Landscape Architecture Design Thesis ABPL90375 Mid semester Presentation Zhehao Wang Booklet

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The Rising Water:

The Post-industrial Estuary Ecosystems Landscape Architecture Design Thesis (ABPL90375 2022 SM2) Studio 03 Reassembling Floodplains Zhehao Wang 905817

The design concept is ”The Rising Water”. The landscape is an urban mangrove forest parkland, along Bayside Avenue. The design challenges the concept of “Primitive nature” and argues that humans are intrinsic component in nature and its keeper. The design will take advantage of modern technologies and utilize climate change for climate-positive designs. The parkland provides habitats, purifies river water and rainwater, provides outdoor recreational spaces, and provides a space for events. The landscape will become the local dwellers’ outdoor living room surrounded by different wetland ecosystems.

Mangrove ecosystems are found across the world, including Naarm (Melbourne)’s Stony creek backwash, which is adjacent to Fishermans bend. Grey mangrove (Avicennia marina) is the only species that occurs in many coastal brackish waterbodies across Bunurong Country. Mangrove ecosystems feature low plant biodiversity supporting high animal biodiversity. The climate change hardiness of the mangrove ecosystems means the potential for constructing climate-resilient green spaces. Mangroves’ ability to survive in seawater and brackish water means saving fresh water from being used for irrigation.

Modern technologies allow for the creation of the mangrove forests above the intertidal zone. Pumps controlled by computer programs will imitate the daily tidal movement by pumping river water into the wetlands. The river water will be purified by the wetlands and flow back to the river. The pumped-up water will also cool down the space. As the sea level rises over centuries, the pumps will use less electricity, or even be abandoned. The urban heat island effect and ongoing global warming will allow for the establishment of sub-tropical Australian mangrove species over decades and enrich the habitat value. The landscape is designed to enable visitors to go in close proximity to the mangrove ecosystems and appreciate them.

Design Statement

Pre-1750 Ecological Vegetation Classes Current Ecological Vegetation Classes Mangrove Shrubland EVC Number 140 Mangrove Shrubland Damp Sands Herb-rich Woodland EVC Number 3 Swamp Scrub EVC Number 53 Brackish Wetland EVC Number 656
Design Site Design Site
Mangrove Shrubland Damp Brackish
Ecological Vegetation Classes currently in and adjacent to Fishermans Bend
EVC Number 140
Sands Herb-rich Woodland EVC Number 3 Swamp Scrub EVC Number 53
Wetland EVC Number 656

Benefits of Mangrove ecosystems


Mangrove ecosystems have a low number of plant species and support high animal biodiversity.


Mangrove species such as grey mangrove (Avicennia marina), river mangrove (Aegiceras corniculatum) and red mangrove (Rhizophora stylosa) perform phytoremediation of PCBs and heavy metals.

Benefits of Mangrove ecosystems

Sea level rise resilience

Mangrove roots and trucks slow water movement and lead to the accumulation of sediments. This enables the ground level in the mangrove forests to rise with the rising sea level.

Coastal defense

Mangrove forests lower the height of waves and protect the shoreline from storm surges.

Benefits of Mangrove ecosystems

Water salinity adaptation

Most of the mangrove species can thrive in freshwater, brackish water, seawater and hypersaline water. Mangrove trees can adapt to a completely different water salinity level if given one month of transition time. This adaptability means climate resilience of the mangrove forests from a rising sea level.

Manageable size

Most of the mangrove species in temperate climates won’t grow taller than 10 meters, which means easier maintenance of the trees by arborists and fewer damages to the surroundings if the trees got blown down in a storm.

Cold-hardy varieties of Bananas can be grown in the city due to a warmer climate. This shows the potential of introducing sub-tropical species on site.

Grey-headed flying foxes have permanent camps in the city due to a warmer climate and the artificial watering of green spaces (Parris and Hazell, 2005). This indicates the potential of creating climate-change refuges for sub-tropical animals.

A cooler waterfront indicates the potential of using the area as an outdoor heat stress refuge for local residents.

