NCEA Year 11 Subjects Handbook 2023-2024 Aug 2023_WEB.pdf

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NCEA Subject Selection Years 11 NCEA Handbook 2023 - 2024


5 July 2022

Welcome to the Queen Margaret College Year 11 Subject Selection Handbook. The purpose of this booklet is to help students make the wisest subject choices now and in the long term, bearing in mind that at the end of Year 11 students have the opportunity to choose which senior secondary school qualification they will take in Years 12 and 13, the International Baccalaureate Diploma or the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). Students are advised to study this guide very closely – in particular the curriculum overview at the back of this book – and carefully discuss options with those people who can assist them to make an informed choice. As well as talking to teachers, parents and friends, help is available from a variety of sources.


Principal Jayne-Ann Young

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

Careeers Director






Holly Payne

Fiona Crawford

Annabel Harris

Adrian Hardy

Caroline Harding

Matthew Kavanagh

PE & Health Tarron Stead





Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

Tim Jenkin

Rebecca Hickey

Richard Knuckey

Deans, subject teachers and tutor teachers are more than happy to help but ultimately this is a family decision. Even though it is early days, it is also sensible to check university websites regarding entry requirements for particular courses.


National Certificate of Educational Achievement

Students entering Year 11 should be making subject choices related to their long-term educational goals and (possible) career choices. At this stage, students are encouraged to keep their options open and take a wide range of subjects. Information gathering is important. Students should be aware of their abilities, aptitudes and interests and are encouraged to take this information into account when they select their subjects.

In Year 11 the following are compulsory subjects: English, Mathematics, at least one Science subject, Religious Education, and a programme of Financial Literacy, Health, and be the change Students choose THREE other subjects.

Please note: Every effort is made to accommodate each student’s subject choices. However, sometimes it is not always possible to do this. Where there are clashes in subject choice or the class size is too small, students may be asked to make another choice.

• NCEA comprises three levels of achievement. NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3. Year 11 students sit NCEA Level 1. For a student to be awarded NCEA Level 1 she must achieve 80 credits which must include a minimum of 10 credits in literacy (from English and approved achievement standards in other subjects)

• and 10 credits in numeracy (from Mathematics and approved achievement standards in other subjects).

The School encourages students to study standards which will give them more than the minimum number of credits required to pass any given level. This is seen as an opportunity to extend students, giving them a broader based education and more opportunity for success and choice in future year levels.

The NCEA qualification encourages students to achieve the best possible results and there are two endorsements to acknowledge this:

1. NCEA Level 1 endorsed certificates

• NCEA Level 1 certificate endorsed with Excellence which requires 50 credits at Excellence

• NCEA Level 1 certificate endorsed with Merit which requires 50 credits at Merit or higher

• Any results from Year 10 will be included in this endorsement.

4 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Image source: Pixabay

2. NCEA course endorsements

• If a student achieves 14 credits at Excellence in a subject in one calendar year, they will have the subject endorsed with Excellence

• If a student achieves 14 credits at Merit or higher in a subject in one calendar year, they will have the subject endorsed with Merit

• The course endorsement must include at least 3 credits from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards (there are some exceptions to this requirement)

• The course endorsement applies in the year the subject is studied and credits obtained in previous years cannot be carried over.

Course endorsements

Course endorsement provides recognition of student achievement in an individual course.

Students will gain an endorsement for a course if, in a single school year, they achieve:

• 14 or more credits at Achieved or Merit or Excellence, and

• at least 3 of these credits from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards.

Each subject listed in this booklet shows the likely combination of achievement standards to be offered in the course. The exact achievement standards to be assessed will be confirmed with students at the start of the year. Further information on NCEA is available on the NZQA Website:

Examination Fees

NZQA no longer charges fees for domestic students to enter NCEA or Scholarship Assessments. Fees are still payable by international students. Further information can be found at

However, students will be subscribed to a package. This will provide access to learning materials in languages, mathematics, science and other subject areas. There will be a single charge of approximately $70.

achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Image source: Pixabay




Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Business & Economics or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

This course combines a number of NCEA Level 1 achievement standards from both Business Studies and Economics. Business is the study of decision making within an organisation, whereas economics is the study of scarcity and resource allocation,

on micro levels. Students cover a variety of topics, including consumer choice using scarcity and demand, producer choices and marketing and the marketing mix. There is opportunity for students to visit companies and to apply business knowledge in a real-world context. This general approach ensures that students are well prepared in Year 12 for either NCEA Level 2 Business & Economics or IB Diploma Business Management.


