The Queen's Journal, Volume 147, Issue 19

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Queen’s University

journal Volume 147, issue 19

Friday, January 24, 2020

Situated on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples.

since 1873

Two men arrested near campus after causing disturbance R aechel H uizinga News Editor


OUR ENDORSEMENT Senate will take up motion to extend fall term break pilot AMS president says motion “doesn’t reflect” recommendations of Society C arolyn S vonkin Assistant News Editor Senate will motion next week to extend the current iteration of the fall term break into a fourth year, extending its pilot past the three-year timeline and kicking a review of the policy down the road. The motion, to be taken up at the Jan. 28 Senate meeting, would mandate a review of the current break by the Senate Committee on Academic Procedures (SCAP) beginning in fall 2020, a year after the pilot was supposed to be complete. The motion requests SCAP report its review to Senate no later than February 2021. Opposition to the current break mounted last semester when the AMS released survey results from more than 1,800 students which found that a majority didn’t think the fall term break helped their mental health. In November, the Arts and Science Faculty Board rejected the 2021-22

academic year in opposition to the current break. “There’s a problem [with the implications of the Senate motion],” AMS President Auston Pierce said in an interview with The Journal. “The University is looking to extend the three-year pilot project to another year. We have data that says that’s not what we should be doing.” Pierce pointed out that, if the review is pushed until next year, there will only be one cohort of students remaining who experienced the current format of the break and having no break. “If we don’t have students who are able to properly evaluate their experiences, then the data is not going to be as useful as it could be,” Pierce said. He believes rather than extending the pilot another year, the University needs to start collecting data about the break. “Student groups such the AMS, ASUS and EngSoc have already collected information, but

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the University hasn’t,” he said. “We need to ensure that consultation is properly done.” The AMS survey, now closed, garnered 1,845 responses. It received more responses from first and second years than any other AMS survey this year. The survey results were reported to SCAP, but Pierce is disappointed with the conclusions he believes Senators have drawn from the report. “Their motion didn’t reflect our recommendation or our asks. The current motion doesn’t reflect any of the consultations the AMS has done with students.” Pierce said the message the Society’s report sends is clear. “The biggest [takeaway] is that the majority of students do not find that the fall term break helps their mental health or relieving any pressures or stresses from their academic lives.” Another major issue with the current format is travel, according to Pierce. “A very large percentage of students feel that the fall term break is not a sufficient period of time for them to return home,” he said. A majority of survey respondents wanted the two-day break to be attached to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. “Students strongly believe [this format] is the most logical alternative and would be much more conducive to the reduction of academic stress before midterms,” See fall term break on page 3

A dramatic scene unfolded Thursday afternoon as two men wearing offensive signs were arrested on the corner of University Ave. and Earl St. for making anti-women statements to students passing by. The two men, identified in an April 2015 CBC report as Steven Ravbar and Matthew Carapella, held signs referencing Bible verses, including quotes like “The judgement of the great whore” and “She that lives in pleasure is dead while she lives.” On their backs, the two men wore signs that said “Behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven” and “Remember Lot’s wife.” As female students walked by, the two men asked if they were Christians or called them whores. They suggested women should wear “long, loose-fitting” skirts or face eternal damnation. The two men declined The Journal’s repeated requests for comment. Campus Security arrived on the scene, but were unable to convince the men to leave. Campus Security wouldn’t provide a comment to

The Journal at the time, but stated they had called Kingston Police, adding that because the two men technically weren’t on University property, they were unable to escort them away from campus. Three police vehicles arrived and the two men were arrested. Ravbar and Carapella made names for themselves for their street preaching in London, Ontario, racking up more than 75 complaints over their time preaching there. CBC, which followed the two men from 2015 to 2019, reported that Carapella was previously a Western University football star and Ravbar was his grade seven teacher. The two men’s behaviour was condemned as gender discrimination by London Mayor Matt Brown in 2017. They were arrested for the first time a year later in the United States, but weren’t arrested in Canada until 2019. London City Council amended its public nuisance bylaw to prohibit “abusive and insulting” language in 2018, giving police the jurisdiction to arrest the two men last March. In April of 2019, the two men faced additional charges of criminal mischief. They went to court on April 15, 2019, for public nuisance charges, and again last May for criminal mischief.

The two men were taken into custody on Thursday.


IN THIS ISSUE: Investigating athlete’s mental health, p. 7, One student’s past with Bell Let’s Talk p. 9, When Bader meets Broadway, p. 10, Ultimate guide to thrifting mom jeans, p. 15





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