Year after year since producing its first snowboards in 1984, Nidecker has been faithful to continue its mission to make the most dependable and innovative boards on the market. Come and discover throughout this catalog, what makes the 2011 Nidecker collection the best ever !
Année après année depuis la production de nos premiers snowboards en 1984, Nidecker poursuit sa mission: offrir les snowboards les plus innovants sur le marché. Nous vous invitons à découvrir à travers ce catalogue, ce qui fait que la collection Nidecker 2011 est la meilleur jamais produite à ce jour!
Jahre nachdem Nidecker 1984 sein erstes Snowboard hergestellt hatte, gilt auch heute noch das selbe Motto, ist immer noch derselbe Anspruch da; Die innovativsten und zuverlässigsten Boards auf dem Markt herzustellen. Ich lade Sie ein, den Katalog durchzublättern und zu entdecken, was die 2011er Nidecker Kollektion, schlicht zur besten macht.
youth angel
vibes jr.
p.22 magic
p.17 angel
p.10 legacy
p.9 p.7 p.8
p.19 p.24 p.25
p.13 p.14
p.V p.VI
antti autti
the helvet underground
gang band
p.12 p.III
Nideckersnowboards page 3
Our secret
Since 1984, everyone at Nidecker has had one common goal: make snowboarding evolve. Always working closely with our pro riders and technology partners, together our company revolutionized snowboarding with our knowledge of composite materials, our technological developments and patents.
Teak Construction
Skate Construction
3D N Concept
Sidewalls made of very resistant teak wood, with a layer of soft ABS on the edges to absorb vibrations.
Nidecker uses the 7 ply horizontal lamination process used in skateboard manufacturing. This reinforces the edge while giving more POP.
Taking the resourceful idea of the Premium PCS to the next step the N Concept is the ultimate feeling with «The Indenpendant Torsion Flex». With the addition of Carbon, Kevlar© and a host of visionary composite matériels, it’s a pure display of the future.
Multiaxial Carbon
Dual Plus
A fibreglass developed and produced especially for our snowboards, a control of effective and precise torsion. For the best edge grip. Added by a 100% bidirectional carbon fabric giving more ability to react to the board.
Fibreglass reinforced at 30 degrees axis for the tolerant flex in torsion while improving the ability to react to the board. In addition, the multiaxial fibers avoid vibrations.
Full Wood Core
Power Wood Core
Master Wood Core
Poplar core and beech. That gives the board more comfort and is more robust. The real all terrain core.
This core combines different wood densities and Ash to give more reactivity and resistance. This makes the board more lively under your feet.
Our long term experience in materials and woodcraft have lead us to the construction of Mastercore. An assembly of woods of different densities and essences, gives this extra light core, the best weigh-performancepower ratio.
The new and better high molecular weight extruded base is more resistant to abrasion, has a very fast glide and is easy to repair.
Our sintered base added with carbon nano particules as well as additives, creates a better glide. This base is specially developed by Nidecker, and is very resistant to impact.
In searching to produce a more sustainable base by incorporating 40% of recycled base material. We were surprised by the result, the recycled product integrated to our new 8800 base, increases performance: more glide and more resistance and no loss of materiel with the Nidecker additives.
Twin Tip
Asymmetrical ASYM. ASYM.
Medium - Soft - Very Soft
Team Choice
The fibreglass angled to 90 degrees, of the axis offers the best flexibility control and resistance.
Free Flex System
Choc Absorber
Weded Wood
The nose and tail of the board are specially molded in a very thin composite material that is layered with elastomer that cancels vibrations and provides a unique light feel in transitions, due to its reduced thickness. Free Flex has one of the lowest swing weights in the industry. This technology is patented.
Special thick Elastomer interlayer, that gives more comfort and security. Vibrations are eliminated.
Multiaxial Carbon
increases reactivity and aggressivity of the board under your feet.
Dual Plus
amortizes the vibration, allowing a more comfortable ride.
The most ecological and technological way to make a woodcore. The wood laminates are not glued but bonded together through a complex process of friction and vibration. Nidecker is the only company in the world to master the technology to weld wood.
Original CamRock snowboards
First freestyle Rocker snowboard
PAULOWNIA: To gain weight where resistance is not required. ASH: To give the “pop”, the joy of life of the board. TEAK: For the sidewalls of the board to replace ABS, that gives incredible resistance. MAPLE: For sidewalls, as used for skateboard decks. Our snowboards use FSC woodcores, which offers forest managers rewards for managing their forests the FSC way – following the highest social and environmental criterias.
State of the art high strength aluminum tip protectors. Elastomer is bonded to the aluminum to absorb vibrations.
The linseed fiber and basalt, gives you a more organic and sustainable board.
POPLAR: Made in various densities to reinforce the cores where it’s necessary.
Stone & Diamond structured base on 2 axes to maximize glide and to optimize the durability of the base.
8 NEW CamRock Snowboards developped by Stephane Radiguet, our team and engineers.
This invention will allow you to ride hard, artificial and icy snow as you have never done before. The board’s shape and its positioning allow to minimize the surface of pressure by 75%, and multiply by 3 the grip, for the same power of pressure developed by the rider. How does it work ? Take an easy comparison: a normal knife and a bread knife. If you want them to cut well, you need to sharpen the normal knife more often, but whereas you don’t need to do that with the bread knife. So... “Enjoy the Ultimate Grip revolution!”
- More safety with less effort. - More fun due to less fatigue - More durability / Less Maintenance
• Camrock is a unique combination of camber and rocker strategically designed and placed to enhance your riding on a daily basis. • Camrock balances regular camber between the bindings to give you the edge hold you need in all conditions while the slight reverse camber in the tip and tail will give you effortless float in the pow.
• CamRock improves almost everything about snowboarding. • It does everything a camber board does but it does it better. Why compromise? Fact is Camrock rocks! Will Camrock make you a better person? Probably not, but it will make you a better rider.
• Camrock doesn’t hook up in the Park and Flat and is easier riding switch. • CamRock ist eine einzigartige Kombination von Camber und Rockertechnologie. Zusammengefügt zu einer perfekten Symbiose, um das tägliche Fahren zu erleichtern und schlicht noch mehr Spass am Snowboarden zu haben. • Unser CamRock bietet ein bewährtes Camberkonzept zwischen den Bindungen, um optimalen Kantenhalt bei allen Schneeverhältnissen zu gewähren, während die leichten Reverse Camber am Tip und Tail des Boards für diese unbeschreibliche Leichtigkeit beim Ride und unglaublichen Auftrieb auch bei kürzeren Boards sorgt. Und es ist einfach so, CamRock rockt!
4 different CamRock shapes adapted to your preferred riding style.
5 /10
3 /10
7 /10
5 /10
1.5 /10
6 /10
• Ob dich CamRock zu einem besseren Menschen macht? Na ja, aber auf jeden Fall zu einem besseren Fahrer. boards available: ultralight, megalight, legacy
boards available: blade, blade rental, divine, slam, pam, the helvet underground
• Le Camrock est une combinaison unique de cambre et de rocker stratégiquement étudié et placé de manière à améliorer la conduite de ton snowboard au quotidien. • Le Camrock équilibre le cambre entre les fixations afin de donner le control optimum dans toutes conditions. Le léger cambre inversé en spatule et en talon, t’apportera une aisance déconcertante ainsi qu’une flottabilité accrue poudreuse. • Le Camrock évite les erreurs de carre en Park et en Flat et permet plus de facilité en ridant switch. • Il fait tout ce que permet de faire une board à cambre normal, seulement mieux. Pourquoi chercher ailleurs ? Le Camrock assure ! Est ce que le Camrock fera de toi une meilleure personne ? certainement pas, mais ça fera de toi un meilleur rideur.
6 /10
0 /10
boards available: vibes, advanced, score, score rental, angel
6 /10
3 /10
2 /10
boards available: mini angel, vibes jr.
4 /10
Tout le savoir-faire réuni en une seule planche. Série exclusive et destinée à un ride complet. La plus belle carte de visite de la technologie Nidecker. Carbone, bois soudé et semelle H.S. pro 8800. Pour un rider complet à la recherche de toutes les sensations, qui ne s’encombre pas de plusieurs boards ; polyvalence parfaite en toutes situations. All of our know how gathered in one board. Every now and then a board comes along that changes everything, changes the way you look at performance, changes the way you look at construction and changes the way you look at technology. Well, the Ultralight is just that board. One look at it in the flesh redefines what you have come to expect from a snowboard. An absolute tour-de-force of technology. Aimed at riders who are looking for a high performance freeride board, it utilizes construction techniques that most manufacturers only dream about. Carbon, welded wooden core and High Speed pro 8800 base. Swiss made High performance for the connoisseur, who knows exactly what he wants under his feet.
Unser ganzes Know How satt und knackig in ein Board gepackt. Dieses exklusive High-End Brett macht Fahren bei allen Konditionen und in jedem Gelände möglich. Es könnte keine bessere Referenz für das geballte Technikwissen von Nidecker geben, als dieses edle Teil. Carbon, Welded Wood und ein H.S. Pro 8800er Belag sorgen für Top Leistungen. Der anspruchsvolle Overall Rider, der bei allen Bedingungen, jedes Gelände fahren will, wird mit dem Ultralight die perfekte Mischung finden.
ish varn
uminum 2x al
die cut full eco
Kevlar® Tip and Tail Carbon Stringers Stone grind team finish Full length wood core Insert 40X20mm Edge armor Torsion flex system Ultimate Grip® optianal
Carbon | p.30
158 163 163xl 167xl
Absolute | p.50
page 7
Malgré son air agressif, la Megalight reste, de par sa construction, une board adaptée à tous types de ride ainsi qu¹à toutes les neiges. Une construction qui allie matériaux hi-tech et savoir-faire traditionnel pour la « Rolls » des pistes. Pour passer des pistes à la poudreuse sans se soucier de quoi que ce soit, cette board saura s¹adapter à tous les terrains grâce à une approche évolutive. Disponible également en shape « CAMROCK » pour davantage de plaisir en courbes et en poudreuse ! Despite its aggressive air, due to its construction, the Megalight is adapted to all riding styles and excels in all of snow conditions. Its construction combines hitech materials and traditional craftsmanship. From well groomed slopes to powder without a single worry. This board knows how to handle any kind of terrain, thanks to its performance driven construction and shock absorbing features. Also available in a «CAMROCK » shaped version for those who want to add more fun in their edge to edge transitions and powder riding !
Trotz seines aggressiven Looks, bleibt das Megalight Dank seiner Konstruktion ein Board, das sich perfekt an Fahrer und Schneeverhältnisse anpasst. Dieses Konzept vereint Hi-Tech Materialien und traditionelle Manufakturkenntnisse und macht das Brett so zum „Rolls“ der Pisten. Von der Piste in den Powder und zurück. Dieses Board passt sich allen Situation problemlos an. Eine gänzlich neues Fahrgefühl kommt mit dem revolutionären CAMROCK Shape.
ish varn
uminum 2x al
die cut full eco
Kevlar® Tip and Tail Carbon Stringers Stone grind team finish Full length wood core Insert 40X20mm Edge armor Torsion flex system Ultimate Grip® optianal
Carbon | p.30
158 163 163xl 167xl 176xl
Absolute | p.50
Une pure freeride avec un comportement stable en piste, testée et mise au point grâce aux conseils du team présent sur le World Freeride Tour, cette board est mise chaque saison à rude épreuve aux quatre coins du monde. Grâce aux exigences du team, cette board évolue de saison en saison pour atteindre le sommet. This pure freeride board, is a dream machine. Very stable in all kinds of incline, it has been tested and developed by our team present on the World Freeride. This board is put to hard test every season all over the world. Thanks to the teams radical demands, this board gets upgraded from one season to the next, in order to continually evolve to the high standards of progressive freeriders across the World. Unser legendäres Freeride Board mit den Top Leistungen auf der Piste wurde mit Hilfe unseres Teams entwickelt, welches das Legend auf der World Freeride Tour fährt. Dieses Brett wurde unter den härtesten Bedingungen auf der ganzen Welt getestet. Dank den anspruchsvollen Forderungen unserer Fahrer wird das Board von Saison zu Saison besser und setzt immer wieder spielend neue Standards.
