QMSU Annual Report 2010/11

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Queen Mary Students’ Union Impact Report 2010/11

introduction Queen Mary Students’ Union (QMSU) is pleased to present you with our first impact report. This report is an overview of the incredible achievements QMSU and our members have accomplished this year. The report details the difference we make to the lives of students studying at Queen Mary, University of London. It has been a controversial year for higher education (HE) yet we have constantly striven to not only maintain the level of our services but also to expand them and to reassure our members that we will always campaign with an unerring tenacity to get them the best possible student experience in all situations. We are rightly proud of the amazing achievements of our student body this year and continue to celebrate the diversity, strength and determination of our membership and the example that they set to campuses across the country. The Union is also continuingly demonstrating its commitment to the environment, and this year successfully achieved the gold standard in the NUS Green Impact Awards. Not only will this report give you an overview of our successes but will also detail our plans to dramatically improve the student experience of the future. Vratislav Domalip President

contents 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

introduction the union student voice course representatives academic advice campaigns sport societies volunteering media financial achievements commercial celebrations the future

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Mile End Student Councillors Black Students Officer: Tahmeena Bax Campaigns Officer: Osama ‘Ozzy’ Amir International Officer: Bilal Bin Saqib LGBT Officer: Steven Begley Postgraduate Officer: Tom Chigbo RAG Officer: Hira Tahir Secretary: Caz Parra Sports Officer: Anastasia Nicholl Student Representative: Ross Speer Student Representative: Larissa Abaidoo Student Representative: Craig Ferriman Volunteering Officer: Ruth Faulkner Welfare Officer: Scott Austin Shaw Womens’ Officer: Wanda Canton

Whitechapel Student Councillors BL Secretary: Holly Kingsnorth Campaigns Officer: Laurence Chacksfield Communications Officer: Partha Ray Clubs and Socs Officer: George Ryan 10/11 Dental President: Parisa Zarringhalam Sabbatical Team 20 Dental Representative: Elaine Mo Dental Representative: Aditi Mandkar Ents Officers: Ricahrd ‘Dono’ Donovan Sabbatical Officers Ents Officers: Rosa Gallie External Affairs Officer: Jo Lazari President Vratislav Domalip RAG Captain: Meera Lakhani Vice President Education and Welfare SSLC Representative: Mihir Sanghvi Sophie Richardson Student Representative: Lorelle Brownlee BLSA President Tech Officer: Ankit Kumar Laura Brenner Treasurer: Victoria Perkins Vice President Communications VP Barts: Jenna Kelly Sam Creighton VP London: Megan Brocken Vice President Student Activities Welfare Officer: Catherine Denning Dominic Bell

Impact Report 2010/11

the union About the Union QMSU is a charitable organisation and its objects are the advancement of the education of the students of the College for the public benefit by: (1) promoting the interests and welfare of students at the College during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising members; (2) being the recognised representative channel between students and the College and any other external bodies; and (3) providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussion and debate for the personal development of its members.

The Board of Trustees


To be the Student Voice; Improving students’ lives, for a better future.


A dynamic, influential, student led body, with brilliant services - creating the memorable QMSU

The Board of Trustees oversees the work of Union and ensures that QMSU is meeting its charitable objectives. The Board is made up of the five Sabbatical Officer Trustees, five Student Trustees and five external Trustees. There are also scrutiny committees such as ‘Audit and Risk’ and ‘Finance and Planning’ as well as task and finish groups such as ‘Governance and Democracy’, ‘Strategy Working Group’ and ‘Sports Strategy’. QMSU has a subsidiary trading company called QMSU Services Limited which has a board which ensures its effectiveness and financial security. The Union turns over £3.5m a year and this is ploughed back into improving your experience as a students. This includes providing representation, support, activities, facilities, resources and support.

QMSU successfully achieved a gold standard in the NUS Green Impact Awards for Students’ Unions

Impact Report 2010/11

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student voice “The Student Voice is at the heart of everything we do!” - Vratislav Domalip, QMSU President

Elections This year 71 candidates were nominated in the February election which led to a 19% increase in voter turnout from the previous year. Interest was at an all-time high demonstrated by the packed Candidate Question Times.

