Vol. 31 No. 29
Document: QQA11152012A01R1CLASS.eps;Page: 1;Format:(9.500 x 10.250 ");Plate: Composite;Date: Nov 14, 2012 10:57:15
Thur., Nov 15, - Nov 21, 2012
2013 Ford Escap
2003 LESABRE LIMITED, 2003condition, LESABRE LIMITED, good good condition, condition, 132k 132k miles, miles, good 132k miles, cd cd /// tape, tape, AC, AC, leather, leather, on-star on-star cd tape, AC, leather, on-star $4500 nego 337-706-2368 $4500 nego nego 337-706-2368 337-706-2368 $4500 2006 LACROSSE, SILVER, 2006 LACROSSE, SILVER, low miles, very wellSILVER, kept, call 2006 LACROSSE, low miles, miles, very well kept, kept, call call Ryan at work 1-800-605low very well Ryan at at work work 1-800-6051-800-6053125. Ryan 3125. 1998 3125.DEVILLE, MAROON, leather interior, fully loaded, 1998 DEVILLE, DEVILLE, MAROON, 1998 MAROON, runs great, low mileage, leather interior, fully loaded, $3900; 337-296-7722. runs great, low mileage, 2006 LT, blue, $3900;COLBALT 337-296-7722. runs great, 97,000 miles, 2006 COLBALT LT, blue, $5800. 337-255-0607 runs great, 97,000 2008 CHEVY HHR,miles, new $5800. 337-255-0607 tires, $10,500; 337-2128220 2008 CHEVY HHR, new
LIL ANGELS DAYCARE now LIL ANGELS DAYCARE now hiring hiring child child care care teacher. teacher. hiring child care teacher. 1024 1024 Lagneaux Lagneaux Rd, Rd, Duson. Duson. 1024 Lagneaux 337-993-0101. Rd, Duson. 337-993-0101. 337-993-0101. CABINET SHOP HIRING 1 full CABINET SHOP HIRING 1 full full time position. Must know1 CABINET SHOP HIRING time to position. Mustmeasure know how read a Must tape time position. know howhave to read read tape measure measure and dependable transhow to aa tape portation. Call 337-789-3819 and have have dependable dependable transand transportation. Call 337-789-3819 PET EXPRESS IS looking for portation. Call 337-789-3819 qualified experienced PET EXPRESS IS looking groomer. Must have own for qualified experienced equipment. 337-406-8966 groomer. Must have own TIM’S AC- NOW hiring equipment. 337-406-8966 Installers, Installer Crew Leader, andNOW Helpers. Top pay, TIM’S AChiring vacation and benefits. 337Installers, Installer Crew 839-2562. Leader, and Helpers. Top pay,
LAFAYETTE: 207 AUNDRIA LAFAYETTE: 207 AUNDRIA Dr, Dr, Riversbend Riversbend Subdivision, Subdivision, Dr, Riversbend Subdivision, 2600 2600 sq sq ft, ft, 4br/2.5ba, 4br/2.5ba, call call or or 2600 sq ft, 4br/2.5ba, text 337-280-3988 call or text 337-280-3988 337-280-3988 text SCOTT/OSSUN: 3BD/2BA SCOTT/OSSUN: 3BD/2BA 1150 sqft, freshly3BD/2BA painted, SCOTT/OSSUN: 1150 new. sqft, $100k. freshly painted, painted, fairly Seller pays 1150 sqft, freshly fairly new. new. $100k. Seller Sellerorpays pays closing. 337-303-6388 fairly $100k. 337-501-3544. closing. 337-303-6388 or closing. 337-303-6388 or 337-501-3544. 3337-501-3544. BR, 2 ba. In Kaplan. 1480 sq ft. Central air/heat. Asking 3 BR, 2 ba. In Kaplan. 1480 $79,500; 337-523-9179 for sq ft. Central air/heat. Asking information $79,500; 337-523-9179 for CROWLEY: FOR SALE- 7 information rent houses. Reduced$175,000. CROWLEY:Call FORowner, SALE-will 7 hold mortage.Reduced337-662-6526 rent houses. $175,000. Call owner, will ABBEVILLE: 3BR / 1ba, 90% remodled, asking $68,000 hold mortage. 337-662-6526 Nego, 337-739-9061 ABBEVILLE: 3BR
