Harmony Life - June 2022

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JUNE 2022




JUNE 2022

A publication of Quantum Marketing Communications, LLC www.QMCWorld.com


Welcome to the June 2022 edition of Harmony Life Magazine. Steve Berube, Former CDD Chairperson and CDD Supervisor, stepped down from the board the last meeting in May 2022. On behalf of the Harmony Life Magazine and myself we want to thank Steve for his many years of service to Harmony and for his friendship to the magazine. When I was conceptualizing the idea of this publication back in 2013, I met with resistance from the developer and staff who were running Harmony. I won’t go into the details, but not only didn’t they support the idea of the publication, they flat out told me it was a bad idea and would fail. I was looking for an official source that would add credibility and substance to the publication and Steve Berube (CDD Chairperson and HROA Chair) was the first person to embrace the publication and provided content. Over the years Steve has been a consistent source of content for the publication but he has also been a friend. Whenever we have needed anything, he always went out of his way to help. THANK YOU, STEVE BERUBE! We wish you the absolute best in your future endeavors. See you in July! Bill Bokunic Publisher Bill@QMCWorld.com

Bill Bokunic 321.331.6398 Bill@QMCWorld.com


Renée Blair Blair Creative Group, Inc.


Provided by Zachary Caballero

CONTRIBUTORS Jeanine Corcoran Corcoran Connect Beth Johnson, M.Ed.

Hamony Nature & Animal Committee Member

Teresa Kramer

Chair, Hamony CDD

Stephanie Milfeld Z&Q – A Children's Boutique

The opinions expressed in the Harmony Life Magazine articles are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions of Quantum Marketing Communications, Harmony Life Magazine or the Publisher. Harmony Life Magazine, Quantum Marketing Communications, LLC and the Publisher can, in no way whatsoever, be held responsible for the content of such views, nor can it be held liable for any direct or indirect damage that may arise from such views. All rights reserved. No part of any Quantum Marketing Communications, LLC published work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.


HarmonyCDD.org, 407-566-1935 Teresa, Dan, Mike, or Kerul@HarmonyCDD.org









Association Solutions, 811 Mabette St., Kissimmee 407-847-2280, MyHOASolution.com



Sentry Management, 407-846-6323

ADVANCED DISPOSAL – OSCEOLA 3501 Pug Mill Rd. Kissimmee, FL 34741 OsceolaFL@advanceddisposal.com


Association Solutions, 811 Mabette St., Kissimmee 407-847-2280, MyHOASolution.com


Osceola.org “Citizen Action Center” ricky.booth@osceola.org



407-891-8358, HarmonyFL.com

2 Harmony Life Magazine l June 2022


6816 Goldflower Ave 5 Bed | 4 Bath | 3524 sq ft by Jeanine Corcoran


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3307 Cat Brier Trl 4 Bed | 4 Bath | 2 HB 3294 sq ft by Jeanine Corcoran


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3436 Schoolhouse Rd 5 Bed | 5.5 Bath 3329 sq ft by Jeanine Corcoran



3333 Bracken Fern Dr 2 Bed | 2 Bath 1188 sq ft by William Bokunic & Jeanine Corcoran



3308 Bracken Fern Dr 3 Bed | 2 Bath 1947 sq ft by Jeanine Corcoran


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NOTES FROM the CHAIR By Teresa Kramer Chair, Harmony Community Development District



or May is always a challenging month for Harmony’s CDD as it marks the beginning of Budget Season, and this May was no exception. Normally, most residents do not pay much attention to the budget process, but this year has been different for two reasons: first, a nasty rumor, started in March of this year, led some residents to worry that their CDD assessment would be increasing by $1000 and second, inflation is hitting everyone hard causing money to be tighter than ever. To help allay concerns, let me explain the budget timeline, process, and how past decisions are affecting our current budgeting decisions.


Harmony is not the only entity that starts their budgeting process in May; we are joined in this by all of Florida’s cities, counties, special districts and other CDDs, who all follow the same process: 1. April-May: The District Manager collects

information from vendors and utility providers on what future costs for goods and services will be and then prepares a Preliminary Budget.

