F R I D AY , M A R C H 1 4 , 2 0 1 4 — I S S U E 3 7
My experience wearing the hijab as a non-Muslim woman page 2
Storm subdues campaign Five Days for the Homeless campaign tested by severe snowstorm B Y J ESSICA C HONG Blogs Editor Queen’s students participating in the national Five Days for the Homeless campaign faced snowy winter weather and unseasonably low temperatures this week As part of the campaign, students are trying to spread awareness and raise funds for the Kingston Youth Shelter. The campaign is based at the corner of University Avenue and Union Street. Beginning last Sunday, between seven to 13 volunteers wearing orange shirts have been living outside, without any resources and surviving off of food donations. Gemma McEachern, ArtSci ’14, the general director of Queen’s Project on International Development (QPID), noted that unlike past years, this year’s volunteers have had to deal with inclement weather, such as Wednesday’s snowstorm. Volunteers, bundled in sleeping
bags, stayed outside during the day, despite strong winds and snowfall. With the temperature dropping to minus 30 degrees Celsius in the evening, however, McEachern said they ended up moving over to Wallace Hall in the JDUC. ”What we did was we left a sign out in the library window [that said], ‘We had support when we needed it, but what about those who don’t,’” she said. “We could have dealt with the snow, but it was the temperature with that 50 km[/hr] wind,” she said. While Queen’s Physical Plant Services provided the group with tarps, the resources were inadequate to cope with the severe weather. McEachern said the decision for the group to move inside was a difficult one, and that recognizing that others don’t have the same privilege is crucial. Monetary donations for
the youth shelter have similarly been generous; she added that several people, hearing about the initiative from the radio, drove to campus to help. one p e r s o n delivered a hundred See Volunteers on page 8
A look at Aboriginal arts initiatives on campus PAGE 13
What was the best Gaels moment of the year?
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014
FEATURE What spending 18 days covered with a hijab taught me about racism and stereotyping CULTURE
Overt to covert B Y A NISA R AWHANI Copy Editor In January, I wore a hijab for 18 days. I’m a non-Muslim woman, but I wanted to conduct a social experiment to experience what it’s like to cover on a daily basis. I suspected I wouldn’t be the target of racial slurs, threats or ill-treatment. What I didn’t anticipate, however, was for the opposite to happen. It started with a conversation back in October when my housemate mentioned an American campaign where non-Muslim women would wear a hijab for a day to understand the experience. A couple of days later, I had a realization: I could do that. My Iranian ethnicity gave me the complexion for it. I wanted to live in that space, even if it was just for a short while. Yet I couldn’t imagine wearing a hijab would change my day-to-day experiences, as populations near universities like Queen’s tend to be well-educated and accepting. On the evening of Oct. 6, as I spoke to my father about the potential experiment, I received a message on my phone about six Muslim students who had been victims of a hate crime in Kingston. If that wasn’t a sign, then I don’t know what is. Beginning Jan. 6, I started what would be two-and-a-half weeks of covering at all times — to class, work, in malls, around the city and even in my home. The first three days passed without incident. Professors, students and co-workers who I’d known for months or years, said nothing. It wasn’t as though it had escaped their notice. On several occasions I was confronted with wide eyes as minds attempted to internalize this foreign image of me. Beyond the surprised looks, always closely followed by nonchalance, it seemed nothing was happening. When my housemates — who knew about my experiment — would ask me for updates the only unusual thing I could think to mention was, if anything, people were being nicer. Much nicer. At first I thought I was just imagining things. So what if strangers smiled at me in the street? You can imagine my surprise when I realized that the friendlier-than -usual interactions — with friends and strangers alike — were by
no means unique episodes, but a common theme. I started to experience instances where I was treated in a noticeably different manner from others. One Friday night, some friends and I went to a crowded pizza shop where the man on cash wasn’t in the best mood. When my friend asked for some ketchup, he grunted and tossed some packets to her. When he turned to me, there was strange shift in his peeved expression. His eyes softened and he smiled broadly, as he gently passed me my slice of pizza, wishing me a good evening. I watched as he turned to the next customer with resumed vexation. I just stood there for a moment, pizza in hand, taken aback. *** Since the civil rights victories of the 1960s, racism is significantly less socially acceptable. However, this isn’t to say that discrimination has disappeared. Due to social pressures, racism has evolved from the overt to the covert, displaying itself in newer and subtler ways. Leandre Fabrigar, an associate professor in the department of psychology at Queen’s, cited “impression management” as a possible explanation for my experience. He explained that often individuals who harbour biases, but fear social disapproval, will publicly act respectfully towards minorities. “Impression management is when [someone] very strategically, and usually quite deliberatively, tries to manage the impressions that others have of [them],” he said. Impression management is focused on manipulating others’ perception of the self, but there are more genuine reasons why someone would be kinder towards minorities. Fabrigar said that sometimes individuals realize that they harbour biases, or other unwanted influences on their behaviour. Then, when interacting with members of minority groups, they experience an internal conflict between their negative biases and the egalitarian values that they believe in. These individuals then engage in behavioural correction processes, where they actively ensure they’re not allowing their biases to influence their interactions with minority members. “But they’re not always correct in their judgement of how big the
bias is, so they can engage in an overcorrection process, which, ironically, would then lead them to be more friendly to the minority member than others.” In some ways, Fabrigar said, these correction processes aren’t always a bad thing: In some cases, it could be an indicator of progress that people feel the need to behave like this. Yet it’s still indicative of a continued problem. And this unwanted prejudice may also continue behind closed doors during non-public procedures, like job hiring. “If we look at the overt behaviour we might be inclined to be lulled into complacency, and thinking that [prejudices] have gone away, when in reality they are, to some degree, still there,” Fabrigar said. Whether correction processes are done for genuine reasons or not, issues can still arise. If someone self-corrects in a noticeable way, it could be hurtful to the minority member, as the kindness is due to that individual’s membership in a specific group, rather than personal merit, Fabrigar added. *** The fear of appearing racist is a common social response. While I was wearing the hijab in lecture, I raised my hand. The professor, who knew me by name, called on me, but by a different name — the name of the only other hijab-wearing student in the class, who happened to be absent that day. Immediately realizing the mistake, my professor began apologizing. I quickly steered the conversation towards my question, because I realized the apology wasn’t the usual apology afforded by professors when they mix up students. Rather, they were genuinely upset by what happened. I didn’t blame my professor. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a hand in the air that belongs to someone with a specific feature. It’s only natural that you’d mix people up. What I found noteworthy was the discomfort they exhibited — something that I think many of us experience: a fear of either appearing racist, or making another feel marginalized or uncomfortable due to their race, or any other classification. Sometimes this fear translates into what’s commonly known as
“colour-blindness,” a racial ideology that promotes the equal treatment of individuals by disregarding race, culture or ethnicity. According to Fabrigar, at one level, colour-blindness has its merits, because it indicates attempts to eliminate the differences that separate us. While colour-blindness is a seemingly good way to eliminate discrimination, it fails to acknowledge the differences between people. By doing so, it suggests we’re all the same. And it’s true: we’re all human beings who deserve equal rights and opportunity. However, by stating that we’re all the same, it can be easy to overlook significant disadvantages that one group may have due to a history of discrimination. There are also dangerous flaws in this generalization. “Well, if we’re all the same, does that mean we’re all white people? Because if we’re all the same, what is that level of sameness that we all supposedly are?” Fabrigar asked. “[Colour-blindness] means obliteration of important distinctions that matter to us — that’s the negative side,” he added.
If we look at the “overt behaviour we
might be inclined to be lulled into complacency, and thinking that [prejudices] have gone away, when in reality they are, to some degree, still there.
— Leandre Fabrigar, associate professor in the department of psychology After I stopped wearing the hijab, several friends and acquaintances asked me why I’d started then stopped. When I explained it was a social experiment, some said they’d been curious about it, but didn’t want to make me feel uncomfortable by asking. This struck me as odd. I see it; you see it. Why not ask? Oftentimes it’s easier to ignore differences than to acknowledge them in a constructive manner. This is evident by how interfaith conversations have become taboo and tenuous, causing people to feel uncomfortable around the subject. However, religion can be one of the most important and
profound things in a person’s life — something they’d probably be more than happy to discuss, and something that might even deepen friendship and understanding between people. By the end of it all, I realized that my 18 days of covering, although insightful, were the least educational part of these past months. It was the conversations that followed — the ones that challenged my expectations and disassembled my generalizations — that were the most enlightening part of the experience. People, culture and religion aren’t concepts you can understand on your own. Rather, it’s through dialogue that we generate understanding and respect between people. *** My time with the hijab — after 20 years without — was educational, but the short experiment by no means gave me all the answers. In order to gain a better insight I interviewed three Queen’s students who cover: Fatma Abdullah, ArtSci ’14, Hind Marai, ArtSci ’16 and Zehra Ali, ArtSci ’15. When did you start wearing the hijab? FATMA: Must have been grade four. In the beginning I saw it as more of a cultural thing; I knew because my mom … and everyone else was wearing it that eventually I would. I didn’t really understand the religious implications until I was older. HIND: Grade six. I knew I had to at some point, but at that time I had a lot of encouragement and support from my parents and my siblings. ZEHRA: This is my second year wearing it. It started after I moved to Queen’s — I’m from Pakistan, so I’m an international student. My mom wears it, but culturally it’s not something that’s expected. It was more me becoming close to my religion. I don’t like calling it religion, because Islam isn’t just a religion, it’s termed under the Arabic name Deen which means more a way of life. So it was more me finding my place of where I wanted to belong. Have you misconceptions women cover?
