Steel Times International Digital February 2017

Page 1





Pension dispute threatens deal for Tata Steel in the UK

How clear cut is the link between E-Learning and Industry 4.0?

Beneficial technology or a threat to the status quo?

Integrating lab testing data into the hot metal forming process Digital Edition - February 2017 - No.5


Finite Network Method Precise simulation of EAF high current systems

Exclusively at BSE available




● Detailed simulation of all electro-magnetic properties of EAF high current system.

Finite Network Method (FNM) makes realistic calculation feasible for the first time:

● Exact dimensioning of components and ultimate power input optimisation.

● Accurate calculation with a precision of less than 1 %; all other methods have error ranges >10 %.

● Local current density.

● Optimum layout of masts and roller guides for best power input.

● Simulation also for peripheral and metallic structures where eddy currents are induced. ● Precise unsymmetry calculation as the basis for good operational results. ● Optimisation of existing equipment and optimal design of new equipment.

Inhomogeneous current density distribution in the high current cables depicted in a cross-section.

● Exact short circuit impedance and unsymmetry; short circuit tests (dip tests) are not necessary any more. ● Measure the real arc voltages in real-time. ● Real static and dynamic forces and momenta acting on the mechanical system. ● Local magnetic field strength and shielding effects. ● Induced eddy currents.

● Optimal design of high current conductors and symmetrizing loops. ● Prevention of hot spots in the furnace. ● Balanced power input and improved regulating performance. ● Optimal material sizes, optimal cooling.

● Effects of ferromagnetic material like steel.

Simulation of graphite electrodes with clearly visible proximity- and skin-effect.

Very inhomogeneous current density distribution at the external delta closure of the transformer.

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Pension dispute threatens deal for Tata Steel in the UK

How clear cut is the link between E-Learning and Industry 4.0?

Beneficial technology or a threat to the status quo?

Integrating lab testing data into the hot metal forming process Digital Edition - February 2017 - No.5


The KOCKS 4D EAGLE measuring gauge – powered by AUTOMATION W+R – integrates the newest technologies and meets the high requirements of modern rolling mills for highest measuring accuracy and frequency. In this sense, the 4D EAGLE gauge is not only suitable +before and following KOCKS RSB® applications, it can also be applied as a stand-alone device in all other long product mills. Applications can be round bars, wire rods, hexagons, rebars, square, tubes and other long products.



EDITORIAL Editor Matthew Moggridge Tel: +44 (0) 1737 855151 Consultant Editor Dr. Tim Smith PhD, CEng, MIM Production Editor Annie Baker Advertisement Production Martin Lawrence SALES International Sales Manager Paul Rossage Tel: +44 (0) 1737 855116 Sales Director Ken Clark Tel: +44 (0) 1737 855117

2 Leader

Managing Director Steve Diprose Tel: +44 (0) 1737 855164

10 Analysis & testing A rule-based quality execution system.

4 Steel industry Pension dispute threatens Tata deal

Chief Executive Officer Paul Michael SUBSCRIPTION Elizabeth Barford Tel +44 (0) 1737 855028 Fax +44 (0) 1737 855034 Email Steel Times International is published eight times a year and is available on

8 Digital manufacturing How can machine learning help steelmakers?

16 Industry 4.0 E-Learning and smart manufacturing. 20 Innovations A bumper collection of new products.

subscription. Annual subscription: UK £178.00 Other countries: £254.00 2 years subscription: UK £320.00 Other countries: £457.00 ) Single copy (inc postage): £40.00 Email: Published by: Quartz Business Media Ltd,


Quartz House, 20 Clarendon Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1QX, England. Tel: +44 (0)1737 855000 Fax: +44 (0)1737 855034 Steel Times International (USPS No: 020-958) is published monthly except Feb, May, July, Dec by Quartz Business Media Ltd and distributed in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. POSTMASTER send address changes to Steel Times International c/o PO Box 437, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Printed in England by: Pensord, Tram Road, Pontlanfraith, Blackwood, Gwent NP12 2YA, UK ©Quartz Business Media Ltd 2017

8 ISSN0143-7798

Digital Edition - February 2017



Trump’s bad guy image is a little premature

Matthew Moggridge Editor

Digital Edition - February 2017

My father used to decry anybody who he thought might be ‘mesmerised by the media’, a phrase, like many issued from the mouth of my dear old dad, that baffled me (another being ‘it’s a funny old world we live in, but the world’s not entirely to blame’). But with his media comment I think I know what he meant; he was referring to those who believe that everything they read in the newspaper or watch on the television is the God’s honest truth. People who queue for the latest version of Grand Theft Auto or cover their bodies in tattoos spring to mind. For many people the media does represent the truth. Blissfully unaware of the vested interests and political leanings of the media proprietors, they accept what they’re reading or watching as gospel. In these troubled times, however, we now have ‘fake news’. Add to fake news the whole notion of ‘spin’, something perfected in the UK by Tony Blair’s ‘spin doctor’ Alastair Campbell, and you would be forgiven for staying in bed or moving to a remote island off the grid. And now, of course, we have President Donald Trump, a man who has little faith

in any media that doesn’t paint him in a good light. It seems as if the media generally has decided to paint ‘the Donald’ as the bad guy, which in my opinion is a little premature as, at the time of writing, he’s only been in office for 10 days. Trump’s crime, in the media’s eyes, is his patriotism and for some reason being a patriot is frowned upon by the media. Alright, there is an argument that nationalism is dangerous and I can buy into that, but when it comes to the steel industry – and in particular the North American steel industry – Trump’s nationalistic tendencies will save and create jobs, particularly where oil country tubular goods (OCTG) are concerned. ‘Globalisation’ has a lot to answer for; on the one hand the notion of the ‘global village’ but on the other why should American pipelines be made of anything other than American steel? It is, as the Americans would say, a ‘no brainer’. Are the economics so screwed up that it costs less to buy steel made in China and shipped halfway across the world? As my dad would have said, “It’s a funny old world we live in, but...”.


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Pension dispute threatens Tata deal

Despite a deal being announced by Tata Steel recently that seemed to secure jobs and production at Port Talbot and other steelworks across the UK, ongoing disputes surrounding the pension scheme threaten to scupper the agreement. By David Cheetham* A DEAL to change the pension scheme for its employees has proved harder to sell to staff than Tata expected, with the adjustments initially seen as a side story compared to the main news that their jobs were safe. However steelworkers at the largest UK plant in Port Talbot have expressed concerns over the agreement between the Indian-listed company and unions, which essentially means workers sacrifice a more favourable pension in return for future investment on the site. The uncertainty surrounding the plant has wrangled on for much of the year, but many workers had hoped that the recent announcement, which Tata described as ‘an important step forward’ for its future in the UK would finally bring some closure to the saga. Some of the measures proposed by Tata included: A guaranteed minimum five-year commitment to keeping two blast furnaces at the Port Talbot plant; a 10-year £1bn investment plan to support steelmaking at the site; and a commitment to seek to avoid compulsory redundancies for five years. But it was alterations to the pension scheme which have come as the main stumbling block. While the situation at Port Talbot has garnered the most attention in the media other steel works are also included in the proposals. In total there are around 11,000 employees in the UK with 4,000 at Port Talbot representing the largest in one location by some distance. Tata had been trying to offload its UK business since early 2016 but due to a lack of competitive offers and also some political pressure

from the UK government, they now seem likely to continue their operations if they can clear the final hurdle of the pension disagreement. Welsh Conservative leader Andrew RT Davies has called on the first minister to work with Tata and the unions and use his influence to help persuade the workforce to accept the proposals. “Given that the first minister last week gave his unequivocal backing for the Tata deal in the Assembly chamber, it is now incumbent on him to work with the company and the unions to help sell the deal to the workforce” said Mr. Davies. While Tata’s workforce in Wales has fallen to 6,300 from 7,000 previously, it is calculated to inject about £200m a year in wages alone. On top of that the supply chain for the firm could be worth as much as £3.3bn a year to Wales with thousands of other jobs dependent on their business. New scheme better than others? Although the new pension scheme being offered is not as generous as the current provisions, experts have said that it is better than many other company schemes. It is hardly surprising that Tata is keen to overhaul the pension scheme in place which has liabilities of almost £15bn and costs more than £100m a year to support. Unions believe that the company is responsible for explaining to workers why it thinks the changes are necessary and that they will not ballot members until Tata has explained all the details. Tata steel has enjoyed impressive gains on the stock market in Mumbai this year

as commodities have out-performed after several challenging years. After ending last year trading 259.5 Indian Rupees per share (US$4.33), the latest price is currently just below the 400 handle and shows a gain for the year of more than 50%. Recent sessions, though, have seen some weakness, and news that independent director Nusli Wadia has been removed from the company’s board has been met with some more selling. More than 90% of the shareholders present at the EGM voted for Mr. Wadia to be removed which clearly shows an overwhelming majority wanted him out. To conclude, Tata Steel has been unsuccessful in attempts to offload the UK segment of its business for what it deems a fair price and, due in part to some political pressure, has decided to try and make a fist of it. However, the firm is seeking to find a compromise that will alleviate some of the financial constraints it has been under for several years to return a profit in the UK and has focused its attention on pensions. The pension scheme in place has been a millstone around the neck of the employer and more favourable terms would clearly be preferential from its perspective. However, the workers are unwilling to give up this perk and are digging their heels in, in the hope that even if they don’t agree to the proposal their jobs will be safe. This game of brinksmanship on both sides has a lot at stake and it may well prove to be a case of whoever blinks first and backs down will ensure that the UK operations continue at the cost of their preferred terms. �

* Market analyst, Digital Edition - February 2017


FRIEDRICH KOCKS GMBH & CO KG Since 1946, the KOCKS brand has been a

stands adjustable under load (AUL) and /

synonym for technological innovations

or under-load inter-stand tension control.

that define the performance standards in

It is supported by the KOCKS 4D EAGLE

the steel industry.

profile measurement system – powered

Dr. Friedrich Kocks, the founder of the company, was the first to apply the 3-roll technology for tube rolling as well as the rolling of wire rod and bar. To date, this philosophy of following new avenues and to continuously optimize what seems to be perfect has determined the development of the company.

by AUTOMATION W+R - which integrates the newest technologies and meets the high requirements of modern rolling mills for highest measuring accuracy and frequency. In this sense, the 4D EAGLE gauge is not only suitable before and following KOCKS RSB® applications, it can also be applied as a stand-alone device in all other long product mills.