The map of Urban Heat Island Effects, 2018 Urban Heat Island Effects’ impact on ecosystems Design Site +5 -10°C +5 -10°C +5 -10°C -2-+0°C -2 - +0°C +0 - 2°C +10 -15°C +10 -15°C
Sea Level Rise 1.0 m Sea Level Rise Storm Surge Event 1.5 m Sea Level Rise Storm Surge Event 2.0 m Sea Level Rise Storm Surge Event Design Site
Soil: Port Melbourne Sands Underground water level: 1-1.5m below ground level University of Melbourne— Lemaire Campus Fishermans Bend CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK VOLUME 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT

Design Site Design Site

The site will be on the way of a busy vehicle loading path, due to the University of Melbourne’s new campus.


The site has the potential to provide a shortcut for pedestrians to walk in between the Birrarung River and the University of Melbourne’s campus.

Traffic and Circulation
Wind Vistas Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (01 Jul 1970 to 09 Aug 2019) Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details MELBOURNE AIRPORT Site No: 086282 Opened Jun 1970 Still Open Latitude: -37.6655° Longitude: 144.8321° Elevation 113.m An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%. Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes. NE SESW W NW CALM >= 0 and 10 km/hCALM >= 10 and < 20 >= 20 and 30 >= 30 and < 40 >= 40 9 am Winter 4546 Total Observations 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Calm 5% Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2019 Prepared on 09 Aug 2019 Prepared by the Bureau of Meteorology. Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on We have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information. TCZ9665504 Page Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (01 Jul 1970 to 09 Aug 2019) Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details MELBOURNE AIRPORT Site No: 086282 Opened Jun 1970 Still Open Latitude: -37.6655° Longitude: 144.8321° Elevation 113.m An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%. Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes. NE SESW W NW CALM >= 0 and 10 km/hCALM >= 10 and < 20 >= 20 and 30 >= 30 and < 40 >= 40 9 am Summer 4325 Total Observations 10% 20% 30% Calm 7% Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2019 Prepared on 09 Aug 2019 Prepared by the Bureau of Meteorology. Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on We have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information. TCZ9665504 Page Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (01 Jul 1970 to 09 Aug 2019) Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details MELBOURNE AIRPORT Site No: 086282 Opened Jun 1970 Still Open Latitude: -37.6655° Longitude: 144.8321° Elevation 113.m An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%. Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes. N NE SESW W NW CALM >= and < 10 km/hCALM >= 10 and 20 >= 20 and < 30 >= 30 and 40 >= 40 9 am Spring 4419 Total Observations 10% 20% 30% Calm 5% Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2019 Prepared on 09 Aug 2019 Prepared by the Bureau of Meteorology. Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on We have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information. TCZ9665504 Page 1 Rose of Wind direction versus Wind speed in km/h (01 Jul 1970 to 09 Aug 2019) Custom times selected, refer to attached note for details MELBOURNE AIRPORT Site No: 086282 Opened Jun 1970 Still Open Latitude: -37.6655° Longitude: 144.8321° Elevation 113.m An asterisk (*) indicates that calm is less than 0.5%. Other important info about this analysis is available in the accompanying notes. N NE SESW W NW CALM >= and < 10 km/hCALM >= 10 and 20 >= 20 and < 30 >= 30 and 40 >= 40 9 am Autumn 4501 Total Observations 10% 20% 30% 40% Calm 8% Copyright © Commonwealth of Australia 2019 Prepared on 09 Aug 2019 Prepared by the Bureau of Meteorology. Contact us by phone on (03) 9669 4082, by fax on (03) 9669 4515, or by email on We have taken all due care but cannot provide any warranty nor accept any liability for this information. TCZ9665504 Page 1 Spring Strong wind Strong wind Strong wind Strong wind Autumn North of Bayside Ave Potential waterfront vista: Birrarung River, Ships and Storage tanks Gigantic harbor Cargo Cranes which resemble dinosaurs trigger the curiosity of pedestrians. Bolte Bridge and the city East of Bayside Ave Summer Winter

Green line: Bushwalk trails

Dark blue lines: Pedestrian circulation

Sea blue lines: Cyclists’ pathway

Yellow lines: Truck access

Pink hatch: Performance areas

Blue hatch: Street vendors’ areas

Master Plan Riverside Mangrvove Forests Storm Surge Retention Ponds Street Side Bushwalk Bayside Ave Bayside Ave Bayside Ave The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne DST Group Reef Plaza Creekline Mangrove ForestsFloodable Lawns Lorimer St Birrarung River Freshwater wetlands 100m50250 1:2000 @A4 1 10m 1:250 @A4 N50
Area of Interest 1: Riverside Mangrove Forests, Plan Car Park Car Park Bus StopStorm Surge Retention Ponds Olyster and mussel Reefs Section line Fringe Mangrove Forest Sand and mud flat Seagrass Bayside Ave Lorimer St Lorimer St Railway line Birrarung River Strong Wind’sDirection (year-round) StrongWind’s Direction (Spring-Summer) 1 10m 1:250 @A4 N50