encountered about why
HIND: Definitely, there’s the idea
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014 that you’re wearing it because you’re oppressed, or because your father, brother or family forced you … I’ve never met a Muslim girl who wears a hijab because she’s forced or oppressed. The first and foremost reason we wear it is because Allah, or God, told us to, and we’re obligated to by the Qur’an. It might sound cliché, but it’s liberating, just the whole concept of hijab — it’s so much more than just what we wear on our heads. ZEHRA: People only take it for face value. The meaning of hijab is a lot more; it’s not just a veil, it’s the way you interact with people, it’s the way you carry yourself. And there’s a certain level of hijab for women in Islam, and then there’s a certain level of hijab for men in Islam too. A lot of people don’t know that … there’s much more to the term hijab that people are very ignorant of. And I think that’s where ideas of oppression come from. Can you elaborate on how the hijab is liberating? ZEHRA: When I walk out of my house, I know I’m obeying God, and that’s a big thing for me. And I’m pretty sure that’s the case for any other Muslim girl who is wearing the hijab for the right reason; it’s about that feeling of being able to please your Lord. That’s the most liberating part I get out of it. There are also various benefits to the hijab. Socially, there’s this … respect. When I’m walking down the street, and somebody looks at me, or there’s a man who I don’t want to interact with in a certain way … [they’ll] understand that there’s this level of modesty. HIND: A big part of the hijab is modesty, and the thing about modesty is it’s a big part of our faith. Modesty has been a concept in Islam, before even the hijab was revealed — modesty for men and women, they have it in their own respects. It just protects you. It’s also [the way] the opposite gender thinks of you when you dress — and this is nothing new. We know that if you’re more revealed, or your chest is exposed — men are men. I know when my chest, legs and arms are covered and I’m interacting with a man, those thoughts aren’t going to run through his mind, because there’s nothing to think about. And it’s just that freedom that if he’s going to judge me in any way, it’s what’s coming out of my mouth; it has nothing to do with the size of anything on my body. Even interacting with other girls, because you know we do that to each other too. It’s hard for us to say that the more we dress the more freedom we have, the more liberated we feel, when society is telling us that it’s the more you reveal. Where did we get this concept of revealing means having more freedom? Why are we letting society tell us what is going to make us feel free? ZEHRA: This concept of telling Muslim women they’re oppressed is something that’s only surfacing
now. Until the first wave of feminism, women weren’t allowed to vote. Islam had the recognition of women and their right to be a part of the state, own property and do businesses 1,400 years ago. [Now] they raise their fingers and say this part of Islam isn’t right and women are oppressed in this way. What about the oppression women were facing before the first wave of feminism came? HIND: It just goes back to society, media, the fashion industry and Hollywood dictating this stuff for us. Once upon a time … the girls who would start revealing ... would be seen as bad. Until that became normal, and now if you do this you’re sexy and sexy has an image. Can you elaborate more on how modesty isn’t something just for women, but for men as well? ZEHRA: We have this concept of the veil for women, but we don’t have that for men. For men the concept of modesty has much more to do with personal desires, and women have that too, it’s just that men generally have higher sexual urges. For men, what it comes down to is being respectful. HIND: And that’s whether they’re interacting with Muslim girls or non-Muslim girls too. They treat them respectfully. There’s no concept of hitting women. Islam is definitely against domestic violence. People don’t know it, but women are held very highly in Islam … the onus is on men to uphold that status.
... It’s just that “freedom that if he’s
going to judge me in any way, it’s what’s coming out of my mouth; it has nothing to do with the size of anything on my body.
— Hind Marai, ArtSci ’16
Have you ever experienced, in Kingston, anything as a result of wearing the hijab — positive or negative? FATMA: Oftentimes I get comments, not negative comments, but like, “you have a nice hijab,” or “why do you wear that?” And I find it’s a good opportunity to start discussion, and to understand each other. When I used to volunteer at the hospital, a lot of people were intrigued by the way I dressed, and they didn’t understand that it was because I was Muslim. That gave me an opportunity to explain. HIND: When we wear the hijab we’re representing a set of values. And if anyone knows anything about Islam or anything they’ve heard about in the media, they know that this girl, that’s what she’s doing, she’s being a Muslim, she’s upholding something of Islam. And anything positive or negative [that we do is associated with that]. There are some services on campus that offer religious accommodations.
As a non-Muslim woman, Rawhani wasn’t sure what to expect before she began conducting her social experiment.
Do you have with any of them?
HIND: We’ve been to the women-only workout room in the ARC, and it’s awesome that it’s there. We have the QUMSA, and we have our own prayer room. There’s support, you don’t feel alone. Even if you don’t see as many hijabis on campus, there are still other Muslim girls who don’t wear the hijab and there are the guys too. ZEHRA: When I came to Queen’s there were halal options at Lazy Scholar, the ARC and other places. That was a big thing for me, coming to Queen’s, knowing it was predominantly white, and that there weren’t many who would call for halal food. On a personal note, you make your experience what it is. You’re always going to have people who aren’t going to like something you do, but it’s about going back to what your real intention was … because at the end of the day it’s how comfortable you are with yourself. Queen’s has been good; there are supportive professors and others who respect you for what you do. Queen’s is known as a party school. Have you found this fact has affected your social life at all? ZEHRA: I was in residence first
year [when I wasn’t wearing the hijab], and I witnessed the very heavy drinking culture. I just chose not to partake … then the way I socialized … didn’t involve the use of alcohol. It does socially constrict you … but you can still develop a bond outside of drinking. But on the other hand I had QUMSA, and I had people like Fatma and Hind, and lots of other girls — hijabis and non-hijabis. HIND: The drinking culture can be very invasive, and it starts from first year. It’s mostly what students talk about, and what they use to socialize. And it’s human nature — you’re going to feel left out if that’s what people are talking about and you don’t know what to say, because in Islam we don’t drink. I just kind of got over it; I don’t need to hang out with these people if I don’t want to. I have these lovely girls, and QUMSA, and that’s another great thing, we have social events too, we have fun together too. People are going to talk about things that make me uncomfortable, or that I have nothing to do with, and I’ll let it be. It’s the culture, and it’s very hard to change that culture. What should the Queen’s community know about the hijab? HIND: A big part is education — don’t assume things. If you see us, don’t just think we’re oppressed,
come up and ask us. Literally … ask me: “are you oppressed?” I will tell you the truth. It’s not like we’re reserved and we’re like, “don’t look at me and don’t ask me about my religion.” We’re very open about it, and if anything we want to educate and tell people about Islam. We may not always have the opportunity, so if you have the opportunity, [ask]. That’s why we have an Islam Awareness Week every year in the JDUC. And you’re in university, that’s what you’re here to do, if you’re going to learn anything about other people and their religions and cultures, now is the time to do it. ZEHRA: Don’t infer Islam from just a fringe minority that you see around, or what the media portrays, because there’s such a huge misconception of what Islam is. This comes from popular media … and people just accept [it]. Just because you hear some news happening in Afghanistan, and there’s a bunch of women who are being oppressed, that’s not necessarily the case with all Muslim women in the world. There’s fringe minorities, everybody has extremes, it’s present in every culture and every religion. It’s just about educating yourself. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
4 •queensjournal.ca
Principal Woolf releases five-year plan Queen’s looks to improve international image B y S ebastian L eck Assistant News Editor In a document released last Friday, Queen’s has set its priorities for the next five years, which includes improving its international reputation and student engagement. Principal Daniel Woolf presented the Queen’s Strategic Framework for 2014-2019 on March 7 to the University’s Board of Trustees. The framework sets out four priorities for the University: student learning experience, research prominence, financial sustainability and internationalization. Woolf said the framework builds on four years of planning, including the Senate-approved Academic Plan and the Queen’s Strategic Research Plan. The plan includes metrics for measuring progress on each objective. The document envisions Queen’s as “Canada’s quintessential balanced academy”, he said, as the institution aims to balance research goals with the student experience. A balanced academy, according to the plan, is a university with both high student engagement and high research volume. “We don’t throw everything at research,” he said. “We really treat the teaching and learning experience as just as important.” The faculties will be reporting annually to the community and the Board of Trustees on the progress that has been made, he added. The student learning experience section sets goals for student engagement and building skills. According to the framework, the University aims to increase experiential learning at Queen’s and integrate technology into courses, such as the technology used in the new classrooms in Ellis Hall. Queen’s also aims to improve the international reputation of Queen’s, according to the document, by increasing the number of international students and promoting Queen’s internationally. Woolf said internationalization supports all of the other goals of the University, since
it improves the student environment and increases revenue. “Although I would say [financial sustainability] is the least important one,” he said. “I think it is always a mistake to view internationalization as a revenue generator as opposed to something that enhances the student learning environment.” Woolf said he would like to improve the University’s showing in international rankings.
Friday, March 14, 2014
“While I think it is fair to say while we have some high level of skepticism about some of the ways these rankings are done, notwithstanding I would like to move up the rankings tables on some of these key exercises, like the Shanghai Jiao Tung,” he said. Shanghai Jiao Tung University releases an annual Academic Ranking of World Universities which last ranked Queen’s in the top 201-300 universities in 2013. “But there are other measures, for example, how many international students are we attracting here to do their degree?” he said. The University will track progress through each faculty, Woolf added, since the faculties will have relative autonomy in how they develop their own programs and find financial stability. “The key element in terms of getting this done is the faculties – that’s where
the research takes place, that’s where the teaching takes place,” he said. Each faculty will have discretion over their own activities, he said, as a result of the new budget model the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Alan Harrison created last year. The budget model makes each faculty responsible for its own financial standing, and gives more funding to faculties that produce more revenue through their activities. “To make sure that these things are actually implemented on the ground level, we’ve had to put the appropriate incentives in place,” Woolf said. The framework covers goals for the next five years, which will take Queen’s until the end of Woolf’s second term as principal. “That seems to be an appropriate point at which to stop and take stock,” he said.
Woolf, pictured here at last fall’s Homecoming game, presented a strategic framework to the Board of Trustees last Friday.
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Friday, March 14, 2014
Canadian schools fall overall Reputation of Canadian universities falters since last year B y N atasa B ansagi Staff Writer The reputations of three Canadian universities have slightly decreased, as per the Times Higher Education (THE) World Reputation Rankings 2014. According to THE’s website, these rankings determine the “top 100 most powerful global university brands” by compiling the judgment of academics invited to contribute their opinions. In their fourth year of compilation, the 2014 Rankings are the result of a survey of 10,536 academics from 133 countries. They were released on March 5, and Queen’s failed to rank. The only Canadian universities to place in the top 100 were the University of Toronto (U of T), McGill University and the University of British Columbia (UBC). In 2013, U of T was ranked 16th while McGill and UBC were both ranked 31st. This year’s results outline a four-position fall to 20th place for U of T and a two-position decrease to 33rd place for McGill and UBC. The results come after the Journal reported in September that Queen’s fell 14 spots in Quacquarelli Symonds’ World University Rankings, from 175th to 189th place within the top 400 universities. In an interview with The Montreal Gazette, Phil Baty, editor of THE
Rankings, expressed concern about the decline, notably contrasting it with the standing of U.S. universities that hold 46 of the 100 positions. He said the way in which the federal government distributes research funding might affect the rankings of Canadian universities, contrasting an egalitarian approach to distribution with one favouring institutions seen to be on the cutting edge of research. International student Kirti Sharda said sheer geographic distance from campus caused her to rely on university rankings. Sharda is a third-year Commerce student from Singapore. “I just looked at the rankings. Honestly, I’m clueless about universities in Canada. So, the only way that I can gauge the university’s quality is through rankings,” Sharda said. Eadaoin Candon is a third-year Commerce student from Dublin, Ireland. “When you don’t know a lot about a university, one of the first things that you can do is quickly Google and see what is this university known for, what are its best faculties, and where does it rank in terms of other universities in that country and also globally,” Candon said. The criteria used in ranking universities and the weight placed on each criterion is also essential, according to Marie Joachin, an MBA student from France.
