Obtainer July 2012

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OBTAINER 5 remarkable years of expertise, excellence, innovation & inspiration in the direct selling and network marketing industry.



SANDER Dear readers, Despite the arrival of the summer’s sun

reports the number of Direct Sellers ac-

also had the opportunity to interview

to many regions around the globe, there

tually increased by almost five percent

the Indian Direct Selling Association

is much to cast a dark, grey cloud over the

during the onset of the economic down-

(IDSA). In this insightful interview you

typical sun, sea, and sand ideal replac-

turn and in China in 2010 turnover from

will find out all you ever wanted to know

ing it with subtle overtones of doom and

Direct Selling reached an all time high

about the Direct Selling industry in In-

gloom: Be it the widely-debated Greek

of 120 billion CNY (~18.5 billion USD).

dia. Moving back to Europe and read

debt crisis, the turmoil of Spanish banks,

Statistics like these should be enough to

all about the proposed mandatory pen-

the wavering instability of the Euro, or

put an end to the pessimism doing the

sion insurance for the self-employed; is

the deepening slowdown in China.

rounds at the moment.

it soon to be a reality in Germany? On

Some solace however is granted by

Moving to a company that is and

top of this we have a whole host of infor-

the Direct Selling industry. At a time

continues to enjoy unparalleled success

mative articles featuring different com-

when soaring unemployment levels

across Asia, Africa and the Middle East;

panies and products from across the

and fears of financial instability are the

QNET. Check out this issue’s cover sto-

globe, add to this the very latest inter-

status quo, the Direct Selling industry

ry for all things QNET. You’ll discover

national MLM news and interviews with

is akin to a ray of light allowing people

QNET’s history, its products, tools for

leading distributors and you’ve got an-

to get back on their feet and become fi-

success and be introduced to not only

other jam-packed edition of OBTAINER

nancially independent. According to the

its founder and visionary Dato’ Vijay


Direct Selling Association in the US the

Eswaran, but also its managing director

Let the sun into your life this sum-

number of full-time Direct Sellers rose

JR Mayer and managing director of The

mer - even if the rain is pouring down

by a full two percent in 2011 coming in

V Pathman Senathirajah - both of whom

around you.

at 11.2 percent. And the US isn’t alone:

feature on this issue’s cover.

The Indian Direct Selling Association

Sticking with the Asian theme, we

Warmest regards, Michael





QNET - Trailblazing Direct Selling Giant and How It Became a World Leader

INDUSTRY INSIDE 26 MARK MACDONALD, MonaVie’s RVL® Spokesperson, Welcomed on CNN 28 MONAVIE NV Products Launched in Thailand 30 DSA UK's DSA Industry Agenda Taken to House of Commons 32 AVON The Company for Women” Gets a US$500 Million Term Loan 33 DUBLI Christel Kjaer Is DubLi Network's First Woman Vice-President 36 Herbalife Additional Licenses to Operate in China Ensure Herbalife's Growth 38 NANOLIQ A Strong Breeze From Lake Zurich 42 Melaleuca Largest Fireworks Show West of the Mississippi Hosted by Melaleuca 44 QNET Sponsored Marussia F1 Team Speed Away in Russia 45 SILPADA Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary in Kansas City 48 UNICITY Making Ripples Across Asia and Understanding the Benefits of Work and Play 50 FLP Nigeria Shines at Forever Living Products Last African Rally 52 XANGO “Strong and Surging” in CIS 55 VORWERK Is Tops in Direct Sales

SHORT CUT 56 PM-INTERNATIONAL Family Day 2012 – Family Values, Enthusiasm and Team Spirit Undiluted! 84 SOMNIUM NETWORK Let the Games Begin! 96 QNET Amezcua and the Next Level of Wellness 102 FLEXKOM Hits the Ground Running in E-Commerce and Network Marketing 2012


Josef Mettler, NanoLiQ CEO

CONTENT FlexKom Hits the Ground Running in E-Commerce and Network Marketing




CLOSE UP 60 66 72 126

ILHAN DOGAN Opens Reborn Spa in Mallorca, Spain JULIA KREZDORN Must Have" Product Is More Than Half the Battle in MLM Riccardo Vieri and Luana Sicari The ‘Smart Way’ for ‘Smart People’ Bruno Grilo & Francisco Nunes Some Teaching, Some Learning, More Earning!

BACKGROUND 78 90 112 120

Tech Trends 2012 A Quick Guide for the Modern Techie in You! DS IN PERU As Peru's Economy Booms So Does Direct Selling DSA INDIA India's Direct Selling Association Talks to OBTAINER Mandatory Pension InsurANCE Is It Causing Panic or Will It Soon Be Reality?

Ilhan Dogan

COLUMN 132 136 140 144 148 153 158

Salsabila AL-Harbi Hocus Pocus, Magic Happens When You Focus David El Dib Personal Branding – How Do I Become a Brand? TIMOTHY WILSON Part 3/3: Building a Global Organization TORSTEN WILL Reading Minds Can Be So Easy! Who Has Not Sometimes Wished to Be Able to Read the Mind of One's Counterpart? ALEXANDER PLATH "Business Etiquette Regarding Greeting (Part 2) – Who Should Greet and Welcome Whom? NUNO F. ASSIS Time and Personnel Management - Does Time Play a Role With Regard to Personnel Management or Can It Be Ignored? DANY SZASZ Are Women the Better Leaders? A Fascinating Question That Will Immediately Give Rise to Interpretations, Smirks and Automatic Answers

Direct Selling Industry in Peru

Chavi Hemath, Secretary General of the IDSA


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Trailblazing Direct

Selling Giant


And How It Became a World Leader in Online Direct Selling Formed in the Philippines in 1998, QNET is one of the largest and fastest growing direct selling companies on the Internet today. With a vast range of products, distributors in more than 100 countries, an award winning multi-lingual customer support team and memberships in professional organizations in different countries, the QNET story is a remarkable tale of triumph against all odds. With the Internet as its modality and a diverse range of high quality products catering to its multinational customers, QNET continues to grow at a rapid pace. So who is QNET and why is it one of the fastest growing direct selling companies in the world today?



From the Ground

Up hurdle, it is one of the very few companies that has quite literally flourished and grown from day one, positively influencing the global Direct Selling industry as it grew. In the first five years in business QNET grew and developed at a pace many other Direct Selling companies could only dream of. Within the first few months of operation, QNET Founders, Dato’ Vijay Eswaran and Joseph Bismark opened the company’s headquarters in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. Little did they know that by 2002 QNET would flourish throughout Southeast Asia, land on the shores of India, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, the United Kingdom and other countries in Eastern Europe.

The QNET business model was avant-garde at the time in Asia; it saw the merger of direct selling and multi level marketing together with a unique range of diverse products


and even boasted an online dimension. The initial QNET

eing in the industry 14 years now, QNET is by no means

product portfolio consisted of luxury jewelry, watches,

a newbie to the world of Direct Selling. According to

collectible coins and medallions and with that had something

recent statistics published by the U.S. Small Business

to offer everyone, from end customer to distributor. After

Administration (SBA) over 50% of all businesses fail within the

being heralded as one of the first Asian companies to push

first five years. Other studies suggest this statistic is even higher

network marketing online with the launch of its website,

in Asia and when MLM is added to the mix, you can be sure the

it was clear QNET, even at this early stage in the dot-com

percentage is closer to the 95% mark, or even higher. Founded by

revolution, realized the importance e-commerce would come

two corporate-savvy innovators in 1998, QNET not only belongs

to have in operating a truly global business. Just two years

to the 5% of companies that made it over the initial five-year

after it was founded, when most companies struggle to make



adequate turnover and make their mark on the industry, QNET launched its eStore, which was fully integrated into the QNET website, and showed no signs of slowing down. With the opening of its eStore QNET sought to fully embrace e-commerce and strengthen and foster relationships with its

product diversification QNET entered into partnership with one

customers and distributors. Such forward thinking is what has

of the world’s leading providers of products and services in the

made the company what it has become today.

travel and leisure industries and launched its QVI brand of holiday packages, thus further expanding QNET’s product portfolio.

During the initial five years QNET also expanded its product offerings and portfolio. From gaining the official rights to distribute

Five years on the market and QNET’s development and growth

commemorative coins for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games within

was astounding, considering QNET managed to achieve all this

the first few months of opening, QNET went on to create a strategic

amid the Asian financial crisis which produced a weakened,

alliance with one of the oldest, privately owned mints in Europe,

depressed economic climate across a large proportion of Asia. The

B.H. Mayer’s Mint in Germany, thus ensuring its products were of

city of Hong Kong and the Philippines were hit particularly hard

the very highest quality. With the arrival of the 2002 FIFA World

by the crisis, with growth falling to virtually zero percent in the

Cup, held in South Korea and Japan, QNET proved itself once again

Philippines and political and economic uncertainty causing key

securing a landmark deal for the official marketing rights to the

investors to withdraw from Hong Kong, shrinking the economy in

2012 FIFA World Cup Korea Japan coin program. This deal was

the region even further. During this period of economic uncertainty

to set a precedent for the future, which would see QNET become

QNET managed to not only expand its range of products, but also

the official distributor of collectible coins for major international

grow and duplicate its business in various areas across the globe

events including the Olympic Games. Realizing the importance of

and grow distributorship - this was no mean feat!



rom 2003 onwards QNET was unstoppable. New

announcing the number of QNET Independent Representatives

products in line with consumer trends and wants were

around the world had reached one million in 2005; a figure that

continually launched. One product range launched in

has grown year-on-year ever since. At QNET huge value has always

2006 was to cause a stir among customers and distributors

been placed on helping and supporting IRs build and grow their

alike; the breakthrough wellness tools from Amezcua. Sales of

own networks, and QNET is always looking for innovative ways of

the Amezcua range soared and the nanotechnology-based Bio

doing this. In 2005, QNET launched aspIRe magazine for its IRs

Disk continues to be one of QNET’s most popular products to

bringing all the latest news, innovations, success stories to IRs in

this very day. Diversifying its product offerings, QNET also

a fresh clean digital magazine. Constant improvements were also

branched into the field of consumable products with the addition

made to QNETs compensation plan culminating in the launch of

of a nutritional supplement line. With such a varied range of

QInfinite in 2012. QInfinite, which offers IRs a staggering eight

products also offered through the QNET eStore online, at QNET

ways to earn, is most definitely one of the most dynamic and

there truly is something for everybody.

innovative compensation plans in the Direct Selling industry and is just another example of how innovative QNET is and how

As a Direct Selling company grows it is imperative that the number

motivated it is in sending its IRs to (Q)infinity and beyond.

of distributors continues to increase year-on-year to drive sales and increase turnover. Distributors are after all, to a large extent, the

As the years passed by QNET continued to become more

sales force of a Direct Selling company. Again, QNET had nothing

international and more of an international brand. This was

to worry about with this fundamental aspect of its business,

aided by advances in the Internet and QNET’s continuous



QNET'S Amezcua is designed to balance and increase your harmony and energy levels.

updating of its eStore, such as the addition of downloadables

around the globe: From substantial donations made to the

and multilingual support. However, there were other events

Red Cross Foundation in Cambodia in 2005 and the Bahrain

which brought QNET into the global limelight. In 2003, QNET

Red Crescent Society in 2007, to supporting major charitable

was announced as one of the few authorised distributors of

operations through its corporate social responsibility arm,

official coins for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, while in

the RYTHM Foundation: Some of these operations include

2004 it was appointed as a licensed distributor of the FIFA

actively supporting relief efforts in Asia following the 2004

commemorative coin program for 89 countries. This continued

Asian tsunami, partaking in providing immediate relief to

in 2008 when QNET was appointed for the third time as an

various communities in Kazakhstan and arranging for children

official distributor of coin memorabilia for the Beijing 2008

from East Jakarta to attend an AFC Champions League match.

Olympic Games. Furthermore, the company’s venture into

In 2009, under QNET’s CSR initiative ‘QNET Pays Forward’

the world of sponsorship had a role to play in increasing the

QNET also partnered with World Vision International and

company’s brand identity on an international level. What started

donated US$110,000 to sponsor 121 impoverished children

as sponsorship of the QI-IBF Badminton World Championships

in 11 countries. This was one of the most far-reaching global

in 2003, eight years later had evolved into a full blown long-

initiatives in the history of World Vision!

term partnership with Virgin Racing when QNET became the official Direct Selling Supporter of Virgin Racing for the F1 World Championship. Through such strategic partnerships and sponsorships, QNET gains access to almost limitless exploitable commercial potential and massive international exposure. In its 14th year of business QNET can now boast a presence in over 160 countries around the globe with a network of success comprised of 7 million Independent Representatives. But QNET isn’t just concerned about its own success, giving back to communities around the globe is just as important at QNET.

Leadership Within the Corporation The leadership within any organization is paramount. A business is but a collection of individuals working

Since the early stages of its inception philanthropy and giving

towards a common goal, but it is the leadership within a

back to communities have been ideologies that QNET has

business that must define, work towards and essentially

embraced and made an integral part of its business. For over

ensure this goal is reached.

a decade QNET has been supporting charitable activities


Founder and Philanthropic Leader

, Vijay Eswaran

As the co-founder of a company that has today taken on a life

his job and was quickly promoted to the position of a General

of its own, Vijay Eswaran while not involved any more in its

Manager. It was here that he experienced the vulnerability of

day-to-day operations, still provides guidance and mentoring

working for someone else, when while away on a business trip,

to the leadership of QNET. He continues to play a prominent

the company ownership changed hands and he came back to

role in the training and development of the distributors as well

find the new owners had brought in their own team and his

as employees of the company.

position was made redundant. That was a defining moment, as he realized he wanted to be able to control his life.

An economist by training, Eswaran was introduced to Network Marketing as a student in the UK in the early 80s. He dabbled

That’s when he turned to network marketing as a full time

in it briefly but didn’t take it very seriously till much later when

option and with his founding partner and friend, Joseph

he was working in America. He did extremely well during this

Bismark founded what would eventually become QNET.

stint making more from his network marketing business than he did from his IT job. Yet, he still didn’t see it as a full time

Vijay Eswaran is also more than just a successful entrepreneur.

occupation. He returned to Asia in the early 90s and went back

He is a bestselling author, motivational speaker and recognized

into traditional corporate employment, where he excelled at

as a prominent philanthropist.


Master of

One on One

, Joseph Bismark

The two founders of QNET could not have come from more

they became business partners; their common spiritual beliefs

different backgrounds. While Vijay Eswaran is an economist,

and commitment to RYTHM, the corporate philosophy – Raise

Joseph Bismark comes from an unusual background having

Yourself To Help Mankind cementing their partnership.

had no formal education. Bismark is often referred to as the master of One-on-One because He grew up in an ashram, a spiritual hermitage in the remote

of his ability to influence people during personal interactions.

mountains in the Philippines and trained in martial arts and vedic studies. When he eventually returned to the city as a

While he also doesn’t play a role in the every day operations

young man, he worked as a martial arts instructor at a major

of QNET anymore, he maintains an active role, building

university in the Philippines. It was through a common friend

and maintaining partnerships with businesses, clients and

he was introduced to Vijay Eswaran and a life long friendship

customers, as well as being a business and philosophical advisor

was formed. It was only much later into their friendship that

to the company and its employees.


QNET Managing Director Mr. JR Mayer

QNET Executive Chairperson Ms. Donna Imson

The V Managing Director Mr. Pathman Senathirajah


Pathman Senathirajah, the Network Chief The V is the training and network management arm of QNET and

“There is a saying in our town that goes – Let Teluk Intan remain a

Pathman Senathirajah is the Managing Director of this dynamic

good memory but go out there and make a difference in the world

organization. Interestingly, he is a lawyer by training who discov-

– and that’s exactly what I did. Even as a kid, I never saw myself

ered Network Marketing at the age of 20 and never looked back.

just sitting behind a desk. Subconsciously I knew I was destined to see the world and be among people who share my passion for

Pathman is a corporate maverick that defied the gravitational pull

getting ahead in life and helping others do the same,” he says.

of socio-economic deprivation of his youth, and insists on living by his own rules and has steadily risen to the ranks of one of the most respected leaders of QNET.

And that he has done, in his role as one of the most charismatic faces of the company to the network in his role as ‘Chief’ at QNET’s annual V-Conventions.

Growing up in a small town had both a positive and negative influence on young Pathman. While he embraces the morals

With such a dynamic mix of complementing personalities at the

and great values of friendship and simplicity he never would

helm, it is no wonder QNET has experienced unprecedented

have gotten elsewhere, living in the small town of Teluk Intan

success over the years. Another aspect of the business, which has

in Malaysia has also caused him to lead a life of complacency.

driven sales, is QNET’s portfolio of exclusive and unique products.

Donna Imson, a role model for networking professionals The Executive Chairperson of QNET, Donna Imson

Donna is the driving force behind I’m Alive, a specialized

started her journey in network marketing as a strug-

training program designed to increase involvement and stat-

gling single mother of 3 in 1993. She is also part of the

ure of female professionals in the Direct Selling industry.

founding team of QNET and has today grown to be a

She is also featured in the book “The Greatest Networkers in

role model for men and women everywhere in the QNET

the World” by John Milton Fogg, and in the “Lotus Code” by

family of distributors. Her popularity as an accom-

Mark Yanell, one of the pioneers of the networking industry.

plished trainer and public speaker is evident as all her training programs are filled to capacity and she is inun-

A regular at industry conventions she is the voice of QNET

dated with requests from all over the world from aspir-

at international MLM forums and is also on the editorial

ing entrepreneurs.

board of a network marketing publication.

Introducing JR Mayer, a young, vibrant, energetic leader

Originally from Germany, JR Mayer comes from a

concentrating on the manufacturing and marketing of watches,

family with a long history in the numismatic, jewelry,

jewelry, coins and medallions. He would later take over as

and timepiece industry, earning him a place in the QNET

Managing Director of the Mayer Mint, and looked to expanding

business more than 12 years back. In fact, the “Mayer Mint”

the business beyond Germany into other export markets in Africa,

had been renowned in the industry for over 130 years, earning

the Middle East, and Asia.

itself a reputation as a trusted minting company with outstanding quality for its timeless pieces.

In 2000, QNET and Bernard H. Mayer Mint formed a strategic alliance, and this was when JR met Dato’ Vijay Eswaran. In

JR became actively involved in his family business while he

2005, JR Mayer became QNET’s Managing Director and has

was studying for his Post-Graduate Diploma in Business

since gained a strong reputation as a strong leader, an inspiring

Administration at the University of Frankfurt, starting off by

colleague and a determined and true achiever.


The QNET Product Portfolio


rom its origins, QNET has always provided some of the highest quality products as part of its Direct Selling offering, with jewelry and collectibles as the core products. Today, the company has expanded its portfolio into a huge range of different products, covering a considerable number of different categories. QNET products have been designed by top researchers, scientists, and are made in some of the top manufacturing facilities. Now the company’s product portfolio encompasses a wide range of categories including home care, personal care, nutrition, and many more.



Nutrition Olé Olive Leaf Extract products are exceptionally healthy supplements for a natural lifestyle. The extract contains five times more antioxidant power than vitamin C, and it is incredibly good at defending the immune system, with an exceptional impact on maintaining a healthy and strong cardiovascular system for a healthy lifestyle. FibreFit offers through QNET a range of 100 percent natural and organic soluble fibre products to help boost the digestive system, supporting absorption of nutrients into the body. The products are essential supplements to maintain the daily fibre intake, fortified with calcium, and probiotics to encourage the growth and activity of the beneficial bacteria within the digestive system. From NutriSky, the Swietenia Macrophylla Juice Premix is a specially formulated supplement which contains Swietenia Macrophylla bacteria, which works to enhance vitality and stamina. This is due to the saponins and flavonoids working in synergy; natural chemicals which help promote blood circulation and boost vitality. Integrating the most cutting-edge science and technology, InShape offers complete weight-management solutions to suit everyone’s lifestyle. The products range from core and abdominal strengthening products and accessories, to the delicious and nutritious food and drink supplements, and in-depth digital courses which turn you into a fitness and nutrition expert.



Personal Care The Physio Radiance Ultimate Anti-Aging Skin Care is an excellent range of high quality, hypoallergenic, unisex skin care developed to help your skin self-regulate, self-regenerate and self-repair at the cellular level. The range is also completely paraben and preservative free. By utilizing the smallest antioxidant that penetrates the skin layers, the patented technology works to give back the original characteristics of youthful skin cells. BioSilver brings a range of products called the SilverSol Technology Products which utilize the scientifically proven and exclusively patented SilverSol Technology in the BioSilver 22 Gel. The BioSilver 22 Gel contains antibacterial properties which sanitize and cleanse to a whole new level.

Holidays Accessories QVI Club has been a long term part-

The Adiva Divine costume jewelry range

ner with QNET, and as such the range

represents enchanting pieces that can be

of offers to QNET customers is vast.

worn with any outfit. The delightful jewelry

QVI Club brings a selection of vaca-

pieces use the highest quality Swarovski Crys-

tion club memberships that provide

tals which bring about a dazzling spectacle of

members with access to over 2,000

uniqueness, making any outfit stand out with

hotels and resorts across the globe.

ease and flair.

The QVI Club membership has three main values that make it especially attractive to the customer – fun, flexibility, and long-term value. For a great range and variety of attractive packages for vacations, Q-breaks is the offering to look for. Q-breaks offers experiential vacation packages for family fun, beach breaks, romantic retreats, adrenaline-pumping adventures, exotic cruises, and heritage tours, to anywhere one desires in the entire world. Q-breaks offers a variety of the packages, the numerous destinations, and affordable packages to suit any pocket. It is worth your while to experience a life-changing holiday through www.q-breaks.com.


Luxury & Collectibles The Umayal Collection is made in celebration of the beauty of nature, and this beauty is highlighted in the fine jewelry pieces of artfully fashioned silver, ornamented with fine gemstones. The Umayal Collection is entirely handmade with the utmost care by skilled craftsmen, ensuring the uniqueness of each piece and high quality for every piece. The jewelry reflects its inspiration by emulating nature at its best, designed to appeal to strong, confident women who place value in individuality and grace. The Swiss-made Bernard H. Mayer watches and jewelry come from a lineage over a hundred years old. This knowledge and experience is put to great effect in the crafting and manufacturing of metals and gemstones that make up each piece, be it a fine watch or an exquisite piece of jewelry. The exclusive collection also comes in a great variety of high quality watches of any style from classic to contemporary. The Himalayan Crystal Collection™ is a standalone brand and a unique collection - the first and only brand to capture the natural beauty and energy of Himalayan Crystals. These crystals are believed to possess energy-conducting abilities which harness the natural energies around them.



Communications In-Voice Mini Packs is a telecommunications product that represents a revolutionary all-in-one and cost-effective solution

Home Care

to modern living, allowing users to stay conveniently connected anytime, anywhere. It works through landline, mobile phone, personal computer and can even be used in a payphone.

HomePure is the water purifier for your everyday use at home, incorporating a high quality mechanical seven-filter media Ultrafiltration (UF) system. What this means is that in each filter cartridge, seven filter stages are packed in to ensure nothing but the purest water comes through. That means that throughout the cartridge, water is filtered, purified, and finally energized to a standard you would not have realized before. The AirPure air purifier from QNET will change how much you appreciate the atmosphere created by clean, fresh air. Wake up each morning with a breath of fresh air, as the AirPure air purifier uses the latest in innovative technology to remove 99.9 percent of particle pollution, particularly that found in modern city air. The result is pure, clean air that creates a healthier environment by minimizing air


pollution in our homes.

QNET offers IRs a unique learning experience in the form of

Weight Management

the Swiss eLearning Institute online education platform. Based

QNET brings you a variety of weight-management

a database of business texts in the form of ebooks, videos, MP3s,

solutions that best suit your lifestyle. Integrating the most

MP4s, and journals. The Swiss eLearning Institute platform

cutting-edge science and technology, InShape offers you a

provides IRs with all the information they could need to get ahead

complete weight-management package ranging from core

in the world of Direct Selling and establish their own business.

entirely online, it is an easy to use platform which allows users to study a range of flexible learning courses, teaching valuable skills to benefit their life or career. Powered and supported by Switzerland's leading distance-learning business school, the Swiss eLearning Institute also provides access to an online library,

and abdominal strengthening products and accessories, to delicious and nutritious food supplements and drinks, to

Boasting a leadership team that is second to none, an innovative range

in-depth digital courses aimed to turn you into a health and

of high quality products and services, a cutting-edge compensation

wellness guru. Now you can easily achieve the shape you

plan, a commitment to philanthropy that is rarely seen in the

have always dreamed of and feel confident about yourself

Direct Selling industry, QNET IRs can rest assured they have all the

and take control of your health!

prerequisites needed to grow their business, and even more...



