The Queen's Journal, Issue 25

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Reduce, reuse, ride-along

Features page 3 F r i d ay , J a n u a r y 1 4 , 2 0 11 — I s s u e 2 5

the journal

Q u e e n ’ s U n i v e r s i t y — C a n a da ’ s O l d e s t S t u d e n t N e w s pa p e r — S i n c e 1 8 7 3


The price of internationalization

Inside Vegan

B y K atherine Fernandez -B lance Queen’s administration is under scrutiny by student representatives following a decision to raise international students’ tuition by 10 per cent. The decision was passed Dec. 4 at a Board of Trustees meeting and will come into effect for the next academic year. Queen’s currently has the third highest international student tuition rate of all Ontario universities with international undergraduate students paying almost two and a half times domestic tuition rates at $17,030. The 10 per cent increase will result in incoming undergraduate international students paying between an extra $1,873 and $2,312 in tuition in September depending on their program. International students from professional programs such as Policy Studies and ASUS Student Senator Rico Garcia, ArtSci ’13, says the 10 per cent international student See International on page 5

Habib Khan remembered As second semester commences, students are reminded of the loss of Queen’s student Habib Khan whose kindness, determination and enthusiasm for life will be missed by those who knew him. Habib, ArtSci ’14, died on Dec. 2 after falling three stories through a skylight in Duncan McArthur Hall. His father, Minhaj Khan, describes Habib as a caring individual and loyal friend. “The word ‘Habib’ in Arabic and Persian means ‘beloved friend’ and indeed Habib lived his life true to his name,” Khan told the Journal via email. “He was friendly, always smiling, always cheerful and always ready to help anyone, anywhere and anytime.”

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Photo by Christine Blais

tuition increases may affect future enrollment rates of international students at Queen’s.


B y C lare C lancy News Editor

Queen’s named second most Vegan campus in Canada by PETA.

Habib was a natural leader who hoped to graduate university and become a lawyer, Khan said. A true global citizen, Habib lived in three different countries during his lifetime and had a passion for travel. His family currently resides in Saudi Arabia. Following his death, Habib was honoured with a funeral in Toronto and memorial services in Kingston and Saudi Arabia. Khan said hundreds of friends from around the world came together in these ceremonies to pay tribute to Habib. Family and friends wore a pencil behind one ear to imitate Habib’s trademark. “When I was doing my MBA, I used to stick a pencil or pen behind my ear during study,” Khan said, adding that Habib picked this up when he was nine years old. “Whenever he was in school

studying in library or with friends he [would] always have pencil behind his ear. But as his studies got intense during high school … he did more frequently … even when walking in school hallways.” A testament to Habib’s magnetic personality, many of his friends from Queen’s travelled to Toronto to attend his funeral. “Habib looked forward to going to Queen’s in September and since then he enjoyed Queen’s very much. He made lots of friends in a very short time. In fact, a busload of 60 Queen’s friends travelled to Toronto to his funeral,” Khan said. “This was a true testament of how much he was loved by the people he met just three months ago.” High school friend Tuba Chishti, ArtSci ’14, said she will remember Habib as a charismatic See He on page 7

The Queen’s Student Opera Company brings Carmen into the twentieth century. page 11

Abrams steps down as Conservative nominee Brian Abrams, Tory nominee for Kingston and the Islands, announced on Dec. 17 that he won’t run in the next federal election. In a press release, Abrams mentioned his legal practice and family as personal reasons for the decision to step down as Kingston and the Island’s Tory nominee. Abrams’ decision doesn’t come from a falling out with the party, Conservative senator Hugh Segal told the Whig-Standard. “He couldn’t do the 24/7 necessary to take the riding back from the Grits,” said Segal, adding that Kingston and the Islands is a target riding for the Conservative party after Abrams trailed MP Peter Milliken by 6.61 per cent in the last federal election. Last summer, Milliken announced he would not seek re-election after holding the position forever 22 years. —Clare Clancy


Gaels win in straight sets over cross-town rivals, the RMC Paladins page 16

Online last minute Studying Read about alternative study solutions to on Student Life.

