This zine was created, collectively, by the students of "Beyond 2020: Queer and Trans of Color Visions" at University of Colorado Boulder in the spring of 2021. Each student studied and compiled the information in this zine as presented by trans and queer BIPOC visionaries, writers, and activists working and dreaming on Turtle Island, so called, US. We hope that this collective work provides both an analysis of the histories and work of these visionaries as well as a method for moving forward, amidst continuing violent and structurally racist oppressions to BIPOC, queer and trans people, and the earth, into an abolitionist, decolonial, queer, radical, and communitiy-focused futures.
Themes include: Decolonization, Abolition, Trans and Two-Spirit Liberation, Anti-Pinkwashing and Homonationalism, Disability Justice, Pleasure Politics, Mutual Aid & Trans Abolitionist Visions.