Storm Surge Retention Ponds Surge Retention Ponds

Water Pathway Conceptual perspectives

Sand Flat Conceptual perspectives

Former Concrete Factory’s Building and mussel Reefs
Area of Interest 1: Riverside Mangrove Forests, Section
Area of Interest 2: Street side Bushwalk, Plan 1 10m 1:250 @A4 N50 N10m1 5 1:300 @A4 0 PCBs phytoremediation Pond Food Truck Shared Path Shared Path Shared Path Shared Path Food Truck Food Truck Tidal Brackish Pond Tidal Brackish Pond Floodable Lawn PCBs phytoremediation Pond Reef PlazaReef Plaza Sheds’ Truck Acess Sheds’ Truck Acess Sheds’ Truck Acess Bayside Ave Infinet Group Pty Ltd

Grey Mangrove Avicennia marina

River Mangrove (Tree) Aegiceras corniculatum

Artificial Tideal Range

River Mangrove (Bush) Aegiceras corniculatum Glassworts (Various Species)

Ground Water Level

2022 Sea Level

Reef Plaza

Reef Plaza Conceptual Perspective

Shared Path Shared Path Shared Path

PCBs phytoremediation Wetland PCBs phytoremediation Wetland

Reef Plaza Conceptual Construction Details 10m1 5 1:300 @A4 0

Area of Interest 2: Street Side Bushwalk, Section
Area of Interest 3: Floodable Lawn, Plan 1 10m 1:250 @A4 N50 1 10m 1:250 @A4 N50 Floodable Lawn Infinet Group Pty Ltd Floodable Lawn Tidal Brackish Pond Mangrove Forest Mangrove Forest Tidal Brackish Pond Tidal Brackish Pond Shared Path Shared Path Bayside Ave

Glassworts (Various Species)

Artificial Tideal Range

Orange mangrove Bruguiera gymnorhiza

Grey Mangrove Avicennia marina

Shared Path Shared Path Bayside AveFloodable Lawn Floodable Lawn Tidal Brackish Pond

Tidal Brackish Pond Mangrove Forest Mangrove Forest Mangrove Forest

Tidal Pond Conceptual Perspective 10m

Conceptual Bicycle parking Racks and Public Furnitures

Area of Interest 3: Floodable Lawn, Section
1:250 @A4 50
Car Park Car Park Freshwater Plaza Social Centre Freshwater Plaza
Area of Interest 3: The University of Melbourne 1 10m 1:250 @A4 N50 1 10m 1:250 @A4 N50

• The design utilized pumps to pump river water to the higher ground and create wetlands.

• A diverse range of wetland systems are created on-site, which enriches the user experiences of the area, creates diverse habitats, and fulfills visitors’ visual aesthetic.

Precedent 1: Wetland Centre London

• The topography form of the design is driven by the requirement of mangrove growth.

• Wavy waterbody edges allow more space for mangrove habitats.

• The slopy Water edges allow different habitats to transit into one another and enhance biodiversity.

Precedent 2: Sanya Mangrove Park

• The design creates a large rainwater retention volume in a tight site.

• The design engages with temporal flooding of the sunken areas.

• Different sunken areas are designed with different programming.

Precedent 3: Scandiagade
• The design recycled wastes generated during the demolition of the original site. • Different construction wastes are used strategically and create a naturalistic aesthetic.
Precedent 4: Urban Outfitters Headquarters

Literature Review

The effect of mangrove reforestation on the accumulation of PCBs in sediment from different habitats in Guangdong, China

• River mangrove (Aegiceras corniculatum) is a good phytoremediation species for PCBs soil contamination.

• River mangroves treat PCB contaminants through roots’ phytoextraction and soil microbes’ bioremediation.

• Mangrove forests with river mangroves could rehabilitate soils contaminated with PCBs.

• Mixed species mangrove forests has a stronger phytoremediation ability than single species forests.

• Mangrove forests will enforce concomitant nutrient remineralization and litter degradation.

• Mangrove forests accumulate heavy metals on their upper sediment layers.

