11 minute read

Pregnancy/ Menstruation
Avoid using the terahertz device during pregnancy and menstruation.

Open Wounds
Do not use within 48 hours of a surgery or on an open wound.
Congenital Heart Issues
People with congenital heart and diseases should consult with their practitioner prior to using the terahertz device.
Implanted Objects
Do not use on any implanted objects. This includes, metal, mesh, plastic, lens implants, breast implants, hearing aids and fillings to name a few.
Avoid using on a fresh fracture. Allow the bone to heal for 1-2 weeks before using the terahertz device.
If you have any other concerns, please consult a medical professional.
Introduction to the Terahertz Acupuncture Guide
This A-Z guide is makes it easy to get the most out of your terahertz device.

1. Look up a symptom that you are experiencing. 2. Muscle test (see video) or simply try the points to see which you like best. 3. If it is measurable like shoulder pain, you could assign a number 1-10 on the severity of the pain.
Try the spots and see which ones come down in severity. 4. Use your intuition if it is not measurable.
Close your eyes while wanding and you will naturally gravitate towards the points that make you feel better. 5. Keep in mind that intention is everything.
Have healing and loving thoughts while you are doing your treatments. Please take the time to read this guide thoroughly to get the most out of your wand. The contraindications and the water recommendations are critical for many reasons.
I am one to just rip open a box and get going, but I am asking you to take a few minutes and review everything.
Please remember that your healing journey will be a process with many layers. If your issue has been going on for years, it is not realistic to expect results overnight.
It is necessary to look beyond the symptoms, to the root cause. i.e. asthma - what are the triggers (smoke, pests, toxicity, pets, dust mites…) These may need to be addressed to see actual results.
“I have been getting laser acupuncture regularly or 10 years. I can now treat myself and family in between my acupuncture visits.” - Sandy
The Benefits of Terahertz Acupuncture
1. With a large diameter, it is very easy to use. You do not have to be as accurate as a needle or laser.
2.Because the penetration is 7-12 inches, it is very effective.
3.It is non invasive and very affordable. One laser acupuncture appointment ranges between $90-250.
With one device, you can help many people.
Be patient, let your body be your guide, go slow
Terahertz WaterBenefits of Terahertz Water
• Linear molecular structured water • Reduce oxidative stress • Improve Glycemic response • Improve blood lipid profile • Increase tissue conductivity • Increase mineral absorption • Enhance human cell activity • Expel waste and toxins

It is very important to have toxin free, remineralized water before charging and drinking terahertz water. Please watch this video and take notes before drinking Terahertz Water.
Benefits of Charged Water
The iTeraCare Device can change the molecular structure of the distilled water, restores its vitality and increases its oxygen level. Drinking the iTeraCare charged water can dramatically enhance the bloods integrity, making it healthier and more fluid, allowing more oxygen to flow, and energy to be restored! Drink your iTeraCare charged water now!

Terahertz Basic Protocol

Charge two cups of high quality, mineralized water for 30-60 seconds on cool or warm and drink the water. Set an intention of healing, inner peace, love and/or gratitutde.

Charge each sole of your feet for 30-60 seconds on cool, warm or hot. Charge two cups of high quality, mineralized water for 30-60 seconds on cool or warm and drink the water. Continue to drink terahertz water as your body allows throughout the day. Do this protocol before you add in the other points to prime the body.

Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is designed to bring subconscious information into conscious awareness. What if you could easily find out exactly what you needed in order to do better or feel better? Can you imagine what the potential impact would be on your emotional and physical wellbeing?
Muscle testing allows us access to ALL OF THIS.

While it is not necessary to muscle test in order to use the iTeraCare device, you can get some fabulous results if you take the time to learn and practice.WATCH THE

Acupuncture Guide 1/6 Allergies - Cell Repair
LV = LIVER LU = LUNG ST = STOMACH UB = URINARY BLADDER TW = TRIPLE WARMER SYMPTOM Allergies - Food Allergies - Breathing Alzheimer's Acid Reflux ADD/ADHD Aging Anxiety/Stress Ankle Problems Arthritis Asthma Athletic Performance Autism Back Pain Bedwetting Bell's Palsy

