4.5mm 2.5mm
BITE LOGO 17.5mm wide x 11.5mm deep 4.5mm from LHS line
LINE 0.5mm stroke
Advertising Promotion
PAGE NUMBER Futura Light 30pt 7mm from Image Area (centred in space)
ADVERTISING PROMOTION Futura Light 10pt 7mm from Image Area
BITE LOGO Graphic image Colour changed every week to suit cover Size in strap: 17.5mm wide x 11.5mm deep
Weekly Feature Strap
WEEKLY FEATURES – ON THE TOWN/RECIPES/RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK/REVIEW Franklin Gothic Medium Regular 20pt 7mm from Image Area Colour: 50% Black 30mm from beginning of LHS line
30mm 4.5mm 2.5mm
LINE 0.5mm stroke
Advertising Promotion
BITE LOGO 17.5mm wide x 11.5mm deep 4.5mm from LHS line Colour: Changed every week
ADVERTISING PROMOTION Futura Light 10pt 8mm from Image Area
PAGE NUMBER Futura Light 30pt 7mm from Image Area (centred in space)
Special Feature Strap SPECIAL FEATURE HEADING – CHANGED EVERY WEEK Franklin Gothic Medium Regular 20pt 7mm from Image Area Colour: 100% Black 30mm from beginning of LHS line
30mm 4.5mm 2.5mm
LINE 0.5mm stroke
Advertising Promotion
BITE LOGO 17.5mm wide x 11.5mm deep 4.5mm from LHS line Colour: Changed every week
ADVERTISING PROMOTION Futura Light 10pt 8mm from Image Area
PAGE NUMBER Futura Light 30pt 7mm from Image Area (centred in space)
Editorial Strap – no Advertising Promotion 30mm 4.5mm 2.5mm
LINE 0.5mm stroke
BITE LOGO 17.5mm wide x 11.5mm deep 4.5mm from LHS line Colour: Changed every week PAGE NUMBER Futura Light 30pt 7mm from Image Area (centred in space)
Advertising Promotion
Main story heading Kicker/preamble
KICKER/PREAMBLE Font: Futura Light 14pt Leading: 18pt Align: Left
INTRO MAIN STORY TEXT Font: Times NR Mt Medium10pt Leading: 10.5pt Align: Left Justified Dropcap: 3 lines 1 character 1st word: Capped
Main story intro style to go like this. Main story intro style to go like this. Main story intro style to go like this.
GENERAL BODY TEXT Font: Times NR Mt Medium 9pt Leading: 9.0-9.5pt Align: Left Justified 1st line indent: 3mm
CAPTION Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Regular 9pt Leading: 9.5pt Align: Centred
AIN story intro style to go like this. Main story intro style to go like this.