IRs can also highlight their preferred products within their own self-contained product pages, allowing them to analyze the product presentation as customers would see them, as well as how one would go through the products, overseeing the navigation, information, and ease of use.

Introducing QNET’s Life Site Marketing Suite

Email marketing campaigns are easily set up, allowing IRs to advertise their business to many business partners or customers with prepared emails ready, for each specific type of client. The tool also includes a training center, where training and support is offered from QNET to help improve IRs use of the tool, reducing the delays that would otherwise be caused by having to find one's own way around a new interface. From the very start, QNET has been a rapidly progressive

The QNET Life Site is a multipurpose sales and marketing online

and innovative company showcasing a new dimension within

tool for QNET IRs. It enables IRs to be completely aware of

the network marketing industry. With a huge amount of

everything that is happening within their business, helping them

experience in direct selling, a wide range of products to offer

to maintain control, and to increase productivity and efficiency.

clients and distributors alike, the company is certainly one of

It is a fully integrated package, a fully developed and advanced

the heavyweights in the global Direct Selling industry. With

product from QNET with a particular specialization in mind, that

sponsorship schemes for sports and cultural events across the

allows IRs to keep track of uplines, downlines, emails, networks,

globe and its passion for philanthropy, QNET works to not just

campaigns, marketing campaigns, and much more.

provide products to enrich lives but actively helps those in need.

The built-in functionalities include essential tools which would

QNET's prestigious and quality product lines, as well as its

otherwise come from separate sources, such as an office suite,

platforms and suites for marketing and management, prove that

calendar, email interface, contact manager, daily schedule, product

the company has much to offer. The company has grown beyond

orders, marketing tools, support center, and much more besides.

expectations and has proven to be a company to watch out for!



Mark MacDonald, MonaVie’s RVL® Spokesperson Welcomed on CNN Mark MacDonald nutritionist, best selling author of Body Confi-

is important for our tissues. If meat is taken out of a diet, it will

dence and creator of Venice Nutrition Program, appeared live

affect our overall performance and energy levels. The body needs

on CNN's Health Segment this past weekend on spreading the

three main ingredients to function optimally, namely, carbohy-

message of healthy nutrition.

drates, protein and fat. Consequently, after either a heavy workout or a normal day at work, the body needs nitrogen to recover

On July 7 2012 at 6.45 pm (ET) he joined Randi Kaye in a discus-

its normal levels of energy.

sion that explained why athletes and we need protein in our diet and the best places to get it in the United States of America. What

When purchasing meat in the United States, consumers are advised

led to this important discussion was the worrying trend that was

to read the labels carefully. As many purchasing decisions these

recently brought up by the Coach of Chinese Women's Volleyball

days are determined by financial budgets, Mark advises consumers

team which has lost four straight tune-up matches for the London

to also become more educated about where to shop to fit their pock-

Olympics as the team is not eating any meat. For the last few

ets, for example warehouse stores, where they can obtain fantastic

weeks the Chinese Women's Volleyball team has been restricted

prices and good quality meat which has less nitrates.

to a vegetarian diet. The meat ban has been occasioned by fears that it may contain clenbuterol, a banned substance (steroid)

On July 8 2012 at 7:30 pm (ET) he joined Don Lemon in a talk

used to breed leaner animals.

about a new program introduced in Washington DC, where Doctors are adding vegetable prescriptions to the anti-obesity

In response to that, Mark advised viewers that protein is impor-

arsenal of low income families in the District. Plenty of cities

tant for athletes, and for all of us, as it contains nitrogen which

across the United States and Canada are tackling the problem of



obesity by banning soft-drinks, ditching vending machines and oily fried foods popular across North America. The “We Can” program enables the access to fruits and vegetables essential to health, but often too expensive, by providing a prescription for subsidized items from the farmers market. Each of the 35 families participating in the program receives one dollar per family member per day to spend at a handful of markets around town. Mark commented that this new program will help these families learn how to buy healthy food. Most people have been programmed to think that eating healthy is more expensive when in reality, it can work out cheaper. He went on to further state that fruits and vegetables are critical to our health because at every breath, we humans create free radicals and other poisons in our bodies. Healthy eating provides antioxidants that combat these free radicals, protecting our cells and guarding our bodies. In a telephone interview with the Oklahoman Van Pelt stated The program is hosted by the Unity Health Care Upper Cardozo

that, “The ultimate goal is to win golf tournaments. But my goal

Clinic in Washington DC. It plans to give out US$26,000 worth of

each week is to put myself in a position to win. I figure the more

food prescriptions during its first run. The department of health

times I do that the better chance I'll have to win one.”

plans to double that amount in 2013. MonaVie is a Direct Selling company that has been in business In a different event, Bo Van Pelt an athlete-distributor with Mona-

since 2005 and quickly became a leader in the health and well-

Vie and a former Oklahoma State Star was locked in a duel with

ness industry, offering its market health juices made with the

Tiger Woods at the AT&T National which teed off at the Congressio-

Brazilian Acai Berry and fortified with eighteen fruits which

nal Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland over the July 1 2012 week-

fight age, give the body a daily dose of defense and moreover,

end. Tiger Woods captured his 74th title, surpassing Jack Nicklaus

a healthy heart. In addition to these product lines, it has a line

for the second-most PGA Tour wins, closing with 2-under 69.

of Energy Drinks and a weight management solution referred to as the RVL Premium Weight Solution®. This system gets to

In the match by match play that helped raise TV ratings, Van

the root of weight management, helping to manage weight the

Pelt equaled Woods shot for shot. Three times Woods took the

healthy way. It includes shake mixes, snacks and protein bars.

lead till the final round, and each time Van Pelt answered with a

In 2009 MonaVie was recognized by Inc. 500 as one of the fast-

birdie, including one on the Par.4 No.15 to get to 9-under, before

est growing private company in the Food and Beverages sector

he bogeyed the final three holes.

in the United States. Its products are distributed in 23 countries through a network of more than one million independent

This was Van Pelts third career second-place finish, owning one

distributors. Learn more about healthy weight management the

career win where he captured the U.S.. Bank Championship in

MonaVie RVL Way with Mark MacDonald: http://www.youtube.

Milwaukee three years ago.




MonaVie in the News

In the recent past, Thailand has had its share of natural disasters and political turmoil. Nevertheless, despite these occurrences, the Direct Selling industry is still thriving in this market. Many consumers believe this method of sales to be a good way to earn an extra income and sales values have increased year-on-year. Beauty and personal care products account for the largest contribution in the direct sales sector. MonaVie, the company which is known in the industry for having created over 100 millionaires in the short six years since its inception, recently expanded its business into Thailand and

moisture and combat the signs of aging. These skin care products

celebrated its full-launch on July 1, 2012. Thailand is the first

are also formulated with natural fruit oils including the Brazilian

new market opening in 2012 for MonaVie, which is now offi-

Acai, andiroba and inca. Paraben free, they increase elasticity and

cially open in 23 countries. Its flagship product was the MonaVie

brighten the skin.

Active Juice, made from a blend of 18 fruit juices which include the Brazilian Acai berry, known for its high levels of antioxidants

MonaVie Thailand Southeast Asia Regional office is located in Bang-

and nutrients.

kok and Dr. Alex Schauss is its Vice President. Dr. Schauss has many years of experience in the direct selling industry and will oversee the

Coincidentally, MonaVie also launched a new line of skin care

development of the business here. He is also a member of the Mona-

products called MonaVie NV, exclusively for the Thai market,

Vie Scientific Advisory Board. The Thailand pre-launch was held in

which were on sale from July 2, 2012. Each one of these products

May 2011 and this dynamic team has consistently worked to move

is designed to defy the marks of time today for healthy, beauti-

forward to ensure the proper structure, support and long term busi-

ful, more youthful looking skin tomorrow. This gift of youth is

ness strategy for this market. Thai distributors have responded with

provided through five products which include a Facial Foam,

enthusiasm to the products and business opportunity.

Rejuvenating Serum, Day Cream, Revitalizing Cream and Mousse Shower Scrub.

I n other MonaVie news MonaVie EMV energy drinks have been tested by Informed-Choice, a quality assurance program

This advanced skin care line uses revolutionary liposome tech-

for sports and nutrition products and confirms that its products

nology and pro-collagen peptides to infuse the users skin with

are free from prohibited ingredients. Athletes and other sports



minded people can now drink it with confidence. Nutrition products and supplements are tested against the WADA prohibited substance list and all tests are undertaken using ISO17025

As a final note, the successful couple expressed their gratitude

accredited methods, which means results are reliable and testing

to the entire management team of MonaVie and to their family

is of a high quality.

and friends for their unwavering support. Becerra further adds, “I learned that the grass is always greener where you decide to

The pleasant tasting energy drink is made from a blend of antioxi-

water it. I chose to water my lawn at MonaVie. And today it is

dant rich fruits including the Brazilian superfruit acai and maqui

ever so ripe with the brightest green colors.”

and it helps to increase performance, endurance and concentration. Calvin and Shannon Becerra truly make a promising addition to Jeff Graham, Executive VP of Global Product Strategy states

the MonaVie Royal Black Diamond Team.

that “MonaVie entered into a collaborative relationship with Informed-Choice in 2009 as part of our ongoing efforts to ensure

Staying true to its philosophy of social responsibility, this coming

MonaVie products can be safely consumed by professional and

October 7-14, 2012, a general expedition will be hosted by Mona-

amateur athletes. We are committed to providing you with safe,

Vie’s the MORE Project in Brazil. This expedition aims to famil-

efficacious products that are supported by science.”

iarize participants with the daily life of children living in the slums or favelas of Brazil. The eight-day mission will consist of site visits

MonaVie recently also gained its latest Royal Black Diamond

to the various More Project programs throughout the country.

executive members, Calvin and Shannon Becerra, a married

Participants will have a chance to meet all the children sponsored

couple from Corona, California.

by the foundation. They will be sharing meals with the kids, along with book reading sessions and other activities to promote bond-

The couple ventured into the MonaVie company in 2007 but they

ing and camaraderie. The expedition will also include a day trip

claim that getting to this prestigious rank has not always been

to Rio de Janeiro to visit Brazil’s famous beach sites.

easy. “The journey to Royal Black Diamond in MonaVie has been quite an adventure. I say adventure because it was truly a roller

MonaVie continues to gain momentum internationally as the

coaster ride of ups and downs, twists and turns, eventually arriv-

company seeks to change peoples lives for the better!

ing at its destination. Although, the ride is not done; we still have a much bigger adventure in front of us,” says Calvin Becerra. But the hard work paid off for Becerra when he reached the status of Black Diamond after his first 8 months in MonaVie, making him the youngest Black Diamond executive at the age of 27. The couple credits MonaVie President of North America and Europe, Randy Schroeder, for helping them get through the ups and downs of the business. “Randy Schroeder is my mentor, and I give credit to him for engaging the leaders of my organization in a process of a proven predictable pattern of activities that resulted in duplication of these same activities into the deepest depths of their businesses,” Becerra claims.



UK’s DSA Industry Agenda Taken to House of Commons During the last decade, the United Kingdom's Economy became

to a more balanced economy and lastly, to create a more educated

seriously unbalanced and in heavy debt, declining in competitive-

workforce that is the most flexible in Europe. The Plan for Growth

ness in comparison to other European Union nations, in terms of

seems to have started paying off and employment rates increased

tax rates, regulations, access to finance and planning, making it

with 166,000 new jobs being created during this last quarter. As

difficult to carry on business.

at June 2012, unemployment rates fell to 2.61 million from 2.67 million reported in January.

As a consequence, its share of world exports fell and its current account deficit increased. In its wake, millions of people were left

On July 4 2012, Executives of the United Kingdom's Direct Sell-

unemployed. The government's “Plan for Growth” implemented in

ing Association along with the industry's leading Chief Execu-

June 2010 was designed to support business growth. Its main four

tives attended a reception at the House of Commons hosted by

plans of action included creating the most competitive tax system in

Conservative Member of Parliament, Brian Binley, Chair of the

the G20, making UK the best place in Europe to start, finance and

All Party Parliamentary Group on Small Business. The key item

grow a business, to encourage investment and exports as a route

on the agenda was to discuss and outline the key priorities that


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industry is playing in supporting people back to work, inspiring entrepreneurs and creating more businesses. Paul Southworth, Director General of the DSA commented, “Some people may still think of direct selling as just ladies and lipstick, but the industry has come a long way and it is big business here in the UK.” He further stated that “The event was extremely useful in enabling us discuss the DSA's priorities with key Members of Parliament and to plan Direct Selling was contributing towards the UK Government's

for the future of the industry, an industry which is closely aligned

Economic Growth Agenda. Thus far, the industry has contributed

with the governments current agenda around encouraging new

GBP2 billion (~US$3.1 billion) and has become the country's larg-

businesses and entrepreneurialism. One of the aims of our work

est provider of part-time independent earnings, supporting almost

with government is to secure greater awareness and recognition of

400,000 people.

the industry, and last night was a great chance to do that.”

The Direct Selling Association was founded in 1965 and since

Brian Binley MP was delighted to welcome the DSA and its member

then, has been the recognized trade association for the direct sell-

companies to The House of Commons. He stated that “ I see this

ing channel of distribution. Today its member companies account

meeting as an important step in recognizing the role the industry

for 59% of the total direct sellers. Among them are ACN Europe,

plays in the country's economy. By getting a clearer understanding

AMWAY (UK) Ltd, AquaSource (UK) Ltd, Avon Cosmetics Ltd,

of the work of the Direct Selling Association, I am confident that

Best In Glass, Betterware Limited, Mannatech, Mary Kay, Tiens,

we can continue to help it grow and succeed.” Similar to other

Sunrider, Silpada and many more.

countries around the world, direct selling has proved to be an alternative source of income whenever economic conditions

At the event, the DSA and leaders from 50 of the leading companies

have been down and it is hoped to continue providing a source

called on the Members of Parliament to recognize the vital role the

of livelihood for those unfortunate enough to be unemployed.



Avon “The Company for Women” Gets a US$500 Million Term Loan

The company's first quarter for 2012 operating profit, not counting the costs, was the worst reported in 15 years, with net revenue at US$26.5 million, compared with US$143.6 million reported over the same period last year, which is a change of 82%. Financial analysts indicate that the reality is even more harsh what with more foreign currency drags. Avon's share price as at July 13 2012 ended at US$15.19. On August 1 2012, Avon plans to provide a live webcast of its second-quarter starting at 9.00am Eastern Time and interested investors are invited to log on to their investor webpage.

Troubled beauty giant Avon Products Inc. rejected Coty's offer

With Sheri McCoy, Chief Executive Officer now on board,

of US$24.75 per share deciding instead that more value would

management, staff and investors alike are confident that with

come after a turnaround. Therefore, to re-position the company

her broad leadership experience and skills in managing large

back on the path of growth, Chief Finance Officer Kimberly Ross

complex global organizations, Avon's future success is secured.

during the first quarter of 2012, put in place three operational and three financial changes. In addition, on June 29 2012 Avon Products Inc., entered into a US$500 million Term Loan with Citibank N.A., as Administrative Agent, Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Santander Investment Securities Inc., Goldman Sachs Bank USA and BBVA Compass as Joint Lead Arrangers and Joint Book Runners and the other lenders party thereto. Avon Color, ANEW, Skin-So-Soft, Advance Techniques, Avon Naturals and mark., are Avon's well recognized brands. Its other product lines include fashion and home products. Re-branded “Avon, The Company for Women” it has become a leading global company with over US$11 billion in annual revenue with 6.4 million sales representatives marketing Avon's products in more than 100 countries.



Christel Kjaer Is DubLi Network's First Woman VicePresident DubLi Network proudly announces that Christel Kjaer recently

nologies Inc,. (MGT). Operating the DubLi brand, MGT strives to

attained the position of Vice President. Christel is the first woman

address consumer needs both online and offline through innova-

to be promoted to this auspicious position which she achieved in

tive engagement models, as well as virtual shopping experiences.

her first year of joining DubLi Network.

It also creates business opportunities by helping both large and small entrepreneurs create micro-distributor organizations by

Christel received her well deserved pin and Dubot during the

joining DubLinetwork.com.

“DubLi Day Denmark,” a day filled with business presentations, networking, inspirational speeches from leaders, awards and

Led by Michael Hansen, President and Chief Executive Officer,

recognitions. It was held on July 8, 2012 at the Hotel Comwell

MGT recently relaunched in the United States and, as reported

in Middelfart. Christel gave a heartfelt speech wherein she

by OBTAINER, plans to apply for a listing on the NASDAQ

thanked Villads Vest-Hansen, her upline, for introducing her

Stock Market in the course of this year.

to the DubLi Network opportunity and for helping her build her business. She also thanked her team members, giving them

The management of DubLi Network are proud of Christel's

a great deal of credit for her success. Encouraging them on

achievements and they wish her entire team more success in

to success, she advises each one of them to follow their own

the years ahead and anticipate seeing many more new Vice

dreams and goals, promising to support them along the way.

Presidents emerging from her team over the next few months. We at OBTAINER shall be following her progress closely and

DubLi Network is the sales and marketing engine that drives

shall be reporting on this groups new achievements. Congratu-

DubLi.com, which is wholly owned by MediaNet Group Tech-

lations Christel!



Additional Licenses to Operate in China Ensure Herbalife's Growth

Products manufactured here and sold in China address weight

Despite recent drops in its share price following David Einhorn's

for up to 7% of Herbalife's sales this year. These additional

question regarding Herbalife Ltd's distribution system,

licenses will contribute towards growth, new distributors will

(OBTAINER: Sharp Drop In Herbalife Shares After Hedge Fund

continue to accelerate and expectations are that China may very

Managers Question), Herbalife Ltd recently reported that it

well become Herbalife's largest market yet.

had experienced its best quarter yet in 32 years. This followed an agreement entered into with Merrill Lynch International to repurchase US$427.9 million of its common shares. Herbalife Ltd also recently gained major inroads into China as it received eight more licenses for it to conduct its direct selling business in Hebei Province, Shanxi Province, Tianjin Municipality, Heilongjiang Province, Hunan Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hainan Province and Anhui Province. Its first license to operate in China was issued in March 2007 for the cities of Suzhou and Nanjing in the Jiangsu Province. As at June 2012, Herbalife was operating 68 retail stores in 29 provinces. Herbalife (China) Health Products Ltd currently has its head office in Raffles City, a prominent business centre in Shanghai. It also has a manufacturing plant located in the Suzhou Industrial Zone, which is its second after the one in the United States.


control, nutrition and personal care for a healthy lifestyle. All its health products manufactured in China meet the American GMP Standard and are sold only after approval by state health authority. In the first year of its operations, it was ranked among China's top 50 health products manufacturers. China's economy continues to boom and had another prosperous year in 2011 with a reported gross domestic produce of US$7 billion, making it the second largest economy in the world. It also reported low levels of unemployment, high consumer confidence and a growing affluent consumer base, who are focusing more and more on products to enhance their health and longevity. Industry analysts estimate that business from China will account

Sitetalk makes history: 100 million members in sight alk.com t e t i s . www now Visit:

more than twelve million members

eight million members

seven million members

six million members

five million members

four million members

three million members

two million members

one million members In March of 2011

three weeks later

two weeks later

ten days later

nine days later

seven days later

five days later

four days later


In March the Sitetalk-1BV promotional event was introduced. It was a crazy idea to invest funds into the re-numeration plans of every active “free Sitetalk member”. The only thing that the Sitetalk members need to do is to register at the social “Network Platform” and use some of the functions for about 10-15 minutes per week. They are not bound to make any purchases or provide any services; - but this makes the immense growth of the business possible. Sitetalk also was surprised by its international success and the rapid growth. The member rush was, at times, so strong that orders for the multi dimensioned hard and software could not be fulfilled. The second phase of the promotion was started at the end of August. In order to make this possible, international IT-specialists from around the word were called to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week to quickly install new state of the art systems so that more than 100 million users/members could access this system seamlessly. SiteTalk will because of this, install a completely updated (system) with improvements and expansions within all functions this summer. You can expect a thrilling (experience).

Thank you for your understanding.

Revolutionized two business areas • Reinvents networking • Reinvents network-marketing Built a “downline” with millions of members • Frictionless, fast and intelligent • Multifunctional and multi-lingual


NanoLiQ A Strong Breeze From Lake Zurich

Josef Mettler, NanoLiQ CEO

The company, based at Lake Zurich, markets and distributes products placed within the growth market of functioning foods and high quality nutritional supplements. In September NanoLiQ is set to launch with two product lines Nufibra and VitaQPremium. "We put a lot of energy into preparation and planning. Our administrative and management systems’ partners are also chosen with great care. In addi-

On September 1, 2012 NanoLiQ will begin its sales offensive with its innovative products – Nufibra and VitaQPremium. With these, the ambitious Swiss company brings a breath of fresh air to the functional food and nutritional supplement market. NanoLiQ offers an impressive range of high quality products and also boasts an impressive marketing plan. The registration phase has begun for all Networker who are looking for opportunities and want to join as a partner right from the start.


tion to our first class products, from September on we will also offer partners a modern managing system. This will ensure each of our partners are well equipped to directly participate in product introductions and sales development processes,” says Santiago Viguié, a member of senior management. The NanoLiQ Four Pillar Principle (NanoLiQ Dynamics) should encourage each partner to build an enduring and successful future in Direct Selling and MLM. Over the next four weeks, leading sales directors and company management will hold intensive discussions with partners

and firstlines who want to get involved in building up the NanoLiQ distribution network. Located near the financial center of Zurich, the company’s headquarters offers an ideal setting for fruitful discussions. Initial meetings with international distributors from central and southwest Europe have been successfully completed and will continue, parallel while building a distributor structure, within German-speaking Europe. "We want to fully exploit the potential that exists in the functional food market,” explains Santiago Viguié; “the oppor-

tunities and possibilities to succeed with high quality products

The NanoLiQ Dynamics principle is above all about the need

in this market are better than ever.” Here, the established goals

to be healthy and the need to maintain wellness. NanoLiQ

of NanoLiQ’s quality-oriented management are aligned, in all

products are, therefore, an important component for a more

directions, in respect towards the people and the products.

balanced life. Nufibra is an excellent source of fiber and VitaQPremium, which is enriched with Q10, optimally comple-

Nufibra, a fiber source, is available in many different flavors.

ment each other; one can, therefore, maintain one’s daily

It received the GASTRO VISION award for functional food

requirements of essential nutrients as well as one’s needed

products. Through the international Health Claim regula-

energy levels. Both products form the basis of the NanoLiQ

tions, it is one of the few foods to bear a certificate as a “source

Principle which leads to a better quality of life.

of fiber.” Therefore, Nufibra is an important and almost indispensable component of a balanced diet. VitaQPremium is a

Through a peer-seeking marketing plan and high quality

nutritional supplement containing water-soluble Coenzyme

management – according to the Swiss model -, NanoLiQ offers

Q10 and vitamin E. When taken regularly VitaQPremium

ideal conditions which each partner can then apply accord-

supports us in living an active and healthy lifestyle into old

ing to his own ideas. Through its marketing plan, NanoLiQ

age. The sophisticated and well-tested composition of Coen-

provides structure-oriented networkers, self-employed indi-

zyme Q10, Vitamin E and many other essential ingredients

viduals as well as other professionals with the opportunity of

make VitaQPremium a necessary companion in our daily -

engaging with and being interested in the products in a sustain-


able long-term focused manner. At NanoLiQ, the first steps



NanoLiQ values the importance of having a satisfied lifestyle and recognizes this as an important pillar in personal success. Family, friends and the planning of your own off-time are supported by NanoLiQ through special incentives, bonuses and social commitment.

towards achieving financial freedom and personal independence already begin during the first stage of the marketing plan. Annual bonus payments from initial sales and commission that runs 8 levels deep for large structures and much more besides are arguments that will speak for the success of NanoLiQ and its partners. NanoLiQ supports the build-up and the career development of its partners by means of the NanoLiQ Competence Academy (NCA). The respective needs and objectives of NanoLiQ partners will be supported at all stages. NanoLiQ values the importance of having a satisfied lifestyle and recognizes this as an important pillar in personal success. Family, friends and

The NanoLiQ Marketing & Sales AG is a marketing company

the planning of your own off-time are supported by NanoLiQ

specializing in nutraceutical, cosmeceutical as well as functional

through special incentives, bonuses and social commitment.

food products. It was founded in 2012 with a mandate to produce

NanoLiQ is obligated to offering innovative products and a

innovative products with high quality standards by means of a

strong marketing plan which will breathe a breath of fresh air

marketing plan based on the Swiss Value Model. The company's

into the Direct Selling and MLM industry.

headquarters is located in Pfäffikon at Lake Zurich.