General Meetings

The only successful General Meeting in the past 5 years, due to it reaching quorum with 152 students attending, has led to a firm direction on the Union stance on student fees, cuts to HE and putting academic representation at the heart of the Union.

Student Council Council has seen lively debates all year round on topical issues such as ‘Transparency in student democracy’, ‘Education not Objectification’ and the ‘March for the Alternative’. Council has revolutionised the election procedures, released statements on police violence at student protests, confirmed its stance on anti-social behaviour and much more.

Other Meetings Students regularly engage with the Union through informal meetings which has led to an enhanced Fairtrade fortnight, support for the People’s Palace Project, work in the community with London Citizens and much more. This year the Union also ran a “Sabb Question Time”.

Student Engagement Not all students want to attend a meeting or vote in the elections so we have gained student views through surveys, focus groups and other research to ensure that we are an evidence based organisation. This year we produced the Student Written Submission for the QAA with a list of recommendations to improve the student experience that the University is currently working through.

2918 9 152 students voted in the February Elections

page 4

new surveys launched to improve the student experience

students attended the General Meeting

Impact Report 2010/11

course representatives

90% 617 increase in voter turnout from 2009/10

students wanted to be a Course Rep in the first round of elections

The Course Rep System provides every student with a voice on their course. This year an increase in resource has allowed for a full training program including five sessions such as ‘How to be an effective Course Rep’ and ‘Public Speaking’ as well as the introduction of quality resources and research. Engagement has been at an all-time high with many positive reports from departments and double the number of Course Reps attending our Annual Award Ceremony.

Student Experience Seminar Course Reps conducted research on Assessment and Feedback and then presented their recommendations to University staff.

Postgraduate Research The Union for the first time is actively engaging with PGR students in a series of events that will ensure their views are driving the development of their experience on campus.

Some of the results: • • • •

“... I’ve learnt how to maintain professionalism whilst passionately pushing for improvements in the QM student experience”

• •

The opportunity for undergraduates to be involved in research in the School of Economics Facilities being re-opened in EECS Increased resources in the Library for Politics Improved transparency in marking in Biological and Chemical Sciences Extended Library opening hours at IALS during the summer And more…

- Wilson Wong, 2010/11 Course Rep of the Year

course rep award ceremony 2011

Impact Report 2010/11

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academic advice • • • • • • • • • •

The academic advice service is staffed by one full-time QMSU employee, and has been operating in its present form since January 2008. The service is available four days a week at the Mile End campus, on a walk-in and appointment basis, and operates from Whitechapel on Wednesdays. It offers advice and representation on a number of academic welfare issues, including:


extenuating circumstances; academic appeals; assessment offences; deregistration from a module or course; disciplinary offences; fitness to practise issues; bullying or harassment; complaints; PhD supervision; appeals

increase in number of cases supported by the academic advice service

Academic Advice Service Usage 2008-2010 378

400 350 300 250



200 378

400 350 300 250






150 100 50 2008


“...received great support from the SU...”

- a student commenting on the SU academic advice service

page 6

of overseas students who received academic advice from 2010-11

100 0



Students number

150 50




Notes: period covered is calendar year, not academic year; numbers are for new cases; large group complaints, e.g. one involving 300 students in 2009 and another covering 432 in 2010, are shown in the figures as one case. Users of the service appear broadly representative of the study body as a whole. However, proportionate to their presence in the overall QMUL student population, Asian and Black students are over-represented amongst users of the service, whereas overseas students are under-represented. The service sees very few part-time students: 4 in 2009 and 12 in 2010. Of those students who disclosed a disability, the vast majority related to dyslexia, dyspraxia, or another learning difficulty, and mental health conditions. In previous years, the gender split was broadly equal, however, in 2010 there were 214 female cases and 164 male. The post of Academic Advice Manager was funded by income generated by the shops and bars.

Impact Report 2010/11

campaigns Students’ Unions have a long history of being campaigning bodies and QMSU has been more active this year than ever before.