MAIN HEADING Font: Futura Light 80pt Leading: 76pt-80pt Align: Centred
Main story 8mm
Kicker Kicker Kicker Kicker
style style style style
in in in in
here here here here
AGNIAMC ommodol utpat. Do dolor iusto cons nosto od duisl inci tat ut at venim diamcon umsandr eriuscin henim volor sim nosto odignis modolessi. Tat loborti onulputpat wisi. Adiatet, commy num dolore magna facin utatem ipissim volor adiam quis duip erosto do dolore duis dolutat. Nulluptat vel et nim zzrit nons nisiscip eumsandiamet veliqui erciliq uations equat, velit la aliscidunt ver autat. Per sum dolesse vulla aut num zzriuscilis dolorer sum nos nibh eugait wisim duip eu feum aliquis at irit ulputem iustrud dolorper augueriurem ver sit dunt lum iriure feumsandre magniat, sit at niamet vullam zzriurem in velenit lum zzriusciniam nonsent lobor iriurem vercidunt ad dunt lan enim ipsum quip ex exer aliquisl ut la feum er iuscil ut lutpat et iliqui blamcommolor si. Lor sum dolobore facilluptat prat ilis eraessit venit ad tat, volor iliquat, quisciduisit ute molo. Feum vullaortions etum et lummy nit ipit ad tat in veliquisisl et vulputem am do dignis alisi bla feugiam, sequat acillumsan henis ea at. Ex ercillu ptatum irilla corper ing eugiamet vullan vulputat alit nullut lamet ilit, commy numsandit adio dolumsan heniam, vulla faccum vullum nos augiamet pratem nulputetuero con
0.5mm keyline on photos
hendreet augiametue feumsan hent wisl ulputpat ulputpatum dolortionsed dolobor adigna core eugait augiamet, sequip et wissi. Perilla feuis doloreraesse magnisci bla faccumsan eummodolore min ulla augiat velesed doloborem volore commodignibh eseniat isciliquisl utet il utat, quat, vel utetumm odolestrud mincin vero core tionulput aliquat, conse eu faccum zzrit ver si eraesequam nonsed ecte con utat wisl in er auguerit etum nos essequat, sustrud magnis nos accum nos nulla feuisl dolore magna ad digna feugait, vulla con volutat. Idunt nullums andreet ullum zzrit, velis nosto odolor iril ectem ad el ip ecte magna facidunt lor susto dolutat eugait lutpat lore tat, veliquis nullaorem dolorper.
Unt nos nonsed doloreet augait luptat lutpatem deliqua mconsent venit, volesequat alit alit, core minimdionsequiscilitdolummodipit velis numsan euissisi. Iduis nim dit aut alis autate tet prat. Ut lorpercin vel ullaorerit laor sit, qui tio conse vel ut wis am irit nulput iusto delenia mcorem eumsandipit lutem dolor sequisl dit alisim am do odoloreet dolore essis nullandiam, quat dunt prat. Pero dolore modit lobore etue facidui tat lore volor sum velit ad magnibh er ip exerit wisit aliquis niamet ate feugait nulla coreriusto odip ex ea faccum nosto od eugiatem zzril iure facilla commy nonsequam, quam, quissim dolessequi euis autatetummod te THE GOLD COAST BULLETIN BITE – WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 9
Advertising Promotion
2nd story heading
SECONDARY STORY HEADING Font: Futura Light 40pt Leading: 44pt Align: Centred
AIN story intro style to go like this. Main story intro style to go like this.
INTRO 2ND STORY TEXT Font: Times NR Mt Medium 9pt Leading: 9.5pt Align: Left Justified Dropcap: 2 lines 1 character 1st word: Capped
Main story intro style to go like this. Main story intro style to go like this. Main story intro style to go like this.
GENERAL BODY TEXT Font: Times NR Mt Medium 9pt Leading: 9.0-9.5pt Align: Left Justified 1st line indent: 3mm
CAPTION Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Regular 9pt Leading: 9.5pt Align: Centred
Secondary story heading 6mm
