aspIRe Issue 18

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COFFEE TALK 9 Be the Game Changer 11 Changing the Game through Reinvention 13 Wake Up and Smell the Coffee NEWS 14 QBuzz


QNET SOCIAL 16 Thank You for Connecting with Us 18 That’s What Friends are For!

46 TRAVEL 20 Oh, to Be an Alpha City 22 Never Go on Vacation in Thailand! START LIVING 24 Play it Safe, One Drop at a Time 27 Activate. Boost. Protect. 28 What We Can Learn from the Village of Long Life


32 Tried. Tested. Proven. 34 What are Your Couleurs? LIVING PROOF 40 It’s a Woman’s World 42 Success is Not a Fairy Tale




44 Developing the Millionaire Mindset THE GAME CHANGER 46 Q10: Our Game Changer. Your Strategy. 49 IRs Drive Network Success 50 The Bad Word 52 7 Ways You are Ruining Your Network Marketing Career 54 The Year of the Game Changer FEATURE 57 Why Trust Us? 58 QNET’s Army at ReVCon 60 A Passion for Special Education 62 Your #QNETMOMENTS 64 Hi, I’m a QNET Product.

LIFESTYLE 66 Books from My Library 68 My Health and Wellness Tools 70 We Have Mobile Apps for Your Business Needs! 72 YouTube Can Improve Your Business 74 What to Watch This Weekend 75 Three Personal Appearance Tips for Winning Prospects AROUND THE WORLD 76 QNET Turkey: Truly Global, Truly Local 78 QNET Rises with North Africa 79 QNET Enters the Golden Land, Myanmar SPORTS 80 Proud to Be #QNETCITY 82 Manchester City and QNET Rock Network Marketing 84 Stopping at Nothing SUPPORT 86 The Unsung Heroes of QNET 88 Global Support Centre (GSC) CONTENTS


issue 18

EDITOR’S NOTE #QNETQ10 all the way! Welcome to the 18th issue of aspIRe and thank you for picking up this copy! This being the year of the Game Changer we, at aspIRe, decided that it is the most apt theme for this issue. It is, of course, the biggest and greatest time for everyone in QNET because everything is suddenly 10 times more awesome! We’ve taken everything #QNETQ10 and packed it into 90+ pages of fun, and we hope it will give you that extra push to help you get the most out of this year. Here’s a sneak peak at what’s in this issue. We give you the lowdown about the new super hybrid compensation plan – Q10; read cool stories about some of our new and awesome #QNETQ10 products; and hear what your leaders have to say about Q10! Find out what are the hippest places to travel to in Asia this year and all are accessible through QVI and don’t forget that we’ve had some amazing #QNETCITY moments this year (you can check them all out in the Sports section!). Go ahead and dive right into this issue, we’ve had a blast putting it together. Remember, let’s all make the most of #QNETQ10 and the year of the Game Changer! See you next issue! In service, Christine Pereira


EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sheena Flannery MANAGING EDITOR Christine Pereira EXECUTIVE EDITOR Ploi Phayakvichien EDITORIAL TEAM Gil Cadiz Manu Nithya Muniandi Regine Palma Vidya Madhavan CONTRIBUTORS Aneesh Medina Arti Asawa Hairul Fazillah Jeannie Tan Malou Caluza Martin Soosay Nathan Brown Peter Sujirapinyokul Raisa Sawhney Ramya Chandrasekaran Rita Suttarno Timothy Harney

The products featured in this magazine may not be available in all countries. Interested parties should contact QNET Global Support Centre (GSC) or visit the QNET eStore for product availability. QNET provides all content in this magazine as is without warranty of any kind to the extent allowed by applicable law, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of intellectual property. The testimonials presented in this magazine are applicable to the individuals depicted only and may not be representative of the experience of others. The testimonials are not paid and are not indicative of future performance or success of any other individuals. QNET cannot and does not guarantee any results of individuals utilising material provided by the company on any of its websites or on the QNET eStore. Any content published in this magazine should not be relied on for important personal, financial or business decisions. Readers are advised to seek professional help for appropriate advice. QNET reserves the right to change and/or modify the content and presentation of the magazine without prior notice. Twitter, Facebook, Apple, iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Nokia, Pirelli, Blackberry, RIM, and all other associated or related marks are, or may be, trademarks or registered trademarks of their related companies and/or such other related or other entities. Other products and/or company names mentioned herein may also similarly be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. The marks and their use are thereby duly governed by the respective owners and any and all rights in connection with the same are entirely reserved. You are hereby advised and notified that you are under obligation to understand and know the same, and ensure compliance as required. We shall not accept any responsibility or liability arising out of, or in connection with, any breach or misuse of the same, which shall remain your sole obligation to ascertain and comply with. Copyright © QNet Ltd / 2015. All rights reserved.

DESIGN DEPARTMENT ART DIRECTOR Puddhi Dheppratum ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Tanakorn Anakvatcharakul PRODUCTION MANAGER Sarayoot Teparos GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Nahatai Thammanuchit Namon Choteanankul PHOTO EDITORS Pravit Nuntanasirivikrom

Experience Your True Beauty in 4 Simple Steps Fight the signs of ageing with our revolutionary device.


In the recent months, you have been encouraged to be part of QNET’s game changers – our new Q10 super hybrid compensation plan and our diverse range of new products. Being a game changer is definitely not about leaning back and waiting for success to come your way; it’s about stepping up and becoming the inspiration, the leader that you’ve always wanted to be. A game changer believes, ignites and takes risks. Game changers believe in themselves. Believing and instilling belief in others mean creating an entire new realm of possibilities for yourself and the people around you. Once that belief is there, everything else will follow. The doors will open – the resources and the opportunities will show themselves because of the fundamental belief that you can. A game changer ignites passion in others. He or she helps raise other individuals, helps them grow, supports them in overcoming challenges and nurtures them to become the best possible version of themselves. No one has ever gained anything by playing it safe. A game changer loves to explore and take risks. Going out there and showing the world how it’s done by shaping results to match your vision is what will set you apart from the ordinary. So, what’s holding you back? Be ambitious and believe in your purpose. Ignite the hunger for success in yourself and your team. Think ideas that can change the world. Be the Game Changer!



“Every creature goes through change, and so must we.” – Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran Reinventing oneself before it is absolutely necessary doesn’t come naturally to most companies – or to most people, for that matter. History has proven over and over again that companies and corporations need to go through periodical transformations to stay at the forefront of their industry. They must be willing to take risks and be willing to change in order to survive, let alone be relevant. Kodak and Nokia come to mind, both formidable companies during their most successful days and synonymous to the products they sold. They are glaring examples that companies simply cannot continue doing what they are ‘good at’ and expect the same results, year in year out. No, to be the movers and shakers of their industry, they need to find a way to reinvent themselves; figuratively ‘destroy’ themselves and re-think how they do everything. As Dato’ Sri has advised us time and again, risk is sometimes the only sacrifice you need to make to change your destiny. And that is exactly why QNET has made 2015 its Game Changer year. We are stepping out of our comfort zone, reinventing the usual, the comfortable and the easy, changing what we used to do. As I write this, we have already introduced our new super hybrid compensation plan, Q10, and have begun launching new, innovative products and exploring new markets. We will continue to stay relevant and ahead of the game, and we will define the industry and reinvent our future. With this game-changing year, we are preparing ourselves for the next decade. And we hope you will join us on this adventure of reinvention and innovation – enjoy the ride!

JR MAYER Managing Director QNET


You’ve all heard about Q10. If not, get your head out from under the rocks! Q10 is an unbelievable, extremely awesome and amazing CHANGE for QNET. And, guys, ‘CHANGE’ is the keyword here. You may think you are ahead of the game now, but if you don’t get out of your comfort zone (wake up and smell the coffee), you’re just going to be left staring at the dust trails of those who zoom past you. Getting used to the comfort zone is one of the worst things you can do to yourself, and believe me, both that million-dollar bank account and the USD 5,000 cheque with no growth can be considered comfort zones. With Q10, we’re getting everyone off their a** and yanking them out of their comfort zone. Q10, the super hybrid compensation plan, is relevant to everyone in the QNET and V family – from the person who just wants to retail, to the person who is an aggressive builder, to the person who is in it part-time, or even someone like your mother-in-law who doesn’t like to network but loves our products. Q10 will maximise YOUR earning potential – this is the year we don’t just dream big; we dream HUGE! We DREAM and we will shoot for the stars and my god, are we going to work hard to get there. With Q10, you have the most attractive (like me) compensation plan in the industry, you have a range of to-die for products and you have a great online to take you to the next level. But, guys, don’t just relax and think you can sit back and enjoy the ride. WAKE UP! As your upline, let me tell you this, Q10 is still a vehicle. What we have done is, we are providing you with the best vehicle ever, but in the end, you are still the driver. So if you don’t put both hands on the steering wheel and your foot on the accelerator and push it down to the floor, you’re dreaming if you think you will get anywhere. Q10 is about you deciding that, “This is it. This is my last ship, and I’m going to push as hard as I can to make it big.” It’s all up to you. And if you decide to take that leap, I promise you that the vehicle called Q10 will prove to be the sexiest, fastest and most advanced vehicle in network marketing history. Let’s go! PATHMAN SENATHIRAJAH Managing Director The V


by Nathan Brown

HONG KONG EARNERS VIPS AT RUGBY INTERNATIONAL The Hong Kong rugby team takes to the field for a friendly international match against Russia at the QNET-sponsored Hong Kong Football Club. Hong Kong-based high earners from the Bonanza Blast incentive promo enjoy the match with VIP tickets.

NSF LAB TESTS HOMEPURE EAZE The new HomePure Eaze undergoes rigorous testing in an independent NSF International Laboratory. NSF certification confirms that the HomePure Eaze is as 100% amazing as we say it is!

QNET TAKES HARD-OF-HEARING CHILDREN TO SAFARI WORLD Just in time for Christmas, QNET takes a group of hard-of-hearing school students in Bangkok on a field trip to Safari World, and open zoo and leisure park. The trip was organised by QNET staff at the Thailand office, where much of QNET’s global marketing operations are based.

QVI CLUB BUS AND SUBWAY ADS GREET RUSSIAN COMMUTERS Commuters in Saint Petersburg, Russia wake up to a major QVI Club advertising campaign with ads in train stations and on the back of buses. Global Head of Business Development & Network Support (Hospitality) Mirko Francioni says, “This is the first time we have tried conventional billboard style advertising and Saint Petersburg is the perfect place to try it out. It’s a fantastic way to lend added support to our network in the area.”

QNET HQ ONE OF ASIA’S BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR! QNET headquarters in Hong Kong is named among HR Asia’s ‘Best Companies to Work for in Asia’ for the year 2015! Each year, HR Asia hosts the ‘Best Companies to Work for in Asia’ awards, where entrants’ practices are reviewed to see how they stand out from the rest.

FIRST GUESTS CHECK-IN TO PRANA NANDANA The first guests check-in to our newest tropical island hideaway, Prana Resort Nandana on Thailand’s Koh Samui: “We love everything here. It’s our first time in Koh Samui and we are enjoying every single moment of our stay,” say Vera Pottisepp and Aleksandr Pashkov while sipping their complementary drink.


Thank you for posting, liking, sharing, retweeting, double-tapping, reposting, and most importantly – sharing bits of your #QNET life with the world and what’s in your heart, with us.




What an #EPIC #QNETQ10 moment by@majdinetworker! That’s the spirit!

by Eman Sayed

#QNETQ10 fever by Akram Hossn

Supporting Manchester City Football Club and showing some love for QNET products by Duygu Ahin

EPIC star-studded #QNETSELFIE by V Council

#Awesomeness. Thanks for sharing, @mr_vgk

Say “Hi” to #QNET family in #Novosibirsk #Russia. Thank you for sharing, @_i_am_a_champion_

Thank you for the picture and #inspiration, @shaimaa_ghazaly. #QNET

Ghada Hamdan

THINGS YOU TWEETED ABOUT #QNET MORE THAN 26K FOLLOWERS WORLDWIDE! Ahmad Al Saleh @Spider_IR Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.

dima k. @kolydd @QNetOfficial one step to your dream.

