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ELEC 490/498 Electrical / Computer Engineering Project PROPOSAL TUTORIAL Instructors: Dr. Mike Korenberg, P.Eng. Dr. Carlos Saavedra, P.Eng. These slides will be posted on the web shortly after today’s tutorial 1

Proposal Overview By now you have formed groups, & ranked your favorite projects after interviewing their supervisors Next we will generate and announce group-project matches, & assign an Instructor to oversee each project for the rest of the course Soon your group will have to write and submit a project proposal signup for a proposal meeting with the instructor assigned, on signup sheets to be posted outside Tech Services meet to discuss project and get approval from the instructor 2

Proposal Overview Groups submit the Project Proposal Due : 1:00 pm on Oct. 25, 2010 (Mon.) Submit one paper copy in 49x assignment box on WLH first floor - this is the instructor’s copy Late submissions directly to your assigned Instructor (we will not re-check assignment box after deadline) Arrange to submit one copy directly to your supervisor - coordinate submission details with your supervisor, e.g. via email, dept. mailbox, or in person


Proposal Overview Late penalties: by Mon. 25 Oct @ 1PM: no deduction by Tue. 26 Oct @ 1PM: 20% deduction by Wed. 27 Oct @ 1PM: 40% deduction by Thu 28 Oct @ 1PM: 60% deduction 100% deduction if document not available before meeting 4

Proposal Overview Instructor vs. Supervisor Distinction

Proposal, Blueprint and Final Report are geared towards Instructors Supervisor will grade at these stages of course, including each of these documents We will give supervisor’s grading sheets with specific questions related to your performance on the project Supervisor is mainly interested in technical details Instructor is interested in the higher level details and results 5

Proposal Overview Proposal Meetings with Course Instructors • Meetings held on Oct. 28/29 (15 minute) • Sign-up deadline Fri. 22 Oct. 2010 @ 1PM • Sign-up sheets will be posted outside Technical Services several days before deadline • Sign-up in a slot with your assigned Instructor • Arrange schedule with all group members • Inform supervisor of your meeting time and location • Bring copy of your Proposal Document • First 5 minutes you speak, then Instructors ask questions & have discussion for remainder • 2.5% of your final grade 6

Proposal Overview Written Proposal See ELEC 490/498 Course Guide Document that you submit to have your project approved - It should show that: It is a valid 490/498 project Your group is sufficiently prepared to take it on You have a good plan to undertake the project Final approval will be given after the Proposal Meeting 7

Proposal Overview Evaluation and Marks

The Written Project Proposal will be evaluated based on: apparent scope and appropriateness of project completeness of the proposal, e.g.: Design and planning put into it Apparent organization and preparedness of the group Quality of report, i.e. grammar, style, presentation The Proposal should be Maximum 8 pages in length (12 pt, 1.5 line spacing) not including Title Page, Table of Contents and Appendices Appendices such as data sheets easily available on web need not be included, but a reference can be provided 8 4.5% of your final grade

Proposal Overview Template:

Describes what is expected of the 490/498 project in accordance with the ELEC 490/498 Course Guide.

Not the only format that is acceptable, but any other format used should include at least this information.

Some aspects might not be appropriate for your particular project but then you should explain briefly why that is. 9

Proposal Overview TITLE PAGE

ELEC 490/498 Proposal [your project title] [feel free to create a logo] Submitted By: Group [#] do not forget this

[group members in alphabetical order] Faculty Supervisor(s): [name of Faculty Supervisor] in association with: [any industry, or other partners in work]


Timeline–Fall Semester EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (aka. Abstract)

Brief (less than one page) overview of your project Outlines what is in the document and key details In the business context, senior management would read ONLY this page before making up their minds Clear Concise Identify all key points such as: project highlights, labor estimates, and total cost. AVOID getting caught up in details. 11

Proposal Overview TABLE OF CONTENTS

Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. Functional Description 3. Design and Production Approach 4. Testing and Evaluation 5. Resource Requirement 6. Conclusion 7. References Appendices 12

Proposal Overview 1. INTRODUCTION

Purpose of the document

Work objectives of your group

Work scope of your project


Proposal Overview 1.1 Purpose

Explain what this document is to be used for.

For example:

"This proposal is intended to summarize the Elec490/498 project being undertaken by [your group name] for departmental approval. The intended audience is the Course Instructors and your Faculty Supervisor." 14

Proposal Overview 1.2 Work Objective(s) Describe the problem and constraints, e.g. health and safety risks, applicable standards, economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations List the goal(s) of your project Clearly distinguish ‘required’ and ‘bonus’ goals Include the motivation for your work, and Describe the proposed solution (briefly)


Proposal Overview 1.3 Work Scope Identify what order of magnitude you are working towards Will you be producing: a prototype a working model, or a test run of the product? Does the project entail hardware aspects, software aspects or both? 16

Proposal Overview 2. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION General description of your final product What it will do Interface specs How it will be used Performance specs How well it will do it 17

Proposal Overview 2.1 General Describe what it is that you are planning to build. Include system block diagrams and other illustrations as needed. If simulation is involved give a brief description of the methodology.


Proposal Overview 2.2 Interface Specifications

[if applicable] Define inputs and outputs. Describe the user interface and define its functionality Provide electrical or other technical specifications of the device's interface. Describe software input/outputs, e.g.: Function calls, DLLs required, etc.


Proposal Overview 2.3 Performance Specifications [if applicable] Provide quantitative specifications, e.g.: Maxima, minima Ranges of operation, and/or Targets, such as: Speed, data processing rates, power consumption, etc.


Proposal Overview 3. DESIGN AND PRODUCTION APPROACH Process How you will make it work Division of Labour Who will work on what parts of it


Proposal Overview 3.1 Process Describe how you plan to go about designing and building your project Go into sufficient detail to show: Your knowledge of the project That you have put thought into the initial design That the Supervisors and Instructors can approve your project with confidence. 22

Proposal Overview 3.2 Division of Labour Outline who will be doing what in your group. Divide up tasks evenly and logically “We’ll all work on all aspects so that we learn more about the whole project” has been repeatedly proven NOT to work! Assigning primary & secondary responsibilities is often a good idea Leave out report writing, presentations, etc. Also indicate expected cooperation with industry and/or your Faculty Supervisor if that is relevant 23

Proposal Overview 4. TESTING AND EVALUATION Describe methods which will be used to verify the performance. Final testing and performance Testing during design and development Readers should be confident that the test and evaluation methods and results will be sufficient to make a good evaluation of the project. 24

Proposal Overview 5. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Scheduling Planning and time management Material and Other Resources What you need to make your project


Proposal Overview 5.1 Scheduling List project milestones and other important dates These must be carefully thought-out and realistic Should be 3 to 5 milestones, e.g.: Final design complete Phase I construction complete Final construction complete/Final testing begins Project complete Milestones DO NOT include Written reports, Presentations DISTINGUISH MILESTONES FROM SCHEDULE Perhaps include a time line / Gantt chart for detailed schedule 26

Proposal Overview 5.2 Material and Other Resources List your required components and the estimated cost, including: Lab space (discuss with Supervisor) Equipment needed Software required


Proposal Overview 6. CONCLUSIONS Summarize this report and your project goals: clearly concisely in a positive tone

Do not introduce anything new here! 28

Proposal Overview 7. REFERENCES List the references you used in preparing the proposal: Previous 490/498 reports Journal articles Conference papers Books Internet resources


Proposal Overview APPENDICES List the appendices that are attached


Proposal Overview Plagiarism Do not plagiarize! Do not insert copyrighted material without the permission of the author, e.g. diagrams


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