2 minute read
Queen Margaret College
Year 10 Digital and Electronics Technology 2023
Level 5 of the New Zealand Curriculum
Year 4 of the Middle Years Programme International Baccalaureate
Electronics / Web Design (First half year)
Web Design / Electronics (Second half year)
Course Overview
Criteria A and B – Term 1 Wk10
Criteria C and D – Term 2 Wk8
Criteria A and B – Term 3 Wk6
Criteria C and D – Term 4 Wk5
In this exciting new course for 2023 we aim to instil the idea that our students be creators rather than just consumers of digital technology. In the Digital Technology section of the course, students will be introduced to HTML/CSS and JavaScript code, which will be used to create a fully functioning website. They will also learn about computer programming. In the Electronics section of the course students will gain knowledge and skills of electronic circuitry, basic computer science, and develop computer programming skills which will be applied in a ‘good cause’ context that might include robotics and the IoT (Internet of Things).
Course Details:
• The course is an option subject, and each class has 4 lessons per 10 day timetable.
• Each class will rotate through two major topics over the year
• Assessment is via the MYP Design Assessment criteria
• There is a $30+gst consumables fee for Technology. This will be charged to your school account.
Students may also wish to participate in extra outside the classroom STEAM challenges such as the ePRO8 Team. Technology competition, Robocup, and Codeclub. Details will be published as opportunities become available during the year.
Assessment Criterion: Design MYP
Over the course of the year students will be assessed according to the following criterion. There are 4 criterion in MYP Design – all based on the Design Cycle.
Each of these criteria will be assessed once in each of the unit topics (ie twice in the year). Students will be given specific assessment schedules for these criteria at the start of each unit.
QMC Technology Safety Rules:
Student safety and wellbeing is paramount at QMC. Accordingly, no student is allowed to operate any equipment without teacher supervision and safety instruction. When using specialist equipment there are some rules to be followed:
• Tie hair back.
• No blazers on.
• Aprons to be worn.
• Safety eye-goggles on if required.
• Covered shoes / PE shoes are acceptable.
• Protective gloves to be worn if needed.
• Persons operating equipment are to be given a clear working space around them. No crowding, talking to or distracting persons operating equipment.
• Students will be supervised always by a teacher if hazardous equipment is being operated.
• Turn equipment off at the wall and unplug from the wall when finished.
• Spaces used must be vacuumed / swept clean for the next person.
Homework expectations
At Year 10, students should be learning at home for a total of at least 90 minutes per weeknight across all subjects and separate to this is the Community Project during Terms 2 and 3. To achieve at a high level in Design, students are expected to complete some homework during the week.
Homework might include:
• Online tutorials for keyboard, software, and coding skill development
• Carrying out individual project - written, research or design sketching / digital manipulation tasks.
• Attending lunchtime workshops to complete any practical work or to access extra help with practical work.
• Completing a self-evaluation reflection sheet at the end of each unit that enables the student to assess their projects.
• Catching up with work not completed during class time
Head of Learning Area: Richard Knuckey
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