Huck Finn

Check out the debate on the Chopping Block.


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Friday, January 14, 2011



Voting vegan

Campus Catchup

Queen’s wins second place for healthy vegan options in nationwide contest B y H alla I mam Contributor Queen’s has been named the second most vegan-conscious campus in Canada by Youth Chapter of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). First place went to McMaster University for the second year in a row. Alison Beach, Queen’s Hospitality Services manager, said the award shows that vegan meal options are a priority in Queen’s cafeterias. “There are over one hundred recipes that our chefs are able to draw from. Providing students with a variety of dishes is extremely important to us,” she said. “We don’t want vegan students feeling as if their only option is a pasta dish.” PETA’s award criteria included evaluating the quality and variety of vegan meals, as well as the school’s ability to provide healthy and balanced vegan meals. Some popular menu items include black bean and vegan cheese quesadillas and vegan sloppy joes. “Last year we had ranked third amongst our peers, so moving to second place, in my opinion, means that we are continuing to move in the right direction,” Beach said. Students from all across Canada were asked to participate in the PETA challenge. Last semester the

animal rights group encouraged students to cast online votes, send emails and write blog posts, all to determine which school was most dedicated to providing equal meal opportunities for vegan students. Beach said McMaster’s win is partly due to their new exclusively vegetarian cafeteria. “It’s great they are able to provide their student body with such a cafeteria. Clearly there is high demand for such facilities over at McMaster,” she said. When asked if Queen’s has any plans to follow in McMaster’s footsteps, Beach said it would be difficult to designate such an area on campus. “The demand comes from the students,” she said. “Quite frankly, based on the responses we get from various surveys conducted throughout the year, there aren’t enough students who are vegan to have an independent cafeteria created.” Relying on the input of cafeteria patrons, Beach said Hospitality Services has done its best to adhere to the needs of students, pointing out that every campus cafeteria offers vegetarian and/or vegan choices. In the last five years alone, the vegan program has steadily expanded, allowing Queen’s to seek more creative options from suppliers, Beach said.

Keeping up with campus news happening across Canada. page 6

board of trustees Students against international tuition increase speak out. page 5 Sous chef Nigel Hughes prepares vegan food at Leonard Cafeteria, which features a vegan station for students.

“Food is such an important part of the university experience. We don’t want students to feel like they’re being shafted with lesser options.” Breach acknowledged that it can be costly to source fresh vegetables and provide a variety of interesting foods to appeal to vegan students and said that sustainability is also a concern. “More and more students are beginning to choose vegan options for ethical reasons and so the onus is on us to provide quality service. “It seems like every year there

Photo by Justin Tang

are more complaints from students, ... in fact, we encourage students to be very vocal about their meal options.” Beach said ways students can be heard is by attending Student Affairs focus groups, which are run throughout the year or by speaking with cafeteria managers. “We make for certain that our cafeteria managers are one hundred percent accessible during meal hours. We want students to feel comfortable and respected.”

Online Campus Calendar Catch up on campus events in this weekly schedule

Looking For an Apartment? Here are some things to consider. Is barbequing a part of your life style? If so, where is the barbeque kept? Remember, you may not keep it on a front porch or balcony. The Propane Storage and Handling Code prohibits a cylinder containing propane from being stored or used inside any structure and shall not be stored under any fire escape, stairway, or ramp used as a means of egress from a building. BBQ propane tanks require 3 feet clearance from any opening in a building (door/window) and 10 feet clearance from any mechanical air intake.

Parking If you have a car, remember that it cannot block a right of way shared with a neighbor, or any public access. You will need private off street parking for the winter months. (The trial period for the residential parking permit in part of the downtown area ends in April. The relief it has offered for overnight winter parking may not apply next winter.)

Fire Safety A cellar (more than half the floor to ceiling height is below the external grade) is not a legal habitation. Recycling containers are prohibited in common hallways and stairways. They must be kept inside the apartment or unit. Every bedroom must have a window or door to the exterior. If you want to know if your apartment meets the fire code, you may ask for an inspection. Any requests for a fire safety inspection from internal/city sources should be directed through Assistant Chief, Director of Fire Prevention Robb Kidd 613-548-4001 Ext. 5107.