“I would prefer to look at a ranking based on objective criteria, which could be the salary when you have to start working, or just how people who are supposed to hire you see the school,” she said. “In their mind, is it a good school? So, in the mind of academics, I really don’t care, because they’re not going to hire me, anyway. So, subjective criteria, they don’t count for me,” Joachin said. Ranking calculations aside, other factors can also impact international students’ decisions to attend Queen’s. Carol Nairn is a third-year chemical engineering student from Glasgow, Scotland. She said she was looking for an experience different from her home university and in a different kind of city. “I did look at rankings but it wasn’t my decision-making factor because I knew that I wanted an exchange experience and Queen’s has this huge thing about school spirit that I heard about and didn’t really understand, but understood when I got here,” she said. She said factors such as inter-university course or program compatibility, faculty-specific ratings, the shared language, and non-academic experience affected her choice. “[Queen’s is a] very good school, but it can combine that with the other elements I was looking for in my exchange.”
Canadian schools were ranked lower than last year in terms of reputation.
Graphic by Jonah Eisen
campus catch-up Ottawa student leader addresses rape culture on campus Anne-Marie Roy, a student union leader at the University of Ottawa has gone public with a conversation she had online with five other students, in order to show that “rape culture” remains prevalent on campus. Roy, who is head of the Student Federation at the university, said the students who spoke to her with sexually graphic language should be held accountable for their actions. She has been threatened with legal action by four of the male students, as they are concerned that a private Facebook conversation was made public.
Roy said she received a copy real, and that they “wish to assure of the conversation from an you we meant you no harm.” Roy said the apology was anonymous email while student elections were going on. not enough and she remained She added that the students “torn up” by the conversation. Roy was planning to bring the are in positions of leadership conversation to a Feb 23. meeting of at the University of Ottawa. student federation’s The Canadian Press the accessed a copy of the Board of Administration. conversation, in which the She was told by four five individuals wrote that of the five individuals they would engage in sexual not to do so as it would violate acts with Roy such as oral their rights to privacy. and anal sex, as well as Roy brought the conversation stating that Roy had a sexually up regardless after speaking transmitted disease. with her lawyer, and Roy said she confronted received a cease and a member of the group in desist letter during the person, and received an board meeting. apology via email from all five — Olivia Bowden members. The apology said the threats made were never actually
6 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, March 14, 2014
AMS to innovate Policy looks to build entrepreneurship
B y O livia B owden Assistant News Editor
the stance that Queen’s needs to create a campus-wide culture of entrepreneurship. She said not all faculties A new policy paper ratified by AMS Assembly last Thursday provide innovation and start-up aims to increase innovation and opportunities to students. “We have many students at entrepreneurship opportunities for Queen’s that would make great students at Queen’s. The report, entitled Setting innovators, great entrepreneurs, Sail: A Policy Paper on Innovation who could really translate this into and Entrepreneurship from the pursuing a start-up … but never Alma Mater Society (AMS), was having the opportunity to consider compiled by Allison Williams, that in the first place,” she said. Williams said the concept academic affairs commissioner and AMS President-elect, along of a “funnel model” could be with Academic Affairs Deputy implemented, meaning that every student on campus will be provided Ariel Aguilar. The policy provides a general with support regarding innovation insight into what changes can be and entrepreneurship. Students on the wide end of made at Queen’s to foster and aid students’ interests in innovation the funnel will receive general within their respected fields assistance such as a general course regarding innovation. As of study. Four pillars are outlined in the funnel narrows, students that the document pertaining to the wish to pursue entrepreneurship policy: the Kingston Community, endeavors will be given greater Academics and Access, Student support, she said. “The idea would be [that] all Support and Campus Culture. Recommendations for each students will have the option to pillar are given, as well as core decide if [entrepreneurship] is for concerns with the University’s them, and be able to engage at the current practices and suggestions level they would like to engage,” Williams said. “You have a few on how to create positive change. Williams, ArtSci ’14, said the really enriched opportunities for need to create policy came from those who want to pursue it as
news in brief Campus Master Plan approved The new Campus Master Plan has been approved after almost a year and a half of consultation and development. The Board of Trustees approved the plan at a meeting on March 7. The plan includes recommendations to better enable movement between and within campuses and enhance student life spaces, as well as improving landscapes. It also identifies potential locations for redevelopment or enhancement in the medium to long term.
AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner Allison Williams compiled the policy paper.
a lifestyle.” Williams said much of her research was based on other schools that focus on innovation in some way, such as MIT and Stanford University. Queen’s would have to be invested in creating a culture on campus that commends innovation in order for policy to make an impact, Williams said. “We need to have a university operating in that supporting role. To do so we need buy in from the highest level of administration down to every faculty member,” she said. Williams said the next steps will be a student survey, so the AMS
journal File Photo
can determine where students are at Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of engaging now, and where they Reddit,” he said. “He’s going on would like to engage in the future. tours … he was here last night Ali Zahid, former marketing in Montreal at McGill. How the officer at the AMS, left Queen’s hell was he not at Queen’s the this school year to build his next day?” Queen’s has many start-up company Vanhawks, which designs and builds carbon entrepreneurial alumni, he added, and they would do well to invite fibre commuter bikes. He said he was disappointed them to the school to meet students. “Policy is good for the long that his education did not provide him with the knowledge he was run, if they want to start creating this culture, there’s a lot of looking for. Zahid added that if the AMS different routes to go,” he said. wishes to pursue a more innovative “You can bring in speakers … they culture, more is required should be focusing on getting the ball rolling.” than policy. “If the AMS really wants to do entrepreneurship they should look
The plan was developed by the Campus Survey on mental health documentation Master Plan Advisory Committee (CMPAC) to begin in partnership with Urban Strategies Inc., the University’s primary planning consultant, A new provincial survey looking to create beginning in December 2012. It replaces the documentation standards and guidelines previous plan created in 2002. for accommodating students with mental Laeeque Daneshmend, Queen’s deputy health disabilities across Ontario will begin provost and chair of the CMPAC, said the this week, created in collaboration between plan does not assume the university will Queen’s University and St. Lawrence College. necessarily grow or expand, or undertake The research initiative is led by Mike the projects it suggests. However, it provides Condra, the director of Health, Counselling a guideline for future decisions and planning. and Disability Services and Assistant Professor The plan will be presented to Senate at its in the department of psychology, and Wanda meeting on March 25. Williams, director of Student Services at St. Lawrence College. — Chloe Sobel There will be one survey distributed to college and university faculty across Ontario. Another will be distributed through the Disability Services Office to students with mental health disabilities. The information the surveys collect will be used to create consistent guidelines for Ontario colleges and universities, as well as developing academic accommodation resources and guides for faculty and students. The project will be funded by $1 million over three years from the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MCTU), through the Mental Health Innovation Fund. The MCTU also gave Queen’s $426,000 to develop a peer mentoring program to support students with mental health problems. This program plans to spread to other post-secondary institutions in Ontario after being tested and evaluated. — Chloe Sobel New diploma offered from Faculty of Economics The Queen’s economics department has announced Canada’s first graduate diploma in Risk Policy and Regulation, beginning in September 2014. The diploma is part of a partnership with the Global Risk Institute in Financial Services. It’s designed for graduate students in economics and related disciplines. The diploma program is four months long, and integrates informal traditional and emerging risk management practices, formal
risk management models and evolving regulatory practices. The program will be directed by Frank Milne, a BMO Professor of Economics and Finance at Queen’s, and David Longworth, a former deputy governor of the Bank of Canada and a current faculty member at Queen’s. Milne is a widely published authority on risk management. The program will include courses such as Risk Management Theory and Implementation, Advanced Topics in Risk Management and Regulation and Financial Regulation. The program’s development has been supported by the Bank of Canada, the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions in Canada.
—Chloe Sobel New fitness and health initiative
The Queen’s School of Kinesiology plans to team up with Amherstview’s Loyalist Family Health Team to take part in the Exercise is Medicine initiative. The initiative began in the United States and encourages primary care doctors to include exercise in their patients’ treatment plans. Supporters of the program believe that exercise is integral in disease treatment and prevention. An occupational therapist with the Amherstview clinic asserted that when people get prescriptions for exercise from their doctors, they are more likely to exercise. The Loyalist Family Health Team would involve all patients in the initiative, including children and senior citizens. Programs can be tailored to specific health concerns. The initiative is the first of its kind in the area. Loyalist Township will help provide free exercise programs and instructors. The School of Kinesiology saw Exercise is Medicine Canada @ Queen’s ratified as a club by the Society of Graduate and Professional Students in February 2013.
— Chloe Sobel
Friday, March 14, 2014
Queer community
Strides to Pride
Speakers kick off Pride Month at Queen’s B y J acquelyn P latis Contributor
Sexual Non-conformity at Queen’s in the Early 20th Century” and “Reflecting on Two-Spirit Activism in Canada and the U.S.” History professor and activist Steven In the midst of a snowstorm, midterms and final papers, there remains something to Maynard led a talk titled “An Adventure in Fairyland” last Monday. celebrate this month. The talk, held in the School of This month marks is Pride Month and Health Studies at Queen’s, where the community Kinesiology is encouraged to celebrate the building, touched on the history of sexual politics and the LGBT community at LGBTTIQQ2SA community. Queen’s Pride Project (QPP) has organized Queen’s in the 1920s. He aimed to raise several events in celebration of Pride Month, awareness of what life was like for the LGBT students and anyone who associated including speakers, artists and a gender and with them 94 years ago. sexual diversity resource fair. “We can go back to the 1920s Created to organize and plan Pride Month at Queen’s, since 2008, QPP aims to and 30s and see the people were celebrate the history, courage, diversity and dealing with issues of sex and gender, future of the LGBTTIQQ2SA communities whether that was students just trying to carve out their own space or whether it was in the surrounding area. “Pride Month functions as a celebration the university trying to regulate students’ of our identities and active resistance behaviour,” Maynard said. He spoke of universities trying to keep against the pervasive exclusion and discrimination surrounding gender and certain kinds of issues of sexuality under sexuality,” said Sarah Eves, one of the general wraps so their reputations were not ruined. “I think it is important for managers of the Queen’s Pride Project. to have some sense “This year, Pride tried to be responsive to people that this history existed and what it local context in several ways,” she added. Intended to provide social and might tell us in terms of today. It gives educational experiences to their attendees, people the courage to speak out if you Queen’s Pride designed the Pride Month know that there have been people in events this year to appeal to not only Queen’s the past who have done the same,” students and alumni but to anyone who was he added. Maynard said a queer presence on campus interested in attending, she said. QPP organized two speaker events this is important today because in the past there week, which were called “Gender and were no support systems like these.