Well-being with heads The

product initiative has begun

The experts for nutraceutical, easy wellfood & cosmeceutical energize with innovative products and continue with a modern compensation plan. Read more information in this issue or at www.nanoliq.ag.

Opening Sales in Central and Southwest Europe from Sept. 1st



Largest Fireworks Show West of the Mississippi Hosted by Melaleuca The night sky spluttered into red, green, purple, blue, white and yellow as fireworks kaboom-ed across the night sky as Americans celebrated 236th years since the signing of The Declaration of Independence by the fathers of the United States of America. Following the Seven Years war between France and Britain, the British had racked up a huge debt and looked to America, a colony until the Spring of 1776, to help pay for it, as if it was its war. Naturally the Americans resisted and instead of compromising, the “Protectors” in the British Parliament issued oppressive measures forcing Americans to obey these new laws. Tensions finally culminated in a shootout between British troops and the colonialists at Lexington and Concord in 1775.

“This show is not only to celebrate our nation’s birthday, but it is a 31-minute tribute to our soldiers and veterans who have paid

“The Fourth of July” is the anniversary day of celebrations and

an enormous price so that we can live like we do,” said Melaleuca

citizens displayed the United States Flag in their homes, families

CEO Frank VanderSloot. “You will miss the entire meaning of the

joined together for picnics and barbecues, held sporting events

show if you do not bring your radio.”

such as baseball games, three legged races, swimming and tugof-war games.

The day ended on a high note throughout The Idaho Falls Greenbelt as residents celebrated their tradition of political freedom and

Melaleuca the Direct Selling company that manufactures and

the audience were entertained with shells that reached over 400

distributes concentrated tea tree products marked this day with

feet high with bright lights reflecting off the surface of Snake River.

The Annual Melaleuca Freedom Celebration. Now in its 20th year, The Annual Melaleuca Freedom Celebration attracted over 100,000 people to the shores of the Snake River in Idaho Falls to witness the largest fireworks show West of the Mississippi. This year 17,153 shells were packed into the 31 minute production. The theme and soundtrack was “America's Fight for Freedom” and it was broadcast live on KLCE Classy 97 FM. Prior to the show, residents of Idaho Falls were invited to another Melaleuca exclusive event held at the Shilo Inn, which featured a family-style buffet dinner, a full hour of performance of patriotic music from Freedom Symphony and speeches from Idaho's top elected officials.


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QNet Sponsored Marussia F1 Team Speed Away in Russia Excited motorsports fans lined the streets of Kremlin, Moscow on the weekend of July 14 and 15 2012 for the Moscow City Racing Event which was a festival of engines and speed. QNet's sponsored Marussia F1 Team were excited to be here, the home of Marussia. Marussia Motors was founded by racing driver Nikolay Fomenko, brand Strategist Efin Ostrovsky and technology entrepreneur Andrey Cheglakov who created the first Russian high performance car company. Their first design was the mid-engined B1 which was followed in the Autumn of 2009 by The Marussia B2 launched at the Frankfurt International Motor Show. In 2010, Marussia Motors became the first Russian brand to enter the FIA Formula One World Championship in partnership with Virgin Racing F1. By the end of 2012, the duo had acquired a majority stake in the team which is now called the “Marussia F1 Team.” Charles Pic #25 and the entire “Marussia F1 Team” delivered an outstanding performance in a Formula One demo car on Sunday July 15 2012 when Charles hit the streets and wowed the crowd with a series of demonstrations on a specially configured road course. He completed a series of exploratory laps, delivering two 3 laps, rounding the day off with some spectacular burnouts.

And sticking with the sporting theme Hadia Hosny Elsaid, an Independent Representative at QNet qualified to compete in

He stated that “It has been a real experience to come to Russia

this year's London 2012 Olympic Games, a fact that QNet is

for the first time and take part in the Moscow City Racing Event.

very proud of. At 28 years of age, Hadia qualified as the Highest

For me, having never been to Russia before, this trip was a little

African/Egyptian women's singles player in the world rankings

overdue given that I drive for an Anglo-Russian team, but it was

during the Olympic qualifying period. Hadia stated "I'm very

well worth the wait.”

excited and I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games. They're so close now so I want to train as hard as I can to do my best

Recent reports also indicate that the first ever Russian Grand

and represent both Egypt and Africa, as well as the University."

Prix will be held as part of the 2014 F1 Season. The F1 race shall

Hadia is a student at the University of Bath in Somerset where

be held at a circuit in Sochi where the next Winter Olympics are

she is studying towards a MSc., in Biosciences. She has been

being held as well. The F1 calendar will in the future have as many

training with Coach Pete Bush at the University which has an

as 23 rounds by 2014.

excellent reputation for both academics and sports.



Silpada Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary in Kansas City Silpada Designs celebrated its 15th Anniversary on July 19 to 22 2012 at its The London 2012 Summer Olympic Games will be opened by Her

2012 National Conference

Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on July 27 and shall end on August

at the Kansas City Conven-

12 2012. Badminton shall be played at Wembley Arena in North

tion Center. This year’s

West London from July 28 with the finals played on August 3,4

theme was “Silpada at 15

and 5 2012. 172 participants will be competing for medals in five

– Keep the Party Going”

competitions namely the men's singles, women's singles, men's

encouraging representa-

doubles, women's doubles and mixed doubles.

tives to achieve success at every stage of their busi-

QNet has been involved in sports sponsorships from motor-

ness journey.

sports, football to hockey and badminton. What does direct selling and sports have in common? An athlete starts out with a

Celebrations opened on July 19 with “The Anniversary Party”

dream to become a champion, a winner! She performs to the best

and “The Opening General Session” started on July 20. 4,600

of her ability and ultimately achieves that coveted gold medal. A

representatives turned up and were inspired to prepare for a

direct seller sets out each day with a dream of a certain lifestyle

very promising Silpada-ish future, had an opportunity to meet

and residual income to see him well into retirement. He performs

new business prospects as they looked at the new gorgeous

by recruiting a massive downline and he too ultimately gets those

collection for 2012-2013.

keys to the condo on the beach he has always dreamed about. They both have three things in common. Dreams, Performance

Avon Products Inc acquired all Silpada's assets in July 2012 for

and Achievement, which is why QNet considers sports sponsor-

US$650 million, complementing its core beauty and direct selling

ship as part of its being. QNet has, over the years, built a solid

business. In spite of the acquisition Bonnie Kelly and Teresa Walsh

and global brand reputation.

the co-founders continue to run the company. Silpada is still a stand alone business and its existing 33,000 independent sales represen-

With a little over two weeks left before the start of the London

tatives are the exclusive sellers of its .925 sterling silver jewelry.

2012 Olympic Games, Hadia is a very busy woman juggling with training and workout sessions and traveling between different

Since its inception in 1997, Silpada Designs has been empowering

venues. To keep her energy level high, she has been wearing

thousands of women, building self esteem, forming friendships and

QNet's Veloci-Ti Pendant and comments, “I love energy products

helping them achieve financial freedom. The company’s designs are

… they are always with me on my journeys. I wear my Velocity-Ti

sold throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Pendant during Practice.” We at OBTAINER shall be following

As it celebrates its 15th birthday, annual revenue has reached more

Hadia's game and we wish her the best of luck.

than US$230 million.




Unicity Making Ripples Across Asia and Understanding the Benefits of Work and Play Direct Selling and Network Marketing as an income generation

benefits, the people of Indonesia will have an opportunity to

method has become more and more popular and esfacpecially

improve their health. Indonesia has seen significant growth

so in Southeast Asia. Unicity International’s Franchise Partners

in the number of Unicity Franchise Partners over the past

in Indonesia are glad for the opening of the new office premises

few years. There has been high levels of interest in the range

in Jakarta which was officially celebrated on June 29, 2012.

of Unicity Products branded as ‘Bios Life Slim,’ a weight loss beverage; 'Bios Life Complete,' an excellent product for enhanc-

Heart disease has dogged mankind since time immemorial,

ing cardiovascular health; 'E – International Sun Care,' a skin

but even more so in our modern times. In Indonesia, there are

care product; and 'Bios Life E,' which is actually an energy

more and more reported cases of high cholesterol and heart

beverage. Moreover, there are various products for women’s

disease especially in the urban middle classes, most of them

health, men’s wellness and standard health products.

related to diet. According to reports from the World Health Foundation, heart disease is the number one cause of death in

Unicity International currently has offices in Singapore, Malay-

Indonesia and in other cities around the world.

sia and Brunei in Southeast Asia. The new office in Jakarta is located at Gedung Perkantoran Bidakara 2 Lt. 15 #2Jalan.

With Unicity's Bios Life products, manufactured from a blend

Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 71-73Kel. Menteng Dalam Kec. Tebet

of natural ingredients which have provided breakthrough

Jakarta 12870 Telephone: 8379 3358.



The 2012 Global Leadership Convention in Korea will run from September 21 to 22 and will be hosted at the Kintex Convention Center. Activities planned are general sessions, celebration of success, entertainment, presentations from Chairman and CEO of Unicity International Stewart Hughes, cultural activities, celebrations and opportunities to learn from the most successful leaders. While preparing for the upcoming convention Unicity's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Stewart Hughes together with Clayton Barton President of the Americas, Europe and Thailand Convention 2012

India mixed work and play and hiked and scaled the heights of Mt. Timpanogos in Utah's Rocky Mountain backcountry.

Sticking with Asia, Unicity International's Franchise Partners are all excited for the 2012 Global Leadership Convention and Make Life Better Rewards Trip in Korea! Unicity International's life-changing global conventions are held every two to three years, and they offer an opportunity to meet new people from all corners of the world who have joined Unicity and are benefiting from professional development programs and from quality health products. For the first time, qualifying Franchise Partners from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe, India, Nigeria, Australia and New Zealand are participating in joint Make Life Better Rewards

Mt. Timpanogos

Trip, and it is expected to be spectacular. Other Franchise Partners in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Lao, Indo-

When Stewart Hughes joined Unicity in 1991, it was a strug-

nesia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan are working

gling network marketing company. Vision, Integrity and

very hard so as to qualify and have their entire trip paid for

Passion are the three virtues that helped him attract a team of

by Unicity. The JW Marriott in Seoul shall be the host hotel

strong leaders who joined him and together, relaunched the

from September 17 to 20 2012. Activities will include leader-

company with “Bios Life” its flagship product. He states that “

ship training sessions and excursions to visit Seoul’s historical

I had made promises to thousands of independent distributors

and shopping sites.

around the world” when asked why he left his position as a top independent distributor to move to the corporate management

Kintex Convention Centre

of the company. The recent hike at Mt. Timpanogos was in preparation of climbing Mt. Cotopaxi in Ecuador which rises to a height of 19,347 feet (5,897m), and is one of the world's highest continuously active volcanoes, set in the Cordillera Central of the Andes. Reaching the summit or even attaining one's goals in life needs discipline, training, focus, faith in one's ability and at times pain. With his three guiding virtues of Vision, Integrity and Passion, we at OBTAINER shall be watching Stewart Hughes as he climbs and report to you once he plants a Unicity Flag at the summit.


Nigeria Shines at Forever Living Products Last African Rally Forever Living Product's worldwide super rallies around the

the 4,000 who converged in Sun City, 1,600 of them were Nigerians.

world are usually colorful and punctuated with a lot of song and

Mr. Cornelius Tay, Managing Director of Nigeria and Benin was

dance. The last African Rally held in Sun City South Africa was

humbled by this experience and stated, “Nigeria recorded a number

no different and it went out with a bang!

of firsts in this year’s African Rally. Firstly, Nigeria had the largest number of attendees. Ours was a huge number; almost 50 percent

Over 4000 people converged at the Super Bowl Arena from

of the entire Rally participants were Nigerians. For every two

across the expansive continent to celebrate the last rally and the

people, there was a Nigerian. The country was well represented.

success of distributors. Nigeria emerged as number one in almost

Secondly, Nigeria was declared as the number one country in Africa

all the categories. It was also the country with the largest number

on the basis of continental sales in the period 2011 / 2012. Nigeria

of Top 5 Distributors namely Justina and John Ekperigin taking

received the two topmost cheques at the event. The number one

first place, followed by Kike & David Apeji, Maria and Clement

cheque of US$335,000 went to the Ekperigins, and the second

Idigo came third, Oma and Tony Attah were fourth and fifth was

topmost cheque of US$279,000 went to Kikelomo Apeji.”

Gueminy and Veronique Topka from the Ivory Coast. The rally also recognized the five best performing countries which were

Rex Maughan, Founder of Forever along with Gregg Maughan,

1.Nigeria & Benin, 2.South Africa, 3.East Africa, 4. Ivory Coast &

President and Gary Shreeve, Senior Vice President of Africa also

5.Burkina Faso and Angola.

congratulated the top 10 distributors for 2011 who received an award on stage. As Forever moves towards the Global Rally, all are

Chioma Theresa Ajah was the Sonya Competition winner and

excited and looking forward to meeting at the first event scheduled

you guessed it; she too is a Nigerian. She shall be representing

to take place in Hawaii in 2013. This event will consolidate all

the continent at the Super Rally in Phoenix, Arizona.

existing regional rallies into one. The concept behind it is the encouragement of the entrepreneurial spirit, promoting the idea

As the saying goes, there is always strength in numbers and the

that distributors need not settle for their home town, nor country

more people in an organization or group, the better the outcome. Of

or region for that matter, when they can conquer the world.

A rewarding experience “I didn’t make money out of inventions like microwave ovens, cell phones or the internet. I didn’t own shares in Microsoft and I’m not a dot-com millionaire. To be honest, I didn’t even know what Web 2.0 was, let alone Web 3.0. When SiteTalk came along, I made sure I didn’t miss the boat. What’s your story?”

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XANGO “STRONG AND SURGING” IN CIS Deep relationships with top networkers throughout the region

in their commitment and vision for CIS. Since opening CIS in

produce some of the strongest single market cumulative sales

October 2009, XANGO has experienced strong, sustained growth

and sign-ups growth in XANGO’s 10-year history.

in the market driven by leaders who have made the market one of the hottest in the company’s ten-year history.

Contrary to the unconfirmed reports doing the rounds on various blogs and unofficial websites, XANGO’s business in the CIS

Top networking veterans and fast-growing newcomers are building

is booming. Not interested in merely scratching the surface,

XANGO’s CIS growth and bringing first-time products and services

OBTAINER dug deeper and contacted XANGO directly to find

to the region. In just three years, XANGO has achieved a dominant

out how XANGO's business in the CIS was developing and to help

presence throughout the market, doubling sales growth in one year.

debunk some of the rumors flying around. “XANGO is the leader in the market in all aspects. We have a “XANGO is the strongest company we’ve ever seen,” says XANGO

marvelous team of leaders and systems of business development,

200K Select Vadim Smirnov.

which work. XANGO has changed my life completely. I am grateful to the founders that they created a dream company,” stated

“We love XANGO products and the compensation plan, and it’s

XANGO 200K Select Serguey Savitch.

the relationships we treasure most. When we see the growth of the people within our teams, their success both personal and financial,

Leaders point to surging sales trends for 2012 with upcom-

that is the thing that motivates and inspires us,” said Smirnov.

ing new product launches in the CIS of star XANGO products Juni personal care line, Glimpse Luminescence line, and weight

Distributor leaders, XANGO Founders and executives are united


management system Favao.


500K Select Oleg Ogromnovy had the following to say: “We like

“So much depends on who is at the helm and if every leader

to know that we are in step with the times and sometimes even

inspires people with who they are, then success is inevitable,”

a little ahead. Everything evolves and, with XANGO, we see the

continued Ogromnovy.

direction for growth. XANGO clearly invests in Distributor development and gives us the best products in the business.The MLM

Leaders say XANGO products are authorized by CIS authorities

industry is the best industry in the world. And when you find the

before sale, and are posted online for Distributors to see and have

best company in that industry everything multiplies many times

a certainty that XANGO is being transparent in its product clear-

over: the possibilities, the teams and the income.”

ance process. And sign-ups continue to surge with CIS setting one of the company’s single-month recruitment records.

CIS Distributors just completed a three-day leadership event running from July 14, 15 and 16, 2012 in Kazakhstan that included

“CIS is a priority for XANGO and we treasure our relationships

team development, training, leadership insights and latest market

throughout the market,” said XANGO Senior Vice President

news and vision for the future. Daniel Laroque, President, XANGO

Beverly Hollister. “We are committed to every CIS region and

Europe, CIS, Africa & Oceania was present and XANGO Founders

every CIS Distributor.”

Aaron Garrity and Joe Morton delivered messages via webcast. “XANGO’s strong relationships with our Distributors are the cornerDuring the event, CIS leaders especially noted the trust and trans-

stone of our ten-years of business success. Those relationships are

parency the company has built throughout the market:

built on trust – XANGO delivers for our Distributors. When we make promises, we deliver and our Distributors know that about us.”

According to leaders, XANGO Founders and executives are often in the market to work with Distributors and the company has

This paints a very different picture of the XANGO business in

expanded CIS distribution centers to ensure top quality service. In

CIS. In recent days manipulative tactics have been employed by

the last three months, XANGO Distributor leaders, Founders and

calculating individuals with the sole aim of damaging XANGO's

executives have toured through CIS and Europe and hosted numer-

reputation. After approaching the company directly and talking

ous meetings with one single event drawing over 3,000 attendees.

with CIS Distributor leaders, it’s clear to see XANGO’s business in CIS is healthy and growing.

“We continue to be impressed by the openness and availability of the XANGO Founders and executive officers – their constant

“XANGO’s 10-year record of success sometimes makes us a target.

visits to different regions and countries in CIS market and their

Leaders in networking know that from experience. The company is

attitude toward Distributors as equal business owners,” said

taking legal action to address outright misrepresentations of our busi-

XANGO 500K Select Galina Ogromnovy.

ness. We intend to protect what our leaders have built,” said Hollister. “In fact, we have reports from several Distributors that they have been approached and coerced to appear in staged protest videos. Many of the online posts from anonymous sources include videos staged in 2009 and links to a start-up company event. That is recruitment at its ugliest and shows us the intention and lack



of credibility of these videos and online articles,” said Hollister. XANGO, which celebrates its 10-year anniversary this year, now has 1.5 million distributors in 43 markets and nearly 500 employees in 27 global offices and 49 warehouse distribution centers stretching around the globe.

8. XANGO 500K Selects Oleg & Galina Ogromnovy have consistently had one of the highest checks in the company and highest volume levels. The Ogromnovys are contending to reach unprecedented ranks like Quantum Premier (750K) and X1 – and receive the bonuses with those accomplishments.

XANGO ”By the Numbers” in CIS 1. Sales of XANGO products in CIS doubled in a single year.

9. Driven by demand, XANGO opened 11 new distribution centers allowing for product pickups in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. The company has 49 warehouse distribution centers and 27 offices around the world.

2. Growth trends for 2012 are strong, and will include new prod- 10. As a reward to the momentum and innovation of leaders, uct launches of Juni personal care line, Glimpse Luminescence

XANGO made CIS the first market to offer an electronic wallet

line, and weight management system Favao.

payment option, which is now available in South Africa, Hong


Kong, and in the Baltics. CIS achieved the strongest single market cumulative sales

growth first three years after opening in XANGO’s 10-year history.

4. Four “Million Dollar Club” earners in CIS who achieved the

“Our plans for CIS are very clear,” said XANGO Founder, Chairman of the Board and CEO Aaron Garrity in an exclusive statement to OBTAINER. “We are working to repeat the feat

rank faster than million dollar earners in any of XANGO’s 43

of doubling our single-year sales growth and rewarding every

markets worldwide.

Distributor working to build and dominate the market.

5. CIS sign-ups are trending the highest among XANGO’s 43

“XANGO has proven through ten years in business that we know

global markets. CIS notched one of the record highs in recruit-

how to build and how to foster individual success for our leaders,”

ment for a single month. XANGO has over 1.5 million distribu-

added Garrity. “CIS is an important home for XANGO and we are

tors worldwide.

committed to giving our leaders unlimited potential.”

6. CIS is one of the leading markets in distributors maximiz-

"XANGO prides itself in the way it runs its thriving business.

ing the compensation plan opportunity and buying on 2-case

From our unique corporate culture to customer service to fiscal

ADP -- producing some of the highest commission checks in the

responsibility to our global expansion initiatives, there is not a


better-run enterprise. It's no wonder XANGO is recognized by all

7. XANGO launched its new Favao Detox in Russia as a test

as a leader in direct sales,” continued Garrity.

market to reward the leaders for tremendous growth and to

XANGO’s business in the CIS is thriving. Simply turn a blind eye

address surging demand. It was the first time a product has been

to unsubstantiated reports and biased reporting. Choose authen-

developed and launched outside the U.S.

tic reporting, choose OBTAINER.


Vorwerk Is Tops in Direct Sales If the name Vorwerk is mentioned then

more than 569,000 products, thus earn-

everyone knows which company is being

ing additional income and gaining inde-

talked about. Vorwerk has achieved an


impressive brand awareness level of 90% which is something that other compa-

Meanwhile, Vorwerk generates over 84%

nies can only dream about. Vorwerk was

of corporate revenues through Direct

founded in 1883 as a carpet manufacturer

Sales, two thirds of this from abroad. In

and is still today, one of the leading enter-

order to develop new customer segments,

prises in the field of home appliances;

Vorwerk has, over and above this, estab-

proven by the fact that one in three German

lished new sales channels; these include,

households have a vacuum cleaner with

for example, Online-Shopping and,

the brand name "Kobold"- the sales hit for

in addition, the concept of “Flagship

the enterprise from Wuppertal.

Stores�. Through these stores, the presence in large cities will be strengthened;

But today, Vorwerk is considerably more

here customers can test the company’s

than just a company that succeeded with

products extensively on site and then can

"Kobold" and "Thermomix." Vorwerk is

also make appointments with a distrib-

also the national leader in Direct Sales

utor that then comes to their home.

and when measured internationally the

Furthermore, Vorwerk also focuses on

business group is in third place. "Ther-

product innovation: this includes, for

momix" produces the smallest "kitchen"

example, robotic vacuum cleaners that

in the world , has sold more than 7 million

vacuum automatically and systematically

times and is the fastest growing division

which have, in numerous tests, achieved

of the company. This kitchen appliance is

top marks.

sold in Italy, Spain, France and Germany and more than 100,000 are sold every

This is just one of many examples of the

year; - more than 6,000 distributors

new, innovative and versatile products that

offer this unit by selling direct. Jafra, a

focus on current customer needs; in addi-

subsidiary company has a product port-

tion, they are oriented towards providing

folio that consists of a cosmetics line; it

comfortable and time saving household

is also operating abroad and today has

solutions. Therefore, they can surely win

more than 620,000 distributors; these

new customers and continue the success

consist mainly of women who have sold

story of the enterprise from Germany.


PM Family Day 2012

family values, enthusiasm and team spirit undiluted!

Together with their families more than 1,500 of PM International AG’s business partners experienced two days that were more than unforgettable at the second Family Day in the history of the European direct sales company. Around the PM Logistics Center Europe and at the “Pretzel Fun Run” with FitLine in Speyer a program full of highlights created enthusiasm and true to the motto “We are PM!” friendship, family values and togetherness were to the fore!




aving traveled from far and near, all PM sales partners and their guests experienced right from the opening highlight of the Family Day that celebrating together,

pride in successes and shaping the future are very closely linked at PM: the official opening of the new second administration building in Speyer was on the program – another impressive proof of PM’s orientation toward an expanding future and a visible sign of the success of all of PM’s business partners. In his opening speech PM’s Founder and Chairman Rolf Sorg emphasized that this new building is another achievement of all of PM International AG’s sales partners and all of the company’s staff that has taken on visible form. As is to be expected of the PM Family Day as a “large public festival for everybody,” following the opening ceremony everything the heart desires was on offer for both the adults and in particular for the many children. A huge amusement park provided endless fun for everybody with many attractions made available by volunteers from the organization “Das Kunterbunte Kinderzelt” in return for a donation from PM. Thrills and enormous excitement were provided by a stunt motorcycle show and, of course, an enormous variety of culinary specialties were on offer to the guests. An invitation to relax away from the colorful program was provided by a lounge area with live music in the idyllic garden of the main administration building.