2. May: The Board reviews and adjusts the

Preliminary Budget, adopting a Proposed Budget. This Proposed Budget estimates what it will cost to operate the CDD for the upcoming fiscal year. This amount is then used to determine how much each property owner’s assessment will be. The amount set at this time is the maximum assessment that the CDD can collect for the upcoming fiscal year.

3. June: The Board notifies the County

Property Appraiser of the maximum assessment amount, and the County Property Appraiser then prepares and provides a preliminary assessment roll to the CDD.

4. July:The Board holds a Public Hearing on

the Proposed Budget (this year it is July 28th at 6:00pm). This time is set aside for residents and other members of the public to come before the Board to comment

4 Harmony Life Magazine l June 2022

on the Proposed Budget. The Board can then either maintain the proposed assesment or lower it but cannot raise the assessment rates. If the Board chooses to lower the assessment rate, they must make corresponding cuts in the amount budgeted to be spent.

5. August-September: The Board then

adopts a Final Budget which is transmitted to Osceola County for imposing and levying the CDD assessments. As always, these assessments are a part of your property tax bill and, for most people, are paid by their mortgage servicer from your escrowed funds.


To start the budget, our District Manager reviews each line item and estimates what sources and amounts of income the CDD will receive and what the costs for those items or services will be in the upcoming year. The main source of income is the CDD assessment that each property owner pays annually as a part of their tax bill. The major categories of expenditures are: Debt Service - is based on money that was spent by the original developer to build the roads, alleys, stormwater system, parks, playgrounds, sod the open fields and plant the trees. This amount does not change as the amount was set long ago and the interest rate is locked in, similar to your home mortgage. Administration - includes costs such as state filing fees, collection costs charged by the tax collector, insurance, and professional services such as our District Manager, District Engineer and District Legal Counsel. Field Services - includes the cost of the office space for and the actual staff that keep the trash cans emptied, the Doggie Stations filled with bags, the boats and pools clean and available for use, the sidewalks level, and so much more. These are the people that jump into action when you e-mail a concern to cddmaintenance@inframark.com.

Landscape Services - includes mowing the grass, pruning the hedges, weeding the flower beds, renewing the mulch, trimming the trees, beating back the fire ants, and replacing the 20-year-old plants that die off. Utilities - irrigation water and electricity/streetlight maintenance are the two biggest items here. Costs are going up fast as we take on the costs of providing these services in our new neighborhoods with no increase in income from them. Operations and Maintenance - costs for the services and supplies that make Harmony work, day-in and day-out. Things like toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning chemicals, doggie potty bags, treatments for Buck Lake and our stormwater ponds, new batteries and motors for our boats, chlorine for our pools, the plumber who unclogs the drains, the electrician who fixes the locking gates, gas and oil for the vehicles, and sometimes even big items like new vehicles and invasive weed treatments when required. Contribution to Reserves - money we transfer to our Reserve (savings) Account. This money along with funds from earlier years can then be used for major renewal/replacement projects that are meant to restore our infrastructure and facilities as they age. Examples of projects that would be paid for from the Reserve Account include reconstruction of our footbridges, resurfacing of our pools, repairs to the stormwater system, milling and paving of alleys, replacement playground equipment, and new frontage fencing. Since these projects are not done every year, they are paid for from this separate account to spread their budgetary impact over time.


Landscape Services - Landscape services are by far the most expensive cost that Harmony faces each year. For the past 5 years, the CDD’s annual cost for landscaping has been just about $500,000 per year. However, the landscape service we have been receiving over the past cou-

ple of years has been lacking. This year state law required us to rebid the landscaping contract. When the bids came back, the annual costs had gone up significantly. The three bids that came in were widely different for the same services. The three bids ranged from over $1.2 million per year to $640,000 per year. Even choosing the low bid, which is our current landscape service provider, will be an almost 30% increase.

be set aside each year for these upcoming major expenses. If we wait to fund these big-ticket expenses in the year they come due, Harmony property owners will be hit with huge assessment increases in future years. Can you image having to find the money to pay for a new roof all at once instead of spreading the roof ’s cost over a period of years? This would break most families’ budgets.

Inflation - As we all have noticed, costs are skyrocketing. These cost increases seriously affect the CDD’s budget. We use gas for our service vehicles, water to irrigate our green areas and fill our pools, electricity to power our streetlights, labor to keep our facilities clean and operating. During our budget process, the Board had to make an educated guess at what many of the costs would be in the future.