Carbon glossy
ish varn
uminum 2x al
die cut full eco wood
Free Flex® Alu Protect Tip and Tail Carbon Stringers Stone grind team finish Full length wood core Insert 40X20mm Edge armor Torsion Flex System Ultimate Grip® optianal
Carbon | p.30
Absolute | p.50
Legend | p.34
164 168 174
page 9
Développée par le team depuis plusieurs années cette board est aujourd’hui l’une des plus appréciées du marché. Le label « ECO line » a permis l’élaboration de ce cru 2011 tout en respectant l’environnement - un point majeur pour l’entreprise Nidecker. C’est LA planche destinée aux amateurs de qualité : design sobre, champs en teck et véritable trèfle à quatre pour une board totalement à l’écoute des volontés du rider ainsi qu’une board qui a du nerf pour une utilisation optimal en “boarder cross”, “banked slalom” et d’autres utilisations ou une board avec du caractère et nécessaire.
d viossat
For the second season the Platinum will adorn elegant teak sidewalls and other sustainable materials such FSC wood core, linseed fibers and the organic lucky clover ! Developed by the team for several years, the specs of this board, make it one of the top freeride boards on the market, as well as being a favorite for boardercross, banked slalom and other uses, where a board with lots character is needed.
ucky real l
ish effect
varn matt-
Seit Jahren von unserem Team ständig weiter entwickelt, ist es heute zu einem der beliebtesten Decks im Markt geworden. Der 2011er Jahrgang kommt mit dem „Gree-N“ Label daher, welches für den Respekt gegenüber unserer Natur steht. Einer Grundhaltung unserer Firma. Das Board für den anspruchsvollen Fahrer, der genau weiss was er will. Präzise und schnell, edles Design mit Teak Wangen und echtem vierblättrigem Kleeblatt unterstreichen den Ökologischen Gedanken des Boards.
stamp 2x hot wood
die-cut full eco plate uminum l a x 2 lls
Free Flex® Alu Protect Carbon Stringers Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X20mm
Legend | p.34
Absolute | p.50
Lucky Clover | p.31
158 158xl 163 163xl 168 168xl
La parfaite polyvalence en action. La Legacy revient cette année sous le label " ecoboard " Associer écologie et construction c'est possible. Tout à été repensé pour offrir aux amateurs de pistes en tout genre un ride " vert " sans pour autant abaisser ses qualités tant appréciées par nos riders confirmés ainsi que par nos clients exigeants. The Legacy is back this year under the label "ecoboard". Ecology and construction is given new meaning in a perfect balance offering a "green" ride without compromising quality. This board is greatly appreciated by our longterm and most demanding riders.
mas-b david
The Legacy is back this year under the label "ecoboard". Ecology and construction is given new meaning in a perfect balance offering a "green" ride without compromising quality.This board is greatly appreciated by our longterm and most demanding riders.
ish effect
varn mattwood black
window 50% effect
die-cut inum alum Kevlar® Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X20mm Carbon Stringers
plate lls
Vegas | p.48
Ignition Red | p.32
155 158 159xl 163xl 166xl
page 11
Nouvelle venue dans la gamme Nidecker, " Slam " est percutant, aussi percutant que le plaisir que vous aurez cette board au pieds. Taillée dans un nouveau shape " twin asymetric " elle offre une réponse parfaite quelque soit le terrain de jeu. Goofy ? Regular ? la board ne changera pas, sa carre backside n'ayant pas la même longueur elle restera sous vos talons pour une conduite plus précise et une réponse accrue. The newest addition to the Nidecker series is Slam. Imagine your pleasure riding this striking board. Cut in a new shape, "twin asymmetric", this board offers a perfect response to your ride preference. Goofy ? Regular ? This board does not change - but the back length is not the same, leaving your heal fixed for a better and more precise response.
inden jim zb
Eine ganze durchschlagende Ankunft feiert das «Slam » in der Nidecker Linie. Und genau so durchschlagend wird das Vergnügen sein, das du auf diesem Teil haben wirst. Ein revolutionärer neuer Twin Asymetric Shape sorgt für optimale Response auf jedem Spielplatz, welcher der Winter zu bieten hat. Ob Goofy oder Regular spielt genau gar keine Rolle, da du dich nur an der Backsidekante orientierst. Diese hat eine andere Länge, als die Frontsidekante und das wärs. Schon hast du den Garant für einen präzisen, explosiven Ride.
grip ish effect
varn mattinum alum
ASYM. ASYM. Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X20mm
Vegas | p.48
Ignition Red | p.32
149 152 156 158
Un nouveau shape pour cette gamme 2011. Un cambre inversé (CAMROCK) pour plus de « pop » et de feeling en freestyle. Demandé par les riders sur leurs prototypes depuis plusieurs saisons, cette révolution arrive aujourd’hui sous vos pieds. A brand new shape for 2011.The Blade was completely revisited; The new CAMROCK shape will radically change your riding, ease in transitions, will give you more pop in freestyle manoeuvres and better control when landing tricks. Our shaper Stéphane Radiguet has designed the new Blade with one thing in mind; For you to have more FUN riding!
mas-b David
Mit ganz neuem Shape drängt sich das Blade an den Start. CAMROCK steht an, einem inverser Flex, um noch mehr Pop und direktes Fahrgefühl zu bekommen, während du am Freestylen bist. Von Testriders schon länger angedacht und gefahren, kommt diese Revolution nun ausgereift mit dir auf den Berg.
uminum 2x al
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X20mm
Fusion | p.33
Vegas | p.48
Campus | p.36
145 149 154 157 158xl 162xl 165xl
page 13
gang band
Gang Band est le nouvel " achievement " de la gamme freestyle Nidecker. Confiée au designer Darshan Phillips repéré lors du concours avec Core77 cette Gang Band va faire du bruit. Elle offre un ride complet pour tous niveaux, son terrain de jeu est infini et elle s'adapte parfaitement à toutes vos envies, aussi changeantes qu'elles soient The Gang Band in Nideckers's freestyle range. Designer Darshan Phillips has been working on this since Core77 and is guaranteed to be noticed ! This board adapts itself to all levels and styles no matter how frequently they change.
Das „Gang Band“ ist die neuste Errungenschaft in der Freestyle Linie von Nidecker. Darshan Phillips zeichnet sich für das Design verantwortlich und hat sich diese Ehre wahrlich verdient. Gewann er doch den Wettbewerb mit Core77 und so sind wir denn auch sicher, dass dieses Board noch ziemlich viel zu plaudern geben wird. Das Brett deckt alle Niveaus ab und seine Einsatzgebiete sind nahezu unendlich. Das „Gang Band“ passt sich allen Wünschen an und seien sie noch so ausgefallen.
die-cut inum alum
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X20mm
Ignition Yellow | p.32
Ignition Red | p.32
Vegas EZ Lace | p.49
149 154 158 159xl
Une board universelle destinée à un public large. Sans complications, cette board saura ménager vos articulations et vos douleurs lombaires par un ride souple et agréable. Un nose et un tail adoucis pour pardonner vos petites erreurs autant en piste qu’en réception de saut. Destinée aux riders de tous âges et de tous niveaux, cette board saura trouver son public par la diversité de ses possibilités. A universal board targeted at all riders. No complications, this board knows how to spare your joints and lumbar pains thanks to its smooth and pleasant riding. Nose and tail are flexible enough to forgive your little errors, be it on the slopes or on jump landings. Riders of any level and age, this board seduces by the diversity of riding it makes possible.
ish effect
varn matt-
Ein Universalboard, das sich für einen extrem breiten Einsatzbereich eignet. Der angenehme Flex erspart dir so manche Rückenfolter und lässt dich locker die Hänge abgleiten. Nose und Tail sind so perfekt abgestimmt, dass sie kleine Fehler sowohl auf der Piste, als auch bei den Sprüngen nicht so eng sehen. Ideal für Riders auf allen Levels, wird dieses Brett eine breite Anhängergemeinde finden.
inum alum skate
Kevlar® Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Fusion | p.33
146 150 155 158 159xl 163xl
Transit EZ Lace | p.51
page 15
Un style plus urbain pour cette nouvelle version de la Vibes, planche de freestyle par excellence. Souple en spatule et talons, elle permet une grande tolérance sur les réceptions . Une vraie twin-tip pour tous jibbers modernes. Pour pouvoir rider aussi bien en park que dans la ville sans exploser son budget. A more « urban » style for this new version of the Vibes, the freestyle board. Soft tip and tail to allow a better tolerance at landings. This genuine twin-tip has been designed for all modern jibbers. The riders who want to ride in the parks as well as in the city without smashing up their budgets.
Etwas urbaner gefällig? Dann wirds wohl das neue Vibes sein, welches ein Perfect Match für universelle Freestyler ist. Weicher abgestimmte Nose und Tail sind die ideale Grundvoraussetzung für geschmeidig gelandete Tricks. Dieses True Twin Tip ist wie gemacht für die moderne Jiiber Gemeinde. Du jiibst Park, Slope und auch deinen Vorgarten? Dann ist das Vibes dein Ding, ohne aber gleich die Kasse zu leeren.
ish effect
varn mattskate
inum alum
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Score White | p.37
Transit EZ Lace | p.51 Score Black | p.37
147 152 153xl 156 157xl 160 161xl
Une planche fun pour progresser. Cette board au shape directionel saura te faire découvrir le snowboard en toute facilité. Sa construction sandwich et son flex assoupli te permettront d’évoluer sur tous les terrains et quelles que soient les conditions. Evolution and Progression. This board with its directional shape will give you the necessary tools to discover snowboarding easily. Its sandwich construction and medium flex will evolve with you as you progress on the hill.
jm rodot
Ein Board, das den Range weit offen lässt. Hier hast du richtig üppiges Entwicklungspotenzial unter deinen Boots. Sandwichkonstruktion und der angenehme Flex ermöglichen es dir, dich in jedem Gelände und bei jeglichen Schneeverhältnissen kontinuierlich mit einem Smile im Gesicht weiter zu entwickeln.
ish effect
varn matt-
plate uminu 2x al die-cut
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Transit EZ Lace | p.51 Score White | p.37
148 153 158 158xl 163xl
page 17
mas-b david
ish varn matt-
Une board Freestyle moderne. Avec sa construction sandwich et un shape twintip, voilà une board qui séduira tous les freestylers qui débutent et qui rêvent de progresser. Pour tout ceux qui en veulent. Designée par un français, cette board est un reflet urbain du ride.
ie-cut full d
A modern Freestyle board. With its sandwich construction and twin-tip shape, this board was designed to seduce all freestylers who begin and dream of progressing. All who wanna win! Designed by a French, this board is an urban reflection of riding.
inum alum
Mit seinem aktuellen Twin Tip Shape wird das Score den Anforderungen eines modernen Freestyle Boards gerecht, welches Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittenen noch viel Spielraum zur Entwicklung offen lässt. Für alle, die ungeduldig an ihrem Style arbeiten und vorankommen wollen.
Factory Finish Inserts 40X40mm
Score White | p.37
Transit EZ Lace | p.51 Score Black | p.37
146 151 152xl 156 158xl 160 162xl
mas-b david
Du plaisir dès les premiers jours. D’une facilité déconcertante, elle a été conçue pour apprendre à rider en toute confiance. Elle est tolérante et te pardonnera donc tes petites erreurs sans que tu ne t’en rendes compte. Plutôt destinée à la découverte du snowboard, cette board s’adresse également au riders occasionnels amateurs de neige sous toutes ses formes.
3d effect ie-cut full d
Pleasure since the very beginning. Amazingly easy to ride, this board has been designed to increase beginners’ confidence. It will tolerate all of your tiny errors without you even noticing. Designed for those who discover snowboarding and for the snow-lovers riding from time to time.
inum alum
Spass vom ersten Moment an! Erstaunlich easy zu fahren, ist dieses Board so entworfen worden, dass es dir eine dicke Portion gutes Gefühl mit auf den Weg gibt. Ohne dass du davon überhaupt etwas mitbekommst. Für alle, die das unglaubliche Gefühl des Snowboardens gerade erst entdecken oder jene Schneeliebhaber, welche nur ab und zu den Weg auf die Piste finden und ein easy-to-ride Board suchen.
Factory Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Cult | p.38
145 150 155 158xl 163xl
Charger | p.52
page 19
Avec ses carres spécialement étudiées, cette planche est sans aucun doute la référence dans le haut-de-gamme féminin. Bénéficiant de toute la technologie AST, cette board saura te faire découvrir le ride universel sans effort grâce à son flex et à son poids-plume. Le freeride au féminin. Toute la technologie d’une Megalight adaptée à la masse musculaire féminine, pour un ride confortable et en toute situation. With its special cutaway sides, the Princess is already a reference among women’s high-end boards. Including all of our AST technology, this board allows an effortless ride thanks to its torsional flex and light weight. Women freeriders. The whole Megalight-board technology adapted to the female muscles and body, makes women riding this Princess comfortable in all situations.
d viossat
love real c
Mit seiner revolutionären Kantenführung ist das Princess zweifelsohne die Referenz im High End Bereich der Girls. Es kommt in den Genuss des ganzen AST Know-Hows. So lässt es dich mit seinem angenehmen Flex und dem Leichtgewicht alle Facetten des Snowboardens rundum geniessen. Pistenvergnügen pur und Freeride auf höchstem Niveau. Die Technologie des Megalights steht Pate für lockere und präzise Runs in wirklich allen Situationen.
stamp 2x hot
ish effect
varn matt-
die-cut full eco plate inum alum
Free Flex® Kevlar® Tip and Tail Carbon Stringers Stone grind team finish Full length wood core Insert 40X20mm Edge armor Torsion Flex System Ultimate Grip® optianal
Eden | p.54
Princess | p.39 Donna EZ Lace | p.53
149 154 159
Plus les années passent et plus les filles deviennent exigeantes, le " girl power " est en marche et la Divine glisse avec Elles. Un noyau revu et adapté aux nouvelles exigences pour une board multi-terrains. C'est la polyvalence au féminin. La Divine s'adapte à toutes les surfaces du park pur au faces enneigées, des pistes verglacées au ride de bord de piste. Every year, "girl-power" has become more demanding. With it's feminine versatility, The Divine should meets all needs.The kernel has been revised and adapted for a multi-terrain board adapting itself to all surfaces from powder to icy tracks.