It is a tradition that PM events are linked with charitable activities – and this was also the case here! A special caliber of PM charity initiative was displayed by PM business partners in the “Cakes for a Good Cause” action. More than 85 home-baked small “works of art” were in great demand. The proceeds from their sale and PM’s donation for the children’s amusement park totaling about €6,200 are going to the “Das Kunterbunte Kinderzelt” organization for a special aid project against child poverty in Romania – more precisely for the “Kindernestchen” children’s daycare facility and its development. The total donations from the First PM Family Day in 2010 were what made the construction of this day care facility possible. After this it was proved that the extension of the successful PM car program to include vehicles with the logo of BeautyLine cosmetics is steadily finding increasing resonance. Numerous proud owners of a new “VW BeautyLine UP” received their brand new city runabouts, which will support further sales success, to the accompaniment of resounding applause from the audience. Indeed, and when the PM family celebrates properly, then it can get quite late: To round off the fantastic first day a perfectly choreographed fireworks display accompanied by music embellished the evening sky above the PM Logistics Center Europe. The subsequent summer night party with a live band, dancing and an amazing atmosphere until the early morning hours was the climax of the day, something nobody will forget!



The Great Pretzel Fun Run turned into a FitLine Team sensation! Fitness and exercise are integral parts of the PM's living philosophy. So a logical consequence of this was a further highlight within the framework of the PM Family Day: the “Great Pretzel Fun Run with FitLine” in Speyer on July 15th, 2012. The PM family was present with 140 runners wearing a uniform FitLine sport outfit. The team around PM's Founder and Chairman Rolf Sorg and his wife Vicki was also accompanied and supported here by the extreme sports legend and enthusiastic Fitline user Achim Heukemes. The spectators at the Speyer Pretzel Fun Run were shown an impressive large picture of the PM family and the “PM Running Team” also won the Team Cup for the largest cohesive team in the race. The applause from the people along the course for the strong performance and the rousingly presented team spirit of the FitLine runners was huge. The second PM Family Day showed again clearly the unique spirit of PM International: in addition to the constantly growing sales successes friendship, family and togetherness are emphasized in this direct sales company!



Taking Things Easy Ilhan Dogan Opens Reborn Spa in Mallorca Ilhan Dogan, who for quite some time was one of the top leaders of a global direct selling beauty and wellness company and then made a name for himself primarily through his coaching in the development of and care for structures, has recently opened the “Reborn Spa” in the capital of the sunny island of Majorca. Here “Reborn” isn’t just a name that sounds nice – even more it expresses the philosophy of the new wellness temple.



For Ilhan Dogan success and wellness go together: “You can only achieve measurable success if you take care equally of your body, your mind and your soul.”

Ilhan Dogan is no stranger to the direct sales industry. The son of Turkish immigrants began his career as a simple shift worker in a textile factory and today – 22 years later – he’s one of the most successful leaders in the network marketing industry. His latest project is the “Reborn Spa,” which he’s opened in Palma de Majorca. For his new project Dogan was able to benefit from his vast experience in the fields of beauty and wellness. For Ilhan Dogan success and wellness go together: “You can only achieve measurable success if you take care equally of your body, your mind and your soul.” For this reason, it isn’t surprising that Ilhan Dogan has now fulfilled his personal dream of a place where the revitalization of the body and the mind take first place. “At a time that is all too often characterized by stress and a hectic pace it’s important to have a refuge where you can take things easy and escape the stress of everyday life.” Ilhan Dogan has invested €3.5 million in the development of the Reborn Spa, a project that took just one year to bring to fruition. More than 500 guests attended the opening, among them businesspeople, lawyers and celebrities such as Monica Invancan, Nova Meierhenrich and former Bayern Munich player Thomas Helmer with his wife Yasmina Filali. At the moment the Saudi Royal Family is residing at the wellness temple as VIP guests. In the Reborn Spa highly qualified staff



(beauticians, physiotherapists etc.), who undergo continuous training, await the guests and ensure through individual treatment concepts that they will be able to recharge their batteries and receive new stimulus. Among the things on offer at the Spa are, for example, beauty treatment and advice on style. As a top hairdresser Ilhan Dogan was able to recruit the renowned Parisian stylist Franck Provost. More than 7 million women (and also men) have placed their confidence in his skills and ability, among them stars such as Sharon Stone, Iman, Daryl Hannah and Catherine Deneuve. In 1977 Franck Provost was voted “Hairdresser of the World“ and as a result his reputation and his salons spread all over the world. The well-known specialist beautician and make-up artist Anja Pariti, who has over 25 years of experience in the beauty field and is also a trained naturopath, offers permanent makeup at the Reborn Spa from the renowned Long-Time-Liner Conture Make-up brand. Thousands of satisfied customers show that these make-up products provide support for everyday wellness. In addition, Anja Pariti is the founder of the First German Trade Association for Permanent Make-up and is often recommended as a beauty expert by many TV stations. Above and beyond that Reborn works in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery together with Dr. med. Peter Holzschuh,



Consultant Surgeon and Senior Doctor at the OPTIMA Clinic in Karlsruhe (Germany). Dr. Holzschuh has more than 20 years of experience in plastic surgery and has worked among other places in France, Spain, the USA and Brazil. He carries out all consultations in person and the operations are also exclusively carried out by him. Dr. Holzschuh also tends to the guests personally after the operation and, if necessary, he is personally accessible 24 hours a day. The comprehensive and varied range of services offered by the Reborn Spa is rounded off by cosmetic treatments with aloe vera products as well as by consultations on diet and food supplements, a body check-up and a fitness program. Facials, skin rejuvenation, face-lifting, wrinkle treatment, massages, lymph drainage, hair removal and much more also belong to the repertoire of the spa. The cosmetic treatments with aloe vera use only the pure leaf gel and are carried out with products cultivated by the spa itself. The independent Fresenius Institute has given the products the rating “Very good.” “It isn’t just the body that’s the focus of the philosophy of the Reborn Spa, but rather the relaxation in your head and the feeling that you’re being cared for and looked after; this is what you should experience as our guest,” is the spa’s mission statement. Not least because of this



the spa offers a quite special VIP service including, for example, collection in a limousine and the provision of a driver. The hand-made furniture, the loving details and the harmonious design round off the wellness experience perfectly. Notwithstanding the high investments in and the luxurious fixtures and fittings of the Reborn Spa there’s something on offer for everybody – both men and women - and that at prices that are quite reasonable. The Reborn Spa is in a top-class location right in the middle

“It isn’t just the body that’s the focus of the philosophy of the Reborn Spa, but rather the relaxation in your head and the feeling that you’re being cared for and looked after; this is what you should experience as our guest,”

of Palma de Majorca, just minutes away from the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Palma. The Spa is open Monday through Friday from 9.00 a.m to 8.00 p.m. And on Saturday from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Contact: Reborn Spa Carrer de la Constitució 1 07001 Palma de Mallorca Phone: (+34) 971 728 455 Fax: (+34) 971 710 702 e-Mail: info@reborn-spa.com Homepage: www.reborn-spa.com



A “Must Have” Product Is More Than Half the Battle in Network Marketing When Julia Krezdorn Sees Opportunities She Takes Action and Grabs It



As a nutritionist and passionate networker Julia Krezdorn is always critical of something new. She looks twice before being convinced of something. It almost sounds like a stereotype how the native of Mahlberg and mother of two came in contact with Network Marketing. “I came to direct marketing for the first time with Tupperware. For a housewife this is also, somehow, logical,” she says with a grin. The motivation at that time was to add, with a side job, a few Euros to the household budget with a moderately time consuming effort through a flexible, independent and self- defining activity. The trained hotel manager and paramedic quickly fell in love with the concept of “Network Marketing.” Not only because she enjoys working with people, but rather because she became aware of the tremendous opportunities offered by this marketing concept. Daily challenges in being creative to develop new markets, motivating people to change something in their lives or achieving ever higher goals are only a few aspects that, surely, make Network Marketing one of the most exciting jobs in the world.



With “Tupperware” the Malberger quickly reached her boundaries. She knew that there was a lot more potential with MLM. The aim was to find a company where she could also bring her professional knowledge as a nutrition coach into play. “Then, three years ago, I got to know a German family business and was extremely happy with the products,” says Julia. Except for the prevalent stereotypes of some people, who did not really understand Network Marketing, the two time mother had only positive experiences. She was very happy with the team’s cohesion, the joint activities and also the sidelines as well, as, of course, the products and customers. But, as it is so apply referred to: “Good is not good enough.” After three years with established German companies and many new experiences, Julia Krezdorn developed an aptitude for products and companies as well as for their market opportunities. She knew that there was something out in the network-landscape that will continue to drive her forward - and she found it. “I have changed. But not because of the products, these I will continue with. I had always felt very comfortable in a German family business and, therefore, I thought about making this decision for a long time and it was not an easy one. Above all, leaving the team with this in mind was not easy but it was the right time for my personal development. I shall remain loyal as a customer and will also continue to recommend the products,” said Julia half crying, half laughing. She has not regretted the decision. Her intuition was correct and the results showed it quickly. She began with her “warm” market and she was able to win over close friends and family members who previously had no interest in MLM. What is different at the American company? “It is contemporary, innovative, unique, and it is really a lot of fun. My small but excellent team is developing superbly, and I am already earning more now than before. In addition, it can be easily re-positioned worldwide in an unlimited way: You do not need product approvals and lengthy processes. One click and up you go,” Julia says mysteriously. She loves the unrestricted use of her time because there is, simply, no pressure on the part of the company, the innovative product with a future that has very good earnings potential and, especially, the immediate payment of commissions. She can also live out her slight addiction to luxury because, in the end, she is a woman and, therefore, likes to go shopping, Julia reveals smirking. The American company is a member of the “Direct Selling Association” and has been operating for about 12 months in Germany. Thus, Julia is performing pioneering work. At this point in time the distribution network is being built up so that every federal state, every city and every municipality will be a point of contact for customers. The end user business in the USA is enormous and Julia is sure that it will be also be this way in Germany. That will - after the construction of the distributor network is completed - be massively tackled in the coming year.



"Mostly I work from home using the PC, Skype and Webinars,” says Julia. Sounds simple and it also is. This is working from home “par excellence.”

Julia works, both offline and online, for customer and distributor acquisition. Every evening there is an online presentation at which the Mahlberger invites interested friends, colleagues and acquaintances. “I have put my shyness aside and speak directly to people that I’ve only known a short while. I just think that EVERYONE should have the product and use it,” Julia believes. After each online presentation she makes a 3way call with the interested person and her sponsor. Thus, utilizing the power of a third person. She does not hold hotel seminars but uses them when they arise. “Some of my colleagues do that and, if suitable and if it is around the corner, then I’ll look in and also take interested parties with me. But mostly I work from home using the PC, Skype and Webinars,” says Julia. Sounds simple and it also is. This is working from home - “par excellence.” Network Marketing is not just a job for Julia but it’s also a hobby. Of course she is not a workaholic and also enjoys her leisure time with the family, exercises, likes to eat out and enjoys traveling, as she has been to Italy, France, the USA and Hong Kong. But, the job is simply enjoyable because she works together in a team. Julia likes to reveal how it’s done. “One should bear in mind that as one builds the business one is going to work, ideally, with people for a long period of time and very intensively. This is easier to do with friends. A colleague of mine always says if you can imagine this person sitting next to you on the sofa, then it is right,” says Julia. It’s a simple rule of thumb for being happy in one’s business. But, of course, it does not work entirely without effort. A certain ambition must already exist, especially in the initial phase. “It’s a cliché, but so true. Never give up. Even if things sometimes do not go as planned, go on! One must be willing to learn, have the willingness to change



something in one’s life and do everything you are told to do for at least 12 months and preferably for 24 months. Then it works like clockwork and one can earn some money”, explains Julia about the secret of success. This is a very short time to build a self-sufficient business. Even a hairdresser, a baker and bricklayer needs to study for three years before he has mastered his craft. Now is the perfect point in time to enter this American Network Marketing Business. The foundations have been laid, the seeds have been sown, and the fields have just been cultivated. In MLM, the “beginners” in a new MLM company are the ones who bring in the biggest profits when the boom fully strikes. Intrigued? Then just contact Julia Krezdorn via Facebook, Xing, or LinkedIn. Or contact her directly via Skype at “julia-krezdorn“ or by mail at krezdorn@live.de. It costs only a little time but it may be the “secret tip” for the next MLM success story. Then it does not matter if you later say that no one could have guessed this. Julia guessed it and she is ready to reveal it to everybody.

“It’s a cliché, but so true. Never give up. Even if things sometimes do not go as planned, go on! One must be willing to learn, have the willingness to change something in one’s life and do everything you are told to do for at least 12 months and preferably for 24 months. Then it works like clockwork and one can earn some money.”


The MLM industry has embraced the entire globe and Europe is no exception. The success story of Riccardo Vieri and Luana Sicari is true inspiration for others in this industry. As they set out an example for others, they see the MLM industry as a platform also meant for ‘smart people’ and not just those who have failed. Luana Sicari & Riccardo Vieri


iccardo Vieri and Luana Sicari are two young

months of working for Europartners as a representative, Ricca-

entrepreneurs who turned towards the boom-

rdo Vieri saw laurels of appreciation coming in and was made

ing MLM industry for the ample opportunity

the General Director representing three companies.

and freedom it provides. But to them, MLM is

Riccardo Vieri has earned impeccable experience in the

a gateway to make a global presence. As their work starts

network marketing industry. His zeal and skills earned him

in Italy this coming August, Luana Sicari and Riccardo Vieri

the most important qualification rank while he served the

seem content. An inventor as well as a coach, Riccardo Vieri

industry as a representative. He has also served a European

saw immense promise in the MLM industry. Luana Sicari has

multinational network marketing company for 3 years as

immense expertise in face-to-face marketing, which helped

General Manager in which he had to manage the entire West-

her understand the nitty-gritty of the industry.

ern Europe. He co-founded an Italian network marketing

Riccardo’s first ever encounter with the MLM industry was

company and gave 4 years of his life to its success. In his last

way back in 1989 through Europartners – a company working

experience with Network Marketing, Riccardo hit the highest

in the automotive domain. When asked about the motivations

European position with an MLM company in the field of tele-

behind joining a home business way back in 1989, enthusiastic


Riccardo Vieri recalled his tryst with an eminent international

Riccardo and Luana’s search for ‘something nice to do’ apart

Amway leader who was on vacation to Italy. Riccardo Vieri

from their first business led them to their current company

started drawing parallels between the distribution model of

– Organo Gold. As they say, ‘we had to make a cold shower

Amway and Europartners. He could not have afforded to miss

to start again the business, after our last run in the network

out on such a golden opportunity. Within a short span of 3

but we made it.’ Organo Gold is DSA-approved and unique



"We had to make a cold shower to start again the business, after our last run in the network, but we made it."



everyday products and a good pay plan are its USPs. Although

three-fourths of the total participants is new. Otherwise, they

most companies sell good products, their company – Organo

work through face-to-face meetings and other media support

Gold – sells products that are really useful and do not affect

to gather new and interesting contacts. They also conduct

people’s habits and behavior adversely. Taking the example

full-day trainings once every month and two-day intensive

of a group of any ten people, Riccardo and Luana explain that

coaching every three months. In these training sessions, they

only one out of them might take food supplements but all ten

explain their unique system to their network besides giving

of them have breakfast so the key is to make products that are

them the key to emerge as a protagonist in the MLM indus-

consumed by one and all.

try in their respective countries. These activities also spell

Riccardo’s favourite quote is: “To find me around you do not have to look far, because for better or for worse in joy and in sorrow, in the exaltation and humiliation, actually I’m just a little piece of something that is present in many of you.” Riccardo Vieri and Luana Sicari’s exposure to the MLM

immense success for the company. In case of remote training,

industry helped them develop a unique system for tracking

Riccardo Vieri and Luana Sicari take the help of web confer-

records that ‘combines special face-to-face techniques with

encing and online presentations. This methodology chiefly

some automatic proprietary follow-up model.’ As sponsors,

helps those who live far from the cities where trainings and

both Riccardo and Luana spend a lot of time in team build-

weekly meetings are generally conducted. However, they do

ing training. They take a unique approach to self motivation

not rely on telephonic conferences and call them ‘cold system

and they guarantee sure-shot success to those who use this

and old one.’ Their aversion towards talking over phone in

system. They organize hotel meetings in new cities only when

general is also one of the reasons behind the same. In addi-



tion, they send information to the trainees on daily basis.

Riccardo and Luana’s current company, Organo Gold, have

Their simple and easy internet newsletter magazine is under

plans for people who need to earn 500 Euro or US Dollars in

production and will be available soon. To establish a close

a month. All they have to do is to network with at least three

relationship between retail customers and business partners,

people and buy their unique easy product. The more people,

Riccardo and Luana teach their partners to get new customers

the higher the chances they will earn much more than just 500

every day. Since residual income grows only with sales, due


importance should be given to the latter. Sponsors help in

Both Riccardo Vieri and Luana Sicari are married without

building the network but it is direct selling to customers that

children. However, the absence of kids at home is filled by the

actually makes the network work and spread the benefits of

presence of three pets – two cats and a dog – that are very much

the products. Besides classified ads and name lists, they use

a part of their family. It is quite interesting to note that both the

direct contact and e-mail marketing to expand their network.

partners pursue quite diversified hobbies. While Luana Sicari

However, they have a strict policy against spam and other

likes to read, dive and ride horses; Riccardo is a radio ham.

such intrusions. Their no-intrusive policy has enabled them

He ‘loves building new antennas to talk with other radio hams

to build such an effective system.

from all over the world.’ His other hobbies include various

While talking about the ‘right formula’ to succeed in Europe,

types of sport. He also takes keen interest in self defense. Even

Riccardo Vieri pointed out the mistakes of many big companies

their interest in cars does not match. Luana Sicari is a lover of

who failed to make a presence in the European market. For a

Ferrari and Riccardo Vieri simply loves Lamborghini. Ricca-

network marketing company to succeed in Europe it should

rdo currently drives a Lexus. Riccardo and Luana have been

have the right mix of smart people including tactical lawyers

to several countries on business purposes but could never find

and book keepers who not only know the rules but also what

an opportunity to hit Alaska and Australia. They look forward

people think and want. Riccardo Vieri could master this art

to visiting these locations soon.

because of his association with one of the best network market-

OBTAINER went ahead to ask them about the three wishes

ing companies and amazing entrepreneurial skills. Riccardo

they would ask for given a chance. The first wish they would ask

Vieri and Luana Sicari see a bright future for the MLM distribu-

for is a big residual income as well as financial freedom so that

tion model. The only thing that the companies in this industry

they can spend more time with people they love. The second

need to do is to follow the legal rules involved in networking

wish would be an opportunity to travel all across the world and


learn a new lifestyle. The third wish would be to stay for few

When asked by OBTAINER how they would convince a

minutes with those people whom they loved and are no more.

layman of the benefits of their business opportunity, they

Riccardo Vieri and Luana Sicari are deeply inspired by John

replied in an interesting manner. At first, they will capture the

Maxwell’s book ‘Failing Forward’ and they recommend others

layman’s attention over a cup of coffee and then ask him if he

read it too. Walt Disney has always been their role model for

has any idea of the power of residual income. Then they will

the reason that he could foresee the future. His comics always

slowly proceed to giving a clearer picture of the benefits of their

talked about futuristic things that did not exist at the time when

business opportunity.

they were being written. According to them, ‘his silence is still

Both Riccardo and Luana aspire to become a source of inspi-

very loud.’ Riccardo’s favourite quote is “to find me around you

ration to others and this is what constantly motivates them.

do not have to look far, because for better or for worse in joy

According to them, the booming MLM industry has dishes for

and in sorrow, in the exaltation and humiliation, actually I’m

one and all. It is not just meant for people who have failed

just a little piece of something that is present in many of you.”

in other fields and who take this as a last resort. The MLM industry offers loads to ‘smart guys’ as well. As they say, ‘smart people need smart ways to realize their dreams, especially in Europe.’ The MLM industry is one such smart way. To people aspiring to make a career in the MLM industry, Riccardo and Luana request that they should ‘say the right

Riccardo Vieri and Luana Sicari can be contacted via e-mail

thing to the right people’ and should ‘be smart also with the

at riccardo.vieri@gmail.com.

wrong people.’


This is your chance.

Achim Hickmann

Do you have... dreams, wishes, goals? Are you... hungry for success, passionate and a little bit crazy? Then I’m exactly the person you need. I will help you become successful or even a millionaire, just like I have done with others before you. If you are ready to put in the hard work and give above average commitment, then you have the unique opportunity here and now to break new ground. Follow me on the path to making your dreams and aspirations a reality. I am putting together a new success team that is limited to 24 people. Are you one of these 24? Do you accept the challenge? If you are interested in a cooperation, please send me detailed information on you to: info@achim-hickmann.de.

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A Quick G u id e f or t h e M od e r n T e ch ie i n Yo u !

We live

in a world constantly redefined by the twists and turns of modern technological innovations. And whether you choose to admit it or not, you’re constantly on the lookout for that vibrant new gadget, that amazing new product or that wonderful new trend. Let’s face it, we love keeping up with a society that is in a steady state of evolution! Aside from the changes brought about by the latest health fads, the trendiest fashion finds or the newest Youtube sensations, nothing can ever compare to the power of technology and its ability to usher change. So, if you feel like you’ve been missing out on the hottest tech trends of 2012, then it’s time for you to stop living under that rock! Read on and find out just what these trends are...





Social Sharing

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have no plans


remain constantly in-touch with your own social circle. Otherwise

of taking it slow this year. They have devised a new way for you to known as “frictionless sharing,” this trend allows you to share your latest endeavours (from your Tetris Battle scores to your most recent comments) without lifting a finger or clicking on anything on your screen. Simply approve the relevant application and everything you’ve been doing appears on your profile! It’s a bit like having your very own “News Flash” corner on one side of your screen. Although some people don’t mind this instant sharing scheme, a lot of users seem to find this trend a tad unnerving. Aside from sharing your posts about that awesome new video or that great weekend photo, this trend has the ability to somehow limit your sense of privacy. So make the necessary adjustments on your Social Reader or Spotify to take full advantage of this new sharing trend!

Mobile Businesses >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This year, you need more than just a stable, well-maintained website to house your products and services. Consumers are taking advantage of the latest mobile commerce trends and they expect you to do the same. Do you operate your business from the comfort of your own laptop or computer? Well, with the birth of the smartphone and the tablet, you can respond to business inquiries even when you’re on the go. Improve the online visibility of your site and your services and launch your business to new heights! Now you don’t have to miss another message or skip a potential customer!



Video-Enabled Communication >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The improvement in bandwidth capacities and IP networks has made it easier for large and small businessmen to use video-enabled communication when they’re dealing with employees, business partners and clients. Now, you don’t have to speak to an imaginary face on your home phone. You can share ideas, seal business deals and convince more people with this highly interactive approach to internet-based enterprising. And even if you’re not running your own business, seeing your loved ones on screen will definitely make those phone conversations even more special!


Pretty soon, you may have to kiss your beloved desktop settings


tablets and mobile devices, your desktop and laptop computers

and keyboard goodbye. This year, more and more desktop operating systems are following the worldwide trend for all things touchscreen! Now the touchscreen craze won’t be limited to may be following suit before the year ends. So if you’re having a hard time functioning without that keyboard or that computer mouse, you may have to start practicing! Now, you can say that the future is quite literally in our hands!


Some years ago, we only saw voice controlled gadgets in spy movies or futuristic films. Now, we’re lucky to live in an age where voice control is all the rage! Apple introduced the Siri App with the new iPhone 4S, and yes, multi-tasking will never be the same again. Now, you can surf the web, post reminders and send text messages by voicing out orders on your mobile phone.

