the CALL
Foreword by Lorenzo Servitje and Jacques Philippe
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
“A consecrated company is one that, responding to a special call from God, seeks to transcend mere business logic by living love for God and for neighbor. The obedient response to this call is the underlying purpose of the company. It gives a unique orientation to its mission and vision, transforms the internal life of the organization—with a specially tailored culture, procedural framework, policies and programs—and improves the personal, family, and social life of each one of its members.” A Consecrated Company is not • The mere “act of consecration” by itself, a rite, or a ritual. • A non-profit organization “without objectives towards building wealth” • A “religious movement” • A sect or a fanatical organization bent on proselytizing As a consecrated company, Qualfon respects and honors diversity in its workplace. Specifically, as a consecrated company, Qualfon recognizes the right of all its employees and business partners to exercise their freedom of religion and respects each individual’s personal and spiritual beliefs as their own. To that end, Qualfon prohibits discrimination against and harassment of any employee or any applicant for employment because of their religion, race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status or any other characteristic protected under applicable national, federal or state law where the company operates. All personnel who are responsible for hiring and promoting employees and for the development and implementation of Qualfon programs or activities are charged to support this effort and to respond promptly and appropriately to any concerns that are brought to their attention. All Qualfon employees are encouraged to raise any concerns they may have as it relates to discrimination of any kind whatsoever without the fear of reprisal. Book and cover design by Lorena Mitre Jimenez First Edition: December 2015 Answering the Call Part 1. Qualfon a Consecrated Company to God With the Mission to be the Best BPO and Make People’s Lives Better. Copyright © 2015 by Qualfon. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
DEDICATION This book is dedicated to the Gonzรกlez Fernรกndez Family; so the mission will last faithfully for many generations. To the leaders of Qualfon; so the mission can be lived with joy. To each and every member of the Qualfon family; as a sign of gratitude.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Everything in this book is the fruit of many interviews with numerous members of the Qualfon family. It is the result of reminiscing and being conscious of the spirit, effort, ideas, and sentiments that have made up the history of a company, community, and family. It is a living history that continues to be written through an understanding of a calling—a mission that presents itself as an amazing adventure. That same adventure gives meaning to the lives of many men and women who have made, and continue to make, possible what Qualfon is today and will continue to build the Qualfon that will be tomorrow. Gratitude must be expressed to those who have made this book possible. It would not have existed were it not for the efforts of Gustavo Aguilera, the author of the first, Spanish edition. With great sensibility, he began to write in the native language of many of Qualfon’s pioneers. A word of gratitude to Ellen Mady, who helped put together the first English version. Luis Medina has coordinated this present edition. My deepest gratitude also goes to Don Lorenzo Servitje Sendra, Co-founder of Bimbo Group, a worldwide leader in the baking industry, for his affectionate foreword. First a dear friend, then an extraordinary business leader, I’m continuously astounded by his commitment to excellence and his living faith. Fr. Jacques Philippe, a wonderful priest and respected author of spiritual books, thank you for your positivity and never fading faith that God calls businessmen to love and serve in their professional lives. With gratitude, Roberto Sanchez Mejorada Chief Mission Officer
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii CONSECRATION OF QUALFON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii FOREWORD FROM LORENZO SERVITJE . . . . . . vii FOREWORD FROM FR. JACQUES PHILIPPE . . . . x INTRODUCTION
Qualfon, A Consecrated Company by Alfonso González Arocha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
CALLED TO THINK BIG: QUALFON’S PRESENCE IN THE WORLD AND ITS IMPACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Small Beginnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Early Understanding of the Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Worldwide Presence and Impact in Communities . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Qualfon’s Unique Business Model: The Power of a Person-Oriented Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
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QUALFON EMERGING FROM A LIFE OF SIMPLICITY AND VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Rooted in Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 A Mother’s Generosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Importance of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 The Family Behind Qualfon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
CALLED TO TRUST AND TO BE OBEDIENT . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 The Call in the Context of Prayer and Spirituality . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Growth and Progress: Strategic Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Big Milestones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Large Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Refusing to Merge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Hiring a New CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 A Unique Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
CALLED TO TAKE DEEP ROOTS: MISSION, PURPOSE, AND CORE VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Discovering The Purpose of Qualfon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Organizational Culture: Core Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Unity in Diversity: STRIDES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Mission Leaders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 So What Does It Take To Be a “Qualfon Mission Leader”?. . . . . 72
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
CALLED TO PUT THE PERSON AT THE CENTER. . . . . . . . 75 Growth of the Human Development Department . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Creation and Description of the Mission Office: A Strategic Model to Live by the Mission: Walk the Talk . . . . . . 78 Communication@Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Learn@Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Care@Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Give@Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Fun@Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
CALLED TO SPREAD THE VOICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Entrusting The Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Talents Administrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Sharing The Experience: His Way at Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
CONCLUSION Be The Best BPO and Make People’s Lives Better. . . . . . . . . . . . 109 EPILOGUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 APPENDIX 1: Prayers of Consecration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 APPENDIX 2: Roles and Responsibilities of the Mission Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 APPENDIX 3: Job Description of a Worksite Chaplain . . . . . . 121
In 2006, while traveling to the Philippines to open a new branch in Cebu City, Alfonso González Arocha decided to consecrate Qualfon to God through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the Protection of St. Michael the Archangel. THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS The Sacred Heart symbolizes God’s love and inspires us all to love humanity. The Sacred Heart is common among Anglicans, Lutherans, and Catholics.
OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego outside of Mexico City in 1531. It is now the most visited Marian shrine in the world. The Virgin of Guadalupe is also known as Queen of Mexico, Patroness of the Americas, and Empress of Latin America.
ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL St. Michael forms part of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic teachings as recorded in Hebrew Scriptures, the New Testament, and the Quran, respectively. He is the leader of God’s army against the forces of evil.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Lorenzo Servitje Sendra, Co-founder of Bimbo Group, the largest bakery company in the world.
I have gotten to know many organizations in my lifetime, and almost all of them have an enriching history. Now that I know Qualfon’s history, I get excited thinking about everything the company can achieve if it authentically continues to carry out the purpose it has discovered throughout its twenty years of existence. Qualfon’s mission is to make the person a central focus so that, in the end, every person has the capacity to discover his or her own vocation and live life to the fullest. Consequently, Qualfon’s first goal is to use work as a means of helping its individuals grow, mature, improve, and live happily. As affirmed by the philosophy of Alfonso López Quintas, “The ideal intent isn’t simply an idea; it’s an idea that drives and energizes all of our actions because it encompasses the highest possible value within itself. When one makes doing good and helping others his intent in life, he doesn’t ask, “What can I get out of this circumstance?” but rather, “Who can I help?” in reference to his business activities. Seen in this light, Qualfon’s mission as a company—consecrated to the love of God—finds itself rooted in an orientation toward the good of others and in the unique understanding that discovering God’s love comes from the spiritual dimension of the human person. The organization’s integral vision of the human being as both its cause and end should move it to continue constructing its future with great hope. Everyone in the organization will have the opportunity to love each other, unite with the hearts of others, and be able to say with pride, “Mission accomplished.” With great affection for all, Lorenzo Servitje Sendra
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Fr. Jacques Philippe, after studying mathematics in college, spent several years teaching and doing scientific research. In 1976, he met the then recently founded Community of the Beatitudes and answered the Lord’s call to follow Him through this vocation. With more than 500,000 copies sold in eighteen languages, Fr. Jacques Philippe’s writings on topics such as prayer, interior freedom, and peace of heart have become classics of modern spirituality.
EACH CALL IS UNIQUE I first met Alfonso González Arocha in February of 2014 in Mexico. I was preaching at a retreat in the region of Monterrey with Fr. Evaristo Sada, Legionary of Christ. Fr. Evaristo had invited me to spend a few weeks with him, to help him preach at a retreat for married couples. Shortly after the retreat, Alfonso asked me to meet his spouse, Maricarmen. They told me the story of Qualfon, of the call they had received to consecrate the organization to our Lord, and of the fruits that had resulted from this consecration. During the conversation, Alfonso asked me to write a preface to the book he had written about the project. I was deeply moved by the testimony of this profoundly Christian businessman and by the way in which he had let himself be led by God in his professional life, so I accepted his invitation. This encounter was a pleasant surprise for me. I often receive testimonies from people who have received help and encouragement from the books that, with the help of God, I have been able to publish in the past few years. But this was the first time I had met a businessman for whom some of my books had been important— not only for his personal life, but also for him as the founder and president of a very large company that employs more than 11,000 people. I am not very familiar with the world of business, and had never even heard of such terms as “BPO” or “back office.” I never imagined that the simple things I shared in any of my books—in particular, the beauty of God’s call and letting oneself be led by the Holy Spirit—would have real repercussions in the business world. For me, his testimony was a beautiful gift from God. I recently finished reading the French translation of his book. It has permitted me to better know and understand the history of Qualfon. Thus it is with great joy that I write these lines, and I would like to share some points that I consider especially important.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
THE FRUITFULNESS OF THE CALL Alfonso’s story (and the stories of those who have collaborated with him in the development of Qualfon) speaks very often of the notion of a “call.” If their company is what it actually is, it is not merely the fruit of human initiative—of a group of particularly intelligent people with good ideas and knowledge of how to put them into practice. It’s also the result of responding to a call from God. Of course, human capacities (intelligence, reflection, and so on) had their part to play, but there was more. Alfonso, his wife, and his colleagues responded to a specific call from God and let themselves be guided by that call. Through all the different decisions that forged their company and its purpose, there were times of difficulty and times of grace; times of doubt and times of light. All the while, they were humbly and faithfully (and in a true atmosphere of prayer) guided by the Holy Spirit. To me, their story seems to be a precious witness. One of my most profound convictions is that a human life truly becomes beautiful and fruitful when it is not led simply by its own ideas, projects, and desires, but rather when it responds to something bigger; something that transcends it: a call from God. Responding to His call opens us up to unknown horizons, assures a more plentiful harvest, and allows us to build upon values that are more authentic and longer lasting. The capacity to recognize and follow a call from God is certainly a characteristic in us that is most profoundly human, because it encompasses the entire person. And far from being only for our “religious dimension,” it affects all the nooks and crannies of our being.
GOD IS INTERESTED IN BUSINESSMEN, TOO To witness the beauty of this response to a call is even more interesting because it is lived out in a world where it usually isn’t found. We often think that the notion of a call or vocation
is appropriate when speaking about the spiritual life or ecclesial realities, but disregard it inside the business world. Alfonso’s testimony, however, shows us a quite different reality. God, too, is interested in the world of business; and there, the Holy Spirit is right at home! God wants to transform the human person in all activities and dimensions of our lives. God sends his spirit and reveals his call not only to priests and religious, but also to laymen, which includes those dedicated to business and technology. Touched by the Spirit, they desire to live their professional lives in service to the surrounding society and its authentic values—honesty, respect, and more—instead of it being an egotistic search for personal wealth and power. Any layman who works in the world but wants to live his career according to the Gospel message can count on the help of God’s grace and the light and the strength of the Holy Spirit; and will have a true capacity to listen to the voice of the Lord in the sundry circumstances of the workplace. And that is good news! Meeting Alfonso has helped me to measure the human and spiritual importance of the business world in a better way. The first thing that pleasantly surprised me was that, thanks to his convictions and initiatives, Qualfon was able to provide thousands of people (in particularly poor countries like the Philippines) with work, development, and employment that gave them dignity and the means necessary to form and support a family. For the first time, this simple reality—to have a respectable job—appeared to me as something valuable and a true gift from God; it showed me the human and evangelical importance of the business world. We know business activity (and the economy in general) has enormous repercussions in the contemporary life of our peoples, both good and bad. Good when the economy provides jobs that promote human dignity; bad when the economic activity functions only according to a frantic search for immediate profit and fails to take into account the well being of the people it engages. Today, it
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
is more urgent than ever to evangelize the world of business. That is why we need business people who are open to God’s call and the work of the Holy Spirit. It truly is urgent, and I would hope that Alfonso’s testimony will touch many people’s hearts to open themselves to God’s voice and let themselves be led by the Holy Spirit in their work. One of the most important points of the book is Qualfon’s history; but the fact that it works is not a model that can or should be imitated literally. Each call is unique; God does not ask the same thing of everyone. No, it is not a question of reproducing the same plan for each person, but rather of letting oneself be touched by this testimony and freely opening up to whatever God is asking. Even if the fundamental values of Qualfon are repeated, the form in which this is realized will always be different, depending on the particular circumstances.
T H E F U N D A M E N TA L VA L U E S OF MODERN SOCIETY I would like to end with a few words about Qualfon. Even though each call is unique, as noted, certain universal values should always be present in any company. At Qualfon, these values are promoted and encouraged through concrete actions like ensuring workers are responsible for these values and continuously reaffirmed. What is especially recognizable at Qualfon is the attention given to the employees concerning a variety of values, including: human relations in the workplace, insistence on continual formation, family needs and balancing between professional and family life, the recognition of the spiritual dimension in each person, and making the option of a real spiritual life possible (according to each employee’s faith). The mere fact that all these values—which are so fundamental to our society—can be expressed and encouraged in the heart of a company without damaging the company itself (and its capacity
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to render quality products and service) is very good news for our world today! At times, we may think the modern workplace is condemned to a pitiless march toward economic goals, where individuals can—and will—be trampled on in the process. But the Qualfon experience shows that a company can excel in its goals to give the best product and, at the same time, be attentive to core human values. This fills us with much hope. May many people be touched by their witness and advance with courage and confidence in that same direction.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Alfonso Gonzalez Arocha At Qualfon, we have a dream that inflames our hearts, a dream that makes us think big and gives us the strength to overcome daily challenges. We dream of offering excellent service and growing as a company; we dream of creating more jobs so we can take excellent care of every one of the people God entrusts to us, of their families, and of the local communities where we work. We dream of contributing to building a better world. Qualfon began operations in 1995 in Mexico City. Since then it has expanded to the United States, Guyana, and the Philippines. There are currently fifteen centers throughout the world and nearly 11,000 employees. The success and growth of the company was not achieved overnight, nor has the company stayed the same throughout its twenty-year history. Like all organizations, it evolved until it was able to become what it is today: a consecrated company. The word consecrated might sound strange in a business context, but this book was written precisely to address the question, “Can a business be consecrated?� Consecrated buildings become houses
of prayer; a consecrated metal cup becomes a chalice; a consecrated person becomes an apostle. In its first years of existence, the mission of Qualfon was simply to offer excellent services to its clients. That mission evolved, however, and in addition to offering services to clients, it began to recognize that taking care of its employees, their families, and the local community also became integral parts of its mission. God called it to be a consecrated business (that is, an organization that formally accepts spirituality as a part of its daily life or, in business management terms, as part of its operations). A business is consecrated as a result of a divine call. The business doesn’t decide to consecrate itself to God; rather, God uses His divine ways to make it known that He wants that company to be consecrated to Him—to be a business with a place for spirituality. We say “spirituality” in a general sense because a consecrated business doesn’t impose a creed but rather welcomes varying spiritualities. From a religious and cultural perspective, it is pluralistic: Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Muslims, Mormons, Jews, Buddhists, agnostics, or atheists can all equally find a spiritual place in such a company, since the center of attraction and communion is what is known as the golden rule: “treat others as you would like them to treat you.” Practically speaking, what does it mean for a business to be consecrated? Above all, it is a business that is willing to be governed by the principle of love expressed by Christ in the Gospel of Matthew: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37–39). Saint Augustine would later write an excellent formulation of this principle: “Love, and do what you will.” A consecrated business is one which, responding decisively to a special call from God, seeks to transcend mere business logic by
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
living love for God and neighbor. Obediently answering this call constitutes the ultimate purpose of the company, gives a special orientation to its mission and vision, and works to transform the internal life of the organization —with very concrete procedures, policies and programs— improving the personal, family and social life of each one of its members. The principle of love creates a different kind of company: one that is not exclusively concerned with profits, but also with other intangible goods, such as providing excellent service to its clients (motivated by love); taking care of its employees (motivated by love); and taking an interest in employees’ families and in the surrounding community, (also motivated by love). Love is a distinguishing characteristic of a consecrated business, but there is also another element that makes it different: the way in which its owners and executives see themselves—as stewards. This idea has its origin in the Jewish faith and is found in the Bible. The Book of Genesis says: “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that crawl on the earth” (Genesis 1:28). This would seem to show that man is the absolute master of the world, but then Psalm 24 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and all it holds, the world and those who dwell in it. For he founded it on the seas, established it over the rivers” (Psalm 24:1–2). It would seem man is the master of the world, but God is also present throughout the whole Bible. In the end, man is but a steward. In a consecrated business, we are stewards of the resources and talents that God places in our hands. Orders are given in a spirit of service, and property is managed for the good of all. The owners and executives, aware that they are stewards, are primarily concerned with making the consecrated business fulfill its mission, which is to offer true service to its clients, to take care of its employees and their families, and at the same time, to generate return on investment.
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Very attractive opportunities have been presented to Qualfon to merge with other companies or to sell, but we haven’t accepted them. We must remain faithful to the mission that God has given us. If our only objective were to increase our earnings, we would have accepted; but we cannot devalue our mission. When the company’s owners and executives act with the awareness of being stewards and with the desire to fulfill the consecrated business’ mission, the company’s direction changes completely. It is because of this that the attitudes of the owners and executives —and those of the other employees—are also different from other companies. Being a consecrated business does not ensure commercial success or profits. We don’t seek the good of our clients and of our employees as a means to our success as a company. We try to serve others sincerely, without ulterior motives. Based on our experience at Qualfon, we would dare to say that, while it is not guaranteed that a consecrated business will be a commercial success, it is highly likely. What is certain is that when we work as a consecrated business we will be better human beings and we will enjoy internal peace and a profound feeling of fulfillment. These benefits are valued on a scale beyond economic success, which, as great as it may be, will always be external and merely material. We do not mean to say that we do not pay attention to profits; we are a business, not a nonprofit organization. Instead, we mean to say that taking care of employees and their families is just as important as making a profit. Let us return to one of the goals of a consecrated company mentioned earlier: taking care of employees. Having good intentions is not enough to make things happen. It is also necessary to implement concrete means that help to achieve a goal. In the case of Qualfon, we created the Mission Office, whose only purpose is to take care of our employees. We also have an Operations Office that is in
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
charge of taking care of clients. These two departments do not work in isolation, but rather in a combined effort. They are guided by different priorities, but united in a common purpose. It is through these two sides of the company, working together, that we have been able to obtain momentous strides in the following five areas of our call: 1. Building a culture based on values, attitudes, and behaviors, centered around the mission. 2. Emphasis on the Golden Rule and a spirituality that transforms and transcends. 3. Transformation of the leadership team into Mission Leaders 4. An organizational structure and 5 Programs to accomplish the mission. 5. The Mission Index continuously measures data to track and improve the execution of the mission. Spirituality also teaches us (or reminds us) that we are only passing through this world and that, as a consequence, everything here has relative value. What matters, then, is to transcend, to leave this world and yet stay in it in some way. A consecrated business, composed of men and women who strive each day to live in accordance with universal values, leaves in its wake the sweet fragrance of lives lived with integrity in harmony with life’s greatest ideals. We thank God for his faithfulness during these first twenty years of existence. These have been years in which we have served many people: clients, employees, and ourselves. Our experience throughout these years has done nothing but deepen our conviction that a consecrated business is a gift from God to all the members of the company, for their families and for the local communities where the company works. We could say that working in the company has become, for many, a foretaste of heaven on earth. Alfonso Gonzålez Arocha Chairman and Founder of Qualfon
UALFON IS IN THE BUSINESS of keeping businesses connected in the new world, a leader in new technologies, remote operations, communications, and business on a global scale.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
We’re living in a world of fast paced digital advancements and these new technologies are at the core of business in the 21st century. We’re entering an era that won’t just be different, but better. These new technologies are changing the way businesses do business, giving us the capability to create jobs almost anywhere on earth. This is the era Qualfon was born in and the future it’s moving towards. The multibillion-dollar Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has been growing quickly since the early 2000s as businesses looked at their operations for ways to make things more efficient. At that time, BPO was seen as a way to cut costs without giving up on the quality of internal or external processes. Since then, the industry has grown. While India was initially leading the market in number of call centers, in 2010 it was surpassed by the Philippines, which remains number one in the BPO market. Qualfon has been on the cutting edge of all trends in the BPO industry, providing services in strategic locations. Not only does Qualfon have bases of operations in the Philippines and Guyana but also in Mexico and the United States. As the way we communicate and share information has changed, Qualfon has changed, too. What began as a small BPO for internet service providers has grown into a company that reaches multiple industries through multiple channels. While many people assume BPO and call centers are the same thing, call centers are only a small part of what Qualfon does. As competition in the BPO industry grows, Qualfon has grown with it, offering more than just typical call-center services. As a fullservice BPO, Qualfon offers solutions for every phase of business. Whether that’s working to grow a client’s customer loyalty through knowledgeable customer and technical service agents; programs that build, retain, and get repeat customer sales; or communication over voice, email, social media, and other outlets, Qualfon has established itself as a BPO that really does it all.
