Master of Urban Design University of California at Berkeley
Cultural Landscape Preservation --Using Topography and Landscape Character to Shape Settlement Form
02 Site and Location
文化景观保护 -- 通过地形和景观元素塑造聚落形态 Advisor: Prof. Peter C. Bosselmann Prof. Michael K. Southworth; Prof. Louise Mozingo Time: 2012
GuanZhong Plain
Asia, especially China, is witnessing a process of modernization and urbanization on a scale, speed and scope previously unseen. Ambitious urban sprawl occurs not only in every city but also in villages far from urban centers. China‘s rapid urbanization has compromised rivers and forests and has resulted in an ecological crisis. Urbanization has converted farm land, threatened food security; erased villages, and destroyed the cultural landscape.The main goal of this thesis is to understand how urban design should responds to these unique cultural landscapes. The thesis addressed three questions: 1 How can a landscape be described? 2 What is the landscape of a region and how is it shaped over extended period of time? 3 How can these cultural landscapes be preserved, and what kind of urban design responds to the transformation of a village?
中国激烈的城市扩张不但发生在每个城市,同样 也发生在每个远离城市中心的乡村。快速的城市 化填埋与污染着河流与森林,引起了种种生态灾 难;同时不断侵占农田,带来粮食危机;蚕食村 庄,毁坏各种珍贵的文化景观。本文选择了位于 中国陕西关中平原,渭河北岸的村庄“窑店”做 为研究对象,探讨如何应用城市设计,通过地形 和景观元素来塑造聚落形态。
From a geographical perspective, Yaodian is located in the Guanzhong Plain, surrounded by two important natural landscape characters, the Loose Plateau and the Wei-River. This unique geography created a dramatic settlement environment and left many traces.
Regionl Scale 区域尺度
Emperor Tomb 皇陵
窑店位于中国陕西关中平原,周边围绕的是独特 的黄土塬地形,渭河流域等丰富的自然元素。这 里孕育形成了独特的聚落和生产性景观。
Town Scale 城镇尺度
Village 村庄
Vernacular Dwelling 乡土建筑
Specific Site 场地
Wei River 渭河
04 Regional Landscape Process On the regional scale, these processes of landscape elements will be discussed in the following pages. It includes the contents below: Plateau: how is this landscape formed? Capital City: how many capital cities were located here in history? Wei River: what happened to the Wei River over a two-thousand years history?
Regional Landscape Process
Capital City In History Process
本文试图从区域尺度上探讨以下三种景观类型的 演变过程,寻找其成因。 黄土塬景观如何形成的? 场地中的城市历史变迁? 渭河在两千年历史中的演变过程?
Loess Plateau Process
Han and Jing Zhou (1046BC-256BC) 周
Xianyang Qin (221BC-206BC) 秦
Chang’an Han (221BC-206BC) 汉
Chang’an Tang (618-907) 唐
Loess Plateau
06 River Process
In its history, the Wei River and its tributary created the landscape of “eight rivers around Xian”. The rivers have high velocity and bring a lot of sand and soil along the journey, which then settle on the confluence of the Wei River. This settlement has pushed the Wei River to move northward continually for thousands of years. The process also created 2-5km of floodplains and plentiful wetlands. It is too sensitive to settle on for people. It also shows evidence that ancient people suffered from flooding. For this reason, people have historically moved to the higher tablelands. 历史上,渭河及其支流创造了“八水绕长安”的 历史景观,但同时也带来了大量的泥沙淤积在河 流两岸。历史上渭河的不断向北迁移在北岸形成 了大量的洪泛平原与湿地。这里虽然成为肥沃的 耕作土地,但也成为生态敏感的居住用地。古籍 里记载了当地居民与洪水抗争的历史,场地中也 留下人类不断向更高的台地迁移的痕迹。
历史上渭河不断向北迁移 Historical showYears the Wei Historical Rivermaps in Different River’s northward migration 渭河的历史变迁图
Section: from Moutain to City 从北部山区到西安的跨渭河剖面示意图
08 Environmental Pressure
Design Strategy
Topology 地形 1. 拓宽河道,重建水系格局 2. 在河流交汇处塑造湿地 森林策略
River Runoff
River Strategy and Forest Strategy: 1. Create more room for the Wei River and reestablish drainage patterns. 2. Building wetlands at the confluence of each tributary 3.Rebuild islands in the river bed 4.Using a forest belt to shape the terrace
Using 2003 hydrology data to calculate flooding area. Yaodian has 1350 homes located in areas susceptible to flooding.
3. 沿河床构建岛屿
根据 2003 年渭河水文数据计算洪水淹没范围发 现,窑店有 1350 户居民处于淹没区这一生态敏 感地带。 4. 通过森林绿带塑造台地边缘
城市化压力 In July 2011, the area between Xianyang and Xi’an was separated into a new national district named “XiXian”. It aims to decrease the population pressure from Xi’an and Xianyang and improve the develo·pment of the two cities. City expansion and new infrastructure, such as an airport, and a new traffic system, threaten the security of this research site.