Now, you don’t have to speak to an imaginary face on your home phone. You can share ideas, seal business deals and convince more people with this highly interactive approach to internet-based enterprising.




If you don’t have enough money to build an actual four-walled store for your new business venture, why don’t you run an online shop on Facebook instead? That’s right! Aside from meeting new friends and maintaining social relationships, you may also introduce your product or your services on various networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. But remember, you still need to take full responsibility for your social media campaigns! So treat your clients with care and manage your ads wisely!


Do you know that you can be a techie without compromising your duty to the environment? This year, many energy-saving innovations are starting to gain a lot of recognition, and more and more people are willing to try them out. Your basic home lighting and heating devices can be transformed into energy-efficient systems that will help you save a lot of money in the long run. At the same time, taking part in this growing trend may well be your contribution to saving the environment. So invest in cost-efficient and earth-friendly technology by following this new trend!

CABLE SUBSCRIPTION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You may think YouTube has finally monopolized the entertainment industry, but cable television is about to get even. Do you know that cable companies are offering live TV subscriptions for your mobile phone? Now you can request your favourite movies and TV shows and view them on your tablet or your phone. Dish Network and Comcast are two of the pioneering companies for this trend in the US, and the list may be getting longer this year. So hold on to your cable subscription just in case!




Social networking sites have one more function added to their endless list of uses. Now you can simply check into a certain restaurant, shop or store and you end up promoting a location without even knowing it! When you tag a location on that latest Facebook post, a link can be viewed by any of your friends and if they find the place interesting enough, then they may visit it too! So you’re not simply generating online traffic to a website or a Facebook page, you are actually encouraging people to visit the place in person!

DEVICE FLEXIBILITY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Slim is in, and it’s not just limited to the latest dieting fads of 2012. Our gadgets are slimmer, sleeker and several pounds lighter. But this year, they’re becoming much more flexible too! The new batch of phones and tablets will boast bendable interfaces that allow you to manipulate them by a simple twist! From awesome new apps that allow you to make the most of your time, to amazing online sharing trends that help you keep track of the things that matter, indeed 2012 is filled to the brim with wonderful technological surprises that celebrate our advancement as a modern global community. And the good news is, we’re bound to expect even greater things from these trends someday soon!



SOMNIUM "Let the Games Begin!"


This year appears to be completely characterized by games: In June we experienced the European Football Championship in Poland and Ukraine and this summer we celebrated a special highlight – the Summer Olympics in London. So is seems almost logical that at the end of October a new networking company will start up, a company which – you've already guessed – will be offering games, more precisely online and browser games. In collaboration with SOMNIUM Games, SOMNIUM Network will launch an innovative and well thought out business model with a networking structure, a model that is far removed from conventional product categories. In an in-depth interview with OBTAINER Stephan Morgenstern (SOMNIUM's Founder, President and CEO) described what opportunities his “made in Austria” company will be offering, how far the preparations for the launch have already flourished and why the business model stands out in comparison with many other companies in the industry due to its


and its uniqueness.



Opportunities to Dream of. Income to Dream of. Lifestyle to Dream of. Stephan Morgenstern – The Company Founder Stephan Morgenstern (49) is no stranger to the network marketing industry. The native of Berlin, who has been living in Salzburg in Austria for a number of years, can look back on impressive experience in the fields of direct selling and MLM spanning 22 years. Morgenstern has a reputation for being a man who thinks big, a visionary, and optimist and a perfectionist – qualities which will also be found again in his new company SOMNIUM. The idea of setting up his own company is one he had about a year ago – he summarizes his main motivation in a few convincing sentences. “I'd simply had enough of hearing promises from companies again and again, promises that were then never kept. However, above all else, I thought that there has to be a company that's built up in accordance with EUROPEAN needs.” So Stephan Morgenstern took the first steps and sought



“SOMNIUM comes from Latin and means 'dream',” explains Stephan Morgenstern. out two partners – Martina Kreutzer and Andrea Karl – who,

come to dream of and a lifestyle to dream of.” Now some reader

in his words, bring “lots of lifeblood and competence” into the

or other may object that many companies maintain that they

company. Martina Kreutzer will be working as SOMNIUM's

offer conditions to dream of and allegedly enable their part-

CFO; Andrea Karl will be using her strengths in the field of sales

ners to make their dreams come true. So let's take a look at

and distribution. However, what at first remained unclear was

SOMNIUM's array of products in order to find out whether the

what concrete product was to be on offer. “In April 2012 I was

company will be able to keep its promise.

hiking in the mountains in my new home,” remembers Stephan Morgenstern. “When hiking, as is well known, you get lots of

The Products

fresh air and oxygen into you brain and on this day I felt this

A current statistic from the Federal Association for Interactive

was particularly the case. I had no end of ideas. And then sud-

Entertainment (BIU) shows that in Germany alone 15.5 million

denly this brilliant idea occurred to me: I'll market online and

people regularly play online and browser games – worldwide

browser games through my own network marketing company.”

there are hundreds of millions. On top of that, it's a fact that

The selection will include free online games, premium games subject to a fee and also educationally worthwhile games particularly suitable for children. Quite explicitly there will NOT be prize games, poker or casino games or the like on offer.

As early as June SOMNIUM then began to take on concrete form. Stephan Morgenstern consulted lawyers and tax advisers in order to place his new company on a solid legal and financial foundation. Then in July 2012 followed the official foundation of Worldwide Online Service GmbH and it was entered into the Austrian company register. Stephan Morgenstern represents the company, which will trade under the name SOMNIUM, as chief executive; his partners are Martina Kreutzer und Andrea Karl.

SOMNIUM – A New Company The very name of the new networking company was chosen

the online games phenomenon is still really young and so has a massive potential for growth. Meanwhile there's a whole series of providers who run platforms with online and offline games – however, SOMNIUM is

with caution and brings the

the first company to link such a

promise of its benefit to the

platform and the network mar-

point. “SOMNIUM comes

keting model. Since the prepara-

from Latin and means

tion phase granted the necessary

'dream',” explains Stephan

time and a selection of the games

Morgenstern. “And that is

on offer has been programmed

precisely what we want

together with a professional

to achieve – opportuni-

games developer exclusively

ties to dream of, an in-

for SOMNIUM, the online



and browser games on offer will be very attractive from the

the upline but this won't always happen optimally using online

word go. The selection will include free online games, premi-

materials alone, SOMNIUM is also making offline materials

um games subject to a fee and also educationally worthwhile

available. For this reason the starter file will also be available as

games particularly suitable for children. Quite explicitly there

a high-quality print version. The third and last step in the train-

will NOT be prize games, poker or casino games or the like on

ing with system will consist of further training sessions. In view

offer. The games will be bought or leased by SOMNIUM and

of the fact that training and knowledge are more important than

hosted on its own servers. It is planned to have the range of

ever today and particularly in network marketing, well trained

games on offer continually extended and improved by well-

partners are a necessity for your own success; SOMNIUM offers

known games developers.

an HD video training center with various emphases. As well as that, it is planned to hold regular online conferences and webi-

The games portal itself, which can be personalized and “will

nars. On this point too, however, reliance won't be placed exclu-

from the very outset be available in German, English and Rus-

sively on online training sessions – parallel to these live meetings will take place in various cities and regions. The online videos will, additionally, also be available as DVDs or audio CDs.

SOMNIUM places great emphasis on sound training and regular training sessions for the partners.

sian,” as Morgenstern explains, will be hosted by SOMNIUM

SOMNIUM places great emphasis on sound training and reg-

Games – SOMNIUM Network will take care of the network

ular training sessions for the partners. And even if SOMNIUM

marketing field and will make various landing pages available.

is primarily an online company, Stephan Morgenstern knows

Here the motto is: simple and clearly laid out. A page will only

all about the importance of the classical face-to-face approach.

have three buttons (“Play for free,” “Premium games” and

Therefore from the very outset a 24-page glossy magazine will

“Games and earning money”) and will enable the partners to

be available containing all the important information about

access the back-office, which in addition to basic information

the games on offer, network marketing, the remuneration

will provide many additional possibilities. It will, of course, be

plan and systematic business development – both online and

possible to download all the important documents.

offline. On top of that all partners will receive a welcome let-

Training & Promotional Materials In addition to the back-office partners will be able to access the

ter by mail and will be able to order their own business cards, leaflets, information materials, DVDs and audio CDs from SOMNIUM's materials shop.

online training center. Here they'll find HD videos that show them how they can launch their business quickly and build it

An additional starting aid is described by Stephan Morgenstern

up successfully in the course of time. The training takes place

as follows: “In parallel discussions are already being carried

in three simple steps. The first step is the presentation – here

out with professional address providers. My goal is to offer a

partners learn how they can present the products and the

chance to those who have fewer contacts. With manageable in-

business to people who are interested. Among other things the

vestments in leads or visitors to websites everybody really does

presentation materials include landing pages, videos, draft

have a chance in this way to build up their own business.”

advertisements, leaflets and a glossy business magazine. The second step is induction which conveys the most important

The Marketing Plan

information for a successful launch in the form of HD videos.

SOMNIUM offers a dual remuneration plan, which was primar-

Parallel to this there's a starter file as a PDF or Flash file. Since

ily developed to also enable the “little man” to earn an income

the induction will as a rule be carried out by the sponsor or

straightaway. Particularly for newcomers starting up is made



easier by the “motivation bonus” and the “games bonus.” This

Since it's only possible to register as a WFM up to October

is a bonus pool from which every qualified partner receives

31, 2012, the number of possible World Founder Members

a monthly share. The only preconditions for benefiting from

and thus the number of those involved in profit sharing are

both pools are the partners' status as Light, Medium or Pre-

limited. For a start-up fee of €300 every interested partner

mium Partners and sponsorship of one new partner each all

can now register as a World Founder Member, or else he can

round. The bonuses also apply for partners who have NOT yet

recruit ten further partners who register for €100 each – in

achieved ANY career level in the marketing plan.

this case the partner's own start-up fee will be just €100.

The centerpiece of the remuneration plan is the Dual Bonus,

Of course, you can also still register with SOMNIUM as a

which – depending on the qualification achieved – makes

partner after October 31, 2012. After the official launch there

it possible to achieve an income of up to €10,000 per week

will be 4 possibilities for launching your business in the

and business center. On top of that there's a Matching Bonus,

SOMNIUM Network. With €0 as a product retailer, or as a

which are remunerated on your partners' income up to five

Light, Medium or Premium Partner for €60, €180 or €420

levels deep on a percentage basis and which can even already

respectively. All prices always include Austrian turnover tax.

be used by Light Partners. From the third career level partners can also receive commissions on the turnover of their


stronger teams – this is the Big Team Bonus. The car program

Nobody can look into the future – however, the business

and the many bonuses from the first level onward, e.g. games

model worked out by Stephan Morgenstern and the SOM-

consoles, iPads, MacBooks, luxury trips, luxury watches and

NIUM Network comes across in every respect as being well

lots more, round off the marketing plan.

thought out and innovative. SOMNIUM is positioning itself in a booming industry – and this from a dual perspective be-

It's left up to the partners themselves when they present their

cause both online games and network marketing are pointing

commission invoices. Basically this is, however, possible once

the way to the future. So that the company will be on a secure

a week if the balance is at least €50. If the partners don't pres-

basis from the very outset, SOMNIUM is working together

ent their own invoice, commission payments are automati-

with renowned marketing experts and with Schulenberg

cally made on a monthly basis.

& Schenk from Hamburg, the leading law firm specializing

Preparation Phase and Launch

in network marketing in Germany. In addition SOMNIUM is making a flying start internationally from the word go

“In my 22 years in this industry I've learned a lot. One point

with a multilingual website and the fact that online games

is that the sales partners are the most important thing in a

don't have to go through a protracted approval procedure

company,” says Stephan Morgenstern. “And here the FIRST

makes rapid expansion uncomplicated. In view of the self-

partners are the most crucial, because, after all, it's from them

explanatory products, which already appeal to a huge mass

that all the others originate. Therefore I've decided that we'll

of customers (with an upward trend), the versatile training

make a special offer to those who come to our company at

materials and the marketing plan, which make starting up

this early point in time, up until October 31, 2012. We're of-

very easy, it'll probably be extremely easy to realize the goal

fering everybody the opportunity to become a World Founder

represented by the name SOMNIUM: the goal of the young

Member.” Interested partners who register up to October 31,

company is, namely, to create the simplest network market-

2012, can also benefit from additional income opportunities.

ing system, one in which sponsoring is as easy as adding a

For WFMs SOMNIUM has established a pool into which 2%

friend on Facebook.

of the company turnover will flow on a monthly basis, money that will then be shared among the WFMs – for life and it can

“SOMNIUM is NOT an opportunity 'to get rich quick'. It is,

also be passed on to your heirs. For participation in this profit

however, an excellent opportunity to build up your own com-

sharing no further preconditions are necessary after the com-

pany within a company in a manageable period of time, per-

pany launch, i.e. this opportunity is also interesting for those

haps one or two years – and you'll earn money by making

partners who don't want to be active in sales at a later stage.

your hobby into your job.”

All pre-registered partners will be registered in a DUAL TEAM

SOMNIUM wants to make dreams come true – as the com-

in ONE line – thus these partners will already have built up a

pany name already indicates – and it looks as if there's a very

team in the dual plan when the company is launched.

real chance that it'll do so. In this sense: “Let the games begin!”



As Peru's Economy Booms so Does Direct Selling


As Peru's Economy Booms So Does Direct Selling Many Peruvians have started their own businesses and it looks like the direct selling industry is doing very well there helping to reduce poverty in the land. Peru had been suffering economic problems for many years, under military rule that restricted imports and exports to and from the country for many years. However, since 2001, the economy has been growing by an average of 6 percent per year.



anbal or Unique was founded by Ferdinand Belmont 40 years ago. They are manufacturers of cosmetics for men, women, children and babies. This company was

among the first to use the direct sales model, giving hundreds of women an opportunity to earn a living. Yanbal now has operations all over Latin America and was later joined by Avon, Natura and Belcorp. The industry is governed by the Camara Peruvana de Venta Directa (CAPEVEDI) or Peruvian Chamber of Direct Selling and is a member of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA). CAPEVEDI, like in many markets, controls the activities in this industry, helping build the spirit of cooperation between the companies and the various government departments, between different companies and among direct sellers themselves. The improvement of the Peruvian economy in 2001 onwards determined that consumers had more disposable income. Much of this growth has been attributed to increased private investment after Peru signed trade deals with the United States, Canada, Singapore, China, Korea and Japan. Peru has also recently concluded trade talks with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as well as with the US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement both concluded in 2009. As a result, greater trade and investment between the different economies has been enabled. Talks with neighboring Central American countries have begun which are expected to further open up the markets. From 2001 to 2010, the direct selling industry grew at an average rate of 24 percent per annum, generating a very important source of income for more than 350,000 distributors. This growth has been felt in Lima, the capital city as well as the other towns and provinces found along the Coast, in the Sierra of the Andes and the Selva in the Amazon forest.

In an interesting statistic, industry reports show, 60% of beauty consultants in the industry do not remain loyal to one brand or

Cosmetics are performing the best in the industry, making up

cosmetic company. Instead they opt to sell several brands simulta-

26 percent of the market. Nutritional supplements are a close

neously, in what would appear to be a ploy to earn as much money

second at 18 percent and bijouterie are the third most popular

as possible, a supposition reinforced in a statement by Javier Rusca,

sales item at 13 percent. Other products sold using this method

General Manager at Unique: “This behavior can be explained as the

are houseware, clothes, accessories, lingerie, personal health,

consultants are seeking to achieve similar incomes to that of the

shoes and children's toys.

working wage, i.e. 600 soles (~USD227) a month.”

According to the World Federation of Direct Selling Associa-

The Peruvian economy is expected to continue its current growth

tions, the Peruvian Direct Selling industry is estimated to have

trend as is the direct selling sector. Attractive growth opportuni-

generated US$896.4 million in sales in 2009. 95 percent of the

ties exist for other categories other than cosmetics, nutrition and

sellers are women and 80 percent of them earn a living from the

jewelry. Direct selling companies are expected to focus on product

industry on a part time basis. The person-to-person sales method

innovation with further segmentation into rural areas and deeper

is the most popular.

market penetration by means of strong advertising.


From 2001 to 2010, the direct selling industry grew at an average rate of 24 percent per annum, generating a very important source of income for more than 350,000 distributors.


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The Invisible Danger of Electromagnetic Field Radiation Electromagnetic fields (EMF) of all frequencies represent a fast growing potentially harmful environmental influence on our bodies, about which anxiety and speculation are spreading. They are present everywhere but are invisible to the human eye and their effects are much worse than you think! All populations are now exposed to varying degrees of EMF, and the levels continue to increase as technology permeates more of our day-to-day lives. Numerous scientific studies and experiments show that increasing numbers of people are experiencing sensitivity to the electromagnetic field frequencies emitted by mobile radio-antennas, mobile phones, computers and television sets. Exposure to a consistent external frequency for


more than a few minutes can cause our body's electrical functionality to be disrupted and interfere with the body's natural healing process. The body can experience sensitive reactions and display a variety of symptoms, such as insomnia, difficulty in concentrating, anxiety, irritability, headaches, dizziness and similar responses.

Your Daily E-Smog Protector Ever wondered if using your mobile phone, working on your personal computer or watching television is harmful to your body? The truth is all of these devices pose a potential threat to your overall energy balance and well-being. QNET has developed a unique wellness solution, the Amezcua E-Guard, to provide protection for your body from the harmful effects of electro-smog exposure from mobile phones, computers, laptops, and televisions. The Amezcua E-Guard will not only help those affected by electro-sensitivities, but also act as a preventative measure for your continued protection.




The ability to maintain a healthy balanced body is a daily concern for everyone. We are all aware that it takes time and attention to do so. So why not seek some assistance? The Amezcua E-Guard can help you not only as protection against current detrimental electromagnetic radiation, but also as a preventative measure from future exposure in a world of frequency mayhem!


Combining two pioneering technologies in one single chip, the Amezcua E-Guard uses the special characteristics of quartz minerals which help absorb various radiation patterns, transforming them into neutralized frequencies that are more compatible with our biological systems. Additionally, an energetic value is integrated into the Amezcua E-Guard to subtly transmit positive information to the body, promoting a means of improved wellness.


Electronic goods are unavoidably intertwined

Protect yourself and your loved ones wherever you go!

into our lives! It is bizarre to imagine a world without telephones and computers, let alone entertainment aids such as radio antennas and televisions. So in a world where it is almost impossible to escape the conveniences of handy electronic accessories, how can we protect ourselves? The Amezcua E-Guard simply attaches to your electronic devices in an unobtrusive manner,

allowing you to carry them around wherever

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Benefits of online shopping, e-Commerce and franchising

FlexKom Hits the Ground Running in E-Commerce and Network Marketing In recent weeks a company of Turkish origin that is pursuing ambitious goals has been causing a bit of a stir. FlexKom offers a business model that links the benefits of online shopping with e-Commerce and franchising thus creating a triple win-win-win situation. Customers can obtain juicy discounts on their purchases via the company's shopping platform. Affiliated retailers who offer their products in collaboration with FlexKom gain additional customers in this way. And interested partners can develop lucrative additional income and their own business through FlexKom's business concept.






Benefits of online shopping, e-Commerce and franchising

OBTAINER: How is FlexKom positioned on the market? We started up in Turkey in February 2011 and today we have more than 33,000 trading partners and about 3 million customers in Turkey. Customer acquisition is our central point – and it's the retailer who has these customers. We create a win-win-win situation: The customer receives discounts at every outlet. The retailers earn money from their customers' purchases when they make their purchases in other retail businesses that are Flex-Com partners. And the business partners earn money when their partners or they themselves acquire retailers who then have the customers. In Germany we started up officially in April 2012 and things are going very well. We're also recruiting many networking professionals who are enthusiastic about our concept.

At the moment expansion to Europe is in the preparation phase – Germany and Austria have already been opened up. Which other countries will follow in the near future, why the FlexKom business model is both secure and ingenious and what is behind the company's “ENDF” strategy are all questions to which Michael Scheibe (CMO) and Asker Sakinmaz (CEO Europe) provide the answers in the following interview.


OBTAINER: What Is you chief product and who can use this product? They're everyday necessities that have to bought on a daily basis – in other words, what could be called the “must have” products. By that I mean everything the individual buys and needs on a day-to-day basis. In addition, we also offer four online services: the FlexShop (several thousand brand name products with juicy discounts), the FlexDeal (brand name articles direct from the producers at sensational prices), FlexHoliday (vacation trips at reasonable prices) and FlexCall (phone calls worldwide at prices that are up to 70% cheaper as well as video calls, telephone conferences, 1 million free text messages and webinar tools available free of charge within the community).


OBTAINER: Please tell us in detail about the benefits

that without leasing. We hire these cars and the partners get

of the FlexCard. The holder of a FlexKom customer card can

a voucher and collect their car from our contract partner Eu-

use it to make purchases online and offline. When he does so,

ropcar. The FlexKom remuneration plan is as simple as it is

he gets discounts and can even earn money from the purchas-

secure. The partners can generate their income in two ways:

es of customers and retailers he's introduced our system to. A

firstly purely by recommending products to potential custom-

study by the German opinion poll company Emnid shows that

ers all over the world and secondly by setting up their own

on average Germans have 4.4 cards in theirbillfolds or purses

international sales structure.

but, unfortunately, these cards don't offer everything that the customers wish them to. We've brought all the customers' de-

The concept of passive income sources is practiced in many

sires together into one single system and, in addition, created

industries – in the music and film industries (license fees and

the opportunity to earn money through their purchases.

royalties), with insurance agents and investment consultants, property investors, photographers (picture fees), software de-

OBTAINER: Where are the products produced or

signers, software developers and network operators. By estab-

purchased? We don't produce end products – these are

lishing sales structures, i.e. network marketing, individuals

already in the hands of the retailers and the customers sim-

can develop their own distribution channel which can increase

ply purchase as usual. FlexKom Online is a “global” Internet

turnover by investing time, effort and resources. This model

shopping portal. So for the business there are no borders

generates bonuses and commissions through the duplication

or timezones standing in the way. With the FlexKom busi-

system.Most people who start off in the networking industry

ness model it's not a question of selling one single product but rather of a special sales concept, for which the time has come: customer-based e-Commerce. This sales concept offers people all over the world the opportunity to find new partners simply through online access of one single customer. OBTAINER: What's special about your remuneration system compared with other companies in network marketing or direct sales? A good example of our lucrative remuneration system is our car plan. With as few as 39 partners you can be driving an A-Class Mercedes and



Benefits of online shopping, e-Commerce and franchising do so on a part-time basis in their free time and can through flexible time management generate a corresponding extra income in this way. The more successful they are at mastering the business, the earlier they get involved in networking on a full-time basis. According to statistics produced by leading experts about 95% of small businesses fail within the first five years. Here franchisees who use a tried and tested successful business concept and work according to a company philosophy and turnover plan have less risk. However, many professionals from all business fields and walks of life aren't simply looking for more money; they also cherish the wish to have more leisure time and independence. What use is it to earn loads of money if you don't have any opportunity to enjoy it? So how can you achieve a passive income with FlexKom? The customer is the basis of our business. On the other hand, the partners act as guides and for this they receive their passive income. FlexKom has developed a system where only online and real trade is practiced and no products of our own are produced. At www.flexkom.com there are tens of thousands of everyday necessities, many of them are extremely reasonably priced brand name products which are marketed through a modern network of partners. Through the turnover and the recommendations of every single customer the FlexKom profits with an active and a passive income. This system is extremely secure and is supported by the very latest technology FlexKom offers its customers and partners as well as small and medium-sized businesses outstanding support in all fields. We supply our partners with the necessary knowledge and the corresponding tools in order to become and also remain successful. Every FlexKom partner can develop an almost endless number of Flex-Card customers quite simply from his home office and these will generate turnover both online and offline. The partner then profits directly from this turnover. OBTAINER: In which countries does FlexKom have representatives? What plans are there for the future? At present we're active in Turkey, Germany and Austria. In Switzerland, Holland and Belgium we're currently in the preparation phase. As a rule we need 6 weeks to open up a country. We don't require any approval for a product as is the case with, for example, food supplements or financial products. We only need to translate our website and to adapt the contractual provisions to suit the particular country.



