Lynn Coady comes to Queen’s
Giller Prize-winning author speaks to the Journal F R I D AY , M A R C H 7 , 2 0 1 4 — I S S U E 3 6
All quiet on West
Three tries, one title
Queen’s goes silent on noise exemption B Y C HLOE S OBEL Assistant News Editor In an unexpected move, Queen’s withdrew its application for a permanent exemption to the City’s noise control by-law. Queen’s had applied for an exemption for the sports fields on West Campus, including Richardson Stadium. The exemption would have allowed practices to run from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays and until 9 p.m. on weekends, with 24 days set aside to extend weekend practice to 11 p.m. The current by-law “prohibits noise from whistles and amplified sound at all times and noise from yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling, singing or the playing of musical instruments,” according to a report on the application to City Council. The application for exemption was met with protest from residents in the surrounding neighbourhood. Over 100 residents have expressed their objections in a petition circulated among the neighbourhood. Thirty-one residents expressed support for the exemption. The petition was delivered to Council on Tuesday. Council was expected to discuss and vote on the application, but before the meeting began, Mayor Mark Gerretsen informed the people gathered in the Council Room that the application had been withdrawn. Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Alan Harrison requested the withdrawal in a letter to Council, stating that Queen’s needed more time to balance the concerns of residents with the needs of athletics groups using the fields. “The University modified its original application based on comments from local residents, but we want to ensure that we are being as responsive as possible to the concerns of community members, as well as the needs of our user groups,” Harrison said in a press release issued by the University following Council Susan Reid, one of the residents protesting the noise exemption, had intended to make a presentation outlining the reasons that Queen’s should not receive the exemption. “I’m sure this is a strategic move by Queen’s, because they obviously felt that their chances of them See Nearby on page 7
Hockey eliminated, but women’s hoops wins OUA East Page 16
Alumna reveals sobering epidemic Award-winning journalist Ann Dowsett Johnston shares her book, ‘Drink’, with the Queen’s community B Y E MILY M ILLER Features Editor
was already a widely-acclaimed Canadian journalist and public policy advocate in 2007 when Success and alcoholism are two she discreetly excused herself words that seem as far removed from vice-presidency at McGill as night and day. Experience with University, to seek recovery both, however, is what led Ann from the same illness that had Dowsett Johnston to write the stolen years from her mother, and 2013 book, Drink: The Intimate tragically, the life of her father. Relationship between Women Successfully recovered, Dowsett and Alcohol. Johnston won the Atkinson Dowsett Johnston, ArtSci ’75, Fellowship in Public Policy in 2010,
leading to a 14-part series in the Toronto Star on the widespread, blossoming romance between women and alcohol. While her work as Atkinson Fellow made no mention of her personal struggle with alcohol, Dowsett Johnston has brought her own story to light in Drink, integrating her own memoir with extensive research on the growing trend of female
alcohol abuse. Prior to her visit to Queen’s on March 5, the Journal spoke with Dowsett Johnston on her new book, her lifelong exposure to alcoholism and how she beat the odds of addiction and came out on top — both as a professional and recovered alcoholic. See A on page 3
Inside this issue: PAGE 9
The crisis Student duo in Ukraine Devan and Khalid
Splendour PAGE 11
Results of health and safety survey page 2
Editorial Reviving the Tartan page 8
Baring it all for naked yoga page 20
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Friday, March 7, 2014
University releases health, safety survey results Student Health Survey states that over 83 per cent of Queen’s students don’t meet Canadian eating standards B y S ebastian L eck Assistant News Editor Around 76 per cent of Queen’s students don’t get the recommended amount of exercise and 83 per cent don’t meet Canadian healthy eating standards, according to a recent survey. The 2013 Student Health Survey, which was run by Queen’s Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS) in February, gathered information from students on their mental and physical health, including stress, alcohol use, quality of sleep and safety on campus. Queen’s was part of a group of 32 Canadian universities that conducted the survey, which was created by the American College Health Association. To gather the responses, HCDS sent out emails to a sample of 6,000 students. The survey saw 1,241 students respond, which is about a 20 per cent response rate. “That’s on par with what was expected, in what we’ve had in the past and generally what we see with these kinds of surveys,” said Kate Humphrys, the health promotion coordinator at HCDS. The survey found that a majority of students — 57 per cent — reported binge drinking in the last two weeks, and that sleepiness and stress affect the academic performance of many students. However, 89.6 per cent of students described their own health as “good”, “very good” or “excellent”. Humphrys said HCDS is particularly interested in the statistics around exercise as well as sleep. Roughly 17.5 per cent of students surveyed called sleepiness either a “big
we’re doing on campus,” Humphrys said. The survey found that only 54 per cent of female students felt “somewhat or very safe” at night in the Kingston community, compared to 84 per cent of male students. Humphrys said the survey also let students write about why they felt safe or unsafe on campus and in Kingston. “We overwhelmingly heard that off-campus lighting was an area that students had concerns with,” she said. Since the survey uses new questions, it can’t be compared to past surveys done at Queen’s, Humphrys said. However, she added that the next survey will let them compare trends. “We will be able to draw conclusions on Graphic supplied 80.9 per cent of students are willing to seek help for mental illness. trends when we do the survey again, which will be in 2016, or around that time,” she said. “It’s not a confirmed date at this time.” problem” or a “very big problem” while considered suicide. “This makes it clear to us that we need She said the data isn’t meant for just 16.3 per cent of students reported they had gotten a lower grade on a project or an exam to focus on mental health education and HCDS, but rather for use by the rest of the mental health awareness on campus,” Queen’s and Kingston communities as well. due to lack of sleep. “We need to be working together, students, “Sleep is important for students, because Humphrys said. However, she added, the survey also staff and faculty, to look at the areas that it really is an important part of your general well-being, in terms of mood and mental found that the majority of Queen’s have come out of this data and how we can students — 80.9 per cent — were willing to help students,” Humphrys said. health,” Humphrys said. According to the Canadian Physical seek help from a mental health professional Activity Guidelines, adults need 150 minutes if they needed it. “It’s a fantastic reflection of the work of exercise per week. Seventy-six per cent of students surveyed reported that they aren’t currently meeting this standard. CORRECTION The survey also asked students to report on mental health problems they had The former editor in chief of the Tartan is John Whittaker, not Nikolas Lopez. All experienced in the past 12 months. comments made by Lopez were actually said by Whittaker. Around 91 per cent of students reported they had felt overwhelmed by all Incorrect information appeared in the Feb. 28 issue of the Journal. The Journal regrets they had to do, 60.4 per cent reported the error. feeling overwhelming anxiety and 10 per cent reported that they had seriously
Students ages 15-29 APPLY TODAY!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Feature ‘A story that was waiting to be told’ Continued from page 1
What motivated write Drink?
I discovered I was the poster girl for my generation, meaning I was professional, well-educated — what we call “high-bottom”, meaning I hadn’t stolen a car, gone to jail or lost things in the way one obviously thinks when one’s missed work and one has a drinking problem. My mother was the poster girl for her era, which was the ’60s. She was a stay-at-home mum, mixed Valium and hard liquor, and was a very different portrait. So I wanted to communicate in a meaningful, and I hope moving way, what was going on in our culture now, what was especially going on in terms of the marketing from the alcohol industry, and the environment that we’re in and how much that’s changed. After your own experiences overcoming alcoholism, was it therapeutic for you to research the topic and write about it? Making the decision to do it was very hard, but once I decided, I was extremely comfortable and it was cathartic in the extreme. I’m a member of something called Faces and Voice of Recovery, which is quite a new group in Canada, trying to reduce the stigma around addiction, much as others have done for mental health. We are speaking out and exposing our faces and the faces of those in recovery, to say “this is what it looks like”. It’s not just that guy under the bridge drinking from a paper bag, but it can be professional, accomplished people who are really working on their recovery. Why do you think more and more females are finding themselves in “intimate relationships with alcohol”? I think there’s three reasons. Number one: we drink because we can. I think there’s a huge sense of entitlement. We drink because we’re coming home from busy jobs, we’re putting food on the table for families and it’s the easiest thing in the world to open a bottle of wine. Number two is women are 40 per cent more likely to suffer from depression, and that’s just depression, without going into anxiety, going into PTSD, but women definitely self-medicate
— so do men — but self-medicate with alcohol. It’s a legal drug; it’s very easy. Number three is we have been heavily marketed. Some time into the 1990s, the spirits industry noticed that … a whole gender was underperforming and that gender was female. So we saw the birth of the Alco-pop, or Mike’s Hard Lemonade, Smirnoff Ice — what I call “cocktails with training wheels” — that are “chick-beers”, steering women to vodka or tequila. What are the main reasons behind binge drinking for women, and how do these vary with age? Binge drinking for women is obviously much riskier than binge drinking for men, because we are much more susceptible to addiction, for biological and hormonal reasons. You see a real difference in the patterns of drinking. In your 20s, [there is] what is known as “the weekend warrior”, a motto which is binge drink on the weekend and maybe not so much during the week. We then see patterns in a woman’s 40s where she may not be binge drinking on the weekends, but she is drinking a fair amount on a daily basis. What is alarming is that we’re seeing an extraordinary pattern in women for risky drinking and an increase in risky drinking right across North America. In places like the UK, where drinking is much more extreme, you’re seeing young women in their 20s presenting with end-stage liver disease, which is classically an old man’s disease. How does female alcoholism differs from male alcoholism? Men tend to drink in social settings. If a male is developing a drinking problem, he may go to the bar, he may start hanging out with friends that he wouldn’t have hung out with before, but he is out at the bar. Women tend to drink in an isolated fashion. They tend to drink alone. I certainly did. They hide it. There’s a lot of shame involved with drinking and they isolate to quite a large degree. So it is an intimate relationship, it’s a one-on-one sort of thing. We’re very comfortable with common images of consumption, and so the message we send to people when they graduate from university is: know your wines, you’re sophisticated; hold your liquor, you’re mature. The truth of the matter is, this is a beverage
Photo By Charlotte Gagnier
Dowsett Johnston spoke at the final installment of the Queen’s Alumni Review’s Write Thinking Authors Series.