2000 SCOUT 177 Bay/Flats 2000 SCOUT Yamaha 177 Bay/Flats CC CC Boat. Boat. 115 115 Yamaha Yamaha 4strk. 4strk. CC Boat. 115 4strk. Aluminum Aluminum Trlr. Trlr. $7000 $7000 OBO. OBO. Aluminum Trlr. $7000 OBO. Call/TXT 337-305-1110. Call/TXT 337-305-1110. 337-305-1110. Call/TXT 20 HP GO-DEVIL 20 HP HPCondition GO-DEVIL Good $1875.00 20 GO-DEVIL Good Condition Condition $1875.00 $1875.00 337-278-7893 Good
2009 HARLEY V-ROD mus2009maroon, HARLEY V-ROD muscle, cle, maroon, maroon, 13k 13k miles. miles. cle, 13k miles. $9500. 985-852-1832. $9500. 985-852-1832. $9500.HD985-852-1832. 2006 ROAD King Classic 200618k HDmiles, ROADblack King cherry. Classic 2006 HD ROAD King Classic EFI, EFI, 18k 18k miles, miles, black cherry. cherry. $13,950. Day: 337-457EFI, black $13,950. Day: 337-4577381; Cell:Day: 337-580-3020. $13,950. 337-4577381;VT Cell: 337-580-3020. 7381; Cell: 337-580-3020. 2006 750 HONDA Spirit, low miles, leather saddle 2006 VT VT 750 750 HONDA HONDA Spirit, 2006 Spirit, bags, freeway bars.saddle Asking low miles, miles, leather saddle low leather $4800, 337-380-1708 bags, freeway bars. Asking 2005 DYNA Superglide $4800,HD337-380-1708 custom, too much to list up2005 HD3kDYNA grades. miles.Superglide Asking custom, too985-852-1832. much to list up$7950820. grades. 3k miles. Asking 2001 BIG DOG Husky Cus$7950820. 985-852-1832. tom, super clean, 5100 miles. $8900. 985-852-1832. 2001 BIG DOG Husky Cus2001 YAMAHA tom, super clean,ROADSTAR 5100 miles. Midnight Silverado, w/s, s/b, $8900. 985-852-1832. pipes, black. $5950. Day: 2001 YAMAHA Cell: ROADSTAR 337-457-7381; 337Midnight Silverado, w/s, s/b, 580-3020. pipes,HD black. $5950.midnight Day: 2007 FATBOY, 337-457-7381; Cell: 337edition, only 2k miles. Asking 580-3020. $11,900. 985-852-1832. 2009 HARLEY V-ROD mus2007 HD FATBOY, midnight 2009 HONDA FURY, marron, cle, maroon, 13k miles. edition, only miles. Asking nice, only 3k 2k miles. Asking $9500. 985-852-1832. $11,900. 985-852-1832. $8750. 985-852-1832. $11,900. 985-852-1832.
BROUSSARD: 110 BISMARK BROUSSARD: 110 BISMARK DR. DR. garage garage sale sale Fridays Fridays and and DR. garage sale Fridays and Saturdays Saturdays from from 7:00am-until. 7:00am-until. Saturdays from 7:00am-until. EVERY WEEKEND IN NOVEMEVERY WEEKEND WEEKEND IN IN NOVEMNOVEMEVERY BER!!! BER!!! BER!!! RAYNE: STORAGE AUCTION RAYNE: STORAGE AUCTION SAT Nov STORAGE 17 at 11amAUCTION 6 units RAYNE: SATforNov Nov 17 at atB&B 11am units up auction Storage SAT 17 11am 66 units 5797 Church Point Hwy (Hwy up for auction B&B Storage up for auction B&B Storage 35) 5 mi north of Rayne 5797 Church Point Hwy (Hwy 5797 Church Point Hwy La (Hwy LAFAYETTE: ACADIAN, 35) 55 mi mi north north127 of Rayne Rayne La 35) of La S. COLLAGE / Johnston area, LAFAYETTE: Sat Nov 17th, 127 8am ACADIAN, - until. S. COLLAGE / Johnston area, Too Much to List, NO EARLY Sat Nov 17th, 8am - until. BIRDS !! Too Much to List, NO EARLY CARENCRO: 103 SMALLEY BIRDS Rd, Fri !! Nov 16th, 6am-noon, Plenty of clothing At CARENCRO: 103 starting SMALLEY $1.00, uniform pants, Rd, Fri School Nov 16th, 6am-noon, Business attire, purses, etc. Plenty of clothing starting At C/C Accepted.