AGNIAMC ommodol utpat. Do dolor iusto cons nosto od duisl inci tat ut at venim diamcon umsandr eriuscin henim volor sim nosto odignis modolessi. Tat loborti onulputpat wisi. Adiatet, commy num dolore magna facin utatem ipissim volor adiam quis duip erosto do dolore duis dolutat. Nulluptat vel et nim zzrit nons nisiscip eumsandiamet veliqui erciliq uations equat, velit la aliscidunt ver autat. Per sum dolesse vulla aut num zzriuscilis dolorer sum nos nibh eugait wisim duip eu feum aliquis at irit ulputem iustrud dolorper augueriurem ver sit dunt lum iriure feumsandre magniat, sit at niamet vullam zzriurem in velenit lum zzriusciniam nonsent lobor iriurem vercidunt ad dunt lan enim ipsum quip ex exer aliquisl ut la feum er iuscil ut lutpat et iliqui blamcommolor si. Lor sum dolobore facilluptat prat ilis eraessit venit ad tat, volor iliquat, quisciduisit ute molo. Feum vullaortions etum et lummy nit ipit ad tat in veliquisisl et vulputem am do dignis alisi bla feugiam, sequat acillumsan henis ea at. Ex ercillu ptatum irilla corper ing eugiamet vullan vulputat alit nullut lamet ilit, commy numsandit adio dolumsan heniam, vulla faccum vullum nos augiamet pratem nulputetuero con hendreet augiametue feumsan hent wisl ulputpat ulputpatum dolortionsed dolobor adigna core eugait augiamet, sequip et wissi. Perilla feuis doloreraesse magnisci bla faccumsan eummodolore min
0.5mm keyline on photos
0.75mm box around secondary stories
ulla augiat velesed doloborem volore commodignibh eseniat isciliquisl utet il utat, quat, vel utetumm odolestrud mincin vero core tionulput aliquat, conse eu faccum zzrit ver si eraesequam nonsed ecte con utat wisl in er auguerit etum nos essequat, sustrud magnis nos accum nos nulla feuisl dolore magna ad digna feugait, vulla con volutat. Idunt nullums andreet ullum zzrit, velis nosto odolor iril ectem ad el ip ecte magna facidunt lor susto dolutat eugait lutpat lore tat, veliquis nullaorem dolorper. Unt nos nonsed doloreet augait luptat lutpatem deliqua mconsent
venit, volesequat alit alit, core minimdionsequiscilitdolummodipit velis numsan euissisi. Iduis nim dit aut alis autate tet prat. Ut lorpercin vel ullaorerit laor sit, qui tio conse vel ut wis am irit nulput iusto delenia mcorem eumsandipit lutem dolor sequisl dit alisim am do odoloreet dolore essis nullandiam, quat dunt prat. Pero dolore modit lobore etue facidui tat lore volor sum velit ad magnibh er ip exerit wisit aliquis niamet ate feugait nulla coreriusto odip ex ea faccum nosto od eugiatem zzril iure facilla commy nonsequam, quam.
Secondary story head D
O you order ‘brushetta’ or ‘brusketta’ in an Italian restaurant? ‘Coq au vin’ or ‘kok o van’ in a French establishment? And how about ‘croissant’ and ‘crossant’? They certainly appear on menus in a variety of ways, many of the words used in culinary expressions either wrongly spelled or incorrectly pronounced. Co-authors Helen Lucas and Brenda Millot have come up with a pocket guide to at least give those charged with writing menus a chance to get things right. Described as a menu speller for foodies, Eat Your Words, published by Futura Training (RRP $22.95), is a comprehensive package that addresses the pronunciation as well as the spelling of words associated with food. As such, it is not a bad little booklet for those who enjoy dining out and would like to present a knowledgeable front when visiting restaurants. Just for the record, the Italian bruschetta is pronounced ‘broo skeh tuh’; the French coq au vin is ‘kok oh vangh’ and croissant is ‘kwah songh’. As it mentions on the back cover, the handy reference book can put an end to embarrassing spelling mistakes on menus and chalkboards. And it can help the diner sound as if he or she is pretty clued up.