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
Qualfon also puts an emphasis on keeping the same people behind the desk, so when a client or client’s customer calls a Qualfon representative it’s someone who knows what they’re doing and is capable of engaging the customer on the other end. Qualfon has one of the best retention rates of the industry, and that makes a difference. It means more qualified agents, more engaging agents, and better, more cost-effective client services. But Qualfon isn’t just about helping businesses do better business. It’s about being the best BPO and making people’s lives better. With a company mission rooted firmly in spirituality, Qualfon isn’t about making a quick buck. It’s about improving the lives of people. Qualfon employees have donated thousands of hours of their time to community service efforts. The Mission Office gives back to every country where Qualfon has a presence through specialized programs like the Philippines Qualfon Relief Fund, to more focused programs that help create educational opportunities for employees. Qualfon has made a presence for itself on a global scale not only through its business but through its mission programs as well.
SMALL BEGINNINGS Today Qualfon has six different centers located throughout the United States alone and has a presence in multiple countries, employing nearly 11,000 people worldwide. But it hasn’t always been this way. Qualfon started small, like many new companies, and has grown rapidly into what it is now. Qualfon attributes this growth not only to its strong mission but also to its devoted employees and management team. Without them, Qualfon wouldn’t have undergone its rapid growth and expansion. It’s hard to imagine, but that path to Qualfon started with pizza. Alfonso González Arocha and Alfonso Vera, friends from their IPADE master’s program, decided to invest in a small pizzeria. As business at the pizzeria began to pick up Alfonso decided it was necessary to put his efforts into growing the business there
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
full time and left his job at the bank. He invested not only his money but his time in the business, learning how to manage the workers and all the necessary business components to keep the pizzeria running smoothly. His wife, Maricarmen, was by his side the whole time. Even when pregnant with their first daughter she continued putting her time and energy into the pizzeria. Thinking back on that time, Maricarmen recalls, “Starting our first business was a wonderful dream. We worked a lot, even on the weekends…. We always started the day off by entrusting it to God together with the workers and deliverers.” In 1994, Alfonso and his family were invited to move to Mexico City by one of the main investors in the pizzeria. He wanted Alfonso to work for one of the first companies in Mexico City dealing with internet service providers. In just one month, Alfonso and Maricarmen and their two children had moved from Monterrey to Mexico City with lots of dreams for the new company. This company would later become Qualfon; however, 1994 was a turbulent year for Mexico, and the future of this new business venture uncertain. The frontrunner for president was assassinated, there was a guerilla uprising in the south, and the Mexican Stock Exchange began to plummet. Keeping a new business afloat was a challenge. The next year brought a big breakthrough for the future Qualfon, when it entered into a partnership with one of the largest international companies in the world. The company put Qualfon in charge of managing their internet access accounts and providing technical support through a call center. This big break allowed the company to expand even further. Many valued employees joined what would become the Qualfon family. Ezequiel Righi joined the commercial division of the company, providing support with enthusiasm and a sense of humor that would become integral to Qualfon’s culture. Dolores Torres, affectionately called Loló, joined the company a year later as Manager of Administrative Services and Purchasing, becoming the Manager of Human Resources shortly thereafter.
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
The company continued to expand but, like most companies facing growth in an emerging market, struggled to break even. 1999 was a tough year for the company and Alfonso and Maricarmen, still working side by side, reached for prayer to help sustain them and their company. During this year, things became so difficult they struggled to pay their employees’ salaries; something they’d never failed to do before. Unsure of where else to turn, Alfonso went to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe to ask Our Lady to intercede for him. Alfonso and Maricarmen were able to pay their employees’ salaries that year, something Alfonso believes could only have happened through the intercession of Our Lady. The company made it through the year and, with God’s continued blessing, things began to turn around. While some employees left during those challenging times, numerous other long term employees joined the family, including Francisco Esquivel, Juan Ramon Gutierrez, and Alejandra Romero. The company continued to grow and face new challenges in management, administration services, and accounting. The more the company continued to grow the more it had to negotiate with clients and providers. The struggle came from trying to find a balance that met both the needs of its employees and the company’s responsibilities to its clients— not an easy task. Those strong administrative skills Alfonso learned from his pizzeria began to come in handy as he worked to persevere and keep the company thriving in the years to come. By the end of 1999, the company had grown to more than 350 employees and the company as it is today began to take shape. In 2002, the company was given an opportunity to open a call center in Monterrey, which would allow it to provide services to major players in the U.S. telecommunications industry. Moving to Monterrey meant building a new site from scratch, but the opportunity was too good to pass up. Alfonso accepted the invitation and moved, with his entire family, from Mexico City to Monterrey with a team of employees willing to take on the challenge. Building the site from scratch meant finding a viable location for the call center, hiring new employees, and establishing
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all the necessary connections and infrastructures that would keep the site running smoothly. As the deadline for opening the site approached, they struggled even to get electricity running through the building. But they were able to get the facility opened on time, and business went forward as planned. Ezequiel Righi remembers what starting this site was like, “It was the first company where we had to work completely in English. It’s amazing they had confidence in such a small, young organization like ours. But having an office in Monterrey with a contract of this caliber increased our confidence.” Victor Garcia was one of the first new employees hired for the Monterrey center, and he vividly remembers its beginnings, “I began as an agent receiving phone calls. I was soon promoted and put in charge of time management. It didn’t take long before I became a supervisor, and then operations manager. Shortly after that, I was promoted to manager of the call center. I learned a lot and acquired a lot of experience.” The globalization of the company began in 2003. As it expanded into new services and locations it became necessary to register a name and establish a brand. Francisco Esquivel was placed in charge of registering a name for the group. Alfonso suggested “Qualphone” for quality phone, or phone quality, which took into account the kind of quality telecommunication service the company provided. But that name was already taken. So Francisco suggested “Qualfon” which combined the terms Alfonso suggested in a mix of English and Spanish, referencing the company’s roots. After registering the name successfully, Qualfon was official.
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
The first Qualfon office in Plaza Polanco
Qualfon seized the opportunity to open a call center in Monterrey.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Qualfon grows to 357 employees in 1999.
E A R LY U N D E R S TA N D I N G OF THE MISSION While the company now had a name, Qualfon still struggled to build its identity, company culture, and mission. The company continued to experience the kinds of struggles and pressures typical of a start-up in an emerging market, and some employees left because it looked as though the company wouldn’t survive. But Qualfon did continue to grow, learning from each challenge and becoming more established with each passing year. However, even as the company was succeeding in the business world, it didn’t always look like that from the inside. Alejandra Romero, who worked for Qualfon from 1998 to 2015, shares some of the specific challenges the organization faced. “At the beginning, we didn’t have offices. When it rained, we could clearly hear the sound of each drop,” she said. “When I had to call the United States, I went to my private space, which was under my desk, in order to talk, because it was the quietest place.” Gustavo Briceno, acting Director of Audio Conference Services, has similar memories of the early days of the company, “When Ale
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
Romero arrived, we had planks of wood, not seats or desks like we have now. For this reason, every time someone throws a chair away today, I feel bad. A lot of time and effort has been put into everything we see here today.” Qualfon continued, and continues today, putting time and effort into establishing itself as a strong business with spirituality at its core. Alfonso knew Qualfon wasn’t like any other company, but he wasn’t sure how to take that feeling and translate it into Qualfon’s mission and identity. Alfonso knew the company had only gotten to where it was because its people kept their faith at the center of their work, and that spirituality had to continue to play a central role in the organization as it moved forward. The question was how that spirituality could manifest itself externally. Alfonso knew God was calling him to lead Qualfon as a consecrated company, a company that was driven not just by fulfilling business needs but by a mission greater than individual success. His own inspiration and strong spirituality came from his background as a Catholic, but Qualfon was made up of people from a variety of faiths and cultures, each bringing their own unique spirituality to the whole. This diversity was an essential characteristic of Qualfon. The company was built on the individual and diverse strengths, personalities, and beliefs of each employee. Alfonso knew he had to find a way for Qualfon to live as a consecrated company that embraced all these individual beliefs while still giving back to the community. In his personal spiritual life, Alfonso took this question into prayer, and it was through prayer he was quietly inspired to shift Qualfon’s focus to the importance of giving back as an organization. He had been participating in Regnum Christi, an international Catholic movement that emphasized members should seek to serve society through knowing, living, and preaching the commandment of love. He wanted to see Qualfon go out into the community with love and do good with what it had been given. Caring for others and improving lives was a mission that coincided with the beliefs and
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identities of everyone in the Qualfon family. But figuring out how to make that vision a reality was tough. Alfonso remembers, “On one hand, the company was still struggling, but on the other hand, we felt that we should transcend these issues and begin helping others. But how? With money? We didn’t have any. But we did have infrastructure and talent. So we began helping different organizations. The first organization we helped was Águilas Guadalupanas, an association of young people who make a promise to Our Lady of Guadalupe to radically distance themselves from vice. The promise is made for two years and can be renewed. At that time, we had web designers, and the Águilas Guadalupanas were trying to create their logo. They had hired different designers, but nothing had materialized. One of the Qualfon employees said, “Look. I’ll make a logo.” They were delighted, and that logo is the one still used by the Águilas Guadalupanas. We also helped Fundación Teletón (rehabilitation centers for persons with special needs) with setting up the first proceeds it would obtain by phone. After torrential rains in Tabasco, we helped an organization called Unidos por México collect funds by phone. We offered this service free of charge; they needed telephone lines, and we had them.” As Alfonso worked to make Qualfon a company that looked towards what it could give back, Catholic priest Fr. Eloy Bedia, LC accompanied Alfonso on this path of transformation and eventually became Qualfon’s general chaplain, celebrating Masses for the company. Qualfon also began to visibly show that God had a central role in the company’s mission through the presence of the crucifix, the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the image of St. Michael the Archangel. While these images reflected the rich traditions of Alfonso’s Catholic faith, the organization itself was not exclusively Catholic. Qualfon also continued to nurture each
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
individual employee, helping people find their place within the company and encouraging them to bring their unique backgrounds, beliefs, and spirituality to the company mission. To promote this unity, Qualfon’s centers set up interfaith chapels and continued to encourage employees to see how they could all work together to reflect love and enrich lives both in the company and the communities it served. Qualfon’s call is far from complete, even today. The company’s mission continues to change and grow, and Qualfon makes sure every employee knows the value they bring to its fulfillment, “First you have to communicate the mission; if only the owner or executives are aware of the mission, it will never become a reality. If the mission belongs to everyone, then everyone must be involved in it together. It has to be communicated effectively in order for everyone to understand it and be involved. We must communicate the organization’s mission and purpose, showing its universal relevance so everyone can be united around it.”
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Center Partners Integration, United States, May, 2014 Mexico City, Mexico June, 1995
Dumaguete, Philippines May, 2010
Guyana, South America November, 2005
Manila, Philippines December, 2014
Costa Rica, Central America, 2003
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Argentina, South America, 2004 Monterrey, Mexico November, 2002
DCG Acquisition, United States March, 2013 Cebu, Philippines May, 2006
Harlingen, Texas November, 2013
MEXICO QUALFON WAS BUILT IN MEXICO City and the centers there continue to be the heart of the company. With more than 400 employees in Mexico City, they continue to share in the hopes and aspirations of the company as a whole and bring creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit that drives the company forward. In addition to driving the business side of the company, the employees in Mexico City continue to live the mission as well, participating in countless outreach programs to benefit communities throughout the country.
C O S TA R I C A THE FIRST CENTER QUALFON OPENED outside of Mexico was located in Costa Rica. Starting this branch proved to be an even bigger challenge than expected as it was the first time the Qualfon team had ever tried to start a business outside of its home country. The center thrived for ten years after it opened, but in 2013 the center was forced to close. As with any company in a market that changes as rapidly as the technology market does, Qualfon was forced to expand into new areas as clients moved
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
away from the original area. However, Qualfon continued to keep its family close, holding a breakfast ceremony to acknowledge the achievements of all the agents at the Costa Rica center as well as helping employees look for new jobs and providing supplemental income support to employees who took longer to find new positions.
ARGENTINA IN ADDITION TO THE COSTA Rica location, Qualfon opened another center in South America in 2004, this time in Argentina. When considering where its next center should be, Qualfon looked at where the jobs would do the most good. At the time, Argentina was facing difficult economic times, affecting people at every level. Ezequiel Righi, Argentinian by birth, spread the word in his home country that Qualfon would be opening a center there. At first, no one believed him, but as more Qualfon executives began coming to Argentina to scope out what was needed for the new center, residents began to believe the good news.
G U YA N A THE THIRD SOUTH AMERICAN LOCATION began in 2005 in Guyana with Qualfon taking over the site of another BPO company that had been forced to vacate after massive flood damage destroyed its offices. It took a lot of effort to get things back into working order, but today the Qualfon center employs more than 1,700 workers at two different sites, with a recently opened campus that will raise the number of employees to more than 4,000. Guyana is a diverse country, and Qualfon employed a diverse group of Hindus, Muslims, Catholics, and other Christian denominations. While each group had their differences, Qualfon gave them common ground. Qualfon put into practice the quote from Mother Teresa, “There is only one God and he is God to all; therefore it is important that everyone is seen as equal before God. I’ve always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic. We believe our work should be our example to people.”
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Victor Garcia thinks back to those first few days trying to start up the Qualfon center, the first he had ever coordinated, “You could say that Guyana was the first project in which I felt as though God had something specific he wanted from Qualfon because in spite of all the limitations and restrictions, everything proceeded forward on time and the clients were satisfied.” Some of these restrictions included an aluminum shortage, which meant they were unable to set up the call center stations as they normally would have. Instead of getting discouraged, the Qualfon Guyana team looked for other options, hiring someone to design a work station that could be made with wood and other more accessible materials in the area. Luanna Persaud, one of the first employees Qualfon hired in Guyana, had also worked for the first BPO company in Guyana and brought a unique perspective to Qualfon’s struggles: “Qualfon showed faith and courage when they invested in the property and had it ready by November of the same year. It took a lot of determination and faith in a small project that had a big heart. The connectivity and electrical stability weren’t good in the country at the time. There were many outages in the connectivity, and this had a big impact on the operations because they would stop working. In these moments, Qualfon could have said, ‘This isn’t a good location for a site’ and justified closing down and returning to their own country. But instead, they demonstrated courage and determination.” Alejandra Romero, who took over from Victor Garcia when he was called to visit Cebu, Philippines, to lay the groundwork for another center, also remembers being impressed by the site in Guyana, “It was incredible to witness this first group of supervisors, their attitude, their desire to learn, their professionalism, and their communication skills.” Victor Garcia, there for the most turbulent times of Qualfon Guyana, looks at the centers now, saying, “When you return to the centers that you helped open a year or two later, you can say to
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
yourself: ‘All Qualfon has done was worth it—it has generated a change in the economy, the culture, and the community.’ You can see it–it’s palpable. It’s something that makes you go back in time and say, ‘Everything we did was worth all the effort it took.’ You can see it in Guyana, in Cebu, in Dumaguete (Philippines).” Beyond just its success in business, the Qualfon center and Guyanan employees have played key roles in helping Qualfon establish and strengthen its mission by implementing aid programs, opportunities for continuing education, and programs for personal advancement. Qualfon also makes sure that it looks after its employees. Qualfon provides an extensive employee-training program that ensures employees are not only exposed to international work standards but well-versed in them, which enhances the professionalism of the Guyana center. In 2014, Qualfon began offering a Leadership Academy Program and the first class of sixty-three supervisors graduated as new leaders of the industry. Qualfon also values continuing education. Nearly one-fifth of its work force attends tertiary learning institutions. Qualfon ensures that the center organizes work schedules around employees’ class schedules so students avoid missing class. Every year, Qualfon continues to highlight social responsibilities in its strategic plan. Guyanan employees are given a monthly subsidy to purchase milk for their children, a subsidy Qualfon has also offered to various orphanages in the area. Qualfon has also helped Guyana on a larger scale, contributing significantly to the country’s economic growth and helping with the Millennium Development Goals to reduce unemployment rates. In addition to providing jobs, Qualfon organizes and pays for a monthly program for the homeless, feeding hundreds of those who may otherwise go without food. Employees have also helped their community by painting pedestrian crossing and safe road signs. Qualfon continues to be committed to growing Guyana’s economy through new infrastructure and innovation like the recently
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inaugurated campus. Additionally, Qualfon makes sure all of its employees benefit from monthly private insurance coverage, training, and continuing education. Qualfon also continues to be hands on in the community, partnering with Habitat for Humanity to build houses for those in need and creating programs for orphanages such as the Reading Rainbow program and creation of the St. John Bosco Boys Orphanage computer lab.
PHILIPPINES In addition to its centers in South America, Qualfon has also built a presence elsewhere. It is currently one of the largest BPO organizations in Dumaguete, Philippines, where its center employs nearly 3,000 people. Its center in Cebu employs even more, over 3,500. Qualfon recently built a third base near Manila to keep up with the rising demand for Qualfon services. In fact, since Qualfon has been in the community, unemployment rates have dropped from almost 12 percent to under 6 percent and Qualfon is the second largest employer in the Dumaguete area. Qualfon has employed a total of 9,600 people over the past five years. This consists of 7.68 percent of the total population as of 2015. Aside from job opportunities, Qualfon has also gained ground through tax contributions from its employees. As of 2014, Qualfon captured 31.15 percent of the total BIR revenue collection across the province. This will continue to increase by 2015 as Qualfon has been categorized as a large taxpayer. In the beginning, these results weren’t easy to see and Victor Garcia recalls all the doubts and challenges that came with opening the new center, “And the questions began: Is this good? Should I do this? Do the people I’m contacting know what they’re doing? Are they capable? And above all, can I trust these people that I don’t know? Knowing that you have people you can trust is essential. It was 2006 and I was twenty-seven years old when I went. I firmly believed God had a purpose for the organization, and that is what kept me going. I have always said that God put the people that needed to be there in Qualfon’s path. What is the difference
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
between the three different lawyers I met, or the three accounting firms? How do I know which to choose? I believe God has always been there to help me discern who I should work with.” As in its other locations, Qualfon remains committed to its employees and puts their needs first. In the Philippines, Qualfon pays 100 percent of employees’ HMO (Intelicare) costs, which covers hospitalization, eye, dental, and medical insurance. Additionally, Qualfon pays 70 percent shares of Social Security System, which covers sickness, maternity, and disability reimbursement as well as death coverage, and 50 percent of Philhealth, which covers a percentage of both public and private hospital expenses. Qualfon continues to be active in the community, starting an Adopt-a-School program in Dumaguete in 2013 in which Qualfon supported three public elementary schools and over 5,000 students. This help took the form of school beautification, classroom repairs and painting, tutoring in English and math, nutrition-awareness programs, back-to-school kits, and a green drive. These programs affected more than 22 percent of the entire elementary public school population in Dumaguete. Qualfon volunteers also engage in various cleanup drives in coastal areas around Dumaguete City, cleaning areas like Silliman Beach, Banica River, and different baranggays. Qualfon employees also practice the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle and partner with schools to teach sustainability and recycling. Qualfon also supports three orphanages in Dumaguete along with a shelter for women and children by providing learning sessions, volunteer visits, and donations. It works with the elderly in the community to provide exercise and learning seminars like nutrition awareness. Additionally, Qualfon has participated in other community events such as the government sponsored Buglasan Festival, Nutrition Month, Labor and Employment Programs, and Department of Education K-12 awareness. Qualfon has also made donations of needed supplies to the Talay Mental Institution, makes frequent
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hospital visits, and provides language-enhancement training. While these centers have done much to help serve Qualfon’s clients, Qualfon has also benefited greatly from the commitment and enthusiasm of its Filipino employees. Like the rest of Qualfon’s employees, those located in the Philippines have taken to their work with creativity, warmth, and a dedication to serving others that not only builds Qualfon’s business but enriches its mission of improving lives.
