Safety PPT

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Safety Mining Engineering


Common sense should govern your actions at all times while working in the laboratories or other areas of the Department.

In Case of an Emergency!

Call: Fire‐Ambulance‐Theft‐Safety‐Fumes University Telephones: Other Telephones: Non‐Emergency:

36111 613‐533‐6111 613‐533‐6733



Your Team Safety Committee: Laeeque Daneshmend 33284 Overall responsibility for safety Wanda Badger 77137 Department Safety Officer Maritza Bailey 32195 Mineral Processing Technologist Oscar Rielo 32194 Mining Engineering Technologist

Departmental Safety: Procedures, Rules and Cautions We must all work together to ensure that the Department of Mining Engineering is a safe place to work and study!

• Any safety concerns for a particular area should be addressed to the appropriate supervisor. Your concerns may also be addressed to the Department of Mining Engineering Occupational Health and Safety Committee. • A safety bulletin board is located on the first and fourth floors. It contains important safety information and should be checked regularly for new additions.

Departmental Safety: Procedures, Rules and Cautions • Most health and safety problems in a laboratory or workshop environment can be avoided by practising common sense based on informed knowledge of the hazards. • Undergraduate Students: The instructors of your courses shall act as direct supervisors. • Graduate Students: Your Professor will act as your direct supervisor. (please see the safety manual for more details)

Departmental Safety: Procedures, Rules and Cautions • Treat any unknown are, substance, or equipment as hazardous.

• Fire doors must be kept closed at all times.

Departmental Safety: Procedures, Rules and Cautions • Locate all safety equipment in your work area and become familiar with their use. • Practice good housekeeping! A crowded or cluttered workplace is dangerous.

Departmental Safety: Procedures, Rules and Cautions • Never block emergency exits, emergency equipment or electrical panels. • Store heavy items on lower shelves of storage areas. • Use only carbon dioxide, halon, or dry chemical extinguishers on electrical fires.

Departmental Safety: Procedures, Rules and Cautions • Read the Material Safety Data Sheet before you handle any Chemical. • All users of Mining Laboratory Facilities must complete their W.H.M.I.S. Training. *(except undergrad students)

• Do not have Cell phones turned on at the Blasting Test Site.

Departmental Safety: Procedures, Rules and Cautions • Avoid inhalation of gases or vapours when handling these materials in a fume hood or in a well ventilated area. • Solvents must NEVER be dumped down laboratory sinks.

Working Alone There are certain activities in Mining Engineering which should not be done alone. Handling Dangerous Chemicals Working with the crushing machines

Working Alone If you are working alone after regular hours you may wish to do any or all of the : • Have a buddy work with you. • Keep the door locked. • Inform Security that you are working alone, set up a call‐back procedure and call them when you are leaving. 36733 • Call Walk Home or Campus Security Escort Service.

Working Alone On‐Campus Walk Home Service 613‐533‐WALK (9255) If Walk Home is off duty call Campus Security Escort Service 36080 (on Campus) 613‐533‐6080 (off Campus)

Fire Procedures • Alert all people in the area by Shouting “ FIRE, FIRE, FIRE”. Vacate the fire area immediately and close the doors. • Actuate the nearest wall mounted fire alarm stations. • Evacuate the building, but do not use the elevators. Meet at the opposite side of Union Street. • Do not re‐enter the building until authorized to do so by the Fire Department.

First Aid The names of the qualified first aid people are posted on all first aid kits and the safety bulletin board. • Eye wash stations are available in the Chemical labs. • There is a safety shower in the basement lab. • There is a stretcher located near the main entry of the basement lab.

rotective and Safety Equipment Certain Safety Equipment is required for labs and field trips. Safety glasses with side shields Leather gloves Steel toe, Steel shank boots Hard Hat with lamp clip Lab Coats (must extend below the knee and be buttoned up) Hearing protection Some of these items will be provided some you will need to purchase yourself. Ask your technician what is required of you.

What to do when faced with an Emergency • Try to remain calm. • Alert a supervisor. • Put life ahead of property. • If you are in no personal danger attempt to get the situation under control. • Tell others what you are doing.

What to do when faced with an Emergency • If the danger in the affected area may grow, warn people in adjacent areas to leave the area or take appropriate action. • If you are not assisting with the situation, leave the area but be available for questions. Don’t enter emergency areas “out of curiosity.”

Remember: Safety is everyone's concern. Please read the

Laboratory & Departmental

Safety Manual

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