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welcome... Becoming a mum may well be the best thing you’ll ever do and Bounty’s here to help you every step of the way. This first Bounty guide is great for expert advice and support, and gives you that little bit of reassurance when you need it. Remember to visit where you can find development information, choose baby names, and have lots of fun with our gender guesser. You’re in good hands, enjoy every moment. Best Wishes Faye Mingo – Bounty Club


Mum to Billy, age 7, and Dotty, age 1. P.S. Don’t forget to activate your Bounty clubcard at




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Every effort has been made to make this book reflect the most up-to-date advice available at the time of production. Any significant changes will be included in the next edition. The information in this guide is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis or treatment by a doctor, midwife, health visitor or other qualified health professional. Bounty will not be liable forany loss or damage howsoeverarising out of or in connectionwith the use of information inthis publication. Copyright: Copyright in this publication is owned by the publisher, Bounty (UK) Limited, 29 Broadwater Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 3BQ. No part of this book may be reproduced. Š Bounty (UK) Limited, United Kingdom 2012. Bounty is the trademark of Bounty (UK) Limited, United Kingdom. Latest revised edition Autumn 2012. Writer: Helen Mccormick Photos: Anne Other

inside... 24

Section 1 Pregnancy FAQs ............................

48 Section 3 Trimester 1 .................................... 33 Trimester 2 .................................... 51 Trimester 3 .................................... 77 Section 4 .............................................................. 96 Section 5 .......................................................... 102 Who can help? .............................................. 142 Index .................................................................. 160 Section 2 Health and wellbeing ..................


YOU AND YOUR PREGNANCY Dr James Tooley MBBS, MRCP, FRCPCH Neonatologist and paediatric consultant James finds his field fascinating and loves the detective work required to help sick babies recover. The best aspect of his job though, is seeing happy, healthy families begin their life together. ‘I wanted to get involved with Bounty to reach more parents, and help translate confusing Sharon Broad RN, RM, IBCLC Midwife and breastfeeding consultant 30 years of midwifery experience have stood Sharon in good stead in becoming a breastfeeding consultant. As a mum and grandma, she’s had plenty of first hand experience too. ‘It’s wonderful to see a mum suddenly click with breastfeeding; the pleasure on her face, and a contented, well-fed baby, really makes my day’. Mr Richard Smith MB, ChB, PhD, MRCOG Obstetrician and fetal medicine consultant Richard, our consultant obstetrician, specialises in higher risk pregnancies and gets so much satisfaction from seeing new mums with healthy new babies. ‘I’m proud to be involved with Bounty, to reach a wider network of mums with helpful advice and accurate information.’

Marti Van Der Linde BSc RD Obstetrician and fetal medicine consultant ‘Knowing that I help new babies develop into healthy adults, and help anxious mums enjoy motherhood to the full is so rewarding’, says Marti, who’s been a specialist paediatric dietician for seven years and more than qualified to give our mums the up-to date, safe advice they need on everything to do with nutrition.

meet our



section 1

Getting used to being pregnant can feel quite overwhelming, but the thought of that tiny, precious life inside you will help you overcome everything.

Helping us to help you We wouldn’t be able to give you such practical, up-to-date information, advice and guidance if it wasn’t for our panel of experts. They make sure that all the medical information is accurate, and they help shape our guides to give you a handy reference book you can refer to again and again. We’ve asked key experts in a range of the most vital medical fields to share their knowledge with us, including a midwife and breastfeeding consultant, a dietician, a consultant obstetrician, and a neonatologist and paediatric consultant. They are all leading authorities in their area of expertise and we really value their input, helping us to help you through all the many changes you and your baby are going through. Please note, although midwives may be either women or men, in order to simplify this booklet midwives will be referred to as ‘she’ throughout.

pregnancy faq’s Work and maternity leave Looking after yourself in pregnancy l Your first antenatal appointment l Your maternity rights at work l Changes to your body l Pregnancy conditions l Things to avoid l Miscarriage l



You can find out even more by registering at


You can find out even more by registering at

Do I need to be careful what I eat? Yes, definitely, as there are certain foods that could cause problems for your baby. See our health and wellbeing information starting on page 16. Also, turn to page 17 for advice on what foods to avoid.