Je mehr Jahre vergehen, desto mehr rocken die Ladies auf den Pisten. Girl Power ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten und das „Divine“ gleitet mit. Ein komplett überabeiteter Kern und Shape wird den weiter gestiegenen Anforderungen von euch Fahrerinnen gerecht und macht das „Divine“ zu einem Multi-Terrain Board. Hier wäre sie also, die viel gerühmte weibliche Multi-Tasking-Eigenschaft. Ob frisch verschneite Hänge, vereiste Piste oder top präparierte Runs, das „Divine“ macht immer Spass.
ish effect
varn mattinum alum
Kevlar® Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Donna EZ Lace | p.53 Fancy | p.40
143 147 150 154 157
page 21
Le ride universel au féminin. Ce dont une femme a besoin et ce qu’une femme veut, Nidecker l’offre avec cette planche. Construction sandwich, shape directionnel ainsi que les moindres détails ont été pensés afin que la pratique du snowboard ne soit que pur plaisir. Une entrée de gamme au niveau budget pour une technologie avancée, designée par Viva Canalla - artiste Made in España... Versatility for the ladies. What a girl needs and what a girl wants – is inside this board. Sandwich construction, directional shape, all the details have been thought about to make snowboarding a pure pleasure for girls. This small-budget series offers an amazingly advanced technology. Board designed by Viva Canalla – an artist « made in España »...
l viva cane
Universal Ride für alle Girls, so lässt sich das Angel umschreiben. Alles was das attraktivere Geschlecht der snowboardenden Gemeinde will, findet sich in diesem Board wieder. Sandwich Construction und directionaler Shape sorgen für optimale Fahrfreude. Diese preisattraktive Linie bietet erstaunlich viel Technik für Girls die sich alle Optionen des Snowboardens offen halten wollen. Das Design kommt aus der Feder von Viva Canalla, tönt Spanisch, ist es auch.
inum alum
Factory Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Eden EZ Lace | p.54 Angel | p.41
142 147 152 156
Une Board pour apprendre. Prendre confiance et progresser, être à l’aise immédiatement - voilà ce que nous cherchons à vous apporter. Cette planche adaptée aux femmes vous aidera à évoluer avec votre style de ride. Pour toutes celles qui cherchent à rider en toute situation sans exploser leur budget. Grâce à la gamme de longueurs disponibles, cette board s’adresse tant au teenagers qu’aux femmes fatales. A beginner’s dream. The Elle was made to give you confidence and ease right from the start. It was designed to help you progress quickly according to your own riding style. Girls who want to ride in all situations without smashing up their budgets. A whole range of lengths satisfy teenagers as well real womens.
Sich schnell sicher fühlen und in den ganzen Genuss des Boardens kommen. Das ist das Ziel des Konzepts, das hinter dem Elle steht. Mit diesem Board sind die besten Voraussetzungen geschaffen, damit du auf den nächsten Ridinglevel kommst. Und das ziemlich zügig. Für alle, die schnell Fortschritte machen wollen, ein breit gefächertes Einsatzgebiet von ihrem Board verlangen ohne ihr Budget gleich zu sprengen.
inum alum
Factory Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Eva Lace | p.55 Elle | p.42
143 148 152 156
page 23
youth angel
Adapter une board « de grands » pour les kids ne se résume pas simplement à réduire les tailles. Nidecker travaille sur l’adaptation technique de ses produits : flex ajustés, carres réduites pour permettre aux stars de demain de progresser aujourd’hui en bénéficiant des même technologies. Pour tous les freestylers et freestyleuses en herbe qui veulent suivre ou dépasser leurs parents : du park au board de piste c’est la solution parfaite des ados.
To adapt an adults’ board to the -kids-’ needs means much more than only modifying its length. Nidecker works on the technical adaptation of these boards too: flex gets modified, edges get minimized, so that the stars of tomorrow can progress today, benefitting of the same technologies as their parents. All the budding freestylers who aim at following or overtaking their parents. From the park to the slopes, this board is the perfect solution for the youth.
viva cana
Ein Board aus der Erwachsenenkollektion für die Cracks von Morgen zu adaptieren, heisst nicht nur die Grössen zu reduzieren. Selbstverständlich verbirgt sich unter dem Topsheet dieses Bretts ein perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse von Youngsters abgestimmte Technik. Ob Park, Kicker, Slope oder am Rand der Piste den frisch gefallenen Schnee zu pflügen, dieses Board beherrscht alle Disziplinen spielerisch. Für den ganzen Offspring, der demnächst der älteren Generation den Platz am Drop In streitig machen will.
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Youth Player | p.56 Mini Angel | p.43
125 133 139
vibes jr.
Adapter une board « de grands » pour les kids ne se résume pas simplement à réduire les tailles. Nidecker travaille sur l’adaptation technique de ses produits : flex ajustés, carres réduites pour permettre aux stars de demain de progresser aujourd’hui en bénéficiant des même technologies. Pour tous les freestylers et freestyleuses en herbe qui veulent suivre ou dépasser leurs parents : du park au board de piste c’est la solution parfaite des ados. To adapt an adults’ board to the kids’ needs means much more than only modifying its length. Nidecker works on the technical adaptation of these boards too: flex gets modified, edges get minimized, so that the stars of tomorrow can progress today, benefitting of the same technologies as their parents. All the budding freestylers who aim at following or overtaking their parents. From the park to the slopes, this board is the perfect solution for the youth.
Ein Board aus der Erwachsenenkollektion für die Cracks von Morgen zu adaptieren, heisst nicht nur die Grössen zu reduzieren. Selbstverständlich verbirgt sich unter dem Topsheet dieses Bretts ein perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse von Youngsters abgestimmte Technik. Ob Park, Kicker, Slope oder am Rand der Piste den frisch gefallenen Schnee zu pflügen, dieses Board beherrscht alle Disziplinen spielerisch. Für den ganzen Offspring, der demnächst der älteren Generation den Platz am Drop In streitig machen will.
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Youth Player | p.56 Mini Vibes | p.43
125 133 139 143xl
page 25
Pour bien commencer. Cette planche spécialement créée pour les kids commence à la taille 99. Son flex a été spécialement calculé pour les poidsplumes, voilà pourquoi elle est l’une des rares planches pour enfants du marché qui fonctionne. Get the right start This board, especially designed for kids, starts at a 99cm. Its flex has been calculated especially for featherweight -boarder-s, and that’s why it is one of the few boards on the market that works for the little ones. Built in risers decrease toe-drag when those feet are growing like bad weeds. The Magic is a step above the rest.
Von klein an das richtige Board Dieses speziell für Kids entwickelte Board gibt es ab Größe 99. Sein Flex wurde speziell für ein geringes Gewicht berechnet, deswegen ist es eines der wenigen Bretter für Kid, die wirklich genial funktionieren.
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Youth Playerr | p.56 Magic | p.44
99 105 115 125
Step-in, Close-up and lock-down. In three easy steps you’ll be ready to shred the slopes and the park.
We replaced the heel plastic part by an air bag to provide you the best impact absorption for the heel while snowboarding. Surrounded with a soft EVA foam, this dual cushioning protection will make you more confident for the receptions.
d3o™ is an Intelligent Shock Absorbing material containing intelligent molecules that flow freely when moving slowly but on shock lock together to ABSORB and SPREAD the force.
Energy Control Technology
Nidecker’s exclusive dampening system. Your ride will be smoother and vibration free but you’ll still get maximum response. Dampening
Smooth transition
ECT system
Symmetrical/Asymmetrical HB TECHNOLOGY
Lateral Dampening System
gives you support where you need it and designed to provided the best response between the rider and the board even with wide stances.
Pure Flex No hard edges in between base and board to decrease board breakage. The graph above shows the LDS is deformed with different ratio from one edge to the other. In other words thanks to the LDS the bord can flex naturally. That's what we call PURE FLEX. Dampening Absorption and protection trough lateral motions while increasing edge to edge reactivity. Magic One NX Youth Strap Series XS
NX Unisex Series S/M
NX Women Series S/M
Classic S
Back-In XL
Act Series L/XL
Rental S
Rental Back-In XL
20.5 - 23.0 22.5 - 26.5 22.5 - 26.5 25.5 - 30.5 22.5 - 26.5 25.0 - 29.0 21.5 - 26.0 24.5 - 28.5 27.5 - 31.5 23.5 - 26.5 25.5 - 28.5 27.5 - 31.0 23.0 - 27.5 27.0 - 31.5 21.0 - 25.0 24.5 - 29.5 28.0 - 31.5 23.0 - 26-0 25.5 - 28.5
28.0 - 31.0
5.0 - 8.5
7.5 - 10.5
10.0 - 15.0
32.0 - 36.0 35.0 - 41.0 35.0 - 41.0 39.5 - 47.0 35.0 - 41.0 39.0 - 44.0 34.0 - 40.0 38.0 - 43.5 42.5 - 49.0 37.0 - 41.0 39.5 - 43.5 42.5 - 48.0 36.0 - 42.5 42.0 - 49.0 33.0 - 39.0 38.0 - 45.0 43.0 - 49.0 36.0 - 40.0 39.5 - 43.5
43.0 - 48.0
4.0 - 7.5
9.0 - 12.5
1.0 - 4.5
13.0 - 3.5
4.0 - 8.5
2.5 - 7.5
4.0 - 8.5
2.5 - 7.5
7.5 - 13.0
6.5 - 12.0
4.0 - 8.5
2.5 - 7.5
7.0 - 11.0
6.0 - 10.0
3.0 - 8.0
2.0 - 7.0
6.0 - 10.0
5.0 - 9.5
9.5 - 15.0
8.5 - 13.0
7.5 - 10.5
6.5 - 9.5
9.5 - 14.0
8.5 - 12.5
4.5 - 9.5
3.5 - 8.5
9.0 - 15.0
8.0 - 13.0
2.0 - 7.0
1.0 - 6.0
6.0 - 11.5 10.0 - 15.0
5.0 - 10.5
9.0 - 13.0
4.5 - 8.0
3.5 - 7.0
6.5 - 9.5
page 29
Droit dans la pente avec la ACT Carbon ! Pour un ride puissant, un transfert direct de tes appuis et un maintien maximum, cette fixation freeride a été créée pour toi ! The ACT Carbon Highback, built in a high tech foam Coremat and 3K Carbon composite, offers you the most stiffness with the least amount of weight. Feel the direct response of Nidecker while riding. Zieh dir die ACT Carbon rein und gibs dir präzis und genau. Wenn du einen direkten Transfer suchst, dynamisch fährst und ein Maximum an Halt suchst, dann, ja dann wurde diese Freeride Bindung wohl für dich entwickelt.
d viossat
Carbon | white/black/red
DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Adjustable Toe Tamp / get the best control for every size boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Best Contour Heelcup® (DuPont™ partnership) / adjust the binding perfectly to your boot. Carbon HB T-Flex / maximum stiffness backwards, but provides required flex in torsion. LANTOR COREMAT® Core & Carbon 3K / a maximum of reactivity and a minimum of weight. Asymmetrical Ankle Strap / enhanced stiffness & support in the outside for an better control. Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Asymmetrical Convertible Cap Strap / fits perfectly the toe box of your boot.
Premium Aluminum Buckles / 3 axis buckles with ultra fast gearing & smooth releasing system. Power Plate / easy engaging and enhanced power when closing. Heel Air Bag / to absorb big impacts when landing. Toe & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding Anti vibration / absorption trough lateral motion while increasing edge to edge reactivity. Pure Flex / no hard edges in between base and board and allows board to flex naturally.
FS110100 L/XL FS110101 S/M
US ] 9.0 - 15.0 [ US ] 4.5 - 9.5 [
MONDO ] 27.0 - 31.5 [ MONDO ] 23.0 - 27.5 [
EURO ] 42.0 - 49.0 [ EURO ] 36.0 - 42.5 [
lucky clover
Poudreuse profonde, snowpark, grandes courbes ou petits tricks sur la piste, la Lucky Clover te conduira avec style où tu voudras ! Whether riding deep pow, hitting the park or carving turns on groomers, the Lucky Clover will take you wherever you want with style. Ob sanft auf Powder gleitend, im Snowpark rockend oder fette Turns ziehend, die- Lucky- Clover setzt deinen Style so in den Schnee, wie du es willst.
d viossat
DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Adjustable Toe Ramp / get the best control for every size boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Best Contour Heelcup® (DuPont™ partnership) / adjust the binding perfectly to your boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® SUPERTOUGH NYLON® ST801 / Incredible lateral-torsion flex and dynamic response for backside turns. Asymmetrical Ankle Strap / enhanced stiffness in the outside for an better control. Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Asymmetrical Convertible Cap Strap / fits perfectly the toe box of your boot.
Premium Aluminum Buckles / 3 axis buckles with ultra fast gearing & smooth releasing system. Power Plate / easy engaging and enhanced power when closing. Heel Air Bag / to absorb big impacts when landing. Toe & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding Anti vibration / absorption trough lateral motion while increasing edge to edge reactivity. Pure Flex / no hard edges in between base and board and allows board to flex naturally.