Professor Steven Maynard gave a talk Monday for pride month.
In commemoration of indigenous pride, Dana Wesley, ArtSci ’09, led a talk titled “Berdache to Two-Spirit” last Wednesday. She began by explaining the term “Two-Spirit”, meaning indigenous North Americans who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles, previously defined as Berdache. “I think the creation of the term Two-Spirit helps people to be able to express themselves and in doing so also talk and have discussion about how it is important to honour and value Two-Spirit people within indigenous communities,” Wesley said.
Photo by sam Koebrich
Wesley added that the creation of the Two-Spirit organization communities are mobilizing and participating in ways that are liberating, as homosexuality was and still remains a severe sin in some Native American communities. After the talk, Wesley summarized how we, as Queen’s students, can support the Two-Spirit movement. “The most important thing that undergraduate students can do is educate themselves first on those kinds of issues. Then start building alliances with Two-Spirit people,” she said.
Jim Neill set to run Councillor announces candidacy for election B y Vincent B en M atak News Editor Williamsville District councillor Jim Neill is hoping to reclaim his position in the upcoming municipal election. Neill, who has served as the district’s councillor since 2010, has also sat on Council from 1991-97, during which he represented Sydenham District. He completed his Masters degree from Queen’s in the late 70s and recently retired as a high school drama teacher. Neill is the second person to announce his candidacy in the election. Bonnie Ferguson, a local author, announced her plans to run as Sydenham District councillor on Jan. 3. Bill Glover, who currently holds the district, announced in early February that he won’t be seeking re-election. The election will take place on Oct. 27. Williamsville District, is bordered by Johnson St. to the south, Concession St. to the north, Division St. to the east and Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd. to the west. The area, defined by Neill as having a “mixed-housing community,” is home to roughly 11,000 permanent Kingston residents and students. “It’s really interesting living in and representing districts that are either districts in transition or kind of mixed,” he said. “I think communities are best when it’s a mixed community, when it’s 50 per cent students and 50 per cent [permanent residents] as there seems to be more cohesion.” Neill’s involvement in Kingston goes further than his time on Council. Neill was formerly the chair of Kingston’s Transportation and Environment Committee, and former President of the Kingston and Area Recycling Corporation. He also served as past chair of SOLS, a provincial public library organization and was recently on
the executive of Kingston and District Labour Council. Neill said he decided to run again because he feels there’s still more to do for the District, especially with regards to the Williamsville District revitalization plan. The plan, originally slated to take place over the next 12 years, will see a massive rezoning of Jim Neill aims to reclaim his council seat. Princess St. between Bath Rd. and Division St. to facilitate residential development in the area. He said the redevelopment plan will see a surge of new housing for students and community members that will help alleviate poor housing conditions in the area, often managed by landlords who take advantage of the student population. “The result is students are really being hosed and in the past they’ve been forced to kind of put up or shut up because there wasn’t enough housing,” he said. Approximately 11 new residential developments have been frozen since the plan was passed last year because of the lack of sewage capacity. “[That’s] critical for being able to do the development,” he said. “I was able to pressure and get support and they sped up [the project up] by two years … and all this summer they’re doing a big dig to put in new sewer lines.” In December, a construction project near Princess and Albert Streets that was set to house 500 bedrooms for students burnt to the ground, a “huge shock,” according to Neill. Despite this, he said there’s still good work being done in the area. “What’s being built is much better for students,” he said. “I think it’s a brilliant piece of planning that needs to be shepherded through so that it’s successful.”
photo by Sam Koebrich
8 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, March 14, 2014
gender issues
Unmasking masculinity Students discuss gender identity B y D avid H adwen and S tyna Tao
Staff Writers
Last Saturday’s Maskulinity summit had students share their thoughts about male gender identity and how it affects young people’s lives. The student-organized summit, called Maskulinity: Rethinking and Refocusing the Word, had both graduate and undergraduate students attend. One of the organizers, Rory Grant, ArtSci ’15, said the summit enabled attendees to explain and understand male gender expectations, in contrast to explorations of gender from other perspectives. “They come at it from the feminist area, where they look at the effects of a certain type of masculinity on women. “The way we focused mostly was looking at the effects of a certain type of masculinity on men,” he said. The summit was organized into five different sections, including discussions about mental health, sex and the media. Attendees filtered in and out of the lecture hall as the six hour event took its course, with at least 50 people attending each section. The festivities kicked off with
an introduction by Jeff Perera, a member of the White Ribbon Campaign, an organization that works to end violence against women. Perera said that Queen’s has had issues with maintaining an inclusive campus environment, citing the banner that was hung in the residential area during frosh week that some condemned as misogynist. However, he said he was hopeful about what the conference could achieve. “What’s great is that it’s about being proactive, saying how we can do things to create a community that’s safer and more inclusive,” he said. Perera pointed to the leadership of Kate McCord, and how she founded the Women’s Worth Week initiative a few years ago, inviting the White Ribbon Campaign to come out and do talks. McCord, along with Lorenzo Colocado, Akhil Dua and Rory Grant, all ArtSci ’15, led the creation of the Maskulinity summit. Perera spoke about what masculinity means, and the “ladder” some men feel they must climb to reach manhood. “[Perera] talked about what masculinity is and talked about the ladder of manhood, so it’s like money, respect and power; what are the
Students who organized Saturday’s Maskulinity summit.
expectations of men and what do they do with those expectations?,” McCord, ArtSci ’13, said. Following Perera’s introduction, the first panel discussion of the day was called Masculinity and Media. McCord said the discussion centered around the masculine model, and how that shapes interactions. “We talked about racialized men and the importance of looking at intersectionality in media, and how racialized men are represented in the media and if the representations are problematic,” she said. “We talked about the Obama
Photo by Alex Pickering
address and how he put out a call and we discussed how that to university and college men to be perpetrates how guys treat women leaders and to look forward and and each other.” The idea first came from rethink their masculinity and think attending the What Makes about how they treat women.” The goal of the summit was A Man conference held by to create an environment where White Ribbon. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” everyone would be able to feel safe and where they would McCord said. “When we talk about feminism, share their thoughts or experiences, we actually mean gender she said. “For example, for equality, and we can’t understand Masculinity in the Media, we the issues and the effects looked at how on this subject without talking to masculinity is portrayed in men, without looking at TV and film, and how both sides.” that puts pressure on guys to — With files from Chloe Sobel be a certain way,” McCord said. “They’re usually portrayed to be white, strong and able-bodied,
Volunteers aim to raise funds through visibility Continued from page 1
which has left the youth shelter short $10,000 to $15,000, shelters have been left to rely more heavily on fundraising campaigns and donations. “Hopefully this might become an annual thing if the need is still there for the Kingston
Youth Shelter,” McEachern said. As part of QPID’s weekly forum, Jason Beaubiah, executive director of the Kingston Youth Shelter, spoke on myths of youth homelessness this past Monday. Visibility is often a key issue, as their clients are not often
dollar bill. “We had a really large struggle in making the decision,” McEachern said. “Campus security advised us not to stay outside; experienced winter campers advised us not to.” For a second consecutive year, student-run group QPID has organized the initiative, and they hope to raise $7,500. 5 Days for the Homeless, which was founded by University of Alberta students, was first implemented at Queen’s three years ago by a group of law students. Amy Booth, ArtSci ’16, one of the campaign’s participants, said one of her main reasons for joining was to break down the myths of homelessness. “One of the big [misconceptions] is that youth shelters perpetuate homelessness … but, actually what youth shelters do is they act as a bridge to help youth out of the cycle of homelessness,” Booth said. “I think the fact that we’re youth advocating for youth homelessness is probably one of the big reasons this is different from other campaigns on campus,” she said, “and the fact that we’re sleeping outside for five days adds gravity to the situation.” McEachern added that the Kingston Youth Shelter addresses an issue that is prevalent in the greater Kingston community, and also at Queen’s and SLC. “We wear these bright orange shirts … to campaign for that visibility and awareness that youth homelessness is an issue,” she said. As a result of Kingston’s new 10-year municipal housing and homelessness plan, Volunteers stand outside of Stauffer Library to raise awareness about homeless youth.
readily identifiable. “With students taking such an in-your-face approach, it kind of behooves people to come down and see what is going on and pay attention to it,” Beaubiah said.
Photo by Sam Koebrich
Friday, March 14, 2014
Editorial Board Editors in Chief
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Friday, March 14, 2014 • Issue 37 • Volume 141
The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers.
Dialogue gender
Sheryl Sandberg’s campaign to ban the word bossy is a somewhat flawed attempt to undermine a real sexist double standard. American business executive and feminist Sheryl Sandberg has teamed up with Girls Scouts of the USA to launch a public service campaign called “Ban Bossy”. The campaign hopes to encourage people to think twice about how labelling young girls as “bossy” discourages them from seeking out leadership positions. The campaign ads feature celebrities like Beyoncé and Condoleezza Rice. Those who claim this is a campaign for want of an actual problem are incorrect. From a young age, girls are taught to be less forward and opinionated than their male counterparts. Later in life, women who are assertive in leadership roles are more likely to be vilified as, unlike men, their behaviour is connected to their gender and they earn labels like “bitch”. While Sandberg has correctly identified a problem, her solution leaves much to be desired. Instead of telling people to eliminate certain words from their vocabulary, a more forward-
190 University Ave., Kingston, ON, K7L 3P4 Telephone: 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: journal_editors@ams.queensu.ca The Journal online: www.queensjournal.ca Circulation 6,000 Issue 38 of Volume 141 will be published on Friday, March 21, 2014
“On her hit single ‘Bossy’, Kelis rapped ‘I’m Bossy, I’m the bitch you love to hate’.”
thinking campaign would have use of a label like “bossy”, nor called for the reclamation of would they be likely to highlight labels like “bossy” or, alternatively, non-politically correct labels for women to ignore these like “bitch”. labels entirely. While their approach is However, it’s clear understandable, those behind why Sandberg and her the “Ban Bossy” campaign have co-campaigners took the approach embarked on a largely fruitless they did. Liberal feminists and endeavour. Calling for the mainstream organizations like discontinuation of one label is the Girl Scouts are unlikely to get unlikely to get at underlying issues. behind a campaign to reclaim the At best, the campaign will serve as
a starting point for conversations about gender. On her hit single “Bossy”, Kelis rapped “I’m Bossy, I’m the bitch you love to hate”. Sandberg could stand to learn from Kelis’ attitude. Gender-based stereotypes should be dealt with forthrightly, not with an attempt to ban words.