that has some implications in terms of health. Fifteen per cent of breast cancer cases are related to alcohol consumption. Considering females’ lower tolerance for alcohol, how are the ramifications of alcoholism different for women than they are for men? There are huge ramifications for alcoholism. For women, these are telescoped. In other words, it happens faster. So cognitive impairment comes faster, alcoholism comes earlier, liver disease comes faster, strokes come faster. We just aren’t built in such a resilient fashion when it comes to alcohol. You note the greater likelihood of drinking on a daily basis for women with university degrees; why do you think this is? [It] has to do with the fact that it’s affordable for that group, that it’s accessible for that group, that it’s seen as part of a sophisticated affluence. Often professional women going toe-to-toe with men in the workplace are following their habits, and I think it’s totally normalized. It’s important to note that men have always had more to drink than women have. The new story here is that women are catching up. Why have you chosen to analyze the topic of alcohol use and abuse through a gendered lens? I spent 30 years in the news business and my news instinct — I think correctly — said this
was an unreported issue. When I started reporting on it in 2010, people were surprised. They said it was an under-the-radar issue at the Toronto Star, and it was true. People weren’t talking about it, so I feel some pleasure in the fact that I brought this subject to light with the Atkinson Fellowship. While at Queen’s, did you drink in a manner which enabled you to foresee your later relationship with alcohol? No. If there was anything that happened at Queen’s that foretold what might happen, it was the initiation of my experience with depression. I drank in my 50s to numb depression and my onset of depression was during my years at Queen’s. These are the years of onset for many mental health issues, and I think it’s very common for people to self-medicate with alcohol in university years. The two are inextricably linked, even to the point that heavy consumption of alcohol can confuse diagnosis, can confuse prescriptions and render them ineffective. So if we’re talking about mental health — and Queen’s has been a leader in terms of talking about mental health — we have to include the conversation about alcohol at the same time. Your biography notes that your career was at its prime when alcoholism led you to seek rehabilitation. How did it feel to be viewed by others as very successful while you struggled in private? I was afraid I was going to fall down the same bunny hole as
my mother and lose decades and, because of that, I took myself to a very expensive facility in the States, because I wanted a lot of privacy and I wanted a lot of anonymity. Was that the right choice? I’m not sure. I don’t think I needed, frankly, to have gone as far, and to such an expensive place as I did, and I think that at the time, my fiercest wish was to recover quickly and to recover in privacy. So I took myself out of the workforce for three years to ensure that I was [recovered]. Was there one specific turning point when you accepted your alcoholism and developed a desire to overcome it? My cousin was killed by a drunk driver in 2007 and I decided to quit drinking and found that I couldn’t. I was appalled. I realized immediately that I was in really terrible trouble and it was very lonely. It was very lonely because I isolated myself to get well. What has the public response to your book been like, and how have you felt about this? I know multiple people who are sober because of the book — women who’ve read the book and realize they have a problem and have either sought help through me or through others. It has been the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done — by far, my happiest experience, and it’s definitely the thing of which I’m most proud. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. Graphic By MICHAELLA fORTUNE
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Friday, March 7, 2014
ConEd enrolment to get cut in half The Faculty of Education has announced it will cut admissions to its Concurrent Education program by 50 per cent B y Vincent B en M atak C hloe S obel Journal Staff
Queen’s, Trent University and the Rebecca Luce-Kapler, associate University of Waterloo. dean of graduate studies and The two programs admit research at the Faculty of Education, students in equal proportions, stated that the Bachelor program Changes made by the government and the existing concurrent would become “programmatically of Ontario have prompted Queen’s student intake more than fills imbalanced and fiscally non-viable” to cut the number of funded places the spaces available under the if it did not reduce admissions. in the Concurrent Education government’s changes. In 2014, the Faculty will reduce program by half. In response to the changes, and enrolment from the Trent pathway The provincial government the high number of concurrent by 50 students, from the Queen’s announced in spring 2013 that students, the Faculty of Education pathway by 25 and from other it would extend Bachelor of has decided to lower the number external pathways by 100. In Education programs from two of concurrent students it will admit 2015, all admissions from external semesters to four. It also reduced in the future. pathways will be suspended for two years. “We have had a long and successful relationship with our partner institutions, but the government-mandated changes need to be implemented,” Luce-Kapler said. “A temporary suspension of admissions via our external pathways will give us the opportunity to evaluate how our education programming can be best executed in this new external context.” Despite enrolment cuts, the Faculty will employ the same number of faculty members. The first year that all students in the Faculty of Education will be enrolled in the new program is 2019. “Until then, we will be offering two programs — our current program for the concurrent JOURNAL FILE PHOTO students who enrolled before As a result of the enrolment cut, the Faculty of Education is expected to lose 50 per cent of the 2015 start date and the its revenue. and
the number of funded student spaces by half. These changes were made in response to an oversupply of teachers in Ontario, with the goal of cutting graduation rates by half. Queen’s currently sponsors an education program consisting of both consecutive and concurrent education students. The consecutive program is one year; the concurrent program is five. Queen’s admits concurrent students through pathways at
new extended program for consecutive students and new concurrent applicants.” The Faculty of Education will likely struggle with revenue after these cuts are made, she said. Decreased enrolment leads to decreased tuition, and the government has cut funding by 33 per cent. “It’s difficult to say at this point what the net outcome will be, but we are looking at strategies to increase revenue in other ways,” Luce-Kapler said. Incoming Rector Mike Young said the cuts could bring negative outcomes for students’ learning experience; however, he predicted some positive results. “In a way it could benefit the program itself,” Young, ConEd ’15, said. “Rather than stretching our resources thin and trying to do things in different pockets of Ontario in lesser capacities, we are concentrating our resources here and doing what we do really well.” He said that the cutback would make the program more competitive, as well as positioning Queen’s as a “premier” program. “This cutback will help to ensure that we have the most qualified student teachers who are best equipped to tackle the educational issues of the day,” he said.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Guest speaker
Former Prime Minister talks policy Joe Clark lectures at Grant Hall on Tuesday about increasing Canada’s international presence B y J acquelyn P latis Contributor The Right Honourable Joe Clark, the 16th Prime Minister of Canada, came to campus this past Tuesday to give the 2014 Sheila Skelton Menzies Lecture. At the talk, Clark emphasized the need for Canada to establish more connections with the Third World. He argued it’s the only way Canada will remain relevant on the international political sphere. The Sheila Skelton Menzies Lectures are organized to promote discussion on international relations and Canadian foreign policy on campus. The lecture, held in Grant Hall, was presented by the Centre for International and Defence Policy in partnership with the department of political studies. The lecture, titled “How We Lead: Canada in a Century of Change”, focused on Canada’s need for strong international
alliances in the 21st Century. It was the second time that Clark had been on campus, his first being 37 years ago. “No country in the world is better [at] respecting and managing diversity then Canada,” he said. Clark expanded upon potential partners for Canada in the future, one of which is Indonesia. By 2030, Clark said, the middle class of the country will consist of 90 million consumers. “Canadian direct investment and trade is greatest in Indonesia,” he said. With the growth of the relationship, he continued, the gap between the Third World photo by arwin ch an and the West will be diminished. Clark says Canada should increase its ties to countries like Indonesia. He then went on to speak specifically of alliances and how they are shaped by country that prospers by conversation that always be the United States’ best friend, Clark said, and we are a part of a large world the time. leads to action, Clark said. Though the internet has empowered International groups like NATO, the G8 that has immense interest in them. “Canadian ties with the US have become people to become more global and and OECD are highly relevant, but they complicated,” he said. independent, Canada is an established aren’t for Canada’s future, he added. In response to an exchange student’s Canadians need to focus on improving their relationships with other international question on whether or not a Canadian communities, or else Canada could become alliance with China could form, Clark said that Canada needs to encourage equality in an international gated community. China instead of lecturing from afar. “Consider the alternatives,” he said. Clark added Canada has a responsibility After the lecture, Clark opened the room up for discussion, where he responded to to maintain a strong stance on climate change queries about Canadian ties with other global and migration, given its global position. “This is not an issue that can be put aside,” superpowers, as well as his views on past and he said. future stereotypes of Canada. “Characteristics are quite deeply engrained in Canada,” he said. We took it for granted that we would
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Five honoured with Tricolour Award Non-athletic extracurricular contributions recognized through induction to Tricolour Society B Y N ATASA B ANSAGI Staff Writer Five students have been honoured with the Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award this year in recognition of their exceptional contribution to the university. Nominations take place in the fall of each year and are reviewed by a selection committee chaired by the Queen’s Rector in late January. The recipients were announced on Feb. 13. The award recognizes non-athletic extracurricular contributions to the University. It includes induction into the Tricolour Society and is considered the highest commendation a student can achieve in this category. Mark Asfar, ArtSci ’14 Since his first year at Queen’s, Asfar has been deeply involved in the AMS and the Queen’s Debating Union (QDU). He is currently the Administration Manager at the Student Life Centre and a member of QDU, where he previously served as the 168th Socials Director and 169th Equity Officer.
His extensive list of contributions includes a part-time job as a campus tour guide and involvement with one of the SSHRC’s research projects this year. Asfar will be returning to Queen’s for law school in the fall. “You can’t pull me away from this tricolour, crazy-spirited community — I just love it too much,” he said. “I hope to do the award justice — I’m not going to stop now. I am going to keep contributing and trying to give back to the community because I think Queen’s is great and that’s what we should do if we want to be a part of this family.” Jessica Searle, Nurs ’14 Searle played a critical role in the leadership and development of the Nursing Science Society during her term as president in 2013. She formalized the Society, its proceedings and created three new positions including a speaker and two internship roles for first years. During her presidency, the School of Nursing received the highest level of accreditation from the College of Nurses of Ontario, something it will maintain for the next seven years. Searle said her most important
contribution was advocating for students. She is currently the ThankQ Champion for the Nursing class of 2014, an initiative that aims to raise money for the Jack Project at Queen’s. “It’s the biggest honour I think I have ever received,” she said. “My primary nominators were the two students in the internship roles that I created, so that was very humbling to have first years nominate me for this.” Naheed Yaqubian, JD ’14 Yaqubian is president of the Law Students’ Society and founder of The Happiness Project, a peer support resource. She founded and witnessed the ratification of the Law Students Society of Ontario, an Ontario-wide advocacy body aiming to address the academic and professional needs of law students in an evolving profession. Yaqubian will be working at a top labour and employment law firm in Toronto after graduation. “I think in all of the different things that I do, I’ve always wanted to be some sort of advocate for other people, I think that theme sort of resonates throughout other things that I’ve done, whether it’s advocating for other students with The Happiness Project, or with the Law Students Society of Ontario,”
Digvijay Mehra, ArtSci ’14 she said. “I’m very excited to receive [this award], but I’ve had a really, really Mehra is the first ever re-elected great time here at Queen’s, and this President of the Queen’s is sort of like the icing on the cake.” International Affairs Association (QIAA) and previously served on the Model UN team’s executive. Isabelle Duchaine, ArtSci ’14 Under his leadership, QIAA has Following her position as AMS successfully grown to one of the Academic Affairs Commissioner largest clubs within the AMS. He is the founder of Effective last year, Duchaine is currently a Faculty of Arts and Science Altruists at Queen’s and has Senator, the Student Senate Caucus also been involved in the Chair and co-chair of the politics Queen’s University Liberal Association and the Queen’s Department Student Council. Her contributions have primarily South Asian Association (QSAA). Mehra said his most been in academic development and institutional structures, and some important contribution was QSAA’s Holi of her current work centres around spearheading program closure policy and the Colourfest, a celebration of the establishment of departmental festival of colours. “I’ve really kind of lobbied curriculum committees. “It was the most incredible for more club autonomy, for experiential learning opportunity the AMS to really take the clubs that a politics student could have community more seriously — actually writing, developing, and and give it the resources passing (hopefully) policies that and respect that it deserves,” meant a lot to portions of your he said. “As a result of my being community,” she said. “Hopefully, the kind of recognized for this award, it’s recognition that myself and the almost as if the clubs community is other people are getting this year being recognized.” from the award inspires other people to get involved, because I always say there’s a lot of ways you can effect change at Queen’s, and a lot of ways you can build your community.”