U N I T E D S TAT E S In March 2013, Qualfon acquired a North American BPO that offered back office services called Data Control Group, now Qualfon Data Services Group. Qualfon continued to grow in the United States with the May 2014 acquisition of Center Partners, a U.S.-based contact center that had spent years building a reputation for high performance sales programs in communications, financial services, technology, and retail. Center Partners had six contact centers across Idaho, Washington, and Colorado employing about 2,500 people. Qualfon had been trying to acquire Center Partners for more than a year before the organization expressed an interest in 2013. Marco Villarreal, Qualfon’s Chief Financial Officer, spearheaded the negotiation process. There were months of intense negotiations over the terms of the agreement and the purchase price. Prior to sealing the deal, Villarreal insisted that CP allow Qualfon to meet with its clients. Qualfon wanted to establish a relationship with these clients as they moved forward to explain what was happening and to begin to build trust. Once this was done, all that remained was closing the deal. While this took longer than expected, everything eventually went through and Qualfon acquired the entire company. Mike Marrow, Qualfon CEO, looks back at this integration as a major success, “We found an outstanding business in Center Partners that shares the same people oriented approach and is a perfect fit to both diversify our client base and enable us to have an experienced United States delivery operation offering premier services to clients.”
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
The acquisition of Central Partners by Qualfon was very strategic for both businesses. Qualfon established a presence in the U.S. that enhanced its global identity and benefited from CP’s strong clientele. CP, on the other hand, had been limited to its locations in the U.S. By becoming part of Qualfon, CP became connected with offshore sites as well, expanding its potential for growth. In addition, CP employees greatly appreciated Qualfon’s commitment and interest in people. As Country Manager, Andy Reynolds discusses: “As a result of these conversations, the employees realized that Qualfon was a unique company because the team and organization had a new vision and a genuine, profound interest in the employees. For the past ten years, everyone was saying that they were focused on the workers. But were they really? To a certain point, yes— they did what they could. But when there was a tough decision, in general, they chose in favor of the company or in favor of the client, not in favor of the employees. “And so, I believe that the integration with Qualfon is going well, and everyone is very optimistic. The mission has been very clear from the beginning, and I am very happy to have this great opportunity to revamp ourselves.” Andy wants to expand the company further in the U.S. over the next ten years, but above all hopes the organization continues to leave a positive footprint and make a real difference in the communities it becomes a part of. Graham Johnson, Site Director, and Guy Bacon, Procurement Specialist, both agree that the CP merger with Qualfon was a positive experience. With Qualfon’s focus on investing in employees and caring about people, it’s a partnership that not only makes business sense but also touches the lives of employees and transforms communities.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Summit 2015
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
With all this North American growth, Qualfon expanded into a new contact center located in Harlingen, Texas, which provides services in both English and Spanish. Qualfon employs over 2,500 people in the United States across six different centers located in Washington, northern Idaho, Colorado, Texas, and Kentucky.
QUA L F ON ’ S U N IQU E BU SI N E S S MODEL: THE POWER OF A PERSON-ORIENTED ORGANIZ ATION Work and sacrifice give rise to so many results within each person, team, and community. These outcomes confirm that we are on a never-ending path of transformation. It’s no surprise that Qualfon has experienced impressive and consistent growth. We believe this is due to both its efforts to be faithful to its mission and calling (which give a transcendent and worthwhile meaning to its existence), and to successful, competitive business practices. The organization implements actionable practices based on the Six Sigma techniques and tools for process improvement. Qualfon participates in the certifications and audits for a BPO of its size and nature and has reached PCI Security Standards and Quality Certifications. It has developed a robust infrastructure that is successfully meeting its own needs as an organization, the needs of its clients, and the needs of its mission work and programs. Qualfon has strategically located Global Delivery Centers onshore, near-shore and offshore. The organization has also established a strong financial position poised for ongoing growth as a privately held, debt-free organization with a compound annual growth rate of 38 percent. It maintains significant cash reserves that provide potential for further growth. Nevertheless, Qualfon never sacrifices quality for profit. Instead, it maximizes the value of its services. It uses the value equation
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(VALUE = QUALITY/PRICE), and strives to always maintain the highest possible value outcome by increasing quality while decreasing cost. As John Yanez, Chief Operating Officer, explains: “We all know that companies are trying to do more with less. Everyone is trying to build deeper customer loyalty and develop relationships with fewer dollars, and quite frankly, that’s not easy. When you look at the old tactics—throwing money around with the hope to improve quality or outsourcing for labor arbitrage to reduce costs—they have really negative consequences. When you look at some of the new solutions, they don’t directly impact value. I believe companies have already driven efficiency into automation and whatever additional optimization may exist; it won’t truly fuel the types of cost savings they’re looking for. “For us, employee retention and engagement are the number one drivers of value for both our employees and customers. It’s the only solution that we have seen create a confidence with an exponential effect on the traditional value equation—quality and price. The few companies who actually address attrition and retention (rather than merely accepting it) are the companies that become industry leaders and achieve the greatest value in delivery and sustainable competitive dispatch to their clients. “So quality increases because highly tenured, engaged employees are providing good quality customer experience. Thus, prices become lower since higher employee-retention rates reduce hiring and training costs. Overall value, in my opinion, increases by emphasizing more value in driving customer loyalties. “The BPO industry is a people system, so it’s no surprise that the largest costs are people related. Wages, health care, other benefits, recruiting and training, management, when put together, account for about 75 percent of the total cost of doing business. Therefore it’s easy to understand when we speak about how employee retention is directly connected to overall operational costs.
Called to Think Big: Qualfon’s Presence in the World and its Impact
“We’ve discovered through our experience in the industry, and through my interviews, that the average tenure of contact center agents is only about ten months. We believe this can significantly be improved by many BPO companies and double the industry average to nearly twenty months, even in the competitive outsourcing market. Utilizing data from industry surveys, losing someone after ten months means your replacement cost is about 18 percent of the total agent cost. You can see that if you double your average tenure to twenty months, your replacement cost is only 9 percent. Simply put, if you double your tenures, you can cut your replacement costs by 50 percent because you are replacing agents half as often, and this translates into a benefit for clients. How does tenure correlate with quality of agent performance? Retention and tenure not only have an effect on price, as we just discussed, they also impact the quality side of the value equation.” Employee retention, therefore, directly impacts value, quality and price. The longer an employee remains with the organization, the more likely he or she is to perform well and make significant contributions. Fostering employee retention is a challenge all companies face. If an organization makes a positive impact on its employees and helps improve their lives, it’s more likely that their employees will develop a stronger sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization and stay with the company for a longer period of time. Basically, Qualfon invests in its employees. As a result, its employees are satisfied and tend to remain with the organization longer.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
On May 7, 2014, Qualfon acquired and integrated Center Partners.
Harlingen, Texas, is the ideal location for our newest world-class facility.
LFONSO GONZÁLEZ AROCHA WAS BORN in 1965, in Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, a small town in a desert region of northern Mexico with approximately 8,000 inhabitants. He is the third of five brothers.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
The González Arocha family comes from a culture deeply rooted in the Catholic Church. These close ties to Catholic values and traditions have had a strong influence on Alfonso’s life, both as an individual and as a business leader, and have played a large role throughout the history of Qualfon in many ways. For example, as Alfonso—together with the members of the organization— gradually came to understand and recognize Qualfon’s call and mission, they realized that it should not limit itself as an exclusively Catholic company and that the goal and mission of the company should be to open itself up and welcome people of all different beliefs and spiritualities. As much as the Catholic Church has done to help form and shape Qualfon, it has had just as big an impact on Alfonso. His own personal experience of Catholicism not only helped him develop his personal spirituality and increase his awareness of God’s presence, but it has developed in him a personal commitment to advancing human development, which has become a big part of Qualfon’s identity. Alfonso’s faith stemmed largely from his mother, the family’s spiritual leader. She taught her children to dream and to pursue their ambitions, both through personal effort and trust in God. At the same time, his father was also very supportive of the family’s faith, as Alfonso’s brother Carlos, explains: “Our parents were made for each other. My father was docile and flexible, and my mother was a visionary. This combination helped them both move forward and instill a deep faith in us kids.” Growing up, Alfonso began to foster a personal relationship with God, seeing him as an active presence in his life, from being an altar boy to helping the local church. He regularly attended Mass and volunteered, which strengthened his awareness of God’s presence and his desire to hear and respond to God’s call. Alfonso loved being altar boy. The local priest, Fr. Charles Zeyen, made a
Qualfon Emerging From a Life of Simplicity And Values
strong impression on Alfonso and his brothers, guiding them and setting a good example for Alfonso and his brothers throughout their childhood. Two of Alfonso’s brothers helped to emphasize the impression that Fr. Charles made upon them (particularly on Alfonso). One brother, Mario, claims that it was Fr. Zeyen who succeeded in shaking some sense into the siblings. Another brother, Luis, further discusses the direct impact Fr. Zeyen had on Alfonso—and ultimately, Qualfon—saying, “He gave us an example of righteousness, love of neighbor, fortitude, and love of the Eucharist. And because of his German roots, he taught us how to be on time and how to grow in other virtues. He helped us a lot in life. Alfonso in particular latched on to these principles both in his personal family life and in his business.” To this day, Alfonso has never stopped participating in his parish and helping the local Church in one way or another. And Qualfon inherited his solicitude, maintaining relationships with local parishes and other organizations that support community development.
A MOTHER’S GENEROSIT Y Gilberto recalls the influence of Alfonso’s mother, saying she was always generous, but her generosity particularly stood out in difficult times when their family struggled with financial hardship. One event that sticks out to Alfonso in particular is when Alfonso’s Aunt Rosa gave his mother some money to help her out. Shortly afterwards, while Rosa was still visiting, a woman with a sick child came asking for help. Alfonso’s mother gave her the money without hesitation. After the woman left, she told her sister not to worry, God would provide for their family. Sure enough, a local shareholder arrived a short while later with a sum of money he owed Alfonso’s father for cattle he had purchased from the González Arocha’s ranch a few years before.
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This is just one of many instances in which Alfonso’s mother taught her family how to be generous and put the needs of others before their own. That same ideals of respect, kindness, and reliance on God’s providence that Alfonso learned from his mother’s example are now reflected in Qualfon’s organizational culture. The company relies on God’s help and guidance, while emphasizing the importance of treating every individual with dignity and generosity, even when it requires sacrifice.
I M P ORTA NC E OF E DU C AT ION Alfonso and his siblings attended the local public school. It was a diverse environment, with kids from different cultures attending school together. It didn’t matter if they were kids of the janitor or the city mayor, Alfonso and his brothers learned how to make friends with everyone regardless of social differences. Although he didn’t realize it at the time, Alfonso would later apply what he learned throughout his own educational experience to Qualfon. As an organization in the BPO industry, Qualfon has always existed in a very competitive environment. Alfonso’s own education had given him a strong drive and the perseverance to keep striving to be one step ahead of his competition. Following the example of his older siblings who were always first in their class, Alfonso always competed and tried to bring out the best in himself with the help of God’s guiding hand. He competed in soccer, volleyball, academics, and chess. Alfonso vividly remembers a statewide chess tournament he participated in when he was ten years old. He made it to the final round and had to face a very bright opponent. As Alfonso recounts: “The chances of winning were minimal. My school principal, the municipal president of Cuatro Cienegas, my parents, aunts, and uncles all accompanied me to the final competition.
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I felt a lot of pressure because they were all so enthusiastic and had so much faith in me. I prayed, telling God about how much they hoped in me, and asked him to help. And he did; far beyond my imagination. I won the game and went on to participate in the national tournament.” This seemingly insignificant anecdote displays an important value that Alfonso would later integrate into Qualfon: a sense of responsibility and commitment to community. Alfonso’s desire to win on this occasion did not come from selfishness but from his awareness of those who were looking to him to succeed. Family and friends had accompanied him and had certain expectations regarding his performance and he didn’t want to let them down. At the time, it was a chess game. But that sense of responsibility and commitment to doing his best would continue throughout his personal life and later on into his professional life when he founded Qualfon and began using the organization as a catalyst of transformation and support for local communities. Besides awakening Alfonso’s sense of community responsibility, this childhood experience taught Alfonso he could do the seemingly impossible if he asked God. This was yet another lesson he would carry over into his business life when he sought God’s help with Qualfon and strove to hear God’s call for the organization. As Alfonso and his siblings got older, his parents were determined to provide them with a superior secondary and post-secondary education. They wanted their children to attend the best universities in Mexico, so they began making significant sacrifices to provide their children with the opportunity to obtain a top-notch education. Alfonso left Cuatro Ciénegas for high school and college in Monterrey. He attended one of the best universities in Mexico and Latin America: Tec de Monterrey. At this point, Alfonso’s parents owned a ranch and cattle. This placed them in the upper middle class of their hometown but didn’t produce enough money to
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cover the costs of sending their children to Tec de Monterrey. To compensate, Alfonso’s mother began selling baked goods and his father sold cattle to be able to afford tuition. When it was Alfonso’s turn to apply for undergraduate studies at Tec de Monterrey, he needed to apply for a full scholarship in order to continue. The scholarship wasn’t granted as quickly as Alfonso expected, but halfway through his first year, he finally received a 90 percent scholarship. This helped greatly, but he still needed more money. So he took a part-time job as a computer teacher to help cover the 10 percent of his tuition not included in his scholarship. Alfonso’s parents ultimately sold their ranch to continue paying for their children’s education. (Thirty years later, Alfonso and his siblings purchased the ranch back and returned it to their father. They would always gratefully remember the extents to which their parents went to pay for their education.) Alfonso learned from his parents that when something is worthwhile, it’s worth sacrificing for. Qualfon became one such thing in his life. Alfonso and others within the organization have often needed to sacrifice time, money, plans, and personal gain to prioritize what they believed was best for the company. It’s moments like these that Alfonso, other executives, and other employees could have easily said no to or given up or settled for something less. But Alfonso had been raised to understand the importance and value of sacrifice and transmitted this throughout the organization. In addition to receiving a formal education and learning the value of sacrifice, Alfonso’s time at Tec de Monterrey helped him develop administrative skills that would later aid him in maintaining financial stability within Qualfon. While studying in Monterrey, he rented a house with his brothers, Luis Gilberto, Carlos, Mario, and Gilberto, and three other housemates. They all contributed toward rent, food, and utilities. Alfonso didn’t have spare cash for food if the allotted cash was depleted before the end of the month, so he’d resort to eating stale bread that had been in the
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refrigerator for several days. After a time, he asked his housemates to let him administer the funds; they agreed. As administrator, Alfonso always managed to make the funds stretch until the end of the month. He would later use these skills as a business manager and as founder of Qualfon. Alfonso graduated with his degree in engineering in May 1986 and began working as an investment consultant in a brokerage firm. He learned a great deal about business while working there, especially when he witnessed the 1987 “Black Monday” crash, beginning with the fall of the stock exchange in Hong Kong. In light of this, Alfonso realized he needed further financial training to be better prepared in business management. He moved to Mexico City to obtain his master’s degree at the IPADE, a prestigious business school. He stayed in a student residence of the Catholic Lay Organization Opus Dei for the duration of his studies there. Summarizing his experience from these two years, Alfonso says: “I decided to live in an Opus Dei residence during those two years because I wanted to have a special closeness to God and be in a Christian, family-like environment. Getting approved for the Opus Dei residence was more difficult than being accepted by the IPADE. But it was worth it; I was very happy during those years in the residence and made many good friends. The IPADE master’s program gave me a solid understanding of effective business management; it was there that I received the inspiration to become an entrepreneur.” The importance that both Alfonso and his parents placed on education throughout his life would later be reflected in Qualfon’s commitment and dedication to investing in the training and education of its personnel and in the creation of Qualfon University, which will be discussed later on.
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T H E FA M I LY B E H I N D QUA L F ON Alfonso’s family has been right there with Alfonso, involved in carrying out the organization’s mission and supporting him every step of the way, since the beginning. Alfonso has included his spouse in the entire process of founding and running the company because he strongly believes that the entire family should participate in hearing and implementing the organization’s call. Maricarmen, Alfonso’s wife, has been supportive from the beginning and has played a key role in the development of Qualfon’s identity and mission. Maricarmen, like Alfonso, came from a devoted Catholic family. Her parents taught their family to love God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and serve others. Both of her parents had a strong faith; their example inspired two of Maricarmen’s sisters to become consecrated women. Alfonso dated Maricarmen for seven years before asking her to marry him. With a year left in his master’s program, he sold his car to buy an engagement ring. She vividly remembers the moment: “Alfonso surprised me with the question, ‘Will you marry me?’ I was so happy! He gave me an extremely beautiful and significant ring in such a special, humble way. It was perfect for us. We held each other and cried; we were so excited! We gave thanks to God and the Virgin Mary for that great moment.” Alfonso finished his studies and began working at a bank shortly before marrying Maricarmen. There, he continued to develop administrative skills and managed their resources and expenses carefully and frugally. Maricarmen changed her plans and sacrificed a scholarship to Harvard University in order to stay close to Alfonso. She did still continue her own studies, graduating with a degree in educational science. Years later, Maricarmen is still convinced that she made the right choice: “If I could live life a second time, I would marry Alfonso again. I am very happy and
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fulfilled. I am proud to be his wife and mother of our six children. My studies helped a lot in raising our children” she said. Alfonso has always maintained a good balance between his work and family life. Maricarmen once spoke of it to businessmen attending a conference in Antigua, Guatemala, organized by the non-profit His Way at Work about the role of family, the importance of fostering family support and involvement, and keeping a healthy balance: “The family is there in the background, providing continuous support. Even though I’m here today, I don’t go to work with Alfonso or to company meetings. But we communicate with each other thoroughly. I have had to help in some important moments, such as when Alfonso had to decide whether to stay focused on one job or to venture out and diversify. Qualfon was still in the early stages of its existence and switching tracks might have turned out more profitable, but we decided against it because it would offset our priorities and the balance in our family life. Alfonso was already completely wearing himself out between the needs of Qualfon and the needs of our family. Changing his business focus at that time could have risked his role as husband and father, which is the first mission God has given him. I didn’t believe this was part of what we were called to do. It’s important for the family to be present and involved at all times.” “When something happens with Qualfon, it affects our entire family,” she continued. “For example, when a typhoon in the Philippines left many families without a home, our family became personally involved as part of the broader Qualfon family. We wanted to help each person affected by the typhoon, but we had to find an effective way to help without causing more problems. We organized a video conference to support people and help them find homes. Qualfon’s mission is precious, and thanks to all the people involved in the company, it has impacted everyone in the organization. We all work very hard to complete it.