Provided as a public service by Councillor Bill Glover, Sydenham District

Friday, January 14, 2011



Photo by Justin Tang

Kyle Hannah collects recyclable materials during his route through the Student Ghetto on Wednesday.

Student ghetto

Talking trash ““

The maggots are, by far, the worst part of the job. One time I got home and found one in my boot.

The Journal spends a day on a recycling truck to learn the ins and outs of Ghetto garbage B y J ake E dmiston Features Editor There was a blizzard on Wednesday morning. “I’m glad they picked this day for you to come with me,” Kyle Hannah said after unloading a snow-filled blue box into his recycling truck. “You can see, to the full extent, how shitty this can get.” Waste removal has always been a mystery; a magical thing only witnessed by the select few who rise with the sun. On Wednesday, I was one of those people, arriving at the City’s garbage truck depot to meet Hannah and his Supervisor at 6 a.m. The Supervisor, Lyn Suggitt, had explicit instructions for me. “Don’t break a leg and listen to Kyle,” was the most crucial advice.

Hannah, 25, is one of Kingston’s 31 waste collection workers. My first question for him was an easy choice: “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen throw away?” Hannah’s answer was quick. A severed deer head. Probably from a hunting trip, he said. We started at the west end of Johnson St., and moved towards campus. If the street signs weren’t enough to indicate our arrival in the Queen’s Ghetto, the increase in pizza boxes were. “Queen’s is bad for sorting,” Hannah said, adding that improperly organized recycling occurred throughout the City. “Everywhere is different.” During his dance out of the driver’s seat, onto the road and up onto the side of the truck with bin in hand, Hannah would routinely retreat into the cab to grab a notification slip informing

Photo by Justin Tang To avoid getting a blue slip and rejected recyclables, visit to view the City’s list of acceptable materials.

the resident on how their recycling was wrongly sorted. Before beginning the route, Hannah prepared over 100 notification slips, ready to be distributed into mismanaged recycling bin. Stacks of slips, organized according to mistake, were arranged throughout the cab of the truck. One stack of slips in the truck reminded residents that the City of Kingston’s solid waste disposal program does not accept number one plastics without screw tops. Another explained that the resident’s bin had not been collected because it they put out their blue bin on a grey bin day, or vice versa. “I can see how people get frustrated,” Hannah said. “We’re not trying to get anybody mad, we’re just trying to do our jobs and educate a little at the same time.” As we hurried along the Queen’s route, Hannah could easily identify the repeat offenders. “I’d bet any money this guy’s bin is full of number one plastics,” he said correctly. He said he’ll often return to a bin that was improperly organized the previous pickup to find the problem unresolved and his notification slip covered in slime, stuck to the bottom of the bin. “I don’t think everyone reads the tags,” he said. Hannah would usually attempt to salvage the recyclable materials from mismanaged bins, but in extreme cases he said leaving the whole bin makes it more likely that individuals will fix the problem. “People don’t want to wait until next week,” Hannah said, adding that it’s typical for residents to run after his truck in their underwear to deliver their recycling. “People will get into their cars and cut you off or pull you over

saying ‘hey, you missed me.’” At a stop where garbage and recycling was scattered across the house’s front yard, Hannah picked up the recyclable materials and moved on. He said garbage and recycling collectors aren’t to blame for littered lawns. “It’s wind or animals or, believe it or not, rowdy kids,” he said. “It would piss me off too ... I know it looks bad but I can’t clean up every lawn.” After finishing collection on Johnson St., Hannah moved onto several side streets. His truck is one of two smaller models in the City’s 20-truck fleet. Unlike the larger, more iconic trucks, Hannah’s truck is able to turn around at the end of dead-end streets. It’s capable of picking up garbage, blue box or grey box material. After filling the truck’s depository, we headed to the Kingston Area Recycling Centre to dump the loot, passing a garbage truck on the way. “That’s Dan,” Hannah said, gesturing to the man riding on the back. Driving with Hannah, I heard the legend of the worker who lost his big toe during a route after falling into the back of the truck, but Hannah assured me he’d never shared a remotely similar fate. We were both wearing steel-toed boots, safety vests and heavy duty gloves. “It’s nowhere near as dirty and as smelly as I thought,” the two-year veteran said. “You take your garbage out with your bare hands and I pick it up with gloves. “I like this job. I like being in the elements.” Kingston’s Solid Waste Disposal program ran an operating budget of around $6.5 million in 2010. Recycling collection and the Green bin program cost the