From left to right: Mark Asfar, Jessica Searle, Naheed Yaqubian, Isabelle Duchaine and Digvijay Mehra.
NEWS IN BRIEF Queen’s students participate Brain Injury Awareness Week Brain Injury Awareness Week occurs in March this year, and Queen’s students are informing elementary school students about dangers that are associated with brain injuries. Queen’s launched Brain Day nine years ago, during which students from the department of psychology and the department of life sciences, as well as the Faculty of Medicine, organize visits to classrooms. Brain Day is also a part of the charity Parachute, which aims to prevent injuries through safety awareness. Local organization ThinkFirst Canada is also a part of Parachute. Around 150 Queen’s students participated this year, with the group planning to reach 46 different classrooms in the Kingston area. The program began during the last week of February
inclusive community. The Queen’s Black Academic Society (QBAS) was given the Employment Equity Award for its mission to improve the Queen’s experience for black students — Olivia Bowden on campus. This was done through QBAS Human Rights and Equity Office providing mentoring to students as well as relationship building hand out awards between staff and faculty. QBAS On Wednesday, the Human also organizes events to discuss Rights Office and the Equity current or past issues that are Office, alongside the Council on relevant to the black community Employment Equity, handed out at Queen’s. awards to congratulate those in CFRC Radio received the the Queen’s community who have Human Rights Initiative Award for worked to further equity, human offering diverse programming on their station, 101.9 FM. rights and accessibility at Queen’s. The station features talk pieces Irene Bujara, director of the Human Rights Office, said it’s about human rights issues on a not easy to create an environment broad and local level, including that is focused on equity, music and news from several as it involved a lot of hard different cultures. Accessibility Hub coordinator, work from all members of Andrew Ashby, received the Steve the community. She said those awarded Cutway Accessibility Award for were able to overcome creating a better environment at barriers to create a more Queen’s for those who have been and will continue through March, excluding March break. The presentations aim to show the importance of wearing a helmet, and using one properly.
diagnosed with a disability. He created the Accessibility Hub, an online resource available to the Queen’s community that informs individuals about policies and practices regarding disability initiatives. — Olivia Bowden New Queen’s study tackles colon cancer Queen’s is conducting a new trial to determine whether exercise could improve the rate that which colon cancer is cured, and if it could increase the quality of life for those who deal with the disease. NCIC Clinical Trials Group is leading the study, entitled CHALLENGE. Three-hundred patients are currently participating in the program, and the study is aiming to increase those numbers to 962. The norm with colon cancer
patients would be to follow them for three years after the six months of chemotherapy, and have them complete CT scans and blood tests to determine whether the cancer will return. Within the trial, some patients will follow this standard, along with a book that encourages them to exercise. Another group of patients will complete the same tests but will also be given a physical activities consultant (PAC). The PAC will prescribe exercise to the patient and monitor their exercise, as well as their exercise history. If the trial proves that exercise can help improve the survival rate for colon cancer, providing a PAC for survivors would be part of the standard treatment that patients receive. — Olivia Bowden
Friday, March 7, 2014
Students collaborate at Startup Summit Queen’s Startup Summit saw 87 students participate and $8,000 awarded for top three ideas were amongst the roster. This year’s first place winner was Aadvark Analytics, an app for Google Plus, iOS and Android that allowed doctors portable access to patients’ information. The second place winner was FindMe, an app that uses bluetooth between cell phones to help people locate their friends in a crowd. Third place went to Consumalytics, a software that provided target marketing for apps. Other non-tech focused ideas were an eco-filtration system for water, and a bracelet for distance runners that can alert the runner to speed up or slow down in order to achieve target running time. The top three teams from the competitions were awarded $8,000 in total. Stefan Eylott, CompSci ’14 and co-chair of QSS, envisioned the summit to help build an entrepreneurial feel within Queen’s supplied by QSS Facebook page Delegates flesh out their startup idea at last weekend’s summit. and across Canada. Approximately 30 per cent of the delegates were B y S tyna Tao minute. The top 11 ideas were non-tech members. non-Queen’s students. Staff Writer chosen via an online survey Throughout the next two “When I attended (QSS) last year, completed by the delegates. days, the teams worked to create it got me very excited about startups, Students from various faculties The summit began on Feb. 28 the product and put together a and I want to show people the came together to develop, design and wrapped up on March 2. presentation that they presented to great startup community,” he said. and promote their new innovative Approximately 87 students from judges on the last day. Eylott said he saw QSS as an product ideas at the second annual across Canada participated. QSS’ panel of judges consisted opportunity for students to work Queen’s Startup Summit (QSS) The delegates with the winning of top executives and professionals across faculties and develop a last weekend. ideas became team leaders and in the startup and technology field. sense of community. Delegates The summit started with formed teams with the remaining This year, the managing director to the summit were from varied students pitching ideas for start-up delegates, who took on roles of of Extreme Startup, the CEO of faculties like Engineering and companies on a stage for one developer, designer and general Tunezy and co-founders of Boxit Applied Sciences, Commerce, Arts
Nearby noise sparked outrage classes and practice. affect those of another. “Practice time for teams [is] “If a practice cut-off was to occur, actually making that big a grab key to their success. Since we are that would cause the practices tonight was not going to happen,” student athletes, classes occupy a of the other teams that use the student-athlete’s time during the fields earlier in the day to maybe she said. cut down their time on the field, In the speech that she was day,” Wiggan, ArtSci ’14, said. “Practices that stretch to 11 p.m. negatively affecting them. So there unable to present to Council, Reid wrote, “This exemption are sometimes the only option is a ripple effect from this by-law,” will remove all legal protection available to teams if they want an Wiggan said. for city residents from excessive effective practice.” He cautioned that a time limit noise during virtually all waking hours, and hands the authority on practices for one team could for compliance and regulation to the very administrators whose management decisions have created the current situation.” Reid referred to Queen’s as a “property developer … whose business happens to be education” and argued that Queen’s hadn’t done enough to limit noise before seeking an exemption. “Queen’s identified a number of strategies likely to help reduce their noise, and not one of them requires a noise exemption to be implemented.” Reid noted that the residents’ problem was not with the students using the field, but with the administration that put them there. “We don’t have a problem with the students or the athletes per se … they have to be aware they are in a residential neighborhood. Behave accordingly,” she said. Derek Wiggan, the defensive lineman for the Gaels football team, supported the idea of an exemption, citing the difficult time file photo management involved in juggling An athlete practices on the field near Richardson Stadium. Continued from page 1
and Science and the School of Computing. “We build teams of people who haven’t known each other before and bring the faculties together,” he said. According to Eylott, one of the big highlights this year was when members of a team were offered positions at the Business Instincts Group company, because a representative saw that their proposed product aligned with his company’s work. The summit was not without complications, however. One team parted ways early on in the competition, forcing members to join other teams or form a new team. There were also concerns of students bringing existing business ideas to the competition and an imbalance of delegates in roles. “We struggled to bring in developers,” Eylott said. “We are looking to host a hack-a-thon for next year to generate interest for developers before the summit.” For next year and beyond, QSS plans to lead workshops before the summit to teach people more about start-ups. Organizers also want to invite more students from universities across Canada to create more appeal for the event. “It also helps put Queen’s name out there from the attention we get,” Eylott said.
Campus Calendar Saturday, March 8
Steven Maynard
“Women Do Peace” Conference
School of Kinesiology & Health Studies building, Room 100 4 — 5p.m.
Keynote speaker: Ema Paris Providence Spirituality Centre 1200 Princess St. 9 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 8 — Sunday, March 9
Film Screening: Slaughterhouse-Five The Grad Club 162 Barrie St. 6p.m. Wednesday, March 12
Queen’s Media and Journalism Conference
Kingston Fronts vs. Barrie Colts
John Deutch University Centre All Day $50 fee due today
K-Rock Centre 7p.m. — 9:30p.m. $14 — $17 students, $20 —24 adults
Sunday, March 9 — Friday, March 14
Thursday, March 13
QPID 5 Days for the Homeless University and Union Intersection All week Monday, March 10 “An Adventure in Fairyland: Gender & Sexual Non-Conformity” Guest Speaker Professor
“State, Stigma, and Liberation: The Politics of Budhan Theatre’s Performance in India” Guest speaker: Dakxin Bajrange Mackintosh Corry Hall Rm. D214 1 p.m. — 2:30 p.m.
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Editorial Board Editors in Chief
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Friday, March 7, 2014
Editorials — The Journal’s Perspective
“If editorial autonomy is the intention, it should be carried out. ”
student journalism
Tartan needs kick in ASUS Despite this year’s hurdles, whoever setting. Fledgling outlets like the ends up managing the Tartan next Tartan should be nurtured rather year should work hard to fulfill than abandoned if only because the the publication’s potential as a current campus media landscape is relatively sparse. campus institution. While the Tartan has become Last Thursday, the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society notorious in certain circles for (ASUS) Assembly voted in favour its lack of content, this notoriety of keeping their comatose online doesn’t extend beyond the student news source, the Tartan, running media and student government for another year. The outfit has “bubbles”. For this reason, ASUS published little content over the Assembly’s decision to keep the past year and its future was in Tartan’s current name was correct as its brand hasn’t been tarnished question before Thursday’s vote. If the Tartan gets up and in the eyes of most students. The way forward for the Tartan running, it will represent healthy competition for the Journal and lies in developing a clear mandate, other media organizations on as well as structures, policies and campus. Competition will improve a hiring process conducive to media content and could result in long-term success. The Journal a wider variety of perspectives on benefits from an “institutional memory” derived from 140 years campus issues. Student newspapers and of existence. Crucially, the Journal’s magazines represent vital Editors in Chief are elected rather opportunities for writing, visual than hired, a key element of its arts and collaboration in a social editorial autonomy.
Editorial autonomy continues to be an outstanding issue for the Tartan. It can’t claim to be autonomous if it continues to hire former ASUS executives as editors. If editorial autonomy is the intention, it should be carried out in practice. The Tartan’s challenges are not insurmountable. Queen’s TV is an example of a campus media outlet that has made huge strides in the space of a year. The Tartan’s new leadership should consult with other on-campus media organizations so it can draw on the experience of those who have overseen successful turnarounds and implemented effective policies. Last Thursday, ASUS Assembly saved the Tartan from disappearing completely. Now, the publication needs diligent oversight. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. — Journal Editorial Board
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Friday, March 7, 2014 • Issue 36 • Volume 141
The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2014 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus applicable taxes). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Ave., Kingston, ON, K7L 3P4 Telephone: 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 37 of Volume 141 will be published on Friday, March 14, 2014
illustration by Katherine Boxall
Student cheating is expected
No one should be surprised that large numbers of university students cheat on assignments and tests. A CBC News story from last Tuesday presented the results from a survey of 54 Canadian universities that showed that more than 7,000 students were punished for cheating in 2011-12. The article also noted that surveys of students show that more than 50 per cent admit to cheating. These results are completely predictable as the modern university environment virtually guarantees a substantial amount of cheating. Large class sizes mean that professors can’t accurately gauge the integrity of student work. Online quizzes induce cheating because students have virtually no checks on their behaviour when completing them.
