magazine Issue 01 • Fall/Winter 2013
20 PAGES CATALOGUE MAGAZINE see inside for details
Beyond the exotics beauty of BIDADARI...
FEATURES 04 “PANTONE COLOR” Hollywood Trends. Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Garnet, Amethyst, Amber. 08 BIDADARI Newest Collections “PRECIOUS JEWEL”. 10 Q-STyle (Customers moments).
BUSINESS 04 QQ Fashion and Beauty EVENT. 16 BIDADARI News & Latest Collections. 20 QQ Fashion & Beauty as Authorized Distributor of LIPSENSE by Sheer Sense.
LIFESTYLE 04 Dr.K SkinCare SERIES, Treatment and Body products . 08 QQ presents BIDADARI Exotics. 10 How to achive perfect REDLIPS with LIPSENSE Blu-Red Lipcolour.
ENTERTAINMENT 04 RED CARPET Style with BIDADARI. 08 Trend Predictions on Style, Color, Designers, Runaway. 10 Talented Make-Up Artist recommendations : Julia Agustina (Den Haag).
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FROM THE EDITOR QQ Fashion and Beauty is a online and offline Shopping retailer which base in The Netherlands. Since establish in early 2013 QQ has been an exclusive distributor of BIDADARI Vouge products. And this season QQ witn BIDADARI will release her Special “PRECIOUS JEWEL” Collections. Inspired by the beauty and the exotica of precious metals and stones, BIDADARI design the most luxurious collections made from high quality smooth Lamb Skin/ Leather which combine with beads and stones as the ornaments. At the moment this collections will be Limited on the ready stocks at .
QQ in Chief & Design Rizki Amaliah Doddema,
Associate Partner Bidadari Vogue,
Products & Cover Photographer Hans P. Doddema,
Products of BIDADARI are all 100% hand made in Bali-Indonesia with selected high quality leathers from Cow, Calf, Lamb, including exquisite exotics leather such as Phyton, Cobra, Lizard, Crocodile, etc. Inspired with Indonesian-Balinese traditions that creates unique style and exoticism signatures on every design combine with high quality materials, that makes BIDADARI qualify to be compare with other European Designers Brand.
Guest Photographer
One of each product have a unique style and signature, either it’s from the leather or from the ornaments style. To suits seasonal time, the design comes with multi colors choice s, from natural leather color to attractive neon colors leather, which will combine with matching beautiful beadings and sequins as the additional ornaments that give a high fashion touches to every single products of BIDADARI.
Model Talents
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Ronny Prive
Art Stylist Rizki Amaliah & Sherley Yahya.
Make-Up & Hair Art Julia Agustina & RizQ (for Cover model).
Alannys Weber Takens Esmeralda Carelse (Cover).
Products Sales
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Behind the story of BIDADARI Exotics : BIDADARI, in Indonesian language means “Beautiful Angel”. The brand “BIDADARI” founded by Sherley Yahya in 2005 and becoming one of respectable Dutch designers special for Leather Fashion products. And after establish for few years in Amsterdam, now BIDADARI tried to spreads her wings by expanding “B” market to other European country including United Kingdom and Ireland, and also open future opportunity to share it’s beauty to Middle East, America (USA), Canada, Japan, Australia, etc.
Dr.K Skincare & Treatment
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Dr.K is a Malaysian beauty company, that’s specializes on skincare and other body treatment products.
Dr.K products are Switzerland formulation under dermatologic control for maximum safety and efficacy, offering the highest performance available without a doctor’s prescription. Dr. K do not test theirproducts on animals or use any artificial fragrances. Every product is a dedication to beautiful, younger looking skin and suitable for all ages.
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To purchase or order or get your 1st sample of Dr.K products please contact QQ at
Dr. K BB MAGIC Cream Your daily cream moisturizers with touch of natural foundation, that also include your sunscreen protection. Perfect for all skin colors.
Similar to silver, a GOLD preparation used parenterally for a long period may rarely produce a permanent skin pigmentation - especially if the skin is exposed to sunlight or artificial ultraviolet radiation. The skin's pigmentation (in this condition) has been described as uniformly gray, grayish purple, slate gray, or grayish blue, and is usually limited to
the blue component of skin color through the scattering phenomenon. It is much less likely to be deposited in the nails and hair. Gold can be identified in the skin chemically by light microscopy, electron microscopy, and spectroscopy. (Wikipedia ; Source)
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exposed portions of the body. It may involve the conjunctivae over the scleras but usually not the oral mucosa. Location of pigment predominantly in the upper dermis leads to
Beyond The Exotics Beauty Exotic PRECIOUS Jewel Collections. BIDADARI Gold Amber DRAGON-Stones Smooth Lamb Folded Clutch Size X-tra Large € 299.99 6 • QQ Magazine •
BIDADARI The Lamb “PRECIOUS JEWEL”Collections Sapphire DRAGON-Stones Medium Folded Clutch QQ Price : € 209.99
BIDADARI The Lamb “PRECIOUS JEWEL”Collections Sapphire AMARILLO Gold Belt QQ Price : € 99.99 QQ Magazine • • 7
EMERALD "Lively. Radiant. Lush… A color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony." Emerald is a color that is a shade
day is in the month of May. It is a
saying the Latin word Smarag-
of green. It is light and bright,
green rock. The emerald is one
dus, which came from theGreek,
with a faint bluish cast. The name
of the most valuable gems, with
σμάραγδος (smaragdos; "green
comes from the color of the
ruby, opal, diamond,topaz, and
gem"). It first came from a Semitic
sapphire, and it is more valuable
word, izmargad ()אזמרגד. This
than diamonds.