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“It’s also important to mention that the mission Alfonso and I had as a family preceded Qualfon’s existence and mission. One day, when we already had two children, we decided to prepare ourselves for our family mission. We enrolled in a university course to increase our understanding of what it would involve. We read literature addressing how to develop a mission as a family. We wrote down our ideas and, in the end, developed our GonzálezFernández family mission statement. It took time, but it was worth it. This mission statement has been the guiding principle of our actions and decision-making as a family. “It’s very important to maintain this strong sense of mission and for all of us to see it and follow it. There are, of course, ups and downs, times to congratulate each other and times to demand more of each other in different ways. So just as we have moments of renewal in which we develop new programs within the organization, we also need to have moments of renewal in our marriage and family. “We need to define specific points that we want to come together on and work on as spouses and with each of our kids. We plan different activities to participate in together that will help us grow as a family and as individuals. Social work is part of our mission, so each of our children do something age appropriate that responds to the needs of others. There are also activities we do as a family, like missions, which help a lot. A mission is service work evangelizing to people in poor areas, in this case Mexico, and serving together as a family really is the best ministry. As St. John Paul II says in his Letter to Families: ‘How indispensable is the witness of all families who live their vocation day by day.’” ***** Alfonso inspired Peter Freissle, President and Founder of His Way at Work. His Way at Work is a non-profit dedicated to helping business leaders create a faith driven, people first culture in the workplace. It is Alfonso’s ability to maintain a balance between his personal life and work life Freissle was most impressed by,
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“He is a balanced person. He maintains a balance between work, God, and family. I really appreciate the relationship Alfonso has with Maricarmen and the way he involves her in all parts of his life, including his business life. His example sends a clear message to other executives: your relationship with your spouse is very important. Your relationship with God is first, then your relationship with your spouse and your children, and then your company. Keeping these priorities in their rightful order is very important.” The González-Fernández children have also participated in Qualfon and its call in one way or another. Alfonso’s oldest daughter, Maricarmen, shares her experience: “As a daughter, I have always greatly admired our family traditions. We have God in the center, and we know that nothing is ours. Qualfon and everything we have are great blessings. For as long as I can remember, my father has always referred to his company as a consecrated company where God is the CEO; my father and our family are his instruments. I always wondered whether the company’s team of employees saw and carried out the spiritual and transcendent dimension of the company the way my father did. Then, one day when I was twelve years old, my father invited me to participate in a casual meeting with Qualfon’s executive team. I was impressed by how everyone was aware of the supernatural dimension of the organization. They said a prayer beforehand. During the meeting, they repeated that Qualfon’s mission was more than material gain. I listened to them planning short, medium, and long term goals the way any company would, but there was a big difference: all of the executive team members wanted the organization to expand and function more effectively—not for profit, but in order to help more people. As years passed by, my father invited me to more board meetings; different members of the Church were also invited to these meetings. On one such occasion, the Archbishop of Laredo was there and the board presented the organization’s mission to him.
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“For me, Qualfon is both a company and a family. We are in search of something more transcendent than monetary profit. Everyone has a clear focus on improving themselves as individuals and as an organization not for personal gain, but to help more men and women fulfill God’s mission for each of them.” Even Alfonso’s nine-year-old daughter, Ana Sofía, has grasped the essence of the mission in her own way, pointing out to Alfonso that she has a devotion to St. Michael the Archangel just like her father and Qualfon. Alfonso and Maricarmen have taken all six of their children (Maricarmen, Alfonso, Juan Pablo, José Andrés, Ana Sofía, and Francisco) to the Qualfon offices to reflect on the mission God has given them as a family. This has made a positive impact and permanent impression on them. The children have also participated in different company activities; they greatly appreciate Qualfon’s identity as a company that places God at its center and strives to carry out its mission. Alfonso’s son José Andrés emphasizes the importance of the organization’s mission when speaking about his own experience of Qualfon. “Personally, I have learned that God really does have an individual vocation for everyone. For my family and for Qualfon, the vocation has always been helping as many people as possible through different ministries. We have participated in missions, organized family-friendly events, done sports tournaments, gone on spiritual retreats, and more, all with the goal of educating people and fulfilling what I believe God is asking of me. I am pleased of all Qualfon does to respond to the call God has entrusted to it, and that it can help thousands of people both inside and outside of the company.”
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As for Juan Pablo, he says: “In the news, you normally hear about companies that made big acquisitions or about how much money they made in the past quarter. Nowadays, it is normal to talk about the success of a company in monetary terms. But, when I visit a Qualfon center or when I hear my parents or other employees talk about the company, they do not measure Qualfon’s success in terms of its large acquisitions or the performance of the sales department. They talk about Qualfon’s positive impact on its employees, their families, and the communities near its centers. This is what most impresses me about Qualfon. Its mission goes beyond the goals most companies pursue. Qualfon not only cares about being the best company in terms of business (be the best BPO), but also it shows how important its people are and the positive impact the company has on society (make people’s lives better). As part of this family, I can only hope to collaborate with Qualfon as it grows and changes the lives of more people every day.” In January 2015, Alfonso and his family visited the recently opened site in Harlingen, Texas. The whole family had the opportunity to observe the excellent work of many employees. They also had the opportunity to visit the training rooms and speak with the Site Director and his team. During this visit, Alfonso asked Francisco, his seven-year-old son, if he would like to work for Qualfon one day. Francisco, who was very impressed with the work he had seen the employees doing, replied: “It is a very difficult job, but if you help me with it, of course I would like to.”
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From left: Carlos, Alfonso, Mario (in front of Alfonso), Marielena Arocha+ (Alfonso ́s mom), Luis González (Alfonso ́s dad), Gilberto, Luis and his wife, Dora María.
From back left: Juan Pablo, Maricarmen, Alfonso, Maricarmen, Alfonso, and José Andrés; in front: Francisco and Ana Sofía.
UR CALL TOUCHES ALL ASPECTS of our lives: personal identity, family life, and business endeavors. Discovering our call is a gradual process; over time, we will be able to find out what God has in mind for us in every moment of our lives and how we can best carry out our purpose in life. Qualfon has always emphasized this concept of discovering and following its call to contribute to the community, help individuals
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find fulfillment in their personal lives, and help the organization in its efforts to complete its goals and carry out its mission—to manifest God’s love through loving others in practical ways that respond to an individual’s needs and transforms their lives for the better.
THE CALL IN THE CONTEXT OF P R AY E R A N D SP I R I T UA L I T Y A glance at the history of Qualfon and other companies that have heard and responded to a call from God shows that they share something in common: prayer. Prayer is a silent action that can seem insignificant, but it makes a big difference. It doesn’t call attention to itself, but it’s powerful because it establishes a real connection with God. If we pray, God assumes an active role in our lives, sharing in our struggles and successes.
Alfonso and Maricarmen first began to recognize Qualfon’s call in May 1999. In the Catholic faith, May is a month dedicated to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. In honor of Mary, Alfonso was attending daily Mass at St. Ignatius, a Catholic parish located near the Qualfon offices. The priest who presided at these Masses gave a few homilies focused on what it means to be an “administrator” of God. Alfonso was impressed by one particular story the priest shared about a businessman who called his accountant every
Called to trust and to be obedient
morning to see how things were progressing. The accountant would regularly respond that things were going well, and the organization was continuing to grow. The administrator experienced a sense of anxiety as his responsibilities expanded. As Alfonso thought about this administrator’s situation, he decided that the administrator was facing an easy problem. Qualfon was struggling to stay afloat. Alfonso recalls identifying himself with the businessman in the priest’s homily: “Very recently, with nearly 11,000 people working for Qualfon, I have been feeling the same anxiousness as the administrator that the Jesuit priest told us about in his homilies. I received a phone call from Roberto Sánchez Mejorada, our Chief Mission Officer, who gave me a detailed account of the beautiful mission program going on in Tacloban, the region in the Philippines most affected by the typhoon Yolanda. Even though we are all imperfect and it’s easy to let God and others down, I feel a strong responsibility to not fail God and all the people and families who have so much faith in the mission God has entrusted to Qualfon.” The idea of being God’s administrator made a significant impression on Alfonso and helped him begin to focus more on Qualfon’s calling and what God had in mind for the company. Gradually, this shift of mentality spread throughout the company over a period of years. Qualfon’s executive directors no longer consider themselves managers of the organization; they know that God is the real CEO and they are his administrators. Alfonso was pleased that God had a special mission in mind for Qualfon. He shared his vision with Maricarmen. Although they didn’t fully understand everything Qualfon’s mission would entail at the time, they were both convinced that God would show them the path forward:
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“Qualfon’s call to be a consecrated company came one night in June 1999, while I was praying the Rosary. Things hadn’t been going well for the company. For days Maricarmen and I had been praying to understand what God wanted for Qualfon because even four years after starting the organization, sales still weren’t at the right level. We had some strong clients and partnerships, but we still struggled to make payroll. That summer I had been commuting between Mexico City and Monterrey because I had to be in Mexico City for work but Maricarmen’s mother was very sick in the hospital and she could not leave Monterrey. That night, I asked God to show me what I had to do, and whether or not he wanted me to stop running Qualfon and go back to Monterrey with my family. While asking God for His help, I realized that He wanted me to continue working with Qualfon. I also recognized that He was inviting me to work together with Him, to trust in Him and to transform Qualfon’s mission. “At that point, only one thing was clear: I should continue forward with the company. God had a plan for it and He would be accompanying us. I wasn’t sure what would happen, but I knew the organization had a call. I also realized that even with God’s help and knowing we had been called, we would still face challenges. The first person I spoke to about this joyful experience was my wife, Maricarmen. She was in Monterrey at the time. I told her that the inspiration I received had been simple, but I was sure it was from God. She joyfully supported me and told me that everything would go well if we trusted in God.” Alfonso’s initial realization in June 1999 that the organization had a call was just the beginning. A fuller understanding of Qualfon’s call developed gradually. Alfonso knew from the beginning that the call would involve the entire organization; over time, other directors and employees, such as Abelardo Cruz, currently Qualfon’s Chief Information Officer, and Brian Kearney, participated in further defining the nature of Qualfon’s mission.
Called to trust and to be obedient
Being open to God and trying to discover what He wants has helped Qualfon identify and understand its own call more and more each day. Everything that has unfolded since 1999, including successes and setbacks, business operations, and mission-oriented programs and services, has been part of Qualfon’s discovery of its call and an effort to carry it out effectively. This journey has involved inspirations received by Alfonso, as well as ideas and inspiration coming from other members of Qualfon’s executive team, employees, and local communities. The entire Qualfon family is responsible for hearing and responding to the company’s call together. The strength of prayer and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit has been a recurring theme throughout the history of Qualfon. When we pray, we raise our heart to God. We can pray to thank God, to contemplate His graces, to praise Him, and to ask for His mercy. When a person develops a relationship with God through prayer, the Holy Spirit is also present and offers His inspiration. When we don’t perceive the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, it doesn’t mean He isn’t inspiring us, but rather that we aren’t prepared to receive it. Inspiration, according to Fr. Jacques Philippe, is a regular function of the spiritual life. The Holy Spirit constantly offers His inspiration. When our minds and hearts are open, we can hear what He is trying to tell us. In 2010, eleven years after Alfonso first discovered Qualfon’s call, both Alfonso and other members of the organization were still actively discerning and deepening their understanding of the call and what it implied. As Loló recounts: “On November 24, 2010, Alfonso González Arocha sent us a document about the importance of being a consecrated company, in hopes that we would understand the profound significance it would have on the way in which we work. This issue was later covered in the January 2011 Summit. This document explained Qualfon’s nature and mission
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as a consecrated company. It addressed how to respect the spiritual freedom of each individual without discrimination, how to be dedicated to helping others, and how to work with excellence. It also touched upon the company’s capital, the knowledge that God protects us, the importance of turning to God in times of trial to see where He is guiding us, and many other ideas. We started meeting with Alfonso to come up with ideas about how we could effectively communicate what it meant to be a consecrated company. During these meetings, the executive team had many questions, asking, ‘How do we approach this theme with clients and employees? How can we transmit it correctly? and so on.’” Empowering a large group of people with differing beliefs and backgrounds to understand and live a similar calling is a challenging and never-ending process. Nevertheless, the call isn’t a force casting people into a certain mold. It is something flexible; every individual can contribute their unique spirituality, skills, and talents toward the organization’s mission and participate in identifying and carrying out Qualfon’s call. Qualfon’s call is an open invitation; everyone is free to respond to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as he or she feels best. Roberto Sánchez-Mejorada, Chief Mission Officer, offers the following reflection on inspiration: “This process of discovering a call is almost infinite; it requires flexibility and an awareness of our own limitations. We can’t understand everything, but we can rely on what God reveals to us and learn from other individuals who can provide clarification, guidance, and even valid corrections. We will always continue on this path of discovering Qualfon’s dynamic and ever-developing call. It is important for us to remain open to God’s call in whatever form it may take. Times of prayer and meditation are important; one listens to an interior voice—God talking within. The Sacred Scriptures are one of the main ways God speaks to us. Reflections of saints and others also play a role. The people we encounter
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in daily life—our spouses, children, and colleagues—are important vehicles of God’s voice. We have to be very attentive when we listen to others, especially to people that we have a hard time listening to, because we might think what they’re saying isn’t important and don’t value their spiritual authority, but we need to trust their experience of God. In my time with Qualfon, I have heard God’s voice through other individuals many times, and what He says has always been full of love and truth, regardless of who He uses to transmit His message.” And again, Fr. Jacques Philippe explains how we can train our spiritual ears to listen to the Holy Spirit: “What enables us to recognize divine motions with greatest ease and promptness and respond to them is the development of a special ‘spiritual sense’ that is nonexistent or very raw during the beginning of life, but can be refined by grace and experience, and above all, faithfulness in firmly following the Lord’s path. This ‘spiritual sense’ is a special aptitude for discovering the unique and recognizable voice of Jesus among all the other voices that we hear inside us.” Praying together as a company is just as important as praying individually in private. People with different beliefs will have various forms of prayer, but they generally share the concept that praying is a way of connecting to God in accordance with one’s personal beliefs and spirituality. Prayer cannot only transform one’s personal life, but also makes a significant difference in the growth and success of the organization as a whole. No organization exists in isolation; every organization is composed of the individuals within it. When the individuals within a company connect to God, the company itself stays connected to God. A company’s ability to hear, define, and follow its call in a dynamic, ongoing manner depends largely on people’s willingness to participate in the continuous process of personal prayer, opening hearts to hear
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God, sharing inspirations they receive, and actively helping the call move from theory to action. Listening to God and responding to Him have always played a central role in Qualfon’s call. This has sometimes required Alfonso—as founder—and other members of the Qualfon family to do things that they wouldn’t otherwise have done.
GROWTH AND PROGRESS: STRATEGIC PL ANNING After hearing the call and coming to understand Qualfon’s mission better, Alfonso recognized that the organization needed a clear path forward in order to implement its mission and succeed at its call. As a result, he introduced the use of strategic planning—an effective means of guiding the organization’s growth and progress. In November 2005, Alfonso presented Qualfon’s council with the first strategic plan, which consisted of expanding the organization to five times its size in a period of five years. It also projected the organization becoming a global company with operations in a variety of countries that have, in fact, since been opened. It also addressed the need to generate more jobs, establish healthier finances, improve its organizational structure, and establish a foundation that would help the communities Qualfon operated in. The document had an ambitious and enriching vision, but lacked detailed plans for carrying out its objectives. “We were able to meet our strategic planning goals in 2010. During this time, we recognized that all things are possible with God, and I felt inspired to work on the second strategic plan for 2011-2015. I delegated this responsibility to Marco Villarreal, our Chief Financial Officer.”
Called to trust and to be obedient
In February 2010, Alfonso asked Marco Villarreal to work on the 2011-2015 strategic plan and to hire a professional consultant to help in the process. The consultant would be able to contribute his talents and experience and, above all, help define an effective approach that the organization could use in the planning process. After speaking with various well-known consulting firms, oriented toward strategic business advising, cost reduction, and top-line growth and planning, Marco Villarreal finally found the perfect fit. He chose Alejandro Perez Gorostieta, a well-known strategic planning consultant. Marco explains why Alejandro was such a solid match for Qualfon: “We needed to take care of our people by giving them the best tools to grow within our organization; Alejandro brought with him the learning process methodology. This methodology was a tool that would help our people improve their work performance. “We also needed someone who could understand what a consecrated company was, and Alejandro was a man of God. In many of our meetings, he shared inspiration he had received while praying in front of Jesus in the Eucharist or to the Blessed Virgin. This was a lovely experience, meeting after meeting. “Finally, we needed a bright, down-to-earth strategic planning specialist, and Alejandro was one of the best. He had been the Strategic Planning Director of an international company for many years and helped develop that organization’s international expansion plans that brought the company from being a regional to a global player. After that, he worked as an independent strategic planning consultant for many years.” In May 2010, teams from all departments began collaborating to develop different strategies that could help Qualfon achieve its goals. After months of work, numerous ideas had surfaced,
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including but not limited to: the implementation of Qualfon Planning Management (QPM), Learning Organization (PDNs), Integrated Systems (ERP), effective meeting strategies, the Qualfon University program, the chaplaincy program, and the presence of interfaith chapels in the Qualfon centers. The organization had also defined its first organizational values: teamwork, integrity, treating others with dignity, spirituality, high performance, and customer focus. These values would later be incorporated into the organization’s formal core STRIDES values. During the strategic planning process, Marco Villarreal also collaborated with Alejandro Perez Benavides (Alejandro Perez Gorostieta’s son) to develop a strategic model for Qualfon, showing how its identity as a consecrated company is central to its existence. This model used Robert Dilts’s pyramid of Long Term Sustainable Transformation as a base. Another concentric image of the pyramid was used to give more specific detail regarding what Qualfon’s plan entailed. Alejandro Perez Gorostieta was diagnosed with brain cancer just a few months after completing the strategic plan and passed away shortly thereafter. As Marco Villarreal says, “God allowed Alejandro to carry out his last project, working for a consecrated company.” We will always remember him. The second strategic plan, like the first, projected growth five times as large over five years. This was an enormous challenge, and Alfonso wondered what would be necessary to make it a reality (e.g., how many new sites needed to be opened and how many employees had to be hired and trained to work for the company). But he reminded himself that he was just the administrator, God was the owner. He just had to obey, even if the plan seemed unrealistic. It was this projection, and the desire to see it become a reality, that started Alfonso thinking about restructuring Qualfon and hiring someone else as CEO.
Called to trust and to be obedient
Over the past several years, Qualfon has successfully accomplished much of this strategic plan, including establishing itself as a global organization with the ability to provide quality services internationally to clients. Qualfon has also transformed and updated its operations, establishing country managers and site directors, and starting a client relations group. These achievements have helped the organization become a global provider. Qualfon’s sales organization has also made significant strides and improvements over the past few years: developing a professional sales team; decentralizing the finance group; and restructuring the IT dimension of the organization to be more effective. Qualfon’s Global Solutions has also been revamped; pricing, work-force groups, and the program management office are all more effective. Qualfon has begun working on another strategic plan to be presented in 2016. This plan focuses on transforming Qualfon into a 40,000 employee organization by 2020 and making sure that Qualfon is both successful as a business and successful at taking care of people. As Mike Marrow explains: “Goal number two is that we’re a different kind of company, right? We keep saying that and we are different. What Alfonso said is that there are a lot of companies that are successful as a business. There are a lot of companies that are successful at taking care of their people. But there aren’t many that are successful at both. That’s what we want to be. It’s our mission. Instead of just being leaders, we want to be mission leaders. We want to think, ‘What is our mission?’ Rather than asking, ‘Who am I, as the manager or person in charge?’ we want to think about ‘Who am I as a mission leader?’ I have said to many, many people that this mission will take many years to get to where we think we want to be. And when we get there we’ll discover we still have a long way to go. For starters, we want to say that by 2020 we at least understand what we think it means to be a mission leader and make sure we’re living those roles.”
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Mike further explained that being mission leaders means being mentors, managers, and messengers: “As an organization, being a mentor means knowing who you are responsible for, what they want to do in life, and helping them accomplish that. As a manager, we’re responsible for running an organization and running it well. That means keeping our clients happy, as well as making a profit so we can do more of this down the road. And then finally as messengers, we’re called to be messengers externally and internally. Whoever reports to you, 90 percent of that person’s perception of what Qualfon is, is really the result of what you say. Think about agents. Almost all of their perception of Qualfon is ‘What does their supervisor say and do?’ We’re all messengers and we can either spread the good news about Qualfon or we can ‘not’ spread the good news about Qualfon. So it’s important.”