Essmat @Esmat_MoHaMed #ReVCon #Egypt surprise tomorrow #Hamaki’s concert way to #FinancialFreedom @QNetOfficial #PathFinders Same day of my #Birthday #TheGameChanger

Sunil Pabari @SunilPabari “@QNetOfficial: Finish this sentence: ONE PRESENTATION A DAY, you’ll be on your way to freedom.”

wendyalfarabhii @alfarabhiwendy Only QNET is the best business in the world. WE ARE ONE! @QNetOfficial

Bennett Peter O. @Pakaoba Goals that are not in writing are merely wishes or fantasies. #biggerstrongerlouder #StartLiving #QNET


THAT’S WHAT by Gil Cadiz

QNET BLOGGER PROGRAMME Adapted from a blog post by Dr G Rajshekher | Original post published on 2 December 2014

A lot of people I speak with are skeptical about network marketing. I think it’s an emotional issue. Network marketing has always been regarded with skepticism. One of the reasons network marketing is seen in a poor light is actually one of the strengths of the business – the low cost of entry. But it doesn’t mean that you start the business just because you have the money, there’s more to it than just that. The right mindset Any business needs the right mindset; the willingness to accept delayed gratification. How many of us have understood this before we started our own business? Practically none. More importantly, how many of us are willing to undergo the transformation necessary to develop that mindset? Again, very few. Convincing people Those skeptical about network marketing and those interested but still don’t want to be involved have one common misconception – you will need to convince your friends and family to join and in doing so, you might end up antagonising or losing them. This misunderstanding is not without reason; those who entered network marketing with high expectations but were not willing to learn the skills necessary to do it the right way are, once again, responsible.

Being professional Real professionals in network marketing, the six-figure and seven-figure earners, don’t go around pursuing people, convincing them or roping them in. They build relationships, make friends. They don’t pitch to people – they befriend them and provider them with beneficial solutions to their everyday problems. Professionals explain everything there is to offer and allow their to decide for themselves. True networking, real friendship In my opinion, adding value to people’s lives by being a genuine friend is what networking is all about. To me, the greatest gift I can give to someone is to help them understand network marketing, help them make a decision to participate, and then work with them until they are successful. Isn’t that what friends are for? *Edited for publication.

----The QNET Blogger Programme lets Independent Representatives share their thoughts and experiences about QNET and network marketing in their own blog spaces. Since August 2012, we have read and learned from over 150 blog posts that have been promoted on our communication channels. Would you like to be a QNET Blogger? Write to us at


OH, TO BE AN by Manu Nithya Muniandi

Imagine a bustling city, a state-of-the-art airport, wild crossroads, bulbous domes and skyscrapers, and small auxiliary buildings shrouded with mysterious caves. Yep, that’s Kuala Lumpur – affectionately known as ‘KL’! If you happen to stop by KL on your way home from V-Malaysia 2015, here are some places you must visit for a true local experience. Start your trip with a scrumptious breakfast Chow down on delicious Imbi Market nosh, situated just a stone’s throw from Bukit Bintang. A hawker paradise, you’ll find all sorts of delicious offerings like Kaya Toast, Roti Canai (flaky crust, akin to the Indian paratha), crispy Apam Balik (thin crispy crepes) and Popiah (sweet sauce mixed with shredded yam bean and ground peanuts)! Wash it all down with a cup of Hainan coffee or tea! Petronas Twin Towers What would a trip to Malaysia’s capital be without gawking at its 88-storey Twin Towers? If the hazy view from the mid-level Sky Bridge isn’t so thrilling for you, the varied food courts in Suria KLCC Mall might entice you. Haggle, haggle, and haggle Be prepared to put on your best poker face and haggle during a visit to Chinatown at Petaling Street. If you fail at your first attempt, don’t worry as you’re more than likely to find the same item a few stalls further down this shoppers’ paradise. More yummy street food The food on the street is as diverse as the city’s inhabitants. Eat a sloppy JunkYard veggie burger by the roadside found in the popular TTDI stand or hang out at a mamak (Muslim-Indians) joint at ungodly hours of the night. Murni is a prominent force in KL’s mamak scene and is known for their wide, peculiar menu such as Roti Hawaii, Roti Scramble and Roti Beckham. KL’s humid afternoons demand cendol. The Pudu market back alleys and the Lebuh Keng Kwee excel in this signature dessert, an unreal combination of red bean paste, shaved ice, coconut milk all piled on to a bowl of screw pine-flavoured noodles. QI Tower Stop over at QI Tower when you get off from Asia Jaya station. Situated in Petaling Jaya, QI Tower stands out with its exemplary green achievement. The facility’s eco-friendliness based on energy and water efficiency, indoor environmental quality and innovation comes with an awesome opportunity to get your hands on great QNET products and merchandise! Trains are all you need The train system in KL is modern, efficient and will save you money. One would assume that the railways were built first and then everything else was developed around it, such is its convenience. Coming from either of the airports, you will most likely arrive in KL Sentral. From there, it’s only one stop to Pasar Seni, China Town (Petaling Street) and Central Market. From Pasar Seni, it’s only a few stops to Twin Towers and Suria KLCC Mall. You can even catch a quick commuter train ride to Batu Caves as it’s only about 500 metres from the KL Sentral station to the cave entrance. Check-in For a relaxing trip, with lots of activities within reach, book with QVI and stay at One @Bukit Ceylon by Prana Hotels & Resorts. Designed with a pop of modernity and a dash of informal luxury, this hotel will save you the frustration of getting entangled in KL’s all-too-frequent traffic jams by hopping on trains within its vicinity. For more detail about One @Bukit Ceylon, visit



by Peter Sujirapinyokul and Charlotte Khor

No matter how many times your friends or online reviews suggest it, DO NOT – and I cannot stress this enough – go to Thailand for vacation! Thailand is not a place for the faint-hearted. The streets are swamped with gastronomically-irresistible food. Whenever you think you are safe, little bursts of flavour will just pull you in and have their way with you. If this doesn’t scare you, wait until you visit the beaches. With more than 7,000 km of coastline, the beaches of Thailand know no mercy! From their pristine white sand to their crystal clear waters, they will certainly make you lose track of time. To make matters worse, the bright and always-sunny weather of Thailand won’t help in any way. Among the thousands of islands here in Thailand, Samui is the third largest and probably one of the most popular islands in the country. Just one hour away from Bangkok by air, Samui has been luring travellers from all over the world since the early 1960s.

Pra na Reso rt N and ana

ana and N ort Res a n Pra

Situated along the Gulf of Thailand, Samui is a mysterious place with the ability to cast a spell on you. With soft sandy beaches, towering palm trees, delicious fresh food and a vibrant nightlife, Samui has all the tools to latch itself onto you without you even realising. Those lured into the island by its beauty do nothing but laze their day away on the beach listening to the sound of waves crashing on the shore, soaking in the sun and just cooling off in the enthralling blue waters. Not enough warning? One-third of Samui’s geography is made up of mountainous terrains with plenty of opportunities for the trek savvy.

With an array of exciting activities, exotic blend of cultures, breathtaking sceneries and delicious cuisines, Thailand will unapologetically find its own way of leaving an imprint on you. Heed my advice, I’ve not been able to leave no matter how hard I try. *** Set in a gorgeous landscape of indigenous trees and plants, Prana Resort Nandana blends effortlessly into Koh Samui’s surroundings just across the road from its beach-front sister resort, Prana Beach Villas. Inspired by the traditional Thai fishing basket, the iconic woven roof of the main reception building curves dramatically upward, while the guest rooms and spa surround a large free-form swimming pool. Native materials and fabrics used throughout the resort create a palette of soothing earth tones with bursts of vibrant colours. From the extensive menu of indulgent spa treatments to refreshing tropical smoothies, and a unique fusion fare at its rooftop kitchen, Nandana is designed to cocoon you in a blissful state of relaxation throughout your stay. *** Ideally positioned beach-front on the picturesque Bangrak beach and overlooking the sea to the neighbouring island of Koh Phangan, Prana Beach Villas offer an opportunity to experience total rejuvenation amidst a resplendent backdrop. Surrounded by the myriad of blues and turquoises of the sea, your stay at this charming boutique resort will be in complete harmony with its surroundings. Lounge in Prana Beach Villas’ infinity pool and relish the view of the open sea, or enjoy the poolside while being lulled by the gentle crashing waves on the beach as you look out into the clear night sky. For more information about Prana Hotels & Resorts, visit or

Prana Beach Villas


by Christine Pereira

The United Nations considers universal access to clean water a basic human right and an essential step towards improving living standards worldwide. It’s hard for most of us to imagine that clean and safe water is not something that can be taken for granted. But, in the developing world, finding a reliable source of safe water is often time-consuming and expensive.

Water scarcity is frightening!

What is the main contributor to scarcity of clean water?

By 2025, 1,800 million people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity while two-thirds of the world’s population could be under stress conditions caused by it.

Contamination. In developing countries, industrialisation, urbanisation and population growth create a greater need for clean water. However, the resulting usage and pollution from garbage, chemicals, and manufacturing waste contribute to the shortage of its availability. In some countries, lack of filtration for natural bacteria in water and deficient sanitation for human waste can lead to toxic pollution of water sources.

The UN indicates that we need 20-50 litres of safe water a day for drinking, cooking, and cleaning, while more than one in six people worldwide don’t have access to this.

Microbes, like bacteria and viruses, are the contaminants in drinking water causing acute health effects. Most people’s bodies can fight off these microbial contaminants the way they fight off germs but when high enough levels occur, they can make you ill and can be deadly if your immune system is already weak.

Almost three and a half million people die every year because of water, sanitation and hygiene-related causes.

Every 21 seconds, another child dies from a water-related illness.

Exposure to chemical contaminants (disinfection by-products and pesticides), radionuclides (radium), and minerals (arsenic) at levels over the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) safety standards for a period of many years can cause cancer, liver or kidney problems, or reproductive difficulties.

Bottled water, city tap water, well water, rain water... people everywhere are now trying to find the cleanest source of drinking water available today. 10 ways clean water can save the world: 1. Improve water supply, sanitation and hygiene. 2. Reduce death and disease. 3. Increase healthy food. 4. Reduce conflict. 5. Gender equality. 6. Increase school attendance. 7. Improved impoverished communities. 8. Reduce pollution. 9. Project biodiversity. 10. Climate change impact.


What can you do? 1. Use water filtration systems Keep yourself and your family safe from illnesses caused by contaminated water. It is widely held that Ultrafiltration (UF) systems are perfect for home use. Make sure you choose a filtration system that allows natural trace minerals to pass through during filtration. 2. Save water and electricity An average of 95 litres of water is used to produce just one kilowatt-hour of electricity. Save energy by only using water filtration systems that do not require electricity. There are tonnes of ways in which you can save even a few drops of water, visit for a few tips.

Heavy metals from industrial processes can slow development, resulting in birth defects and some are carcinogenic. Industrial waste – Some of the toxins in industrial waste may only have a mild effect whereas others can be fatal. Microbial pollutants from sewage – A major problem in the developing world; with diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever being the primary cause of infant mortality. Organic matter and nutrients deplete oxygen from water. Sulphate particles from acid rain can contaminate rivers and lakes, and can result in fatalities.

3. Educate and promote Take the time to spread awareness about the importance of clean and safe drinking water and promote the use of water filtration systems that do not consume electricity so that we can each have a hand in ensuring clean and safe water for ourselves, our families and our communities.


HomePure ensures that you have clean and safe water that it rich in minerals. It does not require electricity. How do you know that the water from HomePure is safe and of the highest quality? You may have seen an NSF mark on a lot of everyday products – bottled water, dietary supplements, home appliances – but you might have especially seen it on your HomePure water filters. People worldwide take the safety of their food, water and consumer products for granted on a daily basis because of those three letters: NSF. It guarantees that the products you use meet strict standards for public health protection. NSF is an international operation dedicated to human health through food safety standards certification. NSF has created many public health standards for protecting drinking water which are used by the US Environmental Protection Agency, cementing the reputation of NSF as the undisputed leader in water quality assurance. NSF International tests and certifies any product that affects water and food safety to help improve overall public health. HomePure products have two types of NSF water quality certification; one for complete water filtration systems and the other is for specific components.

