9 minute read
from October 2020
Charity Lynette
Photographer | EL @effortless_effect Hair | @faithhopeandhair MUA | @charitylynetteofficial Dress | Fashion Nova @fashionnova Bookings | MNS MEDIA GROUP @mnsmediagroup
Photographer | EL @effortless_effect Hair | @faithhopeandhair MUA | @charitylynetteofficial
Over the past year, Ms. Lynette, CEO of Curvy Chick Fitness and celebrity Plus Size trainer, has been raising awareness about healthy living and fitness in communities throughout the United States. Ms. Lynette has been tapped to work with such household names as Lane Bryant (Plus Model Magazine), UCan Superstarch, and Alkazone Alkaline Water, in which she did several billboard campaigns for the brands. Partnering with Jack Rabbit Stores, Ms. Lynette also launched a series of running events around the city, called A Healthy Heart NY. Luminaries like Super Bowl champs Brandon Marshall and Bernard Pierce, both currently with the Denver Broncos, plus Love & Hip Hop NY stars Sofi Green and Samantha Wallace, have all joined Ms. Lynette in encouraging New Yorkers to get fit. Inspired to help women live longer, healthier lives by the tragic loss of her mother to heart disease, Ms. Lynette has drawn on her experience running Curvy Chick Fitness, to branch out, launching her own TV show. Entitled What’s In Your Basket? The program “unpacks” people’s food and lifestyle choices, and offers them healthier alternatives and tips. The series is carried on various streaming networks, including Roku, AppleTV, NuTV, KweliTV, Amazon Prime, and Youtube.
Charity continues to shoot for brands and pushing her health and awareness brand even heavier now because of her urgent concern for the loss of life winter 2020 due to COVID and unhealthy living. Recently Charity opened her own hair studio and does natural hair and Fitness in the same space for her clients.
Photographer | EL @effortless_effect Hair | @faithhopeandhair MUA | @charitylynetteofficial Crop top sweater | Nayburlhood Kool Kat Clothing @koolkatnyc Leggings | Nike @nike Bookings | MNS MEDIA GROUP @mnsmediagroup
Photographer | Getty Images @mbezjian Hair | @faithhopeandhair Top | Curvy Chick Fitness @curvychickfitnessofficial Bookings | MNS MEDIA GROUP @mnsmediagroup
Photographer | EL @effortless_effect Hair | @faithhopeandhair MUA | @charitylynetteofficial Dress | Fashion Nova @fashionnova Bookings | MNS MEDIA GROUP @mnsmediagroup
QSM: First of all, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. I enjoy watching you blossom. Give us some background on who Charity is outside of Fitness. Charity: Thank you so much for that. I’m really just a silly girl that likes to have a good time. I want to do things and be around people that make me laugh. I am always evolving. I work hard to maintain a brand.
QSM: Have you always been so fit and chiseled? Lol Charity: No not at all. Being active was always in my routine via high school and college athletics. Chiseled never lol I didn’t get into weights and strength training right away I pretty much fought it. Then I had a trainer break it down to me and challenged me to just a month of weight training. It was then that I saw the difference.
QSM: What does a day in the life of Charity look like? Charity: There will be some sort of physical activity whether it is from my workout hour or running errands on my bike. It will start with my virtual workout clients and then move on to hair appointments by late morning. My schedule doesn’t always allow me to get my movement in at the same time every day or the same location which is very key to me not getting bored with my workouts. I need my environment always changing. QSM: You are CEO of Curvy Chick Fitness and you are a celebrity Plus Size trainer. How did you get to where you are? Please tell us your background and how you got started in fitness and training? Charity: It definitely started from my own weight loss journey after losing Mommy. I didn’t have this amount of support when I started so creating a safe space where women can realistically go through this journey became a requirement over the years. Initially my now management MNS Media put my stories together and suggested I start teaching my way. We started to develop our ideas and made the best of every opportunity that was available. I also believe participating and coaching collegiate basketball has definitely played a role in my attitude towards health and wellness. I feel like my competitive edge is encouraging, not overwhelming. QSM: Tell us about Healthy Heart NY. Charity: It was a running event that I partnered up with Jack Rabbit Stores to bring attention to the process of getting the proper running shoe and the different levels of running as well as staying active. Each event involved a short run followed by press interviews for my guest host with refreshments and then a final live interview done by me. The guest host so far has been Super Bowl champs Brandon Marshall and Bernard Pierce, both played with the Denver Broncos, Love & Hip Hop NY stars Sofi Green and Samantha Wallace, 2nd Generation Wayans Summer Wayans, Project Runway Model Monique Nakia, Established Plus Model Samantha Lebbie, and Pariis Garcia, St. Johns Track Team, a Big East Conference Champion. QSM: With this global pandemic, you have been very active in pushing your health and awareness brand. Let’s talk about some of your concerns and why this is so important to you. Charity: I hate that statistically AfricanAmericans lead the way on the unhealthy spectrum. I just want to be one of the platforms that people can understand and help them along their journey to better health and wellness. If we are still dealing with a pandemic this winter, it will be rough on the urban community. Health & Wellness should be a way of life and not just survival. QSM: One of the things that I have heard from a few people who have been infected with COVID-19 was they believed that their recent weight loss or their health and wellness journey has helped in their recovery. What are your thoughts? Charity: I think this is a valid and realistic statement. By getting their eating habits in order along with more movement in daily routines are very much immune boosting side effects. Not to mention the Vitamin D that also plays a role. Keep finding ways to be outside and get some sun.