So, while it is true that your CDD assessment is going to have to go up this year, it is not true

that it will be increasing $1000. The increase will vary from property to property based on the type of use and the frontage that you have on the street, but the average single-family homeowner in Harmony will see an increase of less than $400/year or $33/month. I hope this explanation helps to allay some of the fears that were stirred up by false rumors. If we all work together as we typically do here in Harmony, we can get through these difficult times and come out the other side as a stronger, more united community. n

Lack of Minor Increases in the Past - As we all know, in addition to this year’s increases, costs have also risen over the previous ten years, although not to the extent that we have seen this year. Unfortunately, the CDD failed to institute small incremental increases over the past 10 years, instead choosing to keep assessments the same or even to decrease assessments as was done in 2019. This prevented the CDD assessments from keeping up with the minor inflation that was occurring during those years, which averaged 2% per year. For example, a $1000 assessment in 2012 would have needed to be $1219 just to have kept up with inflation. If this incremental increase had been done over time, the current increase could have been cut in half or more. Failure to Obtain and Follow a True Reserve Study - Compounding the problem of not keeping up with the mild inflationary pressures of the past 10 years was the lack of planning for future costs of major repair and replacement costs. As any homeowner knows, you need to have a line item in your budget for money that needs to go into savings. These savings then go to pay for the roof when it wears out, the water heater when the bottom rusts through, and the appliances as they age. Just like your home, Harmony has things that wear out—pools need resurfacing, boards on the footbridges rot out, boats and vehicles need to be replaced, fences crumble, and stormwater pipes separate. Until this year, Harmony has never had a true Reserve Study done or, for that matter, did not even have a complete inventory of all the vertical and horizontal infrastructure that the CDD is responsible for. When the Reserve Study was finally done, it became evident that our Reserve Account was sorely underfunded. It is imperative that an appropriate level of funding June 2022 | Harmony Life Magazine 5

DID YOU KNOW? By Beth Johnson, M.Ed. Harmony Nature & Animal Committee Member




id you know that fires play a crucial role in our ecosystem? Florida’s climate promotes fire throughout its dry season. Our natural communities of scrub and pine flatwoods as well as the animals that inhabit them depend on these short cycles of lightninginduced fire for their existence. Many locations throughout Florida require prescribed burns by the Florida Forest Service as a management tool to reduce the spread of fuel-induced fires. Sadly though, many forest fires are caused by human error and this can result in catastrophic consequences for the ecosystem and the fire starter. As a homeowner or renter in Harmony, you can be held financially responsible for fire suppression costs if you or anyone in your household causes a forest fire. Negligence can come in many forms, such as unattended campfires, firepits, and even hot grills. Adventurous children and teens can also create uncontrollable fires due to curiosity and lack of knowledge, so it’s very important to educate your entire family about fire

safety in order to prevent tragedy from occurring. Forest fires created through negligent camping practices can cause devastation to local habitats and the homes that surround them. These fires often start from fires that were not put out properly. Stamping the fire out or splashing water on it is not enough. According to the United States Forest Services, these are the instructions for campfires outside of a developed recreation area (e.g. throughout the trail sites in Harmony): 1. Keep the fire site away from overhanging branches. 2. Use an existing pit if possible, and circle it with rocks. 3. Keep a bucket of water and a shovel nearby. 4. Stack extra wood upwind and away from the fire. 5. After lighting, do not discard the match until it is cold. 6. Never leave a campfire unattended, not even for a minute. 7. Before you leave, make sure the fire is completely out by completing the following steps: • Drown the fire and surrounding area with water. • Stir the fire with a shovel or stick, then drown it again. • Add water and stir until the area is cold to the touch. • Don’t bury coals. They can smolder and break out. Prior to starting a fire site, you can check local conditions by searching online for the The Florida Forest Service (FFS) Active Wildfire Dashboard. This interactive map will provide you with up to date information on current wildfire information in your area, including weather conditions that may affect your fire site’s containability. Fires respond quickly to wind direction and speed, so checking this dashboard in advance can help you plan accordingly.

