London International Boatshow

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Show Location: Stand L131 • South Hall


spectacular natural harbour, and a towering art deco daymark acknowledged as one of the 'new seven wonders of the world', you would imagine Rio de Janeiro's boating community would be perfectly content to ply the waters close to home. But every Friday through the summer season, increasing numbers take to their cars and helicopters and head south for 150km (90 miles) to Baia da Ilha Grande, one of Brazil's most idyllic cruising grounds. Sheltered from the Atlantic by the eponymous 'big island', the calm, clear waters of this vast bay boast as many palm-fringed islands as there are days of the year. Add the lush, tropical backdrop of the Serra do Mar mountains, whose rainforests plummet dramatically down to the water's edge, and you can understand why visitors are so quickly seduced by the magic of this place. I was here to meet Mauro Dottori, who was coming to take delivery of his brand new Princess V52. Princess Yachts Brasil operates out of Marina Verolme at Angra dos Reis, the largest facility in the region, where many Rio- based owners choose to berth their boats for the summer months - January to March - if not year round. In addition to Mauro's V52, Princess Yachts Brasil's managing director Vasco Trindade had just received a V42 and V62 which he was readying for hand-over. He was also expecting a journalist and photographer from Brazil's Nautica magazine, who were arriving to test the V42 and a Princess 42. It's little over a year since Princess opened its Brazil dealership, and if the rate at which Vasco's mobile phone rings is anything to go by, the marque is making quite an impression.

Wandering around the marina midweek, I remarked on the number of empty berths. "Just wait until the weekend," was Vasco's reply. And sure enough, come Friday morning the place was alive with giant hoists, forklift trucks and armies of cleaners readying the boats for their owners' arrival. One of the peculiarities of boating Brazilian style, for a European at least, is the local preference for dry berthing. Marina Verolme has several vast hangars where boats are stacked up to three deep. And it's not only the smaller craft: pristine hulls up to 70ft and 80ft are regularly hoisted in and out of the water with unnerving speed and efficiency. But then, Verolme isn't the kind of marina where you sit on your boat and pass the time of day. Baia da Ilha Grande has blue lagoons and hidden creeks aplenty for that. What the bay doesn't have a lot of is wind - which is one of the chief reasons Mauro decided to switch from sail to power, buying his first Princess - a V42 in 2004. "I have been sailing since I was a boy", says Mauro. "But every summer I would head to Angra, only to spend most of the journey with the sails down and the engine on." Mauro is familiar with the Costa Verde - the spectacular 'green coast' between Rio and S達o Paulo - having spent two years at the Naval College in Angra dos Reis and a further year at the college in Rio.

Today he runs his own civil engineering company out of S達o Paulo, but takes to the water with his wife and two teenage sons at every opportunity. "We use the boat like a house," he says. "When my sons were younger we would ask them where they wanted to spend their holiday - in a hotel or on the boat? They always chose the boat, they said, because they felt closer to their mum and dad." After six happy years with the V42, Mauro is trading up. And would have as we headed out into the bay on the V52's maiden voyage, it wasn't hard to imagine what Portuguese navigator Gaspar de Lemos would have seen when he first set eyes on this stretch of the coast in 1502. 71

RIGHT:Brazil's 'Big Island Bay' is a magical cruising area. ABOVE: view with a room: the outlook from the shore at Saco da Vila Vehla.



island odyssey




RIGHT:A boat-friendly anchorage near Paraty. BELOW: view with a room: the outlookfrom the shore at Saco da Vila Vehla. BOTTOM: Praia dos Meros beach, on the Ilha Grande


With 4,650 miles of coastline, and one of the world's fastest growing economies, the Brazilian boat market is poised for dramatic growth. The World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016 are drivin much-needed improvements to Rio de Janeiro's infrastructure - including a complete redevelopment of Marina de Gloria in Guanabara Bay, the venue for the Olympic sailing competitions. The Class 1 Powerboat Championship came to Rio for the first time in March 2010, and superyacht charter companies are beginning to make an appearance along the Costa Verde. Having recently move into an impressive new showroom at Marina Verolme, Princess Yachts Brasil are well placed to reap the rewards.