Is too much caffeine bad in pregnancy? Too much caffeine can stop your baby growing properly and can even cause miscarriage. Limit yourself to 200mg a day. Tot up your caffeine: Mug of instant coffee ............................100mg Mug of filter coffee ................................140mg Cup of tea ................................................50mg Mug of tea ...............................................75mg Can of cola......................................up to 40mg Regular energy drink................................80mg 50g bar chocolate ...........................up to 50mg Avoid coffee shop coffees as these are often higher in caffeine.

Can I continue exercising? If you were exercising before, you can keep doing the same thing, as long as it’s safe. Avoid activities that might lead to a fall or involve an impact, and don’t suddenly start doing any vigorous activities. Swimming, yoga and walking are all good while you’re pregnant. If you go to exercise classes, choose low impact classes or classes specially designed for mums-to-be.

Yoga is another way to keep yourself fit and relaxed. You l earn how to breathe fully and evenly, which can help you cope with stress and give you a technique to use in labour. You might find a local yoga class for pregnant women.

What about sex? In a normal pregnancy, sex won’t harm your baby or cause a miscarriage. If you’ve had any bleeding in early pregnancy, your GP may advise you not to have sex until 12–14 weeks. If you’re still worried, or just don’t feel like it, that’s quite normal, especially if you’re suffering with sickness. Talk to your partner about it and maybe stick to cuddling for the time being. Are tummy cramps normal? These often occur in pregnancy, but if you are worried or have other symptoms like bleeding, pain when you wee, or fever, see your GP or midwife.

Do I need to be careful with medicines? Don’t take any drugs or medicines, including aspirin, ibuprofen, cold, flu and hay fever remedies without checking with your pharmacist, unless they’re prescribed for you by a GP who knows you’re pregnant. Even natural remedies need checking.

WHAT IF I MISCARRY? OUR EXPERT SAYS... ‘Sadly, as many as one in five pregnancies end in miscarriage, and the reasons aren’t clearly understood. Most happen before 12 weeks; it’s rare to have a miscarriage later on. It usually begins with bleeding and cramp-like pains. You may have a hospital check-up and might need an operation to remove any tissue. Some women don’t miscarry immediately, and find out at their dating scan. You might be offered medication to complete the miscarriage, or an operation, or you can choose to let nature take its course. Losing your baby is, of course, very distressing, but don’t blame yourself. It’s unlikely that you could have caused it. If you’re pregnant again after a miscarriage, you may feel particularly anxious. But most women who’ve experienced a miscarriage go on to have a healthy baby. Remember, this pregnancy is different, so try to stay positive.’ Richard Smith, Obstetrician.

pregnant? How can i look after myself now I’m pregnant


world! Pregnancy is a whole new

We give you the answers to some of the most common questions asked by pregnant women today. What are trimesters? The length of pregnancy is split into three periods called trimesters. The first covers weeks 0 –13, the second weeks 14 – 26 and the third weeks 27 – 40.

What’s happening to my body? Pretty much as soon as you get pregnant, your body responds to the pregnancy hormones produced by the fertilised egg. Although some women have no first signs of pregnancy at all, some first signs include: l Tender breasts that may feel fuller or start to grow. l Tiredness. l Morning sickness (see pages 12 and 36). l Heightened sensitivity to smells and tastes. l Needing to wee more often. l Feeling tearful and emotional. l Slight cramping, as the embryo embeds into your womb. When can I share my news? Many women keep their news quiet until 12 or 13 weeks, when there’s far less risk of miscarriage. If you just can’t keep it to yourself, maybe tell one or two close friends, so they can share your excitement.