Restaurant Name
RESTAURANT DETAILS First word: Franklin Gothic Demi Regular 11pt; capped and colour changed every week Details: Franklin Gothic Book Regular 11pt Leading: 14pt Align: Left
RULE 0.75pt width column size; 2mm offset
RESTAURANT NAME Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Regular 15pt Leading: 15pt Align: Left
ADDRESS: 110 Surf Parade, Broadbeach PHONE: 5526 2011
Friendly, delightful – Hong Kong in the suburbs Patricia Mossop
QUOTE Font: Futura Light 14pt Leading: 18pt Align: Left Apostrophes: Times NR MT Medium 57pt; colour changed every week Writers Name: Futura Medium 14pt SUBHEADING Font: Futura Gothic Heavy Regular 10pt Align: Left, inset spacing 2mm LHS & RHS Box: 5mm deep width to suit column; colour to change every week Wrap around text: 2mm top & bottom
HEADSHOTS Keyline: 0.5mm 100% Black Size: 21mm wide x 26mm deep
Stepping back to Italy Romanas Italian Restaurant ADDRESS: 2233 Gold Coast Highway, Nobby Beach PHONE: 5572 7572 OPEN: Dinner seven days. Licensed and accepts major credit cards DINNER PRICE: E $14.90 to $18.90; M $15.90 to $35.90; D $6.50 to $7.90; Pizzas $12.00 to $20.90
“It’s great,” he says. “You meet people, you watch families expand and grow.’’ Not many restaurants on the Gold Coast have been around long enough to see generational change. Interestingly, those that have are doing basically the same as they always have done, offering value and good food.
A delightfully Italian family restaurant Patricia Mossop 6mm
HERE are times when it appears history is swept under the carpet on the Gold Coast in the quest to present a modern front – times when change appears to be for its own sake – when development and redevelopment press ahead at all costs.
So it is nice to sometimes take a step back and find something pretty much the way it used to be 24 years ago, a restaurant that, while it has expanded within its original premises, has maintained its integrity. Romanas Italian Restaurant, founded at Nobby Beach by Alf and Carmel Covino around 1983, still offers the same wholesome Italian dishes it did back then, and they spawned a dynasty of restaurants and restaurateurs. Daughter Jenny and her Adelaide-born husband Roberto
Rossi run Romanas today while sons George and Tony respectively operate George’s Steak & Seafood Restaurant and Valentinos Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria in Victoria Avenue in Broadbeach. Alf and Carmel have basically retired but can be found at one of the restaurants on occasion while Alf ’s brother, Armando, is usually at the former Broadbeach restaurant Covinos, now Salsa. Yet another brother, Frank, operates restaurants in service stations across the country. When Romanas opened, it seated 30. Today, utilising space next door and outside, it seats around 120. Roberto, who worked in an insurance office in Adelaide when he met Jenny 12 years ago, has a passion for the restaurant he has worked in for the last 10 years, having chosen to live on the Gold Coast rather than Adelaide once married.
This is traditional Italian fare, honest to goodness and devoid of unnecessary trimmings. Romanas is a family restaurant catering to young and old, a place where the pizzas are good, where the dishes are solidly Italian and where a meal can be appreciated amid the sound of people enjoying themselves. The menu, like the helpings, is large without being over the top and there is little omitted. The chef is Ron Muller who once owned Caesars at Burleigh but who has been at Ramanas for 14 years – long enough to be virtually one of the family. He may not have an Italian name but he cooks mean Italian dishes.
SUBHEADING Like Topsy, the restaurant has grown over almost a quarter of a century from what was one small space to include the space next door and a large outside area, undercover and with clear plastic drops that can be opened up when the weather is warm. There is a water feature with
Bound to satisfy any appetite are golden calamari rings from Romanas goldfish at the concreted front, and depicts the Amalfi coastline, an area the restaurant has a pizzeria and as picturesque as any in Italy. bar in one of the rooms connected There is a real family atmosphere by an opening, with seating in the about the place which has a other as well as on the outside comfortably-aged feel right down to apron. the small white tiles that form corner The floor in both inner areas has edging between floor and cream wall. terracotta tiles and in the main White linen covers the tables dining area the ceiling is painted inside and there are rust coloured as a blue and white sky while on throwovers and white paper the walls are scenes of the serviettes. While chairs are Mediterranean and coastline. upholstered metal and comfortable, One particularly striking mural outside the tables are black. THE GOLD COAST BULLETIN BITE – WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2007 13
Restaurant Name
RESTAURANT NAME Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Regular 15pt Leading: 15pt Align: Left
ADDRESS: 110 Surf Parade, Broadbeach PHONE: 5526 2011
RESTAURANT DETAILS First word: Franklin Gothic Demi Regular 11pt; capped and colour changed every week Details: Franklin Gothic Book Regular 11pt Leading: 14pt Align: Left
RULE 0.75pt width column size; 2mm offset
QUOTE Font: Futura Light 14pt Leading: 18pt Align: Left Apostrophes: Times NR MT Medium 57pt; colour changed every week Text wrap: 4mm top & bottom
Friendly, delightful – Hong Kong in the suburbs
Advertising Promotion
– Writer's Byline
WRITER'S BYLINE Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Regular 9pt; en dash Leading: 9.5pt Align: Right Space Before: 1.5mm
RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK COMPETITION Details & colour changed weekly – possibly send as a graphic
Phone 1900 968 337 and register your name for a chance to win a dinner for two at xx. Lines close Friday 11.59pm. The winner’s name will be published next Wednesday in Bite magazine. of dinner for two at xx restaurant at Marina Mirage was Cheryl Kelso from Broadbeach.