OBTAINER: What company philosophy do you rep-

that's already working successfully in Turkey. We've been

resent? Collectively with our partners we will become the

overwhelmed by the huge interest that the FlexKom busi-

best company for people all over the world: “Teamwork makes

ness model has encountered. In addition, very many top-class


leaders have registered, people who would like to change to FlexKom or have already done so despite having existing top

OBTAINER: Which phase is FlexKom in at present?

positions that have mostly been developed over a long period

We've developed a three-phase model for our company's suc-

of time. That isn't something that we could so easily take for

cess. In Europe we're now in Phases 1 or 2 (development of

granted, but many of them have confirmed that our prospects

the network or customer development); that means that we're

of success are sensational – and it's precisely network market-

now inspiring people we can offer our idea and our online

ing professionals who can, of course, see the income opportu-

products to. From October we're going to start with Phase 3,

nities linked to it.

the further development of FlexKom outlets. OBTAINER: What top-class leaders do you have in OBTAINER: Why is it interesting for a networker to

your ranks? Who are your best people and what

start with FlexKom just now? We're interesting for cus-

have they achieved so far? At the moment we have 9 top-

tomers because we merge online and offline business. If the

class leaders who've made it into the President's Team. These

customers are satisfied, they'll always resort to our FlexKom

people come from many different areas. They were successful

card because they get benefits from doing so.

in the direct sales industry, in the field of classical network marketing, but some them were also employees previously or

Today consumers want to purchase at extremely cheap prices

were housewives and mothers up until now.

both online and when they go shopping or buy services. If they then get cash refunds on these purchases, that's an unbeat-

OBTAINER: How can you get started successfully

able argument for the FlexKom discount card system, one

with FlexKom? What's the key to success? We use the

"We use the tried and tested ENDF concept in combination with online and offline meetings."



Benefits of online shopping, e-Commerce and franchising threatened with poverty in their old age. These people can obtain discounts on their purchases through our system and on top of that they can also build up a successful online and offline business. That can all be done from their own homes – without the usual investments involved in setting up your own business. OBTAINER: What role will FlexKom play in this? A very significant one! It's our goal to become the No. 1 in Europe in two years and we're convinced that we'll succeed in doing that. With our aspiration

tried and tested ENDF concept in combination with

to have 200 million customers in 40 countries with

online and offline meetings.

a turnover of just €50 a month we'll be one of the Top 10 companies in the world as far as turnover is

OBTAINER: Can you explain your ENDF

concerned. That may sound utopian but in Turkey

strategy in a bit more detail? What's special

we're generating an average turnover of more than

about this strategy and what are the advan-

€200 a month per card. However, we're only able

tages for networkers? ENDF stands for “e-Com-

to realize this goal because we aren't offering any

merce”, “networking”, “direct sales” and “franchise.”

classical product but are instead covering the daily

Every single one of these points stands for a function-


ing concept and we've brought these four concepts together under one roof.

OBTAINER: What general advice do you have for our readers on network market-

OBTAINER: How do you support and train

ing? Take you life into your own hands. Pursue

your partners? We lend our support to our part-

your dreams, the ones you had at the beginning of

ners on every step of the way. For this we make

your working life. Trust in your abilities and in our

available online and offline training sessions, our

tried and tested concept. Make your life into a mas-

own FlexAcademy, internal and external trainers,

terpiece – You only have this one.

daily webinars and brand ambassadors, for example, Tanju Colak, the former Turkish footballer who was

OBTAINER: Thank you very much for your time

awarded the European Golden Boot and is therefore

and the interesting information.

in the same league as Pelé from Brazil or Gerd Müller from Germany. Commercials were made with him that have been shown on 5 TV channels in Turkey and from the fall they'll also be shown on German television. In addition, we place advertisements in appropriate specialist magazines. OBTAINER: How do you see the future of MLM – in Germany and on a global scale? Very many bestselling authors write that this is the model of the future and we agree with this. Just take a look at the 13 million people in Germany who are



s hor he t u t a f lingodel o . l e s est the m th this n b y an his is ee wi millio m y t r 3 r "Ve e that we ag t the 1 re ir t d a i wr re an look a who in then y y u i fut take a erman overt obta n p t Jus le in G with ple c a ases h p p d o peo atene ese pe r purc on to i e a d thr age. Thon the em an ild up t old ounts ur sys lso buffline a disc ugh o y c an and o e o e thr at th onlin h l of t essfu c suc ness." i bus

India’s Direct Selling Association

Interview with

Ms. Chavi Hemath

Secretary General of the IDSA


ocated in South Asia, the democratic republic of India teems with billions of people from its sunny beaches down south to the snow wrapped

peaks of the north to its thick forests, beautiful temples right up-to cities that have become information technology hubs of the country.

Though recent rankings have indicated that its economy grew

20 on its list. In 2009, India's Direct Selling industry managed

by 9% making it one of the world's fastest growing economies,

to generate a total of US$1.06 billion in sales. Today, the number

a vast majority of its population still live below the poverty line,

of foreign Direct Selling companies are 15, with Amway leading.

enjoying little if at all any of its economic boom, making this task

Others are Avon Beauty and K-Link Health-care products among

one of the major challenges facing the Indian government as it

others. There are three local companies namely Modicare Ltd,

strives to spread this prosperity to all corners of society in this

Altos Enterprises Limited and Hindustan Unilever Network.

culturally vast nation. OBTAINER had the fortune of interviewing Ms. Chavi Hemath, The WFDSA recently reported India was among the countries

the Secretary General of the IDSA, who shared with us how the

that stood out in terms of growth, receiving a ranking of number

Industry is doing as a whole.



OBTAINER: India has recently been ranked as one of the larg-

IDSA: We at the IDSA has been concerned over the mushrooming

est economies in the world. Can you tell our readers the history of

of dubious and fraudulent money schemes and have been actively

the India Direct Selling Association? When did it start and what

involved in creating knowledge awareness about the differences

are the major challenges you have overcome? IDSA: Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA) is an autonomous, self-regulatory body for the Direct Selling industry in

between genuine Direct Selling companies and illegitimate pyramid schemes through conducting knowledge forums for press/ media in different city of India.

India. The Association acts as an interface between the industry and policy-making bodies of the Government facilitating the

IDSA clearly differentiates that companies offering remuneration

cause of Direct Selling sector in India. IDSA was formed with

based on recruitment are a sure indication of their dubious charac-

five companies to protect the ideals and opportunities of Direct Selling industry in India. The Association was incorporated in

ter. Product sale is a key driver of the right Direct Selling companies.

Mumbai in 1996 and moved its registered office to New Delhi in 1998, from where it continues to operate till now.

All genuine Direct Selling companies offer 100% money back guarantees on product sales and business opportunity whereas a

IDSA has managed to create an environment conducive to the

fraudulent company has no such offer. This should be taken as a

growth of the Direct Selling industry in India, partnering indus-

benchmark to patronize schemes being offered.

try and government alike through advisory and consultative activities.

Direct Selling is a business opportunity and not an investment

OBTAINER: Ponzi and quick money making schemes seem to be

opportunity; any company promoting instant financial gains

prolific in India, what with the recent case of Speak Asia. What advice

within a very short duration of investing money is a fraud

would you give to a person aspiring to be a budding entrepreneur?



Genuine Direct Selling / Multi Level Marketing opportunities have some unique and distinct features which clearly differentiate them from the “schemes” who disguise themselves as similar such opportunities. Some of these distinctive differentiation criteria are:

Genuine Direct Selling Companies

Illegitimate Pyramid Schemes

Direct Selling means the marketing of the consumers generally from home or workplace i.e. locations away from permanent retail locations. It is done through explanation & demonstration of the products by a direct seller.

Pyramid Schemes are illegal scams in which people at the bottom of the pyramid pay money to a few people at the top. This is done to advance to top positions and benefit from payments made by other people later on.

They offer genuine business opportunities.

Pyramid schemes involve products which are cheap to produce and have no established market value. New miracle products, exotic cures, mattresses, online surveys are some of these.

Products are supplied to meet genuine demand and direct sellers are encouraged to hold minimal inventory and replenish as and when need arises

“Front loading” is encouraged. Therefore, products are thrust upon the direct sellers, irrespective of their ability to sell the product and the actual market demand

Rigorous Product & Product Sales Training is done. Incentives based on sales of products and sales performance are offered.

There is no emphasis on product or product Sales training. Emphasis merely lies on collection of money from new recruits.

Every sales person has to abide by the Industry Model Code of Ethics.

There exists no Code of Ethics.

The cost of Entry is reasonable.

Cost of entry is extremely high.

Plans are entirely performance based.

No Plan or Pyramid Plan.

Returns are dependent on motivation of the direct seller and come slowly

Returns are easy and quick

Remuneration is based on sale of goods/services

Remuneration is based on recruitment rather than on sales

Recruitment is not compulsory for continuing the business.

Recruitment is mandatory for continuing business.

Business is by sale of products. Recruitment is optional.

Commission based on recruitment.

Remuneration to all distributors is through Direct Selling Companies only.

Remuneration or payments is through members. There are negligible pay outs by companies.

Direct Seller joining the business can exit the business within reasonable time. Investment is refunded as per the company provisions in the No refund or exit policy exists. Initial Contract. Exit policy in place for termination of contract. Products have 100% buy-back guarantee to ensure protection of end-consumer as per company policy.

Products usually do not have a buy-back policy.



Over the years, Direct Selling has offered self-employment opportunities to a large number of people, especially women. The number of direct sellers in India has almost doubled between 2004 and 2009.

OBTAINER: What support do you provide the member compa-

OBTAINER: Andrea Jung, former WFDSA Chairman once said

nies in way of training and education in-line with the generally

that “Direct Selling is one of the most vibrant forms of micro-

accepted Code of Ethics?

enterprise on the planet, transforming not only the lives of individuals, but also improving communities and driving positive

IDSA: We believe in utilizing its resources in providing train-

change in society at large.” To what extent is this the case in

ing to its members to conduct operations ethically, we have

Indian communities?

hosted Education Forums for distributors to address the following key issues:

IDSA: The above statement holds true in the Indian context. Over the years, Direct Selling has offered self-employment

(a) To address the concerns of the distributors and make them aware

opportunities to a large number of people, especially women.

of the genuine Direct Selling and illegitimate pyramid schemes;

The number of direct sellers in India has almost doubled

(b) To advice the distributors of their rights;

between 2004 and 2009. In the future, this sector is expected

(c) To promote the code of ethics;

to offer self employment opportunities not only in urban areas

(d) To promote the authenticity seal of IDSA.

but also in rural areas. Indirect employment is also generated in manufacturing and the supply chain, as Direct Selling

We also advice our member companies to follow the code of ethics.


companies develop India as a sourcing hub. The Direct Sell-

In fact, the number of Direct Sellers increased by 4.84 per cent during the slowdown period (2008-2010). OBTAINER: The MLM industry is currently regulated by the “Money Circulation Schemes, Prize Chit and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978 which to date, seems inapplicable in our modern age in governing this sector. This has led legitimate MLM companies to be confused/lumped with ponzi schemers which has hurt their business. How far has the Indian Ministry of Finance gone in enacting new laws to allow legitimacy in this sector? IDSA: Direct Selling is governed by a large number of ministries/departments at the centre, state and local levels. The multiplicity of regulatory bodies in India has resulted in multiple ing industry not only offers an alternative self employment

regulations governing this sector. The academic study SEIR

opportunity but has also contributed in terms of increased

by ICRIER finds out that the Prize Chits and Money Circula-

incomes for those who have entered the industry as direct sell-

tion Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978 which is sometimes cited for

ers. According to the Socio Economic Impact Report (SEIR)

regulating this sector, is not applicable to Direct Selling and is

done by ICRIER most direct sellers are happy with the quality

outdated. India should have a comprehensive Act focusing on

of their employment.

banning fraudulent practices such as pyramid schemes. The Act should have a clear definition of pyramid and other money

Financial independence, development of personal and business

circulation schemes and draw a distinction between fraudulent

skills, flexible timings and an improved ability to take care of fami-

schemes and legitimate Multi-Level Marketing (including Direct

lies are other benefits of Direct Selling. Direct sellers have pointed

Selling) but Indian Finance Ministry has so far not taken any

out that Direct Selling has helped them to build self-esteem and

action to come out with a law.

confidence and develop their sales skills. It has enabled women to be financially independent and increased their ability to save.

The India Direct Selling Association (IDSA) has laid down a code of

Direct Selling also provided a safety net during the global slow-

conduct but this is voluntary and is only applicable to IDSA members.

down as a large number of direct sellers joined this sector during

There is need to have a proper regulation in place that lays down

that time.

conditions for identification of a legitimate Direct Selling company.



India is dominated by female door-to-door sales women; but in recent times, the number is reducing. Now the trend is changing. Men too are getting involved in it, especially due to the opportunity of having an additional source of income provided by this sector.


The turnover of the Indian Direct Selling Industry is expected to be INR.108,430 billion (US$.1,975,980) in 2014-15 and this growth would be manifold once there is a regulatory framework governing the Direct Selling industry in India as it will harness the potential of the sector and will provide transparency in the functional and operational aspects of the industry. There are broadly four areas that need government intervention.

Besides raising the family income, it has opened a whole lot of opportunities for them to explore and enter new avenues in their lives. The international training they got also encouraged them to be leaders in their own respect.

These are: considered a social taboo and unheard of. But with the changing (a) the provision of a clear definition of Direct Selling;

social status, women did step out of their houses but a social stigma

(b) streamlining of the foreign direct investment (FDI) policy;

was always attached to this move.

(c) the enactment of a governing legislation for the sector and; (d) the establishment of a nodal ministry or single point of contact.

With the arrival of the Direct Selling opportunities in India, a window of opportunity emerged for these women to work from

OBTAINER: Which products sell the best in India?

the confines of their home and the earning generated, reluctantly pushed them into the market of Direct Selling. Besides raising

IDSA: Health, comprising of products related to nutrition, well-

the family income, it has opened a whole lot of opportunities

ness and supplements, is the leading category within the product

for them to explore and enter new avenues in their lives. The

landscape of the organized Direct Selling industry. Personal care

international training they got also encouraged them to be lead-

& cosmetics follow the sale chart in India.

ers in their own respect.

OBTAINER: The party plan is used successfully by some of the

OBTAINER: The majority of MLM companies have a charity

Direct Selling companies. Which other method is popular in your

project or practice social corporate responsibility to uplift the


communities where they operate. Which of these projects from MLM companies would you say have helped the underprivileged

IDSA: Apart from party plan other companies follow person to

in India the most?

person selling and person to group selling. IDSA: Yes, IDSA member companies are aware and conscious OBTAINER: In many markets around the world, the Direct Sell-

participants of the society always believe in working for the society

ing industry is dominated by female door-to-door sales women.

and giving back to them.

Would you say this is the case in India as well? Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) has become a worldwide IDSA: Yes, India is dominated by female door-to-door sales

concept. Firms operating in any sector adhere to this practice

women; but in recent times, the number is reducing. Now the

not only for commercial interest but to pay back the society

trend is changing. Men too are getting involved in it, especially

by taking measures like environment protection, health care,

due to the opportunity of having an additional source of income

promoting girl child, sponsoring sport activities, child educa-

provided by this sector. This is visible from the growing number

tion, poverty alleviation, maintenance of public places etc.

of women force joining the sector, as per the annual survey 64%

firms spent in range of 50 to 12,000 man hours/ quarter on

of the total 3.9 million workforce is women, thereby emerging as

various CSR activities.

a means for their self empowerment and social progress. The company specific CSR information can be provided by the OBTAINER: If dominated by women, what cultural barriers

member companies only.

have existed and what changes to old traditions have taken place to accommodate this shift?

South India is reported to be the most vibrant region followed by the Western region of the sub-continent. This growth

IDSA: Cultural and family traditions barred Indian women to step

trend is expected to continue, creating more and more busi-

out of their homes and work. Confined to their homes and having

ness opportunities, expanding horizons and changing many

limited access to exposure to the outside world, they seldom had

peoples lives as this alternative distribution channel becomes

the opportunity to work and contribute to the family income. It was

a norm in the society.





Mandatory Pension Insurance for the Self-Employed

Is It Causing Panic

or Will It Soon Be Reality? C

urrently the rumor mill is seething. Particularly on the

old age insurance is neither inheritable nor transferable, it cannot

Internet there are news messages circulating about a

be used as collateral, be sold or be capitalized on;- the retirement

comprehensive reform of old age security which state

provision must be paid out as retirement income. Alternative

that, already in the coming year, it will be mandatory for the

forms of retirement provisions, e.g. real estate or other forms of

self-employed. Consequently this would mean major changes

capital investments are not acceptable.

for the currently 3 million self-employed individuals in Germany and especially for sales distributors and direct sales distribution

The reason for the introduction of the mandatory old age security

companies. This could, in accordance with such legislation,

reform is to prevent self-employed individuals from being

require that compulsory charges be placed on their commissions

impoverished in their old age; such possibility exists even though

which will then be paid to the old age security pension fund; - the

there are no studies available confirming such a threat. Moreover,

mandatory contribution for the statutory pension insurance is

it is being stated that mandatory old age security insurance for the

currently 19.9 % of gross income. In other words: If one gives

self-employed already exists in other countries and this German

credit to the rumors then distributors, in the future, will have

adaptation of the law satisfies international legal requirements.

almost 20% less income, which is especially detrimental to those distributors which generate low additional income from their

We at OBTAINER want to research these rumors and inform

self-employment activities. There is also talk of a mandatory

you, as accurately as possible, about the supposed imminent

payment of € 400.00 per month - regardless of income earned.

mandatory pension reform for self-employed individuals. Is it

If one adds the considerable contribution for health insurance

merely about half-truths and scare tactics or are there basic truths

then this means that monthly fixed costs will be in the vicinity

to the rumors? We have talked about this subject with an Advisor

of € 600.00 per month for self-employed individuals; this is

of the north German old age security system and have received

already a considerable expense for health and old age security

a fact sheet from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affair

alone which, of course, needs to be earned in the first place.

(BMAS) in which the most important aspects of the upcoming

Such high fixed costs not only threaten the existence of small

adaption of the pension reforms are summarized.

business owners and those that are still in the start-up phases of the business, but also increase, at the same time, the entry

And so the cat is already out of the bag. Yes - it is currently being

barriers to becoming self-employed. In addition, the form of this

discussed and debated in what form the self-employed will be

type of private pension will be greatly limited, so that the chosen

required to save for their old age! "In the future all persons that


The planned mandatory pension insurance for self-employed will not pass by without affecting the MLM industry; this is because even if there is a relatively large leeway in terms of contributions to be paid and that there are various forms of retirement savings available, retirement planning, in the future, must be made by the self-employed themselves.


are self-employed will be required to commit to a mandatory

(those over 50) as well as those with sideline jobs or those

requirement plan," according to BMAS. The new law which is

earning less than € 400.00 per month will be exempt from the

to be brought into existence shall have the lengthy name of:

required mandatory contributions. For those that are already

"Old Age Pension Insurance Payment Adaptation Law" and is

self-employed and are between the age of 30 and 50 and have

currently in the consultation phase. The conjecture that it will already take effect in January 2013 could not be confirmed by the Advisor of the federal pension system or the BMAS. In addition, it was stated that the format of the future mandatory pension insurance for self-employed individuals has not been finalized

made provisions for their retirement, there are exception and exemption regulations; however, if "start-up businesses [...] through their flexible contribution payment opportunities [...] have sufficiently contributed" remains to be seen.

and is, as before, still being discussed. At this point one aspect should once more be clearly emphasized: The core of the reform is that self-employed individuals who

It is NOT intended that all self-employed individuals will be

belong to professional groups for which currently there is no

required to participate in the statutory pension insurance

pension obligation will be required to provide for their old age.

program in the future. There continues to be a choice between

It must be noted, however, that many autonomous professionals

statutory and private pension plans. The restriction that the

groups have been paying for many years compulsory statutory

chosen plan for the old age pension will be paid out as a pension

old age insurance dues for self-employed individuals; this includes, for example: craftsmen, teachers, tutors, caretakers of children and many others as long as they have been working for a client and did not employ any individuals who have old age pension security obligations. The official reason for this is

payment is serious;- because capital investments and real estate investments are not recognized as retirement options. The planned mandatory pension insurance for self-employed will

that these self-employed individuals - when the aforementioned

not pass by without affecting the MLM industry; this is because

conditions are met - are then classified as "employee-like self-

even if there is a relatively large leeway in terms of contributions

employed" individuals. In addition, there are other occupational

to be paid and that there are various forms of retirement savings

groups which have had to insure themselves, in various different

available, retirement planning, in the future, must be made by the

forms, with regard to statutory old age pensions: these include

self-employed themselves. A distributor, who earns an additional

artists, writers as well as doctors, lawyers, architects and farmers

€ 500.00 or € 1,000 a month, will also have significant additional

etc.; all of the above are subject to mandatory professional and

expenses and this will, possibly, keep interested parties from

occupational contributions. Interesting, for the distributor, is also

choosing to become self-employed on a part time basis within

the following fact: In accordance with a judgment by the Federal Social Court in 2009, there is a mandatory insurance obligation for distributors who work only for one client in existence. A distributor who offers the products of a MLM-enterprise is therefore, already since 2009, obligated to pay contributions for the required statutory pension.

the industry. The result would be, in some circumstances, losing current distributors who only want to obtain a supplementary income as well as the loss of new potential distributors who are only interested in MLM as a sideline; therefore, such a type of selfemployment would then lose its attractiveness and lucrativeness due to the pension reform.

But what about contribution payments if a general mandatory pension requirement takes effect? The above-mentioned

In conclusion, we from OBTAINER would like to give you, our

fixed contribution in the amount € 400.00 per month for the

readers, the following advice: It cannot currently be determined,

statutory pension insurance is not guaranteed and is based

with certainty, in which form and in what time-frame the

on speculation. It is much more probable that self-employed

mandatory pension insurance obligation for self-employed

income dependent contributions will apply with regard to payments to be made for one’s retirement! In addition, the fact sheet of the BMAS says: "The obligation for pension contributions will apply up to a basic insurance limit." This means that self-employed compulsory contributions are to

individuals will be introduced or what type of exemption regulations there will be; furthermore many of the concepts are not yet clear and without further explanation it will be best to keep in touch with the German Pension Insurance Association

pay for a basic existence in old age and, therefore, will likely

about the details of these potential future obligations with regard

require a smaller contribution than those employees whose old

to the pension insurance obligations and their structure.

age payments generally exceed the minimum requirements. In

Of course, we'll keep you up to date with regard to the subject of

addition, self-employed individuals that are near retirement

"mandatory pension insurance for the self-employed".





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New Face of Network Marketing:

Some Teaching, Some Learning,

More Earning!

ost people perceive network marketing as a means to make quick money, but there is more to it than meets the eye. While it gives freedom, flexibility and good fortune, it also opens new avenues for expansion by teaching the business to others. For some like Bruno Grilo and Francisco Nunes, network marketing is more than just a money-making option.




runo Grilo (born March 14, 1974) and Francisco Nunes

Francisco had an affinity towards the wellness industry that

(born November 6, 1978) are the perfect examples of

MonaVie truly epitomizes.

how family ties can be turned into fruitful business

relationships. Brothers-in-law turned business partners, Bruno

Unlike many people in the MLM industry who keep on

and Francisco hail from the beautiful city of Lisbon, Portugal.

switching companies, Bruno and Francisco plan to stick with

Network marketing helped both of them attain a global status.

MonaVie. In fact, they call it their ‘last rodeo.’ Both of them seem to have fallen in love with MonaVie ‘not only because

As they recall, the chief motive behind joining a home business

of the income, but because of the culture, the heart and the

was to increase income and double fulfillment — something a

structure of this company.’ There is a feeling of safety in

traditional business could never have offered them. Initially,

MonaVie and you always have the confidence that you can

Bruno and Francisco perceived the MLM industry as only a

attract anyone to its ‘great products, great opportunity, great

part-time work option, and it was only after six months that

results, great working system and superior credibility.’

they decided to consider it as a full-time business option. Bruno worked in the power tools business as a sales manager and

When OBTAINER asked the two business partners about the

Francisco worked as a pharmaceutical sales representative. Now

USP of MonaVie, they seemed to be all up for it. According to

both love the idea of working full-time in the MLM industry as it

them what set MonaVie apart are its products, ‘Distributors

gives them much-desired freedom and satiates their ‘networking

are just as excited about the positive experiences with the

passion’ and helps them make ‘other people grow in life.’

products as they are the opportunity, and this helps to improve retention levels. Distributors share the products that they have

Their journey in the MLM industry began with another company

actually used and believe in.’ Price positioning is done carefully

six years prior. However, with passing time they felt the need

to offer good margin. MonaVie Active and MonaVie RVL are

for a ‘long-term company,’ the structure and product of which

the two most focused products in Bruno and Francisco’s team.

match the goals of Bruno and Francisco. In 2009, they hit the

While MonaVie Active is ‘antioxidant with glucosamine,’

bull’s eye by choosing MonaVie from the lot. For the partners,

MonaVie RVL is ‘Weight loss/control shake for blood sugar

choosing MonaVie was ‘one of the best decisions’ they had ever

stabilization.’ In addition, MonaVie offers a ‘great compensation

made in their lives. From the very beginning, both Bruno and

plan’ and a simple system that anyone can ‘dive in and duplicate.’