— Journal Editorial Board
illustration by Katherine Boxall
University admission test a non-starter Canadian universities shouldn’t institute an admissions test; doing so would simply add additional hurdles and stress, particularly for students from lowincome backgrounds. An editorial published last Thursday in the Globe and Mail entitled “Why top Canadian universities should add an admissions test” framed admissions tests as an “extra dose of excellence”. The piece argued that while “standardized tests are a mixed bag”, an admissions test for upper-tier schools would gauge student “sincerity and commitment” to higher education.
The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario.
Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to:
Editorials — The Journal’s Perspective
Sandberg wrong to outlaw bossy
Contents © 2014 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal.
Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus applicable taxes).
Sam Koebrich
Fee blues At AMS Assembly last month, the Union Gallery brought forward a motion to establish a mandatory student fee to fund their operations. This came about a year and a half after a vote to continue their fee failed by just 28 votes in the 2012 Fall Referendum. The February motion was unsuccessful, and Union says that without the fee, their future is in jeopardy.
Standardized tests are a flawed model of student assessment. An education system that privileges standardized testing results in “teaching to the test” and more creative and personalized learning is lost in the process. While the editorial falls far short of calling for a full American-style SAT system, the introduction of a university admissions test would mean a rise of these tendencies in Canada. Jurisdictions that rely heavily on standardized tests and entrance exams have significant problems with unequal outcomes. In the United States, an entire industry caters to elementary and middle
school students who need good SAT scores or success on entrance exams for elite public schools. Standardized tests exacerbate inequality because tests preparation courses and materials are expensive. High school students applying to Canadian universities have enough to worry about without the addition of an admissions test. If young people are already stressed and anxious at high levels, the addition of an admissions test will only exacerbate those problems. The addition of an admissions test at “elite Canadian universities” seems like a solution looking for a problem. It’s not apparent there
are huge issues with the admission process at most schools. The burden of proof is on the shoulders of those advocating for this change; amateurish appeals to “excellence” aren’t nearly enough. Standardized testing should only be instituted when absolutely necessary. We shouldn’t burden Canadian high school students with more anxiety and erect larger barriers in front of those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The busybodies who want admissions tests for Canadian universities should go back to the blackboard.
At Assembly, several student politicians expressed their opposition to the fee or refrained from supporting the art gallery on the grounds that it’s a “niche” service. Others have said that Union’s mandate isn’t broad enough to justify a mandatory fee. Only 33 per cent of voters cast ballots in the last AMS election. Many previous referendums and elections had even lower turnouts, including last fall’s referendum ,which brought out a disappointing 16 per cent of voters. The Union Gallery, which provides opportunity not only for students to appreciate art, but also for students to work and operate a gallery firsthand, reports that approximately 5,000 people attend its showings on an annual basis. Five thousand visitors is almost larger than the number of votes cast in this year’s AMS election.
If the Union is too “niche” to deserve a measly $3.75 from each student, an organization like the AMS — which brings out a similarly sized group of members to its elections — is just as “niche”. No one will deny that Queen’s has a problem with student apathy. However, the fix doesn’t lie in free coffee or superficial attempts to bring out more voters. The solution has to be systematic. Queen’s students have to realize that the number of opportunities they have on campus and beyond is directly correlated to the number of clubs and services they support on campus, even if they only appeal to a minority of students. Although Union’s dilemma is tragic, it’s only indicative of a larger problem on campus: self-involvement without compassion for one another. When we’re asked to support a
club we don’t directly benefit from or give them a few bucks through a fee, we often shrug our shoulders and ask “what’s in it for me?” Every club, service and group on campus has something to offer. Each one of them provides an opportunity that someone — internally or externally — values very much. In aggregate, these experiences make for a vibrant campus life. Students should recognize this — especially our elected representatives. Writing a service off as “niche” does nothing to combat disengagement. Instead, it actively detracts from the already suffering Queen’s community.
— Journal Editorial Board
Sam is one of the Journal’s Photo Editors. He’s a second-year political studies major.
10 • queensjournal.ca
Opinions — Your perspective
Friday, March 14, 2014
Walk hard to new Bader Centre
The Isabel Bader Centre may not be the most convenient facility for students
Talking heads ... around the JDUC Photos By Erin Sylvester
Should there be a standardized admissions test to Canadian universities?
“No, because I came from a school that couldn’t have afforded to run a prep course.” Mallory McGonegal, ArtSci ’15
Photo by Arwin Chan
Charlotte Orzel, ArtSci ’14 This September, Queen’s will open the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts on the shores of Lake Ontario between main and West campuses. The Centre was a $63 million gift from donors Alfred and Isabel Bader and will provide incredible facility upgrades for the students of film, drama, music and fine arts. But how many students will make it to the building on time for their first week of classes? The Centre is located between 10 minutes (from Chernoff Hall) and 19 minutes (from Dupuis Hall) on foot from main campus. With the tight turnaround between classes, this travel time is a significant problem. Students could be forced to regularly miss up to 10 minutes of class or more, depending on weather conditions. City transit does little to shorten the trip, because bus times don’t usually coincide with class changeovers and few buses travel along King St. Taking poor sidewalk conditions into account, along with the film equipment and instruments that film and music students need to carry, and the lack of crosswalk on King St., this becomes not only a scheduling problem, but a safety issue. For students with mobility issues, the difficulties and risks may be even greater. Once students do arrive, they’ll find that the building and immediate area are missing food options. While the Isabel Bader Centre has a small space meant for catering during performances, there won’t be food available on a daily basis. In an email to faculty and lower-level administrators in February, the Provost and the Dean of Arts and Science offered a meagre response to these concerns. Neither large-scale transportation accommodation nor food options will be considered for the new building.
While they insist the distance scheduled back-to-back in the (which has included a cafe in its between the building and main separate locations. plans) finishes construction is a When there’s a choice in the reasonable compromise to keep campus is comparable to the distance between Dupuis Hall matter, is it really fair to make students and staff fed. and Chernoff Hall, this is only performing arts students sacrifice The Baders’ gift, which true of a few buildings nearest to courses that truly interest them was supposed to benefit so they can get to the Centre performing arts disciplines, the Centre. Snow clearance and a without leaving class early or might easily have the opposite crosswalk are in negotiations walking in late? Or, if they choose effect due to the University’s with the City, but the outcomes otherwise, to regularly cut part of short-sightedness. from those discussions are a class, and risk missing important Without the provision far from certain. The information, losing grades or of necessary services, these administation’s assurance that damaging their relationship departments could see a the Registrar will be able to with professors? drop in enrolment in coming Packing a lunch is an option years, make scheduling arrangements particularly among to accommodate students from for food, but on days when minor concentrators. all four departments frankly students need groceries, are in a rush or have to go directly from The seems unfeasible. Baders’ gift, The fine arts, music, drama class to work or an extracurricular, which was supposed to and film faculties have discussed being able to grab something benefit performing arts both food and transportation healthy to eat can make a huge options with administrators for difference in attitude and disciplines, might easily four years and were told that attentiveness. Every student will have the opposite effect solutions were viable. This makes have a few days when they’ll have due to the University’s the Provost’s decision, coming to skip a meal. short-sightedness. The bottom line is that the only a few months before the building is set to open, a shock lack of accommodations will While fine arts and music put performing arts students majors and disappointment. may not know Neither the Dean of Arts and at a disadvantage. Putting the about these problems until Science nor the Provost has met onus on students to make they arrive, drama and with students to explain their this bad situation workable film concentrators decide their decision or discuss possible is not only unfair, but insulting. majors and minors in second year alternatives and consequences. This is because the money the and will likely take these issues That students were informed at University is denying students into account when making all is due to the commitment of comes straight from their their choices. department faculties to this issue pockets, despite the fact the When the performing arts and their communication with decision to deny these services departments suffer as a result was made without their input. departmental student councils. of the University’s decision, Of course, there are ways their reputation outside the for students to minimize the The lack of Queen’s community will eventually damage. Choosing classes accomodation will put follow suit. to avoid back-to-back transitions Friday, March 14 performing arts students at On between main campus and the 3 p.m., a group of concerned Isabel Bader Centre is one way of at a disadvantage. Putting performing arts students the onus on students will be marching from the doing so. to make this bad Biosciences Complex on 116 The fine arts, music, situation workable is Barrie St. to the Isabel Bader at 390 King St. to drama and film not only unfair, Centre demonstrate their position faculties have discussed but insulting. to university administrators. both food and I’d like to encourage transportation options Organizing a shuttle all performing arts concentrators with administrators for between the Isabel Bader Centre and anyone else who wishes four years and were or negotiating modifications to stand in solidarity with us city transit routes to make their opinion told that solutions isto existing a necessary investment known to the University’s were viable. to put performing arts administration, either by joining students back on equal us in the protest or contacting Yet anyone who has navigated footing with their peers. them directly. SOLUS recently knows these While the new building can’t decisions are often made for accommodate a full-service Charlotte is a third-year film major and you. With the needs of hundreds cafeteria, subsidizing a food a member of the film departmental of other students taken into cart with healthy pre-made student council. account, there’s little hope options for a few years while that core courses won’t be the JK Tett Centre next door
“It could be a good idea, but it could also have complications.” Cindy Xiao, ArtSci ’16
“It’s a good idea because it removes some of the subjectivity from the admissions process.” Alyson Rudnitski, ArtSci ’15
“No, because undergraduate education doesn’t require a standardized test because it’s not as elite as it used to be. We need to go to grad school now.” Anthony Cina, ArtSci ’14
“I think it’s a good idea because it can help people recognize if university is the appropriate academic setting for them.” Abdilsalam Musse, ArtSci ’15
Friday, March 14, 2014
• 11
Thinking about getting more involved next year? Find out more about part-time opportunities! Gain valuable work and volunteer experience. Pay for your education. Create lasting friendships.