All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate cost $45).

6 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject
are subject to change.
have been chosen carefully, but
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Demonstrate understanding of consumer choices, using scarcity and/or demand. AS90983, 1.1 3 Y N 4 E Demonstrate understanding of producer choices using supply. AS90985, 1.3 3 Y N 3 E Apply the marketing mix to a new or existing product. AS90840, 1.4 3 Y N 3 I Demonstrate understanding of how consumer, producer and/or government choices affect society, using market equilibrium. AS90986, 1.4 3 Y N 5 E Demonstrate understanding of decisions a producer makes about production. AS90984, 1.4 3 Y N 5 I ASSESSMENT


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Chinese or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

The aim of this course is to develop students’ ability to interact with Chinese speakers and use basic language competently. They write a variety of texts to communicate for genuine purposes with the support of resources. A selection of evidence


showcases the individual’s final work. The length of the selected two texts is approximately 300 characters in total. Students also deliver a one-minute speech in Chinese. This course covers the following topics: school life, extracurricular activities, travel, directions, birthday celebrations, health and leisure.


• Students will be charged for a booklet of photocopied material costing around $10.

LIVE. LEARN. LEAD | QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE 7 The achievement standards listed for each subject have
chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90868, 1.1 2 N N 5 E Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates a personal response. AS90869, 1.2 2 N N 4 I Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90871, 1.4 2 N N 5 E Write a variety of text types in Chinese on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90872, 1.5 2 N N 5 I
Image source: Pixabay Image source: Pixabay



Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Drama or approval by Deputy Principal –Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

In this course students learn how to use drama techniques appropriately to develop their performance skills. After negotiation students will then choose to focus their study


on one of the 2 following options: To participate in the production of a selected play text or to create script and perform an original piece of drama. They will also learn about selected theatre forms and traditions to develop and deepen their understanding of the world of theatre. Students attend professional theatre productions and in these, as in all units of work, they learn to extend their knowledge and critical understanding of the way theatre is created and the purpose it has served across history.

8 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject
carefully, but are subject to change.
have been chosen
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Apply Drama techniques in a dramatic context. AS90006, 1.1 6 Y N 4 I Devise & perform a Drama Or AS90997, 1.2 2 Y N 5 I Perform an acting role in a scripted production. AS90009, 1.6 6 Y N 5 I Use features of a drama/theatre form in a performance AS90099, 1.4 6 Y N 4 I Demonstrate understanding of features of a drama/theatre form AS 90011, 1.7 7 Y N 4 E


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Product and Digital Design or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

The key focus of this course is to encourage students to become creators as well as consumers of digital technology. Students learn a range of skills including design principles,


digital imaging, web design, programming, technological modelling, and project management. The first unit of work requires students to design a digital media outcome such as an app or website using a combination of HTML/CSS markup language and JavaScript. Other units involve creating a algorithmic solution and understanding the importance of user interface and user experience when creating digital outcomes. They will also learn computer programming to address a given problem.

listed for
each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Develop a proposal for a digital outcome. AS91877, 1.1 1 N N 3 I Develop a design for a digital outcome. AS91878, 1.2 1 N N 3 I Develop a digital media outcome. AS91880, 1.4 1 N N 4 I Develop a computer program. AS91883, 1.7 1 N N 4 I Demonstrate understanding of human computer interaction. AS91886, 1.10 1 N N 3 E



Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 English or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

The study of English helps students engage with and enjoy language. In Level 1 English, students will study of range of

literature to develop their close reading and essay writing skills. The purpose of the Level 1 course is for students to explore and express their ideas in a variety of registers and to better understand the relationship between authors and audience.

10 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
11 Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Show understanding of specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s). AS90849, 1.1 3 Y N 4 E Show understanding of specified aspect(s) of studied visual or oral text(s). AS90850, 1.2 4 Y N 4 E Show understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar written text(s) through close reading. AS90851, 1.3 2 Y N 4 E Produce creative writing. AS90052, 1.4 5 Y N 3 I Construct and deliver an oral text (speech). AS90857, 1.6 2 Y N 3 I Produce formal writing. AS90053, 1.5 5 Y N 3 I ASSESSMENT


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 French or approval by Deputy Principal –Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

The aim of this course is to be able to interact with French speakers and use basic language competently. Students write a variety of texts, with the support of resources, showing they can share information and opinions in everyday situations.

A selection of evidence showcases the individual’s final work. They also prepare and deliver a one-minute speech in French. This course covers these topics: tourism, Paris, holidays, school and leisure time.