Student Fees and Cuts The Union has policy surrounding free education and mobilised 200 students to march on the 10th November at the NUS National Demonstration. The Union also held ‘The Event’ on campus where over 500 students attended and listened to a speech on the future of Higher Education from the QMSU President and the NUS Vice President. All demos relating to student fees and cuts have had Officers present demonstrating the commitment to the cause.

Other Campaigns

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The Union has also been active in addressing and raising awareness of other issues through campaigning, such as the ‘Festival 51’ ran by the Women’s Officer, the ‘Assessment and Feedback’ campaign ran by the Course Reps, and promoting responsible drinking. Through collaboration with the University and other organisations QMSU has also been able to have impact by promoting ‘Mental Health’, ‘Healthy Living’ and ‘Sexual Health’.



students attended the NUS National Demo


students fed into the Assessment and Feedback recommendations

£4000 spent on campaigning

12 - 2pm

Impact Report 2010/11

page 7



increase in sports club memberships, now up to 1534

£216,548 9-8 in funding granted from Sport England

matches won at the 2011 Merger Cup BL vs. QM

Sports Clubs continue to be the focus of sport at QMSU. The addition of a Student Activities Administrator has added to the support given to our students. From 2011/2012 there will be a dedicated Sports Clubs Coordinator. QMSU has more sports clubs than ever before, and now have more people playing sport than anytime in memory.

Sports Development This year has been one of planning for the future including the creation of a Sports Strategy working group whose membership includes 3 members of Queen Mary Senior Executive. The vision of this group is to be the number one university in London for participation and satisfaction by 2015. The Union has consulted widely and undergone a comprehensive review of its sporting offer and where its priorities lie. From September 2011 there will be a new member of staff offering a programme of recreational opportunities and intramural competitions in ten sports. Part of the funding for this programme has come from Sport England in partnership with QMSU and QMUL. In addition to this, there will be a Coaching plan, which will provide quality professional coaches to our clubs and coach-education to our club members.

Performance Highlights Although priorities are changing, this means that support for competitive teams can be focused. More teams won leagues and cups this year than any other since the formation of BUCS. In addition to team performances, Jitsu, Kendo, Dance and Cheerleading clubs all brought back a collection of medals from their national competitions.



QM Men’s Fencing

BUCS South East 2B League Winners

QM Women’s Hockey

BUCS South East 4B League Winners

QM Netball 2nd

BUCS South East 8B League Winners

QM Men’s Rugby 1st

BUCS South East 3B League Winners

QM Men’s Tennis

BUCS South East 3B League Winners

BL Men’s Football

BUCS South East 5D League Winners

BL Men’s Rugby 1st

Gutteridge (ULU) Cup Winners

QM Men’s Football 1st

BUCS South East Conference Cup Winners

QM Men’s Football 2nd

ULU Reserve Cup Winners

QM Men’s Football 2nd

ULU Weekend Premier 2 League Winners

QM Women’s Hockey

ULU Division 2 League Winners

BL Men’s Hockey 1st

ULU Division 2 League Winners

“Something for everyone – not just competitive teams, but

sport for fun and to keep fit without everything having to be about league” - a student’s opinion on what to expect from Sport at University page 8

Impact Report 2010/11

societies Society activity has made the campus an incredible lively place with the focal point being Library Square. Societies have performed, debated politically and religiously, celebrated culture, taught new skills, campaigned, gathered socially and made a significant contribution to Queen Mary University of London community.

Student Development All societies are run by student committees and supported by QMSU. Society membership and leadership helps students to develop lifeskills and increase employability. Increasing formal student development opportunities has also been a key focus for the Union this year with more training for members in areas such as leadership, team building, communication, budgets and event planning.

Streamlining of Services and Support This year has seen an increase in the services and support offered through www.qmsu.org; each society has a dedicated space and memberships can be taken online. Credit card payments and internet banking has been enabled, with paying in of money simplified; allowing students to carry out their activities without having a financial burden.