Applications for the following positions due online by
Friday, March 14th @ 4pm Part-Time Service Sta Committee Chairs Committee Members To view all available positions, and apply online visit www.myAMS.org/applynow today!
12 • queensjournal.ca
Friday, March 14, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
• 13
Vogt curtain rises Student-run theatre space premieres four more student plays for Curtain Call, the third installment of the year. Photos by Charlotte Gagnier
student activities
Aboriginal awareness on campus Aboriginal Awareness week was first introduced in 1992 with the intention of increasing awareness of Aboriginal peoples and the Aboriginal experience within mainstream Canadian culture. In celebration of Aboriginal Awareness Week, the Queen’s Native Students’ Association has organized a series of events that highlight Aboriginal contributions to the Canadian arts landscape. Guest speakers, performers and social events bring the Queen’s and Kingston communities together to learn about and critically engage with issues surrounding the Indigenous experience. *** This year’s events include: — Full Moon Ceremony (Women’s ceremony) at Four
Directions Aboriginal Student Centre on Monday, March 17. - Gender and Sexual Diversity Fair featuring Jessica Yee at Grant Hall on Tuesday, March 18. - Screening of The Lesser Blessed and Q&A with director Anita Doron at Dupuis Hall on Tuesday, March 18. - Second annual Indigenous Celebration of Arts, Culture & Dance at the ARC, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday March 22. Check out page 14 for coverage of professor Sam McKegney’s book Masculindians and page 15 for an interview with Deejay NDN of A Tribe Called Red and the hosts of CFRC’s Aboriginal Voices. Queen’s sits on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples.
photo by arwin chan
14 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, March 14, 2014
Aboriginal Awareness Week
Exploring indigenous masculinity Queen’s professor follows up book on residential schools with new collection titled Masculindians B y B ethany K napp Contributor As an undergrad, McKegney, a professor in the department of English, didn’t encounter a lot of indigenous literature. As a professor, he said he hopes to enrich his students with the stories he discovered later. “I was really intrigued by a number of texts by indigenous authors that were really grappling with representations of male-identified characters and their relationships between and among male-identified characters,” McKegney said. But there were some challenges in pursuing this area of research. “My initial impulse was to turn to what I imagined was the body of indigenous masculinity theory, and there simply wasn’t much in the way of that study,” McKegney said. Soon after recognizing this gap, McKegney started on his new book, Masculindians. The book’s release coincides with the first year that Indigenous Studies is offered as a minor at Queen’s. Masculindians: Conversations About Indigenous Manhood is a collection of conversations on indigenous masculinity. Between October 2010 and May 2013,
McKegney conducted interviews with figures in the indigenous community, including artists, activists, critics and elders. “As a settler scholar, I am non-indigenous,” he said. “I thought one of the ways I could contribute to that would be in having conversations with writers and activists and theorists and Elders and community members on male-specific issues and masculinity.” McKegney said that it’s not a book about himself or his experiences. “This is a collection of really powerful voices,” he said. “It’s actually conversation with some of the most important thinkers from indigenous communities today.” The title Masculindians, according to McKegney, was chosen to combine concepts of masculinity and indigeneity. “It questions what are the other ways of inhabiting a male-identified identity that is empowered yet doesn’t simply conform to the stereotypes that are constructed from the outside,” he said. The cover art for Masculindians displays this visually through artist Dana Claxton’s piece “Daddy’s Gotta New Ride” from her collection Mustang Suite. It features an indigenous man
dressed in face paint and a business suit, positioned in front of a Mustang convertible. “Claxton is playing with all these stereotypes in order to force people to confront what they imagine masculinity to mean in an indigenous context,” he said. McKegney, whose last book was 2007’s Magic Weapons: Aboriginal Writers Remaking Community After Residential School, said he’s hopeful it will lead to more changes in the future. Queen’s University sits on Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe land, and McKegney feels this requires us, as an institution, to ask questions of ourselves. “I think there is an institutional will to pursue those questions and I’m really excited about the next few years,” he said. The Kingston leg of the Masculindians: Conversations about Indigenous Manhood book tour will take place at Novel Idea on March 20 at 7:00 p.m., with special appearances by Janice Hill Kanonhsyonni and Daniel David Moses.
A conversation on indigenous masculinity.
Photo by chloe sobel
Friday, March 14, 2014
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Aboriginal Awareness Week
Tribe transcends cultural division Deejay NDN speaks about new music, the group’s recent successes and cultural reappropriation B y J ustin S antelli Assistant Arts Editor A Tribe Called Red is making progress. The aesthetically unique First Nations powwow-dubstep-trap hybrid group is coming to Kingston for the first time next week in support of their critically-acclaimed 2013 record, Nation II Nation. With both Juno and Polaris Music Prize nominations under their belt, the tour is somewhat of a victory lap for the group while they prepare their next record. “We’re working on a new album, but we’re still playing a lot of songs from Nation II Nation. They’re still pretty popular and there’s still a lot of demand for them, so
we’re gonna play them for a while,” Ian Campeau, also known as Deejay NDN said. Last year, A Tribe Called Red released a collaborative track with the now-defunct hip-hop trio Das Racist called “Indians From All Directions” that hinted at a compelling new direction for the group. According to Campeau, the new material is in the same collaborative vein. “We’re gonna be showcasing a lot of contemporary artists, different rappers, musicians, different singers, that sort of thing,” he said. The current tour also provides the group with an opportunity to road-test some of the new songs. “They’re not done by any means, so we’re testing them out a lot with
the crowds,” he said. One of the group’s ideological preoccupations is the prevalence of cultural appropriation of First Nations iconography in mainstream popular culture. In recent years it’s become common for young music festivalgoers to attend in headdresses or face paint. “It’s a pretty shitty worldwide trend in festival culture,” Campeau said. In order to discourage this from attendees of their own shows, Campeau asked fans over Twitter last year to refrain from showing up in similar garb. “It definitely got a lot of people talking and I’m proud to say that it changed some policies in different venues and
festivals across the country. They decided that they were going to ban headdresses from the festivals and have a warning on the website saying stuff like ‘we’re gonna confiscate it if you show up with one, because we want everyone to feel safe and included,’” he said. “[Now] people kind of know not to dress up at our shows like that. And on the off-chance that they do, someone in the crowd will usually address it. They’ll ask them to take it off and they take it off.” On a more positive note, it’s difficult to deny that with artists like A Tribe Called Red getting national and international attention, Aboriginal arts are on the upswing. “It’s emerging right now and it’s a really exciting time,” Campeau said. “There’s tons of artists that are doing all kinds of great things and creating the conversation that Canada needs to have about First Nations relationships.” With this tour taking them all over the world, it’s clear that A Tribe Called Red have transcended any kind of cultural barrier that their music, so thoroughly aligned with First Nations culture, might have had to cross. “I don’t think it really got its shine in a lot of pop culture, and pow-wow is new to a lot of people,” he said. “It resonates with them. It’s a good thing, it’s accepted by a lot of different people all over the world.” “It’s awesome. As long as we’re making people dance, right?” A Tribe Called Red will be playing the ARC March 19 as part of QNSA Aboriginal Awareness Week.
The group recently played SXSW and band member DJ Bear Witness played Queen’s Aboriginal Awareness Week in 2009.
photo by arwin chan
Artwork from the Four Directions Student Centre
Aboriginal Awareness week
A persistent voice Aboriginal issues discussed every week of the year B y B rent M oore Arts Editor Long after the hullabaloo fades from the upcoming performance by A Tribe Called Red, Aboriginal issues will continue to be discussed by a few dedicated community members. Tuesday evenings, CFRC broadcasts Aboriginal Voices — a two-hour smorgasbord of all things Aboriginal: music, local and national issues and any interview they can get their hands on. The current hosts, Sean Story and Douglas Farquhar, have enjoyed their time in the booth and witnessed firsthand the shifting attitude towards Aboriginal issues. Story lives on nearby Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, while Farquhar is a retired teacher who lives north of the city. “It’s been a really interesting experience,” Farquhar said. “Over the years I hear the changes that are coming through … We’re seeing a lot more focus on Aboriginal issues in mainstream media.”
As a campus and community radio programme, Aboriginal Voices was able to address topics like education and water issues in Aboriginal communities without the constraint associated with commercial funding. “Before you heard about Idle No More, we had been bringing those issues forward,” Farquhar said. Hosting has prompted the men to read up more on the issues they discuss and provided opportunities to meet inspiring people. “Musicians — that’s been the fun part for us, [including] meeting people like Buffy Sainte-Marie, Susan Aglukark [and] Derek Miller,” Farquhar said. The show began as an effort by Aboriginal musician Gary Farmer. “He met some people in the area and was talking about trying to get Aboriginal issues on the radio,” Farquhar said. The show was initially called Little Red Radio, but objection from students led to a name change. Over the years a number of students and community members have been See It’s on page 18
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Together in camping Volcano Theatre’s new production is simple and quirky B y J anine A buluyan Staff Writer Award-winning Canadian playwright Daniel MacIvor’s A Beautiful View is, at its simplest, an exploration of friendship. Beyond that, it’s a view of all the little events, coincidence, and choices that make up life. In a chance encounter, two women learn they share a birthdate and a love of camping. This blooms into a beautiful friendship that spans their 20s and 30s. Though neither woman identifies as lesbian or bisexual, they end up in an on-again-offagain relationship fueled by their widely differing personalities. Canadian actor Becky Johnson’s
character is talkative with lots of “personality”, whereas fellow Canadian actor Amy Rutherford’s character is reserved and practical. At times lyrical and dreamlike, and at other times a dose of reality, A Beautiful View fills the simple stage with a lifetime supply of stories and energy. The only significant props on the floor-level stage are a tent and a radio but the German technology involved, which requires that cellphones be either turned off or in airplane mode during the show, makes the stage come alive. The lighting and sound effects create the illusion of the myriad settings require by the storyline. From their first meeting at the camping equipment section of a
store to forming a band that covers Pat Benatar songs with ukuleles, the two women go through phases of, “fun, confusion, misunderstanding, betrayal, longing for reconciliation, fear, and finally, death,” according to the play’s description on the Grand Theatre’s website. German composer Krister Schuchardt’s musical score contributes to the feeling of the passing of time by evoking the natural fluctuations of emotions that go with life. Through all this, they search for meaning and love and are always brought back together by camping. The women impart quirky words of wisdom throughout the play including, “stop naming things” and “teach your children how to play guitar.” A favourite line is the ambiguous, “Nothing is enough,” which can be understood positively as “Nothing is sufficient” or negatively as “Nothing is ever going to be enough” depending on one’s philosophy. One of the women confesses that she never really thought of the phrase positively until their friendship. In the spirit of not naming things, the names and sexual orientation of the women are never given. The play is slow to warm up and at times quite abstract, but with a little patience it proves surprising, funny, and thought-provoking. Dark yet peaceful, the play ends in an ironic blend of the characters’ ideas on fear, death and art. Overall, A Beautiful View is a must for theatre-goers who enjoy a good laugh and a profound thought or two. A Beautiful View is on at the Baby Grand Theatre from March 12-23.
