3 minute read


K4 Project | HAU | 2016



A string of classrooms, multifunction rooms and lobby area hug around a large round garden, which is located in the center of the school block.

The attraction of children

The function rooms and library are located in the center of the school courtyard, which creat an ideal place for kids to interact with each other and to stimulate children’s curiosity.

This project is towards child-centered, create an environment that stimulates children’s curiosity and a space for communication and connection between children . This is the primary school for children 6-10 years old, who are the age of playing and exploring. The center space, open area with lots of sounds increase the attraction of children. The function rooms and library are located in the center of the school courtyard. Children easily have the freedom to express, explore and learn in a playful environment.


Blocks separate into clusters, is intertwined green spaces to increase the connection between people - nature.

Connection clusters to the center courtyard to increase the connection between people people - nature.


Thang Long Traditional Music Club

K7 Project | HAU | 2017


The functional blocks is arranged alternately, the different height like layers of Hanoi’s Old Quarter.


Planting area is intertwined in the crowded old quarter.

This building is located in Hanoi Old Quarter, a context is intertwined with layers of cultural and history. Thus, the project research elements affect area, especially researching layers of the old street elevation. The old street elevation as a lively symphony, the tones go up and down clearly, with the main musical - the old houses elevation, the accompaniment - layers of the houses behind. They harmonize to create the sheet music of the old street.


The rhythm of the building elevation into the rhythmic curves of the tile roof, that make a difference elevation but still harmonize in the actual context.

House Of Ifurnitecture

NOVA design award | Honorable mention | 2018

A house is made of walls and beams

A home is made of who you love, what you love and what defines you

The 21st century is the era of connection with advent of the Internet and smartphone, but as a side affect, we lost the physical interaction between human beings. We are using more time in our private room than before to enjoy the digital world. When we are locked in own realm, we isolate ourself from our family and waste time instead of creating memories in our house.

We conceived that in a typical room, empty spaces around furniture are larger than we basically need. Therefore, our proposal is an attemp to break the room into small units, each contains one domestic program, such as sleeping, studying, hanging clothes.

The compact size of each unit blurs the boundary between XS architecture and XL furniture. With its shape and color reflecting the characteristic of its owner, it can be defined as iFurnitecture, House of iFurnitecture is where family members can easily connect and share beautiful moments to their loved ones, while the collection of specific iFurnitecture units tells the story of who they are.

In House of iFurnitecture, architectural elements from walls, columns to stairs are not only the structure, they merge with furniture pieces to participate in the daily activities of the family. Everything in the house become a part to complete the specific book of family story.

Framewallconstitutedofexteriorglassesandwood boxesplaysasbookshelf,plantersandwardrobes.By adjustingthedensityofwoodboxes,housechanges betweenopenandclose.

Thehalfcylindricaldoorisbothdoghouseandplanter.Thedogcannoticewheneversomeoneopenthe doorandithas180°viewtotheoutsideworld.

Thecylindricallivingroom+windowcanrotate360° tobringinsideout.

Partitionwall+column+diningtableisspace-saving devive.

Theladders+kitchenshelvesleadtotheiFurniture unitsofsleepingandstudying.

Stair+wardrobeRedcolumnisabathroom undertheiFurnitecture unitofsleeping


StairconnectsiFurnitectureunitsofsleeping,studyingandhangingclothes wall+bookshelfwall+cabinetwall+bed floor + table + inner courtyardfloor + kitchenfloor + bed wall+bench+tablewallinsulation+cupboardstair+wardrobe window+bedwindow+sofastair+bookshelf column+shower+toiletcolumn+bed+cabinetcolumn+kitchen beam+benchbeam+sideboarddoor+bench column+wardrobecolumn+bookshelframp+bench+table+canopy door+doghouse+planterroof+planterroof+rainhopper

We propose an expandable series of iFurnitecture which varies in types of fusion between architectural elements and furniture. House constituted by iFurnitecture pieces connects to its owners closer: family member may choose any iFurnitecture to build his own space as long as he feels that it satisfieds his demands and personality.

The house responses to his specificity and reflects his identity. The house is what he is and what he loves. The house becomes Home.

Hue Centre Of Contemporary Arts

Graduation project | HAU | 2020

Da Vien island belongs to Duc Ward, Hue City, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam, is a land in the middle of the Huong River, is an important bridge in terms of culture, tourism, traditional and modern architecture.

The project has a special context, where is focus on cultural and historical factors. Therefore the project deeply research the historical context and connection to the surrounding context impact of area. The construction site has a historical context, where had some traces of the past left. So preserving or demolishing old buildings is a difficult problem for this project

The project is located in the seamless transition system of the cross-section urban space in the ancient Hue. Therefore the site is created with dynamic morphology. The dynamic which transforms the surrounding context from the old factory, the water tower into a new function.

The building itself is also an element of contemporary art. Here the building is no longer an architectural object, but is a journey of experiencing space with a transitional architectural morphology.

Hue urban planning is clearly demonstrated the layers of time.

Hue Citadel - the north bank of Huong River was built from the 17th to the 20th centuries, which was still completely preserved three layers of walls, is planned organizationally . The old buidings were developed horizontally.

The center - the south bank with modern buildings is grown vertically, and the connecting bridge is the French Quarter in the pre-modern ages.

This connection represents the sequential development of urban planning, without sudden fractures of space and time.

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