3 minute read

Queen Margaret College

Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus Programme 2023

Level 8 of the New Zealand Curriculum

Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.

Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.

QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet

Appeal Form - Internal Assessment

Extension or Rescheduling Request Form

Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards

Course details

This course involves students thinking mathematically by solving problems and modelling situations in a range of contexts. Topics include differential calculus, integral calculus, systems of equations, and trigonometry. Students taking this course will need to be competent in the full range of algebraic and calculus methods taught in Level 2 Mathematics.

Assessment Information


• At the end of each topic students sit a practice assessment similar to the external assessment.

• Students will also sit practice examinations for each external Achievement Standard during the QMC school examinations in the third term.

Intenal Assessments

• During the teaching of each topic, practice assessment tasks will be given to prepare the students for the final task.

• If a student is absent from the internal assessment, they must follow the school policy on absences for NCEA assessments.

Course Information

• The Mathematics Help Room is staffed by teachers every week after school on Wednesdays. Students can attend to do their homework or receive some extra help.

• Some more able students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions:

✓ The Australian Mathematics Competition is held in August (entry fee approximately $7.50).

✓ The Senior Mathematics Competition is held in May (entry fee approximately $5).

• All students are registered with the Education Perfect software as part of the school package deal for senior students.

• Students must have a graphing calculator, preferably a Casio FX9860GIII.

• All students will be issued with individual workbooks (approximate total cost $35).

Homework expectations

To be successful with Level 3 Mathematics, students should make full use of class time and do regular study each day.

Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects.

To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:

• Revision of daily/weekly content covered in class.

• Reading of text or reference material.

• Reinforcement of skills.

• Reflecting on lessons and/or tasks.

• Preparation/revision for assessments.

• Completion of assignments.

Head of Learning Area: Matthew Kavanagh

Queen Margaret College

Year 13 Chemistry Programme 2023

Level 8 of the New Zealand Curriculum

Please note that the achievement standards outlined above comprise the set course and must be completed for students to be eligible for school prizes. Additional and optional credits will not be counted towards school prizes.

Assessment procedures are outlined below, including forms you may need to access throughout the academic year.

QMC NCEA Assessment Procedures Booklet

Appeal Form - Internal Assessment

Extension or Rescheduling Request Form

Withdrawal Request Form - NCEA Standards

Course details

This course continues to build upon the theory and skills learned in Year 12 Chemistry. Included are three external achievement standards, which are assessed by national examinations at the end of the year. These topics are Thermochemical Principles and Properties of Particles, Organic Chemistry and Equilibrium Principles and Aqueous Chemistry. One internally assessed standard is also offered. Students will learn to process and analyse spectroscopic data.

Course Information

• Students are issued with an ESA Study Guide which is to be returned at the end of the year

• Students will be using a SciPAD workbook. This covers the external achievement standards.

• Students will be subscribed to a www.educationperfect.com package. This will provide access to learning materials in languages, mathematics, science and other subject areas. There will be a single charge of $70 + GST.

• The teacher for NCEA Level 3 Chemistry in 2023 is Mrs Charlie Martin

Homework expectations

Your daughter should be learning at home for a total of at least 15 hours per week, across all subjects. To achieve at a high level in this subject, students are expected to complete some homework during the week. Homework might include:

• Completing any unfinished classwork.

• Completing workbook/worksheet exercises or practice examination questions.

• Going over classwork to identify any gaps in understanding which should be raised with the teacher the following lesson.

• Pre-reading subject matter for upcoming lessons.

Head of Learning Area: Rebecca Hickey

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