Life in the Upper School an introduction
Welcome to our Upper School booklet and the GCSE courses on offer at Queen’s Gate.
The purpose of this booklet is to help you select the GCSE courses you will be studyingoverthenexttwoyears. Wehaveahugerangeofsubjectsavailable,and I encourage you to make your choices according to your individual interests and talents: it willbefareasier toworkhardatsubjectsyouenjoy. Throughout the options process, your Head of Year and Form Tutor will be happy to provide you withanyextraguidanceyouneed,alongsideyoursubjectteachers.
2025andGCSEexaminationsmayseemalongtimeaway,butyouwillfindthatthetime will disappear all too quickly. My best advice to you would be to hit the ground running and makea positivestartin eachofyour subjects rightfromthefirstday. The FormV Induction Day will give you some good advice about study techniques, deadlines, coursework, taking notes and generally keeping on top of your work. Rememberthatstaffwillassistyouinwhateverwaytheycan,butatGCSEweexpect youtotakemoreresponsibilityforyourprogressineachof yoursubjects.However, ifyouarefindingdifficultiesinasubject,pleasedotalk tothatmemberofstaff,your FormTutororyourHeadofYear.
Ultimately we want to see you achieve the success you hope for, but that won’t be possible without consistent hard work. However, it is also important to find time to get involved in activities both in and out of School, and to maintain your friendships. Ifyouorganiseyourtimewell, allofthiswillbewithinyourreach,andyou’ll feelhappierandhealthierforit.
Thestaff and I wishyouwell asyoumakeyour GCSE choices and embark on your entry to the Upper School.Keepaspiringnotonlytofulfilyourpotential,butseehowfar beyondityoucango–youmaywellsurpriseyourself.
AmyWallace PrincipalLife in the Upper School
Reform of GCSE Subjects
The following is a summary of changes to the GCSE system first announced by the Government in 2013.
Since September 2016 new GCSE courses have been taught in some subjects. The main features of the changes to the reformed GCSEs are:
• A newgrading scale of 9 to 1 is being used, with9 being the topgrade. Grades 7, 8 and 9 replace grades A and A*; grades 4, 5 and 6 replace grades C and B.
• Assessment is mainly by examination, with other types of assessment (e.g. coursework, practicalor oralwork) used onlywheretheyareneededto test essential skills.
• There is newand insome cases moredemanding content.
• Courses aredesigned for twoyears of study(somesubjects werepreviously divided into different modules) and so girlswilltakealltheir examinations at the end of the course.
Section A
Options for study in the Upper School
This is an exciting term with decisions that affect a student’s curriculum being made by many for the first time. There is a considerable range of choice available and girls usually take nine or ten subjects at GCSE, although some may take more or less than this number. Mathematics, English and English Literature GCSE are compulsory for all girls and form part of the total of ten subjects mentioned above. One of your choices must be a modern foreign language: French, Spanish, Italian or German unless you have agreed otherwise withthePrincipal Youmust also takeat least oneSciencesubject. Girls wishing to take a Science subject at A Level arerecommended to choose two Science subjects.
Youwill then need to add threeor four subjects, and should aimto keep a balance between the humanities – Classics, Geography, History and Religious Studies – and practical subjects – Art, Design, Drama, Computer Science and Music. It is important to choose subjects youenjoyand inwhich youare interested; youwillachieve higher grades if you do. For most careers, a high grade is more important than the actual subject studied. Very few careers stipulate GCSE subjects; only doctors, engineers and other scientists will need all three sciences. If you have a definite career in view, check its requirements in the Careers Library before you reach a final decision.
Be careful not to select any course simply because a friend is choosing the samesubject, or because you like the teacher; your likes and dislikes will probably change as you gain experience.
Once you begin studying a subject, it is important to work hard from the beginning of Form V in order to obtain the best possible grade. Remember that the Universities Central Admissions System (UCAS) requires theresults of all examinations taken, together with the grade achieved, to beentered ontheapplicationform. Applications for other courses and careers frequentlyrequirethe listingof allexaminationresults whatever thegrade.
Perhaps the most important consideration is that you aim for a broad, general education. Employers, training officers and admissions tutors at universities and colleges are not looking for limited specialists. Theywant school leavers who have had a good all round education and have developed during their studies and through their extra-curricular activities, the particular aptitudes, interests and skills needed for that course or career.
This booklet outlines information on the subjects available at GCSE at Queen’s Gate, including details of specifications. The Spring Term will be an important term as you will be asked to choose GCSE subjects (beyond those whichare compulsory) so that wecan ensure a suitable timetable for the next academic year.
In addition to this booklet, you will be given an Options Form to complete, indicating your choices. Weaskthat this form is returned as soonas possibleand beforethedeadline set. From this wewillconstruct theoptions blocks from whichyouwillmake your final choices. We endeavour to make all subject combinations possible, but inevitably there maybe individuals whosechoices arenot possible because of timetabling.
With this information you can now continue the important process of making your GCSE choices with help and guidance from parents and teachers.
Section B
Life in the Upper School
Entry into the Upper School is the beginning of attitudes and decisions that will affect the rest of your life.
Personal organisation and attitude to study
Academically, Form V(Year 10) is a very important year for you. It is the year whenthe bulk of your GCSE preparation will becompleted. You will be producing coursework and learning to plan your timeso that deadlines do not mount up. Throughout your secondary school life you have learnt that it is sensible to complete homework on the night it is set; this discipline will help you to feel incontrol of your workload now more than ever. The principle of starting early cannot be stressed enough. Starting early (on homework, coursework or examination revision) gives you time to recognise and address problems and avoids thesort of panic that canmakeyouwastewhatever timeyoudo have!
You willalso feelthat you havemade a good start if youbuy files and dividers and organise these insucha wayto mapout the specifications of your courses. This booklet provides outlines of allthe GCSE courses and your teachers willgive youmoreinformation. You need to have a clear idea of the knowledge and skills that you will be tested on in your GCSEs if youareto makegood progress and, psychologically, it is helpful if youcansee that youarereachingyour goalas youtickoff topics that youhavecovered.
