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FAQ. 1. What is Bio Disc? The Bio Disc is a natural energy generating device. The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids. The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life. Placed in a fridge the Bio Discs’ energy frequency permeates the fridge, all liquids, meat and fruit will taste better and have extended shelf lives. The renewed molecular chains are similar to those found in healthy natural spring water. Like fruit and vegetables the body slowly also loses molecular chains as we age they can be reenergised at a molecular level to provide energy, using the Qi Bio Disk. The hydratious nature of water is important to wellness, molecular structured water carries improved oxygen flow to the blood, assists in detoxification of free radicals, improves liver detoxification, improves nutrient take up by the body. The natural energy of the disk improves sleep patterns, when placed under the bed, improves the positive chi energy of the body, when worn or carried in a bag. It has also been known to remove pain when the suns rays are reflected through it. 2. What is it made of? Technically engineered natural minerals are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level, using several high heat fusion methods. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy, developing a long lasting natural resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains. 3. How does it work? The ‘beta’ rhythm frequency spins and an anti clockwise direction and like other ‘energy waves it can ‘influence’ inert objects. For instance a magnetic field can influence metal objects and x-ray can influence film strip. Like wise Beta rhythms at the correct frequency and spin velocity will liquids. 4. What do you mean by restructuring Molecular structure of liquid and lock back the minerals? A pump, filter or U.V light is often used in the production of liquids. The pumps impellors filters friction or intense U.V light destroys any molecular chain that may have been present in the liquid. Using the Bio Disk restores the molecular chain as in the attached photos. A liquid without a molecular structure (1)

A liquid with a molecular structure (2)

The connective tissue and Water

‌. very important for health It is assumed that the first cells came into being from the ocean. This also would explain that the specific milieu in that the cells may have been existing at that time, has remained up to our present body. The body cells of the human organism are namely surrounded by the so called extra cellular fluid, offering the cells a similar milieu as probably the single-celled organisms might had found. This extra cellular fluid belongs to the connective tissue. That has not only a backing function filling the intercellular space, but also a regulating function, which is so important that the connective tissue is also called "basic regulation system". Hereby the water seems to have a central task. All arterial capillaries - as well as the nerves - are ending in this connective tissue; and in the venous capillaries are staring here, as well as the lymphatic course. Thereby neither the bloodstreams nor the nerves have a direct contact to the cells. Furthermore all transports of nutrients as well of waste products happen in the connective tissue, just as the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Also: All substances like glucose, hormonal information, transmitters from the nerve endings as well as electric impulses reach the cell only through this offshore extra cellular milieu, the water of the connective issue. Dangers of scaling in the connective tissue From this follows that this milieu should be kept as free of scale and in working order as possible. Especially because it is a part of our immune system. The basic regulation system is responsible for unspecific processes of repulse. For it runs through the whole body, disorders in the behavior of regulation have effects in the whole body. Scaling would therefore weaken the whole body. Because all substances the body cannot use are deposited here - if they are not taken away by the lymph’s and removed by the kidneys - and so to speak plug the transit course of the cells. These remain lying scale then hinder the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and so again weaken the cell functions and with that life. In the following however the energetic balance of the organism is disturbed, too. Because these scale also are sending corresponding vibrations, which then influence the cells negatively as jamming vibration. Hereby the importance of water as a carrier of energy and information shall be pointed out. In other words: The extra cellular water of the connective tissue contains not only the physical scale, but stores the vibrations of these scale as well, passing these jamming energies and information on the whole organism. Wrong habits of living and malnutrition hereby surely play an important role. But let me also mention the following: Day for day we are exposed by breath and food to approximately 100.000 unnatural substances, means artificially produced and therefore strange for our body. With this metabolism and excretion are usually overburdened. Because also the necessary enzymes for the splitting of these artificial products are absent, these substances usually are stored, namely in the connective tissue. The consequences: increasing scaling impeding of the vesicular breathing, additional storage of metabolism scale, again promoting a hyperacidity of the tissue and binding valuable resistance ... And the whole happens in a holistic way, that means also on the energetic level. That is: Also the information of the artificial substances we consume and there scale has effects on our organism. At this stage we also want to point out the harmful impact of the so-called elektro-smog. That is an additional factor for the stress of the organism. Considering that elektro-smog destroys the cluster structure of water and that our body water can only fulfill its essential functions for the maintenance of life if it is existing in a highly complex cluster structure we begin to suspect the "blessings" of the achievements of our civilised world. The increase of the so called "civilisation diseases", the increase of cancer and the general weakening of the immune system, expressed in a dramatic increase of allergies, are speaking a clear language.