The date was 6 January - Dia de Reis, or 'King's Day' - so he called the place Angra dos Reis, meaning 'King's Cove.' In the centuries since, following the discovery of gold and more recently oil, the original settlement of Angra dos Reis has developed into a major town and port. But thanks to a farsighted environmental policy, the islands remain remarkably free of development. The focus is very much on small scale ecotourism, and while many boat owners have holiday villas here, strict building regulations require that they are kept discreetly below tree height. Hence the floating bars at the more fashionable anchorages, where you can tie up for the local catch of the day, or an icy caipirinha, Brazil's national cocktail - a delicious blend of fermented sugar cane, lemons and sugar. The largest of the islands, the national park of Ilha Grande is one of the most pristine remnants of Brazil's Atlantic rainforests. Home to several endangered species including the redbrowed Amazon parrot and the brown howler monkey, its rugged interior is criss-crossed by a network of trails

which link coastal villages and beaches to mountain peaks, rainforests and waterfalls. There are over 100 beaches in all, plus an abundance of hidden creeks and sheltered inlets, known locally as 'sacs'. One of Mauro's favourite overnight anchorages is an almost impossibly perfect creek that penetrates the landward side of the island. Emerald green and remarkably clear by day, the calm, deep waters appear to merge with the heavens as they reflect the night sky - hence the name, Saco do Ceu, which means 'sky bag' or, more lyrically, 'bag of stars'. The family also love Lopes Mendes beach on the seaward side of the island - a three-kilometre arc of fine white sand and turquoise water, backed by verdant tropical forest. Widely regarded as one of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil, it is also popular with surfers for its Atlantic rollers. Because the sea is more unpredictable here, Mauro likes to anchor at Playa dos Mangoes on the sheltered side of the island, and walk across the narrow isthmus to Lopes Mendes. At the southernmost point of the bay, past the beautiful Saco da Vila Vehla and other sheltered anchorages,The

town was later bypassed by a new road between S達o Paulo and Rio lies another jewel in its crown - Paraty. This UNE SCO World Heritage site, complete with beautifully preserved colonial buildings and cobbled streets, flourished in the 18th Century when gold was discovered in the neighbouring state of Minas Gerais and shipped from here to Rio de Janeiro and Portugal. The town was later bypassed by a new road between S達o Paulo and Rio, preserving it from future development. Today it is a favourite haunt of artists and musicians, and home to an international literary festival - not to mention some fantastic seafood restaurants. Beyond Paraty and Ilha Grande Bay, the vast natural playground that is the Costa Verde continues south for 40km to Ubatuba, where Mauro keeps his boat. It's a short unique tropical fjord enclosed by dramatic peaks and lined with mangroves.. "You have to look closely for the entrance or you would miss it," says Mauro. "As you head up the inlet, the water turns from salt water to fresh, and the river bed from mud to sand. When it gets too shallow, we take to the dinghy.



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or the ultimate on water experience, the new Sea-Doo RXP-X 260 RS offers exhilaration like never before. It redefines the musclecraft segment with its lightness, precise and sharp handling, agility and speed. Launching at the Tullett Prebon London Boat Show, Excel London, January 2012, the RXP-X 260 RS is designed to give riders every advantage on the water and make every second enjoyable. The new RXP-X 260 RS has an aggressive visual appeal, from its flowing facet design, ram air intakes, large side grills and distinctive new ErgoLockTM system and iControlTM on-water braking technologies to its tight-turning, tracking hull shape. Riders will make a statement on the water with this top buoy course musclecraft, with the capability of pushing the limits to new levels for racers while still being forgiving for the average driver. It is also well balanced in case of wave jumping situations. The new T3TM lean-in hull design features an innovative dual surface that responds differently at high or low speeds. The new shape combines soft and hard chines and adjustable sponsons with winglets and trim tabs that allow the watercraft to lean into corners, better maintaining entry and exit speeds after turns. Featuring three adjustable sponsons which act as stabilisers to resist rolls and lean-in, the trim tabs limit aggressive bow rise, improve parallelism to water and increase pump engagement. With time on the water being so precious, comfort and convenience for all riders is essential. Sea-Doo has reinvented its driving dynamics with the revolutionary Ergolock system which includes angled footwell wedges and a gradually narrowing seat design to help better connect the rider to the watercraft. It reduces upper body fatigue by allowing the rider to ride faster for longer periods of time.