vacation and benefits. 337DRAPERY WORKROOM 839-2562.for Seamstress exLOOKING perienced in Drapery, window DRAPERYconstruction. WORKROOM Montreatment LOOKING for Seamstress Thur. Flexible hours. Call experienced in Drapery, window 337-230-1956 To Pre-Qualify
2008 FORD MUSTANG, 75K treatment construction. Monmiles, great condition, Thur. hours. AT TE N T I O N LIL O ANGELS FFlexible F SDAYCARE H O Call Rnow E 2003 LESABRE LIMITED, $12,000. 337-230-1956 S 337-962-4126 U P132k ER INTE N child D Ecare NToteacher. TPre-Qualify S hiring good condition, miles, Lagneaux Rd, Duson. cd / tape, AC,New leather, Century on-star 1024 Fabricators 337-993-0101. $4500 nego 337-706-2368 is seeking offshore CABINET SHOP HIRING 1 full 2006 LACROSSE, SILVER, superintendents time position.teams. Must know low miles, very wellour kept, call construction to lead offshore We howANGELS to read aDAYCARE tape measure Ryan work 1-800-605have immediate openings on long-term LIL 2003 at LESABRE LIMITED, now projects with 14/7 and rotations. Toptransand21/7 have dependable 3125. hiring child care teacher. good condition, 132k miles, pay and excellent benefits including health, portation. Call 337-789-3819 Lagneaux Rd, Duson. cd / tape, AC, leather, on-star 1024 1998 DEVILLE, MAROON, dental, and 401k.337-993-0101. If you are looking to $4500 nego 337-706-2368 PET IS looking leather interior, fully be loaded, part of one of theEXPRESS top ranking safety for qualified experienced runs low mileage, SHOP HIRING 2006great, LACROSSE, SILVER, in theCABINET programs Gulf of Mexico, please 1 full Must have own $3900; 337-296-7722. call New Fabricators atMust 365-9408 time position. know low miles, very well kept,Century call groomer. or LT, email your resume equipment. howtoto read337-406-8966 a tape measure Ryan at work 1-800-6052006 COLBALT blue, bcastille@newcenturyfab.com. and have dependable 3125. TIM’S AC- NOW hiringtransruns great, 97,000 miles, portation. 337-789-3819 Installers, Call Installer Crew $5800. 337-255-0607 1998 DEVILLE, MAROON, PET EXPRESS IS looking Leader, and Helpers. Top pay, for leatherCHEVY interior,HHR, fully new loaded, 2008 qualified experienced runs great, low mileage, vacation and benefits. 337tires, $10,500; 337-212groomer. Must have own $3900; 337-296-7722. 839-2562. 8220 equipment. 337-406-8966 2006 COLBALT LT, blue, DRAPERY WORKROOM 2002 ESCORT, 2DR. $2700. TIM’S NOW hiring exruns great, 97,000 miles, LOOKING Seamstress $ AC-for 00 337-230-7308. Installers, Crew $5800. 337-255-0607 perienced Installer in Drapery, window Leader, and Helpers. TopMonpay, CHEVYMUSTANG, HHR, new 75K 2008 FORD treatment construction. PSYCHIC vacation and benefits. 337tires, $10,500; 337-212miles, great condition, Thur. Flexible hours. Call READING READ RE ADIN AD ING G 839-2562. 8220 $12,000. 337-962-4126 337-230-1956 To Pre-Qualify TAROT & PSYCHIC READING DRAPERY WORKROOM 2002 ESCORT, 2DR. $2700. Help and advise of all problems life, exLOOKING for of Seamstress 337-230-7308. love, marriage, business, perienced legal in Drapery, window 2008 FORD MUSTANG, 75K & family. treatment construction. Monproblems LA-0001643174 miles, great condition, Thur. Flexible hours. Call Spiritual S i it 337-962-4126 l Cl Cleansing i •C Call ll ffor appointment i Tot Pre-Qualify t $12,000. 337-230-1956
Krystal 10
Now selling Wizard Wax products
plate, $25,000. 337-3442969 16 FOOT ALUMIA Welde,
With 50 Yahama, Only 15 hrs 16 motor. FOOT ALUMIA Welde, on $8000337-9456335 With 50 Yahama, Only 15 hrs on motor. $8000337-94517FTX42IN BOTTOM WELL 6335camo aluminum boat. Built 1yr old, $1200. PerfectWELL for 17FTX42IN BOTTOM marsh/ go-devil. 337-984Built camo aluminum boat. 2942 anytime before 7pm.
