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Key Contacts
Employer Engagement e: recruit@qub ac uk w: go qub ac uk/employers
MyFuture e: Myfuture@qub ac uk
Surveys e: surveys@qub ac uk
Student Development e: careers@qub ac uk w:go qub ac uk/careersconsultants
Global Opportunities e: goglobal@qub ac uk w: go qub ac uk/goglobal
Future Skills Award/DegreePlus e: degreeplus@qub ac uk w:go qub ac uk/futurereadyaward
Our programmes at a glance
Our programmes are designed to encourage students to try new things, meet new people and build relevant skills and experience, both at home and overseas

The Future Skills Award (formerly DegreePlus)
Staff with interests in student development and employability, Personal Tutors and those with student project supervision, advice or support roles are asked to encourage students to consider and get involved in DegreePlus / ResearcherPlus Go.qub.ac.uk/futurereadyaward
Social Media
Follow us #QUBCareers for the latest news and updates from the service
Look At Our Website
For the most up-to-date event information and to find out more about the Careers service at Queen’s, visit go qub ac uk/careers