Your teachers will be working very hard to help you to achieve the best possible grade but you must also take responsibility for your own learning. In practical terms, this means ensuring that you complete all work to the best of your ability; catch up on any work missed; follow up on areas where you feel uncertain by asking questions during lessons or seeing your teacher afterwards. You will betested regularly in order to chart your progress and to identifyareas that require attention. If a test reveals a gapin your knowledge, this is an indicator that you need to work harder onthat area. Speakto your teachers and use theweekend or holidays to revise or consolidate knowledge.
Some of you will be taking a lot of GCSEs and will need to balance your subjects and your time so that you are still able to participate in extra-curricular activities both in and out of the school. Remember, academic success is only one part of a fully rounded education. Research shows that girls who spend their whole lives working find it difficult toretainknowledgeandcanbecomedepressedorill.
Some of you will be taking fewer GCSEs and you will find that you have a number of studyperiods inthe library. The ideais that you havemoretimeto devote to thesubjects you have selected and the time spent in the library should allow you to work hard on assignments and to review learning that has taken place in theprevious week or half term or withina particular topic. Youwill be helped to make effective useof your timeinthe library and youshould never find that you have, ‘Nothing to do’.
Research shows that the most effective ways of revising is not to leave it to the weeks before an important examination but to revisit information on several occasions; look at what you have learnt soon after a lesson and organise your notes, ensuring that any missingwork is caught up; at the end of the week read throughall youhave studied; at thebeginningof a blockof revision, slimdown your notes onto file paper and then a few days before the examination, condense them further so that one topic fits onto a card. In this way youwill have fully absorbed the knowledge you need and will havesomething manageable to look at just before the examination.
Coursework/Controlled assessment deadlines cannot be changed and you cannot expect your teachers to help you out at the last moment. You should always keep a copy of your coursework/controlled assessment as it is very easy to lose track of drafts. You should complete coursework/controlled assessment onthecomputer (unless specifically told to do otherwise) but should also keep a hard copy in case you lose your memory stick, your hard drive becomes corrupted or the printer is not working. It is not the responsibility of your teacher to chase youabout coursework/ controlled assessment.
You will be asked to sign documentation confirming that any coursework/controlled assessment submitted to the examination board is your own work. If you do not submit your own work this is cheating, and if you are found out you will be penalised and may not be allowed to sit examinations for the board in question. Finally, remember, coursework/ controlled assessment is really an opportunity for you to develop the skills you need for the examination. You should be aiming to use those skills in the examination at the end of the two years. So, in fact, the coursework/ controlled assessment is not a separate or distinct part of the course but integral to your learning.
Life beyond study
Although GCSEs are hard work, you should feel happy whilst you are working towards them. If you are not happy, you need to track down the cause of this unhappiness and address it. Of course, you will want to talk to your friends and parents but you should also take your problems to your Form Tutor or to your Head of Year. We will all try our best to resolve whatever issue is troubling you. There will be formal opportunities for you to talk to your Form Tutor on pastoral days but there should be a free and respectful dialogue between yourself and your teachers throughout the course. Themore we know how you feel about school, the more we can helpto makeit a positive experience for you.
As mentioned earlier, it is very important to balance the academic load with other interests that give you pleasure and a sense of achievement. It is important to keep up with hobbies, sports and friends. Balance, however, is the key word. Socialising for part of the weekend is fine but you need to leave yourself enough time to complete homework and you should not be so tired from the night before that you cannot concentrate or produce your best work. It is not a good idea to go out during the week unless it is a very special occasion; limit your social life to Friday and Saturday nights. In addition, going out is always more enjoyable if work has been completed so that you enjoy your free time without guilt!
Some of you may wish to start a part-time job to give you more independence. Again, taking some responsibility for your finances is an important step towards becoming an adult but you need to think very carefully about the sort of job that will suit you and fit in with your other commitments. There are laws governing the hours you are permitted to work and any decision to work should be taken in consultation with your parents. It is not a good idea to work during the weeks building up to important examinations, such as the mocks and the actual GCSEs.
Finally, beware of chatrooms on the internet. Following friends on Twitter or posting messages on your or your friend’s wall on social networks such as Facebook can be both highly addictive and can lead to what is described as cyber-bullying. In either case it can also waste the small amount of precious time available to you in these two years. Use these sites sensibly as well as safely during your time in the Upper School.
Finally, most of you will already know that there are many opportunities to shine in this school. You simply have to stretch out your hand to take hold of what is being offered to you. Good grades at this level really are achievable if you work well and remain focused. If you are able to develop and maintain good habits, you will find, like so many girls who have gone before you, that your time in the Upper School will help you to develop into an independent learner and a responsible young adult ready to choose A Levels based on genuine enthusiasm and solid knowledge. Enjoy!
Physical Education in the Upper School
In the Autumn and Spring Terms, girls travel to Battersea Park, Imperial College and other local facilities to participate in activities such as: Yoga, Rock Climbing, Pilates, Football, Cycle classes, Fitness classes, Zumba, Rowing, Swimming, Kickboxing, Multi-Gym and Netball. Girls are also taught the principles of fitness and are encouraged to take the responsibility to lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Girls are also given the opportunity to participate in Rowing which is led by the Head of Rowing on the tideway.
In the Summer Term, girls travel to Battersea Park or HydeParkfor their lesson. Theyparticipate in Athletics, Rounders, Cricket and Tennis. Girls also prepare for the school Sports Day, which is compulsory for Form V and optional for UV girls.
Throughout the year there are also various early morning, lunch time and after school sports clubs which are optional for girls to attend. We encourage girls in the Upper School to attend these clubs to lead a balanced lifestyle between their academic workload and their physical well being. Extra-curricular clubs include activities such as: Yoga, Fencing, Football, Tennis, Rowing, Karate, Netball, Hockey, Climbing, Swimming, Dance and Cross Country.
There is also a variety of trips to attend throughout the year. Past trips have included: Biathlon Training trip to Spain, a Netball and Hockey trip to South Africa, a Skiing trip to France and an Outdoor Education Physical Education day.
Form V and UV girls also have the opportunity to compete in Biathlon, Netball, Rowing, Rounders, Tennis, Cross Country, Hockey, Swimming and Athletic fixtures throughout the year.
