UCL MArch Architecture Design Application Portfolio of QIAN ZHANG

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[PORTFOLIO] 2021-2022



BArch, Chongqing University, China Application Number: 23114465 Email: qianzcqu@outlook.com Tel: 86-18202293307


Email: qianzcqu@outlook.com Tel: 86-18202293307


Chongqing University (CQU)

Bachelor of Architecture | Major: Architecture

GPA: 3.4/4.00 | Average score: 84.31/100


Score: 97.8/100

About: Site and Route Optimization of Public Trash Disposal System Based on Artificial Intelligence

Advisor: Prof. Katrina Rust, Thomas'Sauerwald, and Pietro Lio'

Outcome: Awarded with “BEST GROUP”


China Merchants She Kou Real Estate (Chongqing) Co., Ltd

Assistant Architect

Detail: - Modification of the general drawing of the forced emission project of Guizhou Party School

- 2t12 plan drawing; architecture layout and general layout adjustment of Chongqing Orchid Village Project

Sept. 2018 - Jun. 2023

Jul. - Aug. 2021


I fervently painted Vincent's Bedroom in Arles while sat at the 2018 Central Academy of Fine Arts entrance exam venue. That is when my initial conceptions of how space was created emerged. My desire to become an architect was bolstered when I realised that even a modest space should have an aesthetic perception of perspective. I ultimately enrolled at Chongqing University to pursue a degree in architecture after placing first in Tianjin despite the challenge of balancing a rigorous academic workload with the pursuit of artistic expression. Initially, becoming an art student presented me with some difficulties. My creative and compassionate nature frequently hampered my design processes. In spite of this, precisely these delicate and intuitive characteristics emancipated my mind from the confines of conventional design doctrine and inspired me to explore the creativity, humanity, and possibilities embedded in architecture.

My passion for architectural algorithms and cutting-edge technology stems from my enrollment at the Cambridge AI+ Academic Programme during my junior summer vacation. This was my first attempt to use algorithmic AI to address the problem of optimising the site and route of public trash disposal. My group was eventually acknowledged as the "BEST GROUP". This led me to believe that technology can be coupled with artistic ability and concern for humanity. With all their cold discipline, science and technology serve humanism with all its warm sympathies. Using the power of science and technology, I envisioned making this world a more hospitable place to live. Considering the passage of time, I attempt to bridge the gap between the past, present, and future by integrating technological developments into architecture.

My undergraduate education has equipped me with architectural theories and practice, providing a solid academic foundation that let me stand out from competitors. Throughout my graduate studies, I intend to acquire state-of-the-art knowledge and technology to investigate the intersection of architecture and technology and to assume an architect's humanistic care and social responsibility. The cutting-edge scientific and technological resources and pedagogies at the UCL Bartlett School of Architecture can assist me to achieve my career goals and develop my self-worth. Simultaneously, my affinity for architectural algorithms, expertise in artificial intelligence automation, and sensitivity to artistic aesthetics can contribute to the programme.

Extracurricular activities have enabled me to build strong leadership and communication abilities in addition to an excellent academic record. I was the freshmen representative in 2018, addressing nearly 6,400 students and faculty. Concurrently, my passion for art never diminished. In addition to my lifelong hobby of painting, I founded a hip-hop club with my schoolmates and participated in several competitions. My professional knowledge, experiences, and passion for learning have equipped me with new responsibilities. have long wished I could use my paintbrush to make the world a more pleasant place to live. Life is filled with obstacles and opportunities, but I am prepared to dedicate myself to enhancing the lives of others and making the world a better place.

Jan. - Feb. 2021


2022 WUPENiCity International Competition on Students Course Work of Urban Design Nomination Award

Project: - Welcome to Metacity

About: - A future shared, neuron, smart city design based on digitalize, network and intellectualize

Detail: - Conceptual design, overall modeling

- Modeling of urban brain-neuron system using Physarum (Slime Mold) Simulations, modeling of intelligent connection resource tower and its surface

- Completion of all the effect drawings


Volunteer |Community Anti Covid-19 Nucleic Acid Tests2012

Member| Fine Arts Department of Student Union

One of the founders | School Mustang Hip Hop Club

- Top 2% in School Sign Language Dance Competition

Student Representative of 2018 CQU Freshmen

Member| Future Architects School Club


Language English (IELTS: 7) | Mandarin (Native)