• Students will be charged for: A ‘Renash’ NCEA level 1 vocabulary and grammar handbook – approximately $20.

LIVE. LEARN. LEAD | QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE 11 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken French texts on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90878, 1.1 2 N N 5 E Give a spoken presentation in French that communicates a personal response. AS90879, 1.2 2 N N 4 I Demonstrate understanding of a variety of French texts on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90881, 1.4 2 N N 5 E Write a variety of text types in French on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90882, 1.5 2 N N 5 I



Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Humanities or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

Geography explores the relationships and interactions between people and environments. Students develop research skills and learn to interpret maps, graphs and visual images. Identifying viewpoints and understanding different perspectives are also key skills. During this course, the sustainable use of environments and geographic issues are investigated with

particular focus on the impacts on people and environments. Extreme natural events are also studied with the Canterbury and Haiti earthquakes explored as case studies. Fieldwork is undertaken in the local Wellington region.


• Conducting fieldwork is an important aspect of studying NCEA Geography. Details and costs of field trips will be advertised in the electronic newsletter.

• All Year 11 students will be issued with a write-on Geography 1.4 Skills book. The cost of this (approximately $30) will be charged to your account.

12 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement
standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Demonstrate geographic understanding of environments that have been shaped by extreme natural event(s). AS91007, 1.1 3 Y N 4 E Demonstrate geographic understanding of the sustainable use of an environment. AS91009, 1.3 3 Y N 3 I Apply concepts and basic geographic skills to demonstrate understanding of a geographic environment. AS91010, 1.4 2 N Y 4 E Conduct geographic research with direction. AS91011, 1.5 3 Y Y 4 I Describe aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale. AS91013, 1.7 2 Y N 3 I ASSESSMENT
Image source: Pixabay


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Humanities or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

Through studying History, students develop many skills that are necessary for the modern working environment. Information literacy is one of these key skills. Research is a


Carry out an investigation of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders.

Demonstrate understanding of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders.

Interpret sources of an historical event of significance to New Zealanders.

Demonstrate understanding of different perspectives of people in an historical event of significance to New Zealanders.

Describe the causes and consequences of an historical event.

major component of History, where students learn to critique their sources of information and cross-reference facts. They also learn to identify opinion and gain an understanding of differing perspectives, hence developing empathy. Communication skills are also important. Students gain the ability to present information in a logical order and in a variety of settings. The Year 11 course studies twentieth century themes which includes issues such as racism, conflict, peace and protest. Understanding the world around us is crucial, as is having a comprehension of our nation, therefore all topics have a New Zealand component.

LIVE. LEARN. LEAD | QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE 13 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext
3 Y N 4 I
AS91002, 1.2 3 Y N 4 I
AS91003, 1.3 3 Y N 4 E
AS91004, 1.4 3 Y N 4 I
AS91005, 1.5 3 Y N 4 E



Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Japanese or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

The aim of this course is to be able to interact with Japanese speakers and use basic language competently. Students write a variety of texts, with the support of resources, showing that they can share information and opinions in everyday situations.


Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Japanese texts on areas of most immediate relevance.

Give a spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates a personal response.

Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Japanese texts on areas of most immediate relevance.

A selection of evidence showcases the individual’s final work. They deliver a one-minute speech in Japanese. This course covers the following topics: relationships, school, organising a trip to Japan, shopping, house, rules and health. They learn Hiragana, Katakana and 50 Kanji.


• Students will be charged for: a ‘Renash’ NCEA level 1 vocabulary and grammar handbook – approximately $20.

14 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject
to change.
have been chosen carefully, but are subject
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext
AS90893, 1.1 2 N N 5 E
AS90894, 1.2 2 N N 4 I
AS90896, 1.4 2 N N 5 E
AS90897, 1.5 2 N N 5 I
Write a variety of text types in Japanese on areas of most immediate relevance.


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Materials Technology or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

Students will work on two units of work over the course of the year, exploring a variety of materials and construction processes: topic one–‘Bags Project’, topic two–‘Garment Project’. Each unit of work will require completion of investigation research, design, development work, written tasks and the construction of a practical solution. Students will develop skills in freehand sketching techniques to communicate their design ideas. The design work produced


over the year is externally assessed by folio submission. It is recommended that one of the units of work should be developed for a client, not the student.


• There is a $50+gst annual consumables fee for Materials Technology. This will be charged to your school account. Students will work on individual practical projects that will require them to purchase some of their own material resources. Topic specific resource details will be given to students at the start of each topic.