Subject details
Compulsory Subjects
English & Mathematics
Modern Foreign Languages
Compulsory Subjects
GCSE English Language
Why you should study this subject: English is vital. The subject develops the range of communication skills we need in our daily livesand inwhateverworkorstudieswepursue. It is viewed as an obligatory qualification by most employers, professional bodies and establishments of Further Education. Itsrole is so important that it is a legal requirement that everyone should take GCSE English. At Queen’s Gate, every girl in Form V and UV studies English Language and Literature for GCSE.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
The English Department at Queen’s Gate offers a challenging and stimulating course which aims to teach you to communicate accurately and effectively, and for a variety of purposes and audiences. English skills are also needed to help you to understand, evaluate and respond to all that you read, hear and experience in a variety of media. We havechosen GCSE so that you can benefit from the preparation and assessment range offered by courseworkwritten assignments redrafted and submitted as best work before the examinations.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Your own wide reading of fiction as well as nonfiction will provide thebest possible foundation for your English skills. Reading quality newspapers and magazines, autobiography, travel writing, science journalism and history will all be of benefit, as well as, of course, personal reading of novels, plays and poetry. Being able to read beyond the surface meaning of anytext, whether that is a film or blog post, is an invaluable skill. Try to develop a critical eye when youare watchingtelevision programmes, films, or using the Internet and are being bombarded by advertisements. You could apply a similarly critical ear to the sorts of talk you hear on television or in various social contexts: listening to TED talks and quality podcasts is valuable. Try Radio 4’s review programme, Front Row, if you are interested in culture and media, for example.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Qualifications in English are expected for an entry into almost every type of career and professional activity. Barristers, journalists, actors, BBC announcers, historians, MPs and countless other types of respected professionals willoften haveanacademic background which includes English at A Level – or even degree level. In order to study English Literature at a higher level, you need to lay solid foundations at GCSE.
GCSE English Literature
Why you should study this subject: English Literature not only develops your knowledge of our rich culture but also your ability to argue, evaluate, analyse and support your perspective in clearly written English. In GCSE English Literature at Queen’s Gate, you willstudyawiderangeof textsincludingnovels, poetry and drama from a range of periods including Shakespeare, modern writing and classics of English Literature.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
You will broaden your reading to encompass inspiring and challenging poetry, novels and drama. You can use the classroom texts as springboards to develop and refine your own reading interests. Your vocabulary, thinking skills, empathetic abilities and knowledge of the world, in its present and previous forms, will all be expanded. Your involvement in lively classroom discussion willdevelop your ideas in conjunction with other girls and your teacher. Throughanalysis and assessment, wewillteach you how to respond in an informed and accurate way to good writing. These transferable skills will make youa more insightful interpreter of the world around you, as well as a more persuasive writer. Finally, you will learn how to organise your thoughts clearly and coherently on paper. Good writing techniques, when mastered, will be invaluable in your future, whatever your careerpath.AswithEnglishLanguage,following
GCSE allows for you to submit excellent essays as coursework.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Your own wide reading of all forms of fiction, poetryand drama will prove invaluableto your success in this subject. You will be expected to read from the School reading list, but also to develop your own interests in reading: nonfiction such as well-written sports biographies, cookery books and travel writing are all legitimate ways to extend your independent reading. Audiobooks are also an extremely valuable resource, whether of your studied texts or listening for pleasure.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
A strong result in GCSE English Literature bespeaks a good brain, whether you are pursuing the subject at A Level or not. Many people take a first degree in English Literature before a professional qualification in law or journalism, for example. As a qualification in thinking, an English degree might pave the way for you to become an MP or researcher, for instance, or perhaps for a career in television, advertising, marketing or communications.
GCSE Mathematics 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: Mathematicsisapreciseand beautiful, universal language. The primary aim of a mathematical education is to equip you with the skills you require when you leave school. It develops analytical skills essential for problemsolving in all aspects of our daily, academic and working lives. A good background in Mathematics can unlock your potential and provide you with a wide range of opportunities. Mathematics is recognised as a core subject in the National Curriculum and is viewed as an obligatory qualification by most employers, professional bodiesand establishments of further education.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
Mathematics provides us with important life skills to deal with situations which occur in our professional and personal lives. Financial astuteness is essential for our future economic well-being. Mathematics also supports many other subjects at A level and beyond, such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Economics, Geography, Computer Science, Design and Technology, and many others.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
The GCSE Mathematics course in Form V follows on logically fromthe work done in Form IV, with some new topics, and some topics developed further. It is important to have a firm grasp of all thework doneupuntilFormIV, as this provides the foundation for further work.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Mathematics supports all of the subjects mentioned above, and many others, such as Engineering, Architecture, and Business Studies. It also combines with many other disciplines at degree level, including some less obvious subjects such as Music and Philosophy. Mathematics can lead to a huge range of careers from civil engineering to investment banking, and any company, however large or small, will need to use mathematics at some stage. The minimum requirement for most British universities is a Grade 4 or 5 in GCSE Mathematics.
Further Mathematics 2023-2025
As GCSE Mathematics has become more demanding, it is now a stretching course for the vast majority of girls. However, if demand is sufficient, we may also offer Further Mathematics as an additional free-standing qualification to the most able girls. This provides an excellent foundation for Mathematics and Further Mathematics A Level.
The Science Department offers a choice of GCSE courses in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. If a girl is considering studying science at A Level, the Department strongly recommends that they choose at least two out of Biology, Chemistry or Physics. If a girl is considering Medicine or Veterinary Science as a career, it is further recommended that they study Biology, Chemistry and Physics at GCSE.
GCSE Biology 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
The GCSE Biology course aims to provide an interesting, inspiring and comprehensive course for all girls, whether or not they wish to go onto studythe subject atA Level.Thecourse covers human biology and plants as well as a range of topical areas such as biotechnology, cloning, stem cells, genetic engineering and environmental issues.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
A sound knowledge and understanding of biological facts, concepts and principles, an enjoyment of, and interest in, the study of living organisms, development of accurate experimental skills in scientific method and reporting and a good foundation for further studyof thesubject at A Level and at university.