FS110102 L/XL FS110103 S/M
US ] 9.0 - 15.0 [ US ] 4.5 - 9.5 [
MONDO ] 27.0 - 31.5 [ MONDO ] 23.0 - 27.5 [
EURO ] 42.0 - 49.0 [ EURO ] 36.0 - 42.5 [ Lucky Clover | black
page 31
Le meilleur de la technologie Nidecker, pour une conduite freestyle sur les rails, dans les parks ou dans le pipe. La Ignition te donnera une liberté totale pour tes tricks les plus fous ! The best of Nidecker technology for a freestyle ride on rails, in the park or pipe. The Ignition will give you total freedom for your biggest tricks ! Alles was an High Tech bei uns so rumchillt steht dir für deine FS Sessions auf dem Rail, im Park oder in der Pipe zur Verfügung. Das Ignition gibt dir die ultimative Freiheit, um auch deine sicksten Tricks hinzustellen !
mas-b david Ignition | black/red
DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% GF / reactivity, precision, lightness. Adjustable Toe Tamp / get the best control for every size boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% GF / reactivity, precision, lightness. Best Contour Heelcup® (DuPont™ partnership) / adjust the binding perfectly to your boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® SUPERTOUGH NYLON® ST801 / Incredible lateral-torsion flex and dynamic response for backside turns. High Perf. Slim Strap / perfect support and excellent responsiveness with maximum mobility. Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Air Convertible Cap Strap / great holding of the toe box and minimum weight
Premium Aluminum Buckles / 3 axis buckles with ultra fast gearing & smooth releasing system. Power Plate / easy engaging and enhanced power when closing. Heel Air Bag / to absorb big impacts when landing. High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding Anti vibration / absorption trough lateral motion while increasing edge to edge reactivity. Pure Flex / no hard edges in between base and board and allows board to flex naturally.
black/red black/red yellow yellow
FS110104 FS110105 FS110106 FS110107
L/XL US ] 9.0 - 15.0[ S/M US ] 4.5 - 9.5[ L/XL US ] 9.0 - 15.0 [ S/M US ] 4.5 - 9.5 [
MONDO ] 27.0 - 31.5 [ MONDO ] 23.0 - 27.5 [ MONDO ] 27.0 - 31.5 [ MONDO ] 23.0 - 27.5 [
EURO ] 42.0 - 49.0 [ EURO ] 36.0 - 42.5 [ EURO ] 42.0 - 49.0 [ EURO ] 36.0 - 42.5 [
Ignition | yellow
Base Polymère et heel cup alu : la Fusion des deux matières procure un ride direct et précis sur tout les types de terrain. De plus le système ECT réduit les contraintes lors du ride, procure un excellent amorti et une absorption des vibrations unique en son genre. Polymer base and aluminum alloy heel cup: the Fusion gives a quick and accurate response while riding. Moreover thanks to the ECT system, the FUSION decrease stress while riding, provides an excellent shock absorption and an unique vibration dampening. Base aus Polymere und Heel Cup aus Aluminium: das Fusion gewährleistet einen reaktiven und präzisen Ride in jedem Gelände. Dank unseren R&D Tüftlern, geht die FUSION mit dem revolutionären ECT and den Start, welches Schläge absorbiert un Vibrationem minimiert.
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% GF / great reactivity and incredible board feeling. Adjustable Disc Cover / get the best control for every size boot. Aluminum Alloy HeelCup / lighter, more responsiveness and perfect board feeling.
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® / best compromise between reactivity and weight.
3D Comfort Strap / awesome comfort, support & style. Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Spandex Convertible Cap Strap / thanks to the spandex the strap will be capped perfectly around your toe box. 3-Axis Aluminum Buckles / Strong buckles with fast gearing & smooth releasing system.
ECT / Nidecker’s exclusive dampening system for a smoother and vibration free ride. d3o™ / Intelligent molecules that lock together on impact to absorb and spread the force.
US ] 7.5 - 13.0 [
MONDO ] 25.5 - 30.5 [
EURO ] 39.5 - 47.0 [
Fusion | black
page 33
legend LTD
La référence incontestée en termes de toucher de neige. Pour 2011 la Legend reviens avec son spoiler CARBONE REFLEX symétrique & asymétrique, mais sera proposé en version limitée. Premiers arrives, premiers servis ! The leader on the market. The Legend provides you a powerful ride in the powder or any slope. For 2011 the CARBON REFLEX high back is back with the sym. & asym. versions, Released in limited edition. First-in, first-served! Die Vorzeigebindung im Markt. Die Legend bietet volle Kontrolle bei powervollen Rides im Tiefschnee oder auf jeder Piste an allen Ecken dieser Erde. Für 2011 ist der Carbon Reflex High Back zurück. Allerdings nur in limitierter Auflage. Es gilt also; First-come first served!
DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness.
DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness.
REFLEX CARBON HIGH BACK / ultra light weight, supportive and comfortable. Symmetrical or Asymmetrical / unbelievable on-snow feeling. High Perf. Slim Strap / perfect support & excellent responsiveness with an maximum of mobility. Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Air Convertible Cap Strap / great holding of the toe box and minimum weight.
Premium Aluminum Buckles / 3 axis buckles with ultra fast gearing & smooth releasing system. Power Plate / easy engaging and enhanced power when closing. Heel & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding.
Anti vibration / absorption trough lateral motion while increasing edge to edge reactivity. Pure Flex / no hard edges in between base and board and allows board to flex naturally. Legend LTD | black/cyan Legend LTD SYM. Legend LTD SYM. Legend LTD ASYM. Legend LTD ASYM.
FS110108 FS110109 FS110110 FS110111
US ] 9.5 - 15.0 [ US ] 6.0 - 10.0 [ US ] 9.5 - 15.0 [ US ] 6.0 - 10.0 [
MONDO ] 27.5 - 31.5 [ MONDO ] 24.5 - 28.5 [ MONDO ] 27.5 - 31.5 [ MONDO ] 24.5 - 28.5 [
EURO ] 42.5 - 49.0 [ EURO ] 38.0 - 43.5 [ EURO ] 42.5 - 49.0 [ EURO ] 38.0 - 43.5 [
1.0 / 2.0
Insérer la botte, fermer et verrouiller. Trois étapes rapides et faciles pour être prêt à se lancer dans les pistes. Pour 2011 Nidecker offre cette fixation BACKIN dans 2 versions afin de satisfaire tous les snowboardeurs. Step-in, Close-up and lock-down. In three easy steps you’ll be ready to shred the slopes and the park. For 2011 this BACK-IN binding is offered in 2 versions by Nidecker to satisfy all riders. Einsteigen, Highback schliessen und einrasten. Nur 3 easy Steps und du bist bereit um Pisten und Park zu shredden. Für die kommende Saison 2011 gibt es unsere neue BACK-IN Bindung in 2 Versionen und wird damit allen Ansprüchen gerecht.
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 45% GF / a strong base gives you all the power transmission you need while riding. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 0% Glass Fiber / strong and powerful high back.
3D Molded Strap / the best strength transmission & eliminate pressure points. (back-in 1.0) 3D Comfort Strap / awesome comfort, support & style. (back-in 2.0) Cap Strap / great holding of the toe box.
Auto RS Lever / the buckles open up alone when opening the highback (1.0) Aluminum Auto RS Lever / the buckles open up alone when opening the highback (2.0) High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding. Full EVA Footbed / you’ll feel a great cushion under your foots while riding or landing. (2.0)
back-In 1.0 | black/red FS110143 FS110144 FS110145
back-In 2.0 | black/white L/XL M S
US ] 9.5 - 14.0 [ US ] 7.5 - 10.5 [ US ] 5.0 - 8.5 [
MONDO ] 27.5 - 31.0 [ MONDO ] 25.5 - 28.5 [ MONDO ] 23.5 - 26.5 [
EURO ] 42.5 - 48.0 [ EURO ] 39.5 - 43.5 [ EURO ] 37.0 - 41.0 [
FS110140 FS110141 FS110142
page 35
Freeride le matin, freestyle l’après midi, la Campus te permettra d’apprécier toutes les facettes du snowboard avec un toucher de neige incomparable. Freeride in the morning, freestyle in the afternoon. The Campus allows you to enjoy it all in unique comfort and support. Am Morgen noch fresh etwas Freeriden und am Nachmittag am Freestylen. Die Campus begleitet dich bei allen Varianten des Snowboards mit unvergleichlichem Support auf Schnee.
mas-b david
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% GF / great reactivity and incredible board feeling Adjustable Disc Cover / get the best control for every size boot. SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% GF / great response edge to edge and maximum mobility Asymmetrical-Symmetrical / developed to offer the best response and comfort SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® / great reactivity and incredible board feeling 3D Comfort Strap / awesome comfort, support & style Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Spandex Convertible Cap Strap / thanks to the spandex the straps will be capped perfectly around your toe box. 3-Axis Aluminum Buckles / Strong aluminum buckles with fast gearing & smooth releasing system. d3o™ / Intelligent molecules that lock together on impact to absorb and spread the force. High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding
US ] 7.5 - 13.0 [
MONDO ] 25.5 - 30.5 [
EURO ] 39.5 - 47.0 [
Campus | black
Super confort grâce aux straps asymmétriques, boucles légères, rembourrage highback et amorti orteil & talon : tous les éléments d’une grande fixe à un prix abordable. Super comfort asymmetrical ankle straps, lightweight buckles, highback toe and heel padding, all the features you need for a great binding at a great price. Ankle Straps aus asymetrischen, lich Schnallen und ein angenehmes High Back Padding geben diese Binding alle Attribute einer Top Bindung auf den Weg, aber das zu einem Top Preis.
mas-b david
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% GF / great reactivity and incredible board feeling
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% GF / great response edge to edge and maximum mobility. Asymmetrical-Symmetrical / developed to offer the best response and comfort SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® / great reactivity and incredible board feeling Asymmetrical Comfort Strap / comfortable strap with an asymmetrical shape to get the best support and response. Convertible Cap Strap / traditional toe strap or capped around the toe box.
Light Buckles / chrome-plated aluminum & lightweight polycarbonate levers.
Heel, Toe & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding Score | white Score black Score white
FS110127 FS110128
US ] 7.5 - 13.0 [ US ] 7.5 - 13.0 [
MONDO ] 25.5 - 30.5 [ MONDO ] 25.5 - 30.5 [
EURO ] 39.5 - 47.0 [ EURO ] 39.5 - 47.0 [
Score | black
page 37
Pour débuter et progresser, la Cult est la fixation qui saura t’accompagner dans toutes tes sessions… pour un prix mini. From the beginners’ runs on to intermediates, the Cult is one binding that will take you through all of it. And the price is nice ! Die Cultl ist da zum Loslegen und schnell Weiterkommen. Diese Bindung begleitet dich von deinen ersten Turns an, und das zu einem unschlagbar attraktiven Preis.
mas-b david
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% Glass Fiber / great reactivity and incredible board feeling. SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% Glass Fiber / great response edge to edge and maximum mobility. Asymmetrical-Symmetrical / developed to offer the best response and comfort. SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® / great reactivity and incredible board feeling. 3D Ankle Strap / molded plastic part for strength and molded EVA foam for comfort.
Convertible Cap Strap / traditional toe strap or capped around the toe box.
Light Buckles / lightweight polycarbonate levers.
Heel & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding.
FS110129 FS110130
US ] 7.5 - 13.0 [ US ] 4.0 - 8.5 [
MONDO ] 25.5 - 30.5 [ MONDO ] 22.5 - 26.5 [
EURO ] 39.5 - 47.0 [ EURO ] 35.0 - 41.0 [
Cult | black/red
Pour nous les filles qui voulons rider plus fort le park, en backcountry ou sur les pistes : avec la Princess, ridons avec style et engagement ! For the girls who want to ride with energy in the park, backcountry or on the groomers. The Princess rides with style and incomparable performance. Die Princess ist das Bindungsglied für erfahrene Girls, die ihr Können im Park oder bei fetten Powderruns im Backcountry geniessen wollen. Die Princess lässt dich stylish und mit weit weniger Kraftaufwand präzise und anmutig über den Schnee gleiten
d viossat
DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Adjustable Toe Tamp / get the best control for every size boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Best Contour Heelcup® (DuPont™ partnership) / adjust the binding perfectly to your boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® SUPERTOUGH NYLON® ST801 / Incredible lateral-torsion flex and dynamic response for backside turns. Asymmetrical Ankle Strap / enhanced stiffness in the outside for an better control. Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Asymmetrical Convertible Cap Strap / fits perfectly the toe box of your boot.
Premium Aluminum Buckles / 3 axis buckles with ultra fast gearing & smooth releasing system. Power Plate / easy engaging and enhanced power when closing. Heel Air Bag / to absorb big impacts when landing. Toe & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding Anti vibration / absorption trough lateral motion while increasing edge to edge reactivity. Pure Flex / no hard edges in between base and board and allows board to flex naturally.
Princess | white FS110112
US ] 4.5 - 9.5 [
MONDO ] 23.0 - 27.5 [
EURO ] 36.0 - 42.5 [
page 39
Le meilleur de la technologie Nidecker pour une conduite freestyle sur les rails, dans les parks ou dans le pipe : la Fancy te donnera une liberté totale pour tes tricks les plus fous ! The best of Nidecker technology for a freestyle ride on rails, in the park or pipe. The Fancy will give you total freedom for your biggest tricks ! Alles was an High Tech bei uns so rumchillt steht dir für deine FS Sessions auf dem Rail, im Park oder in der Pipe zur Verfügung. Das fanc gibt dir die ultimative Freiheit, um auch deine sicksten Tricks hinzustellen !
DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Adjustable Toe Tamp / get the best control for every size boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Best Contour Heelcup® (DuPont™ partnership) / adjust the binding perfectly to your boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® SUPERTOUGH NYLON® ST801 / Incredible lateral-torsion flex and dynamic response for backside turns. High Perf. Slim Strap / perfect support & excellent responsiveness with an maximum of mobility. Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Air Convertible Cap Strap / great holding of the toe box and minimum weight
Premium Aluminum Buckles / 3 axis buckles with ultra fast gearing & smooth releasing system. Power Plate / easy engaging and enhanced power when closing. Heel Air Bag / to absorb big impacts when landing. High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding Anti vibration / absorption trough lateral motion while increasing edge to edge reactivity. Pure Flex / no hard edges in between base and board and allows board to flex naturally. Fancy | white/blue FS110113
US ] 4.5 - 9.5 [
MONDO ] 23.0 - 27.5 [
EURO ] 36.0 - 42.5 [
Super confort grâce aux straps asymmétriques, boucles légères, rembourrage highback et amorti avant et arrière : tous les éléments d’une grande fixe à un prix abordable. Super comfort ankle strap, aluminum buckles, highback heel and toe padding, all the features you need for a great binding at a great price. Ankle Straps asymetrichen, lich Schnallen und ein angenehmes High Back Padding geben diese Binding alle Attribute einer Top Bindung auf den Weg, aber das zu einem Top Preis.
viva cana
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% Glass Fiber / great reactivity and incredible board feeling SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% Glass Fiber / great response edge to edge and maximum mobility Asymmetrical-Symmetrical / developed to offer the best response and comfort SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® / great reactivity and incredible board feeling Asymmetrical Comfort Strap / comfortable strap with an asymmetrical shape to get the best support and response. Convertible Cap Strap / traditional toe strap or capped around the toe box.
