The Quinnipiac Chronicle Issue 2, Volume 83

Page 1 September 3, 2014 Volume 83 Issue 2

SPORTS Right at home, page 12

OPINION Respect your campus, page 6

ARTS & LIFE Avoiding the Freshman 15, page 8

Armed and ready

Weekend shuttle service draws mixed reactions By STAFF REPORTS

anyway, so the response time would be much quicker. “It provides us with a thicker response to any negative situation that called upon the need for gun violence in order to keep everyone secure,” Russell said. Response times will be quicker, according to Barger, because Public Safety is right on campus and all Public Safety officers have “profound knowledge” of the campus. If a radio call is made concerning a situation in Echlin, the Public Safety officers would automatically know where the building is, while Hamden police would not. For all schools and public universities in Con-

Long lines plagued students as they waited to board the shuttles to New Haven Saturday night, even as freshmen stayed on campus or took taxis into the city. Senior Emmanuel Laboy planned to go to the popular New Haven nightclub Toad’s Place, but changed his mind because he did not want to wait for the shuttles. “York Hill was horrible,” Laboy said. “I went to the line at 9:10 p.m. and the line was totally around the garage through to the stop sign, past the stop sign and going up the steps so I left the line.” Laboy said last year six shuttles would normally line up at the York Hill stop, but this Saturday there were only three. Chief of Public Safety David Barger confirmed the number of express shuttles to New Haven was cut this year, in part with hopes of promoting on-campus activities. “The idea being is that we don’t want the students just to think that New Haven is the only place you can go,” Barger said. “There are other things to do here on campus.” Students who arrived at the shuttle stop early had fewer problems. “We left fairly early because we knew we wanted to get in,” junior Jillian Pfeifer said. “We got right onto a shuttle, got right there, felt safe in New Haven and got right into Toad’s. That’s how early we were.” But Pfeifer and her friends had to wait a while to take the shuttle from the Mount Carmel Campus up to York Hill. “They dropped me off at main campus and I had to wait like 20 minutes for a York Hill bus to take me back up to my room,” Pfeifer said. “There are plenty of other ways they could do it.” The tap system to get on the shuttles for


See WEEKEND Page 4


Chief of Public Safety David Barger (above) is one of the officers who can carry arms on campus. He is featured in the campus safety videos that will soon be posted on blackboard.

Barger: ‘We have to look at the safety of every faculty, student and staff member.’ By AMANDA HOSKINS News Editor

On Dec. 14, 2012, 20 children and six adults lost their lives after a man carrying arms walked into a Connecticut elementary school and fired. Since that fatal day, gun control and school safety are among the top of President Barack Obama’s list and there have been more than 74 school-related shootings, according to Everytown, a group that works to end gun violence in America. After a recent school shooting in Oregon, President Obama spoke at a Tumblr event about the nature of these school shootings and its reflection on our society. “We are the only developed country on earth where this happens, and not once a week,” he said. “There is no place like this.”

And as the country tightens up on gun laws and school safety, the university has been working to do the same. Last semester, it was announced that select Public Safety officers would carry firearms, and now those armed officers can be found on the three university campuses, according to Chief of Public Safety David Barger. About one-quarter of Public Safety officers now carry a gun on them while they patrol campus. At least two officers on each campus are armed at all hours of the day, Barger said. He assured there are no plans to add additional armed officers. Freshman Andrew Russell says he believes officers will only use the guns if they were absolutely required and that police would be called

University under watch following May layoffs The university is now under the close watch of the Connecticut State Conference of American Association of University Professors (CSCAAUP) after laying off 16 faculty members in early May. Though five of the 16 were subsequently reinstated, the CSC-AAUP will continue to monitor faculty-related decisions at Quinnipiac. The CSC-AAUP sent two letters in May and June to President John Lahey expressing its concern toward the unexpected layoffs. According to Vice President for Academic Affairs Lynn Bushnell, deans and Academic Affairs decided to layoff and reinstate these professors. However, CSC-AAUP Acting Chair Irene Mulvey said the university did not consult the

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proper faculty bodies in making these choices.

“The purpose was to adequately staff in growth areas and make reductions in areas where enrollment has been declining.”



Bushnell said the five professors who were reinstated had to go through an appeals pro-

cess. Mulvey’s June 3 letter to Lahey stated that while these five reinstatements were good for the individual professors, they still violate national AAUP standards and Quinnipiac’s Faculty Handbook. Before receiving the first letter from CSCAAUP, Lahey was censured by the university’s Faculty Senate because of how the layoffs were handled, according to the New Haven Register. By doing this, the professors formally expressed their strong disapproval of the decision. Chairman of Faculty Senate Stephen Straub declined to comment on the subject. While 16 faculty members were initially laid off, 12 new professors were hired, according to Bushnell. “The purpose was to adequately staff in growth areas and make reductions in areas where

Did you go home for Labor Day weekend?


Associate News Editor



enrollment has been declining,” Bushnell said. Senior Kelly Murphy said one of her classes switched professors last minute because of the layoffs. “I don’t think it was fair [to the students] but I understand that changes have to be made quickly in order to have a functioning semester,” Murphy said. Freshman Hayden Gramolini said faculty members could have received more warning about the layoffs, but it was the university’s decision to make. “Layoffs are never easy so there’s gonna be a black eye for the university, but that’s kind of just how this works here,” he said. “No jobs are guaranteed.”

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


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