• Different mangrove species have different phytoremediation abilities on different pollutants.

Bioaccumulation and cycling of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in three mangrove reserves of south China

• White mangrove (Avicennia marina), red mangrove (Rhizophora stylosa), orange mangrove (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) and river mangrove (Aegiceras corniculatum) accumulate PCBs and other hazardous chemicals in their tissues, with the lowest amount of PCBs left in the sediments.

• Mangrove species accumulate PCBs in the soil and their tissues.

• Mangrove forests prevent coastal erosion.

• Mangrove forests provide habitats for different species of fishes and birds.

• Mangrove forests trap nutrients and sediments.

Literature Review

A Sri Lankan perspective

• White mangrove (Avicennia marina) is tolerant to heavy metals.

Influence of mangrove reforestation on heavy metal accumulation and speciation in intertidal sediments

• red mangrove (Rhizophora stylosa) can perform phytoremediation for heavy metal pollutants.

• Mangrove ecosystems accumulate contaminants and function as sinks of pollutants.

• Reforestation of mangrove forests treats heavy metal pollution by reducing the concentration of acid-soluble heavy metals and transforming the metals into oxidizable compounds, essentially making heavy metals unavailable for organisms and less mobile.

• White mangroves and mangrove ecosystems can serve for phytoremediation of metallic pollutions in water and soil, but only for a low concentration amount.

• Mangroves are not hyperaccumulators or good phytoremediators for heavy metals’ pollution. They are only helpful for low amounts of metallic pollution.

• Mangroves with pollutants accumulated inside may poison the species relay on mangroves for food.

• The oxidizable heavy metal compounds are accumulated in the sediments of mangrove forests.

• Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, and Ni pollutants can all be treated by mangrove forests.

• Mangrove forests mainly treat heavy metal pollution on the upper 20cm of the mangrove forests’ soil.

• Mangrove forests enhances sediments’ accumulation in the forest.

Are mangrove forests reliable sinks of heavy metals due to phytoremediation and other mechanisms?

Literature Review

Victoria unearth website, Environmental Audit Reports

• Map of contaminations

Saltmarshes and Mangroves poster

• Saltmarshes and mangroves’ ecological benefits.

What are PCBs?


• Sunlights break down PCBs in surface soil, shallow water, and the air.

• Bacteria, algae, and fungi break down PCBs in sediments or soil.


Abeywardhana, Dinushi Chamika, Nayana Madurya Adikaram, and Ranil Kavindra Asela Kularatne. “Are Mangrove Forests Reliable Sinks of Heavy Metals Due to Phytoremediation and Other Mechanisms? A Sri Lankan Perspective.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 177 (April 2022): 113453.

“Figure SPM.2 — Global Warming of 1.5 ºC.” Accessed September 5, 2022. https://www.

Parris, Kirsten M., and Donna L. Hazell. “Biotic Effects of Climate Change in Urban Envi ronments: The Case of the Grey-Headed Flying-Fox (Pteropus Poliocephalus) in Melbourne, Australia.” Biological Conservation 124, no. 2 (July 2005): 267–76. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.biocon.2005.01.035.

Paz-Alberto, Annie Melinda, Arnel B. Celestino, and Gilbert C. Sigua. “Phytoremediation of Pb in the Sediment of a Mangrove Ecosystem.” Journal of Soils and Sediments 14, no. 1 (January 2014): 251–58.

Qiu, Yao-Wen, Han-Lin Qiu, Gan Zhang, and Jun Li. “Bioaccumulation and Cycling of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Three Mangrove Reserves of South China.” Chemosphere 217 (February 2019): 195–203.

“Saltmarshes and Mangroves Poster - VFA.” Accessed September 5, 2022. https://vfa.vic. “What Are PCBs?” Accessed September 5, 2022. pcbs.html.

Zhao, Bo, Yan-wu Zhou, and Gui-zhu Chen. “The Effect of Mangrove Reforestation on the Accumulation of PCBs in Sediment from Different Habitats in Guangdong, China.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 64, no. 8 (August 2012): 1614–19. bul.2012.05.029.

Zhou, Yan-wu, Bo Zhao, Yi-sheng Peng, and Gui-zhu Chen. “Influence of Mangrove Reforestation on Heavy Metal Accumulation and Speciation in Intertidal Sediments.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 60, no. 8 (August 2010): 1319–24. polbul.2010.03.010.

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