NSF Certified Systems

NSF Certified Systems

HomePure 7-Stage Water Filtration System

7 in 1 Replacement Filter Cartridge

HomePure Eaze (in testing process)

HomePure Eaze Filter Cartridge (in testing process) Alkalising Ceramic Ball Technology (inside HomePure Alkaline Jug and Stick)

Every five years, the HomePure Eaze and 7-Stage water filtration systems undergo rigorous testing of all parts, including an annual audit of our production facility in South Korea. Testing covers the safety of materials, structural integrity and confirmation that the claims made about removal of contaminants are all 100% true and effective. All this will give you the peace of mind that the water you drink with HomePure is of the highest quality.


Benefits of Glutathione • Slows down ageing process. • Improves mental function. • Improves lung function. • Increases energy. • Speeds recovery from illnesses. • Improves skin health. by Hairul Fazillah Did you know that your body naturally produces a substance, which, if present in ample amounts, slows down the ageing process, detoxifies the body and strengthens the body’s immune system? Glutathione (GSH), also known as the ‘the master antioxidant’, is one of the most crucial antioxidants in our body. It’s the only antioxidant that resides within our cells. This gives it a unique edge in protecting our health by naturally combating negative impacts of stress hormones, properly oxygenating cells, inhibiting cellular mutagens and warding off hazardous cellular invaders.

Glutathione is as Vital to Human Life as Oxygen You may be surprised, but glutathione is as indispensable to the maintenance of our system as food, water and oxygen. Even breathing oxygen and burning food for energy demands more GSH from our cells. In short, life is not even remotely possible without it. GSH helps convert these into harmless substances: • Heavy metals – Any metal of environmental and health concerns, such as cadmium, mercury and lead. • Herbicides – Pesticides used to kill unwanted plants and can cause adverse effects on health ranging from skin rashes to death.

As super antioxidants, glutathione molecules roam throughout our body, seeking out and neutralising overactive and dangerous free radicals. An All-Natural ‘Universal Supplement’ GSH is made every day inside all of the 300 trillion cells in our body and is the ‘behind-the-scenes’ hero who does the dirty work for our body. It fights the dangers of our stressful lives from lack of sleep, poor diet, pollution, and the effects of natural ageing like joint pain and arthritis. In this world where germs and viruses are abundant, you need your immune system fighting at optimum levels. Glutathione keeps things sailing along in your immune system so that your body can combat invading diseases. This is where glutathione’s presence is essential to the health of the body; it assists other antioxidants and nutrients while they work.

• Smoke – Smoke from chemicals that are foreign to the body, such as air pollution and cigarette smoke, can cause harmful effects to your body. GSH helps your liver effectively remove them. Cool fact! As glutathione flows through your veins and arteries, it promotes the oxygenation of cells inside the body and promotes the creation of new cells, clearing your skin making it look younger. EDG3, one of QNET’s newest offerings, provides the answer to how you can effectively increase your glutathione levels. EDG3 is an exclusive blend of ingredients designed for people of all ages who want to improve their quality of life. You can now find EDG3 in your eStore*. *Available in selected countries.


by Regine Palma

Because of their healthy lifestyle and special diet, Okinawans are noted for having significantly lower mortality rates caused by cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Okinawa, a region in the southernmost part of Japan, is known as the ‘Village of long life’ whose inhabitants are recorded to have one of the longest life expectancy in the world. According to a research done by the United Nations, they have the greatest proportion of centenarians – people living up to above the age of 100 – in the world. In fact, Misao Okawa, the oldest living person in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is a resident of Okinawa. In a recent interview with Okawa by the Huffington Post, the 117-year-old had insisted that living as long as she has is really no big deal. In support of her claim, a study by Blue Zones, an organisation promoting lifestyles that can increase the longevity of human life, lists the most common and most probable reasons behind the lengthy years enjoyed by Okinawans. These reasons include: having a purpose (older Okinawans can readily articulate the reason they get up in the morning); maintaining a social and financial support group; staying active; and, most notably, relying on a very special diet. According to health and science writer, Michelle Kerns, Okinawans typically consume up to 500 fewer calories per day than people following Western diets. Their meals consist of green and yellow vegetables, soy and other legumes, with sweet potato as their staple food instead of rice. These food items are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and complex carbohydrates, but low in saturated fat and low on the glycemic index (a number that indicates a food’s effect on a person’s blood glucose level). It’s easy to see how the traditional diet of Okinawan islanders holds the secret to their island’s title. Because of their healthy lifestyle and special diet, they are noted for having significantly lower mortality rates caused by cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

QNET’s Kenta is a delicious natural-formula beverage inspired by the Okinawa Diet. Kenta is proudly vegan. Its formula contains no animal deravatives and no animal testing has been done for this product. It is also all-natural, with no artificial flavours and colouring, and no preservatives or GMO ingredients added. Its key ingredients are fermented soy paste, Japanese sweet potato, and fermented sticky rice, all of which make this product high in Vitamins B, C and K2, alpha-GPC, polyglutamic acid, calcium, GABA amino acids, L-tryptophan, hyaluronic acid, phosphorus and iron. Kenta modulates hormones and supplies vital nutrients to the body to increase its cell production. Its key benefits include enhanced wellness, better skin health and increased strength. Those who regularly drink Kenta can experience and notice improvements in both physiological and psychological attributes, including improvements in mood patterns, memory, and sleep cycle; healthier and better-looking, younger skin; and better stamina, higher vitality, increased flexibility, and quicker muscle recovery. Consuming Kenta over six months can give you the best results, making your lifestyle closer and closer to that of which the Okinawan islanders are proud and would make you beam with pride over your longer, more enhanced quality of life.


A GLOBAL FORCE IN EDUCATION Quest International University Perak (QIUP) is a young and dynamic university with equity participation from the Perak State Government in Malaysia. QIUP has been conceptualised to nurture Gen Y to become inquisitive, socially-aware and impactful individuals and, at the heart of it all, is on a noble quest to provide the best education to all levels of society on a global level. Located in Ipoh, Malaysia and a member of the QI Group, QIUP has seen tremendous growth since its opening in 2011 and is scheduled to offer approximately 40 new programmes by the end of 2015, in an effort to meet student demands. Global Student Community With a current student population of around 1,000, QIUP continues to grow steadily and has gained international popularity with its diverse student body that spans Pakistan, India, Mauritius, Bangladesh, Maldives, Turkmenistan and Sri Lanka, among others. Diverse Fields and Industry-Ready Graduates There are three Faculties and one Centre at QIUP: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Integrative Sciences & Technology, Faculty of Business Management & Social Sciences, and Centre for Foundation Studies, all of which offer programmes at Foundation, Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate levels. Most programmes come with an internship component that opens doors for QIUP graduates to successfully bridge the gap between student life and the working world.

Highly Qualified Staff To produce outstanding students, outstanding lecturers are a must. In this respect, QIUP has attracted the best intellectual minds and academicians from Malaysia and abroad. Its lecturers are the strongest pillars of the University and are passionate, industry-savvy and highly acclaimed. Purpose-Built Campus In keeping with its vision of being a world-class, research-led university, QIUP is in the midst of building its new campus on a 25-acre site in Meru, Ipoh as part of its expansion plans. The new campus building will be equipped with excellent facilities and infrastructure to support higher education, catering to a variety of learning methods. For more details about the University and its programmes, please call +605 249 0500, email or log on to





NETWORKING VIDEO REVOLUTION Watch videos of the best in the industry Relive the best moments from historic networking events Establish your presence with your own profile and content Instantly connect with entrepreneurs and dreamers all over the world




I’ve always blindly trusted QNET to give me the best products, and because of that I never really tried to find out more about their benefits; I just used them. Until one day, I met an American who introduced a product to QNET – BioSilver 22 Gel. My first reaction when I heard about silver for skin – I fell off the chair laughing. To a normal person, silver is jewellery, not something you apply to your skin. It just didn’t make any sense to me. But as he was explaining this concept, I started to believe.

What I found out about silver and its anti-bacterial properties thoroughly impressed me. And from then on, I simply could not survive without BioSilver 22 Gel.

Here’s some information that he gave me – silver has been around for a very long time, known especially for its anti-bacterial properties. Medically, it is incorporated into wound dressings, creams, and as an antibiotic coating on medical devices. Since the early 20th century, silver has been used by physicians as an alternative form of medicine for various ailments caused by yeast, bacteria, parasites and viruses.

That seemed convincing enough, so I went back and researched more on the benefits of silver. What I found out about silver and its anti-bacterial properties thoroughly impressed me. And from then on, I simply could not survive without BioSilver 22 Gel. It has become a fixture in my life. What people often fail to realise is that our skin, thanks to everything we touch, has bacteria – restaurants, work place, the gym, even our homes have bacteria. And soap and water do not kill bacteria. This perception that our hands are clean if we wash them is total bull****. Soap and water only make our hands slippery enough to wash off dirt but the bacteria are still there. Our hands then touch our face, go into our mouth, infecting ourselves with bacteria.

The first thing I realised as soon as I started using BioSilver 22 Gel on my hands and everything I touch is that I stopped falling sick. I don’t get the common cold. No sore throat; no sore eyes; I don’t even get the sniffles. I can’t remember the last time I got sick. Here’s an inside story. I asked the guy who created BioSilver 22 Gel if I could eat it, he smiled and said that there was probably no harm in it but it is not tested for consumption. So naturally, I got even more curious; I wanted to be my own guinea pig. I mean, if you read the ingredients, the product contains water, TEA, and silver. There is nothing toxic. So, I have been eating a tiny bit of BioSilver 22 Gel every day after I brush my teeth, for the past five and a half years. If you guys think I’m gorgeous, radiant and healthy, this is probably why. Officially, it’s not recommended for internal consumption but all I can tell you is that I feel great. Why should you buy and use BioSilver 22 Gel? It’s common sense. Just the act of going about your day as normal is causing you and your family to fall sick. There are many products in the market to help kill bacteria, and they’re not lying. But the problem is, when you buy those products, you don’t make money. You don’t increase your commissions nor do you strengthen belief in your organisation. Why would you be a moron, and buy any other product except BioSilver 22 Gel? You have the highest quality product from the USA and you make money. It’s a win-win situation. And you know how to never run out of this amazing product? Subscribe to the Repeat Purchase Programme and the guys at QNET will take care of the shopping for you, making sure you always have a fresh supply of BioSilver 22 Gel. This is a star product of QNET. Every family, every child, mother, school teacher, anybody in any profession needs this by their side, 24 hours a day. So, go out there and grab your BioSilver 22 Gel.


Beauty trends are constantly changing and variety is key for every woman’s makeup collection. Discover a fantastic range of makeup, inspired by the beauty of every woman. Create your ideal look effortlessly and discover colours that suit your mood, personality and skin tone. There’s something for every woman.


First Time Out Keep it fun, simple and draw attention with your eyes. A smokey pair of eyes created with a deep violet hue brings out a fun look without trying too hard.

Sweet Temptation Go for the girl-next-door look with a sweet and subtle peach pair of lips and overall nude look. Not overloading on too many colours will help bring out that natural look that can captivate hearts.

Lipstick 12

Powder 81 Lipstick 14 Blush 71

Powder 80 Eyeshadow 55 Eyeshadow 51

Blush 70

Rhythm and Blues A classy look with a twist, created by nude lips paired with silvery blue eyeshow will bring out the true colour of your eyes.

Ravin’ Disco Make it pop with a pair of neon lips and let them speak for themselves. By drawing attention with pop colours you can be sure that the one you’re speaking to will listen closely.

Powder 83

Lipstick 10

Powder 83

Lipstick 13

Blush 73

Blush 72 Eyeshadow 52 Eyeshadow 53


Business Chic Formal doesn’t mean boring. Look sharp at your next presentation and capture the attention of your audience with this charming look.

Eyeshadow 54

Blush 70

Saturday night fever Blush 38

A super loud rocker-chick look that’ll let everyone in the room know you own it. Make your eyes pop and pair them with a juicy red for your lips and see how many heads you turn.