Can I stop myself putting on too much weight? This is not the time to think about losing weight as it may harm your baby, although you shouldn’t be eating for two! However, if you are obese (extremely overweight) your health is at risk and you may be referred to a consultant. Always ask your midwife or GP before continuing on a slimming plan or following a diet, and avoid diets which cut out particular food groups, such as carbs or dairy, as they may lack essential nutrients. With a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, you should be able to control your weight easily. And remember, a lot of the weight you put on will simply be your baby, the placenta, the extra fluid in your bloodstream, the amniotic fluid and your growing breasts.




baby& you Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris cursus rhoncus urna id pulvinar. Nunc consequat tincidunt tellus, sit amet imperdiet risus sodales et. Proin iaculis fermentum ipsum, a posuere augue pretium sit amet. Phasellus viverra placerat risus, eu tincidunt augue volutpat at. Mauris eget nisl dolor, non placerat libero. In nibh nulla, accumsan a porttitor non, varius sed tortor. Mauris et dui urna, vel sollicitudin lorem. Suspendisse metus libero, cursus quis congue nec, viverra sit amet mauris. Maecenas semper ornare purus, vitae rutrum tellus scelerisque vel. Suspendisse potenti. Donec lobortis consequat tempor. Etiam nisl arcu, vestibulum blandit ultrices vel, suscipit eu augue. Sed porta, diam quis commodo congue, odio eros congue nibh, sed elementum dui nisi quis sem. Nulla et urna in justo consequat tempor vitae vel erat. Nullam pretium faucibus urna, et mattis turpis tristique et. Proin purus magna, dapibus porttitor bibendum non, porttitor nec magna. Vestibulum dui ipsum, dictum sit amet suscipit vitae, imperdiet in urna. Fusce tincidunt, metus non dictum semper, neque lorem consectetur dui, quis lacinia felis augue sed velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed aliquet posuere viverra. Morbi sodales, dolor a malesuada feugiat, eros mauris pellentesque magna, nec suscipit felis justo quis lectus. Nunc quis nunc turpis. Nulla mi tortor pulvinar velit, sit amet sollicitudin diam risus vel elit. Morbi convallis tellus sit amet dui ornare tempus. Fusce lacinia nunc sit amet metus luctus semper. Suspendisse bibendum, ante eu ullamcorper mattis, est neque porta libero, sit amet tristique lacus mauris gravida mi.

Vestibulum mauris turpis, scelerisque sit amet congue et, tincidunt sed magna. Aliquam vestibulum elit in augue posuere feugiat. Quisque accumsan ultricies consectetur. Cras tincidunt varius sem, sit amet accumsan nisi luctus a. Donec eleifend purus sed dui mollis fermentum. Ut vehicula lorem eget lorem placerat a molestie orci vulputate. Morbi viverra vestibulum ipsum, id congue dolor egestas eget. Nam dapibus pulvinar vehicula. Sed in diam magna. Sed ultricies hendrerit risus, eget venenatis leo posuere vulputate. Mauris feugiat malesuada bibendum. Phasellus ac pulvinar lectus. Proin faucibus consequat elit. Proin eget mi leo. Phasellus ullamcorper risus non urna condimentum non fermentum enim dictum. Duis pellentesque metus dictum velit accumsan aliquet. Vivamus eget tortor nunc, et bibendum purus. Morbi imperdiet faucibus est, at consequat dolor hendrerit sed. Suspendisse et lorem turpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec vel erat eget metus molestie porttitor eu id elit. Etiam cursus vestibulum porttitor. Sed nec feugiat diam. Etiam augue sapien, scelerisque et cursus sit amet, dignissim nec nisl. Aliquam tincidunt dolor et diam molestie tincidunt consectetur tellus varius. Cras aliquet condimentum mauris. In pellentesque, metus eu mollis aliquam, urna mauris tristique velit, non ultricies metus nibh porta libero. Integer elit magna, volutpat in euismod sed, eleifend eget justo. Suspendisse potenti. Nam tristique feugiat nisl nec rhoncus.


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