For more than 70 years, KOCKS has

Applications can be round bars, wire

been the clear innovation leader, setting

rods, hexagons, rebars, square, tubes and

decisive benchmarks again and again.

other long products.

A far-sighted company management strategy has encouraged a culture of innovation, and the unique selling points resulting from innovative process and equipment development have enabled KOCKS to lead the market in special rolling mills.

These features of the RSB remarkably improve the rolled tolerances while at the same time simplifying the operation by means of automated optimization of the process parameters by roll gap adjustment as well as speed control between the stands under load. A

The combination of 3-roll rolling mills

utilization factor of almost 100 percent in

and state-of-the-art automation solutions

operating references worldwide confirms

offered by KOCKS enable our customers

the indispensability and performance

to improve their competiveness and

reliability of these features aiming for

productivity in the production of special

best reproducible product quality.

quality long products.

The Stretch Reducing Block SRB® with

The latest generation of 3-roll technology

individually driven rolls (Star Drive) is the

for rod and bar sizing is the RSB® 5.0. The

latest development for the production of

highlight and the core function of the new

high quality seamless and welded tubes

RSB® is the Size Control System (SCS®).

with the lowest conversion costs. The

The KOCKS SCS® controls and adjusts the

combination of high-strength and high-

rolling process in combination with 3-roll

precision roll stands with the absolute

latest in automation technology enables our customers to produce seamless tubes of the very best quality, with optimum efficiency. KOCKS also offers integrated process solutions including Low Temperature Rolling systems to reduce post-processing costs while producing the highest quality SBQ and Tubular products. The understanding of the deformation behavior of materials and their properties that KOCKS have gathered over 70 years in the long product sector have been channeled into the KOCKS Microstructure Simulator (KMS) - a semi-empirical model for temperature and process calculation that is used as a stand-alone tool and as a complement to KOCKS thermomechanical rolling equipment for bar, wire rod and tube rolling mills. The whole service range includes consulting, planning, development, design, supply, assembly and commissioning of rolling mills and automation solutions as well as modification and modernization of existing plants. Steel which is KOCKS rolled® is defined as an extraordinary quality finished product made consistently day in and day out: “We make your product gold.”

RSB®, SCS®, SRB® and KOCKS rolled® are German trademarks registered by Kocks



Our highly specific industry knowledge of more than 70 years allows KOCKS to be in the lead anticipating customer needs and market trends. The combination of 3-roll rolling mills and state-ofthe-art automation solutions offered by KOCKS enable our customers to improve their competiveness and ­productivity in the production of special quality long products. Steel which is KOCKS rolled® is defined as an extra­ ordinary quality finished product made consistently day in and day out: “We make your product gold.”




How can



machine learning help steelmakers? Jane Zavalishina, CEO of Yandex Data Factory, and Victor Lobachev, team lead in data analysis at Yandex Data Factory, explain how to find ways to apply technology into practice THE last year was dominated by talk of digital transformation, Industry 4.0 and “artificial intelligence” –– from self-driving cars to computers winning in Go. While this has amped up machine learning’s profile and its potential, the surge in conversation has not been matched by the rate of adoption. The truth is, in most cases, manufacturers simply see it all wrong. First, many simply don’t look at the matter. The media focus on the “new economy”, leaves the wrong impression that these technologies have nothing to do with the routines on the shop floor. Second, those who dive into the topic, tend to look at it top-down and treat it as a strategic innovation. They consider buying new sensors and telemetry, prepare IoT roadmaps for years, or start with a costly data infrastructure project. Whereas tremendous value lies in the incremental improvements across already existing processes. And this tangible value can be achieved in the short-term, without capital investment or process redesign. Mathematics aiding physics In metallurgy, physics-based numerical simulation is actively used to research complex systems and technological processes. The resulting models are integrated within various process control systems that manage the production. Of course, such models are very useful, helping to ensure the quality of the product. But they are not precise enough to ensure the optimal resource spend. They cannot fully reflect the real world and react to the smallest deviations in equipment functioning, or uncertainties like the unknown composition of scrap. Machine learning, in its turn, can learn from past data about a specific process, on specific equipment, at a given plant. It can provide “calibration” on top of a physics-based model for uncertainties

and fluctuations. More precise, automatic decisions help decrease production costs without quality loss. For example, they can optimise the consumption of ferroalloys during the oxygen-converter stage, oxygen flow rate during blowdown, blast in the blast furnace process, and so on. This is the first area to look for: a costly production process, where the decisions are reliant upon physics-based models, and ideally complemented with human judgement. These factors indicate that it is both complex and important for production success. Measure for measure Machine learning can help where decisions rely on specific physical parameters. These parameters may be measured via different sensors, or calculated based on known data. Here again, machine learning helps get closer to the real world and grasp the situation despite possible imperfections or mistakes. The truth is, sometimes measurements are imprecise. For example, the exposure time may not be enough for a sensor to catch the necessary properties, or it can be broken or wrongly settled. Other characteristics of the process may not even be measured directly, but instead deducted and then virtually predicted based on other known parameters. For example, the exact amount of carbon in steel is hard to measure directly during the BOF process, yet it can be estimated based on the values of other parameters. Idea number two: look for the processes that rely on measurements, pick the one for which the increase in precision would bring most value, and bring machine learning into play. Predictive – not only maintenance Predictive maintenance is the darling of all IoT initiatives, but it’s not the only way to

get value from data. Many manufacturing processes involve probabilistic estimation of future events. Should we send this product batch for visual control? How likely is it that it contains defects? Should we restart the process? How likely the result will not comply with requirements? And so on. That is exactly what machine learning is suited for. Instead of simply following rule-based guidelines, it will provide precise estimation to act upon. Quality prediction is a great example for steelmaking. Machine leaning can predict longitudinal and transverse cracks for each slab produced by a continuous casting machine, or pinpoint which slabs are likely to be rejected. Similarly, the defects in a hot-dip galvanising unit, or rolled steel processes can be predicted early on, so that required actions are taken to decrease defect rate and production costs. Idea number three: watch for processes where an estimation of likely outcomes serves as a tipping point, and consider involving smart algorithms instead. Time to start Companies must cease viewing machine learning as a sweeping force that disrupts the status quo. Instead, it must be viewed as a beneficial technology that helps reach new frontiers of operational efficiency. For an industry that long adhered to continuous improvements, this is indeed revolutionary. With existing means, optimisation typically requires upgrades in the technology or equipment – here return on investment typically takes years. Machine learning, in its turn, allows you to yield extra efficiencies across the whole shop floor without capital investments, and with combined effect reaching unforeseen scale. The time is now for steelmakers to delve into machine learning solutions to succeed and fast - to out-run the competition before it becomes a new industry standard. � Digital Edition - February 2017



Rule-based Quality Execution System The benefits of integrating laboratory testing data into the hot metal forming manufacturing process for the automotive industry. By Michael F Peintinger PhD and Jacqueline Peintinger* APPLYING a rule-based quality execution system in the manufacturing process of press hardening steel brings huge benefits through optimisation of the production process while at the same time assuring the highest quality standards. Laboratory testing data is fully integrated into the work flow. This enables quality laboratory engineers to make better and more longterm use of the acquired data, for example, using it for statistical analysis. A better understanding of quality data and their correlation improves process know-how and assures consistent and reproducible product quality. This is a challenge, as steel is transformed from simple geometries like strip or bars into complex components as the result of hot press forming. Profound process know-how Hot sheet metal forming has become the state-of-the-art technology when manufacturing components with exorbitant properties for the automotive

industry1{Karbasian20102103}. Providing parts with the highest geometrical complexity and ultra-high strength requires profound process know-how in order to comply with ever increasing customer requirements regarding safety and weight. However, in contrast to non-materialchanging manufacturing techniques, the burden of liability is shifted from the steel producer to the part manufacturer. Steel and aluminium producers go to great Business systems Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Manufacturing Execution System (MES)

QuinLogic QES (Quality Execution System)

Gauges and PLCS

Fig 1. MES-QES

lengths to assure material properties and product quality by implementing a Quality Execution System (QES) on top of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) (Fig.1). Data consistency checking and data evaluation as well as product and process grading along the full production chain is mostly automated through the application of rules. However, the application of such systems is not standardised in what is still a young hot stamping industry. However, continuously evaluating product and process quality data is key to long-term success, especially when targeting the challenging automotive market. Rule-based quality assurance Assuring that product and process quality are according to specification is one of the main features of a QES, which is implemented as a set of data-integrating and rule engine-based software modules. Focusing on user-friendliness while still


Fig 2. Integrated hot stamping work-flow with QES Laboratory

Manufacturing planning Press N

Oven N

Press I Press II

Oven II

LabReport Oven I Press I

Press II Sample request


* Quinlogic. Digital Edition - February 2017

made in Germany

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implementing advanced features is key for quick adaption and one of the main reasons for the success of QES among steel producers. Such a system allows a multitude of quality criteria to be specified, managed and changed. Recent quality trends and production performance are displayed on a Live Process Quality Monitor on the press line. The monitor displays all the process and product-relevant quality data (oven temperature, time-from-oven-to-press, total tonnage) of recently produced parts and their type specific, respectively customer specific limits (“data-in-context”). For reviewing purposes, live production results are also displayed in the quality laboratory where destructive and nondestructive testing is performed, so that samples from specific dies can be requested. The system creates and stores certificates for each product that are accessible on a web service assisting engineers to resolve customer claims. Collecting laboratory testing data Manual laboratory testing executed by experienced technicians verifies if the desired product properties of the hotstamped part could be successfully achieved. Parameters like mechanical properties, hardness, coating quality and micro-structure are usually tested. However, acquiring testing data is a time-consuming and expensive process that is often carried out manually. Reports are filled in handwritten or on spreadsheets. In an average manufacturing facility, several thousand samples are analysed every year and as a result gain statistical relevance. This data can be used in rule sets if it is standardised and available within an

analysis tool, such as DataDiagnose. The QuinLogic LabReports module (Fig.2) features an input mask that stores the manually measured data into a database so that it is available throughout the whole QES infrastructure. Standards depending on customer and material can be managed from within the application. Data from non-destructive testing devices, for example, 3MA from Fraunhofer IZFP2 {F3MA}, which is already stored in a database, can be directly read from the origin database. Reports in PDF file format can be created automatically or ondemand. Having all production and testing data available allows quality engineers to prove product quality if claims need to be settled. Beyond sample testing Press-hardening is a knowledge-driven technology3 {CHS2}. Constantly linking production data with the verified material properties of the finished product allows a steep learning curve on the hot metal forming process that goes beyond assuring product quality. A rule set constantly checks if the process parameters are within the specification of the recipe. However, even if there is no large deviation between process parameter feedback and specification, it does not necessarily mean that the desired material properties were achieved if no sample was taken for testing as verification. Since all data that is connected to the QES is available within rule sets, the testing data can be used for verification purposes. The LogicDesigner is a rule-creation, -maintenance and -management tool that is used to set up a rule set to verify whether desired product properties were reached. Since there are a significant number of

samples per product group available, this can then be extrapolated to the full product group. By running simulations with differently tightened thresholds, engineers gain insights as to which process parameters are most likely to be responsible for not reaching desired product properties. This leads to faster qualification of new products and helps detecting most common process errors. Conclusion Verifying and documenting product quality is key to the long-term success of manufacturers applying hot sheet metal forming technologies. A QES is a major component in the quality assurance process. It does not only provide rule-based product and process grading, but also merges all data sources, automated and manual, into one system allowing statistical analyses. Having one access point to all quality-related data allows quick reaction times to up-building problems. �

References [1] H. Karbasian and A.E. Tekkaya. “A review on hot stamping”. In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210.15 (2010), pp. 2103–2118. ISSN: 0924-0136. [2] K. Szielasko et al. “Minimalistic Devices and Sensors for Micromagnetic Materials Characterisation”. In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49.1 (Jan. 2013) pp. 101–104. ISSN: 0018-9464. [3] Mats Oldenburg, Braham Prakash, and Kurt Steinhoff, eds. 4th International Conference Proceedings Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High Performance Steel. 2013.

HigH TemperaTure BarCode Tags and LaBeLs

Westmoreland, nH 03431 usa / / +1.603.352.1415 / Digital Edition - February 2017

Innovative technologies for the metals industry

Cold rolling ยง Strip processing ยง Chemical processes Thermal processes ยง Mechanical equipment Automation ยง Extractive metallurgy DE SIG N | ENGINEERING | COMMISS IO NING | TE C H NIC A L A S S IS TA NC E & TR A INING | A F T ER- S A L ES

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28/05/15 10:10

REAL ENDLESS STRIP PRODUCTION - REAL SUCCESS • Save capital expenditures: first coil within 15 months of contract signing, FAC within 22 months • Lower your operating costs: only 124 kWh/t needed for the production of 2 mm thin and 1.500 mm wide strip • Target premium steel grades: outstanding geometrical, metallurgical, and surface quality for all thicknesses

WORLD RECORD in thin production


Production (%)


… can be achieved with the patented ARVEDI ESP technology.



30 22%

21% 20




0 0.8 - 1.0

1.0 - 1.2

1.2 - 1.5

1.5 - 3.0

> 3.0

Strip thickness (mm) WORLD RECORD - 57% below 1.2 mm

THE NEW STANDARD IN HOT-STRIP PRODUCTION To meet the requirements of today’s steel industry, innovative technologies are called for. At Primetals Technologies, we strive to be your partner in the manufacture of ultra-thin steel products and high-quality steel grades through the patented Arvedi Endless Strip Production (ESP) technology. Our know-how and experience will ensure a lower carbon footprint of your facilities, reduced operating costs, outstanding product quality, and overall success. Mr. Du, chairman of Rizhao Iron and Steel Co. is a satisfied customer with five original Arvedi ESP lines.

Mr. Du, Chairman Rizhao Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., China

Below 1.2 mm

Above 1.2 mm

REAL ENDLESS STRIP PRODUCTION - REAL SUCCESS • Save capital expenditures: first coil within 15 months of contract signing, FAC within 22 months • Lower your operating costs: only 124 kWh/t needed for the production of 2 mm thin and 1.500 mm wide strip • Target premium steel grades: outstanding geometrical, metallurgical, and surface quality for all thicknesses

WORLD RECORD in thin production


Production (%)


… can be achieved with the patented ARVEDI ESP technology.



30 22%

21% 20




0 0.8 - 1.0

1.0 - 1.2

1.2 - 1.5

1.5 - 3.0

> 3.0

Strip thickness (mm) WORLD RECORD - 57% below 1.2 mm

THE NEW STANDARD IN HOT-STRIP PRODUCTION To meet the requirements of today’s steel industry, innovative technologies are called for. At Primetals Technologies, we strive to be your partner in the manufacture of ultra-thin steel products and high-quality steel grades through the patented Arvedi Endless Strip Production (ESP) technology. Our know-how and experience will ensure a lower carbon footprint of your facilities, reduced operating costs, outstanding product quality, and overall success. Mr. Du, chairman of Rizhao Iron and Steel Co. is a satisfied customer with five original Arvedi ESP lines.

Mr. Du, Chairman Rizhao Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., China

Below 1.2 mm

Above 1.2 mm



E-learning and smart manufacturing E-Learning and implementation of smart manufacturing, or in a broader perspective, Industry 4.0 approaches, are deeply connected, argues Niklas Brundin, Wolf-Dieter Hoppe, Johan Treutiger, Carl Reiman and Caroline Dedering* E-LEARNING is a prerequisite for efficiently rolling out respective solutions and gathering the associated benefits. For example, a global production network in steel treatment introduces a centralised maintenance support function, in parallel enabling blue-collar workers around the world to take over tasks outside their regular jobs, which significantly reduces travel requirements for service technicians and improves the uptime of equipment. To efficiently support the global roll-out of such solutions, training of global staff needs to be fast and efficient, and have frequent updates. Here, e-learning becomes the core enabler of most globally scaled smart-

manufacturing solutions. Arthur D. Little, therefore, typically recommends implementing state-of-the-art e-learning solutions when planning transformation of smart-manufacturing initiatives. Increasing motivation E-learning leverages slide shows, videos, gamification and simulation to create interactive discussions and knowledge sharing in digital format. It is a quick and flexible way to train a large number of employees, independent of physical location and time, and create attractive opportunities to effectively drive change within an organisation. By using interactive quizzes and tracking methods,

e-learning has been shown to increase motivation and learning engagement while making it possible to follow up employees’ results, ensuring that everyone completes their training modules and gains the essential knowledge. Additionally, with digital material it is easier to maintain and make central changes to the learning material compared to traditional non-digital formats, keeping it updated at all times. One form of e-learning is massive open online courses (MOOCs), which are online courses with unlimited participation and open access via the Internet. Participants can be from both inside and outside the organisation.

Conduct physical training


Clear strategy

Inform and follow up Develop an e-learning course


Align with existing training activities


User-friendly interfaces

Make information easily accessible Usage intentives and follow-up

Low Low


Fig1. Matrix indicating where e-learning is best applied


Fig 2. Four key success factors when implementing e-learning

* Employees of Arthur D. Little Digital Edition - February 2017

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Backing your competitiveness with sophisticated solutions. Our COLD MILLS are advanced mill configurations designed from plant user’s perspective and available for all strip and foil applications. Our TRIMMING LINES combine perfect cutting tolerances with highest operation speeds. Danieli Fröhling SLITTING LINES are able to cut up to 130 cuts at a time and can be equipped with the best braking and recoiling units available on the market.

Contact us – discover the benefits! Rolling mills ♦ Slitting lines Trimming lines ♦ Cut to length lines Electrostatic oilers ♦ Services



In addition to traditional course material such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support community interactions among students and teachers. MOOCs have shown positive results, illustrated by a survey by Harvard Business Review, with 72% of respondents reporting career benefits and 61% reporting educational benefits as a result of MOOCs. How to convey information A key question when having information to convey is which method is the most suitable. As methods have different advantages and disadvantages, the most efficient option clearly depends on the situation – and, in particular, the piece of information. Arthur D. Little has developed a framework with two key parameters for selecting which method to use for conveying information: criticality, meaning both how important the information is and the number of affected people; and complexity, meaning how complex it is to grasp and understand. For information with low criticality and low complexity, affected parties can simply

be informed (for example, by e-mail). If the information has low criticality but high complexity, it is appropriate to make the information easily accessible, for example, by making it available on the company intranet. Information with low complexity and high criticality needs to be actively communicated to the target audience and combined with follow-up activities. Information with both high criticality and high complexity needs to be taught to the target group in order to ensure that it is fully understood and grasped. E-learning is an excellent substitute for physical training unless the information has both very high criticality and very high complexity. In this situation physical training is unbeatable, as physical presence enables complete customisation, which is required to convey this type of information. Implementing e-learning Arthur D. Little has identified four key success factors when implementing e-learning: • Develop a clear strategy covering when and for which types of information e-learning should be used. As part of the strategy development process it is crucial

to investigate problems the organisation experiences with current learning practices. • Ensure user-friendly interfaces for users and administrators in order to simplify usage and continuous updating of the learning material. • Apply usage incentives and followup systems to make sure e-learning is prioritised among the employees. It is powerful to develop courses for specific roles, as well as to implement certifications. • Align with existing training activities and knowledge management systems. Start with a list of e-learning priority areas focusing on ‘must-have’ rather than ‘niceto-have’ functions. Improved cost efficiency Arthur D. Little sees that use of e-learning will increase; it will continue to replace physical training as well as other methods due to improved cost efficiency and flexibility. Industrial leaders are already pursuing varieties of global transformation initiatives driven by digitalisation. E-learning is one of the key elements when it comes to scaling up these initiatives, enabling fast and efficient capability building among the workforce, and thereby ensuring fast payback times for corporate investments. �




Human centered

Value add

Big data/ advanced analytics

Connected things

Augmented reality

Collective intellence/ crowdsourcing

Block chain

Cognitive, self-learning systems/bots

Collaborative, smart machines and robots

Cyber physical systems/ virtualised networks

Virtual workplace/ workplace 4.0

Additive manufacturing/ 3D printing

Autonomous transport systems

Smart energy systems

Virtual modeling/ simulation

e-learning/ MOOC1

Integrated ecosystems/decentral (mobile) value add

Fig 3. Arthur D. Little’s technological building blocks

Digital Edition - February 2017

Delivering Innovative Solutions. Your Success Is Our Goal. Cut-To-Length Lines Crop Shears Rotary Shears

Stretcher Levelers Hydraulic Roller Levelers Scrap Choppers

When it comes to building equipment to process ferrous and non-ferrous metals, nobody does it better than Butech Bliss. At Butech Bliss, we’ve been building things better for a long time. For 130 years, steel producers and steel service centers have counted on us to deliver the design, engineering and technological advantages necessary to help them succeed. From entry to exit end we build it all. Our product lines include roller and stretch leveling technology, a full line of shears, material handling equipment and complete coil processing lines. We are more than a scrap chopper manufacturer, our customers know they are getting the absolute best in coil processing advancements. Learn more about our world-renowned coil processing technology. Call +1 (330) 337-0000, visit or email If our name is on the machine, it’s built better.