BIG MILESTONES Qualfon will also continue working on some of its goals from the 2011 strategic plan. The organization will never rest; it will be fully dedicated to meeting its goals and, once these goals have been met, will continue with new strategic goals. This idea has carried Qualfon through some big milestones: large investments, refusing to merge, and hiring a new CEO.
LARGE INVESTMENT At one point, Alfonso felt God inspiring him to make a large investment in Qualfon that he hadn’t previously been planning on. In 2006, the first business investors decided to withdraw and ended their participation in Qualfon, so Alfonso needed to make a significant investment in the small company for it to continue.
Called to trust and to be obedient
Alfonso explains: “I was sure that God wanted us to make this investment, but I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t feel secure because it would be such a risk for both myself and my family. I often went to the prayer room in my house and told God that I didn’t want to do this. God’s inspiration was very clear; I didn’t have any doubts about it and in the end, I obeyed. The following months were difficult, but also very beautiful. I didn’t understand everything, but I came to realize that the investment made it possible for us to discover and carry out Qualfon’s mission.” Alfonso talked to Maricarmen, who supported the decision, saying: “I always felt sure that we should say yes to God; I was sure that this idea was from Him and for Him, and that certainty gave me a lot of peace. We prayed together every day for the Holy Spirit to enlighten us.” Alfonso, Jr. also remembers how significant this investment was for his family: “In 2006, my father told me that God had inspired him to make an important investment. It was a difficult decision and required a lot of faith from all of us. I remember asking him, ‘Did you already make the investment?’ At that age, it seemed to me that it was taking a long time, but God was using that time to confirm that the investment was something we wanted. This experience taught me how to listen to the Holy Spirit; and showed me that obedience and the willingness to take risks is an important part of being a consecrated company.”
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
REFUSING TO MERGE In 2007, Alfonso found himself facing another difficult decision that required him to choose between what seemed logical and what he thought God wanted. This moment helped him continue learning how to be God’s administrator. Qualfon had the opportunity to partner with an international company. Everything seemed to indicate that this partnership would be blessed by God. The directors were very good people, as well as excellent professionals. The company was an exemplary model; it had achieved great success. In addition, the company had done a lot of social work. The organization’s executives invited Alfonso to visit their corporate offices since their sales were growing. They calculated the costs of shares and, in the end, Qualfon’s share would have been one-third of the company; the international company would continue as the main investor in the remaining part of the organization. Only a few details had to be worked out before signing off on the deal. The directors traveled to Mexico and went to Mass in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. During the Prayers of the Faithful, Alfonso prayed for the merger to go through, on one condition: “If it is your will, Lord.” In December 2007, after a period of prayerful discernment, Alfonso clearly saw that he shouldn’t continue with the merger. He wrote the company an email from Cuatro Ciénegas, declining the partnership. Alfonso explained: “God had shown me very clearly that I needed to maintain control of the company and preserve the specific mission of Qualfon. Now, when offers arrive, it no longer takes me months to see if something is from God; it only takes me seconds to say no. Seconds. And lately, we’ve received multiple purchase offers. But we have to carry out our mission, which means listening to God and being attentive to what he wants. We have to respect this mission. All of this is a learning process, a journey.”
Called to trust and to be obedient
HIRING A NEW CEO Years later, Alfonso again had to put his own ideas aside in order to follow what he believed God wanted. Qualfon had securely established itself within the BPO industry and was successfully expanding with Alfonso as the CEO. Nevertheless, Alfonso began to feel as though God was inspiring him to step aside and hire someone else as CEO. He recalls: “God inspired me to think of hiring another CEO; which was challenging. First, I asked myself if I was interpreting what God was inspiring me to do correctly. Then I told him, ‘Lord, we have reached record numbers. We have grown to five times our prior size, and are in the best state we have ever been in as a company.’ “As a businessman, no one would have approached me suggesting that I step aside; they would have come to congratulate me. But God knew better.” Alfonso began to act on this intuition during 2011 and interviewed multiple American candidates for the position of CEO. One of them was Mike Marrow, current CEO of the company. Just as Alfonso was surprised when it first occurred to him to hire someone else as CEO, Mike Marrow was likewise surprised when he felt called to join Qualfon. He recounts: “It was by chance or, maybe, Providence. The company that Qualfon had retained to search for a CEO contacted someone that used to work for me to see if he was interested in the position. My previous position was CEO of a public company traded on NASDAQ. Qualfon sounded like a small time, family operation that I didn’t want to have anything to do with. Oh I was so wrong! “After meeting with Alfonso in Monterrey, Mexico, Alfonso spent very little time on ‘the business’ and most of the time on the mission of Qualfon. It was at that meeting that I realized what a
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great opportunity this was. This was a chance to manage a BPO company that actually did care about people....I decided to take the leap of faith that it could actually be done. I was not really sure what it was, but I knew it would be good. Like going to a festival, you don’t know exactly what you will encounter, but you expect to have a lot of fun while you are there.” Mike joined Qualfon in January 2012, just as the Qualfon Summit took place in Mexico City. Alfonso invited Peter Freissle to the Summit as well. During the Summit, Alfonso presented Mike Marrow as the new CEO of the company, officially passing the position on to him. The entire executive team was present. Peter Freissle spoke of Alfonso’s decision, saying: “The other thing that I really admire in Alfonso is that he feels called to do the will of God. This is something I should do as well. He delegated the day to day operations and put someone else in charge as the executive. And I feel God is calling me to do the same, so I can spend more time working for God outside of my company. It’s tough for me, but this is the path, and I see Alfonso as my mentor and example in how to do this.” Mike began work immediately and put in place foundations for growth. He suggested interesting ways of restructuring the organization, decentralizing management, and relying on more support by hiring site directors and country managers. Many of his suggestions and actions have strengthened and streamlined operations in each country and each site, clearly moving the organization in the right direction.
A U N I Q U E PAT H Part of Qualfon’s call involves listening to God and obeying Him in all matters. To fulfill its mission, the organization must allow God to stay at its center and act as its ultimate guide and CEO. We often best understand the benefits of obeying God in hindsight.
Called to trust and to be obedient
Even when we don’t see why God’s plan is best, we can still act with faith, knowing that if God is in charge and we are, again, just His administrators, He has the complete picture and will lead us in the right direction. Having the perfect boss doesn’t make Qualfon the perfect company. The Qualfon management team strives to hear God’s voice and follow His inspiration, and it encourages all employees within Qualfon to do the same. The expansion Qualfon has experienced in recent years, as well as the way in which it has been able to improve the lives of individuals and communities— bringing together people from different faiths and cultures and uniting them with a common mission—is evidence of this. For Qualfon, it has been a journey of discovering God’s call and trying to follow it as much as possible, despite the challenges that have arisen along the way. Keeping God closely involved in the organization, giving Him a central role, and responding to His command to love others has been key to their growth. There are as many paths to God as there are many ways of helping others. Qualfon is striving to do its part; as are other companies. Some of these companies receive a call to be consecrated to God, but this path isn’t necessarily for every company. Every call from God is personal, unique, and varied; adapted for each person and each circumstance. Each individual and each organization will, therefore, discover their mission in a different way, but ultimately, they can all share the same end of loving God and caring for others.
RIAN KEARNEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING, has played a key role in helping Qualfon discover its purpose, which has also been a gradual process.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Brian explains: “I was hired to be the Vice President of Marketing. I was the first person in Qualfon ever hired in the Marketing department, which meant I had a lot of work ahead of me to build the marketing capabilities. Two weeks into the job, there was a big surprise from Alfonso González Arocha, the owner and CEO at the time. He told me that my most important job was to help Qualfon discover—and then communicate—the purpose of Qualfon as a consecrated company; not what I expected to be in my job description. “One day while I was in a chapel for adoration, I was contemplating the purpose of Qualfon. I was a bit overwhelmed by what hit me. The next day I told Abel Cruz, my manager at the time, what came to me. I said that Qualfon is an important tool for God and that its purpose was much bigger than the company itself. I described Qualfon as a figurative candle, using its flame to light other candles. Then those candles would light other candles. Soon there were lights all around and the flames continued to grow.” From then on, Qualfon’s purpose became the following: Qualfon is a company that needs to take its spark and create a flame. Then, we can give that flame to our people, and they’ll give it to others beyond the realm of Qualfon. It also means that we can give our flame to other companies and work with them to do the same, multiplying the flames beyond Qualfon. The purpose of Qualfon is really only accomplished when good things happen to a person, and that person has no idea that Qualfon was behind it the entire time. An example of this would be if Qualfon helped develop one of its employees and that employee then helped develop his brother. It is when that brother goes and helps someone else that Qualfon’s purpose is truly being accomplished. The entire executive team helped develop Qualfon’s mission as it relates to
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the organization’s purpose. Discussions about the company’s mission revolved around the following concepts:
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
From those concepts came the development of the following mission:
“Qualfon’s mission is to help as many people as possible pursue their total vocation—as individuals and as members of society—by creating an evergrowing number of job opportunities as we strive to become the outsourcer of choice for our clients.” How does Qualfon make people’s lives better? Many may wonder why Qualfon attests spirituality as one of its core values. The major reason is that if the organization is to help people in their total vocation, it cannot ignore spirituality. For many people, their purpose is rooted in their spirituality. It takes three things to help people better live their total vocation. 1. First, we want people to know they have a unique purpose in life which they are called to fulfill. 2. Second, we want to encourage them to find out what that is, and 3. Third, we want to help them have a sense of fulfillment. It sounds simple, but it can be life-changing if, and when, it is accomplished. It is not only life-changing for our people, but they begin to change other people’s lives for the better. Qualfon is in a business that has many young people working in it. It must be prepared to help young people handle the problems they face and develop into the people they are called to be. Qualfon’s mission is not just to make an impact on our people while they are working in Qualfon but also to impact them for the rest of their lives. We want people to excel at work and to take the values they learn here on to the next place they work. However, the biggest impact
Called to take deep roots: Mission, Purpose, and Core Values |
they can have are on those people close to them, like family and friends. Many of Qualfon’s employees live at home and are very close to their families. Others are getting married and becoming spouses and parents. Many realize that being a great spouse and parent is a huge opportunity for them to make people’s lives better. Qualfon also encourages its people to be active in the community, to volunteer to help those in need or teach others important skills to make their lives better in the long run. Many of our people are helping others with the three-step approach above; and this is when Qualfon is truly achieving its purpose.
A COMPANY SHOULD HELP, NOT HINDER PEOPLE FROM TRYING TO LIVE THEIR PURPOSE Often an individual’s family, friends, community, and/or religious group will help them to recognize and achieve their purpose. At the same time, though, one’s work environment could actually make it more challenging for them to live their vocation. At Qualfon, this should not be the case. So much time in our lives is spent at work, and we want it to be a place that helps people live their purpose, even if that means they eventually leave Qualfon.
The inauguration and consecration ceremony took place in Cebu in 2006.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Alfonso and Abelardo Cruz flew to the Philippines for the inauguration of Qualfon in Cebu in 2006. During the flight, while Abelardo and Alfonso were watching a video on the life of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Alfonso felt the distinct inspiration to consecrate the company to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Alfonso and Abelardo arranged for the consecration to take place during the inaugural Mass; they realized during the Mass that the inauguration and consecration was taking place on the feast of the Sacred Heart in the Philippines. They hadn’t known this when Alfonso first had the idea of consecrating the company to the Sacred Heart and saw this coincidence as an affirmation that it was inspired by God. The day after the inauguration and consecration ceremony—about fifty people had been invited—the employees asked if they could pray together. Even though the company hadn’t anticipated this request, there was an extra room in the building that was converted into a chapel. The employees began praying there before beginning work every day. Afterwards, a room in every Qualfon center was designated as an interfaith chapel so Qualfon employees around the world could have the opportunity to pray together.
O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L C U LT U R E : C O R E VA L U E S For Qualfon’s 20th Anniversary at the 2015 Summit of Qualfon, Alfonso reflected upon the cultural traits that he felt ought to continue making up Qualfon and that should be the path of future growth. These traits make up the “DNA” of the company, as well as the commitment to continue living and enriching Qualfon’s culture. Qualfon’s organizational culture and spirit are composed of the beliefs and behaviors that the company lives and transmits. When Qualfon fulfills its mission and delivers quality services to its clients, it has the opportunity to really care for people, helping them discover the fullness of their vocation and to be happy. Qualfon’s
Called to take deep roots: Mission, Purpose, and Core Values |
mission and call play a significant role in defining its organizational culture. The main characteristics that define Qualfon’s culture and spirit include: WE ARE living faith At Qualfon, we believe that each individual has a purpose in life; for many people, this purpose is linked with their faith. A living faith can fill our hearts with profound joy and help us believe that we can do the impossible. Our faith is stronger than our fear. The Qualfon family is composed of individuals from many diverse cultures, beliefs and ethnicities; we respect each individual and that person’s beliefs. WE FOCUS ON PEOPLE FIRST We are a people-driven organization. Throughout the course of our history, our mission has moved us to value our employees in a special way and to do everything we can to help them. We believe that by delivering great services to our clients, we are providing the opportunity to do all the things we can to make people’s lives better. Our mission and the STRIDES values (which you’ll read about momentarily) serve as beacons that guide our actions and help us to always put the person first. WE ARE A SECOND FAMILY We live together and help each other build an awareness of being a second family. We are happy for each other when a colleague succeeds at a project, gets promoted within the organization, or is offered a good opportunity by another organization. We also help each other through tough times. We genuinely care about our colleagues and their families. We are simple people. As another family, we communicate among ourselves in a personal and trusting manner, without looking out for personal interests. We seek to maintain a positive balance between work and family, avoiding excessive stress.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
WE EMBRACE CULTURAL DIVERSITY We are different. We come from different countries, backgrounds, creeds, and each employee brings something new to the Qualfon Family. Learning to work in a culturally diverse environment is fundamental to serving our purpose and enriches our daily experiences. It not only makes us more business savvy, but demands that we grow in wisdom. Being united while being different is indeed demanding; yet, it is a demand that makes us recognize, accept, respect, and celebrate our cultural diversity further. WE ARE A TRUSTED AND LOYAL PARTNER FOR OUR CLIENTS We understand the identity and nature of each client’s mission and business. We are, therefore, able to drive value for them in a consistent, repeatable and reliable manner. They are so happy for our service that they recommend us to other companies. WE THINK BIG The leadership team thinks big and is confident in Qualfon’s ability to carry out the plans we develop. WE ARE WILLING TO ENDURE We have been confronted with many difficult decisions that have required endurance. These difficulties have helped us value what we have and use resources in the most effective way possible. We have learned to do a lot with a little and have established a culture where being careful in the management of money or resources is the norm. Many of us have even switched roles when it was for the best interest of the Qualfon family. Nothing is too great for us to endure; we do so willingly, if it helps us meet our goals. WE ARE DETERMINED TO ALWAYS IMPROVE We are always looking for ways to improve; every day, month, and year. In order to make improvements when we face difficulties, we have to be willing to recognize and accept our own failures in order to find ways to overcome them. We continue seeking to do better, both as individuals and as an organization.
Called to take deep roots: Mission, Purpose, and Core Values |
WE STAND SHOULDER TO SHOULDER Every Qualfon site is situated within a community. Qualfon members stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their colleagues and the people living in the communities they serve. We seek to exercise solidarity, helping the local communities with their problems and necessities. In all of our locations, we offer a helping hand to the orphans, the sick, the elderly, the poor, and focus on helping to conserve nature whenever possible. WE LIVE JOYFULLY We work with great joy and enthusiasm as we strive to meet our goals. We are passionate about our efforts to become the best BPO. We are quick to act and avoid unnecessary bureaucracy. We work and live joyfully, we enjoy a good sense of humor, and look to be happy and enjoy what we do whenever we can. So far, we have focused mainly on the business outcomes Qualfon has achieved. These outcomes are important and testify to Qualfon’s successful business strategies and operations. There is also, however, another side of the equation. Aware of the importance of following its call and accomplishing its mission, the organization likewise recognizes the importance of all outcomes related to its efforts at bettering the lives of its employees and the communities it operates in.
U N I T Y I N D I V E R S I T Y: S T R I D E S Organizational values are an essential component of Qualfon work culture. How can a global company with a vast diversity of cultures, many different ways of thinking, different religious practices and a range of different beliefs come together to live the call received by the company consecrated to God’s love without causing internal division or conflict? The answer is simple: by respecting and appreciating all other individuals without conditions. This leads to both personal and communal transformation. This sense of
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
community has characterized Qualfon from the beginning and has permitted the Qualfon family to be united under the same purpose. As Alfonso explains in a letter dated June 7, 2013: “Qualfon is a family of diverse cultures, traditions, and ethnic groups. As in any family, we foster respect and mutual appreciation for the group and each individual. We value the religiosity or personal beliefs of each one, and encourage each one to coherently practice the faith or interior life they profess and practice.” “All of us are equal, and we have the right to be respected as equals, to have our own religious beliefs, or to have none. Our point of unity is found in living out our seven universal values: STRIDES. We demonstrate this unity in our diversity by means of the seven different colors, which remind us that we are from different parts of the world, and all share in the same mission and values; this keeps us united and gives us our orientation. Together, we carry out the STRIDES toward excellence, aware that we are weak and imperfect, that we fail, but also know the power of forgiveness, getting up again, making amends, and continuing forward.” In the same letter, Alfonso introduces the graphic used to represent the seven universal STRIDES values:
Team work
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Called to take deep roots: Mission, Purpose, and Core Values |
“There is a new image that has served as a reference point for our mission, values, and history as a company. I believe that this icon will continue uniting our family even more, and encourage us to continue forward with great STRIDES. In Englishlanguage dictionaries, the word “STRIDES” means taking large steps, especially in a vigorous and hurried manner, overcoming any obstacles. This is what we are looking to do with the seven values represented by each letter of the word STRIDES: Service, Teamwork, Results, Integrity, Dignity, Encouragement, and Spirituality.” We can summarize the Qualfon Mission in the following manner: to be the best BPO, making people’s lives better. This implies improving people’s quality of life in the three dimensions of mind, body, and spirit. The Qualfon family, like any other family, has a specific mission and values that differ from other BPOs. The positioning of our values around the graphic isn’t arbitrary. Each section is unbreakably linked and related to the others, but service is the fundamental value underlying the other values and everything we do. We also work as a team with our clients and among ourselves. Both of these values come together to produce results. They unite us and distinguish us. But nevertheless, alongside these values are other very important values as well: 1. Service and teamwork are sustained with dignity; mutual respect allows us to offer the best service possible, working as a team amongst ourselves and with our clients. 2. Service leads to results only when it is performed with integrity. 3. Encouragement is indispensably linked to teamwork and results.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Finally, at the heart of all this is spirituality—the spirit. If there is no spirit, the body is dead. For this reason, spirituality should constantly nourish and sustain us in such a way that the other six values feed into and strengthen this spirituality, which is what allows us to live according to these values every day. This STRIDES graphic serves as a special reminder of Qualfon’s consecration to God—it is a gift that creates jobs and betters people’s lives. The star is an image that directs us toward the Creator of the universe, toward the divine, toward that which transcends the here and now. For those who share in the Catholic faith, the star also has another meaning: the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe is often referred to as the Morning Star. This title reflects her role as guide and protector. She points us in the right direction to find God’s heart, the love of Jesus. This star is, then, a reminder that she cares for us as a mother cares for her children. Finally, it reminds us of the special protection of an angel: St. Michael the Archangel, who defies evil by means of good. The value and signs are important elements that help establish points of common understanding, but they aren’t sufficient in themselves. These values should establish the rules of conduct that regulate the behavior of all members of Qualfon. Roberto Sanchez Mejorada, Chief Mission Officer, explains the significance of spirituality at Qualfon: “Spirituality is a universal value inherent in every human being. Spirituality isn’t religion; it is the awareness men and women have that we have a spiritual dimension—more than a body with functions and vital organs. In spirituality, we recognize that we exist and are in a relationship with everything else that exists. Religions are ways that people can develop their spirituality; each religion has truths, principles, and traditions that nourish the human spirit. As an organization, it’s important to respect the spiritual dimension of each individual and the way in which it
Called to take deep roots: Mission, Purpose, and Core Values |
is lived out, while at the same time protecting the rights of each individual. To this end, we encourage our employees and assure them that no decision regarding work, such as promotions, salary raises, contracts, layoffs, demotions, or job assignments, etc., will be made based on perceptions, particular religious beliefs, and/ or manners of living individual spiritualities (or lack thereof). For religious activities, like celebrations or times of prayer, we have the policy that these activities may take place but shouldn’t interfere with work. They are always optional. We also ask that these practices in no way foster a hostile or intolerant atmosphere toward other employees. Based on the local culture of each country and the communities in which Qualfon operates, the organization has identified ways to help the people manifest their spirituality through religious celebrations. “The key has been informing everyone participating in this type of meeting or encounter that the activities must be carried out coherently, in accordance with Qualfon’s ethical code, which establishes principles of equity and doesn’t allow for discrimination in the work place. These requirements are intended to make everyone feel appreciated and comfortable participating in whatever religious practices they choose, or not participating in any.” Doug Hoffschwelle, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, shares how these values are influencial in day to day work, “STRIDES values act as a compass that guides our behavior that ensures the best for clients.” Trevor C. Allen, Chief Mergers and Acquisitions Officer, says, “Dignity starts with believing that you are a treasure; acting with dignity means that you believe you are a treasure. We at Qualfon believe in your dignity and we treasure each and every one of you.”