Fire safety begins with you. By working together, we can keep our beautiful community safe for everyone. n Sources: UF/IFAS Extension USDA.gov FDACS.gov

6 Harmony Life Magazine l June 2022


Campfires aren’t the only cause for concern. Please use common sense when using fire pits and grills in your backyard. Never leave them unattended and follow all safety guidelines. Maintaining vegetation around your property is also necessary to prevent the spread of fires. Clear dry leaves and other debris on your property to prevent embers from starting a fire in and around your home.

June 2022 | Harmony Life Magazine 7

8 Harmony Life Magazine l June 2022

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“I found an incredible deal with Ross and Justin at Kisselback Ford. My experience was smooth and very professional from beginning to the end. They provide a very low pressure sales experience and showed me everything they have to offer. I am having my Platinum glass coated with them and I was very happy with the extended warranty pricing. I would highly recommend this dealership. Everyone at the dealership is welcoming but definitely ask for Ross if you’re looking for a professional straight forward deal.” — Austin L.

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“First off I would like to thank Ross. I’ve been looking on and off for a new F150 since February. Most dealerships lied about the availability of a truck I had a question about, and just wanted to get me in the door. Ross called me on a Wednesday night; he assured me that the vehicle I wanted was on the lot, and my wife and I test drove it the next day. Ross was tremendous; he had the answer to every question and was very knowledgeable about every feature. No pressure sales at all. I think if every dealership had Ross working for them, it would change the car buying experience forever, for the good. Not only was he very helpful on the purchase he was a pleasure to sit and chat with.” — David L.

Community Partner Spotlight: St. Cloud Main Street’s March to Your Own Story Kisselback Ford is a proud sponsor of this year’s March to Your Own Story events.

March to Your Own Story returns this summer! Meet Local Authors! Free Books!

Each week, begin your tour at the St Cloud Police substation on 10th street to pick up a map that will lead you on a stroll through downtown St. Cloud. This map will take you to specific locations to glance into the storefronts of participating businesses, reading one page at a time until you complete that week’s story! You can read the story anytime during the week but be sure to set a reminder for that Saturday! On that special Saturday, the host business welcomes you to meet the author and each child in attendance will receive a free book to have autographed and take photos. In addition, there will be an extra treat from the host business. Have your child dress as their favorite character and they might win our Costume Contest! For more information for these great events, visit Facebook.com/stcloudmainstreet.

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How Hernias Develop

• Incisional hernias, which happen after surgery when part of an organ pushes through the scar area • Inguinal hernias, which affect men more than women and develop in the groin area • Umbilical hernias, which develop near the navel

A hernia happens when an area of weakened muscle tears and allows part of an internal organ or tissue to bulge through.

How to Recognize Hernia Symptoms

Most people with hernias get them as their muscles weaken with age. But others develop hernias because they were born with weak abdominal muscles, are overweight, use tobacco or have poor nutrition — all of which increase your hernia risk.

• Cough, heartburn or difficulty swallowing

If you lift heavy objects (especially without proper lifting techniques) or strain your muscles while coughing, sneezing or having a bowel movement, you can eventually develop a hernia or make an existing one worse.

Types of hernias include:

• Congenital hernias, which are present at birth when a baby’s diaphragm isn’t com pletely formed • Hiatal hernias, which develop in the upper part of the stomach 10 Harmony Life Magazine l June 2022

Symptoms of a hernia can vary depending on the type and location, but generally include: • Pressure in the area of the hernia • Visible bulging or a lump you can feel

See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. If you have a hernia that becomes soft or causes sudden pain, constipation, nausea or vomiting, go to the emergency room right away. These symptoms could mean you have a strangulated hernia, which is a life-threatening condition.

Know What to Expect for Hernia Diagnosis and Treatment

If you have symptoms of a hernia, your doctor can offer an accurate diagnosis with a physical exam and, if needed, imaging tests such as an X-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan to get a clear picture of your health.

If you have symptoms of a hiatal hernia, you may need an upper endoscopy. This minimally invasive procedure uses a small camera on a catheter (a thin, flexible tube) to examine your throat and stomach. Your doctor may also suggest changes to your diet and activities if your hernia isn’t severe or dangerous. Medication can also sometimes relieve your symptoms. If your symptoms don’t improve, surgery may be recommended. Advances in technology offer procedures with smaller incisions and shorter recovery.