Skill Advanced: Photoshop, Auto CAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, Sketch-Up Adobe Illustrator, Lumion, Enscape

Beginning: Blender, V-ray

Hobby Drawing: More than ten years of systematic art training before entering university, including sketch, watercolour, gouache

Dance: Chinese dance, hip hop, K-pop dance

Jul. 2022

2022 2019-2021 2019 2019 2018 2018

CONTENTS 04 DOOMSDAY SHELTER --Underground Skyscraper Conceptual Design 17 02 BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY --Bohemian Residence Complex 7 01 NEW TSUKIJI --Renovation of Tokyo's Tsukiji Fish Market 1 05 CIVILIZATION TO THE YEARS --The Rebirth of Notre Dame de Paris 24 03 BETWEEN THE MOUNTAINS AND THE WATERS --Medium-sized gymnasium design on campus 13 OTHER PROJECTS --Plastic Polypropylene Sheet Design and Construction --Welcome to Metacity 29


Acdemic Studio

October, 2021

Site: Tokyo, Japan

Individual Work

With the arrival of the Olympics in 2020, the government can finally move Tokyo’s Tsukiji fish market into the Toyosu Market because of the old market’s limited function. Due to the relocation, the split between the inner and outer markets increases transportation costs and cuts down the connection with the city. The TSUKIJI CULTURE is slowly dying out in the highly closed, technologically intelligent Toyosu indoor market.

While that doesn't mean the old TSUKIJI FISHING MARKET is perfect, it also shows some shortcomings. To begin with, people in the Tsukiji only focus on the exterior, giant signboard with striking Fish-logo and Janpanese, but failling to address the traditional spatial in the interior. Secondly, compact and dense shops and narrow and crowded streets not only can not carry the growing number of people and goods, but also are far from the traditional Japanese space which major focusing on private. Thirdly, the closure of the inner market makes people only experience part of the Tsukiji process and cannot touch the core of the TSUKIJI CULTURE.

Therefore, this thesis aims to adapt the traditional TSUKIJI typologies into modern programs, bringing forth the TSUKIJI-NESS through spatial organization rather than symbols and decorations to reconcile the interiorexterior relationship. And depending on functions, generating vary-sized space forms assorted and efficient routes. I hope this project can represent the complete TSUKIJI CULTURE to the public, forming a group space that is daily and ritualistic and closely related to the city.

market: sketch stall plans. Credit: Alice Colverd and Alexander McLean.

Inner --Renovation of Tokyo's Tsukiji Fish Market


Initial Fishing Booaming 1970

Due to policy support and the unique geographical location near the sea and the city, the Tsukiji market has developed rapidly by relying on fisheries.

Although rapid urbanization has accelerated the growth of the Tsukiji market, it has become more incompatible with surrounding cities. The barrier between citizens and TSUKIJI culture is increasing.

Abandoned & Fading Culture

Relocating to Toyosu Indoor Market makes people more disconnected from the TSUKIJI culture. The vacancy of the original site provides space for the regeneration of the TSUKIJI culture

More Urbanization & More Culture Barrier 2018

In the summer of 2018, when I walked into Tsukiji Market, its internal organization was chaotic , with the constant flow of trucks, forklifts and people making me confused. If you are not a character who has been here all year round, it will be difficult to appreciate and enjoy TSUKIJI.

According to the 4 processes of the old TSUKIJI market, I devided the modular unit into 4 categories. When extracting and retaining the TSUKIJI culture and function , I try to translated the traditional typology into a modern program to solve its overcrowded and chaotic problems. Combinning with public modular unites, I want to use it to provide a transition zone for the general public, and enhance the bonding between the TSUKIJI market and the city.

Typical Prototype Space A - Discharge & Transport B - Wholesale Area C - Intermedia Sale Area D - Outermarket E - Periphery Abstract Function and Size Openness Closure Degree (roof) Usage Area Volume Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Original Plan Original Plan Original Plan Original Plan Original Plan Volume Volume Volume Volume 30*30*10m 20*30*7.5m 15*15*5m 7.5*10*5m 10*10*5m Modulara Units Discharge Units Wholesale Units Intermedia Sale Units Outermarket Units Urban Units According to origin Typical prototype space Openness Closure Degree (roof) Usage Area Openness Closure Degree (roof) Usage Area Openness Closure Degree (roof) Usage Area Openness Closure Degree (roof) Usage Area 3

Extension of Urban Texture

The road structure of the site is determined according to the surrounding urban texture, so that the site scale can be integrated into the city.