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
QUA L F ON M I S SION L E A DE R S For Qualfon’s mission to take on a truly transformational dimension, all of its members must play a key role in making the mission happen. This involves those in leadership roles becoming “Mission Leaders.” Mission Leaders understand the organizational mission through and through and lead their team with that vision in mind. They resonate with all three dimensions of the organization: business, spiritual, and service. Mission Leaders are ready to dedicate their time to all of these dimensions and encourage and help the people they oversee or work with to do the same. Mission Leaders feel genuinely called to help other people, beginning with their Qualfon family and spreading to outside communities. Mission Leaders are coherent and responsible; they know the STRIDES values well and live and lead with encouragement, teamwork, purpose, integrity, dignity, and service while always keeping results in mind. Mission Leaders put their team first and focus on the dignity of each person; the encounters these Mission Leaders create can be transformative, as in the case of Luis Sánchez Musy. “I entered Qualfon as a young twenty-two-year-old. I had a very difficult past, full of many dark moments. Little by little, I started changing internally and becoming more fulfilled. I began friendships with people that I consider to be my best friends today, including Abelardo Cruz, whom I met when Qualfon was opening its first facilities in Monterrey. I remember talking with him about God and other personal topics for hours each day as we developed a special friendship that continues today, thanks be to God. Abelardo and his family have been and continue to be essential in my life, and in the life of my family now. We have all heard that God gives us angels to help us reach heaven; Abelardo is one of the angels God has given me in this life. Every time I hear someone say that we are a family at Qualfon, I can’t stop thinking about my own story. I always asked God why he didn’t give me a ‘normal’ family when I was young.”
Called to take deep roots: Mission, Purpose, and Core Values |
These values of maintaining integrity, treating others with dignity, working as a team, providing high quality, customer focused performance, and living and supporting spirituality have transformed the lives of many Qualfon employees and clients. Loló shares her personal experience, saying: “In October 2008, we came together for a two-day retreat in the Interamerican Cultural Center of Mexico and, with the help of some experts, defined Qualfon’s five main values and ways of behaving. After this retreat, my personal life had a complete turnaround. I was under a lot of stress; I forgot about the spiritual dimension of life and prayer as a path to God. I was working very hard, keeping long hours. While working for Qualfon, I began observing how God is always present, even when things are most difficult and in moments of high tension. I began to observe the spirituality of Alfonso González Arocha and his family, and it didn’t take long for me to decide to prepare for my First Communion, so I could receive the Eucharist. I mentioned it to my brother Ignacio and he said, ‘I would also like to do that.’ On December 13, 2009, Bishop Jonas gave us both our First Communions, with Alfonso and Maricarmen as our Godparents. Ángel Posada, Client Relations Director, also found his life transformed by these mission values. He had been participating in several monumental projects with startup operations in Argentina, Costa Rica, the Philippines, and Guyana when he realized his priorities weren’t what they needed to be. After hearing a radio program talking about the ephemeral nature of life, he knew something had to change. From then on, he took more time to rest and speak to God through prayer. God’s grace touched his life and, gradually, his values and priorities began to change. Now, Ángel looks back at how far his life has come since then, and how the mission has been such an integral part of his life with Qualfon. He has continued this mission by helping as a Client Relations Director for some of Qualfon’s biggest clients, and sees Qualfon
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
as a family that has given him a life mission. He credits Alejandra Romero, former Senior Vice President of LATAM, as the person who has made the largest impact on his life. These are just a few examples of the boundless impact Mission Leaders have had on the lives they’ve touched. Through the STRIDES values and Qualfon culture, the Mission doesn’t just make Qualfon a better place to work, it makes people’s lives better.
S O W HAT D OE S I T TA K E TO BE A “QUA L F ON M I S SION L E A DE R” ? A Qualfon Mission Leader is a results oriented professional and a mission-driven mentor, manager, and messenger. Qualfon Mission Leaders accept responsibility for the mission that has been entrusted to them; therefore, they are good stewards. In turn, they entrust the same mission to others to support our clients´ needs in order to develop each person, family, and community. As a MENTOR... At the center of the mentor is his/her INTEGRITY. Qualfon Mission Leaders develop the people around them in all dimensions. Qualfon Mission Leaders treat others with respect and consideration as they would like to be treated. They abide by the highest ethical and moral principles, as well as observing the laws of each country, state, or region where Qualfon operates. They admit their mistakes and recognize others’ successes. Qualfon Mission Leaders live with DIGNITY. They work passionately to improve the talents of each team member to fully develop the individual’s vocation, as well as their own. (Virtue = Prudence). Qualfon Mission Leaders are SERVICE oriented. Qualfon Mission Leaders understand that effective leadership begins with being a follower regardless of rank. Obedient to their principles and
Called to take deep roots: Mission, Purpose, and Core Values |
vocation, they encourage others to lead through their personal example. (Virtue = humility). Qualfon Mission Leaders establish relationships. They know and understand every team member and ensures that all members are supported to reach their full potential. They take this responsibility as an everyday moral obligation, regardless of the time and effort it may require. As a MANAGER... At the center of the Manager is his/her eagerness to deliver RESULTS. Qualfon Mission Leaders manage their time, set goals, prioritize, and monitor compliance systematically to surpass clients´ metrics. Qualfon Mission Leaders perform effectively as individuals and recognize the value of TEAMWORK. They are conscious of the talents and resources entrusted to them; thus, becoming good stewards. They communicate with their team to emphasize the importance of reaching targets to assure profitability (Virtue = Justice). Qualfon Mission Leaders are SERVICE oriented towards our clients and their own team members as well. They provide the resources needed to achieve results expected by clients. They practice servant leadership by supporting their teams to achieve the Mission Index goals. Qualfon Mission Leaders care for their teams and provide them with the time, tools, systems, methods, and processes to meet their obligations and exceed their KPI´s. They are aware of the need for the team’s accuracy and continuous improvement. They are willing and able to empower the team’s members to perform fully. They take action.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
As a MESSENGER... At the center of each Messenger is constant ENCOURAGEMENT. Qualfon Mission Leaders enthusiastically communicate the mission. Qualfon Mission Leaders face challenges and difficulties with a positive attitude. They communicate ideas with coherence, clarity, and sincerity. They listen attentively to exercise empathy (Virtue = Hope). Qualfon Mission Leaders value each person’s DIGNITY. They appreciate the richness offered by diverse talents, cultures, and perspectives. They are never considered superior or inferior to anyone, which is expressed with respect and consideration to all (Virtue = charity). Qualfon Mission Leaders are leaders who believe in TEAMWORK. As such they create trust in their team members and collaborators from other areas so that their communication flows openly. They proudly display their values wherever they are, encouraging their team members to do the same. Qualfon Mission Leaders are leaders who inspire and encourage our shared values and mission energizing the Qualfon culture. They recognize and celebrate others´ wins. They do not limit themselves to indicating “what” to do, but complement the message with “why” we do it. They are brand ambassadors who champion their teams to meet the highest standards
T THE VERY HEART OF QUALFON lies its core purpose and principle, the human person. It is easy to say but difficult to make a reality. It first began with structuring and later it became what gave life to the structure. With the right values in their proper place Qualfon was designed bit-by-bit as intended: with the person at its heart. Proof of that fact is how the various organs that make up Qualfon took shape the way they did. From the beginning Qualfon’s HD was inherently and coherently different. Not only were things done differently but later the company simply took shape differently.
GROWTH OF THE HUMAN D E V E L O P M E N T D E PA RT M E N T Qualfon’s Human Development Department plays a key role in implementing the organizational mission within the company by means of providing its employees with the professional training needed to be part of the best BPO, as well as ongoing investment in the personal training and development of employees as a way of helping improve their own lives and futures. Alejandro Sotelo, Qualfon’s Chief People Officer, oversees the entire Human Development dimension of Qualfon. When he joined the organization in 2007, each Qualfon site had its own systems and processes pertaining to human resources. The prior Human Resource director had been focused mainly on Mexico, providing a little support for other sites. Alejandro’s job was to standardize the metrics and methods used for recruiting and hiring on a global level and formalize Human Resource systems that HR departments in the different countries could rely on. Alejandro Gorostieta then suggested calling the department “Human Relations” which was closer to what the department was, but wasn’t quite right. The focus would be on hiring and retaining employees and helping them grow, but the real goal was helping further the development of each individual. That’s where the name “Human Development” came from. “Other companies also have Human Development departments, but they focus more on the organizational dimensions. When I speak with people outside the organization, I have to say I work with Human Resources for them to understand. In 2011, something providential happened, and allowed us to focus more on the area of human development. But we continued relying on the Finance Department. In 2012 when Mike Marrow became CEO, it was decided that the area of Human Development would no longer
Called to put the person at the center |
Human Development Department HD Operations • HD KPI’s • Induction Process • Employee Relations • Health & Safety • Security Information • Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Actions • Replacement • Terminations • Legal Compliance • Control Data - Demographics • Personnel Files
Organizational Development • Job Analysis • Job Description • Planning Organizational Structure • Personnel Requisition • Succession Planning • Career Path • Organizational Communication
HD Strategy • Recruitment & Selection Key positions • Selection Tools • Hiring Process • Performance Management • Performance Evaluation
Compensations & Benefits • Job evaluation (leveling) • Compensations & Benefits • Performance Appraisal • Bonuses Administration • Merit Increase Process
be subordinate to the Finance Department, but would report directly to the CEO. This opened more doors for us, giving us the opportunity to work on other things with a more human focus. It was the beginning of a new phase. It was then that we began hiring regional country managers of Human Development and reporting directly to Mike.”
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
CREATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE MISSION OFFICE: A STRATEGIC MODEL TO LIVE BY T H E M I S S I O N : WA L K T H E TA L K Alfonso began thinking about hiring someone to oversee the implementation of Qualfon’s call and mission in 2011. He hired the organization’s first Chief Mission Officer (CMO) in January 2013. Roberto Sánchez Mejorada began working for Qualfon on January 1, 2013, reporting directly to Mike Marrow Qualfon’s Mission Office programs play a key role in establishing and maintaining a strong organizational culture that transforms both individuals and communities. Qualfon’s Mission Office supports all levels of the organization. It encourages constant reflection about the company’s mission and purpose, and helps identify specific ways in which the mission can be carried out. The Mission Office provides all managers and leaders with the tools to empower them to facilitate the company’s mission throughout all areas of management. In terms of corporate footprint, it is shallow. The Mission Office does not take up much space. While not employing many people at the corporate or at local sites, its true footprint, however, is deep. Each employee feels the impact produced by Qualfon’s Mission Office. It is what keeps Qualfon, Qualfon. Without that, Qualfon risks becoming just another BPO.
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The Mission Office provides programs structured around five different pillars: internal communication (Communication@Work), values formation and education (Learn@Work), attention and care of employees (Care@Work), dedication to the communities where Qualfon operates (Give@Work), and Qualfon fun clubs (Fun@ Work).
Mission Programs Model
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Each of these pillars also focuses on caring for the body, mind, and spirit, and is directed to the following areas of action: the employees, their families, and the community, prioritized in that order. The Mission Office’s work is fundamental for Qualfon’s identity as a consecrated company that strives to be faithful to its mission in addition to pursuing business achievements. By making the most of business opportunities and growth, Qualfon is able to fulfill its mission which, in turn, helps Qualfon become a better business. The Mission Office had begun to publish a monthly report called the Mission Index to help illustrate how well the business is functioning, practically, and with regard to its mission and purpose. The Mission Index is one means of continuously evaluating the quality and effectiveness of Qualfon’s services and performance. Prior to the development of the Mission Index, the company had already been monitoring its profits and progress in sales to maintain a healthy organization; these indicators alone, however, were not completely representing the mission of Qualfon and the extent to which it was fulfilling its goals. Alfonso, therefore, asked Mike Marrow to create an indicator that could be used to assess the organization’s adherence and fulfillment of its mission. Mike, working together with Roberto Sanchez Mejorada, gathered feedback and developed the Mission Index to provide a monthly update on the status of each of the elements contained in the organizational mission: The Mission Index puts metrics in place that specifically measure Qualfon’s ability to create jobs, retain employees, engage employees, and satisfy employees. 1) Creating new jobs, 2) Voluntary attrition (retention), 3) Hours and numbers of participants in the educational, recreational, and service programs, and
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4) Worker satisfaction, measured by surveys taken throughout the year by everyone in the company. The Mission Index is issued in a monthly newsletter since January 2014 along with a letter from Mike Marrow presenting and interpreting the progress and/or setbacks experienced during a given month. In October 2014, for example, 3,604 Qualfon employees responded to the “You Matter with Mike” survey used to develop the Mission Index. This represents an employee response rate of approximately 36 percent. The supervisor response rate was approximately 37 percent and the management response rate was approximately 43 percent. The responses received indicated that the vast majority of Qualfon employees not only understand but agree with Qualfon’s mission and values, as indicated in the following table:
Mike expressed his satisfaction and appreciation for these responses, saying: “According to your results, more than 90 percent of you understand the mission and the values of Qualfon. That is outstanding! This is really, really nice to see. Our mission of ‘Being the best BPO, Making People’s Lives Better’ should
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
be top of mind for all of us, all the time. It is fantastic that 90 percent of us know and understand the mission and values of Qualfon. I would bet that very few companies could say that. Now that we know it, the next challenge is to live the mission and for all of us to become true mission leaders. We are the leaders of Qualfon and people watch us all the time. If our actions match our words, our employees will believe in our mission. It is critically important for all of us to walk the talk. Thank you all so much for everything you are doing to foster the Qualfon mission.�
The Mission Index has been issued by the Mission Office on a monthly basis since January 2014.
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Communication @ work
O P E N , H O N E S T, S I M P L E A N D T R A N S PA R E N T C O M M U N I C AT I O N Promotes an environment where people are encouraged and have the opportunity to share in the company’s mission and understand the organization’s values, plans, and goals. Communication plays a central role in collaboration, which is the basis of a mission-driven company. Our mission is both practical and inspirational, and drives change with the goal of enriching our purpose. Qualfon promotes open and honest communication through various means and channels. It is not just about channeling internal communication within a multinational corporate-scape. It is about helping Qualfon employees to get to know what they are all about. Biweekly “You Matter with Mike” surveys are taken and just a week later their results are shared companywide. “Hot Topics,” urgent Qualfon matters, are discussed. “Town Hall Meetings” are conducted at local and corporate levels to discuss what is going on as a family. The Mission Index, the Quote of the Week, local and corporate newsletters, social media outreach, inspirational videos to express company culture are all part of the scene. It is a dizzying amount of information but something beautiful to share as a family. Learn @ work
Q UA L F O N U N I V E R S I T Y: VISION AND PROGRAMS Promotes an environment where people are developed to explore and apply their full vocation. The opening of Qualfon University was announced in 2011. Alfonso presented this challenge during the Summit. Qualfon University was created to manage corporate training. It
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
currently offers three programs: Trainer Certification, STRIDES Workshops and Supervisors’ Academy. Education and formation were always a priority for Alfonso because of his own background and family culture. Alfonso and Maricarmen have also prioritized ongoing formation as part of their family mission. Qualfon University has been a way of emphasizing continuing education and formation within Qualfon as well. Qualfon University is one tool Qualfon now relies on heavily in the areas of education and training. In line with Qualfon’s mission of “Making Lives Better,” Qualfon University educates Qualfon employees. At present it provides excellent training to supervisors and Qualfon staff to lead. In the summer of 2015 the first class of Leadership Academy graduated. Three hundred fifty-seven employees, many of whom became supervisors, stepped forward toward leadership positions across the company. In 2016, many more employees will graduate from the Leadership Academy. With further efforts, Qualfon University may become the difference maker for many Qualfon employees by providing the education they never would have had otherwise. Care @ work
PROMOTES AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE PEOPLE TRUST AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER IN A C A R I N G FA M I LY M A N N E R . Qualfon is a caring family, showing empathy, compassion, and respect for all members. It has a commitment to service, and strives to make a positive difference in the lives of others, especially the families and communities of its employees. Caring for others means making sure all aspects of life are considered—intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual—and work together in an appropriate balance. For this reason, Qualfon provides caring programs to employees in different areas.