City approximately $1 million each, while Garbage collection cost $1.9 million. The recycling centre processed and marketed 11,031.34 tonnes of recyclable material last year, creating a 1.2 million revenue for the City. The centre sorts the recyclables and compacts the useable material into large, rectangular bails to be marketed and sold. “There’s always the skeptics that say ‘oh, all recycling goes to the garbage,’ ” said Heather Roberts, supervisor for Kingston’s Solid Waste Disposal program. “That’s just not true.” When Hannah and I reached the centre, the truck was weighed before we were permitted into the facility. A man in a bulldozer guided us into a warehouse filled with ceiling-high piles of cardboard and paper. “You got that shit packed in tight brother,” he said, inspecting our load before squashing it into the exsiting piles. “Oh, she’s all frozen in there,” Hannah said, laughing as he chipped away at the icy paper and cardboard with a rake. After the recycling centre we stopped at a Tim Horton’s before resuming the route, where Hannah broke his no-coffee rule which he’d devised to minimize bathroom breaks. “I don’t know what someone would think if I banged on the door and asked to use the bathroom.” Sitting at the traffic light at University Ave. and Brock St. at around 10 a.m., a long series of over 100 bins waiting for us to collect was visible through the snow storm. “On a nice day with dry roads,” Hannah said, “I’d be almost done by now.”


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Friday, january 14, 2011

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Friday, january 14, 2011


International fees strike debate Continued from page 1

Occupational Therapy will also be affected. AMS Student Trustee Morgan Campbell spoke against the fee increase at the Dec. 3 meeting. “I didn’t support the fee increase … there is an increased cost of [recruiting and hosting] international students, but I don’t think that the costs of having international students at Queen’s are proportional to [the fee increases,]” Campbell, ArtSci ’11, said. After gathering together provincial and university data and speaking with several international students, Campbell, ArtSci ’11, prepared a brief that she delivered to the members of the Board of Trustees along with her speech.

“the university and Board of trustees must have a pragmatic approach.” —Bob Silverman, provost and vice-principal (academic) While some international students are more comfortable paying high tuition costs, Campbell said that it’s important not to generalize. “The people we’re really targeting are the bottom five or ten per cent who might not be able to come to Queen’s otherwise … we’re definitely fighting for a smaller minority of students,” Campbell said. In her brief, Campbell noted that the two universities in Ontario that charge higher international tuition fees than Queen’s, the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo, have far greater international student enrollment, and greater appeal to international students based on their size and location. She said that all three student trustees voted against the fee increase but most other members voted in its favour. Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Bob Silverman said the fee increase was proposed in order to alleviate financial strain on the University. “Tuition is one of the two major sources of revenue for Queen’s. These

funds, along with government grants allow us to run our programs. There is no government grant funding for international students,” Silverman told the Journal via email. “The University management and Board of Trustees must have a pragmatic approach to managing the complex affairs of the University.” In January 2010, Principal Daniel Woolf listed internationalization as a priority in his Academic Plan ‘Where Next?’ Silverman said that while he understood the concern students had about tuition increases effecting enrollment, some of the information students based their arguments on was not fully correct. “While it is idealistic to be concerned that increased tuition levels may impede enrolment of international students, there is no evidence to support that position,” Silverman told the Journal via email. Silverman said he’s aware of some student dissatisfaction with the approval process but feels it’s unfounded. “We had a town hall meeting prior to Senate and Board of Trustees at which interested students could express their opinion. All international students were contacted directly by email to advise them about the meeting,” Silverman told the Journal via email, adding that underfunding at the University will likely result in annual tuition increases for domestic and international students alike Unlike with domestic tuition, there is no provincial regulation for international student tuition, so universities can decide on rates individually. Campbell said Queen’s was the first Ontario University to adopt a standardized tuition increase framework. The Predictable Tuition Framework, adopted by Queen’s in 2008, guarantees that Queen’s will only increase an international student’s tuition by a maximum of 10 per cent in their first year and then every year after that by a maximum of 5 per cent, Campbell said. While these percentages are not drastically higher than domestic tuition increase rates, which allow for a maximum 8 per cent increase after a student’s first year and a maximum 4 per cent increase