“Societies provide tangible ways to demonstrate skills to employers” - Tom Chigbo, MA Geography Student Award Winners Best New Student Group: New Turn Society Society of the Year: The Theatre Company Jack Petchey Award for Societies: Oscar Williamson

122 19 societies

new student groups in 2010/2011


student members of QMSU St. John’s Ambulance the largest student group

Impact Report 2010/11

page 9



students registered with Provide


“From learning new skills, to meeting inspiring people to making a real difference, the opportunities are endless with volunteering.”

- Ruth Faulkner 2nd Year History and Journalism Student

non-profit organisations and charities registered with provide, offering over 280 different opportunities for students to get involved in

10,488+ volunteering hours completed (September 2010-April 2011)

Provide Volunteering is the student community volunteering programme at Queen Mary Students’ Union, offering students a wide range of short and long-term opportunities to volunteer with charities and voluntary organisations in Tower Hamlets and across London. The three ways of involvement are: One-day volunteering, placements and student-led projects. This year, Provide have seen the number of active volunteers increase by 10%, who have dedicated over 10,000 hours to making an impact in the local community. Provide’s three student-led projects – the READ Book Project London East, Conserve Me and SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise) – have gone from strength to strength this year. More students have been involved than ever before. The READ Book Project has had a record fundraising year, raising well over their £10,000 target. QM SIFE has reached the SIFE UK national competition, and will soon compete against 28 other university teams to hopefully win a national award. Conserve Me has completed its first year, with the number of schools wanting to get involved next academic year doubling.

London 2012 This year has been a very exciting year for Provide, as preparations to engage 1000 students in the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, as volunteers,have come to life. Queen Mary is one of the best placed Universities to the Olympic Park, and Provide will continue to capture the excitement that the Games will bring for our students and to our local community through volunteering. Volunteering at QMSU has exciting times ahead.

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Impact Report 2010/11

media “QMedia’s success at the awards is testament to the quality and diversity of the student media that they produce.”

- Chair of London Student Journalism Support Network

38,000 180 copies of CUB and QMessenger were distributed this year.

student contributors to Qmedia

QMedia, the media network of Queen Mary Students’ Union, provides students with a strong voice, holding the Union, the College and external bodies to account. This year, QMedia has come along further than in any year previously. We have branched out to include previously ignored methods of communication and, thanks to support from the College and a team of dedicated students we now have a television station (QMTV) and by September will have a fully functioning radio studio (Quest radio), both for the first time. Engagement has been at an all-time, with two extra issues of QMessenger and 500 extra copies printed per issue to meet demand and more people getting involved with the media than in recent years.

Reputation QMedia has been gathering a strong reputation for itself both on and off campus. QMTV’s coverage of the student marches was so impressive that our footage was used by Sky News who commended us on our work. QMTV was also asked to help cover the ULU and Heythrop College elections and the Kings v ULU Varsity match. QMTV has become affiliated to NaSTA and has submitted entries for this year’s NaSTA awards, the results of which have not yet been announced. QMessenger and CUB both won categories at this year’s London Student Journalism Awards, joint with Imperial as the most awards won by any College. QMessenger has broken stories that have then been picked up by both student and national media and businesses have asked if they are able to stock CUB.

Impact Report 2010/11

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financial achievements In 2010-11 QMSU has successfully secured £918,015 to improve the QM student experience.


• Increase participation, support and personal development opportunities available to: - student community - volunteers’ - clubs and societies - student councillors - student led projects

£50,000 additional funding for Course Representative System

£647,748 QMUL

block grant increase over the next three years

Block Grant

The increase is equivalent to 22% of our existing grant

Sport England Funding

£216,548 to develop the “Get Active” sports recreational programme

• Increase the number of celebration and recreational events the Union hosts for students. The Union is very proud that it will continue to develop and improve excellent activities, representation and personal development opportunities for QM students to give them one of the best student experiences in London.

page 12


QM Student Experience Fund

The Union is very pleased to announce that in 2010-2011 significant funds were successfully secured for the next three years that will allow the Union to deliver the following for students at QM:

• Professionalise, sustain and improve the course representa tive system

Westfield Trust Bid & Prospect

towards improving the student newspaper and t.v.

collected in one week for charity by the BL RAG Team

• A new recreational sports programme

Improving your student experience

Impact Report 2010/11

commercial services QMSU is a not for profit organsiation which means that all the profits that we make in the commercial outlets go back into services we provide for students. The commercial team has been very focused on providing quality and student focused spaces for students to allow them socialize and meet, eat and drink in and to keep themselves fit and healthy, and contributing £210k to the running of QMSU. With refurbishments to venues such as Infusion things look set to get even better.