Lipstick 21

Powder 82 Eyeshadow 50 Powder 80

Lipstick 17

Lipstick Drench your lips with the range of Couleurs lipsticks. Experience intensive colour with a single touch as its fine and light formula leaves your lips feeling velvety soft. Whatever your fashion or mood these shades are firm and gives an intense and lasting colour to the lips due to a high concentration of colour.


Warm, natural-looking powder blush from Couleurs brings a natural colour to your skin. Add colour and freshness to your cheeks with this perfectly pigmented blush for a long-lasting rush of colour. Sweep over cheekbones, brow bones, and temples, or anywhere light naturally touches the face to let the real you come through.


Couleurs powder flawlessly complements your skin’s tone and texture reducing the appearance of creases and lines. Inspired by the look and feel of gorgeous skin, this powder has a soft texture that feels smooth and comfortable.

Eyeshodow Six pre-harmonised colour palettes to make your eyes look their brightest, Couleurs eyeshadows are soft and easy to apply for true colour clarity in one smooth swipe. Create glorious looks with eyeshadows that range from sophisticated nudes to intense colour.


An Interview with QNET Chairperson and V Partner Donna Imson-Lecaroz by Ploi Phayakvichien

What is it like to be a woman in network marketing?

The challenge, however, lies in striking a balance between work life and family life.

It’s very liberating. In other businesses, women’s earnings continue to be significantly lower than men’s. We can work as hard and be as good, but some gender bias in the workplace is still relatively blatant. In network marketing, it’s different. If you put in the work, you reap the benefits.

Network marketing is the perfect opportunity for those who want to be able to work independently while also taking care of their family.

Are there challenges and hardships specific to women in network marketing? We are our own biggest challenge. Statistics say that over 75% of women deal with some form of insecurity. The lack of self-confidence and self-belief stops us from being at the top. We have to believe in ourselves and our abilities in order to succeed. This is where the beauty of network marketing comes in – continuously growing and improving oneself is integral in network marketing. Is there anything that women can use to their advantage? Women are natural relationship builders and connectors. It’s in our nature to support and help others. Whether we realise it or not, we are already networking all the time. When we find products we like, we often recommend them to our friends. So why not use the things we already do every day to grow our business and improve ourselves? Is it harder for women to have successful careers because of their perceived predominant role as a mother and wife? The idea of a stay-at-home housewife is not common any more. Today, women are out in the business world and earning to support their family.

Network marketing is the perfect opportunity for those who want to be able to work independently while also taking care of their family.

When I started out, I had everything against me. I was a single mum, I didn’t have a university degree, I didn’t have any professional skill sets; in short, I had no fighting chance. However, network marketing allowed me to work with what I had. It helped me grow as a person and as a leader. Personal development applies to all areas of life. We need to remind ourselves that we cannot become successful at the expense of our other roles; being a networker allowed me to become a better mother. As a single mum, being a network marketer allowed me to manage my own time and work from home. I had the freedom to set my own working hours to when my children were in school. With network marketing, I was able to both build my business and be present as a mother. What do you think of the saying that QNET is a ‘Boys’ Club’? As a matter of fact, most direct selling companies can be classified as ‘Boys’ Clubs’. Although, statistics show a majority of direct sellers are women, This is mostly because of companies like Avon that are for women. Remove Avon’s numbers and you’ll see the statistics vary. It may seem like a ‘Boys’ Club’ in companies with products that are not female-focussed, but that’s because there are more men in the top ranks. This is where the challenge lies. We can change that. More women can be on top if we celebrate ourselves. Most importantly, we must not let being a woman be an excuse for not trying our hardest. If we work hard and believe in ourselves, there will definitely be more women in top positions in network marketing. What advice would you like to give to women in network marketing? The bottom line is you have to believe in yourself – believe that you are worth it and you have the ability to succeed. Celebrate yourself as a woman, appreciate yourself as a complete, irrevocably worthwhile person, and more importantly, don’t try to be someone else. If you try to copy other people, you’ll only be another version of that person. Why not try to be the best version of yourself? If you don’t give up, there is no way you won’t succeed.





IS NOT A FAIRY TALE by Rita Suttarno

Behind his humble, gentle and lovable demeanor is a powerful warrior and a charismatic leader whose life and journey to success is inspiring. When AVP Tobing tells his story on stage, there is rarely a pair of dry eyes in the audience. What was life before QNET? It was tough. I was a street vendor selling coffee in a small village in East Java, Indonesia. I remember spending nights in bus terminals because we had lost our home. I also worked as a fishpond cleaner and once had human excrement fall on me while I was working. That was my life. I was grateful if I had enough to live another day.

needed to run my business. Armed with unwavering belief, newfound skills and a desire to succeed, nothing could stop me. After 14 months in QNET, I earned my first commission, and from that moment on, I was on fire.

How did you hear about QNET?

One of my biggest dreams was to bring my family back together. I brought them back from Sulawesi to Java in 2003 to live a better life with me.

I heard about QNET from a vegetable street vendor in 2001. As soon as I understood the business, I believed, and was determined to be part of it. But there was one huge problem… I didn’t have money. I struggled for months to gather enough to buy my first product, and when I finally did, I was in tears. What motivated you to succeed? I wanted to help my parents who were heavily in debt. I wanted my family to have a better life. I wanted to be able to dream. What was the biggest challenge you faced? My family and friends were against network marketing. It was hard to be alienated by those who were close to me, but I believed that I was doing the right thing. So I kept going.

Name your most memorable moment in QNET.

How has QNET changed you? I thought success was a fairy tale. I thought I was shy, quiet, inexperienced and unskilled. I always thought that I could not achieve anything – but with a change of mindset, I’ve evolved to who I am today. I now know that anyone can be successful. With QNET, I’ve achieved my dreams – wealth, a luxurious life, I have it all. But my dreams don’t stop with just my family and myself. I want my vision of building a thousand cities and a million leaders to come alive. I want people all over the world to feel what I feel, to have what I have. I want to pass on everything that I’ve learnt and I won’t stop until the end. What’s your advice to those who wish to succeed?

What was your turning point? At ReVCon Jogjakarta, I met my mentor, VP Sathi Senathirajah. From him, I learnt the essential skills

Be 100% committed and consistent. Never give up and accept both the joy and the sorrow of your fight for success.

Be 100% committed and consistent. Never give up and accept both the joy and the sorrow of your fight for success


DEVELOPING by Ramya Chandrasekaran


In the last issue of aspIRe, you read about the incredible journey of V Council member Kavita Sugandh, whose single-minded focus on her goal and strong will to succeed took her to great heights with QNET. This issue, we are thrilled to bring you our conversation with Kavita’s husband, upline and inspiration, 38-year-old V Council Sachin Gupta, who has consistently maintained the Diamond rank alongside his wife for two years in a row.

1. What drew you to the direct selling industry and QNET in particular?

3. Can you describe one life-changing moment for you in QNET?

I grew up in a small town in Madhya Pradesh, and after college, I got myself an MBA just like everyone else. At the time, my father had only five more years to retirement and I felt the pressure to take on the responsibilities of my parents and take care of my younger sister. I immediately got a job and spent the next ten years in banking, insurance and FMCG, building a corporate career.

Growing up in a middle-class family in a small town for most of my life, I saw the sacrifices my parents made and the financial limitations that prevented them from pursuing their dreams. When I first took them on a holiday abroad, they constantly converted the local currency to Indian Rupees in their mind and were hesitant to spend. But now, they travel everywhere in business class, pursuing their dreams without financial worries. Seeing them develop the millionaire mindset has been a very important landmark for me.

In my early working years, I was introduced to the concept of direct selling through another company and what attracted me to the business was the potential financial freedom. I saw possibilities of shrinking a 40-year career into four years! So, I pursued this opportunity and joined them part-time. I soon realised that I was not seeing growth in my income as expected with this direct selling company as I did in my corporate career through promotions and increments. So, I gave up the business because it didn’t seem worthwhile. About seven years up the corporate ladder, I became restless and wanted to start out on my own. That’s when I came across QNET and this is where I was able to see the actual income potential that gave me the confidence to leave my job and pursue network marketing full-time. 2. What important lesson have you learnt about business and life in your experience as a network marketing professional? The two most important things I have come to value in this journey are personal growth and a warrior mindset. I consider both an asset. In my opinion, the material benefits you get out of network marketing are not as important as the person you evolve into, in the process of achieving success.

4. What does success mean to you? A lot of hard work, overcoming challenges and dealing with mental conflict at the beginning of the journey. But the road leads to peace of mind, mental and emotional satisfaction and new beginnings. Success is not the destination; it’s only the milestone before the next one. My dream was always to play cricket at an international level for my country and I once represented my University at the national level. But at that time, I could not pursue that dream because of the uncertainty of sports and the pressure of family responsibility. I will not let that happen to the next generation. Being able to say that with confidence is a sign of success for me.

The road to success leads to peace of mind, mental and emotional satisfaction and new beginnings. Success is not the destination; it’s only the milestone before the next one.


Abraham Lincoln once said, “If I had four hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend three hours sharpening my axe.” There are three key elements in this quote – chopping the tree down is the GOAL, four hours is the total TIME spent, and sharpening the axe is the STRATEGY. You are in QNET because you have a goal. What is your goal? How much time are you willing to spend on your goal? And more importantly, what is your strategy to get there?

STRATEGISE WITH Q10 From QInfinite’s 8 Ways to Earn, QNET now offers you 10 exciting ways to earn through Q10 – a super hybrid compensation plan designed to significantly improve your income potential through new and sustainable income and reward channels.

SUPER HYBRID COMPENSATION PLAN Q10 is a combination of the two most powerful Compensation Plans in the industry – a Main Plan and a Repeat Sales Plan. These two exciting plans combined will give you MORE volume, MORE income, MORE often. Think of these two important elements as separate plans working together for a common goal, that is, to create short-term and long-term income channels for you and the people you empower through the three Ps.

PLAN, PRODUCTS AND PLATFORM Notice that other network marketing companies talk about their compensation plan, their products and their platforms separately. More often than not, platforms end up having only a few statements where the words; ‘state-of-the-art’, ‘cutting-edge’ or ‘business solutions’ are clichéd. Q10 is the Plan, the Products AND the Platform, together. They are inseparable. One cannot work without the other. What is the plan without the products and how will the plan and products work without the platform? This simple analogy led us to create Q10, one of QNET’s biggest enhancement projects.

THE PLAN The Q10 super hybrid compensation plan not only covers your three network marketing assets – your sales, your growth and your leadership, it is also now your cornerstone of success.







Year-Round Incentives


Retail Profit

New Programme Bonus

Early Payout

Rank Maintenance Bonus

Step Commission

Repeat Sales Commission

Rank Advancement Bonus RSP Plan Rank Advancement

Main Plan Rank Advancement



Now with Q10

8 Ways to Earn.

10 Ways to Earn.

Some products are assigned with Qualifying BV, some others, with RSP.

All products have RSP and BV!

Earn one type of commission only (Main Plan Commission).

Earn two powerful commissions (Step Commissions and RSP Commissions).

Rank Advance in the Main Plan only.

Rank Advancement in both Main and RSP Plan.

5 RSP Pay Levels.

Up to 10 RSP Pay Levels.

Convert your RSP into cash or BV within 6 months from the date you earned your RSP.

RSP is automatically converted into cash on a weekly basis. Get bonuses for maintaining your RSP Rank for 6 consecutive months.




Here’s a quick look at some of our products launched along with Q10.

THE PRODUCTS QNET offers a highly diverse portfolio of life-changing products and services. We have made our portfolio bigger, stronger and closer to you, our valued IR. With Q10, we launched a wide range of products and services that will not only suit your lifestyle and every need, but also achieve high loyalty and retention.

Prana Resort Nandana, Koh Samui, Thailand

These, along with our existing product offers will help you close sales by transforming you into a credible product of the product. Watch out for more life-enhancing products from QNET!