A minimal number of props are used.
photo supplied by volcano theatre
RAQonteur Queen’s Student Housing A panel discussion
Brent Bellamy
General Manager Kingston Housing Coop (Science 44 Coop)
Laeeque Daneshmend
Deputy Provost, Queen’s University
Sheldon Laidman
Acting Director Planning & Development, City of Kingston
Alma Mater Society, Queen’s University
Eleanor Rogers
School of English (Retired)
Wednesday, 19 March 2014 7.30 pm Queen’s University Room 1103, Biosciences Building 116 Barrie Street Free Admission|Everyone Welcome A series of forums sponsored by
Retirees’ Association of Queen’s
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18 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, March 14, 2014
The relatability of ‘real’ television Decades after its inception, reality television continues to captivate with The Bachelor, Phillip Phillips B y M aggie H eathcote Contributor Long before Juan Pablo charmed us on the past season of The Bachelor, viewers were tuning into CBS to watch Jeff Probst announce the first-ever winner of Survivor: Borneo. Survivor, which aired in May 2000, would go on to produce 28 more seasons over the next 14 years. Survivor was by no means the first reality television show. Candid Camera, first airing in 1948, along with the many popular game shows of the 1960s and 70s, long preceded it. However, it initiated the reality show craze of the new millennium. Since then, reality television
has become a successful genre within the television industry, due to audience appeal and cheap production costs. The effects can be seen in Kingston: American Idol veteran Phillip Phillips plays the K-Rock Centre this Saturday, while the Queen’s Pub fills up with Bachelor fans on Mondays. Felicia Myronyk, a drama student, is direct when approaching the question of why the genre is so popular. “We become bored with our own lives so we look for another story to entertain us,” Myronyk, ArtSci ’16, said. “I think reality TV does a great job of doing that for us.” While she said she doesn’t necessarily count this as a dangerous
thing, she said that people need to be aware of the genre’s limits. Caitlin Wood, a chemical engineering student, said she feels that reality television’s appeal actually comes from these vulnerabilities. “[Reality television is] centered around things you feel like you can connect to more,” Wood, ArtSci ’16, said. “It’s an emotion I can relate to, versus a scripted drama, where I can empathize with the characters but not really relate to them.” Wood said that while scripted dramas often deal with Average Joe-type characters in dramatized situations, reality television tends to do the reverse — rationalizing larger-than-life personas with
photo by arwin chan
The Four Directions Centre teepee.
the mundane realities of their everyday lives. They get excited and upset over things that may seem insignificant, or have mindless conversations — which is something she said we can all relate to. Cody Dauphinee, a fourth-year English student, said the genre shouldn’t be credited as a piece of non-fiction. “It isn’t an accurate reflection
of reality,” Dauphinee, ArtSci ’14, said. “Most of what happens in reality TV is scripted or people putting on an [act] because there is a camera in front of them. “You can’t really ever have reality TV unless people don’t know they’re being filmed.” Phillip Phillips plays at the K-Rock Centre on March 15.
The latest Bachelor season inspired a new drink at QP.
graphic by sam koebrich
‘It’s been a wonderful experience’ Continued from page 15.
involved to some capacity. One of the new faces is
Gananoque resident Sheila Rosalie, who has volunteered as a radio producer for the past year and a half.
Rosalie’s shirt and necklace were a gift from Robert Wells’ wife.
“I have great joy in doing that show,” said Rosalie, who hosts one to two episodes per month on her own. “I’m discovering all this great music that we have here at CFRC.” For the past six months, Rosalie has been working on a radio dramatization of Robert Wells’ book Wawahte (Cree for “Northern lights”). It’s the story of residential schools — compiled personal stories from three children and a historical account of how residential schools came into being. “I put this together into three, two-hour radio shows. They aired last fall, and again this winter,” Rosalie said. Rosalie paired the audiobook with music from Aboriginal artists. “It’s been a wonderful experience for me to be able to learn what I’ve learned from the book Wawahte,” she said. “I would recommend that book to anyone.” After the segments aired on Aboriginal Voices, Rosalie went back and edited the project into 15 half-hour segments, adding extra music and touching up some of her outros. These are aired Monday evenings as part of the show
Resonating Reconciliation. Farquhar is hoping that more people approach them to get involved with the show. “It’s more fun when you can get a group of people, each person has a different way of sharing
their perspective.” Aboriginal Voices airs Tuesdays 6-8 p.m. on CFRC. Resonating Reconciliation airs Mondays from 6:30-7 p.m.
Rosalie is becoming skilled at using the board.
Friday, March 14, 2014
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20 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, March 14, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
2014 CIS Women’s Basketball National Championships Round 1 Schedule March 14 Game 1 #2 Saint Mary’s Huskies vs. #7 Alberta Pandas, 1 p.m. Game 2 #3 Saskatchewan Huskies vs. #6 Queen’s Gaels, 3 p.m. Game 3 #1 Windsor Lancers vs. #8 Laurier Golden Hawks, 6 p.m. Game 4 #4 McGill Martlets vs. #5 Fraser Valley Cascades, 8 p.m. *All games at St. Denis Centre (Windsor, Ont.)
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Nationwide clash in Windsor Sixth-seeded Gaels will face Saskatchewan this afternoon in CIS opener B y J erry Z heng Staff Writer This weekend’s women’s basketball national championships will give Queen’s a chance for redemption. After losing 73-48 to the Windsor Lancers in last Saturday’s OUA title game, the Gaels will tip off again today in Windsor — this time, in the CIS quarterfinals. Last weekend’s loss means they finished with an OUA silver medal and a sixth seed at nationals. At 3 p.m., the Gaels will take on the third-ranked Saskatchewan Huskies, with a place in the national Final Four on the line. The pre-season was the last time the Gaels met the Huskies. They lost 68-33 in a lopsided October exhibition, a game they played without star guard Liz Boag. Ever since, Gaels head coach Dave Wilson has looked forward to facing the Huskies again. “I liked our matchups and, I think for us as a younger team in October, our growth has been significant,” Wilson said. “Our ability to believe in ourselves has grown so much that we’re in a much better place to be successful now.”
Wilson said he believes his team can upset the Huskies, who won this season’s Canada West championship. The Gaels’ biggest challenge will be containing Saskatchewan’s Dalyce Emmerson, the Canada West player of the year and defensive player of the year this season. Emmerson is a 6’3” post that averaged 19.2 points and 11.6 rebounds during the regular season. It’ll be a similar challenge to the OUA final, where Windsor overwhelmed Queen’s early. The Gaels weren’t prepared for the Lancers’ early assault, as Windsor quickly
jumped ahead with a 15-2 run. The Lancers’ commanding first-quarter lead put the game out of reach, as the Gaels trailed by double-digits throughout the game. Wilson said he and his coaching staff are to blame for his team’s poor start. “I don’t think we prepared [the players] well for the intensity of Windsor’s pressure right off the start, and I think that was an oversight,” he said. Boag had a strong night after shaking off early jitters in the first quarter, where she shot 1-4 from the field and committed all five of her turnovers. She ended the game See Saskatchewan on page 23
Women’s Basketball OUA Playoff Results OUA East Semi-final — Feb. 22
Queen’s Gaels 62 Carleton Ravens 58 [OT]
Queen’s Gaels 67 Toronto Varsity Blues 56
OUA Final — March 8
OUA East Final — March 1
Windsor Lancers 73 Queen’s Gaels 48
Queen’s win over Carleton in the OUA East semi-finals earned them a berth to nationals this weekend. They play the Saskatchewan Huskies today in the first round.
22 •queensjournal.ca
Friday, March 14, 2014
There and back again After spending years down south, NCAA transfers come home B y S ean S utherland Assistant Sports Editor Caitlyn Lahonen was fed up with the NCAA. Back in 2012, the women’s hockey goaltender had just finished her second season at St. Lawrence University in upstate New York, when she decided to come back to Canada, transferring to Queen’s. Lahonen hails from Sharon, Ont., but her original decision to attend an NCAA school is one becoming increasingly common among young Canadian athletes. In recent years, basketball phenom Andrew Wiggins and Olympic
hockey hero Marie-Philip Poulin have headed to schools south of the border. Money is one reason for this trend — American NCAA schools can offer prospective players full scholarships, while Ontario universities are limited to $4,000 at most. Lahonen was initially enticed with a full ride, but her playing experiences in the States eventually led her to the CIS. “After two years, I just didn’t enjoy it anymore,” she said. “It’s like they own you. You play so much hockey that it’s not fun anymore. They push you to
Goaltender Caitlyn Lahonen spent two seasons with the St. Lawrence Skating Saints, before transferring to Queen’s in 2012.
the limit.” Playing collegiately in America comes with an increased focus on winning and the athletic side of the university experience. While the level of play is high in the NCAA, Lahonen said, the CIS offers a more balanced approach to sports and education. “[Here], you get to experience everything a student really should experience,” she said. “I feel like at Queen’s, school comes first, and that’s awesome. “In the NCAA, it’s hockey first, academics second.” The 2013-14 season marked Lahonen’s first on the ice with the Gaels. She said that while some NCAA teams play at a faster tempo, Queen’s would be able to compete with several Division I schools in the US. In five OUA games this season, Lahonen posted a 1.38 goals against average and a .944 save percentage. Due to transfer rules, Lahonen had to wait a year before suiting up for Queen’s, but a new regulation established last November means future transfers won’t have to go through the same experience. Starting next year, Canadian athletes playing in the States will be able to play immediately if they transfer to a CIS school. Like Lahonen, football player
Running back and defensive back Brendan Morgan began his Queen’s career this season after leaving the University of Virginia.
