vel experts
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HIS TIMING IS PERFECT. Just as you start thinking about breakfast you hear the rattle of his bicycle in the distance. Your freshly baked bread has just arrived from his dad’s panetteria, 10 minutes away in the nearby village.
Getting the best out of our villa holidays in Europe and the Caribbean isn’t just about selecting the perfect villa at the right time for your friends,
B IG CATS, C HIC CITIES, C OOL BEACHES A land of stunning contrasts, South Africa offers a world of experiences in one unique country.
CONSTANTIA UITSIG, near Cape Town Located only 20 minutes from the heart of the city, this boutique retreat is renowned for its wine, cuisine and unrivalled vineyard setting.
Explore it to the full with the Luxury family and budget. It’s also about the people that
Travel Experts, Abercrombie & Kent with go out of their way to make your holiday more
a relaxing finale in the Indian Ocean. memorable than you could ever imagine.
Experience the buzz of chic,
GROOTBOS, Hermanus A luxury wilderness resort where you can witness gigantic whales, watch the underwater antics of Cape Fur seals and see great white sharks soar through the ocean spray.
cosmopolitan Cape Town, get close to Like all of us at Abercrombie & Kent, and our
the Big Five in the Kruger National Park friends, like Nico.
and watch majestic whales breaking the waves at Hermanus - before settling
. F r a n c e . S p a i n . P o r t u g a l . G re e c e . C a r i b b e a n
0 8 4 5 0 7 0 0 6 1 8 w w w. a b e rc ro m b i e k e n t . c o . u k
TANDA TULA, Timbavati One of the most authentic designer-safari camps near the Kruger, and the perfect base to search for the Big Five or take part in the resident elephant research project.
on the island-paradise of Mauritius. A&K have selected four of their favourite retreats, perfect for a stylish South Africa-Indian
LE TELFAIR GOLF RESORT & SPA, Mauritius On one of the island's finest beaches, this former sugar plantation combines colonial elegance with a championship golf course and Six Senses Spa.
Ocean adventure. I T ’ S W H O YO U K N OW
12 night South Africa-Indian Ocean adventures START FROM £3,995 PP* * Includes flights, transfers, car hire, accommodation and most meals
To experience South Africa in style, call the Africa travel experts on 0845 0700 611
B IG CATS, C HIC CITIES, C OOL BEACHES A land of stunning contrasts, South Africa offers a world of experiences in one unique country.
CONSTANTIA UITSIG, near Cape Town Located only 20 minutes from the heart of the city, this boutique retreat is renowned for its wine, cuisine and unrivalled vineyard setting.
Explore it to the full with the Luxury Travel Experts, Abercrombie & Kent with a relaxing finale in the Indian Ocean. Experience the buzz of chic,
GROOTBOS, Hermanus A luxury wilderness resort where you can witness gigantic whales, watch the underwater antics of Cape Fur seals and see great white sharks soar through the ocean spray.
cosmopolitan Cape Town, get close to the Big Five in the Kruger National Park and watch majestic whales breaking the waves at Hermanus - before settling
TANDA TULA, Timbavati One of the most authentic designer-safari camps near the Kruger, and the perfect base to search for the Big Five or take part in the resident elephant research project.
on the island-paradise of Mauritius. A&K have selected four of their favourite retreats, perfect for a stylish South Africa-Indian
LE TELFAIR GOLF RESORT & SPA, Mauritius On one of the island's finest beaches, this former sugar plantation combines colonial elegance with a championship golf course and Six Senses Spa.
Ocean adventure. 12 night South Africa-Indian Ocean adventures START FROM ÂŁ3,995 PP* * Includes flights, transfers, car hire, accommodation and most meals
To experience South Africa in style, call the Africa travel experts on 0845 0700 611
A&K ADVERTORIAL CONDE NASTE concept / design / production
A series of Advertorials I created for various A&K destinations. To Supplement the Ad campaign these informative guides still needed to meet the high standard and brand guidelines set by the client. Clean, contemporary and upmarket, yet still provide ample space to incorporate fairly large amount of copy: Conde Naste Traveller
underwater antics of Cape Fur seals and see great white sharks soar through the ocean spray.
