119 Loxley Valley

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FANGCHEN LIU 170229540 Word Count: 4503 words (not including references)

CONTENT INTRODUCTION Background Site Boundary Report Structure

PART 1 Influencing Factors

PART 2 Landscape Characterisation

Natural Factors—— 1.1 Geology 1.2 Soils 1.3 Landform 1.4 River & Drainage System 1.5 Vegetation & Wildlife

2.1 Bradfield 2.2 Damflask Reservoir 2.3 Loxley Chase 2.4 Loxley Valley Woodland Corridor 2.5 Dungworth & Storrs 2.6 Stannington

Cultural Factors—— 1.6 Landscape History 1.7 Land Use 1.8 Landscape Change and Drivers of Change 1.9 Landscape Policy

Introduction Background

Loxley Valley is located 3 miles (5 kilometers) northwest of Sheffield city centre, which is part of the Pennines (DCRT, 2013). It connects the edge of Sheffield and the west part of the Peak District. The Loxley River passes through the entire valley and provides important water resources for this area. Due to this factor, in the middle of the 17th century, industry became a new symbol in Loxley Valley. The ruins of factory in the valley are still clearly visible. The characteristic geology of the dark peaks in the Peak District, such as gritstone, provides information for studying plant cover and land use in the area. Thus, this report will record and explore the unique landscape features of Loxley Valley from multiple perspectives.

Site Boundary

This report will analyse the area within the black perimeter shown on the right image.

Figure1: The scope of this report on Aerial Map View of Loxley Valley

Report Structure:

This report will be divided into two parts. First of all, through field trips, GIS learning and reading to collect the various natural and cultural factors of Loxley Valley and then analyse how did these factors shape it respectively. The second part will describe a Landscape Characterisation of the Loxley Valley, which is the first step of the 'Landscape Character Assessment' (LCA). LCA is an important tool for identifying and describing changes in the landscape characters. It explains the unique elements and combinations of landscapes by distinguishing ‘Landscape Character Types’ and ‘Landscape Character Areas’ (CASNH, 1999). The second part of this report will use the LCA tool to identify different ‘Landscape Character Types and Areas’ and briefly describe the unique landscape features between each character area.

1.1 GEOLOGY According to figure 1.2.1, The solid geology within the site boundary is mainly Lower Coal Measures Formation, which is following by Rough Rock Formation (R) and Millstone Grit Group. Chatsworth Grit (RG) is significantly located in Bradfield (On the southwest corner of the map), and Crawshaw Sandstone (CRS) presents an ‘M-type’ in the middle of the map, while much less Loxley Edge Rock (LE) was distributed near the site boundary.

Chatsworth Grit:

It is a type of sandstone and is a part of Millstone Grit. Fine to coarsegrained, massive and cross-bedded, locally pebbly sandstones, with minor interbedded mudstone and siltstone ((mailto:www-bgs@bgs.ac.uk, 2018)).

Rough Rock:

It is the most widely developed part of all sandstones in the Millstone Grit Group which is a prominent landscape feature in the Peak District. It was first formed in the Carboniferous period and consists of deltaic sediments in Pennine basins.

Millstone Grit Group:

Millstone Grit is a name for the coarsegrained sandstone of the Carboniferous that takes place in the British Isles. In the Peak District, it is 'The Dark Peak' in 3 distinctively different landscapes, which forms specific edges and escarpments.

Lower Coal Measures Formation:

Silting up of the limestone sea and growth of swampy forests contribute to Lower Coal Measures. On the other hand, the death of Lepidodendron (Extinct) forests provide the raw material for the formation of coal after water soaking. Shale and sandstone in sedimentary rock are also important components of brown areas (BGS, 1957).

Figure 1.1.1 Loxley Geology from GIS

Figure 1.2.3 Loam

Figure 1.2.2 Sand & Loam Figure 1.2.1 Soil pH from Test (2018)

Comparing the maps of epidermal soil distribution and the geological map, it can be seen that geological differences affect the structure of the epidermis soil.

The soil around the river and water sources is mostly a combination of Sand and Loam. Comparing with Geology map, it can be seen that this part of the soil has a certain relationship with Rough Rock.