We Build Things. Better. 550 South Ellsworth Avenue, Salem, OH 44460



Hypertherm introduces FlushCut consumables

Plasma, laser, and water jet cutting systems manufacturer Hypertherm has introduced FlushCut consumables for select Powermax air plasma systems. Available for Powermax 105 and 125, the consumables provide users with the ability to cut closer to base materials than ever before, claims the company. FlushCut consumables feature an angled nozzle bore that delivers the plasma arc at a 45-degree angle, which is said to be ideal for challenging removal applications. While it is common practice to locate the nozzle opening at the tip, the FlushCut nozzle orifice is located on the side. This essentially bends the plasma arc, causing it to exit the torch at an angle nearly parallel to the work piece. As a result, Hypertherm claims that Powermax users can cut closer, or more flush, to the base metal than ever before, significantly reducing grinding work and increasing the opportunity to re-use lugs and attachments. The new flush cutting process is helpful for a number of applications including jobs that require the separation of two metals.

Digital Edition - February 2017

The consumables allow users to remove lugs, temporary weld supports, and pad eyes without damaging the base material holding the piece in place. Additionally, the flush cutting process simplifies the cutting of weld access holes in I-beams, and makes it easier to remove bolts or other parts from metal plate. According to Brenda Mahoney, a product manager at Hypertherm, strong investment in research and development along with a drive to continuously innovate has led the company’s engineering team to develop ‘a truly groundbreaking consumable design.’ “This new process has the potential to save companies a substantial amount of time while reducing operator fatigue and increasing safety on the jobsite,” Mahoney explained. For further information, log on to

ARL easySpark OES Revealing the power of metals analysis The NEW Thermo Scientific™ ARL easySpark™ benchtop metals analyzer is designed to meet the challenges and demands of small to medium-sized metal manufacturers that need high-quality and cost-effective OES analyses. With its unique multi-grating/CCD based optical design, the ARL easySpark provides full elemental coverage, optimal resolution and stability - delivering high performance for all critical elements. Combined with the intuitive Thermo Scientific™ easyOXSAS software suite, the ARL easySpark benchtop OES enables non-experts to reveal the power of metals analyzer in metal and alloy production.

Find out more at For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.

22 Multi-fluid test rig for mineral oil, water-based fluids, Skydrol, glycols and biodegradables.

Oilgear invests in testing facilities According to UK-based Oilgear, hydraulic systems – correctly designed, installed and maintained – should have an operating life of decades, even in the harshest of environments, such as steel production. In fact, where steel is concerned, the company argues that there are likely to be pumps and manifolds which were first installed before half of your workforce were born. With product longevity in mind, Oilgear has invested in its UK manufacturing and testing facilities with a view to ensuring that it offers ‘industry-leading reliability and efficiency for the industrial, energy and mobile markets’. Oilgear claims that its Leeds headquarters is one of Europe’s leading centres of excellence for the manufacture and testing of hydraulic components. The facility can build bespoke systems for applications as diverse as sub-sea ROVs, offshore rig motion compensation systems and movable seating in football stadiums. The site has been manufacturing hydraulic components for over 60 years and boasts modern machining and bespoke built test rigs. Oilgear UK’s managing director, Kieran Doyle comments: “On the face of it, the principles of hydraulic technology are well established so there isn’t much scope for revolution. But that doesn’t mean there is no room for evolution, and that is what we’re committed to as a business,” he said. According to Doyle, Oilgear strives to Digital Edition - February 2017

improve its manufacturing techniques and uses high quality materials to ensure that it makes continuous gains in terms of performance. It designs and builds its own test rigs. “We also use these facilities within our aftermarket service which allows us to retro-fit and adapt older components to meet modern day performance standards.” On-site capabilities include lean manufacturing of components and the design and assembly of complete systems, including integrated control panels. All parts are subjected to extensive quality control proce-

dures, ensuring that ISO9001 standards are met – as well as a variety of industry standards. The test rigs include pressure and flow tests for pumps, valves and manifolds as well as a multi-fluid test rig for mineral oil, water-based fluids, Skydrol, glycols and biodegradables. Oilgear customers are encouraged to visit the site or send personnel for product training. A virtual factory tour is available on the company’s website. For further information, log on to

The site has been manufacturing hydraulic components for over 60 years.

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The Strip Processing Equipment Company

TENSION LEVELER for Tinning Lines

PMR MULTIROLL « Perfect Flatness at your fingertips ! »

REDEX advanced Tension Multiroll Levelers guarantees a perfect flatness, whatever the incoming strip quality: up to 50% improvement in overall quality can be achieved in comparison to conventional solutions. REDEX design provides the smoothest, the most progressive alternative bending, and the most stable process on the market. The major tinplate producers, such as Arcelor Mittal, TATA Steel, US Steel, UPI, AHMSA, ILVA, ERDEMIR, have already adopted the REDEX PMR Multiroll Leveler and got the immediate benefits from its outstanding performances and from the full service provided by REDEX.

> Extreme compactness, allowing easier integration in existing lines > Extremely high stiffness, making the PMR fully suitable with the high speed of the latest and most innovative tinning lines.

> 100% in-house manufacturing (machine-tool precision standards)


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Find out more about our equipment portfolio T. +33 2 38 94 42 00 |



ABB, a leading supplier of energy and automation technology and overall solutions for industrial companies was recently challenged by a new product development and turned to dry ice blasting technology for a solution. Roland Gisin, an operations manager at ABB, explained: “We intended to launch a new product. During this process our development team succeeded in producing a functioning test piece. Nevertheless we had to deal with residues of release agent on the casting mould during the removing process. The primer to be applied could not adhere properly which stood in the way of all subsequent production steps.” ABB tried several cleaning methods to remove the silicone residues from the new moulds, including ‘gringing’, but this cleaning method, claims ASCO CARBON DIOXIDE, is unsuitable in such cases as there is a considerable amount of pollution left. Also the moulds in question are prone to high wear, but this is where dry ice blasting technology came into play. José Fernandez, ASCO’s application technician/sales for dry ice application, claims that cleaning with dry ice is effective and gentle without leaving abrasive residues. “The user receives a clean contact surface on which the primer can be easily applied. This allows an optimum adhesion in further production processes. An additional advantage lies in the fact that the moulds do not have wear marks because of the extremely gentle cleaning with dry ice,” he said. In ABB’s case, the blasting nozzle of the ASCOJET unit is mounted on a linear drive, which is controlled by program. The blasting unit including the nozzle and an exhaust system is integrated in a sound-insulated enclosure. This, claims ASCOJET, guarantees a pleasant working environment by reducing noise. The blasting process is not visible during the operation, which is why the dry ice stream is monitored via a

ABB uses dry ice blasting technology from ASCOJET

temperature sensor in the gun housing. ASCO claims that it supplies the required dry ice at the right time, in the right quanti-

Hypertherm expands CSR initiative Plasma, laser, and water jet cutting systems manufacturer Hypertherm has expanded its Community Service Time (CST) programme for 2017. It will increase from 24 to 32 hours, providing all associates with an additional eight hours of paid time off each year to volunteer in their community. Hypertherm envisions the expanded hours will help its associates dedicate more time to volunteer roles that require a fairly substantial time commitment such as coaching, mentoring, and tutoring. It will also help non-profits who have trouble finding Digital Edition - February 2017

volunteers able to make a regular weekly or monthly commitment, and non-profits who need help during non-traditional hours. “We are excited to offer this expanded benefit to all Hypertherm associates many of whom already serve in excess of 24 hours a year,” said Jenny Levy, the company’s vice-president of corporate social responsibility (CSR). “By expanding our investment in CST, our hope is more associates can make recurring volunteer commitments, deepening their effectiveness at the organisations in which

ty and in top quality to ABB. For further information, log on to



Temperature measurement and rolling mills Ametek Land has developed an interface between ibaPDA systems and LANDSCAN LSP-HD infra-red line scanners to acquire temperature measurement data from steel strips in rolling mills. According to Ametek, ibaPDA was developed by iba AG, a developer of systems for measurement value acquisition and analysis, and is claimed to be a powerful, PCbased acquisition and recording system for maintenance, process analysis and quality control. The ibaPDA interfaces, now including the ibaPDA-Interface-LANDSCAN, allow data from different sources to be available across the entire production process within the ibaPDA system. “The ibaPDA-Interface-LANDSCAN is a highly effective method of acquiring data from our LSP-HD infrared line scanners. The interface benefits customers using the ibaPDA system, allowing them to measure temperature profiles and distribution for our steel application specific LSP-HD 10/11 and LSP-HD 20/21 line scanners. We expect it to be used in steel rolling mills where temperature monitoring is an essential aspect of quality control,” comments Richard Gagg, global IR product manager for AMETEK Land. Highly visual data is displayed live in the ibaPDA system, and users can view trended temperature measurements, product ID, scanning speed, environmental temperature and position of the strip. This recorded measurement data can also be visualised in detail and analysed with ibaAnalyzer, which is supplied free of charge with the interface. The ibaAnalyzer offers a 2D-colour display that shows at a glance the temperature distribution of the whole strip, graded in colours. The temperature profiles provide accurate information about the temporal and local temperature distribution on the steel strips,

allowing users to closely monitor product and process quality. Trended data and other analogue and digital measurement values and all signals recorded during the process can be displayed and set into relation to the temperature distributions. When used for hot-rolled strips in rolling mills, the infrared scanner measures the temperature over the whole width of the strip in high resolution and provides 1,000 temperature samples per line with a sampling rate of up to 150 Hz. When used in binary mode it is possible to reduce the number of samples, depending on application, from 1,000 per line to 500, 250 or 100, to minimise the amount of data. “A main feature of the iba system is its broad connectivity to different PLC and sensor suppliers. Since AMETEK Land line scanners are widely used in the metals industry, it made sense for us to also include the interface to their scanners into our process data acquisition system ibaPDA,”

notes Dr. Andreas Quick, head of product management, iba AG. “By doing this, scanning data from Land scanners can now be acquired continuously in real time synchronously with other processes and machine data. ibaPDA stores all data in measurement files, which are the basis for offline root-cause analysis using the powerful ibaAnalyser. This is a major step forward for casting and rolling mills in solving technological issues during the entire manufacturing process.” Within industries that utilise high-temperature processes, such as steel, accurate temperature measurement is essential to ensure quality of the finished product. The ibaPDA-interface-LANDSCAN is an effective method of helping operators monitor and maintain the optimum temperature ranges, ensuring consistent quality, improved efficiency and extended asset life. For further information, log on to

they serve.” Hypertherm’s CST programme was launched in 2003 and has grown from an initial 16 hours per associate, in part because the company has found the programme benefits both the community and its associates who return to work more energised and engaged. In 2016, more than 80% of the company’s global associate population volunteers, served an average of 15.5 hours a year. Combined, that amounts to more than 18,000 hours and nearly

