The Queen's Journal, Volume 147, Issue 11

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Queen’s University


Volume 147, issue 11

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Situated on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples.

since 1873

Nearly a thousand rally against racism C laire M acpherson Contributor A week after a racist and homophobic note was found on the door of a fourth-floor common room in Chown Hall, nearly a thousand students, faculty and staff rallied to condemn it.

On Oct. 18, streets on campus were filled with students, University administration, and community members. Marching to support Indigenous and LGBTQ+ students, the rally was hosted by Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre. A police officer at the rally said close to 1,000 people were in attendance. Before the march began, supporters

gathered at Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre to hear speeches from students and members of the Queen’s administration, including Ann Tierney, vice-provost and dean of student affairs. “It was uplifting to see so many members of the Queen’s community attend the students’ march on Friday, and stand

up to the vile, hateful, racist, violent and homophobic sentiments expressed in the poster placed in Queen’s residence,” Janice Hill, director of Four Directions, wrote in a statement. “We came together to support the right See rally on page 2

Women’s Rugby OUA Champs J ack R abb Sports Editor The women’s rugby program delivered on the promise of their undefeated regular season with a dominant championship performance, besting the Guelph Gryphons 46-17. The Gryphons have been a monkey on the back of Queen’s for the better part of the last decade. Coming into their regular season matchup this year, Queen’s hadn’t beat Guelph since 2013. The Gaels won that game in convincing fashion, but the spectre of the Gryphons’ playoff dominance loomed large—Queen’s has been eliminated by them for the past three years, twice in the provincial finals. The pre-Homecoming audience of students and alumni were crowded into packed stands and around much of the field in hopes of witnessing captain Sophie de Goede finally accept the OUA championship trophy on behalf of Queen’s. They weren’t disappointed. The Gaels looked to be in control from the outset, scoring first and often, and eating up large chunks of the field with every phase. The scoring started with Celia Martensson in just the sixth minute, and Rachel Hickson followed with her own try 11 minutes later. A conversion by de Goede made the score 12-0 early. However, Guelph wasn’t easily discouraged. The three-time defending OUA champs quickly rebutted with a try by April Wright that cut the Queen’s lead to seven. After that, it was all Gaels. The women scored 27 unanswered See championship on page 9

Supporters stop outside of Richardson Hall during the Oct. 18 rally.


Gerretsen clinches second term NDP candidate finishes second, Conservatives fall to third place R aechel H uizinga , S ydney K o , I ain S herriff -S cott , J ack R abb , C laire M acpherson Journal Staff Kingston and the Islands Liberal candidate Mark Gerretsen was re-elected for a second term on Oct. 21, capturing 46 per cent of support and 30,688 ballots. Gerretsen will be one of the Liberal Party’s 157 seats in the House of Commons, where the re-elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau must now navigate a minority government. NDP candidate Barrington Walker came in second with 15,592 votes in the riding. In a rare step for Kingston and the Islands, the Conservative candidate, Ruslan Yakoviychuk, was pushed to third place with 12,808 votes. Green Party candidate Candice Christmas followed with 5,867 votes. The People’s Party of Canada candidate Andy Brooke finished last in the riding with 1,717 votes. The PPC failed to win a single

seat in Parliament, and Maxime Bernier, the congratulate Mr. Gerretsen on his victory. party’s leader, was not re-elected in his home I will not give up and I will fight another riding of Beauce. war again.” Leading Walker by more than 8,000 votes Green Party candidate Christmas told at around midnight, Gerretsen celebrated See election on page 2 the win at the Cloverleaf Lanes bowling alley across the street from his campaign office. “Kingstonians have decided to send me back to Ottawa and I’m extremely humble for that opportunity,” Gerretsen told The Journal. “I look forward to continuing to represent them in any way that I can.” “I look forward to working with the folks at Queen’s, to continue to advocate on their behalf, to make sure we get our fair share when it comes to money going out to universities throughout the country,” he said. Walker trailed Gerretsen, settling in at just over 20 per cent support after 12 a.m. Celebrating his campaign at The Loyal Oarsman on Bath Rd., Walker spoke about the importance of his family in his speech to supporters. “Without you, this wouldn’t have even happened,” he said. Conservative candidate Yakoviychuk gathered with approximately 20 supporters at Our Lady of Fatima Parish on Division St. Yakoviychuk came in third, capturing under 20 per cent of the vote. “It’s obvious people aren’t ready for the change,” he told The Journal. “I want to MP Mark Gerretsen. PHOTO BY TESSA WARBURTON

IN THIS ISSUE: Kingston’s radical climate activism p. 5, SVPRC disclosure requirement must go, p. 6, A haunting two-hour piano recital at the Isabel, p. 10, Supernatural stories from Kingston Pen p. 12.





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