GCSE Chemistry 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: Chemistry drives our modern lives and so a qualification in Chemistry shows employers you have the skills and the knowledge to be part of our future.TheGCSE ChemistryCourse is innovative, interactive and international, designed to provide a thorough foundation for further study of Chemistry at A Level.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
You will study the processes behind thereactions essential to our modern age. You will be able to interpret the effect that Chemistry has on the planet as a wholeusingthelanguage of chemical communication. These specialist skills open doors to most Careers and Further Education courses.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
It is expected that during theForm IVyear girls achieve consistently good marks in homework and class work tasks and a high level of attainment in both the November and June examinations. This will provide a good foundation to successfully study Biology at GCSE. It is essential that if you are opting to do the subject beyond GCSE to A Level that GCSE Chemistry is studied as well, as a minimum requirement.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Conservationist, dentist, doctor, ecologist, food scientist, journalist (science), forensic scientist, marine biologist, microbiologist, nurse, oceanographer, optician, research biologist, pharmacist, sports scientist, physiotherapist and veterinary surgeon amongst others.
Experimental work, an integral part of the study of any scientific subject, will be assessed by taking a written exam. Girls will be assessed on their ability to:
• Plan experimental procedures
• Describe practicaltechniques andtake measurements
• Analyse evidence and draw conclusions communicating findings using calculations tables and graphs
• Evaluate evidence
• Girls should be confident in Mathematics as they will be required to recall and manipulate formulae. Girls will be encouraged to become familiar with these criteria when carrying out practical work in class. Compulsory SubjectsSciences
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Agricultural scientist, art restorer, chemist, biochemist, chemical engineer, doctor, dentist, research chemist, cosmetics scientist, journalist (science), patent lawyer, metallurgist, pharmacist, forensic scientist, veterinary surgeon, zoologist.
GCSE Physics 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: Studying physics strengthens quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills that are valuable in areas beyond physics, and the intellectual challenge of studying the subject translates into qualities highly sought-after by employers. You will have a good grounding in mathematicsandyouwilldeveloppracticalskills that will bewelcomeintheworkplace. A degree in Physics has been worth considerably above average for some time, and this is likelyto be the case for the foreseeable future. With a Physics degreeonyour CV, theworld is your oyster.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
Physics reveals the beauty of the universe at scales ranging from subatomic to cosmological. You will gain an understanding of theUniverse and an insight of the world around you, for example, how the Sun keeps shining, why lightning strikes, and how the planets keep revolving around the Sun. You will also learn how Physics is behind allthe things we take for granted such as the World Wide Web, the MP3 player, themobile phone – and thelist goes on.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
An enquiring mind and good imagination is a great asset. 70% in your Form IV examinations would suggest that youwould manage well with the GCSE course.
What about mathematics?
If you are going to study physics then it is essential that you have a good understanding of mathematics. You will be required to recall and manipulate many formulae and, in order to
uncover mathematical relationships, it will be necessary for you to have the ability to plot and analyse graphs.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Many physicists work in ‘pure’ research, trying to find answers to some of these types of question. The answers they come up with often lead to unexpected technological applications. For example, all of the technology we take for granted today, including games consoles, mobile phones, mp3 players, and DVDs, is based on a theoretical understanding of electrons that was developed around the turnof the 20thcentury.
However, physics doesn’t just deal with theoretical concepts. It is applied in most areas of human activity, including:
• Developing computer games
• Developmentof sustainable forms of energy production
• Treating cancer with (or using) radiotherapy
• Diagnostic imaging
• Designand manufacture ofsports equipment
• Developing military robots for surveillance and launching missiles
• Understandingand predictingearthquakes.
Why Study Modern Foreign Languages?
Effective communication is the key to success, peace and prosperity. In today’s world we have to interact on a global scale. Governments, industries and communities all have to converse in foreign languages and they all need linguists. An understanding of a foreign language further develops communication skills and openness to the world. We believe that it is important for everyone to learn a language and experience the riches that other cultures have to offer.
Languages at Queen’s Gate.
In Years 1 to 9 French is compulsory and taught throughout the school. German, Italian, Spanish and French are offered in Years 4-6. All pupils at Queen’s Gate have the opportunity to study at least two foreign languages to GCSE level.
Our aims are for all Queen’s Gate pupils:
• To communicate successfully in at least two foreign languages.
• To experience the cultures of the languages that they are studying.
• To operate successfully in an international environment.
GCSE French 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: France is the world’s most popular tourist destinationhosting80 millionvisitors per year. It is the largest country in Western Europe and our closest neighbour. Over 200 million people speak French internationally across 28 countries and it is the only language other than English spoken in five continents. It is the official working language (along withEnglish), of the United Nations, NATO, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), theInternational OlympicCommittee, the31 member Council of Europe, theEuropean Community, the International Red Cross and many more organisations.
French is the language of culture opening your door to art, music, dance, fashion, cuisine, cinema and many great literary masterpieces. People around the world are familiar with Les Miserables, The Three Musketeers, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, The Little Prince, and TheStranger. France has wonmoreNobel Prizes for literature than any other country. The French are also admired for their great philosophers,
such as Descartes and Pascal, Rousseau, Voltaire, Camus and Sartre. When you read French, you can enjoy theseworks and authors in the original versions.
South Kensington has fast become London’s French Quarter with approximately 40,000 natives living in the vicinity. We are based next to theFrench Instituteand weareableto utilise a wealth of teaching and learning resources.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
You will follow a specification relevant to your everyday life and will learn to communicate orally and in writing in the target language.
Learning French is very useful and practical if you intend to pursue a career in tourism, diplomacy or journalism. Moreover, speaking French opens the door to the rich, artistic and cultural heritage of France and French-speaking countries.
You will learn about classic films such as Les Choristesand Aurevoir les enfants. You willsing French songs and discover more about French cuisine and traditions.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Learning a foreign language takes a lot of discipline and dedication. Girls taking French GCSE are expected to commit to the subject by working hard on their grammar and memorising new vocabulary. Being highly motivated and enthusiastic and havinga strongwork ethic are paramount.
The GCSE course is fast paced as we need to cover a lot of material in a relatively short period of time. You will have to develop your four linguistic skills - reading, listening, writing and speaking - to the desired standard.
A 70% pass mark inthe summer examination at the end of Form IV is strongly recommended. An insufficient mark has to be compensated by a thorough revision over the summer in order to start the GCSE course on a solid basis.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
By studying Frenchyouwill:
• Significantly improve your chances of beingaccepted totheuniversityof your choice;
• Increase your job opportunities and salary potential;
• Be ableto compete effectivelyinthe global economy.