Find Lasting Relief

Hernias can’t always be prevented, but they can be treated — and a digestive expert is the best person to give you advice on how to manage your hernia. Don’t accept pain as something you must learn to live with. We’re here to do everything possible to help you feel at ease while treating your condition to bring lasting relief. To learn more or find a provider near you, visit AHCentralFloridaSurgery.com or call 800-974-9580. n



our health is our priority, and if you’re experiencing symptoms of a hernia, it’s important to seek care as soon as possible. While some hernias can be managed with lifestyle changes, others can become life-threatening if left untreated.

Free 1-Year Golf Membership! Playing the #1 Rated links course just got easier! Contact us to learn more. Corcoran Connect and Royal St. Cloud have teamed up for a great offer. New clients receive a one-year Individual Golf Membership with the purchase or sale of a home when using Corcoran Connect. This is a $950 value. For more information and details, contact us at Corcoran Connect.

Corcoran Connect 1-844-Corcoran Info@CorcoranConnect.com Restrictions: Cart fee not included. Valid for 1 year. No cash value. Limited time offer. Non-transferable. One per family. June 2022 | Harmony Life Magazine 11


By Stephanie Milfeld Owner, Z and Q – A Children's Boutique

So one of the things all parents are wondering now is, what do I do to occupy my kids, preferably that isn’t very far because, ya know... gas. So we have the obvious community pool, splash pad, parks, etc. But, there is so much locally you can do while also supporting local businesses.

Savvy Sweets, located on Pennsylvania Ave., Downtown St. Cloud, is offering kids’ cupcake and cookie decorating classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. What I love about this is that it’s not SUPER long so it doesn’t take up your entire day. She also has a class specific to those children NOT in elementary school yet. The little ones need fun activities as well.

Ex Animo Creations is offering a few weeklong art camps at the VFW located at 9th Street and New York Avenue at a very reasonable price, and they take up most of the day if you are looking for something for your kids to do while you are working or needing to get errands done, which is a great option. Finally, the YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS market is coming up on the last Wednesday of the month, June 29th, from 5-9 pm. This is probably my favorite season of markets all year long. It’s a great opportunity to support the youth in our community and check out their amazing talents. It is also a great opportunity for those under 21 to showcase their work, talk to people face to face, handle money and gain experience as a young entrepreneurs. Do you ever find yourself saying, man, I feel like I never know what’s going on downtown… I don’t have social media so I don’t see stuff advertised… I do have social media and well, the algorithm stinks and I still can’t see anything going on… I never even knew that store existed! Well, look no further; check out www.downtownsaintcloud.com where you can find shops, dining, services, and events that take place right here in our hometown! With a monthly calendar detailing events, classes, ladies’ nights, etc., you are bound to find something that sparks your interest.

Just A Glazin, located on 10th Street Downtown, is a great place to cool off and get artistic whether your kids attend a camp or just want to do something to get out of the house. I hear there are some good movies coming out! Check out the St. Cloud Twin on 10th Street for a cheaper movie experience, all while staying local.

12 Harmony Life Magazine l June 2022


While summertime is bittersweet and super chaotic for my Type A personality, I do truly enjoy my evening sunset golf cart rides with my girls, the kids all running in and out of houses and pools, and the freeness this time of year brings—not to mention the fabulous fireworks display for 4th of July, but let's not bring that up on the forum JUST yet. n Stephanie Milfeld Z and Q – A Children’s Boutique 1037 New York Ave Saint Cloud, FL 34769 www.zandq.com @zandqboutique



o if you are anything like me your schedule is probably all out of wack, kids may or may not be bouncing off the walls and you are doing everything in your power to make sure they don’t eat ALL of the snacks you just bought in a single day.