THE PLATFORM Q10 offers you not only stable and reliable compensation engines running behind-the-scenes as you run your business, it also provides powerful user-experience that will serve as your vehicles on your road to success. VIRTUAL OFFICE 2.0 Your business needs, your business wants, we heard you! Check out your new Main Plan and RSP Rank Advancement dashboards in the Virtual Office and see how you can utilise your new partner for success! Move up in ranks and maintain your stats in style! REPEAT PURCHASE PROGRAMME (RPP) Rank Advancement and Maintenance made simpler! Never miss your favourite products and your RSP requirements for your earnings through the carefully re-engineered RPP! Need to know more about Q10? Visit your Virtual Office and sharpen your business axe now with Q10!



by Jeannie Tan & Ploi Phayakvichien

Interview with Malou Caluza, QNET Chief Network Success Officer 2015 is QNET’s ‘Game Changer’ year. It is the year we start anew – new ideas, new beginnings and new challenges. Our 16-year history is nothing if we cannot stand at the forefront of the industry for another 16 years. Today, we sit down with QNET Chief Network Success Officer Malou Caluza, the woman driving QNET to start anew. This is her take on ‘Network Success.’ What is Network Success? Our goal is to bring success to QNET’s most important group of people – our IRs. It is the root of everything we do. Look at an IR’s journey with QNET – we challenge them to dream; take the first steps toward those dreams; support them every step of the way, delivering the tools they can use to enhance their journey and deploy seamless solutions to the challenges that they may encounter. As QNET Chief Network Success Officer, what are your plans for 2015? Listening is important. Success doesn’t come from simply talking and not listening to what others have to say. Only when we listen can we build a roadmap towards network success. In 2015, we will continue to listen to our IRs and understand their needs. Second, we will continue to have local presence within a global platform. Being on-the-ground, providing local support while giving our IRs an unlimited global platform to expand their network is one of the most powerful things we can provide. How is Q10 a game changer for the network? Q10, our super hybrid compensation plan, is designed to significantly improve income potential with new and sustainable income and reward channels. Q10 is a big leap forward for us and, of course, with Q10 comes an expansion of our QNET Product Portfolio. I mean, the Compensation Plan and products have to work hand in hand.

And as for what new products we are offering? We have loads! Just visit your eStore and you’ll see. Repeat Products is a key feature in Q10. Can you explain why subscribing to the Repeat Purchase Programme (RPP) is so important? We all use personal care and health care, and other products on a daily basis and we replenish them every few months or so. Why not take something we already need to pay for and turn it into sustainable income? The beauty of Q10 is its new Repeat Sales Points (RSP) plan designed to support IRs by increasing income from simply using QNET products. With Q10, we launched a wide range of products and services that you will not only be able to use on a daily basis, but will also achieve high loyalty and retention. Have you ever forgotten to restock your favourite nutrition supplements? With RPP, that won’t happen again, you will continue to receive your products on time and on a regular basis with just a one-time order. RPP also ensures RSP earnings and bonuses. Look at it this way, with RPP, you’ll never run out of your facial cream or favourite lipstick because it will automatically be delivered to your door in the frequency you desire.


by Ramya Chandrasekaran

Why is There So Much Negativity Around Direct Selling? Imagine. You are the owner of an online retail business selling home improvement supplies to people worldwide. You have a popular website where millions of satisfied customers purchase building materials and tools, shipping directly to their doorsteps. You worked hard and made many sacrifices to get to where you are today. One day, a customer purchases a hammer and a crowbar from your website. Unbeknownst to you, the man is a thief. He uses the tools to break into his neighbour’s house, steals a TV, some jewellery, a laptop and other valuables.

Companies, including QNET, are legally recognised worldwide as legitimate businesses with real benefits and opportunities and a positive impact in reducing youth unemployment in many countries.

comes from Korea; our watches, assembled in Switzerland, earn the distinction of being certified ‘Swiss Made’; our energy products, manufactured in Germany, are certified by reputable institutions from different countries.

The following week, police barge into your office, government agents confiscate your computers and freeze company bank accounts. You are charged with robbery plus breaking and entering. The police handcuff you, haul you away and throw you in jail – all for selling a hammer and a crowbar to someone you have never even met.

Network or multi-level marketing has unfortunately been tarred with adverse publicity, stemming from ‘pyramid selling’ or other illegal schemes that emphasise on recruitment or introducing participants and rewarding this recruitment, as opposed to the sale of any real products or services. Legitimate marketing plans provide rewards only from genuine product sales.

Sound absurd? It’s an industry-wide problem that has happened to QNET and several other leading direct selling companies, especially in developing countries that are emerging markets for this global industry. Almost every direct selling company has been accused of running a pyramid scheme and/or defrauding the public.

Addressing allegations of fraud A lack of awareness about the direct selling industry has made people in Asia and the Middle East sceptical. The industry is also not regulated by any legislation in many emerging markets and since QNET has often been the first in this business in many markets, we have borne the brunt of a lot of negative publicity that arise from baseless allegations by the media and the public. In many cases, QNET is never consulted nor contacted for comments before articles are published. Whenever possible, we take steps to address these issues directly with relevant authorities and the media to present QNET’s credentials and to invite them to visit our headquarters and experience the legitimacy of our operations first-hand.

Direct selling has been around for more than a century as an alternate version of self-employment. Since its early days, misconceptions have always plagued the industry, just as they did the insurance business. Yet, the direct selling industry continues to thrive and today is worth USD 178.5 billion globally in revenues. Compared to many industry giants, QNET is relatively young at 17 years. However, we are a pioneer of this business in Asia while most of the well-known companies originated from the USA or Europe. We were almost always the first in many markets in Asia and the Middle East, paving the way for others and, in the process, have generated a lot of discussion due to lack of understanding and awareness. We take this opportunity to set the record straight about QNET’s products, business and allegations of fraud. Products We pride ourselves in promoting exclusive, high-quality products and services that enable people to enhance their lifestyle as well as empower them to become entrepreneurs. QNET sources products from around the world through a very stringent process of quality checks and evaluation. Here are some examples using our best-selling products – our beauty product is manufactured in a leading laboratory in France; our nutrition products come from Australia; our water filtration system

Wherever applicable, our products are tested and certified by leading authorities and registered with the relevant government bodies. Our product development is backed by extensive research and goes through detailed evaluation processes before they go up in our eStore. Business Direct selling is an international business concept that has existed for many years. Companies, including QNET, are legally recognised worldwide as legitimate businesses with real benefits and opportunities and a positive impact in reducing youth unemployment in many countries.

Often, negative publicity sprouts when unscrupulous members misrepresent the QNET business opportunity and defraud another person. As all our distributors are Independent Representatives and not employees of the company, and despite our best efforts with extensive training programmes on personal and professional development, it is practically impossible to have control over every single distributor in the field. When we are made aware of wrongdoings by any of our distributors, we take immediate action by suspension. Such cases are small in number but when they are reported in the media, it is the only side that the public sees, creating a negative perception. Despite all allegations and other baseless stories, QNET continues to operate and grow globally, developing and building people to be self-sufficient and to make a positive impact in their community. No company can run an illegal business and continue to grow even after 17 years. Be assured that, with QNET, you have made the right choice. You are with a company that is dedicated to enabling people to rise, through solutions that power entrepreneurship and enhance urban lifestyles. LIVING PROOF



Adapted from Success in a Cup

1. Listening to the wrong people. Would you get a health consultation from someone without a medical degree? Of course not! So why ask for business advice from people who have never owned a business? A common mistake of those who are new to network marketing is consulting family and friends who have no business knowledge and listening when they express negative, unfounded opinions about it. Of course, your loved ones do not want to harm you with their advice, but it’s important to determine whether or not they’re qualified to lecture you about business. Turn to those who have known success in running one.

2. Starting with the wrong expectations. Repeat after me, “Network marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme.” Just like any business, it takes hard work and the right mindset. Don’t think that just because you can’t make

money in the first few months, you’re no good at the business or are being ripped off. Take time to learn from your upline and mentors and get better every day.

people and teach them the ropes, so they in turn can find their own downlines and teach them the ropes, and so on.

3. Choosing the wrong company.

6. Depending on money to solve everything.

First, ensure that you’re representing a legitimate network marketing company and not a pyramid scheme. Then, decide if you genuinely want to invest in it. A legitimate network marketing company offers high-quality products that are very useful to you, and is a company that is considered respectable, stable, and profitable.

Earning in network marketing means growing more disposable income. When you have a lot of money, it’s easy to fall to the temptation of simply throwing it at hurdles you encounter and hope that will make them instantly disappear. They won’t. You must find proactive, economical solutions to continue to have good cash flow.

4. Lying to prospects.

7. Giving up.

Do not mislead prospects into thinking they’re entering something other than what you present. Do not promise them instant riches and exaggerate how much you make. Never invite someone to dinner, only to bring them to a business opportunity meeting instead. This not only gives you a bad name, but the company you represent and the industry as well. Always be honest, even if it means losing some prospects. The ones who will still be interested are also more likely to be the right people for the business.

The final mistake is simple – most people give up too early and fail to see their plan through. Once they realise there’s work involved in network marketing, they move to the next shiny object that promises quick riches, not understanding that there’s no such thing – unless you get a huge inheritance or win the lottery, and even then you still need to work hard to maintain or grow your fortune. Ask any wealthy person. Success takes time and dedication. That’s what makes it all the more worth it.

5. Focussing ONLY on signing referrals.

So you’ve managed to sign a hundred direct downlines personally. THAT’S AMAZING! Right? Not if they all quit within 2-3 months. Remember: network marketing is about a lot of people each doing a little, not a few people doing a lot. Instead of going on a referral rampage, focus on getting a few really good


TH E GA ME CHA NGER Effort is required to win, but courage and GUTS (Genuine Urge to Succeed) are required to change the game. Change the world by example rather than by opinions. V Council Swarna Krishnan

by Hairul Fazillah and Christine Pereira

“Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow.” – Rupert Murdoch. This tells us how organisations need to have skilled people, capable of not only reacting to change but also being the agent of change, aka a game changer. But, if you take a step back and look at yourself, can you objectively call yourself a game changer? Before we leave you to think about that, why don’t you vet through some inspiring thoughts from people who take the year of the game changer very seriously.

A change of focus, a new horizon. Live and be a new you. Zaheer Merchant, Director of Corporate Affairs

A game changer is an awesome, amazing, out-of-the-box, hit-it-out-of-the-ballpark and make-a-real-difference kind of idea, executed well to make a real impact. Haldun Arin, QNET Chief Executive Officer 54


To make a difference, to break bad habits and to change lives. Krishna Kumar, Director of Business Development

Become the Game Changer instead of waiting for the game to change you. V Council Johnson Kuriakose

A challenger of the status quo. Want to be a winner? Change the game! V Council Ghada Hamdan

Game Changer to me implies that my business is irresistible, smarter and bigger than ever before, and dreams become reality. Hajara Kasule

Game Changer is being the same player in the same field but playing a different ball game. For me, the prospects and the plan is the same, the only difference is I must change how I do things. My belief and my speed must match my dream. Shem Shikuku Unleash your passion – Q10 is the game changer. V Partner Cherian Mathew No change means no life. A new life needs changes, changes need a game, and a game needs a dream. Game changer equals success. Success equals your dreams. Change or die Associate V Partner Yasir Khamis

Game changer is a new way to do business and to earn. It’s about a new attitude, new rules that can help me to reach my goal. Game changer is to raise the rate of earners. Sialou Kouakou Jean Luc

Game changer signifies un nouvel esprit. Richarde Zonohon

Q10 will take our network to even greater heights, enabling QNET to penetrate the entire world and climb to the top of the networking industry, with the top earners of Q10 at the front lines. V Council Omar Medhat

Your daily wins give you your biggest dream. Associate V Partner Kalai Manikam Game Changer is a mindset of endless possibilities and exponential growth in the highest and the best way. V Council Sanjiv Mehrotra

If it is to be, then it is up to me. V Partner Ferdie Tolentino

Change starts with me. My life must change in order to be successful. But I must also be able to change others’ lives too. V Council Wasantha Kumara

Learn to achieve what you haven’t achieved yet. There is no deadline for success. Milind Kadam THE GAME CHANGER



by Hairul Fazillah

Fret not, because thanks to our Director of Corporate Affairs Zaheer Merchant and his team, QNET has received the CaseTrust Accreditation certificate under a scheme of joint accreditation between the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) and Direct Selling Association of Singapore (DSAS). “This accreditation means that industry representatives have looked at our processes and are satisfied that important consumer protections are in place. It will give customers peace of mind that we have this independent CaseTrust organisation looking at the way we do our business,” explains Zaheer.