Knowledge of a second language is essential in over 60 occupations. France is a world leader in the development of modern telecommunications, transport, finance, energy and research. Consider the many job opportunities with the airlines, import-export companies, and other international businesses:
• Finance (banks, commerce, stockexchanges, accountancy)
• Civilservice (homeoffice, customs and excise)
• European institutions (interpreter, translator, personalassistant, Secretary, event organisation)
• Education(teaching, specialist bookwriter)
• Law (Europeanand international)
• Charity organisations
• Diplomacy (ambassador, consul, civil servant)
• Catering(hotels and restaurants)
• Aviation(pilot, hostess, trafficcontroller, airport management)
• Tourism
• Retail (fashion, haute couture)
GCSE German 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: Germanis becomingmoreand moreimportant if you are interested in a career in business, economicsorcomputing.Butitalsohaspractical uses, for example if you want to go skiing in Austria, Germany or Switzerland or to visit friends or relatives in these countries.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
The emphasis of the two-year course is on practical communication, how to cope in a German-speaking environment, buy train tickets, and stamps, make phone calls, book rooms in hotels and youth hostels, negotiate all kinds of difficult situations, as well as understandTV andcinemaprogrammes,order food and drink in a restaurant or simplychat to German friends about all sorts of things. You will also learn about the German-speaking countries, about recent developments in Germany, how young people in Germany live and what they like to do. The course incorporates authentic reading and listening material, as well as videos. Grammar will also play an important part in the course, but you will see how easy it becomes in the context of communicative tasks.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
We will follow the specification and examination requirements of the Edexcel Board, which means that most of the examinations will be in German. At the end of the course, you will wonder howyou ever believed German might be a boring or difficult subject and bereadyto visit German-speaking countries.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Could lead to a career in “working abroad” in a German speaking country, or in the UK with a German based firm in any field i.e., banking, motor industry, management, education, hotel industry, catering, research, pharmaceutics, fashion etc. interpreter, translator, language teacher.
Compulsory SubjectsModern Foreign Languages
GCSE Italian 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: Italian GCSE provides an excellent opportunity to improve your fluency in the language you have enjoyed in FormIV. If youare interested inArt, History of Art, Religious Studies, Nutritional Sciences and Fashion, you might find that Italian is the language you need to know, should you want to attend a course in Italy on those subjects or just takea trip and appreciate what Italy has to offer in those particular fields.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
You will improve your conversation and understanding in Italian. This will be an invaluable experience and an opportunity to learn about Italian culture, customs and even Italian food! In the last few years girls have attended courses in Italy and stayed with an Italian family in the summer holidays; these trips have proved to be very successful and have brought even more enthusiasm to the study of the Italian language.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Girls taking Italian GCSE are expected to commit to the subject by working hard on their grammar and memorising new vocabulary. At thesame time, they will be rewarded witha full immersion in the Italian cultural environment when watching films or listening to music.
The summer examination in Form IV is a good indication of girls’ skills and talent in the language, therefore an insufficient mark has to be compensated by a thorough revision over the summer in order to start the GCSE course on a solid basis.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Italian is also offered at A Level and in the past many GCSE girls have successfully decided to continue to improve their knowledge of the language up to a very high standard which has allowed them to read Italian in the most prestigious Universities of the country. This is just one of the many reasons why a good GCSE course can build solid foundation for a future academic and non-academic achievement in Italian.
GCSE Mandarin 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
Mandarin GCSE provides an excellent opportunity to improve your fluency in the language you have enjoyed in Form IV. The Chinese languageis theoldest writtenlanguage in the world with at least six thousand years of history. Chinesecharacterinscriptionshavebeen found in turtle shells dating back to the Shang dynasty (1766-1123 BC) proving the written language has existed for more than3,000 years.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
Mandarin is spoken by almost 1.2 billion native speakers. If you wish to learn a language that one in six people in the world speak, this is the one for you. It is the language spoken in the fastest growing economy in the world and many people are referring to the 21st Century as China’s century.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Girls taking Mandarin GCSE are expected to commit to the subject by working hard on their grammar and memorising new vocabulary. At thesame time, they will berewarded with a full immersion into a Chinese cultural environment when watching films or listening to music.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Mandarin can be read in the most prestigious Universities of the country. This is just one of themanyreasons whya good GCSE course can build solid foundation for a future academic and non-academic achievement in Mandarin.
GCSE Spanish 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: Spanish is the global language of the future, currently ranked third behind Mandarin and Englishbytotal numberof speakers. Morethan 400 million people are Spanish native speakers. Besides that, it is spoken by more than 20% of the population of the USA. It is also a fairly easy language; to start with, the basic points of grammar are quite simple and there is a direct relationship between the spoken and written forms. Morethan21 millionstudentsaround the world choose to study it as a foreign language.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
Learning Spanish is very useful and practical if you intend to pursue a career in travelling or journalism (Spanish is the official language of twenty one countries) or business (Spain and the nineteen Spanish-speaking nations of Latin America offer vast potential in terms of trade and investment). Moreover, speaking Spanish opens the door to the rich, artistic and cultural heritage of Spain and Latin America.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Learning a foreign language takes a lot of discipline and dedication. You should be prepared to put in a lot of effort and take responsibility for your own learning if you want to do it successfully. Therefore, being highly motivated and enthusiastic and having a strong work ethic are paramount.
To be able to take Spanish for GCSE you should have shown a consistently good level of attainment in all areas of the subject during Form IV. Your work and attitude towards the subject in Form IV are therefore vital, as they will help you to build the foundation of your linguistic knowledge.
A 70% pass mark in the summer examination at the end of Form IV is strongly recommended to guarantee success at GCSE. The GCSE course is about 5 and a half terms and very fast paced, as we need to cover a lot of ground in a relatively short period of time. You will have to develop
your four linguistic skills -reading, listening, writing and speaking- to the desired standard.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
• Interpreter, Translator, Languageteacher
• European Institutions (Interpreter, Translator, PA,Secretary,Event Organiser)
• Education(teaching, specialist bookwriter)
• Law (Europeanand International)
• Charity organisations (in many African countries, Vietnam, SouthKorea,Cambodia, Canada)
• Diplomatic(Ambassador,Consul,Civil Servant)
• Hotels and restaurant/catering (alljobs linked to this sector)
Subject details Other Subject Options
Physical Education
Computer Science
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GCSE Art and Design 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: If youenjoyand have anaptitude for thesubject, if you are creative or ‘good at drawing’, you may have the basic skills to succeed. However, GCSE Art is not an easy option and you should be prepared to work hard at developing your abilities. You will need to be independently minded and able to resource your projects on a personal level. A great deal of time, effort and commitment is required of all girls studying Art. The course aims to:
• Develop an understanding of the nature of visual thinking
• Encourageexperience ina widerangeof materials
• Help to develop an understanding of culturalchangeandcontextualstudies
• Developanawareness of bothanalytical and intuitive value judgements
What you will gain from studying this subject:
You will beintroduced to thefollowing skills:
• Drawing and Painting
• Sculpture, using bothconstructionaland malleable materials
• Textiles
• Printing
• Mixed media
• Designand ICT
The nature of your project will help direct the materials you use.