Blood Pressure High Bowel Disease IBS Breastfeeding Breathing Issues Bronchitis Burns Cancer Carpal Tunnel Cell Repair L3, L14, LI11, K3, K27, LV3, CV 6, GV14 Throat and Sternum CV 17 AND CV6 EVERYDAY FROM STERNUM TO NAVEL ON THE FRONT MIDLINE GB41, LV3, CV6, GV14 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 LI3, TW3, ST36, TB17, GV24.5, ST36, K3 UB60, K3, K6 CV6, L3, L14, LI4, LI11, ST36, GB20, GV14, K3, B13, LU1, LU9, K27, LI4, CV17 TW5, P6, K3, K13 CV17, GV14, CV6, CV22 LI10, TW3, GB20, GB21, GB30, S13, SP9, UB23, UB40, CV6, GV4, GV26, K1, B23, B60 B60, B62, K3, K6, CV2, CV3 LI14, GB14, GB1, SI18, ST3, ALSO SEE NEURO PROTOCOL, UP THE NOSE LV3, LI4, H1 , H2, H3, or LV3, LV14, K1, ST9, CV6, GV14
CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 LU1, ST16, P1, CV17 LU1, K27, CV17 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 CV8, K1 PREVENTION: CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 P6, P7, CV17, TB4 glut carn brochure
Acupuncture Guide 2/6 Cerebral - Eyesight
Cerebral Palsy Chest Pain Cholesterol High Chronic Fatigue Colds/Flu Colitis detox protocol, meridian rebalancing, LU9, K1, CV17, CV6 H3, H9, S13, P6, P8, CV17, LV14 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 L1, GB21, GB20, P6, TW5, B23, B47, ST36, LV3, GB24.5, CV6 CV6, CV17, LU1, LU7, LU0 L14,LI11, UB2, TW5, GB20 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3
Colon Detox Congestion Constipation Convulsions CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 KD1, ST3, LI20, GB20, GV20, CV4 See sinus as well CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, LI4,LI11, ST25, ST36, TW5, CV6 K1, H4
all over fingers, LU1, LU10, K27 Depression TB5, PC6, LV4, LU1, H7(BILATERAL), SP6(BILATERAL) Detox Kidneys, Liver, Lungs CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 Diabetes CV6, CV8, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, SP6, ST36, LV1 Diarrhea Digestive Problems Diziness, Vertigo DNA Repair DRUGS LI10, ST25, ST36, SP9, CV4, CV6, CV12 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, LI10, ST25, ST36, H3, K1, P6, CV12 LU10, SP6, H3, K1, P6, GB20, GB21, LV3, GV20 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3

Dysmenorrhea Ear Problems Edema CV2, SP6 S13, S19, B23, K3, TW3, TW5, GB20, GV20 TINNITUS GB2 ST25, SP6, SP9, UB23
Elbow Problems LI11
Emotional Distress Emphysema Endocrine Issues
P6, P8, GV20, GV26 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3
Erectile Problems SP6, UB23, K1, CV4, CV6, GV4 Eye Problems - Conjunctivitis GB1, GB20, UB1, BL2, LI4 Eye Problems - General UB1, UB2, UB23, ST3, GB20, GB21, LV3 Eye Problems - Twitching/Tics GB14, ST1, BL2, TB23 Eyesight CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3
Acupuncture Guide 3/6 Exercising - Hot Flashes
Exercising Fainting Fatigue Feet Issues Fever Fibromyalgia Fibromas Hands/Feet Fibrosis Frozen Shoulder Fungal Infection Gastritis Gout Hangover Headache Headache - Tension CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 ST36, UB23, K1, LV3, GV26 LU1, ST36, UB23, GB21, LV3, GV26 K1 and the top of the foot LU10, LI11, P8, GB21 K3, K1 ST36, CV4, SP4, LI1, L1 Hands and Feet CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 Shoulder area, L1, ST38 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, SP9 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 KI1, HT3 P6, LI4, ST3, UB2, UB10, GB20, LV3 LU10, LI4, H3, SI3, TW3, TW5, GB20, LV3, GV20 See Migraine forehead

Headache - Temporal Headache - Migraine Headache - Cluster Headache - Sinus Heartburn
temples eyes, cheeks, temples and see below, GB8 eyes and anywhere else it hurts forehead, cheeks, jaw, throat, lymph protocol CV17, CV8 Heart Disease CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 Heart Disease - Heart Attack H9 Heart Disease - Irr. Heartbeat P6, K1 Heart Chakra Sternum Heat Exhaustion Heavy Metal Detox Hepatitis A,B,C Hiccups Hip Problems Hormonal Imbalance Hot Flashes K1 CV21, CV6, CV7, SP9, GV2 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 LU1, P6, LV14, CV12, CV17 GB30 SP6, ST36, K3, Behind Left Ear LI4, K1, K27, GB20, CV17, GV20, SP6, ST36, K3
Infection Injury Immune Insomnia Irritability and Frustration Jaw TMJ Jetlag Knee Pain Kidney Legs - weak, impaired Leukemia Liver Lung Detox Lung Disease Lupus Meditation Memory Issues Mentrual Dysmenorrhea Mental Disorders Migraine Multiple Sclerosis Muscle Repair Nasal Congestion Nausea/Motion Sickness Neck Pain Night Sweat Neuro Diseases Overall Health Pain - Headache Pain - Whole body #1 Pain - Whole Body #2