When students are confronted with the menial labour of a first-year university course, they know that they’ll get little in terms of life experience or genuine education from studying. As a result, some often gain more real world skills in the collaborative process of cheating in concert with their classmates than they do from actually completing course work. There are still other reasons that students are motivated to cheat. Some are simply unprepared or unsuited for university and should reconsider their choice to attend at all. Others are fully committed to their program but find it so competitive that cheating becomes an understandable remedy. At a certain point, especially in particular faculties and classes and on particular assignments and tests, the notion that many people are
cheating leads some to believe that not cheating will leave them at a significant disadvantage. A modern university education is one that is often undertaken in order to build a resume. Moreover, students face constant reminders that the current job market is tough and high marks should be sought at all costs. There’s only so much selfishness that can be absorbed without it being taken to its logical conclusion — cheating. Cheating has always been a part of the university experience, but it shouldn’t surprise anyone if it’s on the rise. Structural changes like large class sizes, more online courses and greater competition should be understood as the cause of any increase in cheating. — Journal Editorial Board
Katherine Boxall
Don’t restrain It seems counterproductive to me that our conventional dating practices revolve around maintaining emotional restraint and preventing perceptions that we’re too available. While efforts to “play hard to get” undoubtedly spark romantic curiosity and short-term desire, they also quite literally make you hard to get. In reality, showing vulnerability is attractive because it allows the other person to feel safe being vulnerable. So why, then, are we trying to prevent individuals whom we want to be attracted to us from seeing something that has the potential to be extremely endearing? Yet the benefit of hiding our emotions is clear: showing any kind of vulnerability puts us or our egos at risk for getting hurt. This popular means of seduction is limiting, however, because emotional restraint isn’t an effective means for fostering close relationships. Restraint of emotions allows us to control the situation, or so we think, because we are waiting to let ourselves be emotionally invested once — and only once — the other person reassures us that our feelings won’t be hurt. Effortful restraint of our emotions, however, requires that we first admit to ourselves that we have an impulse or desire in need of control. Therefore, it seems to me that our restraint is evidence that we’re already emotionally invested. Is the dating “game” really just a matter of seducing the other person into showing vulnerability first? If you say you don’t show vulnerability because you genuinely don’t care, I believe you. I do wonder where the defensive nature surrounding “what we care about” derives from. Did you, perhaps, appraise caring about something as a bad thing and even offensive? That “something”, by the way, being another human being’s feelings, emotions or desires. I believe we’re implicitly taught to judge caring about others as not only embarrassing, but also demeaning. How are we expected to develop meaningful relationships when we are encouraged to be emotionally guarded? While our egos need acceptance and love, they prevent us from achieving just that. It becomes imperative to define what winning the “game” entails for us personally. Whether it’s a short-term romance, a self-esteem boost, satisfying our curiosity or a long-term relationship, without understanding our end goal, we’re putting ourselves at risk of emotional failure. Katherine is the Journal’s editorial illustrator. She’s a third-year Fine Arts student.
Talking heads
Let Ukraine gain its own future Pay attention to Ukraine for its struggles, not just because of foreign involvement
STEPHEN GELLNER, ARTSCI ’14 With Russia’s occupation of Crimea, Ukraine has become a hot topic of conversation worldwide for all the wrong reasons. Ukrainians have been battling against corruption and the current round of violence is the result of years of frustration. This is what Ukrainians should be in the news for — the fight against corruption — not Russia’s unilateral takeover of Crimea. Right now, more than 15,000 Russian troops have entered the Crimean Peninsula and, with the aid of pro-Russian militia, have taken over regional administrations of major cities and some military bases. There are tense standoffs between Ukrainian military forces and Russian troops across Crimea. On at least one occasion, Russian troops fired warning shots over the heads of Ukrainian troops on patrol. With self-defense groups forming among Russians, pro-Ukrainian Tatars and local Ukrainians, these mounting tensions require just one incident to spark a civil war and potential Russian invasion into Ukraine. It’s time to say enough to foreign interventions into their sovereign affairs. If we just let Ukrainians decide for themselves, then they’ll find their place in this world. Ukrainians from all sides of the spectrum are angry and a brief look at history shows why. In 2004, millions of Ukrainians took
the capital to the streets to protest the independent media, fighting fled fraudulent election of Viktor corruption, ending oligarchies, for Russia, while the Parliament Yanukovych. After weeks of writing strict financial policies deemed him unfit to carry out protest in what came to be called and respecting human rights his duties and impeached the “Orange Revolution,” a with freedom of speech and him in a non-confidence vote. new election was called association — things we take for Constitutional reforms were implemented, political prisoners and Viktor Yuschenko was granted here in Canada. The possibility of EU integration were freed and a new government proclaimed President. The 2008 global financial crisis was seen as an inclusion into a was formed, with new elections set hit Ukraine harder than most community of nations and a chance for May 25. This polarized Ukrainian and the disillusioned public at a normal life. Ukrainians don’t elected Yanukovych legitimately just need the economic advantages society, with rallies now being held of the EU system, but also the in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, in 2010. Corruption was rampant, changes to their everyday lives. where many want closer ties with cases of money laundering, Rejection of this deal and joining with Russia. Yanukovych, who jailing opposition leaders, beating Russia will only mean more of the still believes he’s the legitimate president, calls the protests up journalists and intimidating same problems. The regime of Viktor “a coup” and asked for Russia judges. Yanukovych’s son accumulated $200 million in Yanukovych offered none of to intervene to stabilize the two years, and Yanukovych these things and only sought to situation. The upper house himself mysteriously acquired drive Ukraine closer to Russia, of Russian Parliament gave a massive palatial estate which doesn’t care about the Putin unanimous support to with a private yacht club, corruption of Ukrainian society. It’s use military force to restore man-made lake, golf club and very telling that Ukrainians peace in Crimea. The 2004 Orange Revolution are so willing to stand outside golden toilets. In November of last year, and demand changes that they was symbolic for breaking off Yanukovych refused to sign feel are due to them, even in the from a past of corruption and a free trade agreement with middle of winter. The protests stolen elections. Now, Ukraine’s the European Union (EU), symbolize the national will of the protestors are seeking to build a accepting a deal with Ukrainian people, who seek a bridge into the future, one where human rights are respected, Russia for $15 billion in better life. Where these people march, so individuals are valued and the rule bailouts instead. After years of disappointment, to does Ukraine — and it has of law is a reality. Ukrainian youths have been this deal was the last straw for always been theirs to decide, to many Ukrainians, who once accept things as they are, most vocal in their support for again took to the streets, numbering or to push ahead to the future. European integration. They If Russia invades Ukraine, weren’t around to see the hundreds of thousands. Joining the EU was never then it robs Ukrainians of a problems of the Soviet Union, just about the economic chance to mediate their own but they’re aware of the potential from free trade. The affairs. A Russian invasion consequences, one they seek to put EU would only let Ukraine will only galvanize the aside forever. join t h e m radical opposition, further It’s cliché, but Ukraine does if they were to overhaul polarizing society. stand at a crossroads in its their political and For months, Ukrainians have history. It’s time to let Ukrainians economic system. stood their ground and have decide their own future. Let These reforms would paid for it with too many democracy come to these include l i b e r a l i z i n g lives — but lives lost in a people, let the people of Crimea markets, forming an worthy fight. and Kyiv, Western Ukraine and independent Things began Eastern Ukraine determine their judiciary and an to unravel a n d own fates. Yanukovych
... around campus PHOTOS BY ERIN SYLVESTER
Should last call at bars be pushed to 4 a.m.?
“Yeah, if people want to stay out that late. ” KEN TAYLOR, ARTSCI ’14
“No, because that’s cruel to the employees.” SHANNON DUANE, ARTSCI ’15
“Yeah, because there would be more time to be on the dance floor.” JACKIE PARE, COMM ’14
“As a night person, that would work for me, but it might not not be conducive to a fun or safe evening for everyone.” ALEX HARVEY, SCI ’13
Protesters fill Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine to demonstrate against corruption in the country.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR DON’T DISCOUNT PERSONAL CHOICE Re: “Duke porn star is ahead of her time” Dear Editor, Your editorial, “Duke porn star ahead of her time,” prioritizes societal opinion over personal choice. This concern for societal opinion conflicts with the views
in previous editorials. In “Bored with boor Ford,” the editorial board condemns Rob Ford for his lack of support for the LGBT people prior to the Sochi Games. Despite the status of the LGBT people as historically oppressed, the editorial board still vindicates their individual right to express their sexuality through their criticism of Rob Ford. As a result of this acceptance for personal choice, it is disappointing
that the editorial board does not accept the individual decision of the Duke porn star and instead suggests that she submit to society’s aversion to performing pornography until society becomes more accepting. If we had applied this attitude to the LGBT people, then there would have been no recognition of their rights prior to the Sochi Games. Since pushing societal boundaries is the primary way
of gaining acceptance, then the Duke porn star should be able to exercise her personal choices in order to create a society in which women are not slut-shamed for performing work which is consumed by the masses. Tamarra Wallace, ArtSci ’16
Want to contribute to opinions? Agree or disagree with our content? Send opinions editorial pitches and letters to the editor to journal_letters@
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Friday, March 7, 2014
Friday, March 7, 2014
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Giller Prize winner comes to campus Acclaimed author Lynn Coady speaks to the Journal about her plans for a future in television B y B rent M oore Arts Editor For the past seven years, the English department has sent off graduating students with the help of a great Canadian author. This year, it’s Lynn Coady. Coady’s collection of short stories Hellgoing won the 2013 Giller Prize. Her 2011 book The Antagonist was shortlisted for the award. She is also the Senior Editor of Eighteen Bridges magazine. The Giller Prize is awarded each year to a Canadian author for a novel or short story collection published in English. Past winners include Alice Munro, Michael Ondaatje, Margaret Atwood and Mordecai Richler. Coady recently spoke to the Journal about her interest in TV writing and her literary interests as an undergrad. You recently completed a writing for TV program at the Canadian Film Centre. What led you to that? I was feeling like it was time to branch out creatively. I wanted to be working with people and collaborating, meeting people with lots of new and different skills. It was a tonic because it was all about collaborating, not just collaborating with one other
person, but with maybe seven other people. We worked in the ‘TV mode’ of creativity, which is a way I haven’t worked before, where you talk about a story together as a group: building the story, creating the characters and the whole world where the story takes place. It’s kind of an amazing process. Coming from a fiction background, does the lack of creative control in TV writing bother you? No, not if you understand going in that this is not your baby. I’ve worked on my own labours of love for many years and nobody messes with those because that’s my project and I have the final say. But in the TV world there’s not that preciousness. It’s more about doing a job. I guess it’s the difference between art and craft. You’re working together to get a job done and you want to do it as well as you can, but at the same time you understand that you don’t necessarily have creative ownership of that story. In an interview with Jian Ghomeshi after winning the Giller Prize you mentioned how nervous you were about speaking live onstage. Has this changed in the last few months with all the publicity you’ve been getting?