Stepping back to Italy Romanas Italian Restaurant ADDRESS: 2233 Gold Coast Highway, Nobby Beach PHONE: 5572 7572 OPEN: Dinner seven days. Licensed and accepts major credit cards DINNER PRICE: E $14.90 to $18.90; M $15.90 to $35.90; D $6.50 to $7.90; Pizzas $12.00 to $20.90 6mm
HERE are times when it appears history is swept under the carpet on the Gold Coast in the quest to present a modern front – times when change appears to be for its own sake – when development and redevelopment press ahead at all costs.
So it is nice to sometimes take a step back and find something pretty much the way it used to be 24 years ago, a restaurant that, while it has expanded within its original premises, has maintained its integrity. Romanas Italian Restaurant, founded at Nobby Beach by Alf and Carmel Covino around 1983, still offers the same wholesome Italian dishes it did back then, and they spawned a dynasty of restaurants and restaurateurs. Daughter Jenny and her Adelaide-born husband Roberto Rossi run Romanas today while sons George and Tony respectively operate George’s Steak & Seafood
Restaurant and Valentinos Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria in Victoria Avenue in Broadbeach. Alf and Carmel have basically retired but can be found at one of the restaurants on occasion while Alf ’s brother, Armando, is usually at the former Broadbeach restaurant Covinos, now Salsa. Yet another brother, Frank, operates restaurants in service stations across the country. When Romanas opened, it seated 30. Today, utilising space next door and outside, it seats around 120. 4mm
A delightfully Italian family restaurant
Roberto, who worked in an insurance office in Adelaide when he met Jenny 12 years ago, has a passion for the restaurant he has worked in for the last 10 years, having chosen to live on the Gold Coast rather than Adelaide once married. “It’s great,” he says.
“You meet people, you watch families expand and grow.’’ Not many restaurants on the Gold Coast have been around long enough to see generational change. Interestingly, those that have are doing basically the same as they always have done, offering value and good food. This is traditional Italian fare, honest to goodness and devoid of unnecessary trimmings. Romanas is a family restaurant catering to young and old, a place where the pizzas are good, where the dishes are solidly Italian and where a meal can be appreciated amid the sound of people enjoying themselves. The menu, like the helpings, is large without being over the top and there is little omitted. The chef is Ron Muller who once owned Caesars at Burleigh but who has been at Ramanas for 14 years – long enough to be virtually one of the family. He may not have an Italian name but he cooks mean Italian dishes. Like Topsy, the restaurant has grown over almost a quarter of a century from what was one small space to include the space next door and a large outside area, undercover and with clear plastic drops that can be opened up when the weather is warm. There is a water feature with goldfish at the concreted front, and
Phone 1900 968 337 and register your name for a chance to win a dinner for two at xx. Lines close Friday 11.59pm. The winner’s name will be
magazine. of dinner for two at xx restaurant at Marina Mirage was Cheryl Kelso from Broadbeach.