According to the Geology map, loam mainly covers the top of Crawshaw Sandstone. It retains a lot of nutrients and moisture, and the most of land used in this area is grassland for grazing stock.

1.2 SOILS——Superficial Deposits



Soil types can be divided into three categories based on pH: acidic (pH<7), neutral (pH=7) and alkaline (pH>7). According to the plant growth environment within the boundary and previous investigations, the soil is acidic.


Figure 1.2.1 Soil type from DIgimap (2018)

Figure 1.2.4 Loam & Clay

The most important superficial deposit in this area is clay loam. It is more viscous than other soil types in this area, between Loam and Clay. It is easier to form rock-hard clots when it loses moisture.


Hand-painted area at bottom

The landform can be divided into two types: primary landform and secondary landform (Swanson, 1988). They are usually represented by topographic maps, such as Figure1.4.1. The naturally generated landforms are usually regarded as a primary landform. Secondary landform refers to the erosion of external forces on the basis of the primary landform, which includes both historical and land use factors (Swanson, 1988).

Primary Landform:

Some of the ancient fields in the west (Bradfield) retain their original landforms., most of them covered by old-growth forests. With the development of natural landforms, Loxley valley forms a ‘U-shaped’ valley due to glacial factors, which is located on the bottom of the hills on both sides.

Secondary Landform:

Figure 1.3.1 Loxley Topographic Map from GIS

Gentle Slope South Facing

Steep Slope North Facing

Narrow Valley Bottom Gentle Land on The East

Figure 1.3.2 Loxley Real Landform Structure Hand Drawing by Fangchen

The development of construction land, livestock, forestry, parliamentary enclosures, and the construction of reservoirs all of them have an impact on the landform. These activities will largely weaken the original local appearance and create new landforms.


Loxley River flows from west to east. Its source is a collection of many streams from Bradfield Moors, which flows into the Damflask Reservoir: downstream of Damflask the River is named as the Loxley (Tripp et al., 2013). Finally, it passes through the downstream of Hillsborough to meet Don River around 1.5km. Figure 1.4.4 Photo aboutLoxley Rowel Wheel

Drainage System:

Figure 1.4.3 Photo about Loxley Old Wheel

Loxley Old Wheel

Many wheels and weirs can be found near the water corridor. They support the earliest Drainage System and provide fresh water for the surrounding environment. In 1864, the failure of Dale Dyke Dam’s construction led to the “Great Sheffield Flood”, which caused significant damage to this system and industrial development (Tripp et al., 2013). However, many of them are abandoned now.

Rowel Wheel

Figure 1.4.1 Wheels Location from DCRT (2013)

Ecological Support:

‘Longitudinal connectivity of rivers has an important role to play in the re-colonisation of river reaches and the development of a diverse fishery’ (DCRT, 2013, P6): Weirs not only can change the river, provide functions of water conservancy and control floods, but also provide protection for the migration of fish. They allow the growth, survival and reproduction of various fish species in the waterways.

Figure 1.4.2 Map of River and Drainage System from GIS

Figure 1.5.1Photos about Loxley Vegetation from google image


According to Figure n, the land in the north mainly consists of poor grassland, grassland for grazing stock and mown grass in gardens. Permanent pasture arable land and woodland are the main features of the south. The Deciduous forest is concentrated in the west which is Bradfield area. The types of vegetation are dominated by Betula Pendula and Aesculus Hippocastanum, which combined with Fraxinus Excelsior, Ulmus Glabra (figure 1.7.1) and some common trees.

Figure 1.5.2 Map of Vegetation and Wildlife from GIS


Some bird nests can be seen in the lower part of the woodland corridor. As shown in the figure 1.7.2, these six kinds of birds, Lapwing, Common Snipe, Mallards, Treecreeper, Lesser Redpoll and Grey Wagtail, regard it as a major habitat (Sheffield Wildlife, 2009).



Brown Trouts are the largest proportion of the total fish in Loxley River, the rest are grayling, eels and lamprey. The salmon migration is a key research project of the Don Catchment Rivers Trust (DCRT, 2013). There is also a Loxley fishery in the area.

