Qualfon Way

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WAY Be the best BPO, Make people’s

The way to pursue

our Mission. Version updated June 2017

Download My Qualfon App.

Be the best BPO. Make people’s

, a consecrated company to God with the mission to be the best BPO and make people’s lives better. Qualfon has been serving clients in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry since we were founded in 1995. A consecrated company is one that, responding to a special call from God, seeks to transcend mere business logic by living love for God and for neighbor.The obedient response to this call is the underlying purpose of the company. It gives a unique orientation to its mission and vision, transforms the internal life of the organization—with a specially tailored culture, procedural framework, policies and programs—and improves the personal, family, and social life of each one of its members. As a consecrated company, Qualfon respects and honors diversity in its workplace. Specifically, as a consecrated company, Qualfon recognizes the right of all its employees and business partners to exercise their freedom of religion and respects each individual’s personal and spiritual beliefs as their own. To that end, Qualfon prohibits discrimination against and harassment of any employee or any applicant for employment because of their religion, race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status or any other characteristic protected under applicable national, federal or state law where the company operates.

Today, we have approximately 13,000 employees serving our international clientele. Lady of Guadalupe

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Michael the Archangel

Learn more about this subject on our YouTube channel Mission Qualfon- Answering the Call

We have operations located in Guyana, Mexico, Philippines, and the United States.



Mexico City, Mexico June, 1995 Costa Rica, Central America, 2003





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Center Partners acquisition, United States, May, 2014


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Dumaguete, Philippines May, 2010

2006 Cebu, Philippines May, 2006


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InterMedi@ Marketing Solutions, acquisition United States January, 2016

Manila, Philippines December, 2014



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Monterrey, Mexico November, 2002

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@ Fun


Argentina, South America, 2004

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Guyana, South America November, 2005




India, 2017




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DCG acquisition, United States March, 2013 Harlingen, Texas November, 2013

Culture, Service, Growth (CSG) acquisition March 2016

MISSION INDEX Qualfon's Mission Index is designed to hold the company management and executives accountable for enriching the lives of employees, their families, and their communities. The Mission Index puts metrics in place that specifically measure Qualfon's ability to create jobs, retain employees, engage employees in giving back to their communities, and satisfy employees.



Job Creation Our goal is to create 541 new agent positions.

The dictionary meaning of stride is to walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous way, passing over any obstruction. This is what we seek to do with the seven values represented in each letter of the word STRIDES: Service, Teamwork, Results, Integrity, Dignity, Encouragement, Spirituality.

Great STRIDES: Living Intentionally.

Code of Ethics

Our goal is to have no more than 5.14% annual average voluntary attrition.


More Opportunities


Keep you at Qualfon

Your Opinion

Be the best BPO, Make people’s 16

Our Qualfon Code of Ethics.

Our goal is to be above 10% participating in Fun Clubs and 5% in Community Projects.

Be the best BPO. Make people’s Learn more about this subject on our YouTube channel Mission Qualfon- Mission Index Video

Our goal is to reach an average of 3.20 points or above on a scale from 1-4 on the“You Matter with Mike” survey.

CULTURE 1. We Are Faith Alive 2. We Focus On People First 3. We Are A Second Family 4. We Are A Trusted And Loyal Partner For Our Clients.

OUR MISSION, OUR REASON “Help as many people as possible to pursue their total vocation as individuals and as members of society by creating an ever-growing number of job opportunities, as we strive to become the outsourcer of choice for our clients.”

Outsourcer of choice Job opportunities

5. We Think Big

Total vocation

6. We Are Willing To Endure 7. We Are Determined To Always Improve 8. We Embrace Cultural Diversity


9. We Stand Shoulder To Shoulder 10. We Live Joyfully Learn more about this subject on our YouTube channel Mission Qualfon- Our Qualfon Culture.

Learn more about this subject on our YouTube channel Mission Qualfon- Welcome to Qualfon


Agreements TO BECOME


They are agreements we make as individuals and as an organizations. They are agreements we make with ourselves, with our partners and with our clients.


We are committed to following through on our promises.

Add-Value Qualfon We are committed to find better ways to serve our clients and colleagues.

Use the Qualfon Operating Model

Close the gaps you are responsible for.

Commit with an action plan and follow through

Meet or exceed client KPIs. Missing is not a success!

Start and end meetings on time. Be efficient in the course of the meetings.

Know your client’s business as well as they do – or better.

Learn from your mistakes and be accountable for not repeating them.

Peel the onion. Don’t know just what is needed but, why it is needed.

Meet your deadlines.

Help others get better at what they do.






Results make a difference. Results drive our Commitment to be the Best BPO. Results inspire and ignite a winning culture at Qualfon.