• There may be planned trips throughout the year which are necessary to develop knowledge for the assessment tasks in the unit topics. You will be notified of any costs associated with any trips (travel, entry fees). Costs incurred will be charged to your school account.

LIVE. LEARN. LEAD | QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE 15 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Undertake development to make a prototype to address a brief. AS91047, 1.4 4 N N 6 I Implement basic procedures using textile material to make a specified product. AS91058, 1.21 4 N N 6 I Use design ideas to produce a conceptual design for an outcome to address a brief. AS91046, 1.3 3 N N 6 I Produce freehand sketches that communicate design ideas. AS91063, 1.30 3 N N 3 E



Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Mathematics or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

The course covers the three strands in the Mathematics curriculum: number and algebra, geometry and measurement, and statistics. Classes are streamed by the Head of Mathematics into three courses that cater for the different abilities and needs


of the students. Within each class, teachers also differentiate for individual students or groups of students, and there are opportunities for class support and extension activities. Students in the Challenge and Extend courses are well prepared for either NCEA Level 2 or the IB Diploma Programme in Year 12. Students in the Support course are well prepared for NCEA Level 2 Statistics.


• All students are registered with the Education Perfect software for Mathematics (approximate cost $20).

• All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate cost $30).



16 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems. AS91026, 1.1 3 N Y 4 I Investigate relationships between tables, equations and graphs. AS91028, 1.3 3 N Y 4 E Demonstrate an understanding of chance and data. AS91037, 1.12 4 N Y 4 E Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems. AS91027, 1.2 4 N Y 4 E Apply right-angled triangles in solving problems. AS91032, 1.7 3 N Y 3 I
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems. AS91026, 1.1 3 N Y 4 I Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle AS91035, 1.10 4 N Y 4 I Demonstrate an understanding of chance and data. AS91037, 1.12 4 N Y 4 E Apply algebraic procedures in solving problems. AS91027, 1.2 4 N Y 4 E Apply right-angled triangles in solving problems. AS91032, 1.7 3 N Y 3 I
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems AS91026, 1.1 3 N Y 4 I Investigate a multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle AS91035, 1.10 3 Y Y 4 I Demonstrate understanding of chance and data AS91037, 1.12 4 N Y 4 E Apply measurement in solving problems AS91030, 1.5 3 N Y 3 I Investigate bivariate data using the statistical enquiry cycle AS91036, 1.11 3 Y Y 3 I


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Music or approval by Deputy Principal –Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

NCEA Level 1 Music offers a range of achievement standards to the young musician. Students develop their skills in composition, either individual or collaborative, and performance, both solo and group. They also gain skills in aural perception and an understanding of conventions used in written music. Through studying a variety of music works,


students learn to appreciate the cultural, social and historical background of music. They will also develop musical literacy through listening and analysis. Students who take this course must have an active interest and ability in Music and have completed at least two years’ instrumental or vocal tuition. Students must also be having regular music tuition in a selected instrument, either through the College or privately, and we strongly recommend they are part of at least one senior extra-curricular music group.


In discussion with their teacher, students select 18-22 credits from the achievement standards below to suit their talents and interests.

listed for
each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Image source: Pexels
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Solo Performance. AS91090, 1.1 3 N N 6 I Group performance. AS91091, 1.2 3 N N 4 I Composition. AS91092, 1.3 3 N N 6 I Aural skills. AS91093, 1.4 3 N N 4 E Conventions of music. AS91094, 1.5 3 Y N 4 E Music Works AS91095, 1.6 3 Y N 6 I



Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Physical Education or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

Biophysical Principles

We explore how the body works through physical activity.

• The skeletal and the muscular systems and how they interact to enable human movement

• Biomechanics and how these principles are used to enhance sporting performance

• Exercise science and physiology and how this enables participation in physical activity.


Societal Issues in Sport & Physical Activity

We explore a range of factors that influence people’s views and participation in physical activity

• Participate in a range of different activities and explore factors affecting participation. These activites include Fergs, Cityfitness (various classes), squash, tramps, Adrenaline Forest, yoga and many more.

Sport & Physical Activity Development

Our aim is to expose students to a wide range of different sports and physical activity.

• Students have the opportunity to participate in and develop skills in volleyball


As part of 1.1 and 1.5 students will participate in a variety of activities such as; Fergs, Cityfitness, squash and outdoor education activities. These activities will be charged to parents' accounts as they take place.