Light Buckles / chrome-plated aluminum & lightweight polycarbonate levers.
Heel, Toe & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding
FS110131 FS110132
US ] 7.0 - 11.0 [ US ] 4.0 - 8.5 [
MONDO ] 25.0 - 29.0 [ MONDO ] 22.5 - 26.5 [
EURO ] 39.0 - 44.0 [ EURO ] 35.0 - 41.0 [
Angel | black/purple
page 41
Pour débuter et progresser, la Elle est la fixation qui saura t’accompagner dans toutes tes sessions… pour un prix mini. From the beginners runs on to intermediates, the Elle is one binding that will take you through all of it. And the price is nice ! Die Elle ist da zum Loslegen und schnell Weiterkommen. Diese Bindung begleitet dich von deinen ersten Turns an, und das zu einem unschlagbar attraktiven Preis
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% Glass Fiber / great reactivity and incredible board feeling. SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% Glass Fiber / great response edge to edge and maximum mobility Asymmetrical-Symmetrical / developed to offer the best response and comfort SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® / great reactivity and incredible board feeling 3D Ankle Strap / molded plastic part for strength and molded EVA foam for comfort.
Convertible Cap Strap / traditional toe strap or capped around the toe box.
Light Buckles / lightweight polycarbonate levers
Heel & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding
FS110133 FS110134
US ] 7.0 - 11.0 [ US ] 4.0 - 8.5 [
MONDO ] 25.0 - 29.0 [ MONDO ] 22.5 - 26.5 [
EURO ] 39.0 - 44.0 [ EURO ] 35.0 - 41.0 [ Elle | white/blue
Youth vibes & angel
La Youth possède toutes les fonctionnalités des fixations adultes, mais le poids et la taille ont été adaptés au gabarit des juniors pour envoyer comme les pros. The Youth features all the tech of adult bindings, but weight has been adapted to the size of the kids : to get every trick possible. Die Youth bietet alle Funktionen der Erwachsenenbindungen. Einzig Gewicht, Grösse und Flexverhalten sind auf die Bedürfnisse der Youngsters angepasst. So sind die Voraussetzungen geschaffen, dass aus den Kids ein schon bald ein Pro wird.
viva cana
Youth Angel | white/purple
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% Glass Fiber / great reactivity and incredible board feeling. SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% Glass Fiber / great response edge to edge and maximum mobility. Asymmetrical-Symmetrical / developed to offer the best response and comfort SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® / great reactivity and incredible board feeling 3D Ankle Strap / molded plastic part for strength and molded EVA foam for comfort.
Convertible Cap Strap / traditional toe strap or capped around the toe box.
Light Buckles / lightweight polycarbonate levers.
Heel & High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding.
Youth Vibes Youth Angel
FS110135 FS110136
US ] 4.0 - 8.5 [ US ] 4.0 - 8.5 [
MONDO ] 22.5 - 26.5 [ MONDO ] 22.5 - 26.5 [
EURO ] 35.0 - 41.0 [ EURO ] 35.0 - 41.0 [ Youth Vibes | black/white
page 43
Pour les champions de demain, la Magic offre à nos petits bouts de choux tout ce dont ils ont besoin pour découvrir les premières sensations de glisse sur la neige et progresser rapidement ! For tomorrow’s champions. The Magic gives the kiddies everything they need to discover the joy of snowboarding and progress quickly. Für die Pros von Morgen hat die Magic bereits alles, was es braucht um auf dem Schnee jede Menge Spass zu haben und dich schnell weiter zu entwickeln.
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYMER / a light and comfortable base with a smooth stiffness.
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYMER / adjustable heelcup to fit easily the growing foots of the kids.
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYMER / light, low profile and good lateral flexion.
One Strap Technology / the easier and fast way to hold kid’s boot.
Light Buckles / lightweight polycarbonate levers.
High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding.
US ] 1.0 - 4.5 [
MONDO ] 20.5 - 23.0 [
EURO ] 32.0 - 36.0 [
Magic | orange/white
The simplest and most precise way ever, to lace your boots. It also allows you to tighten independently the bottom and the top of the boot, in order to get a precise and custom fit.
Ergonomic Shell
The best way to understand what we call the Ergonomic Shell Construction is to jump into a pair of Nidecker boots and go riding. You will feel that support, comfort, fit, precision, flex and response have reached new levels.
Lace the liner up.
Pull lower handle up.
Traditional Lace & 360° stopper hook
Customize indefinitely your lacing : all loose, all tight, loose on bottom, tight on top,… whatever you want is possible with the traditional laces, the 360° Stopper Hook and the multiple ankle lacing.
Pull upper handle up.
BOA® & BOA® Focus
Put handle in pocket.
Boots can be worn very loose or very tight, just turn the Boa reel and adjust tightness instantly. Boa® Coiler retracts all cables automatically when they’re loose, reducing the numbers of turns for tightening.
Velcro Power Strap
Thanks to the Velcro Power Strap you will be able to adjust the tightening of the upper boot easily and quickly without unlacing and lacing
N7 Outsole
Low Profile Outsole
The outsole developed by Nidecker takes its name and number from the elemental structure of the cushioning in the sole: Nitrogen!
Cushion Outsole
Low profile outsole that enhances board feel and that offers great uphill and downhill traction. The EVA inserts provide the cushioning you need under the heel and forefoot.
A simple and light overlaid midsole/outsole, with inserted soft EVA plugs on heel and toe for a better cushioning.
Softer EVA insert Nitrogen bag
Softer EVA inserts
EVA midsole
EVA midsole
EVA midsole
Rubber Outsole
Rubber Outsole
3 parts Rubber Outsole
LINERS Technology
Stitching Liner with an asymmetrical tongue to avoid any pressure on the medial malleolus bone. Comfortable and easy to get in and out of.
molded EVA foam
Updated with an asymmetrical and supportive tongue to avoid any pressure on the medial malleolus bone. It provides better support and comfort..
Molded EVA Insole: our molded EVA Molded Insole provides the best comfort and cushioning, at its price level.
Women's Particular Design
Because you’re worth it: Nidecker’s women boots line takes into account all the feminine feet’s anatomical differences:
The asymmetrical and high density foam tongue, the integrated L pads and the multi density foam made this liner much more comfortable and supportive.
3D molded EVA foam
3D Molded EVA Insole: an higher range EVA foam, for a better fit and a perfect shock absorption.
Our high-end liner features a supportive tongue, a better comfort and great ankle support. The lace will easily tighten the lower part of the liner and the power strap will give you a perfect support for your feet.
3D molded EVA foam Overmolded PE shank
3D Molded EVA: Insole with support shank : our high end Insole will provide you the best support thanks to its additional shank.
- Women feet’s specificities: narrow heel volume, arch support, narrow toe box - Low backstay: adapted height for women’s legs Nideckersnowboards - Flexible foam and softer materials for the women’s comfort
page 47
La VEGAS est de retour pour 2011, mais avec des améliorations esthétiques et techniques. Notre boot Freestyle haut de gamme est juste devenue meilleure. Les panneau supérieures sont maintenant articulés pour offrir un meilleur confort et une flexion sans à-coups. Le Strap qui permet d’ajuster le serrage du haut de la tige facilement et rapidement à également été amélioré. The VEGAS is back for 2011, but with new aesthetics and new performance features. Our best high performance freestyle boot has just gotten better. The upper of the 2011 VEGAS is articulated for an better comfort and a smooth progressive flex. We’ve also improved the power belt which permits you to quickly and easily tighten the top of the boot. Der VEGAS ist zurück für 2011 und das mit einer kräftigen Aufwertung in Sachen Optik und Technik. Unser Top Boot der Freestyle Linie ist schlicht noch besser geworden. Der Schaft hat eine neue ergonomische Form, die sowohl Support, als auch Flex und Komfort bietet. Ebenfalls weiter verbessert wurde der Power-Belt, der ein einfaches und präzises Anpassen des Schuhs ermöglicht.
N7 Airbag Outsole / structural support, impact resistance and great traction.
3-D Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion from heel to toes.
Level III Liner / asymmetrical tongue, integrated L pads and multi density foams.
3-D Bi-Density Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion with enhanced stiffness. 3-D Molded Backstay / ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Articulated Upper Cuff / for comfort and smooth progressive flex. High Perf. Synthetic Leather / materials engineered to get lower impact on environment. Power Belt / fast and easy tightening on the top of the boot. Traditional Lacing / independent lacing for the upper and lower zones.
US MEN 8.0 - 13.0, MONDOPOINT 26.0 - 30.5, EU 40.0 - 47.0, UK 07.0 - 12.0
Vegas | black/green/gum | B0110102
La VEGAS est la boot Freestyle de référence sur le marché. En plus du laçage traditionnel, elle est également disponible avec les systèmes BOA™ FOCUS et EZ LACE pour un laçage rapide et précis. The VEGAS is the Freestyle boot of reference. In addition to the traditional lacing, it is also available either with the BOA™ FOCUS or with the EZ LACE systems for a fast and more performing lacing.
Der VEGAS ist der Referenzschuh der Freestylegilde. Zusätzlich zur herkömmlichen Schnürung, gibt es ihn ebenso mit den schnell und präzisen Schnürsystemen BOA™ FOCUS oder EZ LACE System, welche beide perfekte Performance bieten.
N7 Airbag Outsole / structural support, impact resistance and great traction.
3-D Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion from heel to toes.
Level III Liner / asymmetrical tongue, integrated L pads and multi density foams.
3-D Bi-Density Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion with enhanced stiffness. 3-D Molded Backstay / ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Articulated Upper Cuff / for comfort and smooth progressive flex. High Perf. Synthetic Leather / materials engineered to get lower impact on environment. Focus Boa System / three zones for tightening, creating the ultimate custom fit.
EZ Lacing System II Zones / fast and custom lacing for the upper and lower zones.
Vegas EZ Lace | black/green | B0110101 US MEN 8.0 - 13.0, MONDOPOINT 26.0 - 30.5, EU 40.0 - 47.0, UK 07.0 - 12.0 Vegas Boa Focus | black | B0110100
page 49
Le modèle de référence, que se soit pour la poudreuse, le snowpark ou les pistes. Avec son harnais interne, son chausson thermoformé et sa languette 3D la boot ABSOLUTE t’offre un maintient irréprochable et un confort incomparable. The model of reference for the powder, parks or pipe. With its thermofoarmed liner, its internal harness and its 3D molded upper tongue, the ABSOLUTE provides you the best support and comfort from the first day to the last. Die Referenz für Snowboard Boots, sei dies im Pulver, im Park oder in der Pipe. Mit seinem Thermofoarmed liner, hebegurts interne und 3D Molded Upper Tongue gibt dir der besten Support und Comfort vom ersten, bis zum letzten Run.
N7 Airbag Outsole / structural support, impact resistance and great traction.
3-D Molded EVA Insole with Support Shank / comfortable and enhanced support for the foot
Level IV Thermo formed Liner / high-end liner for an ultimate custom fit. Liner Harness / prevent Heel lift and provides a Snug Fit. 3-D Bi-Density Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion with enhanced stiffness. 3-D Molded Backstay / ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Reinforced Side Panels / perfect Lateral Support and enhanced stiffness. High Perf. Synthetic Leather / materials engineered to get lower impact on environment. Traditional Lacing / independent lacing for the upper and lower zones.
US MENs 8.0 - 13.0, MONDOPOINT 26.0 - 30.5, EU 40.0 - 47.0, UK 07.0 - 12.0
Absolute | black/lime | B0100101
Conçue pour tout rider, la Transit est la boot polyvalente de référence, et son chausson t’apportera le confort nécessaire pour rester sur les pistes toute la journée. Le laçage EZ LACING rapide et précis fait gagner du temps au chaussage et au déchaussage : tu pourras ainsi rester plus longtemps sur les pistes. Built to ride everything, the Transit is the versatile boot of reference and its liner will provide you the comfort needed to keep riding all day long. The EZ LACING system allows you to get in and out of the boots faster than ever and make the most of the snow.
Der “Transit” ist gemacht um alles zu fahren. Er wird die Referenz der Vielseitigkeit sein und der neue Liner wird dir genau den Komfort bieten, den du für einen langen Tag auf dem Board erwartest. Das neue Lacing System EZ LACING lässt dich noch einfacher in deine Boots steigen und Abends bist du damit auch wieder schneller raus und damit schneller am abchillen.
Low Profile Rubber Outsole / for enhanced board feel and weight reduction.
Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion.
Level II Liner / comfortable and supportive with lightweight J-bars.
3-D Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion. 3-D Molded Backstay / ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Water Resist. Synthetic Leather Upper / materials engineered to lower impact on environment.
EZ Lacing System II Zones / fast and custom lacing for the upper and lower zones.
US MEN 6.0 - 13.0, MONDOPOINT 24.5 - 30.5, EU 38.0 - 47.0, UK 05.0 - 12.0 Transit | black/gum | B0110104
page 51
La Charger est la boot idéale pour les novices ou les petits budgets, mais son design et sa technologie sont inspirés des modèles haut de gamme. Elles sont disponibles en laçage traditionnel ou avec le système de laçage BOA™. The Charger is the perfect boot for beginners or small budgets, however its design and features are directly inspired from high perfo mance boots. Two kinds of lacing are available: traditional lacing or BOA™ lacing. Der Charger ist der perfekte Boot für Einsteiger, welche ihr Geld noch in andere Dinge investieren wollen. Design und Technologie sind inspiriert von die Top Models der Palette und sie sind verfügbar in traditioneller Schnürung oder mit das BOA™ system.