We Serve 63 Top Brands Increase






Boost Back-Office


Customer Welcoming

Online Conversion as a Service

Full Title Search

Technical Support


Purchase, Foreclosure, Resale,

Customer Service

Sales Capture

REO, Refinance



Title Production

Up-Sell / Cross-Sell

Quality Control Application

Retain, Repeat, Renew

Application Processing Typing, Keying, Indexing

THE These agreements are Keep Commitments@Qualfon, Add Value@Qualfon, Move Fast@Qualfon and Spend Wisely@Qualfon. They give sustaining quality of life to all our relationships, including interdepartmental relationships and day-to-day client relationships—in fact, they uphold any sustainable contributions made to Make People's Lives Better.


A Qualfon Mission Leader is a results oriented professional and a mission-driven mentor, manager, and messenger.

Move-Fast Qualfon

Qualfon Mission Leaders accept responsibility for the mission that has been entrusted to them; therefore, they are good stewards. In turn, they entrust the same mission

Spend-wisely Qualfon

We are committed to action and accomplishing our goals.

We are committed to remain financially healthy for the sake of growing our business, and improving the lives of our employees, their families and the communities in which we work.

SLA’s aren’t just for operations.

Make your numbers.

Respond to client needs faster than any competitor.

Wasting time – especially other people’s time – is wasting money.

Respond just as quickly when a colleague has a need.

Always ask, “Do I really need this?”

Never put off until tomorrow what we can do today.

Force your vendors and suppliers to compete for your business just as we do for the business of our clients.

If you have a vendor that can’t move as fast as you need them to, find a different vendor.

Avoid waste in all we do.

to others to support our clients’ needs in order to develop each person, family, and community.

AS A MENTOR AS A MANAGER AS A MESSENGER The Qualfon Mission Leader Program. 14 Months


Mentor focused cycle Mentor case studies quarter review (live sessions) Manager focused cycle Manager case studies Quarter review (live sessions) Messenger focused cycle Messenger case studies Quarter review (live sessions) 3D-PERSPECTIVE CASE STUDIES

THE PERSON AT THE CENTER TO MAKE PEOPLE’S Volunteering Activities (Feed the poor, orphanages,shelters, schools, heaven for hope, etc.)

Give @ work Promotes an environment where people are involved beyond what their daily work duties require of them, and actively participate in supporting the needs of our communities.

Mission Index Report (Monthly) You Matter with Mike (biweekly survey) Reader Boards (You Matter with Mike Video Wall)

Support Local Charity Organizations (Habitat for Humanity, etc) Supporting local faith communities (Local Churches, Missions, donations,etc)

Volunteer Recognition Boys and Girls Club

Qualfon STRIDES Global Newsletter (Monthly) & The Newsletter of my Site



HD operations to protect the Person

My Qualfon app Entrusting the Mission & Consecration Renewal Family chats Welcome to Qualfon & Code of Ethics (Handbook) My Quote of the Week Anniversary Celebration (Letter & Pin) Social Media (Facebook and Youtube)

Sacré Cœur TEFL certification in English as a second language

• HD KPI’s • Induction Process • Employee Relations • Health & Safety • Security Information • Code of Conduct

Communication @ work Promotes an environment where people are encouraged and have the opportunity to share in the company's mission, and understand the organization's values, plans and goals.

Cuatro Cienegas 2040 Development Plan

• Replacement • Terminations • Legal Compliance • Demographics • Personnel Files

HD Strategy to attract and retain talented Person


• Recruitment & Selection Key Positions • Selection Tools • Hiring Process • Performance Management • Performance Evaluation

Snapshot report Town Hall Meetings

HD Compensations & Benefits to reward the Person • Job evaluation (leveling) • Compensations & Benefits • Performance Appraisal • Bonuses Administration • Merit Increase Process

Chaplaincy Program (services and activities sponsored by chaplains) Milk Subsidy (Guyana) Emergency Programs for special needs affecting our employees Interfaith Activities & Chapels/ Reflection Rooms Post Hospitalization Support

Care @ work Promotes an environment where people trust and support each other in a caring family manner.

HD Organizational to empower the Person

Qualfon Clubs (Biking, Fitness Club, etc.) Fun Activities & Events

Fun @ work

Birthday Bash Celebration

Transforms Qualfon into an environment full of opportunities to share common hobbies and interests, learn and have fun.

• Job Analysis and description • Planning Organizational Structure • Personnel Requisition • Succession Planning • Career Path • Organizational Communication

Mission concierge

Single mothers-fathers program

Special days celebrations (Independence days, etc) Recognition program (Employee of the month)

Leadership & Readiness Certification Qualfon Continuous Improvement Six Sigma Program

Learn @ work

Mission Leader Development Program

Bereavement Support CONCIERGE

Holiday parties (December)

STRIDES Workshop

Physical Rehabilitation


Qualfon Music Video Contest

Continuous Improvement Processes

Promotes an environment where people are developed to explore and apply their full vocation. Micro Degree / Edevate University

Day Care Service

Master in Finance Skill development program by Lynda.com

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