Partition under OLD


According to the order of commodity logistics and spatial flow in the old Tsukiji Market, creat the functional partitions.

Reshape Street with Modular Units

Reproduce the old market streets and alleys by combining the units extracted from the space in the original Tsukiji Market.

Insert Roof according to


The giant roof is extracted from the shape of the main building of the original Tsukiji market and reconstructed to form a lighter and more integrated shape.

Reconnection to


Using landscape and urban monomers to provide buffer zones makes the whole design more integrated into the city and makes it easier for people to use.

Temple Block TOYOSU Artificial Island 4
East Ginza Waterfront
First Floor Plan Third Floor Plan

Internal Perspective

Section Perspective


Acdemic Studio May, 2021

Site: Belgrade, Serbia

Focus on the present, technology can give displaced people a roof over their heads. Bohemian camper vans have long been an important cultural icon and shelter for their communities' members. Since Bohemians were still living a nomadic life, began my Bohemian Rhapsody project in Belgrade's Bohemian slum to deal with the social oppression in the face of European migration by creating flexible, mobile communities whose residents could quickly build modular parts as needed. The prefab home takes shape from a bohemian camper van, which could grow or shrink to fit the people’s needs who live in it. The residents' everyday lives were connected by the marketplace located between the residential buildings. It encouraged a vibrant commercial and cultural environment for a more robust local economy and standard of living. Therefore, it evolved into an adaptable community that could be deployed either temporarily or permanently.

Photo credit: dejan_k/Shutterstock.com
Individual Work
40°N 45°N 50°N 55°N 60°N 65°N 70°N 75°N 0° 5°N 10°N 15°N 20°N 25°N 30°N 35°N 0° 5°E 5°W 10°W 15°W 15°W 10°E15°E20°E25°E30°E35°E40°E45°E50°E55°E60°E65°E70°E75°E80°E85°E90°E95°E 40°N 45°N 50°N 55°N 60°N 65°N 70°N 75°N 0° 5°N 10°N 15°N 20°N 25°N 30°N 35°N 0° 5°E 5°W 10°W 15°W 15°W 10°E15°E20°E25°E30°E35°E40°E45°E50°E55°E60°E65°E70°E75°E80°E85°E90°E95°E European Migrant Crisis 2015 Countries of Origin Number of refugees which applied for asylum between 1 January and 30 Jun 2015. Global Peace Index 2015 The inde is an attempt to measure the position of nations' peacefulness using indicators out of the areas of security, society and involvement in conflicts. 75.000 50.000 25.000 10.000 7 countries (index>3,1) 11 countries (index>2,6)
Syria Somalia Eritrea Iran Kosovo Russia Serbia Bangladesh Afghanistan Macedonia Pakistan stateless Albania unknown Ukraian Senegal Iraq Gambia Nigeria NO DE AT IT LU HU GR BG RO PT PL BE NL SE FI DK UK FR ES IE INDIA Top Countries of Origin Population Growth 2.5% Low Medium High 1.5% 0.5% 0% -0.5% -1.6% People which are applying repeatedly for asylum First time asylum applicants Number of Refugees Romani Population Density 1322 1749 1856 1936 1971 2005 2015 Migration to Europe Abolition of Slavery The first World Romani Congress Failed Roma Inclusion Decade of Roma Inclusion Romani Holocaust Great Gypsy Round-up Later historical records of the Romani reaching south-eastern Europe are from the 14th century. The Great Gypsy Roundup was a raid authorized and organized by the Spanish Monarchy that led to the arrest of most Roma in the region and the genocide of 12,000 Romani people. Although some Romani could be kept as slaves in Wallachia and Moldavia until abolition in 1856, the majority traveled as free nomads with their wagons, as alluded to in the spoked wheel symbol in the Romani flag. Under Adolf Hitler, a supplementary decree to the Nuremberg Laws was issued on 26 November 1935, classifying the Romani as "enemies of the race-based state", thereby placing them in the same category as the Jewish people. The first World Romani Congress was organized in 1971 in Orpington. At the congress, the green and blue flag embellished with the red, sixteen-spoked chakra, was reaffirmed as the national emblem of the Roma people The Decade of Roma Inclusion was an initiative of 12 European countries to improve the socio-economic status and social inclusion of the Romani people across the region. A decade of Roma Inclusion 2005 2015 was not successful. As part of pro-Western reform, the Serbian government approved a national strategy in 2005 to integrate its Gypsies into the society and provide for their basic needs, such as health and social services.
19 countries (index>2,3) other countries (index<2,3) more peaceful less peaceful
44°42'N 44°41'N 44°40'N 44°39'N 44°38'N 44°37'N 44°43'N 44°44'N 44°45'N 44°46'N 44°47'N 44°48'N 44°49'N 44°42'N 44°41'N 44°40'N 44°39'N 44°38'N 44°37'N 44°43'N 44°44'N 44°45'N 44°46'N 44°47'N 44°48'N 44°49'N 20°13'E 20°11'E 20°9'E 20°19'E 20°17'E 20°15'E 20°23'E 20°13'E 20°11'E 20°9'E 20°19'E 20°21'E 20°15'E 20°23'E Sava Boljevci Zabrezje Obrenovac New Belgrade 8
Serbia, the bohemian neighborhood of Belgrade.Credit:shutterstock@Cryptographer
Sava River Zabrezje City Boljevci City 1 2 3 4 7 8 6 5 1. Bohemian Mall 2. River Salon 3. Bohemian Theater 4. Bohemian Museum 5. Dancing Deck 6. Riding Track 7. Harbor Lounge 8. Fountain Plaza N Pot-cart Bow-top Reading Burton Gala and party Hording and migration Riding and Pasturage Farming and crafting 5m20m 0 Cafeteria Reading Space Exhibition Space Meeting Room Lounge Space Lecture Space Residence Gathering Space Gathering Space Private Dining Room Lounge Space Residence Residence Residence 9