1.6 LANDSCAPE HISTORY Industrial Development

Field Development Medieval Field Boundary:

In this period, the division of the land was mainly based on the shape of the original landforms, so the boundary line appeared S-shaped, also known as ‘S’ shaped fields. As shown in the figure 1.1.1, this old partitioning method was also reflected in the southern and western parts of this site boundary. Moreover, due to the heritage segmentation, the unit area of this type of land is not particularly large.



Figure 1.6.1 Map of Factory Areas Development from GIS

In the middle of the 17th century, the industry entered the Loxley region for the first time. The first factories were built on the banks of the Loxley River before that the area was covered by the original vegetation. Firstly, the occupation of industrial properties is the Green Wheel Steel Works, the Little Matlock Rolling Mill and the Olive Rolling Mill (Morbey, 1982). Some of the industrial ponds that were built at that time could also be found in current river courses.


Parliamentary Enclosure:

In order to raise revenue of land in the 13th century, the government encouraged the people to do enclosure. To some extent, it had increased the area of unit land which was easier to manage and produce. However, due to the vicious competition in the later period, the Parliamentary Enclosure promoted the emergence of the British Agricultural Revolution(UK Parliament, 2018).

Modern Field Boundary:

In the 20th century, after the mechanization gradually replaced manpower, the field boundary changed again and the field sizes also increased. This change was to cater for the development of mechanization and made the land enjoy mechanized products.

Modern Field Boundaries


Figure 1.6.2 Map of Factory Areas Development from GIS

In the 19th century, as a result of the popularity of sandstone called ganister in the Loxley region, the industry began to undergo transformation and the factory began to gradually produce the important refractory bricks that required by the steel industry (Morbey, 1982). With the decline of the steel industry in the 1990s, the industry had stopped running. On the other hand, there are many coal mines in some parts of the area, so the production of bricks is also popular. Currently, during the concept of sustainable development and the end of the Sheffield steel industry, the factories in Loxley Valley have become ruins, which wait for further development.

Medieval Field Boundaries

Parliamentary Enclosures

Figure 1.6.3 Map of Field Boundary from GIS

3. Woodland:

Vegetation sets on a slender bend where the canyon oh the Loxley River carves through the hilly of western Sheffield. Different types of vegetation are abundant, grassland, bushes, trees, aquatic plants can all be seen here.

1 2

Figure 1.7.4 Loxley Woodland

3 4 1. Water Supply:

Figure 1.7.1 Loxley Land Use Map from GIS

Damflask Reservoir was completed in 1896 and mainly provides fresh water for Sheffield’s population and industry. It takes its name from Damflask village which was destroyed by Great Sheffield flood in 1864(Harrison,1986) , after that the ownership has belonged to the Kelda Group. The reservoir now develops many recreational activities such as sailing, fishing, hiking (Harrison,1986) . Figure 1.7.2 Damflask Reservoir

Figure 1.7.3 Loxley Factories

2. Industrial Areas:

Waste factories constitute postindustrial landscapes. The original

Figure 1.7.5 Stannington Urabn Area

factory equipment has been emptied, which leaves only the main building. Due to the lack of maintenance, m a n y p l a c e s were occupied by vegetation, and now this area is closed and visitors cannot access.

4. Urban Housing:

Stannington is a part of Sheffield, which together with the Loxley Valley used ganister clay to produce refractory bricks. The old clod hall house was the main manifestation of this period (Morbey, 1982), but with the development of modernization some new houses and infrastructure were established.


1.8 LANDSCAPE CHANGE & DRIVERS OF CHANGE There are four categories of drivers that affect landscape change: economic forces, technological driving forces, cultural driving forces and political driving forces. They contribute to agricultural intensification, urbanization, and abandonment of agricultural land from different periods (Antrop,2004).

Economic Driving Forces

Figure 1.8.1 Industrial Development

Land Use: Industrial Development Field: Agricultural Intensification

Technological Driving Force The most obvious manifestation of economic drivers in land use is the industrialisation on the bank of the Loxley River which provided work, developed roads, and enhanced the local e c o n o m y ( M o r b e y, 1 9 8 2 ) . For Field, the implementation of Parliamentary Enclosures increased agricultural output.