100,000 hours since the programme’s inception. Hypertherm’s CST programme is one part of its CSR commitment. In addition to volunteer time, the company also awards thousands of dollars in grants through its HOPE Foundation and has ambitious environmental stewardship goals that include producing more efficient products and zero landfill waste by 2020. For further information, log on to Digital Edition - February 2017



Extra corrosion protection from Cortec

Extra Vapor phase corrosion inhibitors have been added to Cortec’s VpCI-368 coating for added protection. The company claims that VpCI-368 already provides excellent protection to metal substrates exposed to harsh outdoor conditions and has an extensive record of use for mothballing and lay-up of equipment, protection of shipments and preservation of spares. Digital Edition - February 2017

The coating is a dark brown viscous liquid that dries into a firm moisture-displacing wax-like film that can be removed by mineral spirits or alkaline cleaners. The film can be used for a variety of applications where heavy-duty corrosion protection is needed such as pipe coating, parts storage, underbody coating, wire rope, steel plate or machined parts. VpCI 368 EVP (extra vapour protection) is

available for application in complex, sealed spaces where a greater concentration of vapour inhibitor is beneficial, says Cortec. The extra dose of Cortec VpCI vaporises from the coating, fills the enclosed space, and absorbs on difficult-to-reach surfaces. This, claims the company, is helpful on applications such as pipe internals where it is challenging to thoroughly cover all metal substrates.


VpCI-368 EVP offers outdoor protection that is easier to handle and remove than traditional wax-based coatings, says Cortec, and is commonly used in military and similar applications. It is UV resistant and passes 900-1500 hours of ASTM B-117 intense salt spray testing applied at 2-3 mils on carbon steel. It also provides multi-metal protection on stainless steel, copper, aluminum, and cast

iron. The cured film is heat stable up to 392°F (200°C) and is commercially equivalent to MIL-PRF-16173E (Grades 1 and 2). It can be applied by spray or brush. VpCI-368 EVP is classified as NATO 685066-132-5848, NATO 6850-66-132-6099, NSN 8030-00-062-6950, NSN 8030-00231-2345, NSN 8030-00-244-1300, and NSN 8030-01-470-2601 and it also conforms to the following test methods: ASTM

D-1735 (Water Fog Cabinet), ASTM D-1748 (Humidity Cabinet), ASTM B-117 (Salt Fog Cabinet), ASTM D3690 (VOC), ASTM D522 (Flexibility), MIL-PRF-16173E (Grade 2), NACE (Minimum Surface Preparation Guideline), NACE RP0487-2000 (Selection of Rust Preventives), and SSPC (Minimum Surface Preparation Guideline). For further information, log on to Digital Edition - February 2017



New blast furnace for EVRAZ NTMK



Russian steelmaker EVRAZ has awarded Primetals Technologies a multi-million Euro order to supply the automation, electrical equipment and instrumentation for the new blast furnace number 7 at the company’s Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant (EVRAZ NTMK). To reduce service costs, especially where future upgrades are concerned, the basic automation (level 1) and process optimisation (level 2) will be installed as a virtualised automation system on central, redundant servers. The new process automation will also optimise coke consumption and will be commissioned at the end of the year. The contract includes the supply of automation, electrical equipment and instrumentation, says Primetals. Blast furnace number 7 has a production capacity of 2.5Mt/yr of pig iron and is intended to replace blast furnace number 6, which is scheduled for an overhaul. With an annual production of 4.9Mt of crude iron and 4.2Mt of steel, EVRAZ NTMK is one of the largest steel works in Russia. The integrated iron and steel works is located in the city of Nizhniy Tagil in the Swerdlowsk Region of the Urals and primarily produces train wheels, rails, structural steel, pipe blanks and semi-finished products. Nizhniy Tagil is one of Russia’s oldest steelmaking and mining centres. For further information, log on to



Arvedi Tubi Acciaio commissions

Digital Edition - February 2017



tube welding line upgrade from SMS

Arvedi Tubi Acciaio of Cremona, Italy, is now operating a high-frequency tube welding line (ERW) upgraded by the German SMS group The line can now handle tubes of up to 14in in diameter. Arvedi commissioned SMS group to upgrade its existing 12 ¾-in tube welding line to a welding line for up to 14in tubes. The upgrade included the exchange of the cutting device in the profile tube cutting line complete with associated controls. After a four-week rebuild, the upgraded tube welding line was handed over to Arvedi Tubi Acciaio on time and ready for operation. The upgraded equipment allows the company to expand its portfolio in terms of product types and dimensions. In addition to wider diameter tubes, it will also be possible to produce square tubes of up to 300 x 300mm and rectangular tubes of up to 400 x 200 mm. Arvedi is focused on the production of high-grade and specialist products, mainly for use in the automotive, petrochemical, thermal and construction industries as well as mechanical engineering. Mario Caldonazzo, CEO of Arvedi Tubi Acciaio, said he was very satisfied with past tube welding plants from SMS group and decided to rely upon the company for its latest upgrade. “Thanks to this upgrade, plant availability has become even better, allowing us to respond to the specific requests of our customers even more quickly and flexibly,” he said. For further information, log on to

Digital Edition - February 2017



Ton Dong A awards another Bridging the compatibility gap order to Danieli Fata Hunter Transvalor, a software editor of material forming numerical simulation has entered into a new partnership with Elysium, a global interoperability solution provider. 3D data are being used throughout the product life cycle stages, and interoperability between multiple applications/ systems is a key factor to ensuring smooth and effective 3D data utilisation. There has, however, been an ongoing challenge in the manufacturing industry to prevent problems caused by poor data quality and/ or the geometrical complexity of 3D CAD data, such as errors in importing design data into simulation tools, translation errors such as design intent loss and broken geometry, and failures or poor results in mesh generation. Transvalor is a supplier of simulation software that addresses a wide range of forming processes. In collaboration with CADdoctor, a 3D data translation and optimisation application, the partnership with Elysium is designed to solve the above-mentioned problems (faced by users of Transvalor’s FORGE, COLDFORM, THERCAST, and REM3D) and allow reuse of design CAD data. This is made possible by translating CAD data to Transvalor format while repairing geometry errors and simplifying the geometry for accurate and efficient CAE simulations. Emmanuel Chenot, managing director of Transvalor, said that the company had been looking for a reputable partner to progress CAD interoperability and that Elysium’s CADdoctor was the answer. In short, it offers ‘a robust and reliable solution that enables multi-CAD data exchange’. According to Chenot, “Our customers expect seamless solutions when importing geometries of casting molds or forging dies from their CAD environment to our CAE software. Eliminating the tedious mesh repairing operations together with having access to native support for the most popular CAD file formats is a huge benefit. This contribution to get high-quality geometries is essential to ensure the quickest and the most accurate simulation results.” Benefits for primary steel making are not huge right now, but recent advanced work is partially related to secondary steelmaking, says a Transvalor spokesperson. For further information, log on to Digital Edition - February 2017

Danieli Fata Hunter has been contracted by Ton Dong A to supply and install a 1,250mm triple-coat continuous coil coating line at the company’s new facility in Binh Duong Province, Vietnam. With an operating speed of 120m/min, the new line will process 120kt/yr of HDG steel coils, mostly for the building and appliance industries. Strip size will be 1,250 mm (max. width) and 1.20 mm (max. thickness). The scope of supply will include a dry-inplace chemical coater and dryer to meet all the requirements of the various substrates and paints, as well as single-slide coaters with a closed-loop system for the best paint thickness control. Printing section and tension levelling equipment are part of the supply. The flexo-

graphic printer chosen for this installation is claimed to be advanced technology for high printing quality on the substrate material, ensuring the quality of the final products. The coil coating line will also include an energy-saving and environmentally friendly Regenerative Thermal Oxidiser (RTO) system. Low-maintenance and quick-change equipment will reduce maintenance time and increase line availability. The line will be driven by a complete Danieli Automation system. Production of the first coil is scheduled for the first quarter of 2018. This is the fourth order awarded to Danieli by Ton Dong A Corporation over the past four years. For further information, log on to


The accurate measurement of steel scrap LASE is assisting Lech-Stahlwerke GmbH (LSW) measure scrap volumes at its plant in Meitingen, Germany. LASE provides LSW with an accurate steel scrap measurement system in two different operational areas of the plant. Its systems determine the volumes of steel scrap materials both in the storage area and in the scrap ferries. This means that dosing of recycled steel scrap can be improved and the quantity of each material sort in the storage area can be determined. Scrap materials stocked in the storage area by category are actuated by two crane systems. Two 2D laser scanners from the LASE 2000D-11x-Series mounted on the main crane girder measure the scrap area. Their scan planes are vertically downwards as well as parallel to the crane and deliver so-called 2D profile data. Each single profile shows a cross section of the scrap pile, which is located under the laser scanner. To

measure scrap volume a measuring drive is initiated by telegram from the PLC control. A further evaluation unit from LASE (LCU – LASE Control Unit) collects incoming 2D profiles and converts their values together with crane position data into a 3D volume model. Separating walls for the segmentation of the storage area are filtered out by the measuring software and are excluded from the volume determination. Additional crane position measurement enables the storage management system to identify from which of the 32 parcels any material has been removed. After the scrap has been loaded from the storage area into a scrap bucket by crane, it is transported by ferry to an electric arc furnace. The measurement starts when an empty scrap ferry drives through the scan

plane of the ceiling-mounted 2D laser scanner. The measuring procedure is triggered automatically just as the software detects the ferry in a pre-defined height. With the help of a specially developed bucket edge detection function, the bucket can be extracted precisely. The process is divided into an empty profile (reference measurement with zero volume) and a full profile measurement, where the fully loaded bucket is moving through the measurement system. The volume of scrap is determined by the difference between the empty and full profile. Both installed laser measurement systems help LSW optimise its storage and production processes by determining the exact quantities of steel scrap on site.