A typical Bohemian family consists of three generations, the grandparents and their sons and daughters-in-law, and the sons and daughters-in-law's children, reflecting the heavy family values of Bohemians. The towers in the project are inspired by this extended family system, and are realized through the logic of prefabricated modules, extended family group, community. The large family group is placed on the core tube in a suspended structure. The prefabricated modules can change according to the addition and removal of family members. Bohemians will live here in the extended family system, free from vagrancy.

1 2 4 7 6 5 3 1. Salon 2. Dupex
3. Office
6. Ariel
8. Dinning
9. Lecture
10. Sky
12. Sky
14. Sky
9 8 11 13 12 15 16 14 10
Living Room
Residential Unit
City Entrance
Bohemian Convoluion
Botanical Unit
School Classroom
Duplex Bedroom
Riverside Lounge
Plan Combination 2 Plan Combination 3 Plan Combination 1
Experience inside the Community 11
Sava River View



1. Analyze the current status of site accessibility and clarify goals. 2. Set up roads to enhance the northsouth accessibility of the site.

3. The training hall is sunken and the greenery of the site is increased.

4. Establish a site roof to create a semioutdoor space.

5. Refine the shape and link the roofs together. 6. The cable stayed bridge is designed to connect the east and west sites.

Site Plan 1:500

7. Southeast facing main viewing surface to appreciate the building form. 1. Feel the vitality of the site from the northwest sub-viewing surface. N

Between the Mountains and the Waters medium-sized gymnasium is located on Democracy Lake in Area A of Chongqing University. Inspired by the fluid geometry of water in motion, it creates a space and environment for the surrounding area that is consistent with the landscape of Chongqing University's campus. The gracefully curved roof sweeps across the ground like a wave, blossoming in the middle of the lake in a consistent and fluid morphological language, while revealing the volume of the medium-sized gymnasium. The design of the cable-stayed bridge echoes the distant mountains in form and connects the east and west sites in function, increasing the accessibility of the stadium. Between the Mountains and the Waters stadium is flexible enough to accommodate the size and capacity of professional events, while at the same time accommodating the size and volume of post-event training for athletes and sporting activities for residents and students.