Cultural Driving Forces

Figure 1.8.3 Natural Environment

Land cover: Ancient Woodland Field: Medieval Field Boundary

Figure 1.8.2 Mechanisation from Google Image

Field: Water:

Mechanisation Damflask Reservoir

Farmland harvesting method changed from human to machines that are the result of technological forces. It releases the labor force and increases the pr oduc ti on s peed and quality. It also contributed to land division. The construction of the reservoir is also reflected the impact of technology on Loxley Valley, which developed the water conservancy project.

Political Driving Forces Cultural drive is a very complicated factor that combines local history and customs. For example, in terms of land use, some lands have maintained their original, natural state, which provides a good habitat for animals and plants. The ancient medieval field boundary can also be found in this area.

Figure 1.8.4 Green Belt from Google Image

Policy: Land Use:

Green Belt Nature & Urban

Green Belt is the most important political force in the study area. It protects natural landscape and landforms in the Loxley, and provides a good countryside scenery for Sheffield. Land use is clearly divided into residential spaces and non-residential spaces under this policy (Jia & Gao, 2005).

Green Belt:

As shown in Figure 1.9.1, the eastern land within the scope of the study is protected by the environmental and planning policy of South and West Yorkshire Green Belt (Jia & Gao, 2005). This policy began in 1947 and was implemented locally by the approval of the Town and Country Planning Act. Its main purpose is to guarantee open green areas in the countryside by limiting urbanization and urban expansion (Jia & Gao, 2005).




—Providing open rural green space for people —Providing outdoor activities venues for urban residents —Preserving the original natural landscape and natural landforms —Promoting the development of agriculture and forestry —Protecting wildlife habitat


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Figure 1.9.3 Green Belt in the UK from Google Image

South and West Yorkshire Green Belt

Land area: 248,241 hectares Location: Yorkshire and the Humber region of England Nearby: North West Green Belt & Stoke-on-Trent Green Belt

Figure 1.9.2 South and West Yorkshire Green Belt from Google Image




— LD







Figure 1.9.1 Map of Green Belt in Loxley from GIS

National Park (Peak District):

In 1951, The Peak District National Park became the first national park in the UK. The peak district limits residential and commercial activities and retains excellent natural landscapes. This policy not only protected and strengthened the natural and cultural heritage of the region, but also promoted the sustainable and social development of communities in the region.


PART 2 Landscape Characterisation Landscape Character Areas: 1. Bradfield 2. Damflask Reservoir 3. Loxley Chase 4. Loxley Valley Woodland Corridor 5. Dungworth & Storrs 6. Stannington

Landscape Character Types:

Upland Small-scale Enclosure Artificial Waterbody

River and Woodland Corridor Medieval Irregular Pastoral Enclosure

Modern Regular Pastoral Enclosure

Urban Settlements

Figure 2 Landscape Character Types and Areas of Loxley Valley Defined by Author

First of all, the definition of Landscape Character needs to be understood in Part 2. Landscape Character is defined as, “A distinct, recognisable and consistent pattern of elements in the landscape that makes one landscape different from another, rather than better or worse (Heritage, 2002).” It usually includes the analysis of topographic features, animal and plant communities, Land use, history to define different areas. Landscape Character Areas are “unique and are based on geography and space-specific, which have an individual identity but share the generic character with other areas of the same type (Scottish National Heritage, 2002).” Thus, it can be further divided by Landscape Character Types. Landscape Character Types is defined as "are generic in nature in that they may occur in different areas in different parts of the country, but wherever they occur they share broadly similar combinations of geology, topography, drainage patterns, vegetation and historical land use and settlement pattern (Scottish National Heritage, 2002)." The content is guided by Scottish National Heritage, and it will be used throughout this report. In part 2, the research scope will be divided into 6 parts according to Landscape Character Types and Areas. Each part will use photos and hand-painted to briefly explain their respective characters.