May 14 - 19, 2017


Course Objectives

2017 Lectures

Cokemaking has evolved into a very efficient and sophisticated process. Cokemaking is one of the most important operations in the steel industry because it is the key to energy consumption in the plant and has a major influence on the operation of the blast furnace. Proper control and maintenance of the coke plant may offer solutions to many of the environmental problems associated with steel production. The course will present “state-of-the-art” knowledge of the entire coke plant at a level that will be useful to operators, researchers and suppliers to the industry. While the focus of the course will be primarily on coke for blast furnaces, some consideration will be given to coke for other uses. The material presented and the structure of the course is continuously updated by a team of international experts.

Introduction & Fudamentals

Equipment and Operations


The History of Cokemaking

Principles of Coke Oven Design

Coke in the Blast Furnace

Machinery Design and Automation

Introduction to the By-Product Plant

Fundamentals of Coal and Coke Characterization Environmental Issues Facing the Coking Industry into the 21st Century Theory of Carbonization Coke Oven Game & Cokemaking Rules of Thumb (Computer Game) Coal Preparation: Design of Coal Blend for Required Coke Properties.

Organizing Committee

Tar and Light Oil Recovery

Coke Oven Energy Balance and Recovery

Removal of Sulphur and Ammonia from Coke Oven Gas

Prolonging Asset Life

Effects of Gas Quality on Operations

Control of Battery Heating Recovery Cokemaking Case Study Non-Recovery Cokemaking Fudaments and Principles Non-Recovery Cokemaking Case Studies

Case Study on ByProduct Operations Optional Lecture High Level Overview of Cokemaking

Peter Schiestel (Chair) Stelco Cory Evans Essar Steel Algoma Inc. Jodi Kesik ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc. Ted Todoschuk ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc. Ken Coley (Secretary) McMaster University

Contact Information Ken Coley Director, Steel Research Centre McMaster University 1280 Main St. West Hamilton ON L8S 4L7 Phone: (905) 525-9140 x24984 Fax: (905) 526-8404

Coal from Ground to Coke Plant


Digital Edition - February 2017



New cable reel product line from Magnetek Magnetek, Inc, a supplier of digital power and motion control systems for the materials handling, fluid power and marine terminal industries, has introduced new cable reel product line. The company’s cable reels are designed to be mounted on moving machinery and used to supply power for the automatic winding of flexible power or control cables. Magnetek offers both spring-driven and motorised electric cable reels, as well as slip ring assemblies. Magnetek’s Industrial Duty Spring Reels are available in five sizes and provide a cost-effective, pre-engineered solution for general purpose applications such as overhead material handling cranes, mobile cranes, construction cranes, emergency and rescue vehicles, monorails, excavators, and welding systems. Mill Duty Spring Reels are available in a multitude of sizes and are designed for optimum performance on overhead cranes,

monorails, and magnet cranes operating in rugged environments such as mills, foundries, and other heavy-duty industries. Motorised Cable Reels are claimed to be ideal for long travel lengths and high voltage applications such as log handling gantry cranes, port gantry cranes, mobile excavators, ship-to-shore cranes, deck and construction cranes, particularly on runway motions, and hoisting equipment of all types. Custom-engineered slip ring assemblies are available for any size or configuration and, claims Magnetek, deliver consistent power to rotating components, ensuring continuous revolution. Communication and fibre optic slip rings are also available and cable reels may be packaged with any of the company’s industry-leading power and motion control products. For further information, log on to Digital Edition - February 2017



The heavy weight of the steel industry The volatility of the global steel industry has fuelled demand for highly efficient and flexible handling equipment. Botros Hanna from Hyster Europe answers some of the key handling challenges faced by the steel industry today, and how the company is making light work of the heaviest loads. What are the main materials handling challenges that steel customers face? A consistent and efficient handling process is more important than ever to ensure that there are no delays in the supply chain. Reliable handling equipment that can do the job effectively is therefore critical, particularly due to the heavy, awkward loads and challenging environments. Most steel customers use trucks over eight tonnes lift capacity with some sort of front end attachment, a combination that requires robust trucks that are easy to drive and position loads. Steel operators need a complete handling solution which is why Hyster has a dedicated steel industry solutions team that has significant experience to overcome their specific challenges and optimise steel handling applications. What has Hyster done to ensure reliability in steel applications? Hyster has become increasingly industry focused, paying particular attention to understanding the challenges and needs of different industries, including the steel industry. This has ensured that we can offer intelligently designed solutions that suit the many different applications that exist throughout the steel industry. In addition, all Hyster lift trucks up to 52 tonnes are built for the toughest jobs, but there are some important additions used in steel operations. For example, where dust is an issue, Hyster has introduced an extended pre-cleaner air intake to help avoid engine failure, on-demand cooling to reduce

fan-induced dust and automatic greasing to force dirt out of critical wear areas. Heat is also a factor that can seriously affect the reliability of a truck when semi-finished products in the form of slabs, blooms, ingots or bars exit the manufacturing process at approximately 900C. Hyster trucks overcome temperature problems by fitting heat-resistant hoses to prevent them from drying out and leaking, and a heat shield for hydraulic cylinder protection. An extended front fender will also prevent tyres from softening and a chainless monomast eliminates the need for a chain which could otherwise dry out. In fact, Hyster has one of the toughest heat protection packages in the world for foundry environments to ensure that the forklift maintains a low cost of operation and reliability throughout its life time. What do you mean by a low cost of operation? To get the best value and performance from a lift truck, buyers must look at lifetime costs over a five-year period, sometimes more for larger trucks, in relation to their specific operation. Hours, ramps, continuous lifting at capacity, heat, dust and many other factors all affect the cost of ownership. Our job is to provide the right truck to give the best performance, value, productivity and reliability in all applications.

One of our most significant technical developments over the last few years has led to significant operational cost savings for steel businesses and improved their environmental performance. How are Hyster trucks saving steel customers money and helping them to improve their green credentials? Hyster has developed some of the most fuel efficient heavy duty forklifts on the market, helping steel customers significantly reduce their monthly fuel bills by as much as 25% in some cases. This adds up to a lot of money when you consider the size of the machines and fleets. These savings were a by-product of the company’s approach to meeting the Stage IV / Tier 4 final (T4f) emissions legislation, which all Hyster trucks above eight tonne lift capacity now adhere to. Steel comes in many shapes, sizes and weights. How can Hyster trucks adapt? Whether an application is handling steel band coils, wire coils, pipes, tubes, structural steel or hot semi-finished products, Hyster has highly refined and tested solutions. We have multi-purpose (integral or hooktype) side-shift, fork positioning carriages with a range of different ‘quick disconnect’ fork and front-end attachments available. This includes rounded forks, grab clamps, coil manipulators, C-hooks, pipe stabilisers, hydraulic pipe clamps, coil rams (with up to 13 picks), twin rams, long rams, magnets and more. We are finding some customers want to invest in fewer machines to do more varied work. One customer, for example, needed to use the same Reach Stacker to handle containers, trailers and steel coils. A unique tool changer allows easy exchange of attachments, in that case a standard container spreader, an intermodal spreader and a C-hook attachment, offering maximum flexibility with minimal fuss. For further information, log on to



NSK seminar forges customer relationships NSK Solutions for the Steel Sector was a seminar organised by NSK and held in Antalya, Turkey. The event attracted 100 people from 36 countries and offered visitors two presentations on NSK’s latest product innovations and services for the steel manufacturing industry. Session one, NSK Solutions for the Steel Sector, was presented by Stephen Wood, Middle East sales and engineering manager at NSK Europe. It was followed by a paper from Mathieu Piquemal entitled AIP – NSK Value Added Services. NSK offers a range of bearings for the steel industry that combat a range of tough conditions, including temperature fluctuations, contamination, belt speeds of more than 200m/min, vibration and impact. According to the company, bearings are available for all stages of steel making. The company has developed sealed spherical roller bearings for continuous casting plants that prevent the ingress of contamination and offer optimal service life. Taper roller bearings and cylindrical roller

bearings with a self-aligning outer ring are also said to be ideal for continuous casting plants. Further innovations from NSK include taper roller bearings available in various special materials for use at rolling mills, such as Water-TF and Super-TF, together with NSK’s Sealed-Clean technology. Beyond these, various bearings are offered for sinter machines, LD converters, chain conveyors, levellers and more. All are designed to be reliable, wear-resistant and durable, and thus promote profitable production. Profitability is also the aim of NSK’s recently introduced AIP+ Added Value Programme, which is designed to deliver a complete bearing care package, known as AIP+, which uses a quartet of innovative maintenance and service tools – condition monitoring, mounting tools, laser alignment and lubrication solutions – all of which have been developed to maximise machine performance and operating life. Emrah Cakir, general manager of NSK Turkey, said that the purpose of the Antalya seminar was to demonstrate the company’s

technical knowledge and strengthen brand awareness. “It certainly helped to further improve our relations with current and new customers,” he said. For further information, log on to

Masters of perfect vision Tube, wire rod and bar rolling mill manufacturer KOCKS also provides integrated automation and software solutions for long product rolling mills, including measuring gauges developed by Automation W + R, an expert in surface inspection and measuring technology. KOCKS has partnered with Automation W + R to develop a high resolution measuring gauge based on the laser triangulation light section measuring principle. Known as the 4D Eagle, the system inte-

grates the latest technologies and meets the requirements of modern rolling mills for the highest measuring accuracy and frequency. The 4D Eagle is not only suitable before and following KOCKS RSB applications, it can also be applied as a stand-alone device in other long product mills. Applications include round bars, wire rods, hexagons, rebars, square, tubes and other long products. The monitoring and subsequent display of the complete surface of the bar allows

the detection of local and periodical defects and/or dimensional variations of the rolled product. Thanks to its high measuring frequency, the 4D Eagle identifies rolled product defects immediately so that countermeasures can be taken in the shortest possible time. This reduces the amount of faulty products and increases mill profitability. For further information, log on to Special Features of the 4D EAGLE include: • Use of innovative materials to avoid thermal expansions. • Provision of accurate guiding concept with remote-controlled height adjustment and water strippers. • No external electronic cabinet. • Measuring cell is fully sealed and resistant against scale, water and dust. • Stainless steel housing to ensure reliable long-term operation. • No process water consumption, cooling concept with closed-loop water circulation. • System software allows statistical evaluations, calculation of “cold”-values, process capability and data archiving functions, and optional integration of length and temperature measurement.