1yr old, $1200. Perfect for
14 FT CYPRESS Pirogue, marsh/ go-devil. 337-984$100 337-257-3335 2942 firm. anytime before 7pm.
EUNICE: 2BD/1BA FRAME 14 FT CYPRESS Pirogue, house, $30,000. Call 337$100 337-257-3335 257-0861 207 AUNDRIA 2000 firm. SCOUT 177 Bay/Flats LAFAYETTE: Dr, Riversbend Subdivision, CC Boat. 115 Yamaha 4strk. Aluminum Trlr. $7000 OBO. 2600 sq ft, 4br/2.5ba, call or text 337-280-3988 Call/TXT 337-305-1110. SCOTT/OSSUN: 3BD/2BA 20 HP GO-DEVIL 1150 sqft, freshly painted, Good Condition $1875.00 fairly new. $100k. Seller pays 337-278-7893 2000 SCOUT 177 Bay/Flats LAFAYETTE: 207 AUNDRIA closing. 337-303-6388 or CC Boat. 115 Yamaha 4strk. Dr, Riversbend Subdivision, 2007 RANGER BAY 2200 337-501-3544. 2600 sq ft, 4br/2.5ba, call or Aluminum Trlr. $7000 OBO. ETEC 250 power pole, jack Call/TXT 337-305-1110. 337-280-3988 3text BR, 2 ba. In Kaplan. 1480 plate, $25,000. 337-344sq ft. Central air/heat. Asking SCOTT/OSSUN: 3BD/2BA 20 HP GO-DEVIL 2969 $79,500; for 1150 sqft, 337-523-9179 freshly painted, Good Condition $1875.00 LAFAYETTE OPELOUSAS NEW LBERIA information fairly new. $100k. Seller337-942-5959 pays 337-278-7893 16 FOOT ALUMIA Welde, 337-984-5256 337-984-5256 closing. 337-303-6388 or CROWLEY: FOR SALE- 7 With 50RANGER Yahama,BAY Only2200 15 hrs 2007 337-501-3544. rent houses. ReducedonETEC motor. $8000337-945250 power pole, jack 3 BR, 2 ba.Call $175,000. owner, will In Kaplan. 1480 6335 plate, $25,000. 337-344sq ft.mortage. Central air/heat. Asking hold 337-662-6526 17FTX42IN BOTTOM WELL 2969 $79,500; 337-523-9179 for ABBEVILLE: 3BR / 1ba, 90% Built camo aluminum boat. information remodled, asking $68,000 16 ALUMIA Welde, 1yr FOOT old, $1200. Perfect for CROWLEY: FOR SALE7 Nego, 337-739-9061$ With 50go-devil. Yahama,337-984Only 15 hrs marsh/ 00 rent houses. Reducedon motor. $8000337-9452942 anytime before 7pm. EUNICE: FRAME $175,000.2BD/1BA Call owner, will 6335 14 FT CYPRESS Pirogue, house, $30,000. Call TAROT 337hold mortage. 337-662-6526 17FTX42IN BOTTOM WELL READING $100 firm. 337-257-3335 257-0861 ABBEVILLE: 3BR / 1ba, 90% Built camo aluminum boat. Let’s look into your future. remodled, asking $68,000 1yr old, $1200. PerfectIfor cannot change yesterday, but I Nego, 337-739-9061 marsh/ go-devil. 337-984could change 2942 tomorrow. For 7pm. the anytime before EUNICE: 2BD/1BA FRAME LETS TALK! 14 FT CYPRESS Pirogue, house, $30,000. Call better... 337$100 firm. 337-257-3335 257-0861 2118 Carmel Dr., Lafayette • 337-234-7647
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ABBEVILLE: 3BR / 1ba, 90% remodled,2BD/1BA asking $68,000 EUNICE: FRAME house, $30,000. Call 337Nego, 337-739-9061
ETEC powerBAY pole,2200 jack 2007 250 RANGER BAY 2200 2007 RANGER plate, $25,000. ETEC 250 250 power337-344pole, jack jack ETEC power pole, 2969 plate, $25,000. 337-344-
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2006 HONDA HD ROAD King Classic 2009 FURY, marron, 200918k HONDA FURY, marron, EFI, miles, blackAsking cherry. nice, only 3k miles. nice, only 3k miles. Asking $13,950.985-852-1832. Day: 337-457$8750. $8750.Cell: 985-852-1832. 7381; 337-580-3020. 2009 HARLEY V-ROD mus2006maroon, VT 75013k HONDA cle, miles.Spirit, $9500. 985-852-1832. low miles, leather saddle bags, freeway bars. 2006 HD ROAD KingAsking Classic $4800, EFI, 18k337-380-1708 miles, black cherry. $13,950. Day: 337-4572005 HD DYNA Superglide 7381; Cell: custom, too337-580-3020. much to list upgrades.VT3k750 miles. Asking 2006 HONDA Spirit, $7950820. 985-852-1832. low miles, leather saddle SCHOOL bags, freeway Asking 2001 BIG DOGbars. Husky Cus$4800, 337-380-1708 tom, super clean, 5100 miles. DIPLOMA $8900.HD985-852-1832. 2005 DYNA Superglide custom, too much to list up2001 YAMAHA ROADSTAR grades. miles. Asking Midnight3kSilverado, w/s, s/b, $7950820. pipes, black.985-852-1832. $5950. Day: 2001 BIG DOG Husky 337-457-7381; Cell: 337Custom, super clean, 5100 miles. 580-3020. $8900. 985-852-1832. 2007 HD FATBOY, midnight 2001 ROADSTAR edition,YAMAHA only 2k miles. Asking Midnight w/s, s/b, $11,900. Silverado, 985-852-1832. pipes, black. $5950. Day: 2009 HONDA FURY, marron, 337-457-7381; Cell: 337nice, only 3k miles. Asking 580-3020. $8750. 985-852-1832. 2007 HD FATBOY, midnight edition, only 2k miles. Asking $11,900. 985-852-1832. 2009 HONDA FURY, marron, nice, only 3k miles. Asking $8750. 985-852-1832.