As network marketers, we constantly hear about how network marketing companies are simply a waste of time and money. Because of this, we always look forward to reading that one piece of good news that will reassure us that there’s nothing to worry about.

Being one of the first companies accredited under the scheme proves QNET’s world-class standard in pursuing consumer protection and rights. This milestone accreditation sends a strong signal to consumers ensuring them that QNET stands for exemplary business practices and that our Independent Representatives adhere to distinct Code

of Ethics in addressing conflicts within the industry. Here are some talking points validating QNET’s core sureties: •

A cooling-off period of seven working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays), during which consumers may seek a full refund.

• An order form at the time of sale, with clear and accurate contact details of the direct seller. • A well-defined complaint mechanism to address disputes. Now, QNET customers will be able to shop to their hearts’ content knowing that there are policies in place providing excellent consumer assurance.


by Christine Pereira The Regional V-Convention (ReVCon) is a special customised event celebrating network marketing success and catering to local trends and needs. In the past year, we have had two amazing ReVCons with over 8,000 participants collectively. Top achievers in both Egypt and the UAE were also recognised for their tireless efforts in strengthening the company’s presence. Here’s a quick recap.

ReVCon UAE was the biggest gathering of networkers since V-Malaysia 2014, with over 5,000 participants. Keynote addresses were made by V Partners Donna Imson-Lecaroz, Pathman Senathirajah, Sathi Senathirajah and Adly Hassan.

Many products were featured for the first time at V-Con. QNET and The V VIPs took turns taking the stage to present the newest range of QNET products that will allow you to start living.


by Vidya Madhavan

The area of special education is a major concern in developed countries, and even more so in developing countries. There still exists huge gaps and disparity between what is needed and what is actually available to cater to special educational needs and the needs of children or people with disabilities. Award-winning screenwriter and book author Yvonne Pierre said, “My outlook on life has forever changed. I see my own challenges differently. My son who has special needs showed me that life is so much bigger than self.”

There still exists huge gaps and disparity between what is needed and what is actually available to cater to special educational needs 60


Initiatives inspired by YOU QNET was founded on the unique principle of RYTHM – Raise Yourself To Help Mankind. Since our inception, we have taken the act of paying it forward very seriously, especially in communities where we operate. RYTHM is such an integral part of who we are, that many of you – our Independent Representatives – have been key initiators of some of the special educational needs projects we have done around the world through our CSR implementation arm, RYTHM Foundation.

In Tajikistan

In Russia

Over 125,000 people are registered as special needs in Tajikistan. 19,000 are under 16-years old and 1,447 children are registered as orphans. While the data contradicts reality, as many are not yet registered, the fact remains that these numbers are shocking! Very few of these children attend school because mainstream schools are not properly equipped to deal with students who learn differently.

Traditionally in Russia, children with special educational needs were educated in special day institutes, boarding schools or by private tutors. Nowadays, more efforts are being made to use the Internet and involve these children in distance learning, but the facilities and provision for special needs still severely lag behind, compared to other advanced countries.

In 2006, the Association of Parents of Disabled Children (APDC) in Dushanbe had started a day care centre for children with special educational needs. A group of caring IRs in Tajikistan, who frequently help out at the centre, approached QNET for support when they realised that the centre needed qualified teachers and basic essential needs – all of which require a huge amount of funds. Taking this opportunity, QNET and RYTHM Foundation joined hands with APDC and is the first corporate organisation in Tajikistan to offer assistance. With QNET’s help, APDC can now run the school smoothly and hire professionals to help these children progress and live a normal life. Currently, there are 75 children in association with this pilot project and QNET will continue to assess and monitor the children’s development in school.

A few compassionate QNET IRs from Kirov – after spending quality time with children of Uspenskoye Residential School in the Slobodskoy district – found that the school was in critical need of basic and essential teaching equipment and a new playground. They initiated a partnership between QNET and the school, with hope of helping build a brighter future for these kids. With QNET’s support through RYTHM Foundation, the school is currently building a fully equipped playground, complete with sports and exercise equipment that will benefit 72 pupils and 29 teachers. We look forward to the children of Uspenskoye Residential School having better access to physical therapy and educational opportunities.




by Ploi Phayakvichien

A MOMENT IN TIME WITH BERNHARD H. MAYER® Time is fleeting; it passes by so quickly. But we’re lucky; today we can capture the perfect moment on camera, letting us relive the best times as our memories fade. A few months ago, we asked you to send us your best #qnetmoments spent in the company of your favourite luxury Bernhard H. Mayer® watch. We were amazed by the amount of great feedback we received, whether on Facebook or Instagram. Even some of our staff pitched in with their share of #qnetmoments and Bernhard H. Mayer® watches. Thanks to all of you, we were able to successfully complete our #qnetmoments project: We turned your photos into a spectacular video on our YouTube channel – QNETOfficial. To remember some of the best #qnetmoments, we hand-picked some of our favourite submissions to showcase to our aspIRe readers. Enjoy! And before we part, let’s aim for 2015 (and the years to come), to be the year we live life to the fullest and aim for every moment to be a perfect #qnetmoment.

This article is brought to you by Bernhard H. Mayer® Bernhard H. Mayer® is a brand of luxury Swiss-made timepieces that combines technical knowledge with exceptional skills to create works of art. Offering an impressive collection of timepieces, a Bernhard H. Mayer® timepiece is a testimony of its owners’ high standards in terms of reliability and aesthetics.




by Gil Cadiz When I show up at your doorstep, do you ever wonder how exactly I find my way to you? Well, let me take you through my journey so you see what an awesome job QUEX Courier is doing in handling and delivering me to your loving home. First, I’d like to introduce you to QUEX Courier – the QI Group’s logistics division, founded in 2005 as a warehouse and distribution centre for QNET. QUEX’s standard operating procedures are certified by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Services) and it has been awarded the ISO 9001 (International Organisation for Standardisation) certification for four consecutive years now. Today, it has 30,000 square feet of warehouse space in Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong, collectively. I come from one of its clean, well-organised and heavily secured warehouses.


Some of us have many parts and need to be assembled into one product and so the Inventory and Operations team puts us together. They call this ‘kitting’. They do a normal kit or a custom kit, for countries with special requirements.

Now, are you ready? Let’s go!


The Inventory team of QUEX receives me from the Supplier (the company that created me) and categorises me as Energy, Luxury or Consumable. They do a physical count of me and my companions to ensure that the supplier’s invoice is in order and that they have delivered all of us in the correct quantity (we don’t want to be missing any one!).


The very meticulous QC (Quality Control) team looks at us one by one to verify whether we’re perfect enough to be delivered to you or be moved to the defective lot. I’m lucky, so I get to proceed to the next step.

“Quality and on-time delivery are our top goals in QUEX.” – Thiripura Sunthari, QUEX Head of Logistics Data Management


The Inventory team comes back to do a physical count of us products released by the QC team before keying in our total number on the computer system and putting us in the storage where we will rest and wait for our big day.



Every day, the Shipping team gets the product orders from the eStore; this is right after you bought me online. Did you know QUEX uses the most sophisticated software – SAP (Systems Application and Products) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) – for processing your orders wherever you are in the world?

Finally, I am then carefully handled and delivered to any of QNET’s representative offices, stockists, agents; or, straight to your very door, where you receive me with a big smile on your face! That’s how I get to you safe and sound. That’s how QUEX ensures that you receive me in my best element and ready to give you the benefits and advantages that you and your family deserve. With that, I thank you for being with me in my journey!


The Inventory and Operations team then picks me up from the storage and ensures that my serial number is deducted from the inventory on the computer system.

“We at QUEX are focussed on providing value to what we do – serving and satisfying the QNET IRs.” – Robert John, QUEX General Manager


This is where I say goodbye to the other products, as we are packed by the Operations team into our individual cartons/packages and according to country requirements and shipment methods.

The Shipping team preps me for shipment by preparing the documents and coordinating my uplift with QUEX’s trusted partners – international courier service providers like DHL, Aramex, FedEx and TNT. Did you know that an average of 1,000 shipments per day is arranged from Kuala Lumpur?


BOOKS FROM by Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran

Uncommon Sense, Common Nonsense – Jules Goddard and Tony Eccles This book is special to me because it gives new perspective to age-old dilemmas faced by networkers and corporate leaders alike. It labels and attacks ‘fashionable’ theories of today’s business world – the so-called ‘common sense’ – as being ‘common nonsense.’ An excerpt says, “Wealth-creating actions are driven more by curiosity than by targets; misconception: good strategies are more often purposeful than emergent.” When applied to network marketing, this simply means that real success comes not so much from setting targets and objectives but more from pushing the boundaries of ‘fashionable’, leaping into the unknown. The winning strategy for success is creativity – which the authors refer to as ‘uncommon sense’.

Real success comes not so much from setting targets and objectives but more from pushing the boundaries of ‘fashionable’, leaping into the unknown.

More often than not, we are so focussed on our objectives – which are tied to numbers – that we lose sight of our strategic goal.

Let me use my daily routine of swimming as an example. My objective is to complete 30 laps a day but my goal has no point of reference to swimming at all. My goal is to become healthier, with the subset goal of achieving a target weight suited for my frame. Neither does the weight, nor the 30



laps have anything to do with the overall strategic goal – my health. Many managers or leaders are fixated on the 30 laps – to them, 31 equals success and 29 equals failure. Sadly, the numbers make little difference to the overall goal or how fast it is attained. Objectives are important, but they are not always the goal. Austrian author Peter Drucker summed up the essence of this book so aptly when he said, “There is nothing as useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” So, are you ruled by uncommon sense… or common nonsense?

Howard Schultz Chairman and CEO, Starbucks “I think it’s very difficult to lead people today, when they are not truly participating in the decisions. You cannot attract and retain great people if they don’t feel that they are part of the authorship of the strategy and the authorship of the really critical issues. If you don’t give people an opportunity to be really engaged in this, they will not stay.” Like Schultz, I believe that when we take authorship of an idea or a decision, we infuse a part of ourselves into the entire exercise, becoming a part of it. This is the reason we practice consensus management in QNET. Charles Schwab Founder, Charles Schwab Corporation “If you look at any CEO who has been successful, they all have incredible passion about their business. If they are not passionately committed, they cannot possibly lead.” All these leaders speak a common language: one of belief, fortitude, and an innate sense of integrity. They also talk of everything else but profit. In fact, they all had a higher purpose, and that purpose is what I wish for you as a fellow student in this path. Aspire, Acquire and Achieve.

Lessons from the Top: The 50 Most Successful Business Leaders in America – and What You Can Learn From Them – Thomas J. Neff and James M. Citrin This is a compilation of powerful stories and lessons from people who have navigated the labyrinthine world of business. Their messages might be more than a decade old, but they are timeless. Here are some of my favourite quotes: Ray Gilmartin Former President and CEO, Merck & Co. “There must always be a higher purpose over and beyond that of financial results. We cannot consume our talent and people merely in achieving financial results.”

According to Gilmartin, to know and develop higher standards of ethics and integrity within the company: 1. Know and develop yourself. 2. Know and develop the business. 3. Know, develop and support your people. 4. Communicate, communicate, communicate. I would select all four as my own traits, except that I would put the fourth point above all!




by Joseph Bismark

your mobile device to track all your fitness activities. It’s got route tracking, social media sharing, site integration (stores all your historical workout data) and training log (records duration, distance, pace, speed, elevation and calories burned data for each workout). Aside from being a strict vegetarian, I am a staunch advocate of holistic health and wellness. And I walk my talk! I work out, do yoga asanas (poses), go cycling and swim. I make it a point to do at least one physical activity every day and I want to share with you some of the tools that I use to maintain a sound mind and body. Fitness Programme: rip:60 I like working out and I have been using rip:60 for a while now. It uses your bodyweight along with the Rip 60 equipment for a well-rounded workout covering flexibility, strength, stability and balance. Weights: Kettlebells I use kettlebells in my workout at least once a week. It is a cast-iron weight that looks like a cannonball with a handle. In the 1700s, it was a tool to weigh crops but now, it is used as equipment for exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. Application: MapMyRide When I’m cycling, I use the MapMyRide mobile app. It uses the built-in GPS of

Book: Anatomy of Yoga Yoga is my way of life; it is the intrinsic and instinctive essence of my being. I live it and teach it. I’m now a yoga master at the Singapore School of Meditation and Yoga and for me to be an effective teacher, it’s essential that I continue learning. One of the books I’m reading is Anatomy of Yoga: An Instructor’s Inside Guide to Improving Your Poses by Dr Abigail Ellsworth. It helps me know more about the physiology of yoga asanas – the muscles that are engaged by specific poses, how to maximise the benefits of each pose and how to design a yoga routine to focus on problem areas.