Bound to satisfy any appetite are golden calamari rings from Romanas the restaurant has a pizzeria and bar in one of the rooms connected by an opening, with seating in the other as well as on the outside apron. The floor in both inner areas has terracotta tiles and in the main dining area the ceiling is painted as a blue and white sky while on the walls are scenes of the Mediterranean and coastline. One particularly striking mural depicts the Amalfi coastline, an area as picturesque as any in Italy. There is a real family atmosphere about the place which has a comfortably-aged feel right down to the small white tiles that form corner edging between floor and cream wall. White linen covers the tables inside and there are rust coloured
throwovers and white paper serviettes. While chairs are upholstered metal and comfortable, outside the tables are black. Ugue facipismod magna feuis niamet volor sumsandre consed tionsequat. Idunt la conullandre con ullamet volore dignis esed dolor acing eum nim venim zzrit ad dit alit lutet, suscil dolor illumsa ndigna conulla faci tat velit praesed delit ad magnibh ecte molortis num venim zzriusto consequat nos nit numsandignim nostrud tis eugiam at niam, conulput adit amet, summy nos eu faciliquam, quis autatet etuerat. Faci te tis ametum am, verostio con heniam adionse niation umsandigna augue mincilla feu feugiam acidunt laortis at amet auguer se tat veniat lor sum erosto. – Writer's Byline
Advertising Promotion
Recipe Name
RECIPE NAME Font: Futura Light 24pt Leading: 23pt Align: Left
ingredients Poaching stock: 1½kg gravy beef (cut into 1cm bite-size pieces) 1 jar of Cap Ibu bumbu rendang paste (from an Asian supermarket) 400ml coconut cream 1½ litres of water
O Place all the ingredients in the pot and bring to the boil. O Lower the heat and simmer slowly, uncovered, stirring occasionally until the liquid reduces to a thick gravy, which may take 90 minutes or longer. O Continue to reduce until the curry is almost dry, being careful not to burn it. O Leave it overnight in the fridge, reheat and serve with white rice, sambals and roti, which you can buy frozen at Asian supermarkets.
INGREDIENTS HEADING – NO CAPITALS Font: Futura Light 20pt Leading: 21pt Align: Left, inset spacing 2mm LHS & RHS Box: 10mm deep width to suit column; colour to change every week Space after: 4mm INGREDIENTS SUBHEADING Font: Futura Bold 10pt Leading: 14pt Align: Left Space after: 2mm INGREDIENTS Font: Futura Light 10pt Leading: 14pt Align: Left Paragraph Rule: 1pt below text; offset 1mm; 50% black; column width RECIPE TEXT Font: Times NR Mt Medium 9pt Leading: 9.0-9.5pt Align: Left Justified; text left aligned underneath 1st word Bullet Point: Pi Font One 9pt
u Pictures by Nina Hanley 0409 266 685
PHOTOGRAPHERS BYLINE Font: Franklin Gothic Demi Itlaic 9pt Leading: 9.5 Align: Left Bullet Point: Pi Font Ding One
Slow-roasted beets with triple cream brie ingredients 4mm
1 cup beetroot juice 1 tsp sherry vinegar Castor sugar 4 large beetroot (washed) Olive oil Sea salt 150g triple cream brie Micro lettuce, preferably red chard or beetroot leaf 4mm
O Individually wrap the whole beetroot in aluminium foil, adding a small amount of oil to each one. O Roast for two hours at 140 degrees or until tender. Peel and cut into large batons or thick slices. O Slowly heat the juice, sherry vinegar and a small amount of sugar in a small pan until a caramel. O Arrange the beet slices or batons on a plate and serve with a slice of the brie and a small bouquet of beet leaf and use the beetroot syrup as a plate decoration. Serves 4.