Experience the buzz of chic, cosmopolitan Cape Town, get close to the Big Five in the Kruger National Park
TANDA TULA, Timbavati One of the most authentic designer-safari camps near the Kruger, and the perfect base to search for the Big Five or take part in the resident elephant research project.
and watch majestic whales breaking the waves at Hermanus - before settling on the island-paradise of Mauritius. MEET NICO A&K have selected four of their favourite retreats, perfect for a
LE TELFAIR GOLF RESORT & SPA, Mauritius On one of the island's finest beaches, this former sugar plantation combines colonial elegance with a championship golf course and Six Senses Spa.
stylish South Africa-Indian
HIS TIMING IS PERFECT. Just as you start
Ocean adventure.
thinking about breakfast you hear the rattle of his bicycle in the distance. Your freshly baked
12 night South Africa-Indian Ocean adventures START FROM £3,995 PP*
bread has just arrived from his dad’s panetteria,
* Includes flights, transfers, car hire, accommodation and most meals 10 minutesTo away in the nearby South village. experience
Africa in style, call the Africa travel experts on 0845 0700 611
Getting the best out of our villa holidays in Europe and the Caribbean isn’t just about selecting the perfect villa at the right time for your friends, family and budget. It’s also about the people that go out of their way to make your holiday more memorable than you could ever imagine.
Like all of us at Abercrombie & Kent, and our friends, like Nico.
. F r a n c e . S p a i n . P o r t u g a l . G re e c e . C a r i b b e a n
0 8 4 5 0 7 0 0 6 1 8 w w w. a b e rc ro m b i e k e n t . c o . u k
artwork / production
Resize and update contact information for all of A&K campaign literature, DPS, Full page ads, even classifieds: Conde Naste Traveller
The most in SOUTH AFRICA
To e n a b l e y o u t o e x a range of bespoke
The Best of So
On arrival in Durban, p northwards for KwaZ Coast beaches, stay Continue your journe spend two nights at a through Swaziland, sto spa resort before h National Park, where y Drop off your car at Ho cosmopolitan Johannes Grace before returning 9 nights from £2,999 P
* Prices include internation
Call 0845
A L I S TA I R I S O U R A U T H O R I T Y O N S O U T H A F R I C A . His inside knowledge and passion for this a w e - i n s p i r i n g c o u n t r y w i l l t a k e y o u f a r f ro m t h e b e a t e n p a t h t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e re a l S o u t h A f r i c a i n s t y l e .
The ultimate places to stay The Grace
Zimbali Lod
A sophisticated five star hotel in the heart of stylish
With an idyllic locati
O n y o u r f l y - d r i v e a d v e n t u re t o S o u t h A f r i c a ’s e a s t e r n
R o s e b a n k i n J o h a n n e s b u rg , T h e G r a c e f e a t u re s
p ro v i n c e o f K w a Z u l u - N a t a l , y o u w i l l g e t u p c l o s e
e l e g a n t l y d e s i g n e d ro o m s , s t u n n i n g A f r i c a n - i n s p i re d
t o m a j e s t i c , r u g g e d m o u n t a i n s , ro l l i n g g re e n v a l l e y s ,
c u i s i n e , a n a c c l a i m e d s p a w i t h t h e r a p e u t i c t re a t m e n t s
t h e c o n t i n e n t ’s b e s t b e a c h e s – a n d o f c o u r s e l i o n ,
t o p a m p e r a n d d i re c t a c c e s s t o o n e o f t h e b e s t
18-hole championsh
l e o p a rd , e l e p h a n t , r h i n o a n d b u ff a l o .
s h o p p i n g c e n t re s i n t h e c i t y.
and full butler servic
wonderful retreat jus
offers horse riding in
T h ro u g h o u t y o u r j o u r n e y, y o u w i l l e n j o y a l l t h e s u p p o r t o f H e r t z – t h e l e a d i n g n a m e i n c a r re n t a l i n S o u t h A f r i c a , w i t h
Africa offers a world of
boutique retreat is renowned for its wine, cuisine and unrivalled vineyard setting.
nces in one unique country.
nitcto re the d i bfull l e ewith x p ethe r i eLuxury nces.
x p e r i e n c e K w a Z u l u - N a t a l t o t h e f u l l , A b e rc ro m b i e & K e n t o ff e r s e j o u r n e y s , b r i n g i n g e v e r y a s p e c t o f t h i s u n i q u e re g i o n t o l i f e .
xperts, Abercrombie & Kent with
Tr a v e l T i p s Best time to travel: GROOTBOS,
Hermanus A luxury wilderness resort where you can witness gigantic whales, watch the Visas: Not required underwater antics of Cape Fur seals and see great Flying time: 10+ hours white Time difference: +2hrssharks soar through the ocean spray. March to November
g finale in the Indian Ocean.