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14 Harmony Life Magazine l June 2022

QUICK REFERENCE DIRECTORY ADVERTISING & MAGAZINES Harmony Life Bill Bokunic 321-331-6398 Bill@QMCWorld.com www.QMCWorld.com AIR-CONDITION SERVICES Access Air Eric Farnsworth *Harmony Resident* 407-921-0760 ELFarnsworth@live.com AUTO DEALER Kisselback Ford 1118 13th Street St. Cloud 407-892-2141 www.KisselbackFord.com CHILDREN'S BOUTIQUE Z and Q *Harmony Resident* 1014 New York Ave. St. Cloud 34769 www.ZandQ.com CHURCH Harmony Community Church Meeting 10am Sundays at Harmony Community School (844) 444-FBCH www.HarmonyCommunity.church CHIROPRACTOR Living Well Chiropractic *Harmony Resident* 4041 13th St. St. Cloud 34768 407-957-1337 www.LivingWellCFL.com FINANICAL SERVICES Edward Jones Kerry L. Scott, CRPC 4115 Neptune Rd. St. Cloud 34769 407-498-0147 www.EdwardJones.com GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS D.S.I. Sales / Service / Repairs 407-970-5847 dsigaragedoor@yahoo.com www.dsigaragedoorandopener.com

GOLF CLUB Royal St. Cloud Golf Links 5310 Michigan Ave., St. Cloud, FL 34769 407-891-7010 GRAPHIC DESIGN & BRANDING SERVICES Blair Creative Group, Inc. Renée Blair Lake Nona 321-972-3669 info@blaircg.com www.BlairCG.com HOME INSPECTORS Budget Services 407-892-8811 HOSPITALS AdventHealth Partin Settlement Health Park & ER 2488 & 2500 East Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy. Kissimmee, FL 34744 www.YourOsceolaCare.com Health First-Holmes Regional Health Care 1350 South Hickory St. Melbourne, FL 32901 321-434-7000 Orlando Health St. Cloud Hospital 2906 17th St. St. Cloud 407-892-2135 www.OrlandoHealth.com INSURANCE Brightway Insurance, The Sterner Agency 407-891-9361 www.BrightwaySterner.com Healthcare Solutions Team Kim Kirsch 407-870-3462 kkirsch@myhst.com LAWN CARE Luv-A-Lawn & Pest Control 407-908-9139 www.LuvALawn.com Triple Palm Lawns *Harmony Resident* 407-957-3489 TriplePalmLawn@aim.com

16 Harmony Life Magazine l June 2022

MORTGAGE LENDING Mortgage Studio Julie Bretz-Swinarksi 407-758-3443 julie@mtgstudio.net

Lucky Dog Printing *Harmony Resident* 1014 New York Ave., St. Cloud 34769 407-593-6984

Alyssa Shivmangal 407-408-1413 alyssa@mtgstudio.net

REAL ESTATE Corcoran Connect *Harmony Resident* Jeanine Corcoran Owner/Broker Buy/Sell/Rent/Property Mgmt. 407-953-9118 www.CorcoranConnect.com

MUSIC LESSONS Harmony Performance Arts Studio Amber Lanning & Ellen Short Voice/Piano/Acting 682-936-9551 PAINTING & PRESSURE WASHING Champions Property Maintenance *Harmony Resident* Joe Murray, 407-766-5051 PARK Wild Florida 3301 Lake Cypress Rd. Kenansville 407-957-3135 www.WildFL.com PET GROOMING The Magic Paws 321-440-3724 www.TheMagicPaws.com Mobile Service Pawfect Cuts of Harmony 407-257-1414 PawfectCutsOfHarmony.com Serving Harmony & St. Cloud PHYSICIANS Miriam Carnemolla, APRN AdventHealth Primary Care+ Partin Settlement 2488 E. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Kissimmee, FL 34744 St. Cloud Medical Group 1700 E. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy. St. Cloud 407-891-2965 www.StCloudPhysicians.com PLUMBING Mr. Rooter Plumbing 407-593-3737 www.MrRooter.com PRINTERS Creative Printing Services 1115 Pennsylvania Ave. St. Cloud 34769 407-891-9797

RESTAURANT Koffee Kup 1407 13th Street St. Cloud 34769, Under the Water Tower 407-891-81488 www.TheKoffeeKup.com ROOFING Janney Roofing Brad Hogan 407-567-7856 TRAVEL Meisner Cruise and Travel *Harmony Resident* 407-738-7088 • tvlwithlinda@gmail.com Facebook: Harmony Get Aways With Meissner Travel WATER SYSTEMS Dependable Water Treatment 407-242-7150 WINE & SPIRITS Levee Liquor & Gas Now Delivering in Harmony! 718 13th St., St. Cloud 407-593-9605 www.LeveeLiquor.com



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