Called to put the person at the center |
Wellness Qualfon promotes services to support healthy behavior in the workplace and to improve health outcomes. Some of these include: Milk Subsidies Programs, Free Medical Consultations, Vitamins Program, Bereavement Assistance, Post Hospitalization Assistance, Critical Care Assistance, Calamity Assistance, Medical Screening, Health Seminars & Campaigns, Pregnant Woman Assistance, among others. Life Balance Qualfon promotes services to integrate work, family, and personal lives in a new way. Some of these include: Sports Tournaments, Cultural Events, Family Day, Summer Camp, and other family integration activities. Fullness Qualfon promotes services oriented toward transcendence (others, creation, God) and the understanding of the higher significance of actions. Qualfon encourages spirituality in the workplace and appreciates the beliefs, cultures, values, and personal histories of all employees. Employees are encouraged to grow from the cultures of others and diversity is promoted within the workplace. These spiritual programs aim to help people: (1) transcend their ego (that is, their own self interests); (2) become aware of and accept their interconnectedness with others, creation, and their ultimate concern, (3) understand the higher significance of their actions while helping to integrate their lives holistically, and (4) believe in something beyond the material universe, which ultimately gives value to all else. One of Qualfon’s main focuses is helping better the lives of others, beginning with its own employees. This involves knowing each individual employee and being available to help him or her holistically. The mission programs are one way of helping employees and communities linked to Qualfon. The mission programs address a wide variety of needs: financial, educational, social, and personal. But people are also spiritual beings and, as
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
such, need spiritual support and nourishment as well. To this end, Qualfon has established its chaplaincy program that today has grown to offer nine full-time chaplains. Chaplaincy Program Worksite Chaplains is Qualfon´s in-house Chaplaincy Program, which provides chaplaincy services to all employees where the company operates. We provide traditional care, counsel, and crisis-management services to employees and their families. However, our services go beyond those functions. Our Chaplaincy Program incorporates a variety of means for caring in the worksite, including: Worksite Visits (Daily Rounds), Off-Site Visits (Homes, Hospitals, Funerals, Prisons), Crisis Intervention and Confidential Care Giving (Care Session), Plan Life Coaching and Development, Indoor Engagement Activities, Social Outreach Activities, Referral to other Professionals, Management Support. Qualfon’s chaplaincy program has always been at the center of the mission God has given us in one form or another. In 1999, one of the first things Alfonso did was invite Fr. Eloy Bedia, LC, to be involved, quickly becoming referred to as the general chaplain. In 2011, however, Qualfon began looking to implement a chaplaincy program that would be realistic and effective with the growing number of employees within the organization. The objective was clear: to provide emotional and spiritual support for employees of all cultures and beliefs. With a constantly expanding company, and employees with a wide range of religious beliefs, having one general chaplain was no longer enough. So Qualfon began developing the program that is now currently in place as a way of meeting the needs of its employees more effectively. Loló recounts: “In July and September of 2011, we were exploring different alternatives for implementing the ministry program in order to best care for our employees. We made presentations before the executive committee and even though we knew in our
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heart what we had to do, over time, we have learned how to do it. We learned some things that have been essential to the success of the program from Corporate Chaplains of America with a special appreciation of Mark Cress and George King.� Qualfon now has nine full-time chaplains in the organization: three in Cebu, two in Dumaguete, two in Guyana, one in Mexico, and one in the United States. These chaplains are committed to providing holistic care for employees and their families, with the goal of encouraging many people within the company to look for and find the vocation God has called them to in life as well as in work. The word chaplain has a variety of meanings and connotations. Many people associate the word mainly with ordained ministers who preside over religious services, or occasionally with nonordained ministers likewise focused on religious ceremonies. At Qualfon, however, chaplain takes on a broader meaning. Qualfon has had a number of ordained ministers filling the role of chaplain, but it also has a number of lay ministers in the role. At Qualfon, a chaplain is a person whose main mission is providing pastoral care and spiritual and emotional support for employees. They listen, advise, and provide other assistance. Employees are free to engage with the chaplains. The chaplains also focus on supporting faith-oriented events and being a constant reminder of the need for everyone to respond to Qualfon’s call and mission. At Qualfon, chaplains are there for everyone. Qualfon’s chaplains likewise come from different faith backgrounds. Their role at Qualfon therefore emphasizes the universal nature of spiritual realities; everyone can benefit from spiritual support that helps shed a transcendent meaning of life and its challenges. Everyone can contribute his or her own unique spirituality to the community. Qualfon has been greatly enriched by the wide variety of religious and cultural backgrounds that characterize its personnel. Being a
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Catholic, consecrated company does not mean looking to convert everyone to Catholicism. Being authentically Catholic means respecting each person’s individual spirituality. At Qualfon, people are not selected for positions because of their faith. Individuals coming from different faiths and with different ways of thinking are welcome. Qualfon does look for mutual respect and appreciation of the company’s values: service, dignity, teamwork, encouragement, results, integrity, and spirituality. The development of Qualfon’s chaplaincy and spiritual-support service in Guyana is a prime example of how Qualfon can minister effectively to a group of individuals coming from different religious backgrounds and bring people of different beliefs together by means of values supported by the organization. The interfaith chapel that was inaugurated in Guyana in January 2014 is a constant tribute to the value of the multicultural and religious backgrounds present within Qualfon and the manner in which people of different faiths can come together and share in a common mission. One reason Qualfon Guyana’s chaplaincy program is so strong is because Guyana itself is diverse. Descendants of natives from the region, Africans who originally came as slaves, immigrants from India who arrived in the 19th century, British, and Chinese all live together in this small territory. According to the 2002 census, 56 percent of the population is Christian (8 percent Catholic), 29 percent Hindu, 7 percent Muslim, and 8 percent other religions or not religious. This natural diversity is reflected within the team of employees working for Qualfon in Guyana. Interfaith Chapels and Prayer-Reflection Rooms During the 2014 Qualfon Summit in Guyana, a room used as a storeroom was adapted into a welcoming place for prayer and reflection, and then inaugurated as an interreligious chapel. The main religious leaders from the city were invited to the inauguration. A special spirit of unity was present during the ceremony, and many people present expressed their support for Qualfon’s mission and purpose.
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The interreligious chapel was inaugurated in Guyana in January 2014.
At the end of his prayer, the Muslim leader (imam) said, “In the name of the Regional Democratic Council, happy Anniversary, and we pray that Qualfon grows in strength because it has certainly made Guyana a better place. May God give each of the members present here the strength to elevate themselves above their weakness.” To the same effect, a leader of the Hindu community likewise spoke, expressing support for Qualfon and its mission: “I want to manifest my support for Qualfon and its management. Call me any time you need my help; I will be here for you. Of course, I am not that significant, but I believe in peace, and I can extend this peace to everyone I come in contact with.” Instituting interfaith chapels in the different Qualfon centers has been one way of both recognizing the value of the varied faith backgrounds of Qualfon’s employees and ministering to a group of diverse individuals. Qualfon is a company and a family of many diverse cultures, political and social beliefs, backgrounds, ethnic groups, and religions. It accepts everyone and helps everyone in the Qualfon family to make their lives better. Many people do not believe in any faith or the existence of God, and they are just as important as all the other family members. It is critical to remember that faith is not a requirement to be part of Qualfon. Despite the differences that exist within the Qualfon family, the organization has a strong sense of unity and a common goal of good in pursuing
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its mission. Qualfon is a family that takes care of each other and bonds together around its desire to achieve a greater good. Today Qualfon has eight interfaith chapels and prayer rooms. In addition to providing the interfaith chapel and emphasizing the importance of differences within the organization, Qualfon also employs chaplains to minister to all of its employees with their diverse beliefs. WorkSite Chaplains Danny is a chaplain in Guyana. Danny was selected from ten applicants, all of whom were interviewed by Andrés Simental, who had been placed in charge of the selection process. Andrés narrowed the options to two potential candidates, who were then interviewed by the local bishop in Guyana. While both candidates were qualified, Danny was ultimately selected largely due to his own interfaith background. He grew up with Hindus, Muslims, and Christians. He was baptized at fifteen and then began spreading the word of God as a missionary. He studied theology to have a deeper understanding of his faith, and dedicated himself to preaching the Gospel. This background, with a strong multicultural dimension and mission orientation, prepared him well for his work with Qualfon. While Danny dedicates his time to helping others, he has also experienced his role in Qualfon as a personal blessing in his own life: “I was blessed with the opportunity of serving as the Qualfon minister, and I know it was all God’s doing. I knew in my heart that I had found the work God wanted me to do. It began as a job, but quickly turned into a ministry; I get excited every day to serve as a minister. For me, it’s a blessing to be alive, and when I look back and compare the person I was with the person I am today, I know that only Christ could have brought about these changes in my life.”
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Qualfon’s chaplains play an essential role in encouraging this awareness and keeping it present and active throughout the year. The eagerness Qualfon employees have demonstrated with regard to the chaplaincy program bears witness to its importance and effectiveness within the organization. The DSG team, which is the Qualfon Back Office Division in Kentucky, met Perla Ramírez, the Qualfon chaplain in Mexico. When they came to understand her role, they requested to have more contact with her, asking for virtual sessions, and inviting her to Kentucky to establish a stronger connection. Perla is striving to give them as much support as possible. She said: “In my experience, Qualfon is a company like no other, distinguished by its determination to constantly improve people’s lives. My job is proof of this. Having a counselor is something new in this country. It is a service for all the employees that seeks to help them and their families in their emotional needs. It includes giving guidance and practical help to the employees, related to the purpose of their life, and fostering clear and transparent communication, cohesion, and trust in everyone in the company. “My experience as chaplain, from the beginning, has been very enriching and gratifying. Gratifying because I can see the changes in attitude, transformations of life, determination... much more than you can see with a mere glance. Sometimes they thank me for things I said that I do not remember I said. “And it doesn’t mean that I can change a person’s life, but that the simple act of opening my heart to hear them provides the opportunity for them to open parts of their hearts that had been closed.”
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Give @ work
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES Qualfon promotes an environment where people are involved beyond their daily work duties and actively participate in supporting to the needs of our communities. In addition to fostering a constant awareness and commitment to Qualfon’s mission and regularly evaluating its effectiveness through the Mission Index and other strategies, the Mission Office coordinates countless programs and activities aimed at helping better the lives of Qualfon’s employees and the communities in which Qualfon operates. While the exact nature of the programs fluctuates according to the needs of the different communities (which can change over time), the following are some examples of programs Qualfon has initiated that have been successful at providing much-needed aid for employees and communities in various forms.
TACLOBAN AND QUALFON’S RESPONSE TO THE YOLANDA TYPHOON The Yolanda typhoon, also known as Haiyan, was one of the strongest typhoons ever recorded. It devastated parts of Southeast Asia, particularly in the Philippines, on November 8, 2013. Yolanda killed at least 6,300 people in the Philippines alone. It was not only the strongest typhoon ever recorded to have touched land, but was also the typhoon with the strongest recorded wind speed. Qualfon had employees who had families in Tacloban City in the province of Leyte. Their first priority was to get home, but all ports leading to Tacloban were temporarily closed while the city was in chaos, especially since the city had been hit by a surge that not only damaged infrastructures but took many lives as well.
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The organization repaired or rebuilt 35 houses and provided assistance to 50 families
The Mission Team went to the Mactan Benito Ebuen Airbase to support and bring food for the employees who waited more than 24 hours to take their chances of boarding the military aircraft going to Tacloban with the hopes of being reunited with their family. “Remembering how their faces looked: hungry, worried, lost, scared, that they might not have anybody to come home to when they landed. All this because all forms of communication were cut off. My mother, who was with me, could not even hold back her tears when she saw these kids,� said Joslyn Canon. The Qualfon sites in the Philippines (Cebu and Dumaguete) had over 300 employees whose families were affected by the tropical storm. Qualfon first collected clothes, food, and water that it sent to the affected area. It then created a program to help the employees locate their relatives. A few weeks later, Qualfon organized a trip to assess the affected area, and it took a census of the families affected. Qualfon pledged different forms of help to different families based on their individual situations. The organization repaired or rebuilt 35 houses and provided assistance to 50 families.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Steve Brown, Country Manager of Qualfon in the Philippines, speaks about Qualfon’s mission in response to Typhoon Yolanda: “Despite the horrible catastrophe, our brothers and sisters in Tacloban have shown the resiliency and tenacity of the Filipino spirit as they continue to rise amid the rubble of destruction. With them, we at Qualfon in the Philippines have not forgotten and will never forget that we need each other if we are to truly succeed in facing the future with great hope. It isn’t necessarily just by giving food, clothing, and helping to rebuild shelters, but more importantly, by sharing the gift of strength of spirit and by showing them that we are in solidarity with them in every way. We share in their pain and suffering; we also share in their hopes and dreams and in their joys and triumphs as they slowly rise to face a new and bright future as we link arms with them and help them face the darkness before the bright dawn beckons on the horizon.” Cesar Corpin, Quality Supervisor of Qualfon in Cebu, and someone whose family was personally affected by Yolanda, also provides a more in-depth perspective on Qualfon’s mission response to the Yolanda typhoon in the Philippines: “I can still recall the time when the typhoon Yolanda struck the Philippines last November 8, 2013. It has been called the most powerful storm to touch land in recorded history. The worst place hit by the typhoon was my hometown, Tacloban. Seeing my fellow men suffering and dying, I had a heavy heart knowing that I was away from my family and friends. In order for me to help as a Qualfon employee, I immediately responded to Qualfon’s call for help with its Tacloban Mission, organized for May 1-5, 2014. I went as a volunteer with other colleagues. During the mission, I saw the suffering of my neighbors, friends, and relatives. I am glad I had the Cebu Mission team and Cebu Chaplains with me; in one way or another, they all helped me stay calm and hopeful. I received
Called to put the person at the center |
good news from my brother telling me that a group of people came to our house to paint our ceilings and the house walls that had been damaged by Yolanda. I was teary-eyed because I hadn’t expected something as simple as painting to give such joy to our family. Qualfon has truly made our lives better through helping and caring. God has given me the strength and hope that my family, relatives, and friends will still live and survive in spite of the devastation that happened in my hometown Tacloban.” One year later, Melody De Luna, Qualfon University coordinator in Cebu, sent this letter: “November 8, 2013. This date will surely leave a mark in my soul as it is one of the most unforgettable dates in my entire life. It’s as if I had died a million deaths; the feeling was unexplainable. Remembering what we went through just to be with our loved ones, and listening to Mama’s story of how they fought for their lives, still sends shivers down my spine. Our experience does not even come close to those of the survivors. But we have our share of the story. To our dear departed, rest in peace. For those of us who survived, let us move forward. Let me also take this opportunity to send my heartfelt gratitude to all who helped us in one way or another, especially our company, Qualfon. Thank you so much! You ‘make people’s lives better.’ God Bless you all richly!” Qualfon’s intervention in the region devastated by the Yolanda Typhoon is a clear example of Qualfon’s purpose, mission, and call to action. Qualfon cares about communities and individuals, and looks for the most effective ways to respond to people’s needs, with urgency when necessary. These are some programs Qualfon has already implemented, but there are no limits regarding the potential for future programs. Qualfon seeks to serve its communities in love and truth. This
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involves identifying the specific needs of each community and developing structures of support that best meet those needs. These structures can differ from place to place and time to time. The needs of individuals and communities are dynamic and are constantly changing. As a result, Qualfon’s mission requires that it constantly reevaluate the effectiveness of its programs, making changes as needed, and looking for new and creative ways to continue meeting the needs of others. Qualfon looks to its employees and members of the communities it works in to engage in this process as well, providing input into the types of programs and support that could be beneficial and participating in implementing those programs to the degree that each one feels called. All these programs now function as part of the goal to carry out everything that was implied in God’s call for the company, defining the organization’s mission and values, and coordinating practical applications by way of donations, projects, and programs. From the moment Alfonso first heard God’s call for Qualfon in 1999, the company began helping with different charitable campaigns, making donations to worthy causes, and running different programs to help its employees and communities. The Lend a Hand program, for example, was first launched in Guyana in 2005 to provide milk for employees with children under 12 years old. This was the first special program oriented to helping Qualfon employees. The same program soon spread to the community in Cebu and expanded to provide support for expectant mothers as well.
Called to put the person at the center |
Fun @ work
TRANSFORMS QUALFON INTO AN ENVIRONMENT FULL OF O P P O RT U N I T I E S TO S H A R E C O M M O N HOBBIES AND INTERESTS, LEARN, A N D H AV E F U N . The newest pillar within the mission launched in the beginning of 2014 in many of our international locations before quickly taking a global presence at all our locations. This brings our employees abilities to use and showcase their talents beyond the front line work they do for our clients. This pillar, known as Fun@Work, is where fun clubs are initiated as the foundation for bringing people together. Fun Clubs emphasizes values, friendships, and—most of all—fun, by exercising a healthy work/life balance. Qualfon has activity coordinators at each of our sites who are actively achieving the greater goal of making the environment a better one through organizing activities and facilitating the building of fun clubs. These coordinators listen to employees at their locations to tailor theme days, craft days, and activities to meet their employee needs. These coordinators also push for participation in any clubs our employees are interested in starting up. Clubs include photo taking, couponing, hiking, fishing, walking, “magic the gathering,” painting, and so on.
UALFON BEGAN ITS ENTRUSTING THE MISSION ceremonies as a way of encouraging its employees to fulfill the organization’s mission, seeking to transform both themselves and others. Entrusting the Mission ceremonies take place annually in each center every December, or during the January Summits. During this time, Qualfon renews its consecration, entrusts the
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mission to new managers, and invites all employees to play an active role in carrying out the organization’s mission by understanding it, disseminating it, and bringing others to know it. During the January 2012 Summit in Mexico City, Alfonso González informally led the first Entrusting the Mission ceremony for Mike Marrow, who was becoming Qualfon’s new CEO. In front of all the Summit participants, Mike Marrow accepted the mission of Qualfon as a consecrated company and committed to caring for each member of the Qualfon family. It was Brian Kearney, Marketing Director of Qualfon, who first came up with the idea of having Entrusting the Mission ceremonies. As Brian explains: “After a mission is defined, it needs to be communicated to everyone within the company. Communicating the mission, however, is just one part of helping Qualfon fulfill its purpose. We have to entrust the mission to our employees. Only when they accept the mission will it go viral. So I told Alfonso that we need to visit our different sites to entrust the mission to everyone. At first, Alfonso was reluctant to go talk to everyone. It wasn’t something he felt comfortable doing. I told him that he had inspired the leadership team within the company, and that the others had to experience the same thing. He was still hesitant. Alfonso only agreed when I told him that he now had a better understanding of who is in charge of the company. ‘That would be God,’ I said. ‘And I have to do what He wants, even if it’s different from what the founder and executive director wants.’ Alfonso told me that this was the right way of thinking. God is really in charge. After prayer and discernment, Alfonso was persuaded that he had to go visit the leaders of the company in the different sites and entrust the mission to our people. At the same time, Alfonso was fighting against another message from God that was hard to accept: the message was for him to stop being the executive director of Qualfon and find someone else to direct the company. Little did we know that these messages would come together in such an important way.
Called to Spread the Voice
“Mike Marrow, as Qualfon’s CEO, instantly made a mark on our mission statement. Without any preparation, Mike came to Guyana, and in front of the first group, Alfonso asked Mike to give his interpretation of the mission. Mike did a great job of making the mission understandable. Mike put forward the statement we continue to use: ‘To be the best BPO; to improve the lives of individuals.’” Mike Marrow further explains the importance of having a brief, effective organizational mission statement: “Since the main reason I joined Qualfon was because it had a unique mission–-even though no one truly understood it—I felt it was important that we could all recite it. If we truly believe in something, we have to be able to express it in words. We have to be able to do so in a simple fashion. When we think about what we do at Qualfon and what we stand for, it can’t be three paragraphs. It has to be a very simple statement. I decided that I would make an effort to come up with a shorter version without losing the meaning. It can realistically apply to every action we take. It applies to our employees, their families, the communities in which we operate and so on. I believe the statement ‘Be the Best BPO and Make People’s Lives Better’ really is a mission and not a destination. With this statement, we can continuously explore ways to shape the Qualfon culture.” The Entrusting the Mission ceremonies have become a cherished tradition. Many employees have expressed their appreciation for the ceremonies and mentioned that this experience is unique to Qualfon. Qualfon’s mission and call is for everyone, beginning with the organization’s leaders, who are dedicated to serving the rest: the supervisors, managers, and clients; the families and communities. The manner in which Qualfon’s executives treat their subordinates should be consistent with the way they treat clients and managers.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Qualfon is well aware that there is no way to be the best BPO and improve the lives of others without focusing on serving people and living out the values and culture it has identified as a consecrated company. It isn’t a call for perfect people but one that invites everyone to a path of continuing improvement both individually and as a team. In the end, the mission belongs to everyone, not just one person or office.
Qualfon’s mission and call is for everyone, beginning with the organization’s leaders, who are dedicated to serving the rest: the supervisors, managers, and clients; the families and communities.
The Entrusting the Mission ceremonies include a simple dialogue that help new employees understand that their participation in carrying out the organization’s purpose is important and part of their responsibility as a Qualfon employee. The dialogue is as follows: - Mike Marrow: You have been invited to be a leader dedicated to service. Do you commit to work diligently in order to fulfill the needs of our clients and make a positive difference in the lives of others?
Called to Spread the Voice
- Country Managers and Site Directors: Yes, we do. - Mike Marrow: You have been invited to foster unity within the team. By means of your commitment, you will bring together the Qualfon family. Do you commit to live according to the STRIDES values of Qualfon? Service, Teamwork, Results, Integrity, Dignity, Encouragement and Spirituality? - Country Managers and Site Directors: Yes, we do. - Alfonso González and Mike Marrow: On behalf of the Qualfon Family, and with much happiness, we entrust to you the mission, the values, and the Company’s Code of Ethics. Joslyn Canon, Mission Office Manager in Cebu, explains why these ceremonies are important: “Making the most of the opportunity to have the CEO, Mr. Mike Marrow, visit the Philippines, we celebrated the Entrusting the Mission ceremony for Mr. Noel Maralit, Site Director of Cebu, on August 8, 2014. Steve Brown led the ceremony; 25 members of the Cebu leadership team were also present. “Just as doctors pledge to save lives and lawyers promise to make justice prevail, Qualfon employees declare their commitment to fulfill the company’s mission. For the mission to be accomplished, Qualfon must have a strong sense of leadership, carried out by managers that lead by example. There is no shortcut to being the best BPO and making people’s lives better; the only path is our daily commitment to living out our corporate STRIDES values. This is not a call for us to be PERFECT; it is, rather, a mountain to climb as individuals, a team, and a family. The mission belongs to everyone; it is not a task for one person or office.”