Water has a key role The connective tissue with the extra cellular fluid - and therefore the water - has therefore a key role in the human organism. It is a decisive factor for health or illness. This basic regulation system also is, according to Peter Kokoschinegg, the docking system for the drunken water on the biological system of man. However, he observed, doing a biophysical examination of special thermal water, improvements of the reduction and oxidation processes as well as the Vivifier processes in the metabolism. The thermal water being transferred through the connective tissue caused an improvement of the whole metabolism of the cells and an improvement in the whole physical functioning. From the said clearly occurs why naturopathic orientated therapists consider de-scaling and detoxification of the organism as an essential precondition for a possible healing success. The kind of water that is consumed thereby is crucial. The effects of healing waters are well known since some hundred years. And healing waters distinguishes itself by a high energy, their vividness that is caused by the complex cluster structure. Because in our daily life such healing water rarely is available, we on the other side are permanently confronted with the mentioned stress and overload; it seems to be wise looking for other possibilities that we can consume alive, energy-loaded water. The water that is normally available does not fulfill these requirements. Therefore so-called methods for revitalisation have been developed, that is products, which shall revitalise unstructured water with low energy. Thereby complex cluster structures are built up and therefore a better biological usability. Revitalised water can better fulfill the key tasks of the organism, especially regarding the metabolism. The quality of our food No. 1 therefore has a hardly to underestimate importance, especially if one considers its central role in the connective tissue, that is in the system of basic regulation. Original title: Die zentrale Bedeutung des Wassers für die Gesundheit In: Sein, June 1997, Hamburg

5. What kind of minerals are locked? How many of them? The glass body of the Bio Disk houses 13 minerals locked into it by high heat fusion techniques are technically engineered. Each mineral grain has its own individual shape and size that when combined with the other minerals, through a catalytic conversion, generates the spinning resonance we call chi energy. 6. How does the energy transfer to the water using the Bio Disc The Bio Disc energy spins into the liquid, counter clockwise, or the liquid can be pored over the bio disk were it ‘picks up’ the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world. At the moment scientists can’t understand why liquids behave differently and positively in the energy filed. Much research is now focused on this fact as 70% of our bodies are made from water and it’s important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water. 7. Is there any expiry date? We expect the Bio Disc energy to last 15 years as recent tests on the original pre production test units made five years ago show that they have increased in energy levels. Unlike a magnet the resonance is not affected by the earth’s gravitational pull. 8. What would be the effect after the expiry date? When the disk fails, it will not have the ability to change the taste of any fruit or liquid. Please see answer nine to test your discs energy power.

9. What are the proofs that the bio discs actually turn the water into liquid energy? There are a number of ways to test the energy level is positive, present and effective. A) Using any energy life force measurement machine. The better ones are commercially used such as Prognos and Medec. B) Use a ‘dark filed’ blood photo sampler. C) Failing this a simple way is to use the taste buds, visual and other sensitive body sensors as follows:

1) Slice a lemon and lime 2) Pour two glasses of liquor or wine out 3) Place the lemon and lime on the glass disc along with the glass of wine of liquor. 4) Stand the duplicate items 5 m away from the glass disc 5) Allow 20 mins. to elapse 6) Visual check - the cell structure of the fruit. The slices on the disc will look fresher and younger. &) Smell the liquor or wine – The one on the glass disk will smell softer and sweeter. 7) Now taste the samples- from the disc first as they are fresher, have less acid and are sweeter than the original samples you placed five m away from the disk.

10. How do you know that it is actually changing liquid energy? Do the same tests using the ‘energy water’ you have made over night by standing the water on the disk. Now pour four glasses of water out and stand the sliced lemon orange or lime as well as the liquor in the centre of the four glasses. Allow 20 mins. To elapse and conduct the same tests as above in question nine.