It has actually because I’ve been doing so much speaking — a lot of off-the-cuff pitching of shows and pitching of myself to a certain extent. I’ve always been the kind of person who needs to digest information, go off and think about it — and then I come up with something to say about it. The TV writing room does not allow for that mode of creativity. I’ve had to get used to speaking off-the-cuff and trusting my instinctual judgments to speak up before I’ve really had the chance to go off and think. It’s been really interesting that way and I do feel like I’ve developed a whole new skillset.
I think that anyone who works in publishing will tell you that short story collections just don’t sell in the same way that novels do. And that’s kind of an economic
fact that we can’t do anything about, unfortunately. You work in publishing. Did the See Giller on page 14.
You called short fiction the red-headed stepchild of publishing because it doesn’t sell well. Do you see this changing any time soon? To be honest, no, I don’t think it will. There’s always going to be superstars of short fiction like Alice Munro and Lorrie Moore and those books will sell because people know who those authors are and they have a certain brand. People just know they are going to get incredible writing when they buy those books. But for the most part, if you look at books simply as a product,
Coady’s public speaking skills are catching up to her writing.
Civil war in the living room Theatre Mies debuts inaugural show B y J ustin S antelli Assistant Arts Editor The EP was released while Glover (left) was in England on exchange.
Taking the plunge together Student duo release three-song EP, an homage to Kingston B y F ilza N aveed Staff Writer Don’t be afraid to take your first plunge into the passion that drives you. That’s the advice Khalid Yassein and Devan Glover give to anyone ready to pursue their dreams. This Town, the duo’s debut EP, encompasses that passion and indicates how the band pushed themselves to pursue their dreams. “The EP is a little bit of an homage to Kingston. Devan and I met in Kingston, and created music here together and this place has
been a huge part of our lives ever since we came to Queen’s,” Yassein, ArtSci ’15, said. “Most of the songs are written about memories, people and feelings we’ve had in Kingston and how it’s become our home in the last few years.” Both Yassein and Glover said they feel the EP is about intimacy and simplicity, and that it can speak to people in the different ways that make them human. The idea for the band was conceived here in the city. “We met through mutual friends at Queen’s, and we just started getting together and doing covers and practicing once in a while.
Eventually we got serious about it, and started doing shows ,” Glover, ArtSci ’15, said. “We started with open mics, and then began booking shows. Then we grew more serious and started producing our own music.” Yassein often records melodies on his phone and sends them to Glover. “Before the album, we spent a couple of hours every day in my room just recording little things on my phone to see what sounded good in terms of instruments and the layout of the song, and that was when they really came together as you hear them on the album,” See Common on page 14.
A new Kingston-based stage company, Theatre Mies, makes a bold debut this week at the Artel with its production of Abi Morgan’s Splendour. Set in an unnamed European city mired in a violent civil war, the action takes place inside the mansion of a dictator. Splendour is not about that dictator, however, and the audience never meets him. Instead, the play focuses on four women whose lives are all tied to him by the suffering he has caused. There is Kathryn, an American photojournalist, brutally cynical because it is the only way to functionally cope with the death she must document; Gilma, her working-class translator, who harbours no illusions about the future her socioeconomic circumstance or soldier boyfriend hold; Micheleine, the dictator’s wife, tasked with entertaining these two strangers while they wait for her husband; and Micheleine’s lifelong friend Genevieve, called over primarily to serve as Micheleine’s
own outlet on which to take out her frustrations, all while struggling to cope with the death of a loved one. As the day goes on and the sounds of war grow louder and closer, tension in the room builds and the audience sees the events of the day replay from a variety of subjective viewpoints. Rapid-fire dialogue, asides directed at the audience and a complete absence of chronological linearity combine to form something quite feverish. At times, watching Splendour can feel like bearing witness to four different people’s fractured memories of the same event all at once. It’s a testament to Theatre Mies’ skill and dedication that they manage to pull it off. Director Chris Blackwell’s minimal, claustrophobic staging is well-suited to the tension-based nature of the play, but even more so to the venue — the Artel’s performance space becomes Micheleine’s living room, and you as an audience member are in there with the characters as the action See Fracture on page 14.
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Friday, March 7, 2014
Off-Broadway classic comes to Kingston King’s Town Players successfully branches out into traditional musical comedy with I Love You B y D iana A nton Contributor A successful first attempt at a musical comedy, I Love you, You’re Perfect, Now Change is a clear indication of the quality of work
that is to come this year. The show is the newest addition to the King’s Town Players arsenal. It’s about different people trying to form meaningful connections and all the joy, awkwardness and butterflies that come with it.
Familiar episodes of pre-first date pep talks.
KC gets funky The Live Revolution brings mosaic sound to Clark Hall Pub B y R obert G ow Contributor KC Roberts and the Live Revolution are out to make you forget your troubles. A longtime staple in the Toronto music scene, they have consistently sold out venues like The Annex Wreck Room and The Horseshoe Tavern. Their new album, Parkdale Funk 2: Sides, has it all: techno, hip-hop, funk and rock ‘n’ roll. The Journal spoke with KC Roberts about the new record, crowd-funding and branching out musically. Were you happy with end result of Parkdale Funk 2? Yeah, totally. We wanted to explore the different sides of the band. There was more rocky stuff, some techno stuff and hip-hop stuff. Going into it, I knew that I was making art. It feels like we had a kid. Because it was done over such a long period of time, everyone felt that way. I dragged everyone through the creative process. You’re known for utilizing multiple genres in your music. It makes me curious — who were your musical influences? When I was 14, rock was home base. I grew up listening to Pearl Jam, Led Zeppelin and all that. My dad was a jazz musician, so that came up a lot too. When I was
older I got into techno. I started going to jungle beat concerts. I could tell the difference between good house and bad house, which was new. Also the old stuff like James Brown. The groove became important to me. Funk was the centre of everything. We were a funk band that got rocky, instead of a rock band that got funky. You’re known for a having a great live show. What are you hoping people get out of your concerts? That’s like asking “what do you want a girl to get out of loving you?” I just hoped you liked me. Our mission statement is to give people a good time. When we come to town, we want people to know that they’ll forget their troubles and dance around. Do you feel your music is reflective of Toronto? As much as anyone. I grew up in Toronto. When I write, I mention different neighborhoods. You can’t help but pay attention to the area around you. We are also reflective due to our diversity. We got a Colombian percussionist, a drummer from the Philippines, guys from Sudbury, our keyboardist is from Nova Scotia. We’ve got a mashup. KC Roberts and the Live Revolution will be playing at Clark Hall March 14.
The production follows a number of different couples, each with their own personalities and dreams, as they go through a series of firsts in their new relationships. From first dates to that final walk down the aisle, this comedic number explores it all. Originally performed in New York, I Love You is the longest-running off-Broadway musical. This quirky musical comedy is divided into two acts that humorously examine the lives of its characters as they travel through life and the people that they connect with along the way. But not all of these connections last. In some cases, it’s just a matter of time before they break or fade away. Each couple faces their own problems and insecurities — with themselves and with their relationship. In the number “He Called Me” a young girl named Julia obsesses over when a guy will call her. The actors manage to connect with the audience through their ability to showcase the confusing emotions and thoughts of the characters as they experience scenarios that are all too common. Opening with the nostalgic and melancholic tones of a violin
and piano, the atmosphere for the musical is set before the actors even step onstage. It was the beautiful harmonizing between Deanna Choi on violin and Michael Capon on piano that lured the audience into a world filled with hopes of new romances, fluttering butterflies and urgent last minute pep talks before a date knocks on your door for the very first time. Act one begins with a series of scenes detailing a familiar event that men and women are all too acquainted with: the dreaded and nerve-wracking first date. In numbers such as “A Stud and a Babe”, the audience is reminded of what it’s like to meet a guy or girl for the first time and constantly worrying about whether you’re good looking enough or smart enough for this person you are hoping to impress. Other numbers such as “Single Man Drought” demonstrate how people’s drive and desire to form a deep and meaningful connection with someone pushes them to do whatever is necessary to find Mr. or Mrs. Right. Unlike the first act, the second act explores how, even though people form connections and relationships, there’s still the
possibility that the connection will wither and fade as a result of time or circumstances. This is explored in numbers like “Hey There, Single Guy/Gal” when a couple, whose names are Karen and Mitch, inform Mitch’s parents that they are breaking up after being together for two years. Each one has their own reasons for it: Mitch just wasn’t ready to commit and Karen wants to focus on her career. Essentially, circumstances changed and their connection just wasn’t as strong as it used to be. However, the main lesson that this act teaches with numbers like “A Funeral is for Dating,” is that even though connections fade and disappear it is never too late to create new ones. Human beings are programmed to look for love, and the musical successfully demonstrates that these connections are what keep people going. In the end it’s these links that give our lives meaning and purpose. I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change continues until March 8 at the Kingston Yacht Club.
Vogue delves into Art Deco Long-running Queen’s charity event preps for spring show B y J anine A buluyan Staff Writer In its 17th year, the Vogue Charity Fashion Show (VCFS) takes the stage for a study in the Art Deco lifestyle for their spring student showcase. At the annual event, Queen’s students from all faculties show off their talents — as dancers, models, fashion designers and graphic designers — to raise money for local charities. “It’s a cultural show ... We’ve got just about every sort of artistic aspect that Queen’s can provide,” VCFS Co-President Joey McCullough, ArtSci ’14, said. “The show really gets to encompass so many different types of individuals,” fellow Co-President Grace Mustard, ArtSci ’14, said. “So we’re trying to introduce new aspects to make it a show where you’re really looking at every single different aspect in the arts world.” In the past seven years, VCFS has donated more than $200,000 to Kingston charities. This year, they are fundraising for Community Living Kingston which helps people with physical and mental disabilities feel included in the Kingston community. “Last year they raised over $40,000 and in past years it’s been around $30,000. Our goal this year was set at $25,000 but we’re hoping for more,” McCullough said. But VCFS doesn’t simply
fundraise and donate like other charities. “Right now we have our head of charity and one of our choreographers teaching three people [who are] a part of the charity our all-cast dance … we get to really involve the charity [in the show] and merge the two so they’re one,” Mustard said. Art Deco is this year’s theme and was inspired by the VCFS presidents’ love of that time period. “We did something different by having an umbrella theme and under that we have six categories: Architecture, Fashion, Art, The American Dream, The Great Depression and The High Life,” Mustard said. “We have a designer
for each one of the six and it all is encompassed within this 20s, 30s Art Deco period.” Notably, this year’s VCFS will have live music and fashion lines will not be restricted by season, as with high fashion, but will be more of a reflection of how the Art Deco period inspired the designers. “It’s less about high-fashion fashion and more about wearable clothes, like something you’d see on the street. An Art Deco, student-designed Joe Fresh,” McCullough said. Vogue Charity Fashion Show runs March 13-15 at the Grand Theatre.