18 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Impact of interpersonal skills on others. AS90966, 1.5 3 N N 4 I Improving wellbeing-performance. AS90963, 1.2 3 Y N 5 I Performance. AS90964, 1.3 3 N N 3 I Getting stuck in. AS90962, 1.1 3 N N 5 I Responsible behaviours in the outdoors AS90968, 1.7 3 N N 3 I


Recommended Previous Study

No previous study required.

Course Description

Biophysical Principles

Religious Studies is a broad subject encompassing a wide range of worldviews and philosophies.

• In Level 1 students explore the ethical concepts and principles of Christianity and other belief systems

Achievement Standard Title

Describe the application of the key ethical principle(s) of a religious tradition to an issue.

• They examine the sources of these ideas and investigate how these principles may be applied to a variety of moral issues

• The purpose of this is for students to engage critically with important contemporary and historical beliefs and practices, and to develop their own skills of analysis and evaluation.

LIVE. LEARN. LEAD | QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE 19 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext



Students must select at least one of the two Year 11 courses. Students intending to study two or three sciences at Year 12 are encouraged to select both of the Year 11 Science courses.


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Science or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.


Course Description

This course integrates the study of biology and chemistry topics. Students build their understanding of fundamental ideas in genetics, mammals, chemical reactions and carbon chemistry. Key experimental skills associated with biology and chemistry are developed in the practical component of the course. This course provides a foundation for further study in biology and chemistry.

20 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with direction. AS90925, Biology 1.1 3 N Y 4 I Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to genetic variation. AS90948, Science 1.9 3 Y N 4 E Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to a mammal(s) as a consumer(s). AS90929, Biology 1.5 4 Y N 3 E Investigate selected chemical reactions. AS90947, 4 N N 4 I Investigate implications of the use of carbon compounds as fuels. AS90945, Science 1.6 3 N N 4 I


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Science or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

This course integrates the study of physics and chemistry topics. Students build an understanding of fundamental ideas

in mechanics, waves, electricity and properties of acids and bases. Key experimental skills associated with physics and chemistry are developed in the practical component of the course. This course provides a foundation for further study in physics and chemistry.

Carry out a practical physics investigation

leads to a linear mathematical relationship, with direction

LIVE. LEARN. LEAD | QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE 21 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Demonstrate understanding of aspects of mechanics. AS90940, Science 1.1 3 N Y 4 E Demonstrate understanding of aspects of electricity and magnetism AS90937, Physics 1.3 3 N Y 4 E
AS90935, Physics 1.1 3 N Y 4 I Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction AS91167, Chemistry 2.7 2 N N 3 I Demonstrate understanding of aspects of acids and bases. AS90944, Science 1.5 3 N N 4 E ASSESSMENT
Image source: Pixabay



Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Spanish or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

The aim of this course is to interact with Spanish speakers in social situations and use basic language competently. Students write a variety of texts, with the support of resources, showing that they can share information and opinions in everyday


situations. A selection of evidence showcases the individual’s final work. They also deliver a one-minute speech in Spanish. This course includes the following topics: holidays, home, town, school, future plans and leisure time.


• They will be subscribed to the ‘Ahora’ Spanish magazine costing approximately $27 and receive a Renash grammar book costing approximately $20.

22 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90908, 1.1 2 N N 5 E Give a spoken presentation that communicates a personal response. AS90909, 1.2 2 N N 4 I Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Spanish texts on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90911, 1.4 2 N N 5 E Write a variety of text types in Spanish on areas of most immediate relevance. AS90912, 1.5 2 N N 5 I
Image source: Pixabay


Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 te reo Māori or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course description

The Year 11 Te Reo Māori students will continue to develop the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking, whilst consolidating their knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and tikanga Māori. Students are required to complete the speaking portfolio 1.2 ‘Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o tōna ao.’ They

will be invited to complete two other standards based on their individual strengths. They will be given the option to do a fourth standard if they so desire. Students will prepare for sitting their external achievement standard by practising examination techniques, revising vocabulary, grammar and verb tenses, and completing past reading and writing papers. Use of the target language in the classroom will be encouraged and students will regularly use their laptops for e-learning activities, vocabulary revision and accessing authentic online resources.

LIVE. LEARN. LEAD | QUEEN MARGARET COLLEGE 23 The achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.



Recommended Previous Study

Completion of Year 10 Visual Arts or approval by Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching.

