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Teen Programs
at the Art Thompson Teen center
THE moST IncluSIvE HAng ouT SpoT for colTon TEEnS 12-17 YEArS old!
651 North Mt. Vernon Avenue, Colton, CA 92324 (909) 514-4255 Teens are invited to socialize, play games, engage in crafts, use study space, and connect with new friends at the Teen Hub. Bring a valid middle school or high school ID and register today! Now accepting 6th graders with a valid school ID and proof of age.
TEEn HuB HourS
OCTOBer 2022 – JANuAry 2023: Monday – Friday 3:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. DeCeMBer 19, 2022 - JANuAry 6, 2023: Monday – Friday 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Teen Hub Special Events
4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
All scheduled Teen Hub events require an entrance fee. Special event days include games, prizes, snacks, surprises, and FUN!
October 28: Haunted Halloweve $8 November 18: Thanksgiving $8 December 16: Holiday Fiesta $8
Teen Hub Adventures
The return of Teen Hub Trips. Pre-registration is required
for each Teen Hub trip. November 30: Movie on the Big Screen - Trip To the Movies $25 January 4: Big Al’s Bowling $28
Workout Wednesdays
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
The class consists of a warm-up and light stretching, followed by the workout and ending with a cool down. The workouts could also consist of cardio training, strength training, and resistance training.
Teen Hub Study Break
Teens can get their homework done in a quiet space, with free Wi-Fi, and with assistance from staff, develop organizational and study skills. Free study rooms are available for group projects.
Join the A.t.T.i.c Board!
This Teen led committee allows you to have your voice heard, develop leadership skills, and play a key role in planning Teen Hub events and daily programming.