Technical and economic index

Total Site Area 11472m2

Total Floor Area13197m2

Plot Ratio 1.15

Site coverage Intensity60.8% Green Ratio 16%

Underground Garage Area836.7m2 Parking Space for Vehicles (Underground) 30

5m20m 0
Acdemic Studio February, 2022 Site: Chongqing, China
--Medium-sized gymnasium design on campus Individual Work
N 0 10m 1 1 1 2 2 3 19 Anteroom 20 Changing Room 21 Computer Room 22 Lighting Control Room 23 Timing Control Room 24 Timing and Focus Photography Conversion 25 Medical Emergency Room 26 Doping Control Room 27 Athletes' Entrance 28 Check-in Hall 29 Male Athletes' Lounge 30 Female athletes' lounge 31 Coach's Office 32 Training Discussion Room 33 Exhibition Gallery 34 Training Venue 35 Grocery Stores 36 Activity Area 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 91011 12 13 14 15 1617 18 17 18 17 18 17 18 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 28 27 2020 2020 29 29 30 30 31 32 20 20 30 29 4 33 35 34 36 1 Movable Seating 2 Athletes Rest Area 3 Referee Rest Area 4 Equipment Store 5 Entrance for Referees and Competition managers 6 Referees' Lounge 7 Competition Command Room 8 Arbitration Video Room 9 Post-match Control Room 10 Meeting Room 11 Editorial Office 12 Inside Broadcasting Room 13 Sound Control Room 14 Display Control Room 15 Fire Control Room 16 Magistrates' Room 17 Organizing Committee Office 18 Management Office Ground Floor Plan 1:300 14
South Side Seats Rows Row Spacing Sight Distance Sight High Step height Viewing angle Elevated vision Seat height Aisle East and West Seats Rows Row Spacing Sight Distance Sight High Step height Viewing angle Elevated vision Seat height Standard Basketball Court Basketball Training Court Standard Volleyball Court Handball Court Badminton Training Court Standard Table Tennis Court Seat Partition Numbers Seating Capacity Total Exit Width Minimum Number of Exits Required Minimum Number of Exits Decomposition Export Number of People Flow Units Evacuation to Exit Time Furthest Flat Slope Distance Outside the Exit Flat Slope Section Passing Time Total Exit Evacuation Time Cable Stayed Bridge Venue Point Supported Glass Curtain Wall Wooden suspended ceiling Spatial Architecture System Supported by C-shaped Columns Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) slab Glass reinforced fibre panels
Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Sightline Analysis 15
Glass Reinforced Fibre Panels Space Frame System Point Supported Glass Curtain Wall Support Structure: C-shaped Column Glue-laminated Lumber Foundation 40mm C20 Fine Aggregate Concrete Plastering 200mm Reinforced Concrete Slab (R.C Slab) 20mm Cement Mortar Binding Course 40mm 1:3 Cement Mortar Leveling Course The Interface Agent Rammed Earth Plan View of the Beam under the Bridge Back Rope Rigid Tie Rod Connection plate Foundation Cable Clamp High strength screws Connection plate Sling Cable Clamp High strength screws Connection plate Sling Point Supported Glass Curtain Wall Detail Connection Components Architectural Details Glass Support Devices Pins Steel Truss Glass Pads Screw Bolt Steel Claw Connection Upper Closure Node Detail Steel Claw Connection Pins Steel Truss Adapter Glass Steel Truss Adapter Glass Connection Sealing Materials Horizontal Corner Detail C-shaped Column Crossbeam Transition Node Detail Curved Mesh Frame Partitions Boxshaped Steel Column Wall Panel Bolts Bolt Spacer PTFE Sheet Preembedded Plate Bearing Rib Base Plate Stainless Steel Spacer Grid Support Nodes Detail Curved Mesh Frame Partition Boxshaped Steel Column Cover Wall Panel Base Plate Steel Tube Sealer Bolt Ball Cone head Screw Bolt Sleeve Mesh frame rod connection nodes Detail Section Perspective 16


--Underground Skyscraper Conceptual Design

Summer Studio

June, 2022

Site: Chongqing, China

Team Work: Zhang Qian, Xia Junbo

ROLE IN TEAM: Modeling: 50% Design:50% Drawing:50%

War is an old theme, though time flies— From the Peloponnese to today's Eastern Europe, the iron cavalry of Ares

Driven by the foolish desires of man, Stepping through the peaceful city, People's beautiful life will be wiped out.

Destruction and rebuilding again and again, changing Just the way the city is ruined.

When Pandora's box is opened, Mixed with the desire of human expansion, the end of everything, Will come as the mushroom cloud disperses. The city is reduced to ashes, the fire spreads over the earth, All life is gone Where is the human race going?