Course Description

This is a broad practical course in which each student will undertake a range of school-developed units of work. These will provide experiences in drawing, painting, photography, printmaking and ceramics. The course gives students the opportunity to develop their perceptual, imaginative, technical and critical skills through making Art. Also included is the study of contemporary artists and their methods. The course is recommended as a prerequisite for both the Year 12 IBDP Visual Arts and Year 12 NCEA Art disciplines as it provides students


with all the necessary visual and technical knowledge and skills to successfully pursue further study in the specialist Visual Arts. Access to a SLR Access digital camera is required and the Adobe Creative Cloud suite will be installed at school.


• There is a consumables fee of approximately $75, which will be charged to the student’s school account.

• Students in this course are required to purchase the Adobe Creative Cloud suite for approximately $40. This gives them a one-year subscription to industry standard software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. This will be installed at school and charged to students' school accounts.

24 NCEA SELECTION HANDBOOK | YEARS 11 | 2023 – 2024 The achievement standards listed for each subject
are subject to change.
have been chosen carefully, but
Achievement Standard Title Standard Number Version Lit Num Credits Int/ Ext Use drawing conventions to develop work in more than one field of practice. AS90915, 1.3 2 N N 6 I
a body of work informed by established practice, which develops ideas, using a range of media. AS90916, 1.4 3 N N 12 E
a finished work that demonstrates skills appropriate to cultural conventions. AS90917, 1.5 3 N N 4 I
Image source: Pixabay

Choosing Your Pathway

For many, the question of “Where to?” after secondary school looms large. The internet has numerous sites which offer advice and guidance for secondary students. A New Zealand website that might be worth visiting is

University websites

New Zealand

University of Auckland

Auckland University of Technology

University of Canterbury

Lincoln University

Massey University (Albany, Palmerston North, Wellington)

University of Otago

Victoria University of Wellington

University of Waikato

Wellington Institute of Technology

World Wide

Please check with your preferred university directly. A few possibilities are shown below.

Australian National University

University of Melbourne

Monash University, Australia

University of Queensland

University of Sydney

Cambridge University, UK

plan-your-career/ Students are also welcome to seek advice from the school’s Careers Director.

University websites contain a wealth of relevant information and should be consulted before final decisions are made about future tertiary or career pathways.

Oxford University, UK

Duke University, USA

Harvard, USA


Princeton University, USA

Stanford University, USA

Yale University, USA

Monash University

University of Queensland

University of Sydney

Cambridge University, UK

Oxford University, UK

Duke University, USA

Harvard, USA


Princeton University, USA

Stanford University, USA

Yale University, USA

achievement standards listed for each subject have been chosen carefully, but are subject to change.

Curriculum overview

* Year 1– 6

Transdisciplinary Approach:

Six Key Themes are studied over the course of the year. These themes cover all learning areas. In addition we offer specialist teaching in Art, Music (Year 6 Band), French (Year 2–6) and Religious Education.

PYP MYP *Year 1 - 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 (Some NCEA Level 1) Arts Visual Arts Music Drama Visual Arts Music Drama Visual Arts Music Drama Visual Arts Music Drama Design Technology Technology Technology Materials Technology Digital and Product Design Individuals & Societies Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Business and Economics Language & Literature English English English English Language Acquistion Languages French Spanish Japanese Chinese Te Reo Māori French Spanish Japanese Chinese Te Reo Māori French Spanish Japanese Chinese Te Reo Māori Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Physical & Health Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Sciences Sciences Sciences Sciences Sciences Special Character Religious Education Religious Education Religious Education Religious Education

Year 11

Level 1

Visual Arts



Materials Technology

Digital Technology



Business and Economics


Year 12

Level 2


Painting and Printmaking



Materials Technology

Digital Technology



Business and Economics

English English Media Studies

French Spanish Japanese Chinese

Te Reo Māori


French Spanish Japanese Chinese

Te Reo Māori

Mathematics Statistics

Physical Education Physical Education

Physics and Chemistry

Biology and Chemistry




Year 13

Level 3


Art History





Materials Technology

Digital Technology



Business and Economics

Year 12 & 13

(2 year course)

Visual Arts




Visual Arts: Textiles


Environmental Systems and Societies

Business Management



Media Studies

French Spanish Japanese Chinese

Te Reo Māori



English - Literature

Language A - Mother tongue

French Spanish Japanese Chinese

Spanish Ab Initio English

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches

Mathematics: Application and Interpretation

Physical Education

Physics Chemistry


Creativity, Activity, Service




Environmental Systems and Societies

Sports, Exercise and Health Science

Religious Education Ethics, Philosophy, Religion

Ethics, Philosophy, Religion

Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay

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