Population Pressure
Traffice Pressure
2011 年,沿渭河两岸的西咸新区建立。政府计 划将西安八百万人口与咸阳五百万的人口分散出 中心城区,潜在的发展力试图在场地中构建一个 崭新的城市。城市的急剧扩张,以及诸如机场与 交通基础设施的大量建设,为这一生态敏感区域 带来巨大的压力。
Village Strategy: Attach modern villages to the north of the existing settlement and remove industry to industrial zone. 将洪泛区内居民搬迁至黄土塬北部现有的聚落, 沿北部现有的道路系统构建紧凑的村庄形态。同 时将沿河工业区搬迁至咸阳工业园区,将棕地进 行恢复利用。
Urbanization Pressure
Farming Strategy: Combine family farming with modern farming practices, supported by a compact village form. 家庭农场与现代化耕种相结合,构建紧凑的村庄 形态
Family Farming Local House
家庭农场 本地居住
Mordern Farming Practice
10 Specific Site
Master Plan
A: vernacular house transformation B: from industry to school C: multi-farming styles and compact village form A:乡土聚落的改造 B:工业厂房改造为学校用地 C:多样化农业方式与紧凑的村庄形态
Contour Line
Existing Building
Existing Condition 场地现状
改造后的学校 新居住区
家庭农业 绿化带
11 A: Vernacular Housing Transformation --Shadao Village as an Example A: 乡土聚落的改造 -- 以沙道村为例 In Shadao village, this area is to abandon gradually in the growing of village result from the erosion of terrace and expensive spending on repairing housing. It became a fragmented piece with no strong relationship to the topography and with lack of intense use due to the departure of people. This terrace fabric of village is designed as an area not only aims to reconstruct the fragmented of this site, but also incorporates the natural character of the plateau and unique conditions of the terrace. This gives the vernacular landscape the expression of a village extension of the existing fabric and shows the possibility of building a sustainable environment that is also convenient for the people to live and work. 本文选取了沙道村一处正在被逐渐废弃的民居作 为改造案例。设计在延续传统村落肌理的同时, 将独特的塬地形,乡土植被,传统建筑以及开放 空间融合在一起;从而展示可持续的环境发展与 人们舒适的工作、生活环境的统一。
Village open space: The residential units are designed to respond to the terrace and create the vernacular social space of the community.
Vernacular house transformation: Following traditional settlement pattern and vernacular house typology, it aims to combine terrace, and natural elements with new transformation.
14 B: From Industry to School--Chenjia Gully Village as an Example B: 工业厂房改造为学校用地 -- 以陈家沟为例
In Chenjia Gully village, the proposal is to transform the pollution producing electric factory into a middle school serving the village. Besides the pollution, the existing factory also blocks the view corridor between the emperor’s tomb and the river. When it is converted into a school, it can serve the local people and also receive economical support from natives. Meanwhile, it will provide an open view between the emperor tomb and the river. When the emperor tomb, farmland and river become easily accessible to people in their daily life, it can cause them to reminisce about their home and land.
在陈家沟案例中,主要展示的是将一处工业厂房 转化为服务于村庄的中学。现有工业厂房不但污 染环境,而且巨大的烟囱阻挡了通往皇陵的视线。 这一用地性质的转换,不但服务了当地居民,带 来经济支持,同时也打通了皇陵与河流之间的视 线通廊。通过提升帝皇陵,农田与河流在人们日 常生活中的可达性,从而唤起人们对家乡与土地 的追忆。
Existing Topography 现状地形
From Industriy to New school 工业厂房转化为学校用地
Birds-eye view: view from school to emperor’s tomb 从学校到皇陵的鸟瞰
Existing condition: industry 现状:工业厂房
Section: from Emperor Tomb to Village under Loess Terrace 位于北部黄土塬的皇陵至塬下村庄的剖面
16 C: multi-farming styles and compact village form --Chenjia Gully Village as an Example C:多样化的农业方式与紧凑的村庄形态 -- 以陈家沟为例
Family farming provides one possibility to preserve the traditional farming style and to produce organically grown food. The adjacent large cities, Xian and Xianyang, are vast potential markets, which also pay more attention to food security. Since modern farming practice is respond to the quantity of food, which solves the problem of food shortage.
In addition, family farming can be combined with agricultural tourism for the purpose of enjoyment, education, and active involvement in farming activities. 陈家沟村展示了多样化的农业耕种方式,为当地 经济发展带来多样化的效益;农业景观和传统社 区得到可持续发展;并且为当地社区和游客提供 了开放空间与休闲娱乐的场所。
Family farming 家庭农业
Farming market 农夫市场
Bird’s-eye view of Chenjia Gually village
Modern farming practice