11. Do you have any International organization approve or recognize your bio technology on the bio discs such as FDA? The Bio Disc is based on the facts and theories of Quantum Physics. There are no known test and approval bodies to date as the science is so far advanced of modern day technology. “What we can say is that it does not contain radio active element that is harmful to human body and it contains potassium which is used in the functioning of the nervous system, heart and the brain. All the tests carried out so far using Prognos and Medec machines prove that the wellness of the body is improved simply by drinking water stood on the disc. In Traditional Chinese Medicines’ the disc has also proven to be worthy a s a wellness tool as it balances the chakras, unblocks the meridians and brings Ying and Yang into line.. 12. Do you have any lab test results prove that the bio discs works? Lots of those using the medec and Prognos machines. 13. How far can the energy transfer? The energy field is measurable 70 m vertically up and down and 20 m in circumference. 14. What is the area cover? However the effective field of change is 5 m sq. 15. Can I use it to improve sleep? How should I do it? Sleep disruption is caused by many things; one such effect of poor or restless sleep is caused by ESmog. These impulses are not dissimilar to cell phone frequencies; in this case they are generated from electrical cables hidden in walls and ceilings. By placing the disc in the centre of the bed (on the floor mid way between head and feet) the gentle frequency of the disc dispels the E-Smog effect on the body. 16. Can I use it to heal my knee pain AND GOUT? How should I do it? Pain again is caused by many things. Inflammation can be a cause of pain. By drinking the Qi water this will detoxify the body and can reduce swelling and pain. Holding the disc to the sun causes refraction of the suns far rays. These in turn have been known to heal pain. Simply places the disk in a position were the suns rays refract through the disc (showing the exact logo on the body). There is no need to remove any article of clothing or even a shoe as the far rays will penetrate all surfaces. Turn the disc anti clockwise while refracting the suns rays. Continue this action for fifteen mins. If the pain has not subsided seek medical advice. 17. How does it use to lock the chlorinated water? While chlorine is a wonderful bio-side it has also been shown to destroy life. Fish and plants cannot live with it and it has been band from German drinking water for several years. If your supply of water contains chlorine then one can simply stand a bottle of chlorinated water on the disk over night. The new molecular structure of the water will remove the smell taste and odour of chlorine. Yet the chlorine is still effective but in this case the fish can live and plants will grow. 18. How does it increase the oxygen in the water? There is no significant testable increase in the dissolved oxygen levels of the water. However, the new molecular structure ‘locks in ‘the oxygen molecules at a cellular level. That is to say – “When one drinks the water” the body’s cells can easily absorb the oxygen within the liquid. This is easily detected by a blood test sample or a Prognos machine. Unlike manufactured oxygen water were most of the oxygen is dissolved by the stomach acids.

19. How does it change the tastes of food and drinks in the refrigerator? This is because the bodies own molecular structure (DNA) can ‘link’ with the liquids biotechnology molecular structure via the taste bud sensors. Instead of having to taste every part of the liquid (as in photo 1. above) the Taste buds only taste ‘select what they like’ (as in photo 2 above.). Photo 1. shows free radicals containing good and bad tastes. In Photo 2 all the ‘free radicals have been suspended in quantum suspension which allows the taste buds to ‘sample what they prefer’ • Less acidic Quantum suspension of the TDS and minerals locks in the acidic nature of a liquid into a molecular structure. This again allows the receiving taste buds to reject the over powering acid. The pH remains the same yet it has no effect on the other living tissue. For instance, orange juice with a molecular structure can be rubbed in the eyes and salt water can be used to feed plants, because the living DNA does not recognise the negative in the liquid only the positive. On the other hand if we are attuned to enjoying high levels of acid then we will taste them all! 20. How does it prevent Jetlags? Wetter liquids – more ability for the body organs to absorb water, increased ‘hydration’ Locked within the natural molecular structure are thousands of molecular clusters. The body organs can hydrate and absorb the liquid more easily. In addition the surface tension of the water has been removed (bio film) which adds to the hydration effect. Increased Oxygen potential – Increasing oxygen in the blood cells increases energy levels The natural molecular structure locks in the oxygen and other gases within the liquid into quantum suspension. These gases cannot evaporate, as they are part of the liquid. This in turn allows the bodies DNA to absorb oxygen at much higher levels than can be found in other liquids. 21. What other benefits beside above? Increased perceivable energy levels are obtained simply by standing under the disc while showering. The body can absorb the energy water through the skin. Head to toe effects. One feels positive and energetic most of the day after showering under the disk Rub a sigaret on the Bio Disk to experience a smoother tasting less throte burning sensation.

22. What is the difference between your bio disc and Ozone Water Treatment System, Diamond Water Treatment System and Oxygenated Water? The systems mentioned are in the main filtration systems which sanities and sterilize water, the bio disk does neither. It simply adds a positive energy into the chosen drinking water. It can make as much or as little as required. The Bio Disc also positively effects food and fruit. 23. Do you have any testimonials of Bio Disc? No we have many testimonials from our other expensive and not so powerful products as you know. The Bio Disc in uniquely new and thus requires a data base to be built up.

24. Where is the proof of this benefits that you claim? If you look for the proof of chi energy it’s all around you. Looking for proof of quantum physics is in the results not the cause and effects. Rather like the great religions of the world one either believes or does not. Look at the tests and observe and taste the differences, experience the differences in the extended shelf life from the items in the fridge. Put simply is your wellness or that of your friends worth more than a dinner for two? If we are wrong then the dinner for two was at least enjoyable. If we are correct then the cost of a dinner for two was the cheapest wellness product you have ever invested in!

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