing progress using current data, including reflection on lessons and achievements of learners sharing of good practice both within and across faculty teams, and seeking support and advice as necessary understanding QEA's position in relation to National figures, both at a subject and Academy level, actively engaging with reviewing and developing SoWs in order to adapt to the changing needs of learners
For More Information, Please speak to any of the QEA Transformation Team