816 project site cave current status model map.



The site is located in Chongqing, China, hidden in the mountains. Originally a production site for nuclear weapons raw materials, due to the unique geological environment the entire project has a strong anti-destructive power, and it is a useful location for a doomsday city after the outbreak of a nuclear war in the future.








7.2m 7.2m 3.6m 12m 28m 4m 8m 20m 5.6m
INITIALBOX-3 7.2m 3.6m 7.2m 4m 12m 20m 12m 16m
UNIT ASSEMBLY COMBINATION 1——LIFE COMBINATION 2——WORK COMBINATION 3——INTERCOURSE Carbon neutralization rate Carbon neutralization rate Carbon neutralization rate Low Low Low High High High 89% 72% 65% Residence Industry Public Vertical Traffic Plantation x4 x3 x18 x0 x16 x9 Lateral Traffic Residence Industry Public Vertical Traffic Plantation x7 x7 x24 x1 x2 x9 Lateral Traffic Residence Industry Public Vertical Traffic Plantation x5 x7 x14 x3 x7 x14 Lateral Traffic Residence Industry Public Vertical Traffic Plantation x9 x9 x0 x16 x0 x16 Lateral Traffic Residence Industry Public Vertical Traffic Plantation x9 x4 x15 x3 x13 x6 Lateral Traffic Residence Industry Public Vertical Traffic Plantation x10 x7 x10 x11 x1 x11 Lateral Traffic 20
Residence Industry Plantation Public Lateral Traffic Vertical Traffic 21


From a historical perspective, technology can bring ruined architectural heritage back to life and preserve it forever through virtual reality. In my project, Civilization to the Years, I reconstructed the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris with a touch of boldness after it was destroyed in a fire. I propose that one edifice embodies human civilization, demonstrating humanity's pursuit of exploring the world. Therefore, by adopting the water element as a design inspiration because of its capacity to hold and unite disparate factors, I borrowed heavily from the ocean element to express religion and race harmony, as well as the search for common ground while respecting individuality, to create a pantheon of human civilization. In this context, water served as a medium connecting the many forms of architectural styles worldwide. In my early design stage, I employed the AI-based painting tool, DISCO DIFFUSION, to create supplemental paintings that brought my conceptual image of the ideal city to reality. I designed the skin to mimic the bark of a tree to conceal the plumbing pipes that carried water to the various floors. The stairs were incorporated into the structures. After finishing the construction, visitors could use augmented reality on a smartphone to interact with the virtual components placed on top of the physical building materials. The space's switching scenery, including the rocks and waterfalls, could create the ambiance, completing the spiritual discourse with tourists.