Cushion Rubber Outsole / overlay midsole-outsole with inserted EVA plugs for cushioning.
Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion.
Level I Liner / comfortable and easy to get in and out of.
3-D Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion. 3-D Molded Backstay / ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Water Resist. Synthetic Leather Upper / materials engineered to lower impact on environment. Anti Abrasion Synthetic Mesh / decrease the abrasion and increase lifetime. BOA Lacing System / precise and effortless lace adjustments.
Charger | black/white/red | B0110107
Traditional Lacing / comfortable laces to get an strong tightening without hurting your fingers.
Charger Boa US MEN 8.0 - 13.0, MONDOPOINT 26.0 - 30.5, EU 40.0 - 47.0, UK 07.0 - 12.0 Charger US MEN 6.0 - 13.0, MONDOPOINT 24.5 - 30.5, EU 38.0 - 47.0, UK 05.0 - 12.0
Charger boa | black/gum | B0110106
La DONNA est la boot haut de gamme pour les femmes et elle dispose de touts les atouts nécessaires pour les satisfaire: chausson chaud et confortable, maintient performant du coup de pied et un système de laçage rapide et facile The DONNA is the high performance boot dedicated for women. It has all the assets to satisfy them: warm and comfortable liners, effective support of the ankle and a fast and easy lacing system. Der DONNA ist unser neuer Top Boot für Frauen und hat alles was wir uns wünschen: warmer und komfortabler Innenschuh, sehr guter Fersen Support und eine schnelle und einfach lacing system.
N7 Airbag Outsole / structural support, impact resistance and great traction.
3-D Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion from heel to toes.
Level III Liner / asymmetrical tongue, integrated L pads and multi density foams.
3-D Bi-Density Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion with enhanced stiffness. 3-D Molded Backstay / Ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Low profile & Foam-Lined Calf pad / women’s particular design for enhanced fit and comfort. Articulated Upper Cuff / for comfort and smooth progressive flex. EZ Lacing System II Zones / fast and custom lacing for the upper and lower zones.
US WOMEN 6.0 - 09.0, MONDOPOINT 23.5 - 26.5, EU 37.0 - 41.0, UK 04.0 - 07.5
Donna | black/pink | B0110103
page 53
Conçue pour tout rider, l’EDEN est la boot polyvalente de référence pour les femmes, qui apprécieront entre autres le confort de son chausson. Pour satisfaire tout le monde elle est également disponible en grandes tailles. Built to ride everything, the EDEN is the woman’s boot of reference and its liner provides the comfort needed to keep riding all day long. It will satisfy every foot, and is also available in large sizes. Der EDEN ist gemacht um alles zu fahren. Er wird die Referenz der Vielseitigkeit sein und der neue Liner wird dr genau den Komfort bieten, den du für einen langen Tag auf dem Board erwartest. Und es ist auch in grossen Grössen.
Low Profile Rubber Outsole / for enhanced board feel and weight reduction.
Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion.
Level II Liner / comfortable and supportive with lightweight J-bars.
3-D Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion. 3-D Molded Backstay / Ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Low profile & Foam-Lined Calf pad / women’s particular design for enhanced fit and comfort. Water Resist. Synthetic Leather Upper / materials engineered to lower impact on environment. EZ Lacing System II Zones / fast and custom lacing for the upper and lower zones.
US WOMEN 6.0 - 09.5, MONDOPOINT 23.5 - 27.0, EU 37.0 - 42.0, UK 04.0 - 08.0
Eden | white/light/blue | B0110105
La EVA est la boot idéale pour les novices ou les petits budgets, et cependant son design et sa technologie sont inspirés des modèles haut de gamme. Elles sont disponibles en laçage traditionnel ou avec le système BOA™, qui permettra aux rideuses d’être dans leur boots en un rien de temps. The EVA is the perfect boot for beginners or small budgets, however its design and features are directly inspired from high performance boots. Two kind of lacing are available: traditional lace or BOA™ lacing system. Der EVA ist der perfekte Boot für Einsteiger, welche ihr Geld noch in andere Dinge investieren wollen. Design und Technologie sind inspiriert von die Top Models der Palette und sie sind verfügbar in traditioneller Schnürung oder mit das BOA™ System.
Eva | black/purple | B0110109
Cushion Rubber Outsole / overlay midsole-outsole with inserted EVA plugs for cushioning.
Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion.
Level I Liner / comfortable and easy to get in and out of.
3-D Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion. 3-D Molded Backstay / Ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Low profile & Foam-Lined Calf pad / women’s particular design for enhanced fit and comfort. Anti Abrasion Synthetic Mesh / decrease the abrasion and increase lifetime. BOA Lacing System / precise and effortless lace adjustments.
Traditional Lacing / comfortable laces to get an strong tightening without hurting your fingers.
Eva BOA | black/purple | B0110108 Eva BOA Eva
US WOMEN 6.0 - 09.0, MONDOPOINT 23.5 - 26.5, EU 37.0 - 41.0, UK 04.0 - 07.5 US WOMEN 6.0 - 09.5, MONDOPOINT 23.5 - 27.0, EU 37.0 - 42.0, UK 04.0 - 08.0
page 55
youth player
Pour les champions de demain. La Player Junior offre le même confort et les mêmes performances que la version adulte : pour pouvoir rider partout et toute la journée. For the champions of tomorrow. The Player youth offers the same comfort and performance as the adult version. So that juniors can ride the whole mountain all day long. Für die Champs von Morgen. Der Player junior bietet den gleichen Komfort und die gleichen Leistungsmerkmale wie der Contact. Fahrspass und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für alle Belangen.
Youth Cushion Rubber Outsole / overlay lightweight midsole-outsole with inserted EVA plugs for cushioning. Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion.
Level I Liner / comfortable and easy to get in and out of.
3-D shaped Tongue / avoide presure points.
Water Resist. Synthetic Leather Upper / materials engineered to lower impact on environment. Anti Abrasion Synthetic Mesh / decrease the abrasion and increase lifetime. BOA™ Lacing System / precise and effortless lace adjustments. Youth Player | black | B0100119 Traditional Lacing / comfortable laces to get an strong tightening without hurting your fingers.
US MEN 1.0 - 05.0, MONDOPOINT 20.5 - 23.5, EU 32.0 - 37.0, UK 13.0 - 04.0
Youth Player BOA™ | black | B0100118
rental color code by nidecker.
an easy system to increase efficiency with less mistakes.
29.0 - 30.5
25.0 - 28.5
21.0 - 24.5
S/M Starting 22.5
BOARDS BLADE R. : 157, 158xl, 162xl SCORE R. : 158xl, 160, 162xl CULT R. : 158xl, 163xl BLADE R. : 145, 149, 154 SCORE R. : 146, 151, 152xl, 156 CULT R. : 144, 149, 154 MAGIC R. : 99, 105, 115, 125,133
blade rental
score rental
Une des best-seller Nidecker en Rental, c’est possible ! Elle revient avec un design tendance videgoames 90’s ! Elle est parfaite pour ceux qui veulent une board polyvalente avec une construction sandwich.
Une board polyvalente dirigée vers le Freestyle. Avec sa constrcution Sandwich, un shape twin-tip et le CamRock, voilà une board qui séduira tous les freestylers qui débutent et qui rêvent de progresser !
One of our Nidecker best-seller in Rental, it’s possible ! The Blade come back with an 90’s videogames design ! It’s perfect for those looking for a versatile board with sandwich contruction.
An all mountain – freestyle board. With its sandwich construction, an twin-tip shape and the CamRock, this board was designed to seduce all freestylers who begin and dream of progressing.
Ein von den Nidecker best-seller für Rental ! The Blade komme mit ein 90’s videogame design ! Genau das Richtige für Shops, die ein Multitalent in Sandwich-Bauweise ist.
Ein all mountain – freestyle board. Mit seinem aktuellen Twin Tip Shape wird das Score den Anforderungen eines modernen Freestyle Boards gerecht, welches Einsteiger une Fortgeschrittenen noch viel Spielraum zur Entwicklung offen lässt.
Twin-Base: The new and better high molecular weight base with carbon, is more resistant and easy to repair.
Twin-Base: The new and better high molecular weight base with carbon, is more resistant and easy to repair.
Special thicker rental Edge.
Special thicker rental Edge.
Special matt topsheet.
Two layers of Polyamide topsheet to increase the durability.
145 149 154
Rental Products | p.61,62,63
146 151 152xl 156
157 158xl 162xl
Rental Products | p.61,62,63
158xl 160 162xl Nideckersnowboards
page 59
cult rental
magic rental
Parfaite pour ceux qui veulent une board polyvalente avec une construction sandwich à un prix raisonnable. Grâce à son grand choix de largeurs et de longueurs, tu trouveras ton bonheur même si tu as de grands pieds.
D’une facilité déconcertante, elle a été conçue pour les enfants. Son flex a été spécialement calculé pour les poids-plumes, voilà pourquoi elle est l’une des rares planches pour enfants du marché qui fonctionne.
Perfect for those looking for a versatile board with sandwich construction for a reasonable price. With such a wide choice of widths and lengths, even those with big feet will fi nd their heart’s desire.
Amazingly easy to ride, this board has been designed for maximum confidence from beginner to intermediate riders. The flex has been calculated especially for featherweight boarders, and that’s why it is one of the few boards on the markets that works for the little ones.
Genau das Richtige für Shops, die ein Multitalent in Sandwich-Bauweise zu einem angemessenen Preis suchen. Große Auswahl an Breiten und Längen: jeder fi ndet auf jeden Fall das Richtige für sich, selbst bei großen Füßen.
Diese Board wurde gebaut, um problemlos riden zu lernen. Es ist einfach und Fehlern tolerant. Sein Flex wurde speziell für ein geringes Gewicht berechnet, deswegen ist es eines der wenigen Bretter für Kids, die wirklich genial funktionieren.
Twin-Base: The new and better high molecular weight base with carbon, is more resistant and easy to repair.
Twin-Base: The new and better high molecular weight base with carbon, is more resistant and easy to repair.
Special thicker rental Edge. Two layers of Polyamide topsheet to increase the durability.
Special thicker rental Edge. Two layers of Polyamide topsheet to increase the durability.
144 149 154
Rental Products | p.61,62,63
158xl 163xl
Rental Products | p.61,62,63
99 105 115 125 133
back-in rental
Insérer la boots, fermer et verrouiller. Trois étapes rapides et faciles pour être prêt à se lancer dans les pistes. Pour 2011 Nidecker offre également cette fixation BACK-IN dans une version RENTAL avec des renfort spécifiques et un disque de réglage des angles rapide et sans outils. Step-in, Close-up and lock-down. In three easy steps you’ll be ready to shred the slopes and the park. For 2011 this BACK-IN binding is also offered in a RENTAL version with specific reinforcements and a mounting disc with fast and tool less angle adjustment. Einsteigen, Highback schliessen und einrasten. Nur 3 easy Steps und du bist bereit um Pisten und Park zu shredden. 2011 bietet Nidecker die BACKIN Bindung ebenfalls als Mietbindung an. Sie weist sowohl spezifische Verstärkungen auf, als auch einer einfach zu fixierenden Montagedisk für den Leiheinsatz, die keinerlei Werkzeugeinsatz erfordert.
L/XL | FS110146
S/M | FS110148 M/L | FS110147
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 45% GF / all the power transmission you need while riding. Tool Less Mounting Disk / adjust the angle of the binding easily and without any tool. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 0% Glass Fiber / strong and powerful high back. Rental Color Code / colored parts to recognize easily the size of the binding. 3D Molded Strap / get the best strength transmission & eliminate pressure points. Code Bar Window / EAN13 code bar already provided, but you can insert your own one. Cap Strap / great holding of the toe box.
Auto RS Lever / the buckles open up alone when opening the highback.
High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding.
FS110146 FS110147 FS110148
US ] 10.0 - 15.0 [ US ] 7.5 - 10.5 [ US ] 4.5 - 8.0 [
MONDO ] 28.0 - 31.0 [ MONDO ] 25.5 - 28.5 [ MONDO ] 23.0 - 26.0 [
EURO ] 43.0 - 48.0 [ EURO ] 39.5 - 43.5 [ EURO ] 36.0 - 40.0 [
Rental | black
page 61
binding rental
Réglages faciles, zones sensibles renforcées, super confort, la fixation Rental a été conçue pour une utilisation polyvalente, tous les jours de la saison. Easy adjustability, reinforced sensitive areas and great comfort. The Rental binding was designed for versatility use, every day of the season, and made to last. Einfach einzustellen, Kritische Zonen verstärkt und einen Super Komfort. Die Rental Bindung wurde entwickelt für ein breites Einsatzspektrum und das für den täglichen Gebrauch..
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% GF / great reactivity and incredible board feeling. Tool Less Mounting Disk / adjust the angle of the binding easily and without any tool.
XL | FS110137
M/L | FS110138
S | FS110139
SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYAMIDE® 30% GF / great response edge to edge and maximum strength. SUPERIOR ENGINEERED POLYMER / a light, low profile and good lateral flexion. Rental Color Code / back color print to recognize easily the size of the binding. 3D Ankle Strap / molded plastic part for strength and molded EVA foam for comfort. Code Bar Window / EAN13 code bar already provided, but you can insert your own one. Spandex Convertible Cap Strap / thanks to the spandex the straps will be capped perfectly around your toe box. 3-Axis Aluminum Buckles / Strong buckles with fast gearing & smooth releasing system.
High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding.
