Queen’s University
Volume 147, issue 20
Friday, January 31, 2020
since 1873
Uncontested AJA wins confidence
From left to right: Jared den Otter, Alexandra Samoyloff, Alexia Henriques.
Chinese New Year couplets torn down in Victoria Hall Cindy Liang and her roommate hope for a greater focus on inclusivity in residence A ysha T abassum Opinions Editor On the first night back from their winter holiday, Cindy Liang, Comm ’23, and her roommate decided to hang posters in celebration of the Lunar New Year. Minutes after they finished decorating their door in Victoria Hall on Jan. 5, Liang’s roommate heard papers being torn down in the hall, followed by laughter. The girls peered outside their room to find their couplets in pieces on the floor as a group of male students disappeared around the corner. Liang decided against confronting the
students out of fear for her immediate personal safety. In an interview with The Journal, she detailed contemplating whether they were intoxicated and considering the absence of security cameras in the halls of residence. The next night, Liang reached out to Residence Life staff, her don, and the Commerce Office to report the incident via email. Soon after, Genevieve Meloche, Residence Life coordinator, set up a meeting with the girls to file an incident report. Days later, the Commerce Office also initiated a meeting with the Diversity and Inclusion coordinator for the program, Mofi Badmos. Commerce students are able to book appointments with Badmos via email or through an online portal, which had not been working for the past two months. After The Journal inquired, the link was fixed. The incident wasn’t reported to residents of Victoria Hall by Residence Life to alert them of the misconduct. “We were very disappointed by an incident in early January that saw some door decorations and unrelated posters torn down in Victoria Hall,” Leah Wales, executive director at Housing and Ancillary Services
SGPS votes to divest E llen N agy Assistant News Editor
wrote in a statement to The Journal. “We strive to foster an environment where everyone feels welcome and included, and this kind of reckless behaviour works against those efforts,” she continued. Liang remembers initially being angered by the incident, finding it “ironic” that such an event could occur even when “Queen’s [Student Affairs] puts diversity in its shared values.” As she began to receive this support, Liang detailed “not feeling as much fear as the night that [the posters were torn down],” but she still wonders what may have occurred if she hadn’t locked her door. Following the meetings with Residence Life, an investigation was launched into the incident by Meloche, which began more than a week after the girls hung up their Chinese couplets, following Meloche’s submission of a report to the Non-Academic Misconduct Intake Office (NAMIO). On Jan. 23, Liang and her roommate received an email telling them the investigation had concluded after one of the students responsible came forward to their
Following months of deliberation, SGPS Council voted to relinquish the Society’s investments in oil and gas on Jan. 14. The council also voted to sign onto QBACC’s call for Queen’s to divest from fossil fuels. The vote comes after months of Council debates about how the decision would impact graduate students’ future career and research opportunities. The Society didn‘t respond to The Journal‘s request for a breakdown of its former oil and gas investments. “It was the second or third month in a row that we had discussed and debated the question of divestment because [the discussion] was split into two parts,” SGPS President Jeremy Ambraska said in an interview with The Journal. Ambraska said the discussion surrounding divestment wasn’t centred on whether the SGPS should withdraw their own investments from fossil fuel companies, but the councillors’ differing opinions about whether the SGPS should
See Victoria Hall on page 3
See divestment on page 3
IN THIS ISSUE: Profile: local lawyer talks landlords, p. 5, Voting shouldn’t cost students, p. 6, Men’s hockey clinches playoffs p. 9, Joshua Hyslop brings Canadiana to the Mansion, p. 10. queensjournal.ca