1. What is the start and end date of the Go for Gold Plus promo? Answer: Go for Gold Plus promo starts on Saturday, 1 March 2014, 00:01 HKST and ends on Friday, 11 April 2014, 23:59 HKST. 2. Who is eligible to participate in Go for Gold Plus promo? Answer: All new and existing IRs registered under the QNET Compensation Plan are eligible to participate in Go for Gold Plus promo. 3. How can a new IR participate and earn incentive from Go for Gold Plus promo? Answer: A participating new IR must: Advance rank to Gold Star within 4 weeks from his/her enrolment date as an IR, within the period of Go for Gold Plus promo AND; Get two (2) Direct referrals to advance rank to Gold Star within six (6) weeks from the participating IR’s enrolment date and within the Go for Gold Plus promo period (Saturday, 1 March 2014, 00:01 HKST – Friday, 11 April 2014, 23:59 HKST). Upon meeting the two (2) requirements of Go for Gold Plus promo, the participating IR will get limited edition QNET merchandise and earn an incentive of MYR 3,960. 4. How can an existing Registered only IR participate and earn incentive from Go for Gold Plus promo? Answer: A participating existing unqualified IR must: a. Advance rank to Gold Star within four (4) weeks from the launch of Go for Gold Plus promo, AND;
b. Get two (2) Direct referrals to advance rank to Gold Star within the six (6) weeks of the Go for Gold Plus promo period (Saturday, 1 March 2014, 00:01 HKST– Friday, 11 April 2014, 23:59 HKST).
Upon meeting the two (2) requirements of Go for Gold Plus promo, the participating IR will get limited edition QNET merchandise and earn an incentive worth MYR 3,960. 5. How can an existing Qualified (or above) IR participate and earn incentive from Go for Gold Plus promo? Answer: A participating existing qualified (or above) IR must: a. Re-achieve the complete Gold Star rank requirements within four (4) weeks from the launch of Go for Gold Plus promo, AND; b. Get two (2) Direct referrals to advance rank to Gold Star within the six (6) weeks of the Go for Gold Plus promo period (Saturday, 1 March 2014, 00:01 HKST– Friday, 11 April 2014, 23:59 HKST). c. The two (2) new Gold Star Direct Referrals should be a NEW or existing Registered only IR on the Referrer IRs joining date. Upon meeting the above requirements of Go for Gold Plus promo, the participating IR will get limited edition QNET merchandise and earn an incentive worth MYR 3,960. 6. What are the Gold Star rank advancement requirements that I and my new and existing Registered only IRs fulfill so we can qualify to the promo? We have just made achieving the Gold Star rank MORE exciting! You and your downlines must achieve the following to qualify to the promo: Earn 2 Steps Retail sales/personal purchase of repeat products with 120 BV Achieve 80 Repeat Sales Points (RSP) RSP PROMO: Only 60 RSP requirement Achieve 500 BV from your retail sales or from your new Direct Referral’s product purchases Achieve 1,000 Group Repeat Business Volume from repeat product sales of your downlines.
7. If a participating IR completely achieves the requirements of Gold for Gold Plus promo earlier than the given required time frame, will he/she get additional incentive bonus on top of the regular Go for Gold Plus promo incentive? Answer: Yes, he/she will get additional MYR 990, provided that the participating IR is confirmed as one of the FIRST 50 qualified earners.
8. If a participating IR advances rank to Gold star within the first four (4) weeks of the Go for Gold Plus promo period, can he/she immediately get an incentive? Answer: Yes, he/she will be rewarded with limited edition merchandise upon achieving Gold star rank within the promo period’s first four (4) weeks.
9. If a participating IR advances rank to Gold star beyond the given required time frame, for instance, in five (5) weeks, and get two (2) direct referrals to advance rank to Gold star in six (6) weeks, will he/she still be eligible for the Gold for Gold Plus promo incentive? Answer: No. 10. If a participating IR and two direct referrals advance rank to Gold star at the same time in six (6) weeks, will the IR be eligible of the Go for Gold Plus promo incentive? Answer. No. IR and direct referrals are required to advance rank to Gold star within the specified time frame. 11. If the two (2) direct referrals advance rank to Gold star at a time earlier than the participating IR (referrer), will the referrer be eligible to earn the Go for Gold Plus promo incentive? Answer: Yes, provided that the rank advancement of the IR and two (2) Direct Referrals happens within the required time frame specified in the Go for Gold Plus promo requirements. 12. How will QNET identify the first fifty (50) Qualified earners of the Go for Gold Plus promo to earn the additional incentive worth MYR 990? Answer: QNET sorts the first fifty (50) Qualified earners based on the date and time of fulfillment of the Go for Gold Plus promo requirements. 13. If a new IR enrols during the last week of the Go for Gold Plus promo period, will he/she be allowed to participate in the Go For Gold Plus promo? Answer. Yes, provided that he/she can achieve all the requirements before the end date of the Go for Gold Plus promo. Any requirements achieved after the Go for Gold Plus promo period will not be counted towards the promo. 14. When will the cash incentive be credited to the Q Account? Answer. The cash incentive will be credited to the confirmed earner’s Q Account after two (2) weeks from the end of the Go for Gold Plus promo period. The Q Account code of the cash incentive is ‘Go for Gold Plus’ and ‘Go for Gold Plus (First 50)’ respectively. 15. As a new or existing IR, if I achieve (or re-achieve) Gold Star rank requirements within 4 weeks, how can I claim the limited edition QNET merchandise?
Answer: A qualified IR of the Go For Gold Plus promo can claim the Limited edition QNET Merchandise at VMalaysia 2014. If he/she is unable to claim the items at V-Malaysia 2014 personally, he/she may authorise someone to claim for him/her (valid ID copy and authorisation letter must be provided). 16. The participating IR is an existing unqualified IR and has a direct referral who is a Silver Star. If this Silver Star Direct referral advances to Gold Star within 6 weeks during the period of Go for Gold Plus, will this be counted to the requirement achieved by the participating IR? Answer: No.