What are my objectives?
Have I considered alternatives, for example reduction in employees’ terms and conditions with their consent?
What will be the cost of redundancies?
Do I have all the information I need to make the right decision?
Who will manage the change process?
Develop a time line.
Who may be affected? (Identify pool of employees.)
What is my proposal?
When do I commence consultation with employees in relation to the proposal, if consultation is necessary?
Have I provided affected employees with sufficient information about the proposal?
On what criteria will I select employees?
Is the selection criteria fair?
Have I provided affected employees with sufficient information about the selection criteria?
Have I interviewed affected employees and listened to their views on the proposal and any comments on how they fit the selection criteria?
Are there any opportunities for redemployment and have I considered them?
Have I considered employees’ responses to the proposal and criteria before making a decision and responding to employees?
What external support will I need for employees including outplacement assistance?
Have I provided contractual (or reasonable) notice of redundancy to redundant employees?
Are the redundant employees entitled to redundancy compensation?