2.1 Bradfield

Figure 2.1.1 Hand drawing about Bradfield by Author

Figure 2.1.2 Photo about Bradfield by Author


Bradfield (High Bradfield and Low Brasfield) is a south facing upland, which is located to the north-west of the site boundary. The Landscape Character Type belongs to the “Upland Smallscale Enclosure� because it retains some ancient irregular medieval field pattern. This area is a steep south-facing slope that is located in the northern part of the valley. The unique geological structure formed this characteristic. Millstone Grit Group and Chatsworth Grit (RG) is significantly located in Bradfield. The rough grass is the main vegetation in this area and it constitutes a pastoral farm. A small amount of deciduous woodland exists on the border of some pastoral farms. This

area is mainly covered by rough grass, which is distinguished from different field patterns through stone walls. The north, near the site boundary, is occupied by residential areas, forming a civilian parish. The land in this area is primarily used for grazing and agriculture. Before that, industry was the most important feature. The existence of churches, cemeteries and residential areas promotes tourism development. There are also some farm buildings that can be found on the borders of the pastoral areas. Small-scale and irregular pastures generate a sense of enclosure. Standing in this area, the scenery on the north slope of the valley can be seen and views towards the west reach the Dark Peak.

Figure 2.1.3 A map shows the area where the landscape occurs

Figure 2.1.4 Hand drawing about St Nicholas' Church by Author

2.2 Damflask Reservoir


Figure 2.2.1 Hand drawing about Damflask Reservoir by Author

The Landscape Character Area is located in the west of the site boundary, closing to Bradfield. The landscape Character Type is "Artificial Waterbody", which is consisted by the Damflask Reservoir, and surrounded by the woodland.

Figure 2.2.3 A map shows the area where the landscape occurs

Rough Rock Formation (R), Millstone Grit Group and Chatsworth Grit (RG) formed the geological structure in the area. As people build artificial water bodies, it leads to the formation of a rolling landform that does not have some rapid changes. At the same time, the woodlands are covered by around the reservoir with a slow slope. Mixed Deciduous plantation is the most important characteristic of woodland. Most of the land in this area is covered with water, and the rest is made up of woodland and some small vegetation. From land use, the reservoir provided support for surrounding agricultural irrigation and Sheffield purified water support. Through the Field trip and aerial maps were not found some house or living areasďźŒbut some activities related to water that is existed, such as rowing. The woodland on both sides and the valley formed by landform provide a strong sense of enclosure for this area. Although this area is artificially built, the reservoir and surrounding woodland give a visually natural feeling.

Key Characteristics: Figure 2.2.2 Photo about Damflask Reservoir by Author

Large reservoir Artificial landform

Woodland surrounding water Water Activities

2.3 Loxley Chase


Figure 2.3.1 Hand drawing about Loxley Chase by Author

Figure 2.3.2 Photo about Loxley Chase by Author

This Landscape Character Area is located to the north of whole site boundary, bordering Loxley Va l l e y Wo o d l a n d C o r r i d o r and Bradfield. The Character Ty p e i s “ M o d e r n R e g u l a r Pastoral Enclosure�, due to the development of mechanization increased the field size that created the large open field.

Figure 2.3.3 A map shows the area where the landscape occurs

The lower coal measures formation is a significant geological structure in this area. Compared to the steep slopes of Bradfield, this area is a gradual slope landscape and the topography is flat and open. The soil adjacent to the Loxley River was found to be a characteristic soil which was created by river sediments, the diamicton. Rough grass is the main vegetation cover that combines a small amount of deciduous woodland. Some shrubs are used as fences on the two sides of the road and pasture boundaries. Large areas of land in this area are used as pastoral farmland. Compared to other pastoral areas, it has a very large field

size and presents a standard rectangle, depending on the construction of the Loxley Road and mechanization in recent years. Some stone houses and ranches (Lea Bank Farm) from pastoralists can be found in the middle of Loxley Chase. The eastern part of the area is adjacent to the residential area, thus, some buildings on the edge of Loxley is also reflected in this area. Farmland is the main visual dominator of this area, which are enclosed into rectangular by stone walls and shrubs. Therefore, Loxley Chase appears to be a flat and open area without any shelter.

2.4 Loxley Valley Woodland Corridor Description:

Woodland Corridor is at the bottom of Loxley valley. The Loxley River and dense woodland on the banks of the river are the main character types in this area.