Brendan Morgan had to sit out the 2012-13 season after transferring to Queen’s from the University of Virginia. A running back and defensive back for Queen’s, Morgan said he agrees with the change. “I think a lot of people thought it was strange that I had to sit out when I first transferred,” he said. “A player transferring from an NCAA school to a school up in Canada shouldn’t be a big issue. I think it’s a great idea.” Morgan didn’t consider transferring to another NCAA school when he left Virginia. The Pickering, Ont. native made it clear he was going home, where the emphasis is placed on academics over athletics. With Virginia being a member of the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), a major NCAA division, football players were more noticeable to the general student
population, Morgan said. The importance placed on athletics meant student-athletes were treated differently by their peers. “They kind of worshipped the athletes. That’s just the way it is down south. Here, not so much because athletics isn’t the main focus,” Morgan said. “There, you have stadiums where it’s 40,000-plus fans watching you play. People gravitate to that.” While his transfer meant he crossed the border back into Canada, Morgan said the largest shift for him was similar to most transfer students — adjusting to a new university. “The biggest thing was the change in environment. You’re at a school for that many years, you kind of adapt to it, and become comfortable,” he said. “And just like that, you switch to a different school. I think that might have been the biggest adjustment.”
Friday, March 14, 2014
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Saskatchewan up today Continued from page 21
with 17 points on 6-14 shooting. Wilson said the game bore importance for Boag heading into nationals. “Liz had been struggling with her outside shooting prior to [the Windsor] game,” Wilson said. “It was really important for her psychologically to feel good about shooting the ball game and it’ll lend itself really well going into this weekend.” Gaels wing Jenny Wright had a scary moment when she suffered a minor hyperextension of her knee in the third quarter. She walked off on her own and came back in the fourth quarter to finish the game with 17 points and four rebounds. Wing Gemma Bullard was unable to find her rhythm in the game, finishing with just a single point and fouling out by the fourth quarter. Windsor, the top seed at nationals, is favoured to win their fourth straight CIS title this weekend. One reason is star post player Jessica Clémencon, who had 21 points and eight rebounds and shot 75 per cent from the floor against Queen’s. Gaels post Andrea Priamo said Clémencon is the best player she has ever played against. “She’s actually a really talented player and she’s not easy to guard,” Priamo said. “We did all we could to prepare for her.” Windsor will face the eighth-seeded Laurier Golden Hawks this evening, right after Queen’s tilt with Saskatchewan. Winners of the four first-round games will advance to tomorrow’s semi-finals, while the losers are relegated to the consolation bracket.
THE ROAD TO NATIONALS QUEEN’S 57, OTTAWA 46 [OT] Jan. 25, 2014 Jenny Wright tallied eight of the Gaels’ 14 overtime points to carry Queen’s past the nationally tenth-ranked Gee-Gees. The victory kick-started a nine-game win streak.
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QUEEN’S 63, CARLETON 58 FEB. 8, 2014 In their final home game of the season, a 63-58 victory over Carleton ensured the Gaels at least a spot in the OUA East semi-finals. Liz Boag’s three-pointer with 28 seconds left gave Queen’s all the advantage they needed.
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QUEEN’S 62, CARLETON 58 [OT] MARCH 1, 2014 Forced into overtime by a game-tying three-pointer, the Gaels held strong, winning 62-58 and taking the OUA East title. A pair of free throws by guard Meaghan MacDougall iced the game and sent Queen’s to nationals. — Sean Sutherland
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1. Barber’s concern 5. Small ammunition 8. Jet forth 12. — podrida 13. Uncooked 14. Undergarment, for short 15. Deli meat 17. “Yeah, right” 18. Scythe stroke 19. Baseball’s Mickey 21. Circle 24. Baton Rouge sch. 25. Make fun of 28. Wander 30. Massage 33. “— Little Teapot” 34. Uses the phone 35. Ostrich’s cousin 36. Wrong (Pref.) 37. One 38. Venomous vipers 39. Dead heat 41. Spinning toys 43. Oz’s Good Witch 46. Chicago airport 50. Fortune 51. Rustic 54. Liniment target 55. Away from WSW 56. Skaters’ venue 57. Action 58. Alphabet end 59. Advantage
1. Goes like a bunny 2. “There oughta be —!” 3. “Casablanca” heroine 4. Nursery toy 5. Lingerie item 6. Emeril’s cry 7. Use the pool
8. Reads cursorily 9. Meadows 10. Pianist Gilels 11. Spouse 16. Greek P 20. Charitable donations 22. Algerian port 23. D.C. goings-on (Abbr.) 25. Carrey or Caviezel 26. Parisian pal 27. Medley 29. Choir member 31. Ref 32. Clear the tables 34. Prompted 38. Off the boat 40. Signed 42. Cauldron 43. Pleased 44. “Time” founder 45. Pinnacle 47. Dry 48. Pealed 49. Actress Sommer 52. Whatever number 53. “Oh, yeah? — who?” 49. Alias abbr.
Last Issue’s Answers
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014
Losing control Exercising self-control over bad habits can put a strain on other areas of a balanced life B Y E RIN S YLVESTER Opinions Editor Much to my mother’s chagrin, I bite my nails. I always have and I do it all the time. But when I’m stressed, working until the wee hours of the morning or nervous about presenting in front of a class, I find it harder to control. No matter how much I try to stop, the more stressed I get and the more I find myself doing it. I also read to relax. It calms me down and takes my mind off any issues in my life. But when I was lent the Shopaholic series, I read them all as quickly as I could and even neglected my schoolwork. At least my life wasn’t as out-of-control as the title character, who is clearly addicted to shopping. A vice is distinct from addiction, which is a compulsive behaviour that begins to take over the sufferer’s life. Instead, it’s a habit or practice that has a negative impact on your ability to perform other tasks. Vices can be harmless habits that become a negative force when done in excess. While habits depend on what initially caused them, it’s hard to call something a vice when it’s being triggered by stress rather than for the pleasure of the activity. If they weren’t vices, I was unsure why I was unable to stop myself from biting my nails ragged or from procrastinating on schoolwork by reading fun books. According to Kevin Rounding, a PhD candidate in the Queen’s department of psychology, there are several
theories on why people find it hard to control themselves in several areas at a time. I may find it hard to study hard and stop myself from biting my nails at the same time because of something called “ego depletion.” The theory is that self-control, referred to as the Freudian term “ego” as the part of the self that restricts passions and irrational desires, is a finite resource, Rounding explained. “It’s been likened to a muscle that tires after you use it ... you go to the gym, you work out your arms, you know, build up biceps ... and then you go to the grocery store and you buy a couple cases of pop and your arms are killing you as you’re walking home with it,” Rounding said. Another theory posits that, again much like a muscle, if you train yourself to practice self-control in one area then you are better able to control yourself in general.
It’s been likened to a “muscle that tires after you use it ... you go to the gym, you work out your arms, you know, build up biceps ... and then you go to the store an you buy a couple cases of pop and your arms are killing you as you are walking home with it.
— Kevin Rounding, PhD candidate in the department of psychology This
Rounding said, also suggests that exerting self-control over a bad habit, like nail-biting, can help you resist the temptation when you’re stressed and more susceptible to indulge your vices. Rounding revealed that new research also says that self-control may not be an unlimited resource — there are only a finite number of tasks you can be motivated to do at one time. “If we were studying for an exam, we have a lot of motivation to get good grades, not so much motivation to worry about how pretty our nails look,” he said. These theories can explain why it’s hard to control yourself, especially during stressful periods, but there are ways to manage self-control and make it possible to manage your bad habits.
are studying “forIf anweexam, we have
a lot of motivation to get good grades, no so much motivation to worry about how pretty our nails look.
— Kevin Rounding, PhD candidate in the department of psychology Rounding explained that while it may seem like a vice is interfering with an ability to study, it’s in fact the stressor that is triggering a general habit. “This is a normal habit for us to bite our nails [but] we may do it more because we’re stressed and we may not be self-aware that we’re doing it,” he said. Rounding’s research on the subject of self-control focuses on the possibility that by priming people with religion, they were more likely to exert self-control on a task. In doing this, researches would make the test subjects consider religious words.
“One of the ... mechanisms that we think might be responsible for the effect of religion on self-control might be self-awareness ... it might make salient the belief that God watching over us,” he explained.
This is a normal “habit for us to bite our nails [but] we may do it more because we’re stressed and we may not be self-aware that we’re doing it.
— Kevin Rounding, PhD candidate in the department of psychology Basically, when we force ourselves to consider that someone is observing our behaviour we’re more likely to behave in a way that we think is more correct. “Religion encourages self-monitoring and we’re more aware of our own actions,” he said. This comes as no surprise to Daniel Freeman, Catholic Christian Outreach staff at Newman House, the Catholic chaplaincy on campus. He said having good role models can help people eliminate bad habits from their lives. “If you’re with people who are striving to overcome [the] habit of gossip, you’re more likely to put that in check,” he said, “so people that are striving for virtue are more likely to help you strive for virtue.” Freeman has also seen students overcome bad habits through practicing their religion, especially through confession, a Catholic sacrament that involves confessing sins to a priest. He said that, for Christians, working for virtue isn’t just about discipline, or exercising your self-control muscle, but requires God’s grace. For the 40 days before Easter, Catholics go through
a period of preparation called Lent, a practice that dates to the early Christian church when converts were baptized at Easter and prepared for their new Christian life by turning towards God. It’s common practice to give up a habit during Lent, like smoking or eating chocolate. “Giving up bad things are about trying to root them out of your life altogether ... giving up good things can be a way to grow the discipline you need to give up other bad things,” Freeman said. “When I drive to work in Lent I turn off the radio in my car ... so I spend the time driving to work actually praying ... it’s an opportunity in my day to be more attentive to God.” By abstaining from hot chocolate for the duration of Lent, as I’m trying very hard to do, I may be slipping in my self-control in other areas of my life — the state of my nails certainly seems to suggest this.
up bad things “areGiving about trying to
root them out of your life altogether ... giving up good things can be a way to grow the discipline you need to give up other bad things.
— Daniel Freeman, Catholic Christian Outreach Staff at Newman House But by practicing this self-control and giving up a good thing, I may be exercising my ability to later give up habits I enjoy much less than drinking some warm cocoa before bed. I know my mother certainly hopes so.