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As Roberto Sánchez Mejorada, Chief Mission Officer, explains: “Trust begins with how I perceive myself. If I know that I am sincere, I won’t doubt the sincerity of others. If I act uprightly, I will assume that others are acting uprightly. If I am honest, I will trust others, not beyond what is reasonable, but within reason. This is necessary for us to carry out our call and mission. “Life is a ‘vocation’ (from Latin, ‘vocare’ = ‘to call’), because it is a call to the existence God has given us in his love and wisdom; it is a call to participate in his own life and happiness in communion with his divine love. In view of our own reality and mission in the world, God has given each of us a set of skills and qualities that can be used to bring about positive results. These qualities and skills come from the education we receive from our families and communities, as well as from our personal efforts, and they enable each of us to orient ourselves toward the end we carry in our heart, whether we are believers or not. I need to discover my own vocation and mission in the world and to know myself. This is essential not only for each individual to be happy, but also for each of us to help many other individuals that depend on our response.”
TA L E N T S A D M I N I S T R AT O R S Ultimately, God is the source of all transformation. We can lend our talents to him; we can cooperate with him. But he is the one who works the transformation, in our own lives, the lives of others, and the communities we work in. Qualfon is well aware of this, and, for this reason, has chosen to view its executive team as “administrators” of talents, rather than as the ultimate managers of the organization. God inspires and invites the executive team to work for him.
Called to Spread the Voice
Peter Freissle, president of His Way at Work and CEO of Polydeck, shares how a businessman approached him during one of the His Way at Work summits, and said: “Now I know why I have this business; it isn’t just to make money because when you’re making money just to make money, after a while, you get nauseous, as though you’d just eaten two liters of honey. Then how does it taste? This is what happens with executive directors: they have more and more honey and at the end say, ‘Yuck. This tastes terrible!” But Peter went on to explain, “This is our message, and Alfonso is a living example of it. It’s there: 11,000 employees spread throughout four countries. But he doesn’t say, ‘How horrible!’ He says, ‘This is amazing, because we are touching lives for eternity. I am doing something that has eternal value through my business.’” The awareness that our talents come from God, and are therefore rightfully ordered when we defer to God’s own guidance, is an important concept at Qualfon. It’s not about doing things Alfonso’s way, or Peter’s way, or an employee’s or client’s way. It’s about doing it God’s way. Being administrators implies looking after the interests of the community you serve, and creating jobs for that community. The social mortgage consists in those that have social and economic power sharing what they have by creating jobs and treating their employees well. In his book, La Hipoteca Social, David Noel, President of TEC de Monterrey, speaks of the experience of a businessman who decided to let mothers with young children work less time so they could also have time to feed and care for their children. Contrary to what one might expect, this policy did not result in less work being accomplished; rather, this social, unwritten understanding led to a greater commitment on the part of the employees.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
SHARING THE EXPERIENCE: H I S WAY AT W O R K In addition to trying to continually respond to its own call and fulfill its mission, Qualfon reaches out to help other companies do the same. No two companies will share the exact same call or mission, but countless companies can find a way to put God at the center and help improve the lives of others. Participating in the His Way at Work summits is one way Qualfon has been able to share its experience as a consecrated, mission-driven company with other organizations also trying to hear God and follow his call. His Way at Work is a U.S. based non-profit founded in 2008 by Peter Freissle after he successfully implemented Caring Activities in his own company. The organization is directed by Armando del Bosque and made up of other business leaders. His Way at Work strives to reach business leaders who want to create an engaging environment for their employees as well as empower employees by generating a caring corporate culture and bettering the lives of employees, their families, and the communities in which they live and work. This mission has reached over 70 businesses, 70,000 employees, and 7 countries in 7 years. Peter Freissle is also president of Polydeck, a company offering products and services for the global mining industry. Peter began His Way at Work to help companies develop a culture of values based on love of God and neighbor within the workplace. His Way At Work provides services through conventions and interactive meetings that facilitate sharing of resources, tools, and experiences that have been successfully implemented in different companies around the world to foster organizational value and a vision faced to eternity. This takes place in an inclusive environment of mutual respect and appreciation. Ecumenical and interreligious dialogue is essential for this organization; His Way at Work encourages companies to treat all employees well, seeing them all as worthy of being loved regardless of race, creed, or ideology, taking into account the unique culture of each company, the traditions of the community, and applicable labor laws.
Called to Spread the Voice
In this sense, the focus of His Way at Work is innovative and visionary, presenting the universal message of God’s love that Christians try to carry out by following the example of Jesus Christ, who embraced all men and women of his time. Peter founded His Way at Work after experiencing a profound personal conversion. In 2005, Peter attended a spiritual retreat in which he clearly heard God calling him to do more. He says, “I left with my heart on fire for Christ. And I had to share this with the world. I couldn’t go to India and become a missionary to do this; I had to do this within my own company. My business became a platform for my apostolate.” After this, Peter began transforming his company through Christian values. He was very coherent and printed his values on his business card. The back of his business card reads as follows: “We are a company grounded in the Christian values of humility, honesty, integrity, respect, kindness, and a sense of social responsibility. Our goal is to create eternal value by striving to honor God in all we do. This is reflected in how we conduct our business and how we care for our employees–our greatest asset.” The history of His Way at Work became linked with Qualfon when Peter met Alfonso one stormy night in 2011 in Monterrey. On this occasion, Peter explained the work of His Way at Work. Alfonso ended up actively participating as a presenter and afterwards as a member of its general counsel. During that first meeting, Peter helped Alfonso reach a better understanding of how Qualfon’s mission could incorporate a wide variety of individuals with different faith backgrounds. Alfonso asked, “How can I apply my faith in the company when I have so many people from different religions in my company, and I have a large company in many different countries?” Peter remembered words of Mother Teresa that had inspired him, and shared them with Alfonso: “Our work is our mission. We should help everyone become a better person: help the Muslim be a better Muslim, the Hindu a better Hindu, and
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the Catholic, a better Catholic.� This reflection helped Alfonso see how the role of faith in his company didn’t have to be primarily for one religion or another, but could incorporate employees from all different religions. And today, Qualfon truly is helping people from all different religions and transforming them into better people, as well as benefiting from their unique spiritualities and contributions to the organization and the communities in which it operates. Both Peter and Alfonso felt a strong connection with each other. This mutual connection spurred Peter and Alfonso to remain in close contact with each other and begin collaborating in His Way at Work. Alfonso and other members of Qualfon have participated in numerous His Way at Work events, giving testimonies about the nature of being a consecrated business and how Catholic Social Teaching can be effectively applied in a business setting.
HE HISTORY OF QUALFON HAS BEEN A STORY OF SACRIFICE, SERVICE, AND SPIRITUALITY. But above all, it has been a story of LOVE. In the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest, he responded: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:37-40). This is the story of Qualfon. This is Qualfon’s mission. This is its purpose. This is its call. This is ultimately what it means to be a company consecrated to the love of God and others.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
Everything Qualfon is and does has meaning to the extent that Qualfon remains faithful to this vision. This vision is very compatible with a Christian worldview, but is far from being exclusively Christian. On a practical level, Qualfon applies this philosophy through its STRIDES values, its organizational culture as a consecrated company, and its dedication to improving the lives of others. These values—service, teamwork, results, integrity, dignity, encouragement, and spirituality—do not belong to one religion, to one philosophy. The universal values are rooted in the desire to bring out the best in each individual and each community. They are values everyone can participate in, regardless of culture, religion, worldview, or background. In a word, these values are universal. These values give rise to the universality and diversity within Qualfon as an organization. Qualfon has 15 centers spread across the globe and employs nearly 11,000 individuals, representing a wide variety of countries, cultures, and creeds. Qualfon’s mission work and programs are as diverse as the communities it serves. Qualfon is able to incorporate this diversity without causing internal division by maintaining its universal ethics and values which enable a plethora of diverse realities to be united with common goals and a common vision. It is this common vision that brings so many individuals to feel as if they not only work at Qualfon as an organization, but belong to the Qualfon family. Each individual is welcome, appreciated, and respected. Each individual has a unique and irreplaceable contribution to make in his or her family, community, and workplace. Qualfon seeks to provide individuals with the environment they need to develop themselves and their talents so they can look forward to a better future in their own lives and participate effectively in transforming society for the better, beginning with responding to the specific needs of their family and immediate communities. It
is this continuous cycle of transformation involving the individual, the family, the community, and the workplace that ultimately defines Qualfon as a consecrated company. Being a “consecrated company” means being a company continually caught up in a process of conversion, a “turning around” or continual change in character! Although this book closes here, it remains unfinished, just as Qualfon’s story remains unfinished. What has been written reflects the conversion and sacrifice of countless individuals —clients, employees, families, community members—who have crossed paths with Qualfon and participated in its transforming mission in one way or another. What will be written in the future to complete the story remains to be seen. We hope each person reading this book will stop and think about the importance of the values and call underlying Qualfon’s existence and consider becoming a part of its mission, furthering its path of love, service, and transformation far into the future.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
BELIEVE EACH COMPANY HAS A SPECIFIC CALL, something very beautiful that God inspires in us and gives to us. I don’t believe there is just one model for companies that respond to a call from God; each one, with our particular situation, responds by putting forth our best efforts. At Qualfon, I have sought for our call, our mission, and our programs with those we work with to be authentic and in accordance with what God inspired by our specific call. We want to respond in an authentic and simple manner to what God has inspired in us within our industry, in the communities we operate in, and with the people God has given us. This makes our mission and purpose something unique and beautiful that God has inspired in us. It’s the same with every company that responds to God’s call. There aren’t monopolies or oligarchies when we speak of being called. God calls everyone. You have to hear Him, say “yes” and follow His call for the mission to transform you and the entire organization. What about you? Have you heard your call? Are you ready to follow it and be a witness to a transformation that you bring to completion through the mission of your company? Alfonso González Arocha Chairman and Founder of Qualfon
APPENDIX 1 Prayers of Consecration To the Sacred Heart of Jesus, under the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the protection of St. Michael the Archangel. CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS (Pope St. John Paul II) Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of humanity, we address ourselves to your most Sacred Heart with humility and confidence, reverence and hope, and with the profound desire to give you glory, honor and praise. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, I praise you for the love that has been revealed through your Sacred Heart, which was trespassed by us and has come to be the source of our joy and our eternal life. United together in Your name, which is above all other names, we consecrate ourselves to your most Sacred Heart, in which resides the fullness of truth and charity. By consecrating ourselves to you, all of us working in Qualfon renew our desire to respond with love to the rich outpouring of your mercy and complete love. CONSECRATION TO OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE (Pope St. John Paul II)
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Mother of Mercy, Teacher of hidden and silent sacrifice, to you, who come to meet us sinners, we dedicate on this day all our being and all our love. We also dedicate to you our life, our work, our joys, our infirmities and our sorrows. Grant peace, justice and prosperity to our peoples; for we entrust to your care all that we have and all that we are, our Lady and Mother. PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. By your intercession, may Our Lord God grant us the grace of abandoning the pathways of sin and following the way of Christian perfection. Amen.
B L E S S I N G P R AY E R S I want to encourage everything that has been done for Qualfon. In this desire for prayer and also to the brilliant spirit of the gospel, and to support all the people who come to the company for help. If there are people in the company who really have a strong prayer life, they would also help to foster a good work climate of respect for others and for charity and mutual trust. I think one of the most beautiful things in a business, which is important for the business itself, is that it should be really a climate of respect for one another and attention to the needs of each other. It is like family spirit where each person has a place. There are more brilliant people, there are people that are more simple, but each one can be welcomed to find a place. I think a climate of prayer is important as well because it will make you attentive to other people. It can be the colleagues that we work with, but also the people that the company takes care of the clients, who are not just clients, they are not just numbers but who are human beings, with their needs, with their lives. Obviously you are not going to enter their lives, but carry them
in prayer. It could be a beautiful thing, an invisible but a real way. It can allow God to touch their hearts, and I think that could be a beautiful reality, so I encourage you in that direction and I’ll pray for you. I give you a blessing, a blessing of a poor priest: Lord I thank you for this business, all the people of good will, who also want your kingdom to grow through this business, I ask you to bless them, give them discernment and wisdom, give them your Holy Spirit, Lord and guide them, and bless them in your love. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. —Fr. Jacques Philippe, recorded on March 18, 2013 God, who is with us and walks in our midst, grant us this day, as we begin the Qualfon Summit, the grace of your light and Spirit so that we may continue our mission and remain faithful to welcoming and listening to all. Take away the indifference that is in our hearts and the discriminating attitudes that exclude and devalue the human dignity of others. Enable our workplaces to be welcoming spaces where joy and tenderness, strength and faith become our daily practice, our daily food, our daily movement forward you. God of life, who cares for all creation, and calls us to unity and peace, may our security not come from our human wisdom, but from out trust in you. May our force not be of rivalry but of love. May our wealth not be in money but in sharing. May our path not be of ambition but of justice. May our victory not be from vengeance but in forgiveness. May our unity not be in the quest of power but in vulnerable witness to do your will. May we open and confidently promote the vocation and defend the dignity of every person sharing, today and forever, the bread of solidarity, justice and peace. Amen. —Fr. Eloy Bedia, LC, Blessing at the Qualfon Summit 2015 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, January 29, 2015
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
APPENDIX 2 Description of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Mission Office The Mission Office is in charge of supporting and fostering initiatives that contribute to achieving Qualfon’s mission to help as many people as possible pursue their total vocation—both as individuals and as members of society—by creating an evergrowing number of job opportunities as it strives to become the outsourcer of choice for its clients. The Mission Office has the responsibility to fulfill both parts of the mission with the priority to care for each one of our collaborators in the Qualfon family. Mission Leaders accompany our collaborators during difficult personal and family situations and provide guidance, education programs, community service initiatives, healthy and ethical fun activities, medical services, etc. The main virtue and characteristic of a Mission Office Coordinator is a vocation for loving the whole person with the knowledge to educate and tact to help delicately. A Mission Office Coordinator should have a deep spirituality and a solid understanding of the call that God has given to them. THE MISSION OFFICE WORKS FOR THE COMPANY IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS:
CEO Mike Marrow
C ie
a es an a etin Doug Hoffschwelle C ie
fi e
pe atin fi e John Yanez
C ie inan ia fi e Marco Villarreal C ie eop e fi e Alejandro Sotelo
C ie n o mation fi e Abelardo Cruz C ie ission fi e Roberto Sanchez Mejorada
C ie & fi e Trevor Allen General Counsel Robert Nachwalter
1. Supports the CEO in holding company management accountable for living the company mission. 1. Dedicated to the care and permanent reflection of Qualfon mission, and strengthening the STRIDES values through the culture as a consecrated company. 2. Contributes to improve both operational and employee performance as a result of personal growth. (soft skills, educational, and caring programs)
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
3. Prepares Mission Programs annual plan and ensures it is aligned with the strategic initiatives and priorities of the company. Every five years works on a strategic plan aligned with the strategic and priority initiatives. 4. Works in a very united and collaborative way with corporate and operations teams. 5. Helps identify improvements to better accomplish the mission. 6. Reports directly to the CEO and maintains continuous communication with the Chairman. 7. Manages/Improves the “You Matter With Mike” survey process. 8. Manages/Improves the Mission Index measures and bonuses plans. 9. Analyzes the results of Mission Index and proposes initiatives to further improvements. 10. Prepares the annual budget of the area, including grants and programs for our people, support local community, train employees, etc. 2. Promotes an open and encouraging environment where people have the opportunity to share in the company’s mission and understand our values, plans, and goals. 1.Develops, implements, and maintains an onboarding process to introduce new managers to the mission, values, and culture. 2.Ensures all staff are aware of the organization’s mission, culture, and values and of its key organizational developments. 3. Provides feedback to management through formal channels (YMWM). 4. Produces communication tools (e.g. brochures, letters, videos, books). Organizes events that increase an understanding and experience of our consecration and mission.
3. Promotes an environment for employees to explore and apply their full vocation. 1. Works with the executive and leadership teams to identify and address employee and organizational developmental needs. 2. Designs and develops content of non-production training associated with the company mission, values, and culture. 3. Designs and develops core training curricula and initiatives in compliance with corporate Learning and Development standards. Core training initiatives include Mission Leader Development Program, STRIDES, Orientation, Leadership Skills, Diversity Training, and key educational experiences for all employees. 4. Has ownership for curriculum, materials, and training for STRIDES Training for new and existing employees. All printed and digital materials used internally and externally. 6. Ensures all training and development activities are strategically linked to the organization’s mission, values, and culture. 7. Manages negotiations with organizations such as universities or organizations to create new opportunities for support and training for our employees. 4. Promotes an environment where people trust and support each other. 1. Ensures each employee receives care, support, and training to develop individual and social vocation as indicated in the mission. 2. Proposes, authorizes, and/or implements caring programs for our people.
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
3. Utilizes initiative to identify new ways to help our employees. 4. Drives programs and actions that care for Qualfon Employees and Families including: Disaster aid (personal and community), Chaplaincy program, and Health and welfare programs. 5. Promotes an environment where people are involved beyond what their daily work duties require of them, and actively participate in supporting the needs of our communities. 1. Proposes, authorizes and/or implements programs to help the local community. 2. Interacts frequently with Qualfon’s Executive Leadership Team. 3. Mobilizes the organization and collaborate in the development of community service programs. 6. Transforms Qualfon into an environment full of opportunities to share common hobbies and interests and to learn and have fun. 1. Leads the Fun@Work team to continue to improve engagement activities and review alignment with mission, values, and culture. Establish Qualfon as the “employer of choice� in the communities where we operate.
APPENDIX 3 Job Description of a Worksite Chaplain The Qualfon Chaplaincy program puts chaplains both on the worksite and in the community where they can interact directly with people. The worksite chaplain spends his time on site getting to know employees and encouraging them to continue growing in their vocation and helping them through any struggles in their work or in their life outside the office. The chaplain provides permissionbased Care Sessions both inside and outside the office, and is there for employees whether they’re facing trouble with workplace conflicts, a sick relative, a troubled relationship, depression and anxiety, or a crisis of faith. Chaplains offer someone to listen and respond in a crisis and, when necessary, provide recommendations of an expert professional in mental or physical health for the employee or their immediate family. The Qualfon chaplain also provides Life Plan Sessions to help employees discover their full vocations and how they can continue to grow in their vocation at Qualfon and in their personal lives. These Life Plan Sessions cover everything from marriage and relationships to workplace vocations and financial planning. Additionally, the chaplain organizes growth activities for all employees such as seminars and workshops. The chaplain also
Qualfon: A Consecrated Company
provides interfaith activities such as worship, retreats, guided meditation, and the celebration of religious holidays and feasts. The Chaplaincy Program also offers support to the Qualfon management team such as assisting in mission and core values coaching and reporting on how the mission and core values are being shown throughout the workplace.
W H AT D O E S I T TA K E T O B E A QUALFON WORKSITE CHAPLAIN? The Qualfon chaplain must show respect, compassion, acceptance, responsiveness, inclusiveness, nurturance, and generosity. The chaplain must be devoted to service and let employees know he is there to help. The Qualfon chaplain is willing to collaborate and work as a team while ensuring high quality results that not only meet, but exceed expectations. The Qualfon chaplain takes responsibility for his actions and always acts with the highest integrity and dignity in the workplace. The chaplain motivates others to do their best and always acts with kindness and respect towards others. The Qualfon chaplain empowers and encourages others to work as a team and exceed expectations. The chaplain translates the company vision into actionable behavior. The Qualfon chaplain is able to take the mission outside the company and into the community, providing the same level of commitment, service, and empowerment to community members as is given to employees.