FS110137 FS110138 FS110139
US ] 10.0 - 15.0 [ US ] 6.0 - 11.5 [ US ] 2.0 - 7.0 [
MONDO ] 28.0 - 31.5 [ MONDO ] 24.5 - 29.5 [ MONDO ] 21.0 - 25.0 [
EURO ] 43.0 - 49.0 [ EURO ] 38.0 - 45.0 [ EURO ] 33.0 - 39.0 [ Rental | black
Boots rental
La boot de location de référence. Confort, style et résistance. Construite entièrement avec des matériaux anti-abrasion et renforcés, la Rental est faite pour durer et pour rider toute la journée. The idea behind the rental boot. Comfort, style and durability. Entirely built with reinforced anti-abrasion material, the Rental is made to last. Its comfort will keep renters happy and riding all day long. Die Referenz in Sachen Mietschuh. Wer Style, Komfort und Wertbeständigkeit sucht liegt hier richtig. Die Konstruktion mit Anti-Abrasion Materialien sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer im Rentalbereich und bietet trotzdem Komfort für einen angenehmen Tag auf dem Board.
Low Profile Rubber Outsole / for enhanced board feel and weight reduction. Mondo Size Boot Label / size boot visible on the outsole. Molded EVA Insole / comfort and cushion.
Wrapped Liner / comfortable and supportive liner very easy to dry. 360° Power Strap / enhanced support of the upper part of the foot. 3-D Bi-Density Molded Tongue / better fit and smooth flexion with enhanced stiffness. 3-D Molded Backstay / Ergonomically engineered backstay for a perfect support. Integrated Code Bar and Color Code / an easy system to increase efficiency with less mistakes. Toe and Heel Rubber Protectors / the weakest parts of rental boot are now 100% protected. BOA™ COILER Lacing System / precise and effortless lace adjustments with retractable laces.
Rental BOA™ Coiler Youth Rental BOA™ Coiler
B0110120 US MEN 6.0 - 13.0, MONDOPOINT 24.5 - 30.5, EU 38.0 - 47.0, UK 05.0 - 12.0 B0110121 US MEN 1.0 - 5.0, MONDOPOINT 20.5 - 23.5, EU 32.0 - 37.0, UK 13.0 - 04.0
Rental Youth BOA™ Coiler | black | B0110121 Rental BOA™ Coiler | black | B0110120
page 63
Backcountry / Bag Capacity 35 liters Size 35x12x70 cm Waterproof PVC 1600D Pocket for snow Showel Mesh Lining on Back Panel Internal ergono Structure Multi board carry System
Travel / Bag
Park / Bag
Capacity 78 liters Size 70x40x28 cm Waterproof PVC 1600D B.O.W System Lot of Pockets
Capacity 22 liters Size 33x19x44 cm Waterproof PVC 1600D Pocket for snow Showel Mesh Lining on Back Panel
Lap top / Bag Capacity 30 liters Size 33x19x44 cm Waterproof PVC 1600D Pocket for Accessories Special Padded Pocket for LTP
Lap top / Bag Waterproof PVC 1600D Special Padded Pocket for LT Pocket for Accessories
Freeride / Bag
Team / Bag
Mountain / Bag
Capacity 25 liters Size 35x12x70 cm Waterproof PVC 1600D Pocket for snow Showel Mesh Lining on Back Panel Multi board carry System
Side Pockets Fully Padded with High Density B.O.W Waterproof 1600D Light Sack
Side Pockets Fully Padded with High Density B.O.W Waterproof 1600D Light Sack
Access / Bag
NDK / Bag
Waterproof 1600D Light Sack
Waterproof 1600D Light Sack
page 65
argentina Z importacion S.A Gobernador Paz 1537, Ushuaia Tierra del Fuego +54 2901 42 2564 +54 2901 43 0805 carlos @importacion LAHUAN SRL Av. Juan B. Alberdi 1321 12A 1406 Buenos Aires +54 911 6123 3452 +54 11 44 33 5987
Austria SAIL & SURF GMBH Bundesstrasse 55 4822 Bad Goisern +43 6135 20633 +43 6135 20634
Belgium PACIFIC BOARDSHOP Bruul 79 2800 Mechelen +32 015 20 35 85 +32 015 20 39 35 marc.boydens @pacific -boardshop. com www.pacific
Bulgaria PADAREV LTD Ovcha Kupel 2, Bl. 17, Entry D. BG-1632 Sofia +43 676 704 52 96 +43 5226 35 51 padarevltd ONE DISTRIBUTION Mladost 1A 510-2-25 1729 Sofia +359 2 979 1828 +359 2 973 1573
Canada NIDECKER US INC. 1730 lucky john dr park city ut84060 +801 452 33 78
Chile Inmobiliaria y Comercial B Y G S.A Av. Las Condes 7373 Santiago +52 2 211 2817
CHINA Nidecker China Binsheng Road No. 3911, Honghua Digital Building,11th floor Binjiang District, Hangzhou City 310052 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R. China tel: 0086 571 87113888, 87113830 fax: 0086 571 87113800
Czech Republic SNOWBOARDS S.R.O Na Roudne 80 Plzen 30165 +420 775 91 98 55 +420 377 53 02 58 lukas .puchta
Estonia EPISOOD oü Kunderi 15 Tallinn 10121 +372 517 95 11 fan @fan .ee .ee
Finland BIKE BOARD Lauttsaarentie 54 00200 Helsinki Finland +35 8 400 41 38 70 jariluo
SPORTPULSION P.A.E de la Caille 74350 Allonzier la Caille +33 4 50 46 50 50 +33 4 50 46 50 51
Greece 3 SIXTY Kalavrita Achaia 25001 +30 269 202 30 27 +30 269 202 44 34
Hungary H2O Hengermalom utca. 8/A 1119 Budapest snowboardshop_hu@yahoo .com
Iran PAMCHAL SPORT Asadabadi St., Farhang Sq, 38thSt Farhang passage , N°1 14366 Tehran +98 21 880 62 663 pamchal _sport_iran@yahoo .com
Israel SKIMULATOR LTD Emek Hefer Industry zone POB 64 38800 Israel +972 4 622 20 55 +972 4 622 20 86 info@skimulator www.skimulator
Japan XYZ 1-1-1 Minatomirai Nishi-ku Yokohama -shi Kanagawa 220-0012 +81 90 2114 8262 yoshitaka
Kazakhstan NK SPORT Gogolya Str. 87 050004 Almaty +7 32 72 733 372 nstart @nursat .kz
Korea ROVERI CO.,LTD. 609-2, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 82-2-562-8675 82-70-7752-8673
Latvia XSPORTS Dzutas str. 8 Riga LV-1006 +371 675 45 537 +371 675 45 523
Netherlands NEWSPORTS BENELUX JW Frisostraat 20 2713 CE Zoetermeer +31 6260 14 777 +31 8 778 45 997
Poland DINAKO S.C Str. Schregera 85 01828 Warsaw +48 22 824 31 73 +48 22 824 31 73
Romania X-SPORT SRL Str. E. Ungureanu 17 300079 Timisoara +40 722 960 900 +40 356 437 803
Russia KANT Electrolitnj Prozed 7B 115230 Moscow +7 910 40 72821
Serbia MARCONI SPORT Tadeusa Koskuskog Str. 63 11000 Belgrade
Slovakia PRO-TO Str. Krizna 17/C 81107 Bratislava +421 2 55 96 95 88 +421 2 55 96 96 63
Ukraine EXTREM LTD 53 Glubochistkaya Street 04050 Kiev +380 444 28 65 32 petr@eltrade
United Kingdom The Snowboard Asylum Wellington Mill, Duke Street Manchester, M3 4NF. Phone: +44 870 444 8770 Fax: +44 161 743 3839
USA NIDECKER US INC. 1730 lucky john dr park city ut84060 +801 452 33 78 | +801 334 01 80
JORCANI SPORTS C/ Roger de Flor , 100 bajos 08013 Barcelona +34 93 231 21 89
Sweden T&R SIECO Kryddgränd 4 123 58 Farsta , Stockholm +46 73 094 63 30
Turkey SLALOM SPORT Bagdat Street Erker apt 368/10 Saskinbakkal, Istanbul +90 216 368 7728 +90 216 467 3949 info@slalomsport .com www.slalomsport .com
germany - italy switzerland NIDECKER Place de l’industrie 2 1180 Rolle Switzerland +41 21 822 33 33 +41 21 822 33 31
flex pin tail pin tail pin tail
stance position [mm] 237 242 249 264 264 242 244 258 247 263 251 263
283 288 297 311 312 285 288 300 293 307 300 310
400-560 430-590 440-600 450-610 460-620 440-560 480-600 480-600 500-620 500-620 540-620 500-640
-25 -30 -30 -30 -30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
242 244 258 247 263 251 263
285 288 300 293 307 300 310 440-560 480-600 480-600 500-620 500-620 520-640 500-640
244 246 249 253 260 263
244 246 249 253
244 246 249 253 260 263 260
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
288 292 294 298 304 308
288 292 294 298
288 292 294 298 304 308 313
540-620 540-620 540-620 540-620 540-620 540-620
480-600 500-620 520-640 520-640
480-600 500-620 520-640 520-640 520-640 520-640 540-660
245 247 249 251
285 288 300 293 307 300 310
283 288 297 311 312
285 288 300 293 307 300 310
288 292 294 298 304 308
288 292 294 298
288 292 294 298 304 308 313
289 291 295 298
205 205 210 210 215 210 210
175 180 185 185 185
205 205 210 210 215 210 210
195 195 210 210 210 210
194 197 201 203
195 195 210 210 210 210 215
205 205 210 210
1060 1100 1100 1140 1140 1180 1180
1100 1140 1180 1180 1220
1060 1100 1100 1140 1140 1180 1180
1060 1100 1120 1160 1160 1200
1120 1070 1200 1220
1060 1100 1120 1160 1160 1200 1240
1080 1110 1140 1160
205 205 210 210 215 210 210
205 210 215 215 215
205 205 210 210 215 210 210
205 292 220 220 220 220
194 197 201 203
205 292 220 220 220 220 230
205 205 210 210
6900 7200 7600 7400 7800 7500 7800
6800 7200 7400 7600 7900
6900 7200 7600 7400 7800 7500 7800
6700 6900 7300 7700 7900 8300
8200 8300 8600 8900
6700 6900 7300 7700 7900 8300 8400
6700-7260 6900-7470 7000-7580 7200-7800
146 151 152 xl 156 158 xl 160 162 xl
148 153 158 158 xl 163 xl
147 152 153 XL 156 157 XL 160 161XL
146 150 155 158 159 xl 163 xl
149 154 158 159 XL
145 149 154 157 158 xl 162 xl 165 xl
149 152 156 158
155 158 159 xl 163 xl 166 xl
7300 7700 7900 8300 8400 220 220 220 220 230 1120 1160 1160 1200 1240 210 210 210 210 215 294 298 304 308 313 249 253 260 263 260 294 298 304 308 313 289 291 295 298
158 158 xl 163 163 xl 168 168 xl
164 168 174 7800 7800 8200 8200 8400 8500
7400 7400 7600
158 163 163 xl 167 xl 176 XL
220 220 220 220 220 230
240 240 250
6900 7200 8200 9500 7200
158 163 163 XL 167 xl
1160 1160 1200 1200 1240 1240
1200 1240 1300
250 250 260 260 250
6900 7200 8200 9500
200 200 200 200 200 200
200 200 200
1120 1160 1160 1200 1300
250 250 260 260
293 305 297 310 302 313
305 313 314
210 210 215 215 250
1120 1160 1160 1200
248 260 251 264 254 266
251 256 254
307 312 313 315 322
210 210 215 215
293 305 297 310 302 313
301 308 312
250 253 260 265 256
-20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
520-640 540-660 540-660 540-660
520-640 520-640 520-640 520-640 540-660
-20 -20 -20 -20 -20 0 0 0 0
480-560 490-570 500-580 500-580 510-590 510-590
470-550 490-570 500-580
287 291 292 293 313
470-550 480-560 480-560 500-580 600-720
-30 -30 -30 -30 -30 -30
-35 -35 -35
-30 -30 -30 -30 -30
stance width [mm]
pin tail pin tail pin tail pin tail pin tail
tail width [mm]
waist width [mm] 307 312 313 315
nose width [mm]
250 253 260 265
tail length [mm]
287 291 292 293
contact length [mm]
470-550 480-560 480-560 500-580
nose length [mm]
-30 -30 -30 -30
sidecut radiuS [mm]
pin tail pin tail pin tail pin tail
over length [cm]
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
gang band
Available in camrock or normal camber
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3
Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3 Flex *3
Flex *1 Flex *1 Flex *1
Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2 Flex *2
-20 -25 -30 -30 -5 -5 -10 -10 -5 -5 -10 -5 -5 -18 -20
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
-20 -25 -30 -30
0 0 0 0 0
-30 -30 -30
DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL twin tip twin tip twin tip twin tip twin tip
-25 -25 -25 -25 -40
DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL 277 283 289 295 312 286 288 292 279 282 284 290 294 280 283 288 294 280 283 288 297 273 276 278 280 273 276 278 223 244 249 258 288 292 294 298 304 308 285 288 300 293 307 300 310 285 288 300 293 307 300 310 288 292 294 298
294 298 304 308
400-560 400-560 400-560 450-610 500-660 430-510 450-530 460-540 480-600 470-610 500-620 510-630 520-640 360-520 400-560 430-560 440-600 360-520 400-560 430-590 440-600 370-450 390-470 360-520 380-540 370-450 390-470 360-520 260-340 280-360 300-380 320-400 480-600 500-620 520-640 520-640 520-640 520-640 440-560 480-600 480-600 500-620 500-620 520-640 500-640 440-560 480-600 480-600 500-620 500-620 520-640 500-640 480-600 500-620 520-640 520-640
520-640 520-640 520-640 520-640
249 253 260 263
244 246 249 253
242 244 258 247 263 251 263
242 244 258 247 263 251 263
244 246 249 253 260 263
201 211 219 226
232 235 237
232 235 237 239
236 237 242 249
236 237 242 244
238 240 242 245 248
242 244 246
238 242 246 250 268
294 298 304 308
288 292 294 298
285 288 300 293 307 300 310
285 288 300 293 307 300 310
288 292 294 298 304 308
223 244 249 258
273 276 278
273 276 278 280
280 283 288 297
280 283 288 294
279 282 284 290 294
286 288 292
277 283 289 295 312
210 210 210 210
194 197 201 203
205 205 210 210 215 210 210
205 205 210 210 215 210 210
195 195 210 210 210 210
115 120 140 150
160 170 180
160 170 180 185
180 175 180 185
180 175 180 180
195 195 200 200 200
185 200 200
180 180 180 180 185
1120 1160 1160 1200
1120 1070 1200 1220
1060 1100 1100 1140 1140 1180 1180
1060 1100 1100 1140 1140 1180 1180
1060 1100 1120 1160 1160 1200
770 850 910 950
920 980 1015
920 980 1015 1045
1060 1100 1140 1180
1060 1100 1140 1180
1040 1080 1100 1140 1160
1100 1120 1160
1065 1115 1165 1200 1235
220 220 220 220
194 197 201 203
205 205 210 210 215 210 210
205 205 210 210 215 210 210
205 292 220 220 220 220
115 150 150 150
170 180 195
170 180 195 200
200 205 210 215
200 205 210 210
195 195 200 200 200
205 220 230
200 200 200 200 210
7300 7700 7900 8300
8200 8300 8600 8900
6900 7200 7600 7400 7800 7500 7800
6900 7200 7600 7400 7800 7500 7800
6700 6900 7300 7700 7900 8300
5000 5900 7000 7000
6000 6000 6500
6000 6000 6500 6600
6700 6800 7200 7400
6700 6800 7200 7300
6900 7200 7400 7500 7600
7100 7400 7600
6800 7000 7500 7700 8300
154 157 158 xl 162 xl
149 154 158 159 XL
146 152 153 XL 156 157 XL 160 161 XL
147 152 153 XL 156 158 XL 160 162 XL
145 149 154 157 158 xl 162 xl
99 110 115 125
125 133 139
125 133 139 143 xl
143 148 152 156
142 147 152 156
143 147 150 154 157
149 154 159
145 150 155 158 xl 163 xl
over length [cm]
sidecut radiuS [mm]
nose length [mm]
contact length [mm]
tail length [mm]
nose width [mm]
waist width [mm]
tail width [mm]
stance width [mm]
stance position [mm]
Nideckersnowboards page 69
anTti autti
youth angel
Vibes jr.