meant "emerald" or "green".The
Emerald is one of the most ex-
name could also be related to the
pensive stones in the world. The
Semitic word baraq (;ال&بُراق ;בָָּרק
Panjsher Emerald, which is in
"lightning" or "shine").
The first written use of emerald as a color name in English was in 1598. The color emerald may be used to represent Ireland. Ireland is often called the emerald isle.
Afghanistan, is the most famous stone in the world. Etymology : The word emerald
An emerald is a mineral rock and
comes from Vulgar Latin. The
a variety of beryl. It is the birth-
word was Esmaralda/
stone of someone whose birth-
Esmaraldus, a different way of
8 • QQ Magazine •
(*source WikiPedia)
BUY them at :
Exotic PRECIOUS Jewel Collections. BIDADARI Emerald Green DRAGON-Stones Smooth Lamb. Folded Clutch Large : € 249.99 X-tra Large : € 299.99 B by BIDADARI Shoes
GABBY Emerald LIZARD Ballerina
EMMIE Emerald PHYTON Ballerina
Exclusive at QQ € 169.99
Exclusive at QQ € 129.99
Shop NOW at and get a FREE standard shipping with Post NL for The Netherlands area, when you purchase anything with minimum of € 100.
QQ Magazine • • 9
Q Talented Team
Julia Agustina Make-Up & Hair Artist CURRICULUM VITAE Name : Yulia Sandra Agustina Date of Birth : 13 July 1976 Personal Profile : A flexible, enthusiastic & hard working person with excellent communication and time management skills, available for work as a make-up artist. Education & Professional : January P July 2009 Beauty Base School, London, England. Training Intensive basic and advanced make-up course covering fashion and catwalk hair styling. Gained high standard of technical skills in the following disciplines: Wig making, Hair styling , Fashion Photography Commercial make-up, Avante-garde Theatre make-up, Ageing , Face casting, Period styles (1920s P 1970s). Glamorous High fashion, Wedding/Bridal Film & television, Music pop promos Advertising Catalogue. Ethnic skin tones, Manicure & pedicure Previous Experience as Make-up and hairdresser : August 2009 Commercial advertisement for anti-alcohol teenage consumption project. Hair and make-up. September 2009 - February 2010 Movie for independent film maker. Movie was due for release April 2010 but has been delayed due to other projects being run by the director. February 2010 Movie for student project within Utrecht University. More info & service booking, please contact 10 • QQ Magazine •
Customers Spotted
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Issue 01
Fall/Winter 2013
BIDADARI “Limited” Collections Autumn/Winter 2013 NEW ARRIVAL...The EXOTICA of Precious JEWEL & STONES. * (Emerald, Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire, Amber, Garnet). A gemstone or gem (also called a precious or semiprecious stone, a fine gem, or jewel) is a piece of mineral, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. However certain rocks (such as lapis lazuli), or organicmaterials that are not minerals (such as amber or jet), are also used for jewelry, and are there-
fore often considered to be gemstones as well. Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their luster or other physical properties that have aesthetic value. Rarity is another characteristic that lends value to a gemstone. Apart from jewelry, from earliest antiquity until the 19th century engraved
gems and hardstone carvings such as cups were major luxury art forms; the carvings of Carl Fabergéwere the last significant works in this tradition.
*Source WikiPedia
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The EMERALD Beauty (*photo of BIDADARI EmeraldGreen Lamb Dragon-Stones Folded Clutch)
Emerald is a valuable Beryl that owes its colour to
colour command the highest prices. It is found
Beautiful Angel. goddess who lives
chromium or vanadium, which make it the bright
in Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, East Africa, India,
in heaven and a beautiful woman.
green. Origin of name emerald is said to be a San-
Madagascar and Columbia, at this point in time
If that's the case, I don't think we
skrit word meaning green (Sanskrit is a classical
the best emeralds come from Colombia.
can see a bidadari with our naked
language of India). Emeralds can have many inclu-
Colour: Emeralds come in many shades of green
eyes unless God grants us visions.
sions and flaws so can be brittle and liable to
and bluish green. Hardness: 7.5-8 N.B. Many
break.The value of an emerald depends on cut,
emeralds are treated to hide surface-reaching
colour, clarity and carat. Clear stones with vibrant
breaks and improve transparency.
BIDADARI in Indonesian
Emerald according to WikiPedia. Emerald is a gemstone, and a variety of the mineral beryl(Be 3 Al 2 (SiO 3 ) 6 ) colored green by trace amounts ofchromium and sometimes vanadium. Beryl has ahardness of 7.5–8 on the 10-point Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Most emeralds are highly included, so their toughness (resistance to breakage) is classified as generally poor.