nce the buzz of chic,
olitanAfrica Cape Town, get close to outh The Kingdom of the Zulus
pick up your car and head
Your voyage of discovery begins in Durban, your car at the the city, head for the mountains, spending two nights at a traditional private farmhouse, where you can go inland to learn about the history of the Zulu Battlefields with expert guides. Then it is on to a private game park and luxury camp, before enjoying your final night at the stunning Zimbali Lodge, located on the sandy beaches of the North Coast. 9 nights from £1,999 PER PERSON*
Zulu-Natal’s North National where you will collect Five in thesandy Kruger Park ying at Zimbali Lodge. airport. After a night in
ey through Zululand and a game reserve. Carry on opping for one night in a heading towards Kruger you will stay at Tanda Tula. oedspruit airport and fly to sburg for two nights at The to the UK. PER PERSON*
tch majestic whales breaking
es at Hermanus - before settling
Spionkop The Natal Drakensberg Park
sland-paradise of Mauritius.
TANDA TULA, Timbavati One of the most authentic designer-safari camps near the Kruger, and the perfect base to search for the Big Five or take part in the resident elephant research project. Rorke’s Drift
nal and domestic flights, car hire, transfers, accommodation and most meals.
ve selected four of their South African Airways
O ff e r
B o o k y o u r n e x t t r i p t o S o u t h A f r i c a w i t h A & K f l y i n g S o u t h A f r i c a A i r w a yLE s o nTELFAIR B u s i n e s s C l a s s a n d re c e i v e a c o m p l i m e n t a r y u p g r a d e t o F i r s t C l a s s .
e retreats, perfect for a
* Bookings to be made between 01 March and 31 May 2006, for travel between 01 March and 31 August 2006. Conditions apply.
South Africa-Indian
GOLF RESORT & SPA, Mauritius On one of the island's finest beaches, this former sugar plantation combines colonial elegance with a championship golf course and Six Senses Spa.
adventure. Alistair or one
of our other South Africa specialists on 5 0 7 0 0 6 1 1 o r v i s i t w w w. a b e rc ro m b i e k e n t . c o . u k
12 night South Africa-Indian Ocean adventures START FROM £3,995 PP* * Includes flights, transfers, car hire, accommodation and most meals
To experience South Africa in style, call the Africa travel experts on 0845 0700 611
design / artwork / production
Ta n d a Tu l a
on in a coastal forest reserve, this
This luxurious, East African style tented camp, located in the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, adjacent to the Kruger National Park, offers the epitome of luxury and seclusion. A true bush experience is complemented by excellent service and expert staff offering a range of activities from bush walks to private dining on your deck.
st 40 minutes by road north of Durban,
n the forest or on the beach and an ip golf course. But it is the superb spa
ce that makes this property truly excel.
a n e x t e n s i v e f l e e t o f v e h i c l e s a n d l o c a t i o n s t h ro u g h o u t t h e c o u n t r y.
A series of Direct Mailers I designed for various A&K destinations. To Supplement the Ad campaign these informative guides still needed to meet the high standard and brand guidelines.
stunning contrasts,
rica offers a world of
ces in one unique country.
CONSTANTIA UITSIG, near Cape Town Located only 20 minutes from the heart of the city, this boutique retreat is renowned for its wine, cuisine and unrivalled vineyard setting.
t to the full with the Luxury
perts, Abercrombie & Kent with
g finale in the Indian Ocean.
ce the buzz of chic,
GROOTBOS, Hermanus A luxury wilderness resort where you can witness gigantic whales, watch the underwater antics of Cape Fur seals and see great white sharks soar through the ocean spray.
litan Cape Town, get close to
ive in the Kruger National Park
ch majestic whales breaking
s at Hermanus - before settling
TANDA TULA, Timbavati One of the most authentic designer-safari camps near the Kruger, and the perfect base to search for the Big Five or take part in the resident elephant research project.
land-paradise of Mauritius.
e selected four of their retreats, perfect for a
outh Africa-Indian
LE TELFAIR GOLF RESORT & SPA, Mauritius On one of the island's finest beaches, this former sugar plantation combines colonial elegance with a championship golf course and Six Senses Spa.
dventure. 12 night South Africa-Indian Ocean adventures START FROM ÂŁ3,995 PP* * Includes flights, transfers, car hire, accommodation and most meals
To experience South Africa in style, call the Africa travel experts on 0845 0700 611
design / artwork / production Online Banner Adverts created for each of A&K’s travel destinations.