Our expectations and any academic recommendations:
Although you are strongly supported in developing a personal response to all your art projects, an ability to think creatively is required for you to get the most out of your projects.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
It is strongly advisable for girls interested in taking art and design further in any capacity post 18, to follow the course at GCSE. It is an invaluable foundation to the A2 course which in turn is the stepping stone to an Art Foundation Course, other Higher Education courses and careers involving Art, Design, Architecture,
Fashion and those where practical and creative responses are required. Some examples of jobs are:
Agent, Animator,Art Editor,Art Exhibition Organiser, Art Handler, ArtValuer Artists, Artistic Director, Arts Administrator, Cartoonist, Manager - Arts Centre, Sculptor, Stage Designer, Teacher - Arts.
GCSE Design and Technology 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
This subject gives girls the opportunity to develop their creative skills applying their practical and technical knowledge to solve realworld problems. Over the GCSE course they will learn how to design and communicate their ideas. They will learn how to apply knowledge from other areas of the curriculum, such as Mathematics, Science, Art and Computing, to enhance their design solutions.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
In Design and Technology girls will examine the work of contemporary designers and investigate current and emerging technologies. They will analyse the design and manufacture of existing products and learn about design considerations. Girls will learn to communicate effectivelythroughsketching, written workand mathematical modelling.
• People skills (talking and working with clients and user groups)
• Practicalskills – designing, modelling, testing
• Computer skills –3D CAD+ 3D printing, Rhinoceros, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office
• Knowledgeof industrialpractice
• Knowledgeof designinfluencesand marketing
• Teamworking skills
• Independentstudyskillsthroughprojectwork
Our expectations and any academic recommendations:
In order to take GCSE Design and Technology, we expect girls to:
• Have creative flair and an enjoyment for the subject prior to GCSE
• Be willingto workconsistentlythroughout theyear and be happyto spend timeoutside lessons in the department to undertake homework tasks.
This subject can work well alongside many other subjects. Popular combinations include: Art, Mathematics and Science.
What Higher Education/careers could this subject lead to?
Design and Technology is a broad designsubject, which can lead onto many different career paths, in Design as well as other areas. It is a useful subject for those considering careers in:
• Design- Product, industrial, graphic,website, computer visualisation and 2D animation, multimedia, interior, sustainability, architecture, textilesand fashion, automotive, film/theatredesign,specialeffects,fooddesign, systems and control, built environment
• Marketing, branding, buying, advertising, retailing
• Project management
• Research
• Engineering
• Commercial practice
• Health and Safety - Risk assessment
• Ergonomics
• Business
Girls gain a wide range of skills in this subject, whichcan be applicable in manydifferent types of career.
GCSE Drama 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
Drama is a highly physical and visual subject which emphasises a strong commitment to group dynamics. Drama is an exciting, creative and challenging course where girls create improvisation and devise theatre, using stimuli from theatre, art, photography, film, media, and literature. Girls willexplore a range of roles to demonstrate their creative use of language, movement and space and to explore their ability in all aspects of theatre design. They will study a set text and analyse and evaluate live theatre. The balance between the controlled assessment tasks and the written examination gives girls the best opportunity to succeed.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
• Self-confidence and trust - performing for an audience teaches girls to trust their ideas and abilities, as well as those of others.
• Imagination – making creative choices, thinking of new ideas, and interpreting familiar material in new ways.
• Empathy – acting roles from different situations, time periods, and cultures promotes compassionand tolerancefor others’ feelings and viewpoints.
• Co-operation and collaboration - the cooperative process includes discussing, sharing, negotiating, leading, teamwork, rehearsingand performing.Essentialfor all walks of life.
• Self-disciplineand concentration – being able to manage time, resources to a common purpose and deadline.
• Communication skills – enhancing verbal and non-verbal expression of ideas, listening, observing, and developing fluency with language.
• Problem-solving – communicatingthe ‘who, what, where and why’ to the audience; improvisationpromotes quick-thinking and flexibility to adapt to changes.
• Emotionaloutlet and aestheticappreciationdrama allows girls to release tension and express a range of emotions.
• Girls also learn the valuable and unique place that drama and theatre hold in our culture.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Girls should possess a strong commitment to working positively in a group and have a genuine passion for drama and performing. Girls will keep meticulous notes on theory, reviews, text analysis, production designs and evaluations of their own performances and the performances of others. A competent level of reading, writing, listening and speaking in English is essential.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Girls of Drama and Theatre Studies go on to Universities offering courses in Drama, Performing Arts, English, Law, Languages, Media, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Politics, Graphics & Design and the Visual Arts. Girls entering the Theatre and Film Industry can apply to performing arts institutions such as RADA, Guildhall, CentralSchoolof Speech and Drama, and Rose Bruford.