Vogue includes fashion, dance, and modeling.
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Friday, March 7, 2014
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Faculty Artist Series
Profs perform for students and friends Colleagues bring their uncommon trio of trumpet, alto sax and piano to Chalmers United Church B y B rent M oore Arts Editor Not many undergrads get to see their professors in action. Humanities students can read a book their professor published, and engineers can check out a site designed by their mentors, but it’s music students who get the chance to experience it live. Trumpet player and Queen’s professor Dan Tremblay might be more excited than his students. “Mainly because it’s so much fun,” he said, “and to set an example for our students.” This Sunday, Tremblay will be performing with colleagues Peter Freeman on alto saxophone, and Thomas Davidson on piano. An uncommon combination, the trio had to do a bit of extra inquiry when putting together their program. “Peter did some research
and came back with ten obscure pieces,” Tremblay said. “There’s not a tremendous amount of music for written trumpet, saxophone and piano,” Freeman said. The group negotiated this by commissioning one piece — and tinkering with another. “We had the idea of rearranging the ‘Carnival of Venice’ so that saxophone could play as well,” Freeman said. “Part of it is harmonized — it’s quite humourous.” “We have some changes that we can’t tell people unless they come,” he said. Using grant money, the trio was also able to commission an entirely new piece as well. The new piece is divided into two parts. Composer Justin Mariner describes the first part as “built in several layers that seem to be rhythmically opposed, but are
Brass Royale recently performed at McGill and SUNY Potsdam
bound by a common pulse.” One of Tremblay’s SUNY Potsdam colleagues has already expressed interest in using the piece at one of his own recitals. “It’s a small community of performers in different universities and word gets around about new music,” Freeman said. “Now with things like YouTube it gets around faster than ever.” Freeman said he doesn’t just enjoy playing the newly commissioned piece, the whole program is fun. “I’ve done enough playing that I only want to do recitals now where I really enjoy the music that I’m playing,” he said. “I love everything that I am playing in this recital.” The recital is part of the School of Music’s Faculty Artist Series. The series is an opportunity for students and community members to experience a professional recital. Both the Penderecki String Quartet and the Music of Kristi Allik and Friends held recitals in January. The trio has recently performed the program twice, at McGill and the Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam — two other universities where the members teach. Davidson, who teaches piano, chamber music and musicianship, is also looking forward to the show. “It’s great when you’re working all through the semester with colleagues, and then to actually get together and do something creative all together,” he said. “We’ve had a lot of fun putting it all together.” Performing a commissioned piece is novel, but for Davidson the whole program is intriguing. “It’s really nice to interact with a composer who is still living,” he said. “Not just one of the old, dead masters.” Confident the show will be successful, the only issue still bothering Freeman is this weekend’s daylight saving time
change — a one hour jump ahead. “Are they going to be late for the concert because of it?” he said. “Don’t worry,” said Tremblay, “I will wake you up that morning.”
Brass Royale performs March 9 at Chalmers United Church as part of the School of Music’s Faculty Artist Series.
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Friday, March 7, 2014
Giller nod puts Coady in good company Continued from page 11
economic realities of the industry initially dishearten you? It is hard at first because everyone who wants to be a writer and esteems literature, capital L, starts out thinking that it’s the most important thing and it’s a shame the market doesn’t bear that out. It’s a shame that some of the
greatest talent you know is a neglected writer. It’s hard to reconcile that with your own literary values. But I think it’s also good for writers to be pragmatic and have these understandings of the marketplace. When you do put out the book you’ve worked on for two or three years — that you adore and think is the greatest thing you’ve ever done — and it doesn’t sell very well, as
long as you understand how the market works then you won’t take that personally. Then you can think back to all the genius writers you know who have published books, and their books aren’t international sensations either so you can tell yourself, “Okay, I’m actually in good company, and I’m not in the company of Dan Brown or another writer who I don’t actually respect
very much.” Your reading is being put on for the graduating English class. Do you remember what you were reading at that time? When I was an undergrad my favourite course in literature was Shakespeare, and my other favourite [focused on] the literature of existentialism, because it was
a lot of really fun, contemporary authors like Milan Kundera and Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea — which is not a fun book necessarily but it was interesting and it wasn’t what I was seeing on my standard English department reading list. Lynn Coady will be reading and signing books this afternoon, 3-5 p.m. at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre.
Common passions Continued from page 11.
photo supplied by Victoria Condllin
The war gets closer and tensions build.
Fractured memories onstage Continued from page 11.
unfolds a few feet from your face. It’s an effective way to make the audience complicit in the traumas that unfold. A small, character-based story like Splendour would fail completely without good acting, and thankfully every member of
the four-person cast delivers. Signy Lynch is especially notable in the part of Genevieve. Where lesser actors might have portrayed a more one-dimensional, pitiful character, Lynch brings a subtlety to Genevieve’s suffering that imbues the character with a very human, admirable dignity. With Splendour, Theatre Mies
establishes itself as a company that is unafraid of tackling and conquering difficult material, and watching them do so is a pleasure. Splendour runs from March 6-9 and 13-16 at the Artel.
Yassein said. For Glover, the song “Paul Simon” captures the heart of the album because it was the first song the band performed. They received encouraging feedback, which sparked their desire to create more songs together. “That song pinpoints the beginning of a bigger process for me, and that’s why it’s my favourite song from the album,” Glover said. Glover and Yassein love doing rap and hip-hop covers to mix up their music and to add innovation and creative vibrancy to their songs. They both listen to a broad range of musical styles, and share a common love for James Taylor. “My interest in music grew out of listening to my parents’ old CDs and singers like Cat Stevens and Elton John.” Currently, Glover’s favourite group in terms of song writing and composition is Coldplay.
“For female inspiration, I listen to Florence and the Machine as I find their music immensely stimulating,” Glover said. The pair are on their way towards achieving their goals and dreams, and said they can’t imagine following conventional career paths and not playing music. Looking ahead, the duo has lined up shows in the summer and the new school year. “My advice to aspiring musicians is to do as much as you can,” Yassein said. “Meet as many musicians as you can. Share ideas and don’t be afraid to take the first plunge in showing your stuff to your friends, or playing your first original which can be extremely nerve-wracking and puts you in a pretty vulnerable position.” “You just need to get out there and take that plunge.” Devan and Khalid’s EP This Town can be heard on Bandcamp at:
Friday, March 7, 2014
BEST of BLOGS Our top February picks
campus cooking
Two-ingredient pancake To commemorate Pancake Day this week, we’re featuring our easiest recipe yet! Breakfast has never been simpler with these
two ingredients and a hot pan ready to go, but, of course, it’s all about the toppings. — Katherine Meagher
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campus cooking
Easy cinnamon rolls Cinnamon rolls aren’t only to be enjoyed at bakeries. Our guide to easy cinnamon rolls will show you how to make your own at home. With easy-to-find
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student life
Clubs: Soul Food
ingredients and an easier simple, vanilla glaze, you’re sure to produce sweet and savoury results. Soul Food epitomizes the saying that a — Jessica Chong little goes along way. By organizing the logistics to deliver untouched, leftover cafeteria food to local food banks, they’re helping feed those in need. For this year’s co-chairs, their involvement
MasterChef Canada MasterChef, the premiere cooking competition that pits home cooks against each other, has finally come to Canada. With this season heating up with only the top 10 competitors remaining, check out
• 15
has been transformative and educational in learning about systemic poverty. Check out our Q&A with this student group to learn why they’re now hosting speaker series events. — Jessica Chong
our reasons for watching the show and what you can expect when multicultural cuisines and clashing personalities meet in the kitchen. — Jessica Chong
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Science and religion duked it out in a formal debate last month with Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and Ken Ham, founder of the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Over 800 seats were sold for the event, and the debate saw arguments for and against Creationism and scientific belief.
Whether you have greasy or frizzy hair, we’ve got a few recommendations of homemade solutions you could try. Check out one of our hair mask recipes for a much-needed pampering session that adds the right amount of nourishment back to your dry locks.
— Vanessa Hrvatin
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Campus cooking
waterproof mascara
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exam break: 90s movies Gear up for our suggestion of classic movies to revisit as a post-studying reward.
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for more
Eastern supremacy Thrilling finish to division final has Gaels on road to nationals B Y J ERRY Z HENG Staff Writer Queen’s was 0.4 seconds from a division title. After overtime, they won it anyway. The Gaels are OUA East champions, grounding the Carleton Ravens 62-58 last Saturday and winning an intense, wire-to-wire game befitting of a playoff finals match. The ARC was sold out of tickets for the game, which was the first
division final for the Gaels since 2003. With the win, Queen’s automatically qualified for the CIS championships, which take place March 14-16 in Windsor. 2003 was also the last time they made an appearance at nationals. Before that, the Gaels will meet the reigning provincial champion, the Windsor Lancers, tomorrow night to compete for OUA gold. Head coach Dave Wilson said he believed his team was capable of going this far. He pegged the
Capital calls Chapdelaine CFL expansion franchise tabs fifth-year receiver as newest off-season signing B Y J OSH B URTON Staff Writer Former Gael Justin Chapdelaine is on his way to the pros. The slot receiver signed a contract with the Canadian Football League’s Ottawa RedBlacks last Friday. While at Queen’s, Chapdelaine played a key role in the Gaels’ offence, acting as quarterback Billy McPhee’s go-to target for the past three seasons. His best season as a Gael came in 2012, when he hauled in 36 receptions for 521 yards and four touchdowns. “I’ve had the best opportunity here at Queen’s,” Chapdelaine said. “The help of major influential people like my coaches, teammates, friends and teachers will go a long way.” The call from the RedBlacks took Chapdelaine by surprise. He attended the CFL scouting combine in Toronto last March, but wasn’t selected in the 2013 draft. “I really didn’t have any expectation to play football after
this past year,” he said, “but I was shocked, surprised and extremely grateful [at being signed].” Chapdelaine initially joined the Gaels as a quarterback in 2009, backing up legendary pivot Danny Brannagan in his rookie season. He took the reins as the starter behind centre in 2010, throwing for 1,878 yards and 13 touchdowns. Although he had moderate success as a passer, Chapdelaine shone when he used his legs, rushing for 225 yards and seven touchdowns in 2010. With Queen’s offence tooled more towards a traditional pocket passer like McPhee, Chapdelaine decided he had the best chance to one day play professional football if he transitioned to receiver. His athletic frame and strong hands resulted in instant success at the slotback position. “I’ve always wanted to play quarterback, but at the time, I believed our best chance as a team was for me to play receiver,” Chapdelaine said. See Professional on page 18
Gaels as the second-best team in the league in pre-season polls. “There’s an opportunity that has never been here before,” he said, recounting a message he told his players earlier in the season. “We need to seize that opportunity. If you don’t see it, we need to enlighten you.” The Gaels lost 82-56 to the Lancers on Nov. 9, but Queen’s has won nine consecutive games dating back to Jan. 25. Wilson said Windsor is the most talented team in the country and admits they’re better than the Gaels. “If we were to going to play The Gaels withstood a last-second, game-tying shot to PHOTOS BY ARWIN CHAN 100 times in the next 300 days, we win in overtime and clinch their first division championship since 2003. would probably lose in the upper nineties to them,” Wilson said. “But Women’s Basketball Playoff Results we’re wanting to see who’s better on Saturday.” OUA East Final Windsor (St. Denis Last Saturday, the Gaels did just — March 1 Athletic and enough to squeak past Carleton Community Centre) in their most enthralling game of Queen’s Gaels 62 the season. Carleton Ravens 58 CIS Championships The Ravens relinquished a lead — March 14-16 in the second half after being ahead OUA Final by as much as eight points in the third quarter. The Gaels steadily — March 8 Hosted by mounted a comeback in the fourth, Windsor Lancers pulling ahead after two free throws Queen’s Gaels @ from wing Jenny Wright. Windsor Lancers, 7 p.m., With eight seconds left on the clock and the Gaels up by three, the ball found its way into the hands of Ravens rookie McKenzie Sigurdson. Against a textbook Gaels defence, Sigurdson heaved a buzzer-beating three-pointer that tied the game with 0.4 seconds left. Ravens head coach Taffe Charles threw himself onto the scorer’s table in incredulity after Sigurdson’s shot went in. See CIS on page 19
Hockey Men and women fall one win short
Rookie forward Andrea Priamo (#14) bowled over a Ravens defender for a layup in the title-clinching game at the ARC.