Applying Industry 4.0 to the steel industry What is Industry 4.0 and how can it assist the global steel industry in its quest for greater efficiencies? Two questions, among many others, that will be answered by the experts at the Future Steel Forum in Warsaw in June 2017. The Future Steel Forum is a live discussion of the issues surrounding Industry 4.0 or ‘smart manufacturing’ and will endeavour to cover all bases, including the all-important subject of cyber security, the role of human beings in the factory of the future, how to survive a cyber attack and the all-important process safety and control. Speakers from academia, the steel industry and the world of steel production technology will explain the key concepts behind the digitalisation of steel manufacturing. Myths will be exploded, ideas challenged and terminology explained.

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14-15 June, Sheraton Warsaw Hotel, Poland


Conference Programme DAY ONE - WEDNESDAY 14TH JUNE Matthew Moggridge

Registration Welcome to Future Steel Forum Matthew Moggridge, Editor, Steel Times International Opening Address – Cognitive Value Chain – an Approach to Managing Digital Disruption in Steel Manish Chawla, General Manager, IBM

Pinakin Chaubal

Keynote: Global Perspectives on Digital Manufacturing Pinakin Chaubal, General Manager, ArcelorMittal Global R&D INTRODUCTORY THEMES Chair: Jose Favilla, Director, Industry Solutions for Industrial Products, IBM Voestalpine – One Step Ahead in Digitising Processes in the Metals Industry Dr. Michael Eder, Global Chief Digital Officer, Voestalpine, and Johann Reisinger, R&D Mechatronics Steel Division, Voestalpine

Dr. Michael Eder

Digital Transformation Initiatives in Mining & Metals – the Tata Steel Approach Sarajit Jha, Chief of Digital Value Acceleration, Tata Steel The Digital Revolution – The Human Factor and Inertia Dr. Rizwan A Janjua, Head of Technology, World Steel Association (worldsteel)

Michael Bremicker

Industry 4.0 – Where does the Humble Human Being Fit in? Michael Bremicker, Partner, Operations Consulting, KPMG AG How Could Industry 4.0 Transform the Steel Industry? Professor Harald Peters, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsintitut GmbH IT terminology – Defining the Concepts Philippe Massonet, Scientific Co-ordinator and Stephane Mouton, Department Manager, CETIC (Research Centre on IT)

Mick Steeper

BUSINESS MODELS Chair: Mick Steeper, Chair, Iron & Steel Society, IoM3 Ensure your Digital Plant Runs Perfectly – but also Benefits your Customers Stefan Koch, Global Lead for Metals, SAP SE How Industry 4.0 Can Save Steelmakers Money Jane Zavalishina, CEO, Yandex Data Factory

Jane Zavalishina

Industry 4.0 – An Holistic Approach Dr. Dirk Schaefer, Associate Professor of Design Engineering, University of Bath Panel Discussion: New Business Models Chair: Luc Van Nerom, Head of Research & Development, PSI

Dr. Dirk Schaeffer

Panellists: • Dr. Michael Eder, Global Chief Digital Officer, Voestalpine • Dr. Markus Reifferscheid, SMS group • Yannick Leprêtre, Innovation Director, Fives • Dr. Dirk Schaeffer, Associate Professor of Design Engineering, University of Bath • Dirk A. Classens, Vice President, Industrial Products, IBM • Mick Steeper, Chair, Iron & Steel Society, IoM3

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Conference Programme DAY TWO - THURSDAY 15TH JUNE

Wilfried Runde

Dr. Marcus Reifferscheid

Panel Discussion: Perspectives on Steel Manufacturing and Digitalisation Chair: Dr. Rizwan A Janjua, Head of Technology, World Steel Association (worldsteel) Panellists: • Marco Ometto, Executive Vice President, Danieli Automation • Jean Jouet, CEO, CMI Groupe • Jane Zavalishina, CEO, Yandex Data Factory • Kristiaan Van Teutum, Vice President, Strip Processing Lines, Fives • Dr. Markus Reifferscheid, SMS group • Kurt Herzog, Head of Department, Industrie 4.0, Primetals Technologies • Jose Favilla, Director, Industry Solutions for Industrial Products, IBM BUSINESS ORGANISATION Chair: Luc Bongaerts, Business Development Manager, OM Partners, Belgium Industry 4.0 and its Challenges for Flexible Production Planning Wilfried Runde, Head of Production Planning Systems of EA Direct Business and EA Services, SMS group Rolling into the Future of Digitalisation – Primetals Technologies’ Long Rolling Control System Paul Riches, Primetals Technologies USA Industry 4.0 – from Equipment to Service. Keywords for the Future of Co-operation Between Automation and Steel Manufacturing Marco Ometto, Executive Vice President, Danieli Automation

Paul Riches

The Digital Unity – How Customers Benefit from a Production Management System Kurt Herzog, Head of Department, Primetals Technologies Industrie 4.0 Fives and Bautou: A 10-year digital programme to develop a wide range of high added value automotive steels Jean-Paul Nauzin, CEO, Fives KEODS

Dr. Dirk Schaeffer

Industry 4.0 in Rolling Mills Hans Peintinger, Managing Director, QuinLogic GmbH Intelligent Control Systems: How to Upgrade Existing Operational Technologies Daniel Sanchez, Sales Director, Russula IT INFRASTRUCTURE Chair: Dr. Dirk Schaefer, Associate Professor of Design Engineering, University of Bath

Sebastian Kopsan

Optimising the Plants of the Future thanks to Smart Data & Services Yannick Leprêtre, Innovation Director, Fives Evaporating the Pyramid – Close Collaboration between Production Management and Process Automation Luc Van Nerom, Head of Research & Development, PSI ABB Metals’ Ability in Digital. The Internet of Things, Services and People from an Industrial Automation Supplier Andreas Vollmer, Global R&D Manager, ABB Metals PLANT SAFETY AND SECURITY Chair: Jose Favilla, Director, Industry Solutions for Industrial Products, IBM Trustworthy Industrial Control Systems – How to Take Security Seriously Professor Chris Hankin, Imperial College London Cyber Security – a New Challenge for Production (Management) Jörg Hackmann, Head of Products and Methodology, PSI Intelligent Alarm Management in the Steel Industry Sebastian Kopsan, Backend Developer, SMS Digital


Closing remarks: Matthew Moggridge, Editor, Steel Times International *Programme is subject to change

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14-15 June, Sheraton Warsaw Hotel, Poland


DELEGATE REGISTRATION RATES The conference fee includes a 2-day conference programme, refreshments, a networking lunch and conference proceedings. Delegate registration fees for this conference are as follows:

Early-bird rate (up to 28 February 2017)


Standard rate


Register for your pass online now –

EXHIBITION The Forum is also an ideal networking opportunity and chance to meet with a number of international suppliers. Small exhibition stands within the event have been booked by the following companies: • AMI GE


• Russula

• Automazioni Industriali Capitanio

• InfoSight Corporation

• SMS group GmbH

• Badische Stahl-Engineering GmbH

• Primetals Technologies/PSI

• TMEIC Corporation

• Endress+Hauser GmbH

• Quinlogic GmbH

• Fives

• Redex

Further details are available online at

ACCOMMODATION The Future Steel Forum has secured preferential rates at the Sheraton Warsaw Hotel for attendees. Rooms will cost approximately £100/€115. Visit for further details.






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High performance carbon fibre couplings

Carbon fibre shaft couplings can allow very long shaft spans without the need for intermediate bearings or supports

Carbon fibre spacer shafts have a higher critical speed, allowing faster rotation and longer unsupported spans

Carbon fibre shaft couplings are claimed to simplify design and cut lifecycle costs in demanding power transmission applications. Or that’s what Bibby Turboflex believes. The company argues that its high performance carbon fibre shaft couplings can dramatically simplify the design, installation and maintenance of power transmission systems that require long horizontal or vertical shafts, while also improving dynamic performance. Bibby’s floating shaft couplings are said to be a ‘favoured solution for power transmission applications requiring the connection of widely separated shafts’. Why? Because the design compensates for angular, parallel and axial misalignment using two metal disc couplings separated by a fabricated spacer shaft, explains Bibby, which can be anything from a few hundred millimetres to several metres in length. Standard models in the range use a hollow steel spacer shaft, but a significant number of applications benefit from the use of a spacer shaft constructed from carbon fibre reinforced composite, according to the company. The low mass and high stiffness of Bibby’s carbon fibre spacers, which can weigh up to 80% less than their steel counterparts, are the key advantages offered. The maximum operating speed of a shaft coupling of a given length and diameter is determined by the critical speed of the spacer shaft: the speed at which centripetal

forces cause the shaft to bow at the centre. Carbon fibre spacer shafts have a higher critical speed, allowing faster rotation and longer unsupported spans. They are used in two main application categories, the first is high-speed test equipment, like motorsport engine dynamometers where the couplings have to cope with high rotating speeds, while their low mass allows them to accommodate high accelerations. In industrial applications, argues Bibby, carbon fibre shaft couplings can allow very long shaft spans without the need for intermediate bearings or supports. They can be made with spans of more than 10m, making them ideal for applications like cooling tower fans or deep well pumps, which require a motor and load to be installed a considerable distance apart. For users, replacing an arrangement of multiple shafts and/or intermediate support bearings with a single carbon fibre shaft coupling simplifies design and installation. Moreover, by eliminating the need to monitor, maintain and periodically replace intermediate bearings, the design offers significant maintenance cost savings over the lifecycle of the equipment, especially where couplings are installed in hazardous or inaccessible areas. Bibby’s high performance shaft couplings are manufactured to suit the particular requirements of the end application, with the composite shaft spacers produced at a dedicated filament-winding facility in San Marcos Texas, or sourced from specialist suppliers. The disc coupling units are bonded to the composite in tightly controlled conditions using specialist engineering adhesive. The couplings are available in a wide range of sizes and configurations, with shaft diameters ranging from 60mm to 150mm and rated torque capacities of 250Nm to 3800Nm. The couplings are suitable for horizontal or vertical applications, with the shaft characteristics, disc coupling design and flange configuration selected to suit the precise needs of the application. The typical lead time is 12 weeks from initial specification to delivery. For further information, log on to Digital Edition - February 2017