in subsequent years, Campbell said it’s important to remember these figures still correlate to a relatively high increase in international tuition. Although unhappy with the Board’s decision, Campbell said she’s committed to helping increase support services for international students and she will continue to advocate for them at the next Board of Trustees meeting set to take place on Mar. 4 and 5.

“Consider what types of students we want here at Queen’s. Is it simply the affluent or is it ... those who will make a significant impact on the world.” —Safiah Chowdhury, AMS president “[We will] emphasize how much we need more targeted international student bursaries,” Campbell said, adding that it was decided at the last Board of Trustee’s meeting that both the Excellence and Principal’s admission scholarships will be opened up to international students, a decision Campbell said is a good step forward. Student leaders including AMS President Safiah Chowdhury and Rector Nick Day spoke out against the proposed fee increase. During her address, Chowdhury recounted her grandfather’s experience as an international student in England who was able to achieve high academic and professional attainment due to affordable international student tuition fees. “Consider what types of students we want here at Queen’s. Is it simply the affluent or is it the best, brightest and those who will make a significant impact on the world and many lives, like my grandfather has,” Chowdhury, ArtSci ’10, said in her address.


ASUS Student Senator Rico Garcia, an international student from Mexico, attended the information session at the QUIC, but said that he was unsatisfied with the way Queen’s administration handled the matter. “I was contacted only a few hours in advance of the meeting. There were only a few people there and it was simply an information session. My concern as a student senator was that there was a lack of student representation and no real student input,” Garcia, ArtSci ’13, said. Wayne Myles, Director of the QUIC helped coordinate the Town Hall information session for international students that took place on Oct. 25. He said that students were in fact well informed of the meeting, though only 25 students were present. “The announcement was sent out to … international students on our mailing list on the 19th and again on the day of the event … the message was also placed on our Facebook page on the night of the 19th,” Myles told the Journal via email. Garcia said that during the meeting, he felt like the Board of Trustees wasn’t taking into account students. “Bob Silverman said that the Board basically just ratifies what [is proposed.] He said that there was zero likelihood that they [would] turn something like this down,” Garcia said. Although Garcia, who receives some financial assistance from the University, said that the tuition increases would not prevent him from returning to Queen’s next year, he believes that it will affect enrollment for many incoming students. “When somebody [at the information session] asked why our fees were so much higher, [Bob Silverman] said it was because international students incur a higher cost to the university through services like the QUIC,” Garcia said “While this is partly true, everyone, including domestic students, has access to the QUIC.”

Board causes outrage 14 students allegedly locked out of Board of Trustees ASUS representative to the AMS, Fraser MacPherson attended the Board of Trustees meeting to express his opinion on the proposed international tuition increase. He said even though the tuition has increased over the past four or five years, international students are not informed adequately about it. “Many are struggling to deal with the jumps. In my mind [fee increases] are not a solution to the inaccessibility,” MacPherson said. “This is an issue that has been going on for a long time and has been under the radar. I hope that there’s a conversation in the future on the different types of support services for international students.” Because he hadn’t emailed the Board 48 hours in advance, MacPherson said he knew he wouldn’t be able to speak at the meeting, but along with 13 other students against the proposed international tuition increases, he lined up to enter the meeting behind the Trustees and various student leaders. “I wanted the Board of Trustees to see that there were students who didn’t support it and that we would not remain invisible,” MacPherson said. “We did nothing that was not peaceful.” Instead of entering the room like everyone else, MacPherson said he and the 13 other students he was with, were denied entry into the meeting on a basis of fire code violations. “The Principal said the room was at fire capacity and that we could bring