Friday, March 7, 2014
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Women’s Hockey
Repeat rebuked Laurier takes two straight, ends Gaels’ title chance B y S ean S utherland Assistant Sports Editor Even after an off-season overhaul, women’s hockey came heartbreakingly close to defending their OUA title this season. Last Sunday’s 2-0 loss to the Laurier Golden Hawks in the third and final game of the OUA finals ended a Gaels season in which the team had 11 players make their CIS debut. Even with that many new players, Queen’s finished only one win short of retaining the championship. After a 16-4-4 campaign, the fourth-best in the OUA, the Gaels embarked on a playoff run that saw them defeat the Windsor Lancers and Guelph Gryphons to set up a meeting with Laurier for the title. Queen’s won the series opener, but dropped the second and third games by identical 2-0 scores. On Sunday, goals by Laurier’s Danelle Im and Emily Kekewich gave the Golden Hawks the advantage, while goaltender Amanda Smith stopped all 38 shots the Gaels threw at her. Despite the loss, Gaels head coach Matt Holmberg was impressed by his team’s performance over the course of the season. “From where we started at the beginning of the year, with a lot of new faces to the team that was being iced in game three of the OUA finals,” he said, “[there was] great development and we came a long way.” The Gaels’ development could be seen not only through their playoff run, which featured four overtime games, but also in the improvements they made in certain aspects of their play. One area where Queen’s improved this season was the penalty kill. Last season, the Gaels killed off 81.9 per cent of their
short-handed situations, while this year, they were successful on 89.8 per cent, which is fourth-highest in the OUA. “We did spend some time on the penalty kill and on the tactics that are needed on the penalty kill, at the same time keeping our focus on trying to stay out of the box,” Holmberg said. “We added some new faces to our penalty killing units. Several rookies jumped in and did a great job.” While some rookies made their mark in short-handed situations, others stood out for their offensive output. Winger Clare McKellar was named to the OUA all-rookie team after tallying 20 points, second among all first-years. Holmberg said the first-year players gained plenty of experience as the season went on. “It wasn’t far into the season when the rookies started to assert themselves and gain confidence,” he said. “Before the Windsor series, I addressed the team and let them know that I did not think there were any rookies on the team anymore.” While the rookies are wrapping up their first years as Gaels, three players are ending their time at Queen’s. Sunday marked the last career game for captain Morgan McHaffie, goaltender Mel Dodd-Moher and defenceman Marlee Fisher. Both McHaffie and Dodd-Moher were key contributors on Queen’s 2011 and 2013 OUA title teams, while Fisher played on last year’s championship squad. McHaffie ended her career as the second-highest scorer in OUA history, while Dodd-Moher finished the year with a 1.93 goals against average and a .920 save percentage. It’ll be almost impossible to directly
Photo By Sam Koebrich
Queen’s lost 10 players from last season and finished fourth in the OUA regular season standings, but clambered their way to the brink of another league banner.
replace McHaffie and Dodd-Moher, but the Gaels have players capable of stepping up next season. Centre Shawna Griffin established a career high with 26 points this season. Returning forwards Taryn Pilon and Courtenay Jacklin will also be looked on to lead the team offensively. Defensively, the team’s top three blueliners will be back. Assistant captains Danielle Girard and Mary Coughlin and second-year Alisha Sealey all showcase strong two-way
games on the back end. In net, former NCAA goaltender Caitlyn Lahonen will see increased playing time, after putting up impressive numbers in five appearances this season. Holmberg said an important lesson the Gaels learned this season is to not rest on their laurels. “Instead of trying to duplicate this year, next year we will simply try to do everything better,” he said.
Men’s hockey
On-ice resurgence Round two defeat ends groundbreaking season B y A dam L askaris Staff Writer It was their best season in decades, but this wasn’t how men’s hockey wanted it to end. The Gaels were eliminated in the OUA East semi-finals on Sunday night following a 2-0 loss to the Carleton Ravens in a winner-take-all game three. The playoff series saw the Gaels climb back from a deep hole early on, while their season overall earned Queen’s some long-lost national recognition. Head coach Brett Gibson took a team that finished seventh in the OUA East last season to one with a fourth-place finish and a brief stint atop the OUA standings, as well as a series of appearances in the CIS Top 10 rankings. 1982-83 was the last season men’s hockey cracked the Top 10. While Queen’s swept the Ottawa Gee-Gees out of the first round of the playoffs, Carleton easily handled game one
of the next series, winning 6-2. The Gaels stormed back with a decisive 2-1 victory in game two. Goaltender Kevin Bailie had his toughest outing of the season in game one, but performed to his expected level during the next two games, stopping 75 of 77 shots and being named Gaels athlete of the week for the third time in his rookie season. “Game one’s on me,” Bailie said after game two, noting that strong play from the defence and the goalies were key to the Gaels’ game plan for the third matchup. “That’s how we’ve had success all year. That’s what playoff hockey is.” Despite Bailie’s best efforts in game three — he allowed just one goal against the country’s second-highest scoring team — the Gaels were unable to muster any offence of their own, being held scoreless for the first time all season. Regardless of the end result, Gibson found See Bailie on page 19
Men’s hockey kept their season alive with a 2-1 win last Friday at the Memorial Centre, but lost 2-0 in a deciding third game at Carleton on Sunday.
Distance duo leads national charge Staehli, Coates could replicate cross-country medal haul at CIS track meet this weekend in Edmonton B Y A LEX P ICKERING Production Manager They won national gold and bronze on an outdoor trail last fall. Now, Julie-Anne Staehli and Victoria Coates could reach similar heights indoors. The two cornerstones of the Gaels’ long-distance track program are Edmonton bound, having qualified for the CIS national track and field meet, which kicked off yesterday and runs through tomorrow. Staehli and Coates are vying for top spots in the women’s long-distance events, while Queen’s Dave Cashin and rookie Alex Wilkie will compete alongside each other in the 3000m men’s race. Staehli, the defending CIS
cross-country champion, will run in the 3000m and 1500m events, where she earned first- and third-place finishes during the OUA championships. Coates will join Staehli in this evening’s 3000m race, after finishing with OUA bronze. The women’s track team earned a sixth-place provincial finish off of these two strong performances. Both Staehli and Coates raced for Queen’s varsity cross-country team in the fall, before turning indoors for the winter track season. “The intensity goes up and the mileage goes down a little bit,” Staehli said of her preparation for track events. “Workouts are shorter, but harder and at a tougher pace.” She said her motivation is to go for gold this weekend in Edmonton, but added that the national field will pose challenges,
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particularly in the 3000m race. “Everyone is around the same times, so it’s basically whoever is feeling good that day,” she said. Coates, who’s competing in her final CIS season after transferring from McMaster last year, said she’s shaved 11 seconds off of her personal best time in the 3000m competition. “It is really exciting to see how much this sport has grown in the CIS and I’m glad I can be a part of it,” she told the Journal via email. “I’m expecting it to be a really tough race but I’m prepared to give it my all in my last race at the CIS Championships.” Head track coach Steve Boyd said the two women are hoping to secure strong results following “what looks like the deepest year ever for long-distance events. “I would call Julie-Anne to win the thing,” Boyd said. “[She’s] a complete athlete, runner and can finish strong and handle herself well over the short distances.” Boyd added that Coates tends to fare better in cross-country than track, but said she should still be near the top of the 3000m field. “If there is one athlete in the race capable
of beating Julie-Anne, it could be Victoria,” he said. Two weeks after nationals, Staehli and Coates will head to Uganda to represent Canada in the World University Cross-Country Championships, marking yet another transition from track to cross-country. From the outdoor to indoor seasons, the Gaels see a shift in training practices. The differences between cross-country and track training lie in the particulars, said Boyd, who is also Queen’s head cross-country coach. “We’re on the track two to three times a week training specifically for those paces and those conditions with the indoor air quality and the indoor track surface,” he said. In lieu of an on-campus facility here at Queen’s, the team has been practicing all season at the Kingston Military Community Sports Centre, located at RMC. “We’re able to rent [the centre], luckily, four days a week … for which we are eternally grateful,” Boyd said. He added that an on-campus facility would allow for easier scheduling and permit Queen’s to compete in jump and throw events.
Professional pedigree Continued from page 16
The decision turned out to be one of the best of his career. Chapdelaine was a primary target on three straight playoff teams, including the Gaels’ Yates Cup finalist squad in 2013. “When he came back as a receiver, he was pretty much an instant success,” said Gaels head coach Pat Sheahan. “He understood the offence, knew how to get open, was a great athlete, and was great after the catch. “Justin was very, very useful as a receiver.” Determined to stay in football after wrapping up his CIS career, Chapdelaine was pursuing a coaching job before the CFL came knocking. His father, Jacques Chapdelaine, joined Simon Fraser University’s team as head coach this offseason and had given Justin a chance to work with the receivers.