New spectrum analysis service Low-cost and compact laser thickness measurement sensor Precision sensor manufacturer Micro-Epsilon has launched what it believes to be an‘affordable and compact’ thickness measurement system for strip, plate and film targets. The fully assembled system costs under £10,000 and is ready for use ‘out of the box.’ According to Micro-Epsilon the measurement system is designed to bridge the gap between customers’ own self-build solutions and high cost, large investment thickness measurement systems that involve commissioning by the supplier’s own engineers. The new product, says Micro-Epsilon, is a complete solution aimed at customers who require a simple, high accuracy, compact thickness measurement system that is fully assembled, ready-to-use and affordable. The fully assembled system comprises a stable C-frame onto which two laser triangulation sensors are mounted. The sensors measure the thickness of strip, plate and film material such as plastics, metals, composites and fabrics. The compact controller integrated into the frame calculates thickDigital Edition - February 2017

ness values and outputs these via analogue or digital (Ethernet, USB) interfaces. Chris Jones, managing director of Micro-Epsilon UK commented: “There are many requirements for inline thickness measurement which cannot justify the cost of a turnkey measurement system, yet still require high accuracy. This has resulted in companies having to self-build a thickness measurement solution from a pair of sensors, mechanical framework and software processing units such as PLCs or PCs. Once the system is finally built, it is then another matter to determine the system accuracy. However, with the launch of thicknessSENSOR, all this effort and expense is removed. The solution comes fully assembled, readyto-use and costs less than £10,000. All components on the thicknessSENSOR work in perfect harmony and a measurement accuracy of less than 10µm is guaranteed.” Due to its extremely compact design (410mm x 140mm x 70mm) the system can be installed in confined spaces. Two laser triangulation sensors (from Micro-Epsilon’s award-winning optoNCDT 1420 range of

sensors) can be calibrated at any time. The thicknessSENSOR system is operated using an intuitive web interface. Different configuration and set-ups for specific measurement tasks can be selected using pre-defined settings, which means the system can be quickly adapted to a range of different measurement applications. Up to eight user-specific sensor settings can be stored and exported in the set-up management. Video signal display, signal peak selection and freely adjustable signal averaging enable experienced users to optimise the system for specific measurement tasks. A region of interest (ROI) function allows background signal noise to be filtered out.


Magnetek, Inc has introduced a new spectrum analysis service that optimises radio communication by analysing the signal traffic present in the industrial workplace in order to reduce radio frequency interference. With signal traffic a growing problem given the presence of modern control panels, wireless networks, bar code readers, and two-way communication devices, Magnetek’s new service can alleviate radio drop outs and avoid costly troubleshooting. New radio controls can be installed faster and more smoothly, the company claims. The service includes a scan of the entire facility or a single area, conducted by a highly experienced technician and conducted on all the commonly used operating frequencies. Customers will receive a comprehensive report, presenting an analysis of findings, scan screenshots, identification of potential interference, and frequency recommendations. Aaron Kureck, Magnetek’s director of product management, new product development, and aftermarket service, said the new service helps users navigate what’s ‘in the air’. For further information, log on to

Danieli Fata Hunter coil coating line in operation in the USA Steel Dynamics Inc. (SDI) and Danieli Fata Hunter (DFG) have started up and produced the first coated coil from a new double-coat continuous coil coating line in SDI’s Columbus, Mississippi facility. The line was up and running 16 months after contract signing and way ahead of the planned schedule, claims DFG. The 600-fpm line processes coldrolled, galvanised, pickled hot band and Galvalume steel coils with a maximum width of 72in and a maximum base metal thickness of .076in. The line incorporates DFG’s patented single slide coating machines with closed-loop force control including a dry paint thickness gauge feedback for the best available control of paint

The thicknessSENSOR system has a measuring range of 10mm and a measuring width of up to 200mm, at a measuring rate of up to 4kHz. Linearity (combined) is +/- 10µm and temperature stability of the system is <3µm/°C.


thickness, claims DFG. The DFG Clean Air oven system ensures superior quality strip for SDI’s customers, maximises productivity and minimises line operating costs. The oven system, in combination with the Roll-On Pre-Treatment (ROPT) chemical coater and afterburner system, minimise the environmental impact of the line and meet SDI’s rigorous sustainability criteria in a market that requires the most stringent quality standards. Steel Dynamics operates six steel mills, eight steel processing facilities, two iron production facilities, over 90 metals recycling locations and six steel fabrication plants in the USA. For further information, log on to

If the measurement performance is not sufficient for some customers, Micro-Epsilon’s Systems division can offer other non-contact thickness measurement systems with temperature-compensated frames that enable even higher precision, stable thickness measurements. For more information, log on to

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Chinese steelmaker’s furnace from Fives Shougang Jingtang United Iron & Steel Co. (China) and Fives successfully signed a final acceptance certificate for a vertical annealing furnace with an annual capacity of 430kt/yr. Fives designed, manufactured, supplied and supervised the commissioning of its Stein Digiflex vertical annealing furnace. It is installed on the continuous annealing line of cold rolling plant 3 at Shougang Jingtang’s new facility in Caofeidian, Hebei province. The line is designed to produce strip sizes ranging from 0.15 to 0.55mm thickness with 750 to 1280mm strip width. It can reach a strip speed of 750 mpm in the process section, making it one of the fastest tin plate lines in the world. Fives’ furnace is equipped with the AdvanTek combustion system featuring energy efficiency, fuel flexibility and low emissions, as well as the FlashCooling rapid cooling system which offers flexibility in terms of cooling rate control, temperature cycle control and uniformity of cooling. Shougang Jingtang United Iron & Steel Co operates five Stein Digiflex furnaces at its Caofeidian facility, including a new continuous annealing furnace. For further information, log on to

Digital Edition - February 2017



The importance of

While the success of any demanding laser application depends on the light source, the application's beam shaping capability is also important. With this in mind, LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH’s new fused silica optics for high-performance laser diodes of up to 500 W per bar, has delivered the key technology for increasingly powerful laser outputs. High-performance laser systems with outputs upwards of 10 kW are currently in high demand, but, according to Dr. Oliver Homburg, director of product management for Optical Solutions at the

Digital Edition - February 2017

Dortmund-based company, they all require high-performance optics which convert the raw beam from the laser source into the most symmetrically shaped beam possible. To deliver the best possible performance and beam quality, Limo’s new high power BTS (Beam Transformation System) is produced from ultra-pure fused silica with a minimum content of oxygen-hydrogen bonds. When standard materials are used, the BTS can heat up, which in turn results in deteriorated optical properties (the ‘thermal lens’ effect) and reduced performance. In contrast, the new High Power BTS made of



‘beam shaping’

fused silica remains thermally stable – even in high-performance industrial applications – and thus provides reliable functionality across the entire laser system. Thanks to ultra-pure fused silica, extremely high transmission rates (over 98%) are achieved. The new BTS can be used to couple laser light into a circular fibre and produce a free laser beam. The system comprises the Fast Axis Collimator FAC160 (which is optimised for short focal lengths) and a diagonal lens array for a 90° rotation of the laser beam. It comes pre-assembled on a glass block (bottom tab) for easier handling. With a pitch of 200 or 400 µm, the system is capable of

coupling up to 50 emitters with an output of approximately 250 W to 500 W per bar and a 50% fill factor. “Clearly, there are many other processes in which the High Power BTS can provide improved application results and, as a result, critical market advantages,” says Dirk Hauschild, vice president for marketing at LIMO. “For example, I could also see the possibility of using the Fused Silica BTS to coat metals more efficiently and with higher productivity than before, or even for enhanced metal finishing.” For further information, log on to

Digital Edition - February 2017



Are the prospects for steel producers looking bright in 2017? Yes they are if enquiries for used steel processing equipment is a fair barometer. CJM Asset Management, a firm of chartered surveyors, specialising in the valuation and sale of used steel and aluminium plant, report a significant upturn in enquiries over recent months. CJM managing director Charles Moses commented: “After two or three years with interest in used mills and processing equipment almost non-existent, enquiries have increased significantly since the middle of last year with over 40 enquiries for the Voestalpine wire rod mill in Austria and a successful sale of almost all the stainless processing plant from the Outokumpu’s precision strip plant at Kloster. In addition we have concluded sales of two welded tube mills for SSAB in Sweden and also finalised the sale of an SMS

A bright future for the global steel industry in 2017? Yes, says CJM... 18-stand stretch reducing mill at Virsbo for Ruukki. Charles noted: “There seems to have been a general uplift in confidence by steel producers across the globe, with particular interest from India, Indonesia and Iran, although selling to the latter is still proving to be a bureaucratic nightmare.” Among assets currently on the market with CJM Asset Management two plate

mills stand out – one from German heavy plate specialist, Reiner Brach GmbH, which has closed following the retirement of the owner, and another from CUU Heavy Products from Hai Phong in Vietnam where the plant previously specialised in rolling shipbuilding plate. For further information, log on to

Best solutions for bench-top and system testing HUBER+SUHNER, a manufacturer of components and systems for optical and electrical connectivity products, will unveil its best-in-class solutions for bench-top and system testing at DesignCon in Santa Clara (1-2 February). The company’s booth will focus on its range of electrical solutions and assemblies developed and enhanced for high-speed digital testing. “In a world where performance, speed and density matter, innovative high speed digital testing solutions are key,” said Stéphanie Jarno, market manager (instrumentation) at HUBER+SUHNER. “Our developments come at a time when companies are looking for high-performing

Digital Edition - February 2017

yet cost-efficient solutions for their testing requirements, and HUBER+SUHNER’s new products address exactly these concerns.” Visitors to Huber + Suhner’s booth will find MXPM, a product extension of the multi-coax MXP product line. According to Huber + Suhner, the small form factor and ‘outstanding’ electrical characteristics combined with reliable mating and ease-of -use make the MXP series ‘an excellent solution for bench-top and system testing’. MXPM has a coaxial-to-PCB transition of up to 85 GHz, smart interface protection and an innovative locking mechanism. “The MXPM series is a revolutionary multi-coax solution in response to the most

stringent testing requirements. Electrically transparent and offering a very small pitch, this solution is well suited for applications tolerating no signal integrity degradation. Our initial product line operates up to 65GHz with a 85GHz version coming soon,” said Stéphanie. Visitors will also find the SUCOFLEX 500 series for VNA, where the new assembly – SUCOFLEX 526S – will be making its debut. Also on show will be the Microbend L, a new low-loss assembly with increased phase stability and power handling capability for use in low profile and dense applications. For further information, log on to

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