Acupuncture Guide 4/6 Infection - Pain
CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 K1, LI4, LI11, ST36, UB23, K3, K27, SI3, TW5, LV3, LV14, CV4, CV17, H7, GB20, SP6, UB10, K6, P6, LV3 LU1, GB20, GB21, GB30, CV12, CV17 ST6, SI19, TW17, TW21, GB2, GB20, GV20, GV26 LI4, LV3, GB8, GB41 CV6, SP9, ST36, UB23, K10, GB34, on Knee Pain CV6, GV14, K1, K3, L3, LI3 K3, L1 CV6, CV22, LI3, LU9, SP6, Spleen and Liver Meridian CV6, CV22, GV14, K1, K3, L3, LI3, LU9, SP6 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 K3, K27, L9, UB20, UB23, ST36 GV16, GV21, GV24.5, GB11, TW15, TW17, TW23 GV16, GV21, GV24.5, GB11, TW15, TW17, TW23 CV2, SP6 H3, H9, SI3, P6, P8, GV20, GV26 L4, TB5, TB15, TB23, SI16, GB14, S7 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 LI4, LI10, SI10, UB40, GB30, GB34, GV2, GV14, LV3, CV17 LU11, LI4,LI20, B2, GB20 P5, P6, ST36, LV3, K, GV24.5, B2, LI20, LU9 C3, C4, C5, C5 (SPINE), SI3, SI10, UB10, TW16, GB20, GB21, GV16 SI3 GV24.5, K1, TB15, TB17, TB23 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, GB41, L3, TB5, P6, ST36, SP4, LI11, L1, B62, K3 LI4, TB5, TB15, SI16, TB23, GB14, S7 GV24.5, TW23, GB11, TW17 K1, H3, LU1, TB5, TB15
Acupuncture Guide 5/6 Pain -Thyroid
Pain - Whole Body - Elderly Navel, K1, K27 and all along collarbone Pain/Weakness - Whole Body SP21 Pancreatitis CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 Paralysis Parkinsons Pollution Poor Diet SJ5, SJ17, GV14 CV6, GV14, KB, K3, L3, LI3 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, L13 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3
Prostate Disease Radiation CV4, CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, SP6 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3
Reverse Polarity Sciatica Seizures Shock Shoulder/Arm Issues Sinus Problems Skin Improve Sleep Issues Smoking Quitting Snoring Sore Throat Stamina Stomach Upset Stomach Ulcers Strength/Stamina Stress Stroke Stroke - Limb Issues Stroke - Heart Issues Stroke - Paralysis Tennis Elbow Thyroid Imbalances K3, TB5, P6, B60 L3, K1, K3, LR3, BL62, GB41, UB40, GB30, GV4, B57, GB34, CV6 S13, K6, P6, P8, GV26 ST36, K1, P8, GV20, GV26 LI10, LI11, LI16, SI9, SI10, TW3, GB20, GB21, on shoulders LI4, LI20, UB1, UB2, UV10, ST3, ST36, GV20, GV24.5 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, LI11, ST3, UN23, GV 24.5, TB17, TB23, K3 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, TW18, TW20 LU10, LI4, LI11, K1, K6, TW3, CV17, CV22 L1, P6, ST36, K3 ST36, SP6, CV6, CV12, BL21 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3, L1, P6, ST36, K3 P6, CV6, GV 24.5 CV6, CV17, GB29, GB32, GB34, BL7, K1, H3, SP6, ST36, LI11, P6, LU1, K1, LV3 LU3, SP6, ST36, LI11, GB34 LV3, K1, P6, CV15, ST9 LV3, B60, GB34 LI4, LI6, LI7, LI11, LR3, SP6 ST9, CV6, CV22, LI3, LU9, SP6

Acupuncture Guide 6/6 Tinnitus - Vomiting
Tinnitus GB2
Toothache CV17, LI4, LI10, ST3, ST6, S19
Toxins Trauma Urinary Dysfunction Water Retention
CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 CV2, CV4, K1, K5, K6 SP6, SP9, K6, CV6 Weight Loss SP6, LU1, P6, ST36, K3 White Blood Cells Activate CV6, GV14, K3, L3, LI3 Wound Healing SP6, SP9, K6, CV6, CV17, GV14, LI4, GV2, H7 Vomiting LI10, ST36, P6, P8, GB34, LV14, CV12