Green Dining Room
Refreshments will be served at the end of the evening, where there will be the opportunity to ask any further questions about our Sixth Form.
Classical Civilisation, Latin, Ancient History and Ancient Greek: Mrs
A Mitropoulos
Mathematics and Further Mathematics: Dr K Baskerville
White Dining Room
English: Mr M Spicer
Geography: Miss E Moor
Philosophy and Religious Studies: Ms C de la Pena
History: Mr F Baden-Powell
Music Room
Music: Mr Webb-Taylor
Drama Studio
Drama and Theatre Studies: Mrs Pajovic & Mr Harvey
Main Hall
Art and Design: Ms M Vazquez
Library Extension
German, Spanish, Italian and French: Ms S Riglet
Library Annexe
Graphic Communication: Mr K Lynn
Product Design: Mr D Karamoutas
SEN Information: Mr D Karamoutas
Economics: Ms A Smith
Psychology: Ms E Ward
History Art: Ms Cornwall-Jones
Sociology: Mr S Zakir
Biology: Mrs P Garty (Lab B1)
Chemistry: Mr A Selkirk, Ms V Manson (Lab B3)
Physics: Mr H Tsang, Mr M Naceur (Lab B2)
Computer Science: Mrs E Adler, Mr A Todorovic (B12)