“Never get away of the highway. Never allow others to steal your dreams. Never quit!”



MonaVie, in short, helps improve distributors’ skills and builds confidence in addition to increasing profitability. Founder, Chairman and CEO Dallin Larsen and MonaVie President of North America and Europe Randy Schroeder create the right environment so that you feel ‘you are in the right place.’ Dealing with new partners every single day gives Bruno and Francisco the opportunity to meet new prospects every single day and they make a concerted effort to be a good sponsor to those who are interested. They believe a good sponsor is someone who can not only connect heart-to-heart with others, but also inspire them to be leaders and guide them in developing daily disciplines that will lead to their success. As Bruno and Francisco put it, they have 4 basic activities to teach as good sponsors. These are: (1) How to have a never ending and expanding list of contacts, (2) how to invite properly, (3) how to make a simple, duplicable presentation, and (4) how to give a duplicable new distributor orientation. They teach these activities with the help of the MonaVie Values People (MVP) tool kit (also available in digital format). In fact, both Bruno and Francisco praise the MVP tools for their immense duplicability. They seem to simply love MonaVie for the fact that it does not require you to create separate tools. Private business/tasting presentations lay the foundation for Bruno and Francisco’s business. These presentations involve distributors and guests where the former share product and business success stories with guests, and teach them how they, too, can achieve success by following the system. These more

would attract quality people for the simple reason that it is the

intimate meetings usually take place in a home. However, Bruno

epitome of income leverage concept, personal development,

and Francisco also see great value in having meetings at hotels

lifestyle, fulfillment, recognition, good people and great products.

and conference centers. These bigger meetings are important

The MLM industry truly ensures a bright future. Bruno and

to develop team spirit and belief, boost personal development,

Francisco perceive the network marketing industry as full of

enhance recognition and establish circles that are crucial for

positives. Both of them have derived not only greater freedom

launching new products, strategies, activities and promotions.

and ‘intensive income growth’ but also better relationship skills,

For this reason, Bruno and Francisco hold one regional event

personal development skills and, above all, essential values for

every month and two to three national events each year.

a more meaningful life. As they pursue their passion today, they

also get to travel around the world. Negatives do not exist at all in

Recognizing the potential and need for online presentations,

the network marketing industry for Bruno and Francisco. They

Bruno and Francisco make it a point to hold online training

believe it’s important to stay positive and disciplined, and to spend

presentations exclusively for distributors every week. This way

your time and energy with the people who most deserve it.

they can send their message and goal straight to the guests who are located far away. They prefer Skype or web chat to telephone

For the readers of OBTAINER, Bruno Gilo and Francisco

conference calls. Of late, Bruno and Francisco have explored

Nunes have some excellent advice: ‘Define who you are today

the avenues of social media for making new relationships and

and who you want to be. Then you will start having more.’ They

improving skills.

believe you should work consistently to drive away any negative thoughts or influences in your life. Placing discipline above

Bruno and Francisco see a bright future for the MLM industry

everything else, Bruno and Francisco say that one should be

and its various aspects such as relationship marketing, network

sincere with basic productive activities and teach others to

marketing and community commerce. In the times to come, it

do the same. According to them, ‘Discipline is the highway



“Define who you are today and who you want to be. Then you will start having more.”

to success.’ Anyone would be filled with immense energy

surfing and triathlons. It’s great to know that both of them are

and enthusiasm just by reading these two sentences uttered

Mercedes lovers. While Bruno would love to hit the road with

by Bruno and Francisco: ‘Never allow others to steal your

the Mercedes GLK automatic in the future, Francisco is simply

dreams. Never quit!’ They also strongly encourage reading

in love with the Mercedes E Cabrio and E Station AMG. Both of

self-development books since they help to develop a correct,

them are also quite adventurous. Their business enabled them

positive mindset.

to map the world and to catch a glimpse of Portugal, France, Poland, Israel, Russia, Brasil, Mexico and Australia. They are

Bruno and Francisco’s company has opportunities open to all. If

ready to visit any place in the world where they find people

your need is to earn just 500 Euro or US$500, they have devised

willing to connect with them.

a shortcut for the same. Simply plug into the system, study the MVP tool kit system in the next 48 hours and continue with the

Jim Rohn (aka ‘father of personal development in network

4 basic activities for the coming 90 days. This would help you

marketing’) and President of North America and Europe Randy

‘learn while you work and you will earn while you teach.’ They

Schroeder — their mentors — continue to influence their lives

give attention to both business partners and retail customers,


or those who are only interested in the products. Bruno and Francisco have a deep-rooted belief that ‘Nothing is When asked what keeps them going amidst such a tight

free in life.’ You get what you deserve and working for things

schedule, both the industrious businessmen replied, ‘Health,

you want is a precondition. Only after meeting these conditions

income, fulfillment, growth and contribution.’ Both Bruno and

do you get the best out of life.

Francisco are family men and love spending time with friends and family. Bruno is married with no kids. Francisco has one

Bruno Grilo can be reached at brunogrilo.mv@gmail.com.

kid and is single at the moment. Bruno, in addition, loves

Francisco Nunes can be reached at francisconunes.mv@gmail.com.





Hocus Pocus Magic Happens

When You Focus

In today’s busy and overly distracted business world, it’s harder than ever to be focused and stay focused. Having a full or part time job, family obligations, social events and commitments, even the technology that is designed to make us more efficient has become the opposite of what it was supposed to be, it has become a major distraction. The Internet, emails, social media, instant massage alerts, and cell phones make focusing on a goal without being distracted a great challenge.

By Salsabila Al-Harbi 07/2012 OBTAINER WORLDWIDE    133



n addition to the mentioned distractions the biggest

offer. So remember change comes with opportunities don’t miss

challenges preventing people from achieving their goals are:

out on the opportunity because of a stubborn mind. “Nothing can

Time pressure, financial pressure, and the balance between

stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his

work and home life. Focus helps in linking these challenges so we

goal: Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental

can make them work for us not against us. However we need to

attitude.” Thomas Jefferson. To maintain the right mental

determine what it is we should be focusing on to get the results

attitude you need to focus on the rewards - yes focus is the key

that we desire. Therefore, we should start with the end in mind,

word to help you be consistent in your actions and beliefs to help

looking at the big picture, the life you desire.

you stick to your plan and achieve your goals. Focusing on the right things is what helps you achieve your goals, which means

One of the best ways to achieve your goals is by investing your

focusing on the rewards the reasons behind setting certain goals

time in doing what you are best at, and letting others do what they

and focusing on what you want, not what you don’t want, focusing

are best at. So start by focusing on your natural talents and get

on the solutions not the challenges.

people to help you at what you are not good at, usually those are the people with a different set of skills than yours.

Focusing on the rewards means to decide why the goals you set are important - example: Saying you want a million dollars just to buy

Focus on setting goals that are aligned with your natural talents

a home and car is not the only reason you want to make a million

and make sure they are measurable, and achievable. Set a plan

dollars, having security, and peace-of mind are more likely the

including your long term and short term goals that match your

reasons for setting that goal. Usually when we set the goals we are

talents and what you’re brilliant at. A crucial element in setting

searching for the rewards that come with achieving these goals.

and planning goals is the ability to keep your mind focused on these goals. If you fail to focus you’ll never be able to achieve

When I first joined the Network Marketing business I had no

results. On the other hand trying to achieve several goals at the

experience at all I never sold a thing in my life and I am not very

same time that are not aligned together, is one reason that people

active socially, I usually do things on my own and don’t hang

lose focus and are not able to achieve the success they dreamt of.

out with friends a lot. I attended the 1st meeting and saw the

Focus on your goals one at a time.

opportunity of financial freedom hitting me in the face, I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep for three nights all I thought about was the

Having a goal and focusing on it requires crystal clear vision of

opportunity and the rewards, I thought of having my own house I

where you’re heading and the ability to eliminate all distractions;

thought of having a better financial status and I thought of success

the external ones mentioned earlier and the internal ones - yes

and the excitement that comes with it. I started the business with

the internal distractions, that little voice in your head that gives

no business background at all. My goal was to reach the top be a

you all the excuses why you can’t get to your goal, the one that

manager and start earning big checks, I made my list and planned

tells you that there is no time, it is too late, it is impossible, it’s

to reach my goal in three months, however no one wanted to join

not important, and tells you that you have always had obstacles

me for the 1st month and I only had a few customers, I started

and you always will have. It is the voice of your mind that resists

to lose the excitement but not the focus I changed my deadline

change and wants to stick to the habits and beliefs imprinted in

from three months to nine months and continued to talk to people

it. Your mind wants things to stay the way they are, it is resisting

every day with a firm belief that I can reach my goal. It was to my

change, which requires new behaviors and actions. If you listen

surprise that things just turned around in a few days and what

to that inner voice telling you to do it later you will lose focus and

seemed like a far-to-reach goal was very possible, things started

nothing will ever get done. That is how the majority of people lose

rolling and I reached my 1st goal and became a manager with an

track of their goals and give-up on their dreams.

exciting check within the second month of joining the business. All I remember was that I never lost focus on what I wanted to

To be able to get your mind to agree to change you first have to

achieve, I was consistent in my actions, and I followed the plan.

start by sticking to your commitment in spite of all challenges

Focus at that time resulted in a magical result that I couldn’t have

and obstacles. Change usually comes with a lot of opportunities

dreamt of then. So remember magic can happen when you focus,

in its folds, look for those opportunities, embrace and welcome

yes it can be something like hocus-pocus. In conclusion Know

the change. Since the only way to improve your life is by

what you want, know why you want it, create your plan, match

implementing changes, when you resist the change you are

it to your talents, be consistent and focus on the rewards; then

resisting the improvement and saying no to all that life has to

magic will happen.



One of the best ways to achieve your goals is by investing your time in doing what you are best at, and letting others do what they are best at.



Personal Branding How Do I Become a Brand?




are people in this world whose names we immediately connect with certain things: Steve Jobs revolutionized the computer industry. Walt Disney conjures up a smile on our lips. For many people Lionel Messi is a football god. Oprah Winfrey, an icon in show business. They all have one thing in common: People know them for what they do. They are personalities many people look up to. People whose voice carries great weight. One of my acquaintances took over his father’s firm a few years ago and within 4 years he had increased the turnover more than fifteenfold. Within the shortest time imaginable he managed to become an eminent authority in his field. He became well-known far beyond the borders of his own country and today he’s able to reap the fruits of his labors. Can it be an advantage in recommendation marketing to be such a person? Absolutely. But how do you become such an individual? How do you become well-known? How do you become a recognized specialist in your field? The answer is simple: personal branding, the establishment of a person as a brand. In the still young 21st century we’ve already experienced many developments. We live in the Information Age, in the Digital Age. Never has it been so easy to reach so many people, e.g. through viral marketing. Most people have already heard of teenage parties which became mass events involving thousands through Facebook & Co. Through skillful use of these new media it’s possible today for anybody to become a brand.


You’ll find the instructions on how to do so here below.

3. Start a blog or a website to promote yourself. To start off you need a platform where you can advertise

The most important thing is to find out in advance what exactly

your opinion, your products and your services. Your own website

you’d like to do in the first place. Becoming a specialist isn’t difficult,

or even a blog gives you the freedom to “let off steam” at your own

on the other hand, deciding what you want to be a specialist for is

discretion. You have the opportunity to get in contact with people

much harder.

all over the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if they want to do so. You can set up this website like your business premises – just

What’s really important in developing a brand is to distinguish

the way you want it. You can fashion it in accordance with your own

between two things: First and foremost, you want to develop your

taste. For this purpose there are wonderful solutions for people

own brand, not a company’s brand or a brand belonging to some-

without any knowledge of programming.

body else. So find out who you really are. 4. Be ubiquitous. If people hear your name, they’ll look 1. Your own brand is an investment. Your own

for it. It doesn’t matter whether this happens the first time, the

name or your own brand can live significantly longer than you

second time or the thousandth time. So use Facebook & Co.,

will yourself. A company you’ve built up is something you may

too. In recent years the word “omnipresent” has established

sell one day. But if you’ve built up a good brand, people will

itself more and more in our vocabulary and in our thinking.

continue to follow you. Thus a question will arise again and again:

These days you have to be “ubiquitous.” Facebook, Twitter,

Why should other people want to get close to you? What do you

Instagram, Pinterest and all the other social networks are your

symbolize? What do you stand for?

advertising space, just as specialist journals and magazines are. Other people should be able to find you if they’re interested in

2. Set yourself a target. A personal brand primarily

what you do. So you must also show yourself.

expresses how other people see you? What do your customers think of you? What are your experiences? Steve Jobs was the

5. Continue to develop yourself and your

inventor of the PC. As early as 1976, when he was 21 years old,

brand. Standing still means moving backwards. Apple has

he had the dream that everybody should have a computer. He

constantly brought new products onto the market. Or imagine

gave the PC a mass impact, and during his own lifetime he was

you were still working today with Windows 3.1. I often sit up to

considered to be the man who brought us entertainment into our

14 hours a day in front of a computer in order to refine what I

homes – whether with Apple or with Pixar.

do and to develop myself more. You have to remain on the ball



all the time and you have to constantly look around for new

to success. For a successful networker like you that is, of course,

opportunities. You always want to keep one step ahead of your

nothing new. Surround yourself with opinion leaders and be

competitors, don’t you?

one yourself. You need people with influence around you. Have you ever heard about being in the right place at the right time?

6. Continue to educate and train yourself.

Sometimes just a little bit of scandal is also sufficient and, bingo,

The world is constantly changing. Therefore you also have to

you’re the topic of discussion. But be careful with this because it

keep up with the times, or the times will pass you by. The

can also backfire.

current state of knowledge of the human race is expanding day by day. Also in your field it’s quite certain that there are

Another very important point, but one that doesn’t fit in the list,

constant innovations. Always be on top of things. Inform your-

is something that hardly anybody will tell you. For me it’s the

self about latest developments as often as possible. You’d like

key to success. No matter which personality I’ve been talking to,

to be sure that the next great thing in your industry won’t get

every single one of them has done just this: Work your heart out.

past you forcing you to jump onto the bandwagon when all the To make your brand well-known, to be ubiquitous all the time,

carriages have already been occupied.

to be considered a specialist, you have to invest a lot of time. 7. Don’t be a yes-man, form your own opin-

Perhaps nothing will happen for 6 months or 12 months or

ion instead. Otherwise you’ll be building up other people’s

maybe even as long as 18 months. Often people work 80 hours

brands and not your own. Before you adopt an opinion, consider

a week or more and see no success, but suddenly the break-

whether it’ll fit you and your brand. A false statement made by

through happens.

you can completely alter the image of your brand. In a study Malcolm Gladwell found that professionals train for more 8. Other people have to be talking about

than 10,000 hours to get to the top. It’s a hard road but there’s

you. Get to know new people every day. Contacts are the key

hardly anything that feels more beautiful than getting there.

About David El Dib Born in Vienna in 1976, he grew up in a sheltered environment. His mother was a teacher, his father an entrepreneur and he learned, from early on, how to think like a business person. In his childhood there never were opportunities to make significant strides since their monthly income was just sufficient to make ends meet. While studying economics at the Vienna Business School he realized that a normal working life did not offer sufficient options for him. Thus, at the age of 21 he already became self-supporting. Subsequently he worked as an investment banker for a renowned international investment house where he advised large corporations and well-to-do clients with regard to investment matters. An understanding of economics and an interest in his fellow men made him, at an early age, a sought after interlocutor. During recent years, he has guided tens of thousands of individuals by means of his seminars in Europe, the USA, South America and Asia. David is a globetrotter and keynote speaker. He coaches entrepreneurs and top executives in areas of personal branding and customer orientation.



Building a Global Organization *part 3

Join Timothy Wilson in the final instalment of his three part feature. In this issue Tim takes us through the final points that are paramount when building an international business 140    OBTAINER WORLDWIDE 06/2012


Germany?” You will be shocked how many times you will accidentally run across someone who is from Germany, knows someone who lives there now, or who has relationships with people in Germany. Your next step is to simply make contact with the prospect. If you have an active upline you can arrange a three-way call with, do so. Keep in mind your job is to see if they are open to your expanding opportunity in Germany. Provide them with a brief overview of your opportunity. This is part of the contacting and inviting process and you should strive to perfect this skill set. If you have a very high quality video, something that is extremely professional, less than five minutes that highlights your company's achievements and global expansion, then send that to them and schedule a follow up within 24 hours. Your next step is to get them a packet of information on your company. The physical information will always work best in dealing with foreign prospects. The weaker the facilitating relationship the more impressive and professional the packet will need to be.


Social media has also become a large part of sorting through

Begin your global organization by starting with your next-door neighbor.

Finding distributors internationally starts with your neighbor.

suspects and finding prospects. This can be a slow process that requires consistency and an understanding of social media etiquette. Additionally, you will still need professional skill sets and or a good working relationship with an upline leader who has them. There are specific marketing techniques to finding distributors online and building an online marketing funnel, however that goes beyond this article.

Many times a distributor asks if we are in a specific country because they know someone who knows someone. Additionally,

A good general rule is to look for ways to sponsor people in the

they may even contemplate booking a ticket and flying halfway

same way you would respond and want to be sponsored.

around the world to put someone in the business before they ever talk to their neighbor. Oddly enough that is the best place to start. We have all heard the old six degrees of separation saying, you are only six people away from any person on the planet.


Reverse sponsor internationally

This has been one of my most effective techniques and works great when you are already dealing with a single international

When building globally and looking for an international distribu-

distributor or global organization.

tor, I find it somewhat like buying a new car. You know how before you bought the new car you never saw one like it? Amaz-

I continuously remind my international distributors that they

ingly, after your purchase, everywhere you go you see your car. It

have an international business too. I ask them who they know in

happens the same way in your Direct Selling opportunity.

the US or other countries that are international to them?

Focus on the country you want to build. If you have a team,

I offer to do three way calls on all of my web conferences with

have all of them focus on the same country for a month.

any distributor who will step up and become what we referred

Everywhere you go, ask the question “Who do you know in

to earlier as a facilitator. I have done very successful three way



calls where the prospect living in the US was the one doing

I was once on stage with a distributor who proceeded to address

the translation.

the crowd in six different languages. While this is very impressive, and is generally very much appreciated by an international

Often, as a company expands globally, not all products will be

audience, don’t let the fact that you can barely speak one language

available at the same time in all markets. Reminding your inter-

slow you down.

national distributors they do have all the products the company offers, they just may not be in their local market, helps them deal

A few options you may use that have worked for me are as

with this fact and overcome their objection that they need this


product or that product. The first option is to use a company executive. However, this Reverse sponsoring also tends to create a great amount of apprecia-

may not be the easiest to coordinate. The further up the lead-

tion among international distributors and is a great way to increase

ership ladder you are, or the more you have a connection with

local distributors view of the global Direct Selling opportunity.

a leader who is actively building internationally, the easier


this will be.

Utilizing events

Secondly, if you speak English you will just about always be able to find someone within the organization who speaks English that can provide translations. Many times for the added communi-

Effective events and the use of them in growing your interna-

cation, relationship and training, these individuals are eager to

tional markets can be one of the most important catalysts to

work with you.

creating momentum. This is my favorite way to do any event because as you build A company must be able to have an event local to the interna-

a relationship with the translator she will be able to translate

tional market it wants to grow. There is really no way to compen-

longer and more complex statements until she is pretty much

sate for the benefits these events create, and all distributors

translating paragraphs.

should have access to an event about every six months. Thirdly, approach language teachers. This is not my most Any event should always be an empowering event that teaches,

common practice, but it has proven useful in the past. You also

inspires, and motivates. Anyone attending these events should leave

stand a chance at sponsoring them.

with a greater sense of what skills are required to become a professional in the Direct Selling industry, and how to develop them.

Recently, I was in Paris and was utilizing 11 different translators. There will always be variables in what they are translating. Keep

Another incredible business building technique is to strive to

this in mind anytime you are speaking to an audience through a

always start a new distribution leg at each event and each market

translator. Remember to speak in a rhythm and somewhat slower

you choose to work.

than you normally do.

There is no place more important than an effectively run goal oriented event to mobilize any organization. And as a leader you should be with your team at these events.


Working with translators

As you begin to grow a global organization, you will need to connect


Know what to avoid and be aware of

Occasionally, when a company announces their expansion into a new market, people looking for a sponsorship will contact the leadership. Many of these individuals will only be seeking upfront support or payment to bringing their teams into the expanding opportunity.

with more and more people who may or may not speak your language. Always use common sense when being approached for money. If If you enjoy the benefits of being able to speak multiple

they have the thousands of distributors ready to enroll and they

languages, you will often find faster acceptance when working

promise they are going to hit the top ranks in only a few months

through facilitated relationships.

they wouldn’t need any upfront money.


Tim’s drive to learn how to invest his time for a return began I have never paid anyone a signing bonus. However, if

early when at the age of 13 his father gave him a watch with a

you do decide to pay anything beyond the compensation,

second hand. After putting it on his wrist his father asked him

it should always be incentive based and for a limited time

to watch the second hand for 60 seconds. Afterwards Tim was

frame. You will also want to consult your company’s P&Ps

asked what he did with the 60 seconds. When responding “noth-

as there can be legal issues with incentives and promotions

ing” his father advised him to never let it happen again.

in some countries. Becoming involved in a family business at an early age gave Tim Never build in a non-open country without the company’s

much of the knowledge base for learning to deal with people

knowledge or approval. You will almost always cause issues

and learning how to develop strategic systems. In 1997 Tim met

for the future of the opportunity in that country.

and developed a personal relationship with Brig and Lita Hart

At all times you must avoid overpromising and what is called futuring. When you future someone, you are telling him or her something will be happening in the future both directly and indirectly. When done indirectly, you simply talk about what is going to be happening too much. This is a horrible habit to develop locally and it is even a worse habit to develop internationally, especially when working through a translator. Instead of focusing too much on what is going to be happening, focus on what can be done now and be very clear when informing about upcoming events.

outside of networking which originated through their sons being on the same soccer team. With Tim’s understanding of stra­ tegic planning and networking from the outside in, combined with Brig’s understanding of networking from the inside out they helped launch the fastest company in US history to hit one billion dollars in sales and to date has created on average a new millionaire every 3 ½ to 4 weeks since January 2005. He has created a system for success “Day One Success” designed to help people find success in any endeavor from the very first day. “I want to help people achieve results that change lives and last a lifetime,” Tim states. Now Tim enjoys coaching and building people on a global scale.

We are in a business of promotion; however, never promote

He is looking for leaders who want him to help them become one

what we are not certain of.

of the next millionaires. Tim has seen over 3,000,000 customers and distributors come into an organiza­tion “Working with

Building a growing global organization is one of the most

the number of people I have been able to work with has given

exhilarating aspects of the Direct Selling industry. There

me an interesting insight to the process of success in the Direct

is no greater feeling than to see someone achieve success

Selling industry”.

and fulfill his or her dreams while growing and becoming a professional, except when it happens across cultural lines

Tim can be reached directly in the United States

and international borders.

at 336-262-8925. By email TimothyWilson@me.com





Photo: Max Winter



Minds Can Be

so Easy! ho has not sometimes wished to be able to read the mind of one's counterpart? Whether it is in one's private or, especially, in one's professional life - unsuspected advantages as well as new dimensions with regard to effective communications could open up if one could tap into the thoughts of one's conversation partner. If I promise you that this article will introduce you to the secrets of reading thoughts then I shall be pretty sure what you are thinking: Yes, exactly!



