aspIRe magazine - issue 17

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NEWS 14 QBuzz! 16 Be a Part of Our Cool Community 17 QNET Bloggers eBook TRAVEL 18 Marhaba Lebanon START LIVING 21 Start Living with QNET COFFEE TALK 9 It’s Your Life, It’s Your Time! — Donna Imson-Lecaroz 11 A New Era Begins — JR Mayer 13 Whassup My Beloved Max-Out Kings and Queens! — Pathman Senathirajah

22 30-Day Start Living Plan 24 What are you Breathing? 28 How Alkaline Water Changed my Daughter’s life 30 The Exciting Truth about Physio Radiance 32 What Does Your Timepiece Say about You? 34 A Continent that Never Stops Learning



CONTENTS LIVING PROOF 36 The Makings for an International Business Woman 38 Bakary Kante: QNET is Freedom from Need 40 Is Africa Ready for the Network Marketing Revolution? 42 Leadership Lessons from Winning Women 43 Why I Love RSP So much CONUTRY IN FOCUS 44 QNET Rises with East Africa FEATURE 46 V-Malaysia 2014 LIFESTYLE 54 Books From My Library - Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran 56 Stop Hammering Your Thumb - Joseph Bismark 58 What to Watch this Weekend with VP Adly

ACHIEVERS’ CLUB 60 Where Winners Unite SPORTS 62 From the Fast Lane to Football Stardom 64 The Partnership of the Century 66 What a Ride it’s Been… Thank you, Marussia! SUPPORT 68 A Place Called Home 70 Global Support Centre (GSC)



18 June 2014

Training Manager Gets Negative

on Physio Radiance Training and Marketing Manager Salma Hassan tells QBuzz that she’s a die-hard fan of QNET’s ultimate skin care product – Physio Radiance. It’s the one thing (besides her iPhone and chic Prada handbag) that she cannot leave home without! “At workshops, like the one I did in Rwanda, I love going out there and talking about a product that I truly believe in!” Salma tells us that during her session she focussed on one key ingredient of Physio Radiance – negative hydrogen (H ). The properties of negative hydrogen are activated only when it comes into contact with your skin, and this is where the magic begins!

1 August 2014

QNET Loves Egypt

QNET hands out Ramadan Bags of essential items in Egypt. The charitable activity is carried out by QNET and a new committee of QNET leaders in Egypt headed by V Partner Adly Hassan and Associate V Partner Ibn Abbas Abdelsalam. QNET Business Development Manager for Middle East and North Africa Sherif Zahran says that giving back to the community in Egypt is an important part of what we do.

11 November 2014

15 Achievers Recognised in Uganda 300 African Independent Representatives gather at Munyoyo Resort in Uganda for a leadership camp at the start of November to share tales from QNET and gain knowledge about leading their own teams. 15 Achievers receive their Gold Pins at the camp in recognition

of their advancement to heights of the Gold Star rank. These IRs worked especially hard over the past six months to earn more than USD 5,000. A stellar effort, well done!




A young girl in Kenya dropped out of school in the seventh grade. Growing up as the only girl in a family of five children, her dreams of education had to be sacrificed for the benefit of her brothers. From these humble beginnings, she has grown into an international businesswoman, today leading and inspiring scores of young Africans to pursue their dreams. This is AVP Asha Krishnan and her journey with QNET. Who was Asha before QNET? I was a homemaker and fitness instructor. The latter was self-taught, brought on by the necessity to put food on the table. Because I lack vocational education, opportunities were limited. I worked in support roles in several organisations before becoming a fitness instructor, which gave me some income but I could not make it a long-term career. My body had taken a beating after seven years of being an instructor and I knew I needed to find something different to do with my life. That’s when I found QNET. What is your QNET story? Because I did not have the opportunity to study, I wanted my daughters to get the best education possible. I sent them to study in a private university in Malaysia and the financial burden on our family was high. This was around the time I had to


QNET IS FREEDOM FROM NEED By Ramya Chandrasekaran A passionate environmentalist and an international diplomat who inhabited the hallowed corridors of the United Nations for more than a decade, Bakary Kante is not someone you expect to meet in the world of direct selling. Dressed in his trademark Boubou, the traditional kaftan worn by the men in Senegal, he is a familiar face at V-Con and major events in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this issue of aspIRe, we talk to V Council member Dr Bakary Kante to understand his shift from the world of environmental policy to the world of QNET. 38 LIVING PROOF

How were you introduced to QNET? AVP Asha Krishnan and I met in Dubai in 2008 and we got talking. She told me about the business she was involved in and how it was empowering many Africans. I was with the UN at the time as Director of the Division of Environmental Law and Conventions (DELC), UNEP, and I found the concept interesting. However, I didn’t sign up just yet. Asha and I kept in touch and she persistently followed up with me every opportunity she got. Finally, in May 2009, I decided to give it a shot. It was the best decision I ever made.


By Cherian Mathew

Sub-Saharan Africa has made huge leaps in the last decade. Media images of the continent are no longer just about poverty and sickness. Today, bright young innovators are making Africa the world’s fastest-growing continent. All across the region, people are overcoming obstacles in order to turn their dreams into reality. The entrepreneurial landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa is alive and kicking with abundant opportunities. In 2003, I was one of the first people who brought QNET to Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In just a decade, my team has grown and expanded across Sub-Saharan Africa where I have been able to assist thousands of young people build businesses in countries like Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Ghana, Senegal, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Egypt and many others. Dr Bakary Kante, former Director of UNEP’s Division of Environmental Law and Conventions, is a dear friend and an ardent advocate of network marketing and entrepreneurship in the region. Based on his experience with the UN, he reveals that about 65 percent of the total population of Africa is below the age of 35,




Winning Women by Gil Cadiz

Five female Independent Representatives from five different countries share quotes and lessons on leadership they live by and that have made them the uber successful network leaders that they are now. Associate V Partner Asha Krishnan

Doreen M Kakuru Uganda


1. “‘Leadership is the mindset to be in service to your team, to make them, better than you. I leave people better than when I found them.” 2. “Leadership for me is to see my work as a calling and my life as my mission. I strongly believe that’s why I’m born.” 3. “A leader should be a dreamer. ‘Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.’” – Gloria Steinem

1. It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. – Paul Coelho, The Alchemist 2. I am the ME I choose to be. – Sydney Poitier, The Measure of a Man 3. D on’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people – the ones who really belong to your life will come to you. And stay. – Will Smith

V Council Member Dr Bahia Ismail Alaoui

Claude Anny Sedogo

Salymata Fofana

Burkina Faso

Côte d’Ivoire

1. For every one of us that succeeds, there’s somebody there to show the way forward.

1. Success is for those who have a big dream and crystal clear vision, no matter the gender.

2. Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time.

2. Leadership by example for me starts first at home with my family.


1. “Lead by example.” 2. “Help people achieve their dreams.” 3. “KASH = Knowledge, Attitude, Skills & Habits”

3. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire.

3. Network marketing is the best opportunity for the women to reduce the gap between the men and us in Africa. LIVING PROOF 43

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