one representative in ... eventually he said we could elect five people to go in, and eventually he said we could come in and stand and look through the doors,” MacPherson said. “Nick Day counted 17 empty chairs and asked if we could be allowed to come in and sit down, and finally the Principal consented.” Undergraduate Student Trustee Morgan Campbell said that what happened at the meeting was simply a miscommunication. “The coordinators of the board meeting usually have some support staff there and they didn’t want any huge disruptions so they said [the students outside the room] could let one person in because they thought they were all from the same group,” Campbell said. After let in the room, MacPherson said that he and another student distributed letters to everyone in the room calling on them to reconsider voting for the tuition increases and then sat down on the sidelines. While happy that all student representatives voted against the increase, MacPherson said that his frustration lies with the lack of consideration the Board gave to student voices. “It was a vote of three to 40,” he said. “What is the power of student voices in this form? A couple dozen students came out to show their opposition but what does this case show?” —Katherine Fernandez-Blance


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Friday, January 14, 2011

Campus Catch -Up U of M offers degree in defence administration

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University of Manitoba is now the first Canadian university to offer a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) with a specialty in defence administration. 17 Wing, Winnipeg’s Air Force Wing, conducts flying operations in the city and has offered the Aerospace Systems Course (ASC) for 50 years. However the completion of this course resulted in a certificate instead of a degree. Partnering with U of M, the program will now provide students with a degree intended to help with career advancement in the ranks of the Air Force. The program will allow for students in the field to formalize their training within the Air Force. Negotiations between U of M and representatives from the Canadian Forces School for Aerospace Studies at 17 Wing first began in November 2009, with the program coming into existence last September. Currently five students are enrolled. The Royal Military College was also vying for the opportunity to offer this degree program with 17 Wing, however lost the bidding to U of M.

players the opportunity to take four online courses. The aim of the program is to help hockey players transition out of the NHL and prepare them for the workforce. BreakAway is spearheaded by Ryerson marketing professor Marla Spergel. Pat Flatley, former captain of the New York Islanders, who spent 14 years playing in the league, will be working closely with players and program administration, acting as a coordinator. Organizers of BreakAway aim to promote the program across the NHL and are hoping for long-term success and possible expansion in the future. The program, funded by the NHL alumni’s association, will include courses ranging from personal finance, personal branding, leadership skills and transitioning into the workforce. The courses have been customized to meet the needs of the students. Players will have six months to complete a course and will be provided with career counseling as well. —Labiba Haque

UVic aims to be green

University of Victoria had a green winter —Labiba Haque break. From Dec. 25 to Jan. 3, the UVic lowered their thermostats to 16°C, turned Ryerson teams off exhaust fans, fume hoods and building lights wherever possible. The University also up with NHL encouraged staff to turn off electronic devices like computers, printers, photocopiers and Ryerson University’s Ted Rogers School of other equipment. Management will provide NHL players with UVic aimed to reduce its carbon the opportunity to pursue a post-secondary consumption by 41 tonnes during the 10 education, something that may have taken a day holiday break, however the University sideline to a career in hockey. has not yet confirmed whether or not The school is launching a new program they met their goal. in late December called BreakAway which will provide retired and active NHL —Labiba Haque


Friday, january 14, 2011

‘He was friendly, always smiling’

University of Ottawa

Faculty of Arts

Master of

Information Studies • Extensive career opportunities in information services, communications, new technologies and many other areas • Bilingual program open to graduates holding a four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent in any discipline • Two areas of specialization: Information Policy / Management of Information Services • Three formats: course-based / courses and CO-OP work term / courses plus thesis Habib Khan, ArtSci ’14, would wear one pencil behind his ear, a habit he picked up when he was nine years old from his father.