GCSE Music 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
Girls will listen to, perform and compose music, encouraging creativity. As a result, girls enhance their appreciation and enjoyment of music, an achievement that forms an ideal foundation for future study and enhances lifelong musical enjoyment. Girls study music of all styles; each style is placed in its historical and cultural context, and girls are encouraged to be perceptive, sensitive and critical when listening. Although the majority of the specification examines Western European music, the music from arange of different countries arestudied.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
The course requires you to perform both solo and ensemble works. The pieces will be presented through a range of performance opportunities including a recital. You will also produce 2 pieces of composition. This will allow you to demonstrate your creativity and your understanding of how music is structured. You will develop a clear understanding of how music has changed throughout history and howto hear and recognise different musical techniques. You will also learn about an area of world music in detail.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Girls should only consider taking Music GCSE if they are of a minimum Grade 3 standard on an instrument or voice as girls will be expected to achieve a performance standard of Grade 5 bythe timetheyreachUV. Werecommend that
girls take Grade 5 theory before the course and girls should have already begun lessons intheory or should begin as soon as possible.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Girls with music qualifications may pursue careers as professional musicians in classical, jazz, pop or other musical styles as soloists, band or ensemble members or as a member of an orchestra. Many musicians work on a freelance basis taking work from a variety of different sources. They may become songwriters, arrangers and composers, creating music for themselves or for others to perform as art in its own right or for commercial purposes. They maybecome appraisers of music in the form of journalists or writers, or performers as conductors of orchestras and choirs. Many music graduates choose to work behind the scenes in roles such as marketing or management of artists, whilst maintaining their own musicianship on an amateur level. Other music graduates choose to pursue entirely different careers in law, accounting or even medicine.
Music is a living art form, and all musicians pass their skills onto the next generation inone way or another. Many music graduates teach in schools, conservatoires, universities, in their own home as private teachers or setting up their own courses/classes.
A wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate studies may be pursued at most universities and music colleges.
GCSE Classical Greek 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: Studying Greek is one of the very best ways to improveyourabilitytosolveproblems.Learning grammatical constructions helps you to develop your logic and learning Greek grammar and vocabulary also helps you to write and speak English better. Greekalso helps you withLatin, ClassicalCivilisationandAncientHistory.These courses complement each other very well.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
Apart from the benefits provided to you by learning and exploring a new language, you will begin to read real Greek literature - this is the most exciting part of the GCSE in Greek. Typically, we read selections from Homer’s epic poems or a Greektragedy, and froman historian of the 5th century, Herodotus.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
At GCSE, you develop knowledge of Greek vocabulary (approximately 500 words) and grammar. Many of the grammatical constructions of Ancient Greek will be known to you from your study of Latin.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
If you are interested in studying literature, history or Classics at university, or in a career in the academic, legal or medical fields, further knowledge of Ancient Greek will be of particular and great value to you. Knowledge of Ancient Greek helps youstand out from the largecrowd of applicants who compete for places to study these subjects at university.
Not many girls today get the chance to study Ancient Greek, and over the past three years, over 95%of the girls who have studied Ancient Greek at GCSE earned anA or A*. Severalhave continued to study it at A Level and gone on to pursue courses in the Classics at the best Universities. Whatever university course you choose, a GCSE in Ancient Greek will certainly helpyou get into the university of your choice.
GCSE Ancient History 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
The Ancient History GCSE is an opportunity to study the historical events and developments, as well as the great men and women, that laid the foundations for our civilization. You learn how societies interacted in the ancient world, and the varying beliefs and ideas that motivated them. You study three civilisations: the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans, as well as specific characters, such as Alexander the Great and Cleopatra.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
Ancient History offers you a number of special and distinctive features:
• Youstudyfrom originalsources suchas Herodotus and Tacitus, brilliant authors whose works are of great literary and historical value.
• You study a range of important and influential political societies, both democraticGreece and republicanRomeas wellas theAchaemenids, Macedonians and Egyptians.
Our expectations and academic recommendations: There areno specific requirementsfor takingup the study of Ancient History.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Ancient History prepares you not only to study a broad rangeof subjects at A Leveland university, but to become a better informed and more active citizen of the world.
GCSE Classical Civilisation 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
Classical Civilisation is the study of two dynamic, creative and immensely influential cultures. Ancient Greek and Roman culture also happen to be the foundation of our own way of life and values. Our sense of right and wrong, our notions of justice and politics, our appreciation of arts and culture – all of these things are rooted in ancient Greece and Rome.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
The topics we study cover both literary and material sources, giving you an opportunity to study literature and ancient history as well as art and archaeology. We cover two topics:
• WomenintheAncientWorld
• The HomericWorld
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
Studying Classics will help you to perform better in English, Art, Design, Drama, History, Religious Studies and Art History. So too, your ability to do well in Classics is enhanced by your interest and study of those subjects. There is no requirement to take up Classical Civilisation, other than a genuine interest in the ancient world.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Classical Civilisation is also a subject closely related to other important areas of studyat GCSE and A Level. Indeed, Classics has long been the foundation of liberal arts and humanities in large part for this precise reason.
GCSE Latin 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
The Latin GCSE course will build upon the foundation in the language that you have acquired over the past three years of study. Indeed, now is the time you begin to reap the rewards of your previous efforts by reading great poets such as Virgil and prose authors such as Plinyand Cicero in the originalclassicalLatin. Continuing your study of the Latin language at GCSE is a great assistance to your mental development at this point in your education. It trains you to think in a logical way. It provides invaluable assistance to enhance your reading and writing skills in English, as well as in French, Spanish and Italian.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
At GCSE level, girls for the first time begin to read Roman authors in classical Latin. This is an exciting prospect. It is an adventure to be undertaken only by those who are bold and willing to accept a challenge. The rewards to be gained fromstudyingLatinpoetryand prose are immense but these are onlyattained with effort. One thing is for certain: you will never read greater poetry than the Aeneid of Virgil, nor more exciting and humorous prose than the speeches of Cicero.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
You continue to build up your language skills in grammar and vocabulary.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
The successful completion of the Latin GCSE is an accomplishment that any university respects. It is invaluable in opening doors for all career and university paths.
GCSEGeography 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: The study of Geography answers the fundamental questions: What shapes the world around us? How do we interact with the world around us? Can we managethe world ina more sustainable way?
It therefore synthesises how people react with eachother and how theyshapeand areshaped by the natural environment. It also seeks to suggest ways in which we all can live in oneworld.
The study of Geography is also a study on how we live life and how we can live life in a better way that benefits both people on our planet as well as the other 10 million species that inhabit our world. As such girls learn fundamental truths about their relationship to other people as well as their relationship to the environment that supports us.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
A better understanding of how, if we are all to develop, we must not just work with each other but also the natural systems that constitute our world – the land, air and seas. As it is considered as both an art and a science it gives youa broadly balanced GCSE that allows specialism in either discipline later in your academic career.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
• A keenand enquiring mind thatwants to answer the questions:
• Why is it there?
• Howwas itformed?
• Why do I have the lifestyle that I have?
• What impacts do I haveonthe world?