Aside from the fact that activities keep us fit, they also help us conquer self-doubts and fears, to achieve the best version of ourselves.

Application: SoundCloud Synonymous with prayer, meditation is the actual practice of yoga. It connects the soul to the spiritual world, the realm of the Supreme Person. I upload my recordings of mantras and bhajans chants on my SoundCloud page. To listen to some new tracks of meditative chanting, please visit Brain Training Programme: Lumosity I use Lumosity to ensure that my brain remains sharp and healthy. It is scientifically designed and personalised, and works out all aspects of the brain using fun scientific games that can be played on any device. It is backed by a team of research scientists with 40+ years of combined experience. I’m on it at least 15 minutes every day. I believe in the importance of immersing ourselves in as many physical and mental activities as we can. Aside from the fact that activities keep us fit, they also help us conquer self-doubts and fears, to achieve the best version of ourselves.




by Nathan Brown



The growth of mobile has opened up a new platform for more QNET products and handy services to help you run your business. We cannot emphasise enough how quickly mobile is transforming not only life, but QNET too. The volume of people accessing from their mobile device jumped from about half a million in 2013 to more than 1.5 million last year! That’s a 70% increase!

Presentación* Do Presentación. Presentación. Presentación. on the go with this brilliant app. Presentación is your sales buddy that organises all QNET presentations, videos, sales sheets and business tools, which you can access and view even when offline.

The change is happening so quickly that there is a real chance that your prospective customers and team members expect a mobile experience in their interactions with you and QNET.

BrilTime* Need to connect with your team when out of town? BrilTime is a communications service available through subscription in the eStore. It connects you to everything and everyone through these powerful tools:

We have factored this explosive change into our strategic plan and already have a suite of powerful, innovative mobile tools to meet a wide range of needs and circumstances. QNET4U Our newest mobile app is designed for people who are considering joining QNET as an Independent Representative. It’s perfect alongside your business presentation as it gives prospects engaging video content about all aspects of the business in one handy app.

*Check the eStore for Presentación services available in your country.

• BrilNet – offers on-the-go conferencing for delivering meetings and presentations. • BrilCloud – your huge 150 GB hard drive in the cloud for storing your music, videos, photos and files, and accessing them from anywhere. *Check the eStore for BrilTime services available in your country. Visit for more info.

QNET Mobile 5.1 Our full-featured Virtual Office and eStore mobile app, QNET Mobile, allows you to do pretty much everything – enrolment, Q Account and Virtual Office functions as well as eStore shopping. Qashout The Qashout app allows you to turn your commissions into hard cash in the bank; just like your personal banking app! V-Con App The biggest shopping event of the year takes place at V-Con where thousands of networkers stock up on QNET products to eliminate shipping and handling charges on their purchases. The V-Con App allows you to avoid the queues and go straight to the pick-up counter to collect your goodies!




by Aneesh Medina



If you’re a networker and not using YouTube, you’re certainly missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools ever created. QNET releases about eight videos a month on its YouTube channel – QNETOfficial. Each video is released to help you, QNET’s Independent Representative, do well in your business. Most videos are translated into various languages to help you and your prospects understand them better. QNET boasts an 11,000+ subscriber fan base. Yes, 11,000+ IRs are already using this tool to reach greater heights in the business. It’s time you get on the bandwagon! Why is YouTube so important? First, it’s important to create brand awareness. A prospect who doesn’t know much about our brand can learn a lot more through our videos. They can learn about our products and our business, and this in turn will help you, as your prospect will have more faith in your presentation. Second, rather than simply talking about a QNET product, show it to your prospect. But, it’s difficult to keep carry products around and this is where YouTube comes to the rescue. QNET uploads product videos along with training guides. If your prospect would like to see the product and its capabilities, why not show them a video of it? This way, your prospect gets to see the product and understand how it works! Third, YouTube lets you show your prospect business and product testimonials. Testimonials are a sure-shot way to stir up your prospect’s interest in the business and the products.

Spontaneity makes you awesome and YouTube helps you be spontaneous.

• According to Alexa (web traffic data provider), YouTube is the 3rd most viewed website after Google and Facebook! • More than 1 billion people visit YouTube every month. • YouTube is localised in 39 countries and in 54 languages! • Videos increase people’s understanding of your product or service by 74%. • 22% of internet users visit the website named in a video they viewed. • 26% of internet users look for more information after viewing a video. Source:

Another way to attract prospects is to share videos from the QNETOfficial YouTube Channel on all your social media pages. Who knows, it might interest a mutual friend! Even sending these videos via messaging services like LINE, WhatsApp or WeChat could prove beneficial. Spontaneity makes you awesome and YouTube helps you be spontaneous. If a prospect wishes to see a product or has a question that already has an answer in a video, just send the video URL right away and your prospect will surely appreciate your efficiency. It will also show the prospect that the company you’re associated with equips you with tools to tackle any situation. These are just a few ways how YouTube can help you. Today, visual communication facilitates an easier and more precise transmission of information than text does, so why not give YouTube a chance and discover more ways this tool could help enrich your business? Scan the QR code below to subscribe to QNETOfficial!




WHAT TO WATCH THIS WEEKEND Three V Ambassadors Share Their Favourite Movies by Gil Cadiz

Movies are not just a form of escapism. They develop in us a keen appreciation of life and for our fellow humans. They give us a wider understanding of how differently we have been created and how much we need one another. They drive understanding, inspiration and change. We asked three of our most hard working V Ambassadors to share their favourite movies and how these stories inspired them. Read on to find out what they had to say.

Associate V Partner Kalai Manikam

Associate V Partner Dev Johl

V Council Member Devaraj Jeevaratnam

Mary Kom – A truly inspiring story of India’s Women’s Boxing World Champion, MC Mary Kom, who fought against all odds to achieve her goals. Her dad, who failed in boxing, refused to let her even think about boxing. What’s worse, the country didn’t favour women’s boxing.

Miracle – A 2004 sports drama about the US Men’s Hockey team who won the gold medal in the 1980 Winter Olympics. It presents all the ingredients that are needed to succeed in the network marketing business. It encourages us to go against all odds, to excel in an arena where people don’t believe you can.

Peaceful Warrior – A 2006 film based on the novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. It’s about a troubled but talented gymnast in the University of California, Berkley, who meets a mysterious spiritual guide who teaches him the philosophy that one must live entirely in the present moment.

This movie also makes us understand that through taking ownership and working as a team, we can achieve the impossible.

Through practical lessons and long contemplation, he was taught that for him to truly understand and harness his capabilities, he needs to listen to the silence within himself. Does this sound familiar? It is the very same philosophy that our dear Founder Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran speaks of in his book In the Sphere of Silence.

Despite all odds and facing a tide of racism, Mary braves it and packs some power punches to become World Champion. Post marriage and motherhood, Mary’s boxing career almost came to a halt, but she made a strong comeback to win the world title again. To me, she is a symbol of who a real dreamer is. No matter what the situation is, even if logic doesn’t favour you, as long as your heart is willing and you’re willing to work, your dream is yours for the taking!



In network marketing, as in any sales-driven business, how you appear to a prospect is what lets them know you’re worth their time. Few people will give their time to someone poorly dressed because it could signify that either you lack credibility to back up what you say, or you don’t respect your prospect enough to prepare. The way we dress is a form of self-expression. If you want to express a professional and successful image, then you must dress up like professional and successful people. It’s a lot easier than it looks and can be summed up in three tips: 1. Always be neat. Make sure your clothes are in good repair, free from stains and wrinkles. Check your teeth and fingernails for stains as well, and maintain a clean and manageable hairstyle. 2. Dress conservatively and comfortably. It’s best to err on the side of modesty. Two-piece business suits in basic colours are a very good bet. Ensure that what you wear will support a good flow of conversation as you interact with your prospect. This means keeping your pockets empty to avoid distracting bulges or sounds. Bring a light, well-organised portfolio case for your presentation materials – if you can present using a tablet, all the better. 3. Wear a genuine smile. Always approach with the right balance of friendly and serious. Keep a straight (not stiff!) posture, maintain a comfortable distance, keep your eyes from wandering away from your prospect and be mindful of your gestures. While direct sales is not a beauty contest, your appearance says a lot about you and plays a significant role in your success. So own a look that works for you and live up to it for every prospect and you’ll get where you want to be.



by Vidya Madhavan

Truly Global, Truly Local



With a beautiful office in Istanbul and 17 dedicated employees serving over 70,000 Independent Representatives, QNET Turkey, QNET’s franchise company in Turkey has certainly been making waves in the country since its establishment in 2010. QNET Turkey General Manager Cem Geyik chats with aspIRe about how the company is setting itself apart from other direct selling organisations. 1. How has direct selling impacted Turkey? Direct selling has great potential for growth in Turkey and, over the years, has provided an alternative source of income for over a million people – 86 per cent of whom are women. Direct selling has opened endless entrepreneurial opportunities for women who are either not financially independent or who do not have strong income potential due to lack of education. Today, many more women in this country are living a life of economic power and freedom. I am glad to say that our industry has played a significant role in making that a reality. 2. What is QNET doing differently in Turkey compared to other direct selling companies? QNET is unique because we combine network marketing with the power of eCommerce; we don’t have any physical stores in the country, our IRs can buy products online from anywhere and have them delivered right to their doorstep. Our product range is wide and tailored specifically for the Turkish market. We support domestic trade and production by sourcing some of our products locally.

By the end of 2015, QNET Turkey aims to be listed among the top three companies in Turkey. 3. What are QNET Turkey’s plans for 2015, The Game Changer year? Innovation is key for us, more so this year. We have rapidly expanded our product lines introducing a cosmetics range – Couleurs; an oral care range – Brille Premium; a range of food supplements – Vitanew. We will develop more quality products under these lines to meet the growing needs of our customers. By the end of 2015, QNET Turkey aims to be listed among the top three companies in Turkey for net sales. 4. Where do you see QNET Turkey in the next three years? Because we are located at the intersection of Europe and Asia, QNET Turkey is ready to play a pivotal role as QNET’s logistic hub. Within the next few years, we aim to market more locally manufactured products to the rest of the world. 5. In what way has QNET Turkey been giving back to the local community? We have a long-term partnership with TEGV (Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey), an organisation that supports children. Established in 1995 by a group of industrialists, managers and academicians who are strong advocates of quality education, the foundation aims to support basic education provided by the government. QNET Turkey has donated five units of AirPure Air Purifiers to TEGV Fındıkzade that are being used in children’s classes, providing them with a more healthy and conducive learning environment. Our employees also volunteer at some of TEGV’s programmes. AROUND THE WORLD



by Timothy Harney

products and services, so that they can increase their knowledge, improve their presentation skills and conduct themselves more professionally. During my visits, I participated in two IR workshops, each attended by about 300 people. These sessions were conducted by uplines who spoke about our products; becoming better QNET representatives; and being thankful to the country for the opportunity (and safe environment) to be entrepreneurs. At this time, when the world focusses on the differences between countries and cultures, and people try to distance themselves from one another, the binding force of QNET’s agents and IRs in Morocco was a great reminder, to me, that we are one in action and spirit. We are truly making a difference in the world. One might wonder – for a company like QNET with millions of customers in over 100 countries and a wide variety of business cultures, languages, markets and products – what is the glue that binds us with our Independent Representatives (IRs)? During my January-February travels to the Kingdom of Morocco, I witnessed a common theme of growing together and betterment among QNET’s agent and our Moroccan IRs. IEDNET S.A.R.L., QNET’s agent in Morocco, now has a new and bigger office in downtown Casablanca, a wonderful display of 30+ QNET products and friendly, competent and tri-lingual customer support staff. Equally impressive is the office’s commitment to our Moroccan IRs; they hold nightly product trainings 78 AROUND THE WORLD