HOME 6-8 WEEKS. Accredited, FREE Brochure, NO Computer Needed.
$1.00, School uniform pants,
LAFAYETTE: 206 SHADY Business attire, purses, etc. Park DR, Sat Nov 17th, C/C Accepted. 6:30am - 12:30pm, Furniture, LAFAYETTE: 206 SHADY household items,
Park DR, Sat Nov 17th, DUSON: SOUTH A St. BROUSSARD: 110 BISMARK 6:30am -428 12:30pm, Furniture, Saturday 17th, DR. garage sale7am-3pm. Fridays and household items, Multi family. Too much to list. Saturdays from 7:00am-until. DUSON: 428 AA St. EVERY IN NOVEMDUSON:WEEKEND 428 SOUTH SOUTH St. Saturday BER!!! Saturday 17th, 17th, 7am-3pm. 7am-3pm. Multi family. Too much to Multi family. Too much to list. list. RAYNE: STORAGE AUCTION SAT Nov 17 at 110 11am 6 units BROUSSARD: BISMARK up forgarage auction B&B Storage DR. sale Fridays and 5797 Church Point Hwy (Hwy Saturdays from 7:00am-until. 35) 5 mi north of Rayne La EVERY WEEKEND IN NOVEMBER!!! LAFAYETTE: 127 ACADIAN, S. COLLAGE / Johnston area, RAYNE: STORAGE AUCTION Sat Nov - until. SAT Nov17th, 17 at8am 11am 6 units Toofor Much to List, EARLY up auction B&BNO Storage BIRDSChurch !! 5797 Point Hwy (Hwy 35) 5 mi north103 of Rayne La CARENCRO: SMALLEY LAFAYETTE: 1276am-noon, ACADIAN, Rd, Fri Nov 16th, S. COLLAGE / Johnston Plenty of clothing startingarea, At Sat NovSchool 17th, 8am - until. $1.00, uniform pants, Too Muchattire, to List,purses, NO EARLY Business etc. BIRDS !! C/C Accepted. CARENCRO: LAFAYETTE:103 206SMALLEY SHADY Rd, Nov ParkFriDR, Sat16th, Nov 6am-noon, 17th, Plenty starting At 6:30amof-clothing 12:30pm, Furniture, $1.00, School uniform pants, household items, Business attire, purses, etc. C/C Accepted. DUSON: 428 SOUTH A St. Saturday 17th,206 7am-3pm. LAFAYETTE: SHADY Multi DR, family. Park Sat Too Nov much 17th, to list. 6:30am - 12:30pm, Furniture, household items,
Garage Sales.................................... 2 Merchandise..................................... 7 Attorney Services.......................... 8-9 Home & Garden.. ..............................17 Sportsman’s Paradise......................24 Oilfield & Industry...........................29 Yellow Pages.............................. 14-16 Jobs................................................35 Farm & Ranch..................................41 Pets.. ...............................................44 Real Estate......................................47 Auto Mart.. .......................................54 Auto Accessories & Services...........91 Motorcycles & RV’s.. ........................91
DUSON: 428 SOUTH A St. Saturday 17th, 7am-3pm. Multi family. Too much to list.
264-8330 BENJAMIN
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tires, $10,500; 2002 ESCORT,337-2122DR. $2700. 8220 337-230-7308. 2008 MUSTANG, 75K 2002 FORD ESCORT, 2DR. $2700. miles, great condition, 337-230-7308. $12,000. 337-962-4126
337-278-7893 337-278-7893 2007 RANGER BAY 2200
CHAD’S PAWN SHOP 1024 N. LAKE ARTHUR AVE • JENNINGS 337-824-7467 • 1-866-500-PAWN