• Whatimpactsdonaturalsystemshaveonme?
• Howcanweall liveononeEarth?
There are no pre-requisites for taking GCSE Geography apart from an open mind and an interest in people and the environment.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Geography has beendescribed as the ‘Jack of all trades and the master of none’. A Geography A Level and then degree will allow you to follow careers from environmental research to aiding inreducingthe development gapto workingin the City of London for Transitional Corporations. It allows you to make what you want of it!
GCSE History 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject: History is a fascinating subject which helps us to understand why the world is the way it is and, hopefully, informs ourdecisions about the future. It gives us a senseof identity, actingas a corporate memory. It also helps usto empathise withother peopleand seeevents from different perspectives.
The four topics that will be studied are:-
• Russia 1905 - 1924
• TheUSSR1924 - 1953
• Superpower Relations 1943 - 72
• China 1900 - 1989
What you will gain from studying this subject:
The skills involved in the study of History are transferable and will be useful in later life. Historydevelops our sense of balance and forces us to ask questions about where our information comes from. We learn to read critically, detecting bias and propaganda. History will develop powers of communication, such as structuring answers and producing cogent arguments. It should also help girls learn how to write precisely and concisely.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
• Interest and enthusiasm!
• Proven ability in the subject; if you are findingFormIVHistorydifficult,theGCSE course will be even more challenging. 60% in your Form IV examination is a good indicator that you will manage well in this subject
• Ability to learn large amounts of material
• Steadyworkthroughout thetwo-year course keeping files organised and up-to-date
• Meetingdeadlines for assignments and lesson preparation
• Good attendanceand punctuality
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
AGCSE inHistoryshows that youhave managed a demanding course and is therefore well regarded by both universities and employers. It is particularly useful for girls interested in Law but complements many other subjects too.
GCSE Religious Studies
Why you should study this subject:
Religious Studies is a subject aimed at girls of all faiths and none. This subject involves a detailed study and analysis of the beliefs and practices of two major world religions, as well as anexaminationof a number of philosophical and ethicalissues suchas euthanasia, abortion, revelation, suffering, crime and sexuality. You mightenjoylearningand readingaboutspiritual and moralissues,discussing your point of view and debating withothers who do not shareyour outlook. You might also wish to deepen your knowledge and understanding of both theist and atheist approaches to ultimate questions and develop an appreciation for different interpretations within faiths. Issues relating to Religious Studies appear in the news almost dailyand thesubject allows a student to develop an informed approach to current affairs.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
This is a challenging and exciting course in which you will gain the skills of interpretation, analysis, critical thinking and evaluation. It
will not only give you a detailed knowledge and understanding of two different faiths but also an ability to construct sound arguments in relation to a range of philosophical and moral issues which are an important part of our lives today.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
You should take a keen interest in current events in the world today which have a religious or moral dimension. You should enjoy questioning, constructing arguments and wider reading. You also need to enjoy debating and have a desire to develop an empathetic understanding about different people’s views oncontroversialissues.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
A qualification in Religious Studies could support an entry into all types of career and profession. Due to the transferable skills that the subject teaches, it is a useful preparation for the study of a wide range of subjects. For example: Law, Psychology, Sociology, English, History, Philosophy and Politics. As the subject now involves a study of medical ethics, it is also an asset for a career in Medicine.
GCSE Physical Education 2023-2025
Why you should study this subject:
If you enjoy Physical Education and wish to develop a greater understanding of Physical Education, Sport Science, anatomyandhowthe mindandbodyworkinrelationto performance, this course will be for you. It is a mixture of your physical performance across different sports and your understanding of how your body undertakes these performances. The course aims to:
• Developyour knowledgeand understanding throughpracticaland academicinvolvement.
• Developanunderstandingof howtobuild, complete and analysea personal exercise programme.
• Develop an understanding of the global world and key influences in relation to sport.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
You will beintroduced to thefollowing skills:
• Anatomyand Physiology
• Sports Psychology
• Movement Analysis
• Health, Fitness and Wellbeing
• Socio-cultural influences
• Physical Training
• Data Analysis
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
GCSE Physical Education is a broad and diverse course, with high academic and practical expectations. You will need to be capable of performing in a team sport and an individual sport to a good level, and enjoy the scientific aspects of Physical Education.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Physical Education links very closely to the sciences and can lead to a variety of higher education opportunities. It will give you a broader understanding of many topics that will develop your understanding of your body and how it performs, and will be a valuable source of information throughout your life.
GCSE Computer Science
Why you should study this subject: Computer Science is thestudyof theprinciples and use of computers. You will learn how to program by writing your own code in Visual Basic and how to develop your own solutions to problems. This will help you to develop a range of technical skills, as well as theabilityto test your solution effectively and the ability to evaluate your work. The qualification will help youappreciate current and emergingcomputer technologies and the benefits of their use. You willalso learnabout ethicalissuesand potential risks of using computers through discussing viruses, spyware and identity theft.
What you will gain from studying this subject:
Computer Science encourages independent thinking and creativity in finding your own solution to a problem. During the course you will build up invaluable problem-solving skills. You will also gain a more logical approach to your thinking and learn to ‘think outside the box’ – a talent which will be invaluable in all your subjects. Computer Science is a practical subject during which you will be encouraged to learn by trial and error, which is a fun and engaging way to learn.
Our expectations and academic recommendations:
• A commitmenttolearnand enjoythesubject
• A willingness to tryout ideas and solve problems
• A readinesstomakemistakesand learnfrom them
• A willingness to work independently
• Organisationand planning
A good standard of English is required as the final examinationconsistsof twowrittenpapers.
What Higher Education/Careers could this subject lead to?
Software and applications are an essential part of everyday life. There is a wealthof fascinating and financiallyrewarding jobs in the IT industry, and IT knowledge is highly sought after. Women are still under-represented in this sector and there is currently a big drive to increase the percentage of women in the technology sector.
The GCSE Computer Science course gives you a sound foundation to study the subject at A Level and university. Computer Science degrees are stimulating and exciting courses of study, which tend to follow thelatest technology from apps to smart watches to biometrics and cryptography. Computer Science also gives youa firmfoundationfor other degrees suchas Engineering, Mathematics and theSciences. It is needed in most sectors and opens other exciting opportunities, for example in computational medicine and biology.