Acdemic Studio October, 2022
--The Rebirth of Notre Dame de Paris

Of The


Portal Of The Last Judgement


Virgin Located on the
side of the
facade, the portal of the Virgin evokes, according to the tradition of the Church, the death of Mary.
It represents the judgment of God, according to Saint Matthew, where the accursed are chastised and the blessed are welcomed into eternal life.
Anne Portal Located on the right side of the west façade, the Saint Anne portal is the oldest of the three portals, installed around 1200. It depicts episodes from the childhood of Christ.
Rose Window Originally completed around 1225, it is the smallest and oldest of the cathedral’s three rose windows, although none of the original glass remains in the frame today.
The rooster is considered a symbol of the French people because of the play on words of the Latin gallus meaning Gaul and gallus meaning coq, or rooster.
Of Saint Thomas Located on the south-east corner of the spire base, this copper statue was designed by Viollet-le-Duc, sculpted by Adolphe Victor Geoffroy-Dechaume and produced by the Ateliers Monduit in 1861.
Madonna and Child dominates the center of the composition. The 12 signs of the zodiac associated with the labors of the months of the year cover the lower half of the rose window.
rooster contains three relics: small piece of the Crown of Thorns, a relic of St. Denis, and a relic of St. Geneviève, the patron saint of Paris.
Grotesques The grotesques, the stone statues which adorn the upper gallery between Notre-Dame's two towers.
The remaining 50 are in need of restoration to repair damage
over time from weather, pollution and degradation of the stone.
The west rose window is found on the front of NotreDame Cathedral.
west rose window contains 24 rays on three concentric circles.
In the center, the Virgin and Child are flanked by the King of France and the Bishop of Paris, a testament to the close ties between royalty and Christendom.
and 1230. The piece of the Crown of Thorns was supposedly put into the rooster by Viollet-leDuc himself in 1860. Her assumption to paradise and her coronation as queen of heaven. It was put into place around 1210-1220. Four grotesques of this group need to be entirely replaced because they are damaged beyond repair. Later flying buttresses of the apse of NotreDame (14th century) reached 15 metres (50') from the wall to the counter-supports. Rib Vault Early six-part rib vaults of the nave.The ribs transferred the thrust of the weight of the roof downward and outwards to the pillars and the supporting buttresses. Plan of the cathedral made by Eugène Violletle-Duc in the 19th century.The annex to the south is the Sacristy. These forces arise from vaulted ceilings of stone and from wind-loading of roofs. The first phase began with the construction of the choir and its two ambulatories. Heraclius of Caesarea called for the Third Crusade in 1185 from the still-incomplete cathedral. Construction Four phases of construction took place under bishops Maurice de Sully and Eudes de Sully (not related to Maurice), according to masters whose names have been lost. Golden Section appears in the design of Notre Dame in Paris Facade The west façade serves as the main entrance. Facade The west façade serves as the main entrance. Archangel Michael Archangel Michael and Satan weighing souls during the Last Judgment (central portal, west facade) Alchemy Allegory of alchemy, central portal The serpent tempts Adam and Eve part of the Last Judgment on the central portal of west facade The martyr Saint Denis, holding his head, over the Portal of the Virgin Unlike the gargoyles which have function of draining of rainwater, the grotesques serve only decorative function. Sculpted by the workshops of the artist GeoffroyDechaume, there are 54 grotesques. The tomb of Archbishop Affre (1793–1848) in the Chapel of SaintDenis. Twenty-nine chapels added in the 13th century surround the interior of the building.
Nature & Human Civilization 25
The portal of the Last Judgment was installed on the west facade between 1220
Notre-Dame Cathedral's Artifacts

During their day at Notre Dame in Paris, the faithful began to imagine what the real Garden of Eden would be like.

In the Bible, God created Adam from clay and Eve from Adam's rib, and raised them in a paradise full of exotic flowers. Human beings originated from the clay and became one with nature.

The faithful witnessed this sad scene on the banks of the Seine. They were determined to rebuild Notre Dame at all costs.

What a holy sight it would be if the rose window consisted of real roses and plants!

"Poetic" Meditation Space "Solemn" Pilgrimage Space "Nature" Planting Space "Dynamic" Interactive Space "Poetic" Meditation Space "Lively" assembly space "Poetic" Meditation Space "Lively" assembly space "Solemn" Pilgrimage Space "Nature" Planting Space "Lively" assembly space "Poetic" Meditation Space "Solemn" Pilgrimage Space "Dynamic" Interactive Space Central DistributionWaterSystem Functional Module Breakdown 27
Introduction Prosperity Variations Transition 起 承 轉 合 28


Plastic Polypropylene Sheet Design and Construction

This is a field construction project using pp sheets. We took advantage of the light-transmitting properties of the pp sheets in the form of a spire to highlight the divinity with the aid of light. We purchased 1.2m long, 3mm diameter thin steel bars and inserted them into the pp sheets of the two sheets to complete the connection between the two sheets. This type of connection makes good use of the fact that the pp sheets have a channel in the middle and that the same connection is not applicable to other materials and has its own specificities.

Welcome to Metacity

-Based on digital, networked and intelligent shared brain-neuron

Acdemic Studio July, 2022

Site: Chongqing, China

Team Work: Zhang Qian, Zhang Shuning

Role in Team: Modeling: 80% Design:70% Drawing:70%

Through the construction of "urban brain - core hub of logistics, transportation and life" (community smart ring) and "neuron smart perception pipe network" (intelligent connection resource tower), the design brings together the Internet of Things, Vision, etc.Utilize the urban brainneuron system to build an urban ecology for daily IoT socialization-prevention and control resource allocation during epidemics.

2022 WUPENiCity International Competition on Students Course Work of Urban Design Nomination Award Urban Brain
Urban Green Vein 29
Neighborhood Commercial



BArch, Chongqing University, China Application Number: 23114465 Email: qianzcqu@outlook.com Tel: 86-18202293307

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