Qatar Foundation International and Virtual Exchange

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About Qatar Foundation International Qatar Foundation International (QFI), LLC,is a U.S.-based member of Qatar Foundation (QF). QFI operates as both a grant-making organization, and a convener of thought leaders on issues related to global and international education, open education and education technologies as they intersect with the three core QFI programmatic areas: Arabic language and Arab culture, STE{A}M (STEM plus the Arts), and Youth Engagement. QFI inspires meaningful connections to the Arab world by creating a global community of diverse learners and educators and connecting them through effective and collaborative learning environments —inside and outside the classroom. Through our activities, QFI is committed to providing K-12 students in Qatar, the Americas, and the United Kingdom (UK) with the intellectual, communicative, and cultural competencies that will enable them to be engaged global citizens. Learn more at QFI.ORG




Qatar Foundation International and Virtual Exchange QFI.ORG


QFI and Virtual Exchange QFI believes it’s never too early to inspire young people to engage in cross-cultural communication that will enable them to be active global citizens. Today, there are more opportunities for students and classrooms to connect than ever before! Innovative tools and technologies help engage students from around the world in cross-cultural programming to gain the knowledge, expertise, and global perspective necessary to tackle the critical challenges of the 21st century. QFI’s virtual exchanges give teachers and students the opportunity to connect with peers across the country and around the world to discuss significant issues that affect their communities. Topics include refugee and forced migration issues, water conservation, food security and sustainability, the cultures of the Arab world, environmental stewardship, and climate change. QFI partners with Soliya, iEarn, and Global Nomads Group to promote the benefits of virtual exchange through the Virtual Exchange Coalition:

YALLAH Inspired by high school students from Boston and Doha, Qatar, QFI created Youth Allied to Learn, Lead, and Help (YALLAH), a moderated, private forum for young people from around the world to connect online, share ideas and learn from each other. YALLAH’s community of students engage each other on global issues affecting their environment and communities–locally and globally. In the process, they gain cross-cultural communicative skills that are part of the global competency essential to their future. YALLAH is open to youth between the ages of 14-24, from across the Americas and the Arab world. Students can learn more and sign up at

YALLAH Commit to Action: Through the YALLAH platform, QFI runs the YALLAH Commit to Action (YALLAH C2A) program in partnership with the National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC). YALLAH C2A trains, mentors, and

supports an international cohort of change-makers to collaborate and complete service projects that work towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Global Goals. The program involves three phases: Learn, Act, and Demonstrate. At the end of phase 3, a live judging panel observes and selects the top finalists to attend and present their projects at NYLC’s National Service Learning Conference.

through two tracks: The first focuses on building hydroponics as part of a school’s science curriculum, and the second on student activities and actions aimed at solving environmental issues relevant to their communities. The curriculum is available at

Áber Virtual Exchange


To expand access to the cultural experiences that enriched QFI’s Áber exchange trips to Doha, Qatar, we designed the Áber Virtual Exchange (AVE) to connect high school classrooms in the Americas and Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. Like our physical exchanges, AVE explores culture, identity, stereotypes, and youth empowerment. The AVE curriculum uses group discussions, journaling, monthly video conferences, and an online forum to build understanding and foster dialogue. In total, there are five units and video conferences outlined in the curriculum containing step-by-step lesson plans, student worksheets, sharing and assessment models, and a language facilitation guide. The exchange culminates with a final collaborative project between the classrooms. The AVE curriculum is available at

QFI and Global Nomads Group (GNG) developed a trilateral virtual exchange program “Basmatna – Exploring the Syrian Refugee Crisis and Transforming our Communities”. The exchange connects students from schools in the U.S. and Qatar with Syrian refugees in the “Amal ou Salam” program in Jordan to share experiences, hear firsthand accounts about the Syrian crisis, and discuss the role of youth in conflict transformation. The Basmatna curriculum is available in English and Arabic at

Hydroponic Gardens Exchange Since 2013, QFI has utilized the power of virtual exchange to foster environmental stewardship by connecting classrooms in the U.S. and Qatar to build hydroponic gardens in their respective schools. The hydroponics curriculum teaches students about sustainability, food security, and the environment,

My Voice-My School QFI partnered with UNRWA and Digital Explorer to expand the My Voice-My School (MVMS) program to US schools and connect their classrooms with Palestinian refugees in the Arab world. MVMS is a 12-week structured virtual exchange program that engages students to work together towards a common goal and create advocacy plans for UN Sustainable Development Global Goal 4, Quality education. Through MVMS, young people in the US have a chance to think and discuss with their refugee peers the challenges that global crises pose for education. The curriculum contains the lesson plans, teacher guides, student activities, and additional literacy assignments that align to social studies standards. To access the curriculum and learn more about the program visit, QFI.ORG

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