Photographer | EL @effortless_effectHair | @faithhopeandhairMUA | @charitylynetteofficialDress | Fashion Nova @fashionnovaBookings | MNS MEDIA GROUP @mnsmediagroup
Photographer | Myah @mjonesimagingHair | Kerlisha Williams @tessellatetressMUA | @charitylynetteofficialBookings | MNS MEDIA GROUP @mnsmediagroup
Photographer | EL @effortless_ effect Hair | @faithhopeandhair MUA | @charitylynetteofficial
QSM: What are three vital tips that you could offer our readers regarding wellness and fitness? Charity: 1. Water, Water, Water. 2. Be careful of secret sugars that hide in processed foods and drinks. 3. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your daily meals. QSM: Can you share three essential exercises you suggest for all clients, and why? Charity: 1. Walking!! People underestimate the power of walking on a regular basis. 2. Strength Training. Getting a little strength training in can go a long way. Whether it is body weight moves or equipment, either will work. 3. Stretching can be done at any age and any level. The more you stretch the easier it becomes.
QSM: What evaluations do you conduct with a new client who’s eager to begin a fitness regimen? Charity: I like to see how they speak about themselves. As soon as we begin communicating about working with each other I’m checking out their selftalk. So much of the journey starts with our mentality and the way we talk about food and weight loss. Our first work out is never too intense. I like to see how the client moves so that I can give them exercise and movement goals that will encourage them. QSM: Congratulations on the launch of your TV Show “What’s In Your Basket”. For our readers who have not checked it out, tell us what it’s all about and where/ when they can watch. Charity: Currently you can catch the episodes on my YouTube channel Curvy Chick Fitness and it will start airing on Xtreme Vibes TV/Roku in September 2020. The show is very much about my life and how I work with different people to achieve their goals. You will see me using and talking about some of the great products I received through sponsorship. But most importantly you will see the options and opportunities for the busiest person to find a way to move and eat better.
QSM: I little birdie told me that you also just opened your own hair studio. Share the tea on that. Charity: I diiiid! It is a private natural hair boutique. Specializing in natural hair care and protective styling. It took some time to see how the workouts and hair go together but they totally do. Hair was one of the things that kept me afloat in New York. Big ticket hair appointments came just in time on countless occasions. I feel like now I have created a brand with the knowledge I gained from Curvy Chick Fitness. Faith, Hope & Hair is dedicated to my Mom who passed away, because I feel her in every successful step I take. QSM: How do you balance life and all that you do? Do you have a daily routine for YOU? Charity: Honestly, sometimes I don’t even know how I do it. I like to start my day with guided mediation and my own workout that often comes in different order but feel at my best when those two things happen on a regular basis. My routine varies and is always changing. Hair appointments are always all over the place because I take early and late appointments. Even workouts change a lot when I work with influencers or people with demanding schedules. But I actually love the craziness of my life. It keeps me on my toes and never complacent. QSM: What have been some of your biggest lessons so far in life? Charity: It’s ok to put your happiness and wellbeing above someone else’s. Sacrifices do pay off. Keep your intentions pure and also to always plug my social media pages which are @ CurvyChickFitnessOfficial on Instagram and Curvy Chick Fitness on Facebook. (LOL) I also want to take a minute to thank Queen Size Magazine for the passion you put into this business and the voice you give our plus size community.
Photographer | EL @effortless_effect Hair | @faithhopeandhair MUA | @charitylynetteofficial Crop top sweater | Nayburlhood Kool Kat Clothing @koolkatnyc Leggings | Nike @nike Bookings | MNS MEDIA GROUP @mnsmediagroup