The Queen's Journal, Volume 142, Issue 1

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Introducing ... Lifestyle page 16

T U E S D AY , M AY 2 7 , 2 0 1 4 — I S S U E 1



Skinhead group returns to town Southern Ontario Skinheads leave poster behind B Y C HLOE S OBEL News Editor Members of the Southern Ontario Skinheads visited Kingston in mid-March and again in May, leaving behind a poster in the student housing area. During their March visit, the group videotaped themselves walking up and down Princess St. and chanting white supremacist slogans. Two of the videos, posted online, show the Kingston Police Force (KPF) speaking to the group. Steve Koopman, media relations officer for the KPF, said that while an officer had been dispatched to speak with the group, no arrests were made. “At that time no crime was being committed, nothing that the officer could enforce,” he said. “We just made sure we got as much information as possible and the group was allowed to go on their way.” The poster put up in May at Earl and Barrie Streets advertised the group, violating a city bylaw. The bylaw bans all posters not hung at one of seven See We on page 7

Inside this issue:


B Y N ATASA B ANSAGI , J ACQUELYN P LATIS AND C HLOE S OBEL Journal Staff With the upcoming provincial election around the corner, candidates for the riding of Kingston and the Islands are taking time during the campaign period to weigh in on student issues. On May 2, a provincial election was called by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Lieutenant Governor David Onley for June 12. Wynne asked Onley to dissolve the legislature after the

Ontario New Democratic Party and Progressive Conservatives opposed the minority Liberal government’s spring budget, on the grounds that the party had failed to deliver on promises from the prior year’s budget. The $130.4 billion Liberal budget would have increased program spending by $3 billion and brought the deficit from $11.3 to $12.5 billion. It sought to have universities specialize further and to develop a new $42 million online learning program, Ontario Online, which would have been operational


CrossFit’s challenge

page 2

page 9

Report sheds light on ArtSci grade distribution


Baders donate 68 paintings to campus arts centre

page 10


Quartet of Gaels selected in CFL draft

page 13

in 2015-16. The Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) released pre-budget recommendations in a submission to the Ontario government on January 21, which ranged from issuing a $340 million dollar education and tuition tax credits to students, increasing the Ontario Tuition Grant from 30 to 35 per cent and extending its eligibility to Aboriginal students and students with dependents. OUSA’s recommendations were not included in the budget. On May 13, the organization released a revised submission calling all major Ontario political parties, including the Progressive Conservatives, the NDP and the Green Party, to freeze tuition for one year, increase funding to universities, convert tuition-related tax credits to upfront grants and extend financial aid eligibility to part-time students. Philip Lloyd, AMS vice-president (university affairs), said the AMS will be working with AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner Colin Zarzour and OUSA to design an election strategy

The men’s issues debate page 3

to promote student engagement in the upcoming election. Over the past 20 years, youth participation in Canadian elections has declined. In 2011, the general election saw a turnout of 50 per cent among 18- to 24-year-olds, the lowest of any age group. “[We’ll be] meeting with other student committee members on OUSA … to lay out what this election strategy would be, and then working with our Marketing Communications office to make sure that students … know what is being talked about, what is in the election and how issues being discussed will affect them,” Lloyd said. The provincial candidates for the riding of Kingston and the Islands are Mark Bain, PC candidate; Mary Rita Holland, NDP candidate; Robert Kiley, Green Party candidate; and Sophie Kiwala, Liberal candidate. The Journal spoke to the candidates about their plans to tackle issues related to postsecondary education in the area. Continued on pages 4 and 7

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