Establish a Connection

With Your Counterpart!

Surely you're thinking now: "I have a connection anyway when I am speaking with someone!" In truth, however, many people carry on a conversation without developing a real connection to one's counterpart. And without a connection mind reading is not possible. Imagine that the connection between two people is like a good foundation. Mind-reading is only possible if you open yourself up to your opponent. Perhaps, you may say: "It would be better if my counterpart opens up." Sure, but the process of reading begins, in particular, when you are ready to receive the signals from the person whom you want to read.

90% of Our

Communication is Nonverbal and

Only 10% is Verbal!

Reading thoughts begins with recognizing the body language of others. 90% of our communication takes place without words. This means: We cannot - not communicate! Even if we say nothing, we always are expressing something. The art of mind reading, however, does not consist of interpreting gestures and facial expressions because folded arms and legs are never absolutely a sure sign for whatever. It is more about putting yourself into the other person!

Reflect! Train yourself to be a reflection. The easiest way to put yourself into your counterpart is when you reflect him or her. Sit exactly in the same way, try to breathe at the same pace as your counterpart

Experience It! If you now reflect the posture, breathing, gestures, facial expressions, etc. of your counterpart then allow yourself, for a moment, to be completely without interpreting, totally spontaneous and without evaluating. The more you practice this process the more quickly and clearly you can experience this feeling and, later, even get a concrete picture. What is important here is that you do not interpret but really let your mind flow. With some practice you will get to the point more frequently where you know what your counterpoint is thinking and feeling.

Your Intuition Muscle

is Being Trained!

and learn to copy gestures and facial expressions. You are afraid

Do not be discouraged if it does not work the first time. What

that your counterpart realizes that you are mirroring? Don’t worry

is crucial is that you practice, practice and practice again.

your conversation partner will not notice it consciously, but will

Together with your partner, your friends or your family you can

notice it probably subconsciously. And that person may like it

test it out beautifully and then continue to practice. Simply sit

more than you might believe. We people love it when we have

down face to face and let your practice partner think of some-

the feeling when someone stands or sits opposite us and is ticking

thing (as intensively as possible). Ask him or her to take the

in the same way as we do. The experience of meeting ourselves

optimal sitting position with regard to what was thought about

is, for most people, wonderful, just like most of us don't miss an

and allow yourself to be completely immersed by the recollec-

opportunity to look into a mirror. We simply feel good as our egos

tion. You are beginning to reflect the posture and now simply

experience recognition and we become a little bit stronger (Forget

say the words which first come into your mind. Sometimes this

the morning look in your bathroom mirror! It's all about brushing

can be very confusing especially at the beginning. Do not worry,

teeth, shaving and fixing one's hair).

each time it gets better and clearer.



Bring Yourself Into

a Good Balance!

You will experience that you can grasp the thoughts and feelings of others all the more easily the more balanced you are. Mind-reading it is similar to talking on a cell phone. If interferences complicate the conversation then the conversation becomes more difficult. And when you are speeding at 220 on the highway then your heedfulness is also rather limited. If you want to effectively, in the future, grasp the thoughts of your counterpart then you should not have any distractions and especially not emotional ones. Distractions will cause you to be tempted to interpret. Let us remember our lessons at school: Interpretations without documented quotes can go awry! Therefore, you'll need to rely solely on the signals from your counterpart and see your counterpart from a new perspective.

If You Sometimes Get Into

a Dead Zone…

Sometimes it happens that we do not, at all, find access to other people. Here it is advisable to simply take a break. Change the



subject or just go to the bathroom. Bring yourself back into a good balance. The stronger your own constitution and your own state of mind, the more you will succeed in reading the thoughts of other people. Leave your own experiences or emotions from previous conversations or other appointments either in the elevator, in front of the door or in the car. Consider: You also communicate non-verbally 90% of the time and, therefore, are sending perpetual signals to your opponent. And as my grandmother used to say: "Torsten, whatever you give, you get back!" And "how you call into the forest so it will also echo!” You need to take care that you don't read yourself because your counterpart is reading you.


In Front of The Mirror!

We always have an effect! How? Well, we can find this out best when we look closely and observe ourselves. What signals do you send! Are you a friendly type and have a smile on your face, or can one already see from afar that currently, it's more likely, that there is low tide in the household budget? As Shakespeare so aptly said: "The world's a stage and we are its actors.” I would like to supplement this statement with the following question: And what role do you play? Not that I have just read your thoughts! But I'm sure, that especially with you, more is possible, right? Perhaps, in the future, the thoughts of others will be of help to you! Sincerely, Torsten Will




“Over and Over and Over Again”

Business Etiquette Regarding Greeting


Who Should Greet and Welcome Whom?

In the

first part of this series we took quite a close look at what “system” in the field of manners would help to decide who should behave in which way to whom: what I called the “coronet concept.”

And we already used the coronet concept to decide who should greet whom and who should “welcome” whom. You remember: “Greeting is the verbal part, the bit where you “offer somebody the time of day.” “Welcoming” is the “physical” part, i.e. offering to shake hands. Our example the last time was the following: “At a public conference you (as CEO of your company) meet the purchasing manager of your customer. So he or she is wearing the coronet (as representative of your customer) and you greet him or her. Then he or she decides whether to shake hands or not.” Let’s take another example:



“The female sales manager of a company receives the male purchasing manager of a customer company in her office. Who offers the verbal greeting and who offers to shake hands?” Often I hear people say that it’s the sales manager who offers her hand to the purchasing manager because, after all, she’s the lady. That she’s a lady is without any doubt correct, but that isn’t the reason for this sequence of verbal greeting and offering to shake hands. Because in business life no differentiation is made between ladies and gentlemen anymore because this would be in contradiction to sexual equality in the professional sphere. So the fact that the sales manager is a woman plays no role at all. Nevertheless, the answer is correct, but for quite a different reason. In this case what is called the “host rule” is the one that counts. The host rule says the the “host” should offer his or her hand to welcome the guest – i.e. in this case the sales manager since she is receiving a visit from the purchasing manager at her premises. By the way, the host rule also applies when saying goodbye.



There are the following exceptions to the host rule:

In private life the first differentiation is “ladies first,” so the gentleman greets the lady and the lady decides whether she’d

1. Retail trade and service providers

like to offer him her hand.

Shop assistants in the retail trade and service providers do not welcome their customers with a handshake – unless the customer

But please be careful in the case of differentiation by age. The

signals that he or she wishes to shake hands. This also applies to

recommendation of the AUI is that “old before young” as the

saying goodbye.

basis for allocating the coronet should only apply where the age difference is at least one generation (approx. 20 years). At a time

2. Doctors and in hospitals

when people spend a lot of money to appear younger you could

In both cases it is uncommon to welcome people with a hand-

really put your foot in it through your attempt to be polite!

shake because germs are often transmitted through physical contact.

Similarly the host rule applies here, too. When you receive guests at home, you offer them your hand to welcome them although it’s

In our example neither is the case – so:

the guest who wears the coronet.

l as the customer the purchasing manager is wearing the coronet and is therefore greeted first by the sales manager.

Incidentally, the AUI recommends that both women and men

l at the same time on the basis of the host rule the sales manager

should remove their gloves when shaking hands. This gesture

offers him her hand to welcome him.

goes back historically to the fact that, when a knight removed his gauntlet, he was signaling that he had come with peaceful

And what do things look like in private life? Basically the recom-


mendations are just the same – except that the coronet is “allocated” on a different basis.

The “hierarchy of coronets” also determines who should be greeted first and who should be welcomed – always in the order determined by the “size” of the coronet. If the sales manager in the above example is receiving the chairperson, the purchasing manager and the chairperson’s assistant from the customer company, then she will also greet (and welcome) them in exactly this order because the “size” of the coronet depends on the hierarchy in the customer company. I look forward to receiving your questions about manners and business etiquette. You can reach me by e-mail at plath@alexanderplath.com or on the Facebook page DER ERSTE EINDRUCK (www.facebook.com/DerErsteEindruck) – in German. Yours, Alexander Plath



“In you must burn what you want to ignite in others.” (www.facebook.com/DerErsteEindruck)




Time and Personnel Management Dear Readers,

guidelines. For this reason, personnel leadership should always, implicitly, invest in time. Only then is a smooth progression of

over the last few weeks we have asked, together, how time and

events assured.

personnel management are related? Does time play a role with regard to personnel leadership or can it be ignored? Don’t bosses

Unfortunately, the reality is different: Many companies and hiring

of large and small companies have enough other things to do and

managers neglect leadership and not infrequently it is blamed on

should one not expect employees to use their experience and their

the lack of competence of the co-worker or the employee when

knowledge to work, generally, independently?

things do not work out the way they should. A new way of thinking is required: There is an urgent need for personnel manage-

In our fast-paced society time is always a greater good and,

ment to devote the necessary time. The investment will pay off

therefore, should be used accordingly. However, often the wrong

but it is not easy to take this step because it often means very

priorities are set which can have a negative impact on teamwork

intensive re-orientation with regard to scheduling and manag-

within an operation and, secondarily, it can also have a nega-

ing staff.

tive influence on the business in general. Even the best and most experienced staff requires, especially in their start-up phase of

Personnel management cannot, across the board, be divided into

their activities when new or changed tasks are set, comprehensive

a time saving or time consuming activity. You should not



praise your staff and employees for every job well done and take

gist for your employees. Limit the things you discuss with your

them by the hand like small children. This is just as wrong a

staff to work issues and do not discuss personal problems. This

strategy as is when one allows the work process to be handled

is sometimes a difficult balancing act. There are major life events

by the staff or employees alone because you do not have time

such as the birth of a child, the death of a person, separation

for personnel management or prefer to invest your time in other

from a partner or financial difficulties that may affect the perfor-

things. Important is, as always, a balance that ensures that you

mance of staff to which, of course, you need to respond. You

take your staff by the hand and guide them in a way that the staff

need to decide according to your judgment what is important

and employees can still work independently and when questions

and what is not. Do not ignore serious problems and do not give

or problems develop they can come to you and find a competent

unimportant things a lot of room. In this way you’ll become a

discussion partner. Often these things are taken for granted in

person of trust to your staff and then also be able to motivate

many companies, however, they should not be. The reason for

them and utilize them according to their performance capabil-

this may be a good order entry situation or the fact that there

ity. You should make it your task to have regular meetings with

are not enough individuals who can perform tasks quickly and

your staff for purposes of goal discussions. In this way you shall

independently. There are also companies that are structured in

find out who has increased potential for better performance and

a simply bad way and where personnel management has played

who is overextended with regard to their assigned tasks. Under-

up to now no significant role. If such a company has to change

or over-achieving on a permanent basis is not a good operating

or has to change its strategy then this is often associated with a

situation. Get to know your employees, their goals and abilities

considerable amount of effort. Sometimes resentment or disputes

in order to find the optimal work situation for each individual

with colleagues can make management believe that restructur-

worker within the company. With a high degree of satisfaction

ing is not necessary and, therefore, they want to keep the old

and the opportunity to solve their assigned task well, the staff will

proven system in place and do not want to change it. Here a lot

perform optimally for your business.

of convincing needs to be done but that will, in most cases, be crowned with success. Good administration of time in the area of

During targeted discussions you can find out if it is sensi-

personnel management has never hurt a business and will, also

ble to promote an employee in order to give him, in the future,

in the future, count as one of the factors responsible for a smooth

higher levels of responsibility. A promotion should be agreeable

flow of processes within businesses and enterprises.

to both sides. There are employees who are satisfied with the

Many managers are well aware of the problem but they say

tasks assigned to them. This, you should accept. Find out which workers and employees are willing to take on more responsibility

that, next to their regular task, there is little time left over for

and are also willing to undergo additional training. The invest-

personnel management. They have to deal primarily with the

ment in a qualified employee is worthwhile because you do not

company’s goals, which are continually re-defined differently by

have to, additionally, break-in a new employee for new tasks. The

bosses. In addition, budgets are continually cut at many compa-

result is positive time management for you and, concurrently,

nies that do not run well. Nevertheless, all requirements are to be

the employee has the opportunity to perform better and, there-

met. With these tasks, many managers are working at full capac-

fore, can also expect to receive a higher income in the conceivable

ity and there remains no time for goal discussions with staff or


time for individual personal development. These facts show that changes should come from the very top. Managers and business

Part of successful personnel management is that the tasks that

owners need to rethink. This task should not be left solely to the

everyone is supposed to do are clearly defined and localized. State


clearly what you expect from your staff and make references to quantity and quality standards. Specify deadlines that must be

There are several ways in which good time management can

adhered to. If the employees know the processes, in the busi-

successfully be organized. Each path requires, of course, a suffi-

ness for which they work, then they can be more easily integrated

cient amount of time; if you have not initially considered this

into them. You can provide details on a regular basis or when

then you must now allow extra time in order to complete the

something changes with regard to processes. In any case, it is

work processes.

important that your staff knows them because only then can they show understanding and preparedness for something that needs

First and foremost, with regard to personnel management, you

to be done quickly which sometimes may require overtime. Take

need to have open and fair dealings with each other. You must

your time, therefore, to explain the business operations and make

have an open ear for your staff and then take the time to discuss

the context of their tasks within the daily work process clear. It is

and solve problems. You should, of course, not be a psycholo-

also important that you tell them, in advance, what controls are


to social interaction among employees. Especially in production environments where there are not only highly qualified employees but, in addition, where there are also temporary workers and contract workers from different walks of life present; it is very important that you talk about your expectations, about how they should work together and how they should conduct themselves. Every employee should ensure that he and his colleagues promote and support the work process and do planned. The work must be controlled but each employee will

not hinder it. Use sufficient time to explain, especially with

be able to understand this if he does not feel observed or caught

new hires, how you expect the cooperative work process to be.

unaware. Ensure a fair assessment with regard to the controls

Assign qualified colleagues to be the contact persons to take

and make the appropriate measurement criteria known so that

care of problems directly that develop during the daily work

employees can adjust to them.

processes or they should contact you or another colleague. Well organized employees are especially important when things do

A very important tool of personnel management is to provide

not work out as planned. For this reason you should have the

instructions about how outsiders should conduct themselves

employee leadership take this point to heart and not deal with

with outsiders about internal business information. This

an issue at the last moment when one is pressed for time. Any

concerns the obligation with regard to confidentiality about

disruption in the production process can lead to chaos if the

manufacturing processes of products as well as the dissemi-

employees are not properly organized. The time saved, if you

nation of important internal information to the outside. This

decline to make this point about employee leadership, can in

should be avoided in most cases, but it becomes particularly

cases of emergency double or triple in a negative way because

important when staffers attend conferences or negotiations

every production stop is expensive and can only be recaptured

where they come into contact with employees from other

through overtime or the shifting of delivery deadlines.

companies; here it is important that you specify exactly what can be passed on and what not. If the employee is too secretive

Allow time for criticism. You should know how to formulate

then no exchange of ideas can take place and, therefore, you

criticism, but you should also be able to take criticism your-

should not issue a general statement about what cannot be

self. Criticism is important for fusing company and employees

said but rather define a clear line. Also discuss, with of your

and it is also important for personal growth development. It

staff, permissible behavior in their private lives. It is espe-

is a sensitive issue because if frustration accumulates or if you

cially important that the employees are educated about this

have moments of anger with regard to employees then the situ-

when your business is active in a field where no information is

ation can also escalate. The following shows the result of this

allowed to get to the outside.

important pillar of employee leadership: if you are open and

Another important aspect is that there is a good business climate and a pleasant working atmosphere with regard

if you built a trusting relationship with your employees then you would be able to give criticism easier and you would also be able to process it easier.



Encourage the ability to criticize and, in addition, also encour-

Praise is just as important as is criticism when it comes

age their willingness to learn. Most businesses have to adapt

to personnel management. Your workers and employees should

to new requirements on a regular basis. Production processes

know when they have done something right. In times of stress or

change and sometimes even the entire structure of a company

when there are many orders on hand, additional work or over-

also changes. Not only do you have to adapt but your staff has

time is required and then it can be a good opportunity to pay

to as well; they have to learn new processes and then re-famil-

tribute to your employees’ excellent work. This can be done by

iarize themselves with the work. One can expect that you will

special monetary incentives, by gifts or simply through words.

perform these tasks conscientiously but your employees must

Ask your employees to choose whether they wish to be paid

also have the opportunity to fulfill this task.

for their overtime or be allowed to have time off. This too is a form of recognition because your employees have completed

This can only be realized if they are thoroughly indoctrinated

additional work and with that they also have invested addi-

into their new or modified work areas. This takes time, of

tional time into your business and now they should be able

course, but without this investment in time it will not be possi-

to determine themselves if this can be compensated through

ble to implement the new or modified structures. Therefore,

additional furlough or by monetary means.

you need to plan sufficient time when implementing an organizational transformation with regard to employee manage-

If you have established a relationship of trust with your employ-

ment and guidance and, in addition, you need to give yourself

ees then you can ask them that they contact you immediately

sufficient room to adapt to the new tasks.

in case of problems and you can also assume that this will be



informed about and for which ones it is necessary for you to, personally, find a solution. Before you are to be contacted the employee should do a self-test by finding problems or mistakes and, in addition, he should see if he acted in accordance with specified instructions. You cannot control every single process and scan over every single piece of work in order to find errors. This is not your job but it is what the employee is paid for. To be accessible for discussions and to offer one’s help is as important as setting guidelines. Be consistent from the beginning, because only this will you ensure that your employees work independently, that they do a good job and that they know when your help is really needed.

Good leadership takes time and you must really invest time in this. However, it is not so that personnel management has grown over your head. Develop a system, with regard to the attitude of the employee, where you take the mentioned points into account. Try to build a relationship of trust but still keep the necessary distance. It is better if you separate professional and private issues from each other. You can then appear more confident and formulate your ideas better and are then also better able to enforce them. If you recognized that leadership is too lax or non-existent because you have not invested enough time then you should change your structure. This is, depending on the size and number of employees, a considerable effort. If your staff has understood, however, what is at stake then you will, with the time that you invest into personnel management, gain more time. This is the result of good working relationships and will subsequently provide for a smooth operation; this applies to days when everything works well but, especially, to those adhered to. If something is not running properly then it is, in

days that are burdened by problems or mistakes. Only then it

most cases, helpful that you know about it as soon as possible.

becomes clear whether the work relationships are working well,

Then you can intervene and have, in most cases, the ability to

and if so, you will then benefit from quick solutions to problems

limit the damage. Your employees should know that they can

and a rapid resumption of normal processes.

always turn to you and they should know that this is necessary when they can no longer make any progress. Hours of guessing

Give your personnel management processes the necessary

can cause an unnecessary postponement or loss of production

space, and if necessary, push back other things. Take the time

and, consequently, this may be more serious than the time

to get to know your staff and find out which employees are

that you would need to invest in order to correct a mistake

best suited for a particular work assignment. If everyone has

or to solve a problem in the first place. In this case it pays to

an optimal task assigned to them and is also given an optimal

have close contact with your staff which then, in addition, gives

work environment then the work can be carried out efficiently

them continuously the feeling that they are competent contact

and will be consistent with a high success rate. Also keep in

partners for you.

mind that it is difficult to find good employees and hold on to those that you have. Also in this case, a solid trusting relation-

This does not, however, mean that you have to re-check every

ship is very important.

individual’s work. Your employees need to learn to distinguish between important and unimportant things. You should decide

Sincerely, Your Coach Nuno F. Assis

yourself about which mistakes or problems you want to be






Are Women

the Better

Leaders? A fascinating question that will, I'm sure, immediately give rise to interpretations, smirks and automatic answers. :-) But before devoting ourselves in detail to this question, we should first take a closer look at what a company where women occupy leading positions actually looks like.





here are companies where the qualities of female leaders are not only exceptionally highly regarded but are also


encouraged, promoted and strengthened. Try – if possible to systematically support several women

If about 50% of the positions right at the top of a company are held

in your team. If you have few women in your team, look for

by women, then you can assume the female qualities are greatly

female colleagues in your sidelines/crosslines so that you

appreciated there. It also means that in this company the quali-

can mutually motivate one another. Then you'll be providing

ties of the male and the female principles are very well balanced,

mutual support for one another

something that can be very healthy for a company. This will be

However, this will only work if you push competitive thinking

noticeable in all aspects of the company and has a positive effect

aside a bit and join forces. If this isn't feasible, then concen-

on the atmosphere within this company.

trate just on yourself and your team and “Go your own way” – no matter what others say.

If, however, there are hardly any women and instead primarily men are to be found on the executive level, you can in good conscience assume that things have been made or are still being made very difficult for women. Of course, it may also mean that the company hasn't proved appealing to any women yet – however, this is rather unlikely if the company has already been present on the market for quite some time. So if the upper ranks are primarily overrun by men, then as a rule this means that a very strong, single-minded energy is dominant, one that is also, in part at least, rigid, stiff, dominant and inflexible. This also has an effect on the atmosphere within the company. It's clearly tangible in everything you want to create here as a woman. Here you'll need what is quite rightly described as a “thick skin.” A lot will have to bounce off you, otherwise it may under certain circumstances mess you up. So take a look at the TOP positions in a company – both in sales and distribution and in the back office – and you'll be able to recognize relatively quickly what the overall atmosphere is like. If a company has had an exclusively male leadership for too

Draw your strength from it! However, there are also Direct Selling companies that have a completely female orientation. A good example of this is Mary Kay. There perhaps it would be better if we were to ask about the men. ;-)

long and if you want to change this, then it's a good idea to

But are women now the better leaders? And if so, why?

systematically support women so that they can reach leading

Basically I believe that both sexes – both women and men – have

positions. Otherwise the reproach will quickly surface: Here

their own special merits and strengths.

there's only place for men. ;-) There are companies that also promote women – when criticism has made itself heard loud

While men tend to be dominant, single-minded and some of


them are also sometimes prepared to stop at nothing, in general women are, unfortunately, among those who are TOO nice, kind,

So in such companies the question whether women are the best

patient and understanding with a certain penchant towards the

leaders would be out of place because women may not even be

well-known “Mother Teresa syndrome.”

regarded as desirable there. Women then wonder why men get on in their career and they If, nevertheless, you decide as a woman to invest your energy in

themselves don't. The reason for this may be that women look

such a company, be aware what will be required of you in order

out for people too much and have too much understanding for

to persevere and become successful there.

others. Another reason may also be that all too often they hold



In addition, for a woman it's often frustrating to work alone and it's not rare that she then loses heart. I'm speaking about us, the really normal women, women who are happy to be women, but who'd also like to register professional successes without standing in the shadow of their husbands. So what is to be done, ladies? Today I'd like to encourage you, if you're conducting business alone, to go your own way. Learn something more and take a leaf from a man’s book occasionally. Be prepared sometimes to do things differently than you've done them up to now. Nevertheless, remain true to yourself and go your their tongues when it would be better for them to open their

own way so that you feel good doing so.

mouths and give their opinion. Or that they accept criticism from people who want to keep them down and don't support them as

Separate yourself consistently from all people who aren't

much as they deserve.

doing you any good – no matter whether it's because they're envious, because they want to keep you down or they'd like to keep

Ladies – have the courage not to be understanding

you in line with their way of doing things.

about everything or not just to be the one who is always nice and kind. If you really want to be nice – then please be nice to

Not everybody will understand you if you take this path. You'll

YOURself, too.

have opponents if you dare to say what you don't like or what you feel is unfair. But in the long term things will go better for

How often have you shown more understanding for

you – and that's what it's all about in the final analysis.

your team partners, your colleagues and their situations than for yourself?

Whether men or women are now the better leaders is a question

What have you gotten out of this?

we'll leave open at this point in time. I believe we can all learn from one another. Both men and women have their strengths

Men wouldn't put up with a lot of what women put up with and

and weaknesses. But together as a concentrated force within a

listen to. In this way they reserve their energies for getting on.

company they can indeed move mountains.

While doing so, however, it may happen that in this manner they lose people and team partners who they'd certainly have held on

For you ladies I've sought out two beautiful quotations that I'd

to with female qualities. However, in combination – as a couple

very much like to share with you. The first is from Albert Einstein

– male and female talents can be a major force.

and the origin of the second is unknown.

This is one reason why so many couples make it to the top in

I wish you the courage to follow your own path.

MLM. While the men use their qualities and race forwards, the


women are also able to use their qualities to stabilize what has


been achieved. The woman is often the one who holds everything together in a team.



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