We are one in action and spirit. We are truly making a difference in the world. on QNET’s new products and ethical marketing training sessions to help them market the products the right way. The agent, along with QNET, met with Moroccan authorities to foster a clear understanding of the direct selling industry, helping them recognise how different QNET is from the pyramid companies out there. Our Moroccan IRs, both old and new, are eager to learn about QNET’s

Timothy (Tim) Harney is a Senior Legal Officer in QNET and a licensed lawyer of 20+ years from the United States. Tim has an extensive background in international contracts, business development activities and government relations, and travels extensively to Central Asia, Middle East and African countries for QNET.


by Martin Soosay

Myanmar, a nation chock-full of culture and home to 60 million people, is a land scattered with golden pagodas and areas previously off-limits that are now opening up. Wherever you go, you can still encounter many men wearing their traditional lungees instead of pants and the women folk smothered in thanakha (traditional makeup). As the country makes tentative steps towards democracy, the world rushes in to do business there. Today, visitors encounter engaging, considerate, inquisitive and passionate locals eager to become global citizens and to know what the world makes of their country. 1

Now is the time and moment to make that connection. QNET, a company of Asian heritage, has arrived in Myanmar offering entrepreneurial opportunity. With direct selling gaining popularity, Myanmar is seen to have huge potential to become a leading market in the South East Asian region. On 8 March 2015, in the presence of more than 300 local IRs and leaders, along with a host of dignitaries, QNET launched its Agency office in Myanmar. Located in the heart of Yangon’s business district, the office will act as the main customer support centre for QNET in Myanmar and will provide consultations about the company, products, after-sales service for distributors.

The local agency will also provide training for QNET’s Independent Representatives and facilitate training sessions to ensure they are equipped with sufficient product knowledge and business ethics of network marketing and the compensation plan.

“We believe the people of Myanmar, with their ambition and strong sense of entrepreneurship, will appreciate the quality consumer products we sell and the business opportunities we offer,” said QNET’s Regional General Manager of South East Asia Stevenson Charles at the launch.

QNET has contracted with local company, Kyi Min Brothers Group of Companies, to provide local customer support and promote products. Managing Director of Kyi Min Brothers Group of Companies, Kyi Min Han, said, “We look forward to deepening our relationship with QNET through


3 1. The unveiling of the QNET Agency office. 2. A firm handshake to signify the appointment of Kyi Min Brothers as QNET Agent. 3. The young Myanmar IRs are all motivated at the launch.

strong partnerships with the locals in the areas of entrepreneurship and international trade. I would like the people of Myanmar to visit our office, see the variety of products on display and grab the opportunities available through QNET.”




by Rita Suttarno It’s been almost a year since the official announcement that QNET and MCFC are joining hands, and so much has happened already! Here are snippets of some of our amazing #QNETCITY moments that we want to share with you, our beloved aspIRe readers. Go #QNETCITY!

Do you know who this is? #qnetcity

We are #QNETCITY! A sea of Sky Blues in #QNET #HongKong office

QNET loves #qnetcity #ilovewhatido



Feeling excited #QNETCITY

Most adorable QNETCITYZEN ever!!! #QNETCITY#MCFC



After a networking lunch #qnetcity

Man City sponsors! #qnetcity

GOAL!!! #qnetcity

#QNETCity high above on a billboard

#qnetcity #qnet

I am #qnetcity

Abu Dhabi

Networkers all over the world joined us for football viewing parties in celebration of our partnership with Manchester City Football Club. Parties were timed with the huge Manchester City vs Manchester United match which Man City won convincingly. Viewing parties took place in Cairo, Abu Dhabi and Jakarta.

Abu Dhabi





Check out some of our top leaders with their MCFC Jerseys! Share your proud #QNETCITY moments with us. Tag us at @qnetofficial and hashtag #QNETCITY!


by Nathan Brown

ROCK NETWORK MARKETING We are fast approaching the end of our first year as the Official Direct Selling Partner of the 2013/14 Barclays Premier League Champions, the mighty Manchester City Football Club. During this time, we have offered blue carpet experiences to lucky networkers at the Etihad Stadium, hosted the Barclays Premier League Trophy in our office and even had QNET kids escort MCFC players onto the pitch in Manchester! This sensational new partnership is growing our brand and our business. In the words of our Founder Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran, “Football contributes positive energy to the world; it offers an automatic method for individuals to connect with society globally. Football is a game for all and it thrives on human instinct from the Americas to Africa, the Middle East to Asia!” From here on, it only gets bigger as QNET stands tall, in a league of its own, on the global network marketing stage as a long-time supporter of a professional sport.

It was a day to remember for these QNET kids who spent the day at the Etihad Stadium checking out the press room and player locker rooms, and finally experiencing the sheer thrill of escorting MCFC players onto the pitch in front of 48,000 roaring fans for the MCFC vs Hull City match in February 2015.



Scores of networkers have had the exhilarating experience of receiving exclusive blue carpet treatment at the Etihad Stadium. Sumit Tawanee and his top downlines enjoy fancy MCFC lattes on a wintry afternoon at the Etihad Stadium in January 2015.

More than 500 networkers partied at the Zayeed Sports Centre in Abu Dhabi, in November last year, to watch a live broadcast of Manchester City playing Manchester United. That same weekend, the Barclays Premier League Trophy and Capital One Cup were on display for public viewing not far away in QNET’s Dubai office! SPORTS 83



by Christine Pereira

Chetan Korada: Born to be fearless Meet Chetan Korada – QNET Independent Representative, networker, entrepreneur, DJ, and Formula 1600 race car driver. Complications at birth had new-born Chetan’s legs amputated from below both his knees. But that didn’t deter the fighter in him who used his prosthetic legs to climb to great heights. Born and raised in India, Chetan adapted well to his surroundings, and with the support of his family, he is now known across the country for his extraordinary skills on the race track. His mother, Associate V Partner Padma, gleams with pride whenever she speaks of him, “I have immense trust and faith in Chetan. More than the popularity that comes with racing, I want him to be confident in himself. I cannot be a prouder mother, because no matter what obstacles came his way, he has always kicked them aside and used it to get better.”



Chetan takes pride in being the only bilateral amputee driver in Asia, the first in the world to win races with artificial legs and second in the world to race, after ex-Formula 1™ driver Alex Zenardi. “Inspired by Alex Zenardi and Nick Hamilton, who showed me that nothing is impossible, I went on a test drive for Formula Swift in 2007 and immediately decided racing was for me,” Chetan shares. He began racing professionally in 2008. In 2009, he was crowned ‘Summer Cup Champion’. He went on to achieve 16 podium finishes between 2010 and 2011 in the Formula Maruti category. In his first year in the national levels, he started 12th on the grid but finished 1st. Last year, at the Mercedes Benz Youngster Driver Programme, he was one of the 24 drivers selected to participate out of the 5,790 entries. He finished 4th.

Follow your dreams with hard work and dedication. Nothing in life ever comes by easily but true defeat is when you stop trying.

His ambition to become world champion is fuelled by the thrill of driving, “Racing is a dangerous sport; the feeling of living on the edge makes me push aggressively to get that podium finish.” He asks for no special treatment but only the chance to challenge himself and win, “For the first couple of years, many fellow racers did not know of my condition. My car has not been modified; it’s the same as everyone else’s and I’m not in any disadvantage compared to others. These legs are as good as having flesh and bone. The adrenaline that comes with racing is all I need to reach that finish line.” Ever since Chetan broke into the big league of national racing, QNET has been by his side, helping him achieve his dream, “Racing is an expensive sport and, after the Junior Cup, I thought I had to wait to race again. However, QNET had my back. I would not have been able to achieve all that I did without QNET.” QNET feels equally proud to have played a part in helping such a powerhouse reach his goals. QNET Managing Director JR Mayer speaks highly of him, “Chetan is the best example of not letting your challenges

get the better of you. I’ve never heard him say he cannot do something because of his condition, no matter what the task was. When we think he might need help, he’ll prove us wrong and leave us in awe. “Chetan gripped us with his spirit and professionalism when he approached us for a sponsorship. Direct selling and sports are both platforms for performance. Through his performance, he has inspired others to go beyond their obstacles and achieve their goals.” Chetan urges everyone to go beyond their boundaries, “Follow your dreams with hard work and dedication. Nothing in life ever comes by easily but true defeat is when you stop trying. Challenge your challenges and always look to inspire at least one other person to do better.”



by Manu Nithya and Rita Suttarno

Digitally, we have advanced so much that now every tiny bit of information is just a click away and is in your hands 24/7. As the world progresses on in this never-ending chase for time and wealth, it is undeniable that we have made astounding technology developments. But, have we ever stopped to think about where all this comes from? Behind every company, every programming language and every piece of software, there is a person – are often part of a team – who turns ideas into reality. There are hundreds of other people, from early pioneers to later geniuses, who aren’t as well-known but who deserve recognition for the work they do in advancing information technology for us all. At QNET, we have brilliant digital creators, database developers, inquisitive architects, eCommerce experts, project managers, business analysts, tech support and many more unsung heroes dedicating their all to their projects, always on the lookout for something better and always trying to be innovative and different. QNET Head of Digital Innovation Michael Wolczyk probably puts it best, “We’re definitely not IT for IT’s sake.” QNET’s Global IT heroes are a group of professionals who are set on providing Independent Representatives a game-changing online environment that helps them build their business. The team doesn’t just make sure the eStore is up and your Virtual Office and genealogy are running, they create new and innovative digital platforms that help make your life as a “The most enjoyable part of working in QNET is the networker easy. What keeps this group of diverse people networking possibilities and sharing the collective inspired and innovative? We caught up with some of knowledge amongst so many talented individuals all them and here is what keeps them on their toes and why they love what they do. working towards a common goal.”

Head of IT Applications Ivan Woo, Hong Kong


Apart from his digital experience, Ivan Woo is also known for his insightful and unfiltered two cents’ worth. His favourite superhero is Batman; he loves the idea of an intelligent billionaire, equipped with amazing technologies, battling bad guys. A movie buff, Ivan’s favourite sappy movie is About Time. The movie met all the bottom-line criteria in his must-watch list: It taught him to laugh, cry like a baby, and think like a boss. SUPPORT

“At QNET, we treat each other like family; we help one another, work hand in hand and strive to create amazing products. We put a lot of effort into making sure the quality of our product is considered a premium.”

Business Analyst May Isais, Philippines

“QNET is a fantastic organisation to work for. A typical day includes multiple opportunities to reflect on and provide feedback amongst management and peers. In many situations, the challenges of not knowing exactly what is coming next push you to constantly search deeper for answers.”

May is a quiet Computer Science graduate. She tells us that although people usually assume she’s timid and shy, she can be a bit of a badger at times. She spends her time biking, cycling, running and combating on Clash of Clans. During her free time, she loves chatting, reading or watching a good movie while plonked on her couch. Her job is her passion but she tries to balance work and play.

Enterprise Systems Manager Kelvin Hoh, Malaysia Kelvin is known for his bona fide cool personality and generosity among his colleagues. The doting father is also known as the doppelganger of celebrity Emil Chow! He is someone who yearns to have a cool superpower like flying and has a soft spot for his favourite electric guitar designed by master Luthier Greg Bennett and created by craftsmen at Samick. Analyst Beer Nantaporn Kulchai, Thailand Beer is not only a bubbly IT graduate; she is a pet lover who craves a good adventure. One thing people don’t usually know about her is that she has another degree in Education and, during the weekends, teaches Computers to primary school children. During her spare time, she loves watching movies and Korean TV shows, and she isn’t shy to admit that she does! She also enjoys travelling alone, exploring different places and cultures.

“I’m amazed every day by QNET – a diverse group of people who go all-out together to achieve more than any of them could ever imagine doing on their own.”




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