Figure 2.4.1 Photo about Woodland Corridor

The narrow valley bottom is the most important landform. Rough Rock and Millstone form the main geological structure. Acid grassland appears in a relatively high place Modern woodland and ancient semi-natural constitute the whole woodland structure in this area. The banks that have been impacted by the river have grown dense vegetation such as Betula pendula and Quercus robur. The heritage of the industrial age can also be found in this valley. The ruins of factories and wheels have recorded this characteristic. The combination of these elements creates an enclosed feeling, which attracts many tourists to carry out walking or cycling activities in this area.

Key Characteristics:

Figure 2.4.2 Hand Drawing by Author

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Figure 2.4.3 A map shows the area where the landscape occurs



A Du

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Loxley Valley Woodland Corridor









Chase B'

Loxley Valley Woodland Corridor Stannington

Dense woodland cover on the bottom Ancient and deciduous woodland Factory ruins on riverbank Old industrial water conservancy facilities Enclosed landscape based on dense C woodland


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Figure 2.4.4 Woodland Corridor Sections

Loxley Chase C'

2.5 Dungworth & Storrs Description:

Figure 2.5.1 Hand drawing about Dungworth & Storrs by Author

Figure 2.5.2 Photo about Dungworth & Storrs by Author

This Landscape Character Area is located to the south of whole site boundary, bordering Loxley Valley Woodland Corridor, Damflask Reservoir and Stannington. The Character Type is “Medieval Irregular Pastoral Enclosure�, because irregular small-scale fields were divided by gritstone walls.

Figure 2.5.3 A map shows the area where the landscape occurs

Lower Coal Measures Formation is the main geology in this area, which creates a smooth slope landscape from north to south. Concave sloping valley side has some small valleys that are covered by small streams and deciduous woodland. Rough grass is the main vegetation cover that forms the main pasture and farmland. At the same time, some free-growing trees and shrubs are everywhere. The Landscape Character type in this area is similar to Bradfield, the whole area is composed of closed pastoral farms, medieval irregular field boundary is located on the north slope. Roads and pastures are divided by stone walls or shrubs. There are some

small towns and farm houses along the road. Small valleys covered by woodland form a closed landscape. Standing in this area, the other side of valley is observable.

Figure 2.5.2 Photo about Dungworth & Storrs by Author

2.6 Stannington


Figure 2.6.1 Hand drawing about Stannington by Author

The Landscape Character area of Stannington is located in the southeast direction of Loxley Valley, west of the Sheffield city edge. Its Landscape Character Type is ‘Urban Settlements’, thus, it can be seen as a grey zone.

Figure 2.6.3 A map shows the area where the landscape occurs

It was attributed to the urban proliferation that accompanies industrial development. Compared to other areas, the main feature of this area is housing, which is a symbol of urbanization development. A school in the middle of this area and the gritstone house with local characteristics can be easily found. The limited vegetation coverage is mainly in the garden that is attached to the house. From the topography, it is located on the top of a slope, which is far higher than the adjacent woodland corridor.

Key Characteristics:

Figure 2.6.2 Photo about Stannington by Author

Urban fringe residential estate A school at the centre of this area Building constructed by gritstone Roads linked by many footpaths Planned and manicured vegetation A drain cross this area Figure 2.6.4 Real Map From Digimap

Conclusion This report shows the influencing factors and the Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) of the Loxley Valley. Influencing factors in the first part can reflect the landscape develop-ment and planning of the area through natural factors such as geology, vegetation cover and cultural factors such as land use and land policies, which also provides basic support for the second part of the Landscape Characterisation. The second part further understands the characteristics of each area and the reasons for forming these features by dividing the "Landscape Character Areas" and "Landscape Character Types". These analyses can help the development of the area in the future. Since most of the land in the area is protected by the two policies of Green Belt and National Park, which has led to the maintenance of unique landscapes and wildlife in most places. The best way to connect this space with the Sheffield city is growing recreational activities, where they attract people from the city. The field trip has provided much help for the completion of this report, because it more intuitively shows the different landscape features. In the future, as the area is close to the urban pe-riphery, the pressure of urban development is likely to undermine the existing natural structure. Therefore, the development of policies is very important to the development of the region.

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