Your health and wellbeing Qmotion membership has grown by 10% and is providing a high quality health and fitness facility to over 2800 members, compared to the 1300 average members target in the business case. Members of both the gym and sports clubs train and get fit in state of the art facilities and enjoy a student focused and professional fitness team. Qmotion also sponsors sport conditioning to improve endurance and stamina of the sports teams.

Your feedback In response to student feedback, the development of the former canteen at Dawson Hall in Charterhouse Square has created a new campus hub that includes The Shield, a cafébar, Fitness to Practice, a gym, and meeting space for clubs and societies. Your feedback also led to the creation of the Learning Cafe in the Mile End library.

Venues continue to excel Ground remains the most popular location on campus. Open every day of the week, it has become the place of choice to grab a coffee, meet up with friends or study. Drapers Bar is still experiencing growth from its re-opening in September 2008, with great fresh food during the day and regularly attracting over a 1,500 students each week to its range of events.

£210,000 is contributed improving the student experience by commercial services

1500 2800


students attend events at Drapers Bar each week

paid in student wages

People are members of Qmotion

Impact Report 2010/11

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We ensure that students are not only able to participate and develop through being actively involved in the Students’ Union, but that they also then receive the recognition they deserve. The work of many students improves the experience for others, whether that is a Course Rep influencing the development of their course, a volunteer making a difference in the community or a student running a club or society.

individual nominations for the various Course Rep of the Year awards


QMSU organise and run four main events that allow students to come together and celebrate the year including the: - Colours and Honours Award Ceremony - Course Representative Award Ceremony - Association Dinner - Rites of Passage

students attended the Colours & Honours Ceremony

Union Honours Recipients:


Ross Speer Tom Chigbo Carolina Parra-Serrano Robbie Hepburn Alex Mikolay

has been given to students in award prizes

page 14

course rep

colours & hon


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ear 2011 b of the y


of the year

ours award ce

Impact Report 2010/11


remony 2011

onwards and upwards We’re set for another exciting year within the student movement with the future of Higher Education still uncertain and the highest level of student engagement that Unions have seen in over a decade. As your new President I am looking forward to leading the student body and ensuring that we are constantly improving the student experience for everyone, with some great plans already in place for 2011/12, including:

Listening and Engaging • •

The development of a research and feedback strategy ensuring your voice is at the heart of the Union A more student led media

Representation • • • •

Increased representation for Postgraduate and International students Continued development of the Course Rep System A review of the governance and democracy of the Union Enhanced links with the local community

Sophie Richardson, closing Colours & Honours

Developing Students • • • •

A more comprehensive training program for students A variety of fantastic volunteering opportunities through London 2012. A new Union run student centre, to be known as The Hub, providing space for student groups To continue to develop as a strong campaigning and lobbying Union

Leisure and Fun

• Further support for student activities • The ground floor of the BLSA building including the Griffin will be refurbished • The creation of task and finish groups for Societies and Events • Working to create improved facilities on campus and beyond, such as all-weather pitches • Fulfilling the three strategic aims of the Sports Strategy Group: o Increase Sports Participation Levels o Promote Sports Leadership & Quality Coaching/Instruction o Improve Sports Performance Standards We want you to take ownership of your Union, so please make the most of what we have to offer and take every opportunity to get involved.

t centre w studen e n r fo s plan

I look forward to working with you. Sophie President-elect 2011/12

Impact Report 2010/11

page 15

Blomeley Centre Feilden House Westfield Way London E1 4NP web: www.qmsu.org tel: 020 7882 8030 email: qmsu.reception@qmsu.org

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