page I
Qui n'a pas rêvé de se noyer sur une plage de Malibu en attendant que Cj Parker vienne vous sauver ? Cette board en Collaboration avec Pamela Anderson est un collector. et elle deviendra très vite un " must-have " pour tout passionné de snowboard. Basé sur le shape de la Blade cette board est non seulement originale, mais parfaitement adaptée au nouveau style de ride. L'association N.D.Kreative x Pamela Anderson x Jmz x Peta pour un objet culte que tout les addicts vont s'arracher! Une partie des bénéfices est reversé a l'association de défense des droits des animaux
inden jim zb
Who hasn't dreamt to be rescued by CJ Parker at Malibu Beach ? Collaborating directly with Pamela Anderson, this board is part of the collection series and will definitely be a 'must-have'. Styled on the Blade, this board is original and perfectly adapted to new riding styles. This cult object is the result of a collaboration between N.D. Kreative, Pamela Anderson, JMZ and PETA. Get ready to watch this board fly off the shelves ! Part of the proceeds from Pamela will be donated to the "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" (PETA). Wenn schon dem Untergang nahe, dann bitte am „Baywatch-Strand“ von Malibu. Wer träumte damals nicht davon durch CJ Parker gerettet zu werden? Dieses Cooperation-Board mit Pamela Anderson ist ein Brett für Sammler und es wird garantiert zum Must Have für all die harten Snowboard Dudes. Basierend auf dem „Blade“ ist dieses Board nicht nur einzigartig, sondern auch absolut perfekt auf die neuen Tendenzen der Ridingstyles ausgerichtet. Die Mixtur von NdKreative x Pamela Anderson x JMZ x Peta birgt schon vom ersten Moment an Potenzial für ein Kultteil. Aber das ist noch nicht alles, das Board wirft auch noch Gewinn für den Schutz der Rechte von Tieren ab. Na wenn das mal kein Argument ist, sich für Pamela zu entscheiden..
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X20mm
more informations :
page III
antti Autti
Antti fait partie des Riders qui ont marqué l'Histoire du snowboard. Son nom connu de tous est synonyme de style et de perfectionnement. Ses exigences ont amené Nidecker à repousser encore un peu plus loin le développement technologique pour répondre à ses attentes. Designé par Diss sous le concept de JMZ, cette board marque un tournant dans les choix graphiques d'Antti. Mais ne vous trompez pas, si elle à été développée avec l'un des meilleurs riders du moment, elle saura parfaitement répondre à toutes vos attentes quelque soit votre niveau. Anttin Powers c'est le mojo assuré avec cette board au pieds, Yeah Baby Yeah....
Antti is a rider famous in snowboard history. His name is renown as a synonym for style and perfection. His demanding requirements have pushed Nidecker to develop new technologies. Designed by Diss and JMZ, the choice of graphics on this board is a complete change for Antti. But don't be fooled, even though this board has been developed by one of the most talented riders, it will meet demands at every level.
inum alum
Anttin Powers has his mojo working - Yeah Baby ! Antti gehört zweifelsohne zu den Ridern, die Geschichte schreiben im Snowboarden. Jeder, der Snowboarden liebt kennt seinen Namen und er steht für Style und Perfektionismus. Seine hohen Ansprüche motivierten uns zusätzlich, die technischen Entwicklung noch weiter voranzutreiben. Entworfen von Diss und basierend auf einem Konzept von JMZ markiert dieses Board auch für Antti einen Wendepunkt. Aber keine Sorge, selbst wenn das Brett für einen der besten Fahrern der Gegenwart entworfen wurde, so erfüllt es doch alle Anforderungen, um jeglichen Fahrerlevels gerecht zu werden und breit einsetzbar zu sein. Anttin Powers Motto „Yeah, Baby, Yeah… „ wird garantiert jedem über die Lippen huschen, wenn er dieses Board unter den Füssen hat.
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm Vegas | p.48 NDK Skin | p.IX
147 152 153xl 156 158xl 160 162xl
page V
Une vraie twin-tip step back pour un ride puissant en freestyle et en freeride, la board polyvalente pour jibbers de poudre et freestylers de ville... L¹arme des killers de rails et amateurs de double cork. La polyvalence dans une gamme freestyle adaptée à tous types de jeux. A genuine twin-tip step back, for powerful freestyle moves: this is the all-round board for powder jibbers and city freestylers... The absolute weapon of railkillers and double cork-lovers. This freestyle series is all-round and adapts to all the games you wanna play.
JM Rodot
Ein echtes Twin Tip Step Back für fettes Freestyle Vergnügen, mit welchem du aber im Powder nicht gleich mit übersäuerten Oberschenkel Forfait geben musst. Ein richtiges Multitalent zum Pisten jiiben, Park rocken, Kicker unter dem Tail durchziehen und Städter vor den Rails zum Staunen bringen.
ish effect
varn matt-
hot stamp die cut
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm
Vegas | p.48 NDK Skin | p.IX
146 152 153xl 156 157xl 160 161xl
Après deux années de succès, la Random est encore une fois au programme cette année. Elle quitte le minimalisme graphique pour se parer de couleurs vives afin de s'adapter aux tendances du marché. La Random garde ses doctrines de base, respectant la planète en matière de matériaux utilisés. Son shape revient une nouvelle année grâce à ces performances exceptionnelles mais s’assouplit.
After two successful years, The Random is again featured in this years collection. Minimalistic graphics have been retained, making room for a new board full of colors. Truly ecolo, The Random is constructed using recycled materials only. Because of it's remarkable performance, the shape remains the same but now enjoys greater flexibility. Nach zwei äusserst erfolgreichen Jahren tritt das „Random“ dieses Jahr nun aus seiner zurückhaltenden Optik etwas hervor und passt sich den farbigen Tendenzen an. Seine Doktrin der ersten Stunde bleibt das „Random“ selbstverständlich treu; Ökologische Verantwortung zu tragen und damit auf Materialien zu achten, die mit diesen Zielen vereinbar sind. Den Shape des Boards haben wir, auf Grund der überaus begeisterten Feedbacks unserer Teamrider nicht angetastet, einzig der Flex wurde etwas weicher abgestimmt.
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X40mm Extra Inserts
Vegas | p.48 Ignition Yellow | p.32
149 154 158 159xl
page VII
The Helvet Underground, c'est La board Collector depuis maintenant 5 ans, imaginés par JMZ lors de l'anniversaire de Nidecker Snowboard, son succès à permis de la reconduire chaque saison. Pour cette nouvelle collection, la board THU prend le contre-pied de toutes les tendances pour vous offrir la plus grande créativité jamais utilisée sur un snowboard, la Vôtre ! La surface a été traitée spécialement pour que tous les marqueurs fonctionnent dessus ! La THU c'est le meilleur graphique de tous les temps, pourquoi ? Parce que c'est le vôtre !
inden jim zb
Created by JMZ, The Helvet Underground (THU) has been THE Nidecker Collection Snowboard for the past five years because of its outstanding success. In this year's series, the THU goes beyond anything before, to offer the most advanced creativity ever used on a snowboard - Yours ! The THU's surface has been especially treated to accept every type of marker, thus making it the best graphic board on the market. Why ? Because you are the artist of your own board ! Das Helvet Underground ist nunmehr seit 5 Jahren das Board für Sammler und Grafikfreaks. Initiiert durch JMZ anlässlich des Geburtstags von Nidecker Snowboards, konnte der kontinuierliche Erfolg jede Saison von Neuem an weitergeführt werden. Diese Saison bewegt sich THU in die andere Richtung, reduziert in Sachen Design, lässt es ein Maximum an Kreativität für den Fahrer zu. Das Topsheet wurde speziell behandelt, damit darauf sämtliche Marker funktionieren. Das THU hat die besten Graphics dieser Saison. Weshalb? Weil es schlicht deine Graphics sein werden!
Team Finish Full Length Wood Core Inserts 40X20mm
Vegas | p.48 NDK Skin | p. IX
154 157 158xl 162xl
nDK skin
inden jim zb
Fort de son succès depuis trois ans, Nidecker reconduit son architecture culte haut de gamme ACT (Active Concept Technology) dans un nouvel écrin. SKIN c'est le compromis entre technologie et design pour une version freestyle adaptée à tous terrains de jeux. With its success the past three years, Nidecker extended its high range architecture ACT (Active Concept Technology) in a new setting. Skin is the compromise between technology and design for a freestyle version suitable for all types of riding, from the half pipe to the powder. Auf Grund des Erfolgs in den letzten drei Jahren, entwickelt Nidecker die High End Linie um die ACT (Active Concept Technology) Architektur weiter. Die brandneue SKIN ist die perfekte Balance zwischen Design und kompromisslosen Freestyleansprüchen, die allen Geländecharakteren gerecht wird.
DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% GF / reactivity, precision, lightness. Adjustable Toe Tamp / get the best control for every size boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® NYLON® 30% Glass Fiber / reactivity, precision, lightness. Best Contour Heelcup® (DuPont™ partnership) / adjust the binding perfectly to your boot. DUPONT™ ZYTEL® SUPERTOUGH NYLON® ST801 / Incredible lateral-torsion flex and dynamic response for backside turns. High Perf. Slim Strap / perfect support & excellent responsiveness with an maximum of mobility. Anatomic 3D molded reinforcement / get the best strength transmission & avoid pressure points. Asymmetrical Convertible Cap Strap / fits perfectly the toe box of your boot.
Premium Aluminum Buckles / 3 axis buckles with ultra fast gearing & smooth releasing system. Power Plate / easy engaging and enhanced power when closing. Heel Air Bag / to absorb big impacts when landing. High Back EVA pads / great comfort while riding NDK Skin | gradient FS110116 L/XL FS110117 S/M
Anti vibration / absorption trough lateral motion while increasing edge to edge reactivity. Pure Flex / no hard edges in between base and board and allows board to flex naturally.
US ] 9.0 - 15.0 [ US ] 4.5 - 9.5 [
MONDO ] 27.0 - 31.5 [ MONDO ] 23.0 - 27.5 [
EURO ] 42.0 - 49.0 [ EURO ] 36.0 - 42.5 [
NDK Skin | Leaves FS110114 L/XL FS110115 S/M
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BEANIE FEATURES Beanie is designed for the perfect knit hat fit. Built-in microphone for use with iPhone™. Engineered to deliver the highest-quality listening experience from your mp3 player, cell phone or iPhone™. Ultra-slim speaker designed for comfortable without sacrificing your music experience. Assorted Colors
Driver Diameter: 35mm Impedance: 32Ω Frequency Response: 20~20KHz Sensitivity (S.P.L.): 100±3dB (at 1KHz) Input Plug Diameter: 3.5mm iPhoneTM ADAPTERS 3.5mm iPhone™~3.5mm standard Nideckersnowboards
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