Jacques is a former CFL receiver himself and has worked as an offensive coordinator with the Calgary Stampeders and BC Lions. Regardless of how Justin’s adventures in professional football play out, Sheahan foresees a promising future in coaching or teaching for his former player. “By the end of his career he was another coach on the field,” he said. “[Coaching] is definitely in his blood.” Chapdelaine’s combination of athleticism, intelligence and overall football acumen means he’s likely to succeed in whatever facet of the game he chooses to pursue. A trio of fourth-year Gaels could soon follow Chapdelaine to the pros. Defensive back Andrew Lue, linebacker Sam Sabourin and defensive lineman Derek Wiggan are all slotted in the top 15 of the CFL Scouting Bureau’s prospect rankings.
Friday, March 7, 2014
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CIS host Lancers up in OUA final Continued from page 16
Liz Boag (#4) and Jenny Wright (#21) combined for 33 of Queen’s 62 points, sending the ARC’s sellout crowd into a frenzy.
The Gaels were nonplussed, but remained composed. “We have a motto: We don’t lose in overtime,” said guard Liz Boag. “That’s our period. That’s our time.” Overtime was equally
competitive and saw both teams exchange leads throughout. After a crucial steal and basket by guard Emily Hazlett, the Gaels took a five-point lead with 20 seconds left. Their cushion was quickly cut after a three-pointer from Carleton’s Elizabeth Roach. Shortly after, wing Meaghan MacDougall showed veteran poise by icing the game for Queen’s with two made free throws. The Gaels scored 14 points in the five-minute overtime, matching their highest-scoring quarter. Boag had difficulty scoring all game, shooting 3-19 from the field, but managed to finish with 15 points. Wright nearly registered a double-double in her finals debut, scoring 18 points and collecting nine rebounds. Roach, who is playing her final year as a Raven, scored 27 points. She netted 14 consecutive points in
Bailie nabs awards Follow @QJSports. Continued from page 17
some positive in both the decisive game and the season as a whole. “We were one shot away from the OUA East final,” he said. “It shows that Queen’s hockey is back.” Queen’s enjoyed a 17-game stretch to start the season when they earned at least a point in every game. They ended Carleton’s 16-game win streak in game two of their series and knocked off the UQTR Patriotes in a late-season game when they were ranked fifth in Canada. The Gaels also tied a school record for most wins in a season and pulled off their first playoff series win in 10 years against Ottawa. Bailie won the OUA East MVP and Top Goaltender awards, while Gibson was named the division’s coach of the year and defenceman Chris Van Laren made the second All-Star team. Van Laren was a key component of the Gaels’ playoff run, scoring the go-ahead goal in game two and leading the OUA in goals scored by blueliners through the first two
rounds. He tied with forward Joey Derochie for the team lead in regular season scoring with 20 points. Recruiting was a major part of the Gaels’ success this season. Ten new players were brought in, and many filled key roles. Statistically, the Gaels were the province’s strongest defensive team and finished second in the country in terms of goals allowed, but Gibson acknowledged that his squad often struggled on the attack. “We need to score more goals,” he said. “I think the season we had here and the great academics at this school will be a strong pull factor for guys to decide next year.” Gibson said next year’s scouting process is well underway, as the team will introduce their first set of new players later today. The Gaels are looking to replace the program’s departing veterans: Van Laren, Derochie, Stephane Chabot, Kelly Jackson, Jordan Soquila, Alexi Pianosi and Patrick McEachen. With Bailie returning, newfound playoff experience and the hunger of defeat still fresh in the Gaels’ minds, 2014-15 could be a season to remember for men’s hockey.
1. Copier problems 5. Superhero’s prop 9. Foundation 12. Egg 13. Dr. Pavlov 14. Ostrich’s cousin 15. Caffeine-rich nut 16. True-crime TV show 17. Dead heat 18. Basin accessory 19. Santa — winds 20. Pub missile 21. Slight amount 23. Second person 25. Hullabaloo 28. Fleet 32. The Gem State 33. Underwent a recession 34. Vietnam delta 36. Mountain ash trees 37. Born 38. Section of N.A. 39. Green stone 42. Bankroll 44. Data 48. Venusian vessel? 49. Chills and fever 50. Tunnel fee 51. “— Doubtfire” 52. Marx or Malden 53. Satanic 54. “The Bells” writer 55. Vacationing 56. — -tat-tat
1. Gag 2. Acknowledge 3. Stubborn one 4. Nexus One, e.g. 5. 17-year locust 6. Shakespeare’s river 7. Tropical fruit 8. Navy newbie (Abbr.) 9. VCR format 10. Eastern potentate 11. Air for a pair 20. Mini-elevator 22. Unaccompanied 24. Twistable cookies 25. That guy 26. Rhyming tribute 27. Erstwhile acorn 29. Lawyers’ org.
the second quarter, while the rest of her teammates combined for just two. Carleton will host the Laurier Golden Hawks tomorrow afternoon for the OUA’s third and final nationals berth, while the Gaels and Lancers will tip off at 7 p.m. in Windsor for the league title.
30. Lair 31. Billboards 35. Trinket 36. In a boorish manner 39. Bound 40. Roundish ’do 41. Meds amount 43. Atmosphere 45. PBS science show 46. Go like a butterfly 47. — podrida 49. Alias abbr.
Last Issue’s Answers
20 •
Friday, March 7, 2014
postscript Lifestyle
The naked truth Nude yoga allows participants to step out of their comfort zones and clothes
B y J acob H alpenny Contributor The lights were dimmed and heavy curtains were drawn over the windows of the studio — I was about to step naked into a room full of strangers. Nude yoga is not for the faint of heart. Studio 330 on Princess St. hosts a nude yoga session on the first Friday of every month. At first it seemed like a radical prospect, something ostentatious to bring up at cocktail parties and amongst good friends. But as I arrived at the studio my nerves took hold. I have never considered myself weak-willed but the idea of being buck naked in a room with a group of strangers brought back weird memories of my first time at a public swimming pool. The lead up was intense. Dallas Delahunt, owner and teacher at Studio 330, decided to introduce the class as a monthly opportunity in September, after a successful trial event held last April. While Delahunt said it’s not uncommon for people to give nude yoga a try once, as a means of crossing it off their bucket list, she has seen a regular following of students who are committed to the practice. “It’s interesting because a lot of them talk about how they practice naked as it is at home, and that they enjoy this aspect of it because it separates from all of the materialistic aspects of yoga, not seeing clothing labels and that kind of idea,” she said. Delahunt said she made the decision for her and her fellow teachers to instruct the class clothed. She explained that if a noise complaint were to be filed by upstairs tenants, she would have to answer the door for the police, and would need to be clothed. “Students can become quite vulnerable in a yoga class, regardless of if they are wearing clothing, and towards the end of the class it’s not uncommon for them to cry or to have a bit of a meltdown,” Delahunt explained. “I didn’t feel that I would be able to hold the same kind of space if I’m handing them a tissue and I’m naked.” She said that a large benefit of a nude yoga practice is the self-awareness and acceptance that is gained through the practice. Students dealing with body image and weight issues have turned to nude yoga as a way to approach and overcome their tribulations. “It’s more of that self-acceptance, you can’t hide from it, right?”
she said. She added that nude yoga provides a more inward and focused practice for most students. “This is not a more internal practice, but there’s a shift when I observe them practice, they’re much quieter and they appear to be definitely very reflective in their practice,” she said. “The entire room has a really interesting quiet quality to it.” Since the introduction of nude yoga to the studio, Delahunt said that she has received a lot of negative feedback.
Students can become “quite vulnerable in a yoga class ... it’s not uncommon for them to cry or to have a bit of a meltdown.
— Dallas Delahunt, owner of Studio 330 “It’s important for me to note that this wasn’t done for shock value, it wasn’t done to be provocative at all, it was quite the opposite, it was a very personal request from our community.” She said she doesn’t include the nude yoga class on the public schedule, not to hide or shy away from the attention, but to preserve the intimacy that the practice deserves. I entered the studio wrapped in a thick towel. Everyone else was similarly wrapped, making me feel slightly better, though the thought of being naked and performing downward-dog still made me feel sorry for whoever was behind me. I quickly took a spot at the front of the room. I was relieved to find out I wasn’t the only nude yoga virgin in the room. Though the instructor, Jenn Storring, remained clothed, the class was the first nude yoga experience for her as well. “I would say any of the nerves I feel about it have more to do with wanting to provide a lovely experience for people,” Storring said. “It’s a practice we usually only offer once a month. I feel like there’s a community of people that come to this class and I want to provide a comfortable experience.” As a practitioner, however, Storring said nude yoga is not her “cup of tea” — she prefers to remain clothed so her body remains at a comfortable temperature. When guiding the practice, Storring said her main concern are the participants and any history of injury they may have. She said she would lead the nude class as she would any
Illustration By Anisa Rawhani
other practice. “People get on to yoga mats for all kinds of reasons, often it’s for a physical experience, a work out; after a while ... eventually the spirituality starts to seep in,” she said. “Sometimes it’s a surprise, sometimes it isn’t.” For a first time experiencing nude yoga, Storring advised newcomers to absorb the full experience that the practice offers.
to me “toIt’snoteimportant that this wasn’t done for shock value, it wasn’t done to be provocative at all, it was quite the opposite, it was a very personal request from our community.
— Dallas Delahunt, owner of Studio 330 “Embrace it as an experience, know wholeheartedly that yoga as a practice can sort of loosen up all kinds of feelings in your body whether it’s feelings or sensations or emotional experiences,” she said. “The practice itself offers so many benefits.” Though anxiety and apprehension coursed through my veins, I prepared myself to step out of my area of comfort. “A return to innocence is how
I heard it referred to. I mean it’s definitely outside lots of people’s comfort zones, and I think people have arrived on their mats to take this course for that reason,” she said. As I stepped onto my mat I was reminded of how inflexible I am, although I practice yoga regularly and deeply enjoy the benefits it offers when I commit to it. The moment we began I felt transported. Even though I acknowledged the other naked bodies around me, there was no sexual tension in the room. Yoga is a meditative practice and the rush or anxiety I felt about being naked in public for the first time seemed to wash away. All I was left with were myself, the moves and the steady rhythm of my breathing. After the first few moments of being naked the novelty vanished. Perhaps the reality of knowing that everyone has a body underneath their clothes, female or male, is reinforced in nude yoga. I was suddenly very aware of my mortality, and the mortality of the people around me. The fact that we are all fragile humans with skin, hair and teeth and that we are not on this earth for long became reinforced when faced with what is underneath. Andrew Burrows, ArtSci ’13,
and a participant in the class, first brought the practice of nude yoga to Studio 330 last spring when he approached Delahunt about the practice.
return to innocence “isAhow I heard it referred to. I mean it’s definitely out of a lot people’s comfort zones, and I think people have arrived on their mats to take this course for that reason.
— Jen Storring, yoga instructor at Studio 330 “We were all born naked, we’re all just bodies,” Burrows said about the inclusivity and simplicity of nude yoga practices. Burrows said the practice of nude yoga began among the male homosexual community, but that it wasn’t the way in which he wanted to explore the practice. He said that sexuality doesn’t play into any factor of the nude yoga practice. “It’s kind of beautiful,” he said. “It’s like come one come all, we’re all the same underneath our clothes.” — With files from Katie Grandin