The passenger seating is slightly raised for better visibility. Spotters will appreciate rear handles that can be comfortably accessed whether facing forwards or backwards as well as conveniently placed, no-slip foot wells that add an extra level of security. BRP, the world leader in the design, development and manufacturing of motorised recreational vehicles, remains the only manufacturer to offer the industry’s only iControlTM on-water braking system. Regardless of model, consumers will love the value the Sea-Doo personal watercraft (PWC) delivers. Exclusive features include the intelligent Brake & Reverse system (iBRTM), now a standard feature in almost every category on the Sea-Doo watercraft, enabling the watercraft to stop at least 100-feet sooner than conventional models.

STOCKISTS: 158 Performance Birchell Marine Fosse Hill Jet Ski Centre G S Jet Tech Gallichan Marine Offshore performance Russell Powerboats Sussex Marine Watersports TL Harvey Thorpe Bay Marine Powersport Tony Hole Marine Watercraft World Wight ATV ATV Adventure Xtreme Ferry Marine World Wide Watersports Robert Owen Marine Kilmore Jet Works

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AVAILABILITY Price: £15,999 Availabile from: February 2012 highlights • Racing handelbars • New rear ergo handle • Front water deflector • T3 Hull CONTACT

Bombardier Recreational Products (Sea-Doo) t +44 (0)1202 812100 e w • If you are interested in this model, you may also like: Sea-Doo PWC range






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In your everyday life ashore, The Yacht Concierge functions the same as a conventional concierge service. The big advantage for a yacht owner is that it can also take care of everything connected with your yacht, whether you are on board or on the other side of the world. Whatever you need, it is just one phone call away. From provisioning, refuelling or booking a mooring, to sorting out formalities, legal issues, or organising repairs, refits and maintenance, The Yacht Concierge takes care of it all. The yacht’s owner, or any member of the crew, will find The Yacht Concierge invaluable on those numerous occasions when they need something that is hard to find, or they need it urgently, particularly when they are in unfamiliar waters far from their home port. The Yacht Concierge uses a well-established international, multi-lingual concierge infrastructure to deliver its everyday onshore concierge services, with the additional marine services provided by an exclusive network of specialists in the marine field. It is a service that is truly worldwide. Wherever you are, The Yacht Concierge is just a phone call away. HOW CAN YOU ALSO SAVE MONEY? The remarkable thing about The Yacht Concierge is that many things can be less expensive than if members bought them themselves direct, thanks to the savings and discounts that The Yacht Concierge can achieve. Discounts on yacht fuel can be substantial in certain parts of the world, with significant savings on chandlery and other marine supplies. Even the £1200* membership fee can be offset by the special members rebate on their yacht insurance. So not only can it effectively cost members nothing to join, it can actually save them money. Give yourself an easier life, ashore and afloat…

AVAILABILITY: Summary of services AFLOAT • Comprehensive range of marine services • Marina berth and mooring reservations • Fuel bunkering • Weather reports • Vessel provisioning and chandlery • Bedding and bespoke soft furnishings • Yacht maintenance, repair, management and gardiennage • Crew and staff provisions • Complimentary entry to international boat shows and events • Brokerage services for yacht sales • Charter services • Finance and insurance • Legal services • Yacht registrations • SPV company formations • Free security and crisis management appraisal

ASHORE • Housekeeping, household maintenance, gardening, and key holding • Restaurant reservations – anywhere in the world • VIP entry to social, sporting and cultural events • Hospitality at exclusive functions • Gifts and flowers anywhere, anytime • Travel and holiday planning, reservations and bookings • Extensive travel advice including recommendations, climate and weather, public holidays, passports, customs, visas, tax, flight status, embassy and consulate contacts • Chauffeur-driven or self-drive car hire • Private plane charter • Messages delivered by phone, fax or email • Emergency assistance GENERAL • 5 free calls to the concierge service

FIND US On land: Stand L131 • South Hall CONTACT The Yacht Concierge t +44 (0)20 7989 0110 e w *Fees are subject to VAT if applicable



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