Advertising Promotion
Chef's choice 6mm
Senior chef de partie: Shea Hatch Restaurant: Chelos at the
Radisson Resort Gold Coast
Serves: 4 Dish: Pan seared Atlantic salmon with lemon mash, wilted spinach and caper butter sauce 6mm
INGREDIENTS: 4 x 200g Atlantic salmon steaks 1.2kg desiree potatoes (peeled) 500g butter (250g for mash and 250g for sauce) 2 lemons juiced (for the potatoes and a tablespoon for the sauce) 200g baby capers 1/3 cup of finely chopped mixed herbs (flat parsley, lemon, thyme and oregano) 1 cup tomatoes (diced and seeded) 300ml cream Bunch spinach leaves (washed)
Raise a glass
CHEF'S CHOICE (same text every week) – same style as secondary heading
CHEF'S HEADSHOT Keyline: 0.5mm 100% Black Size: 30mm wide x 41mm deep Text Wrap: 2mm LHS RESTAURANT DETAILS/WINE DETAILS First word: Franklin Gothic Heavy Regular 11pt; colour changed every week Details: Franklin Gothic Demi Regular 11pt Leading: 14pt Align: Left Paragraph Rule: 0.5pt; offset 2mm; column width CHEF'S INGREDIENTS SUBHEAD Font: Franklin Gothic Heavy Regular 12pt; colour changed every week Leading: 12pt Align: Left Space below: 1.5mm
INGREDIENTS TEXT – Same as Recipe Page!!!
METHOD – Same As Chef's Ingredient Subhead
O Boil and mash potatoes with cream, 250g of butter and most of the lemon juice. Set aside in warm oven. O Heat fry pan, sear salmon on both sides and place in oven. O Heat fry pan, add capers. O When capers sizzle add cubes of cold butter (250g). O Stir until butter is foaming and starting to brown. O Add remaining lemon juice and chopped herbs. O Cook for 30 seconds. O Remove pan from heat, add tomatoes and spinach. O Place mash in centre of plates, top with fish, pour on sauce and serve immediately.
TEXT – same as Recipe Text
INTRO & TEXT – same as Secondary Story
2ndry story for middle column
Wine: 2005 Pepperjack Shiraz Price: $17.99 Colour: Rich red with soft purple hues Nose: Aromas of blackberry and plum
supported by pepper and spice characters on the nose
Palate: Rich, round, soft palate shows
concentrated berry fruit, complex oak and star anise notes. This wine is intricate and elegant with velvety tannins and great length of flavour 6mm
HE Pepperjack range is a tribute to the Barossa’s rich heritage. The winemaking team, headed by Nigel Dolan, has respect for traditional winemaking techniques and is also dynamic and imaginative. The Pepperjack winemakers, conscious of modern wine styles, are creating wines that reflect their passion for this special region. The wines are rich and honest, showcasing the Barossa’s outstanding qualities. Sourced from the Barossa and Eden Valleys which had favourable growing conditions, the fruit was picked at optimum maturity and showed fresh varietal flavour, good tannin structure and depth of colour. Harvest was early by about two weeks due to temperate conditions, allowing for steady, continuous ripening. Red varietals show exceptional flavour and structure. After harvesting the individual parcels of fruit were crushed, destemmed and fermented separately in traditional style fermenters for seven to 14 days before being pressed into a combination of seasoned and new American and French oak for 15 months maturation prior to blending and bottling. To be enjoyed with grilled beef fillet or venison, the 2005 Pepperjack Shiraz can be drunk now or will develop over the next five to seven years. It will be available from selected Vintage Cellars stores nationally as well as other leading liquor outlets, quality bars and restaurants from Saturday. pperjack Shiraz can be drunk now or will develop over the next five to seven years. Column Width 80mm – same every week
Caption ???
Rule: 0.5mm Position: 5mm from Editorial
Column Width 80mm – same every week
Rule: 0.5mm Position: 5mm from Editorial