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Headline This Season
BIDADARI Clutches are Hand Made Indonesian leather products that produce with selected high quality leather or exotics leather, which combine with ethnic beads craft, sequins, stones as the additional ornaments part. Inspired with Indonesian-Balinese traditions that creates unique style and exoticism signatures on every design combine with high quality materials, that makes BIDADARI qualify to be compare with other European Designers Brand. Ruby is the red variety of the mineral called Corundum which is composed of aluminium oxide (any other colour of corundrum is a sapphire, see below). The red colour is caused mainly by chromium and titanium. It is natural for rubies to have imperfections in them, including colour impurities and inclusions of rutile needles known as “silk. Origin of name comes from ruber, Latin for red. Some rubies show a 3-point or 6-point star or asterism. These rubies are cut into cabochons to display this effect. Natural occurring rubies are very rare and extremely rare in large sizes over 3 carats. They can be found in many regions around the world from India, to East Africa, to South America, the Hindu Kush and a few deposits in the United States.Colour: pinkish red or deep, rich red colour Hardness: 9 N.B. Almost all rubies today are treated in some form (of which heat treatment is the most common practice) and rubies which are completely untreated and still of excellent quality command a large premium. Improvements used include colour alteration, improving transparency by dissolving rutile inclusions, healing of fractures (cracks) or even completely filling them.
The Legendary “KIPAS” Clutch This BIDADARI Collections is now available at QQ Fashion and Beauty. You can check our website This KIPAS Collections also available in BIDADARI Limited Collections od EMERALD Editions. The stocks are very Limited 1pc each collections...
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Bidadari “KIPAS” Cluch available in EMERALD & RUBY Edition This season in 2013 BIDADARI Vogue launch her first LIMITED Collections, which inspired by the exotica of precious stones and jewel. There are few stones inspired the colorful collection such as Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, Amber, Garnet.
Garnets are nesosilicates. 0rigin of name: from ancient Greeks as colour reminded them of the pomegranate seed or granatum. Garnets do not show cleavage (the tendency of crystalline materials to split along definite planes, creating smooth surfaces) so when they fracture under stress, sharp irregular pieces are formed. Because the chemical composition of garnet varies, the atomic bonds in some species are stronger than in others. The harder species are often used for abrasive purposes. It is found in the regions of Kenya, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Canada, USA, Czech Republic and Spain. Colour: virtually all colours Hardness:6-7.5
One of each product have a unique style and signature, either it’s from the leather or from the ornaments style. To suits seasonal time, the design comes with multi colors choice s, from natural leather color to attractive neon colors leather, which will combine with matching beautiful beadings and sequins as the additional ornaments that give a high fashion touches to every single products of BIDADARI.
Amethyst is a transparent purple quartz. Origin of name from the Greek amethystos- “not drunken”. Amethyst was considered to be a strong antidote against drunkenness. Greek legend tells the story of a maiden Amethystos who was pursued a drunken god called Dionysus. She prayed to the goddess Artemis to remain chaste. The goddess granted her prayer, transforming her into a white stone.
Filled with remorse Dionysus cried tears of wine over the stone turning it purple. Different localities can produce a unique amethyst to that particular region or even to that particular mine. It is mined in Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia and Argentina, Zambia, Namibia and other African countries. Very dark amethyst, mostly in small sizes, is also mined in Australia. Colour:the colour range varies from pale lilac to deep purple. Hardness: 7
SAPPHIRE AMBER Amber is the fossilized resin from ancient forests. In ancient times the resin dripped and oozed down trees, filling fissures and trapping debris such as seeds, leaves, feathers and insects. The resin then became buried and fossilized through a natural polymerization creating amber. The two main sources of amber in today’s market are the Baltic states and the Dominican Republic.
Continue... From the AMBER story Amber from the Baltic states is older than that from the Dominican Republic is more likely to have insect inclusions. Most of the world’s amber is in the range of 30-90 million years old. Semi-fossilized resin or subfossil amber is called copal. Hardness: 2.5-3
Sapphire is any colour of the mineral corundum other than red, those are called ruby, (see above) corundum is composed of aluminum oxide. Sapphires tend to be translucent or transparent and have high amounts of refraction. The most desirable sapphires are generally those with an intense blue colour with plenty of sparkle and life. Various shades of blue result from titanium and iron substitutions in the aluminum oxide crystal lattice. Some sapphires show a 3-point or 6-point star or asterism. T h e s e s a p p h i re s a re c u t i n t o cabochons to display this effect. They can be found in Brazil, Tanzania, Sri L a n k a , K a s h m i r, T h a i l a n d , Madagascar and Australia. Colour: Shades of blue. Hardness: 9 QQ Magazine • • 17
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Our Q Talent Team Model : Alannys Weber-Takens (outsdoor scene) Esmeralda Carelse (cover) Photographer (outdoor scene ): Ronny Prive Photographer (products&cover): Hans Peter Doddema Make-Up/Hair Artist : Julia Agustina Rizki Amaliah Doddema Creative & Styling : Sherley Yahya
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