Information studies: building networks, shaping the future. Information:

Habib was a competitive athlete, having played basketball, golf, soccer and volleyball. Continued from page 1

and unique individual. “He was student council president in high school,” she said. “He always managed to make everyone around him smile. He handled responsibility really well. He was always there for everyone else.”

he believed he would “change the world and he was going to. ” — Tuba Chishti, ArtSci ’14 Chishti said Habib participated in a trip to Romania with Habitat for Humanity, illustrating his compassion for others. “He worked really hard and had a lot of fun at the same time,” she said. “That was the kind of person he was.” Chishti said Habib was always there when friends needed him. “It was really nice to know someone to count on [at Queen’s]. To think he’s no longer here is


really crazy because he’s such an amazing person. He had so much potential,” she said. “He believed he would change the world and he was going to.”



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About The Journal

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Fame games drain brains


n a column published Jan. 8 in the Globe and Mail, Leah McLaren considers the changing nature of fame. The column—titled “Go on, get famous—you’ll be the envy of idiots everywhere”—points to the ongoing worship of fame and the acquisition of celebrity as the ultimate validation of talent. However, McLaren points to a gradual backslide in celebrity lifestyle. High-profile individuals are moving from glitz and glamour to sleaze and scandal. McLaren points to websites like Facebook and YouTube, that let ordinary individuals draw attention to themselves in the same way a celebrity might. Reality TV brought this celebrity into the mainstream. This “democratization of fame” led to a “devaluation of celebrity.” McLaren consults American cultural critic Cintra Wilson, who claims that we have witnessed the “collapse of fame.” As individuals

became increasingly public, that sometimes celebrities don’t celebrities became disposable, seem like real people—we’re so and fell prey to addiction used to seeing them in the public eye that even their real lives turn and melodrama. It’s hard to argue with the into fiction. Celebrity and fame are conclusion McLaren offers—that fame can be a dangerous and frequently by-products of being warping experience. But fame and part of something that is simply infamy are different things. Not popular, not laudable or impressive. every celebrity succumbs to drug However, this signals only that addiction or high-profile heartbreak, fame is changing, not that it has nor is it reasonable to suppose that died—and that it has always this is a phenomenon unique to been arbitrary. McLaren describes a this generation. Celebrities have celebrity’s spiral out of control as a always been embroiled in scandal; “spectacle of celebrity toxicity,” but television and the Internet simply the spectacle reflects as much about the audience as the performers. made this scandal more public. McLaren points to an age of Though unpleasant to acknowledge, “obsessive image-management.” It’s it’s gratifying to wallow in the dirty important to acknowledge that not laundry of others, confident that every infamous celebrity is entirely we can hop out at our leisure. What we deem famous—and lacking self-awareness. Many trade on, or play up, a persona in order to more broadly, who deserves the reap the benefits of fame—hardly title of “celebrity”—reveals a great an innovation of the 21st century. deal about ourselves. It’s also important to recognize

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James Simpson

Friday, January 14, 2011 • Issue 25 • Volume 138

Contents © 2011 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus GST). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3P4 Telephone : 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal Online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 26 of Volume 138 will be published on Tuesday January 18, 2011


Andrew Stokes Catherine Owsik

The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers.


What we deem famous—and more broadly, who deserves the title of “celebrity”—reveals a great deal about ourselves.

The Journal’s Perspective

Editor in Chief

Tyler Ball

Friday, January 14, 2011

INternational News

n article published on Jan. 8 in The Independent outlined a new measure designed to protect the Royal Family from the public eye. Broad changes to the Freedom of Information Act mean that documents and records related to the affairs of the British monarchy will be protected from disclosure, “even if they are in the public interest.” The changes reverse a policy that had exposed financial details relating to the Royal Family’s affairs. Defenders of the change argue that protecting the privacy of the Royal Family’s correspondence is a crucial part of their role within the constitutional monarchy. This role requires that the Queen and Royal Family remain politically neutral in the public eye, while

advising the government privately concerning policy. Equally important is a monarch’s ability to write to government ministers without fearing that their communication might come to light. It’s understandable that any individual might want to protect their correspondence and financial status from the public—let alone a group as scrutinized as the Royal Family. However, it’s hard to view this as anything but an attempt to hide embarrassing secrets. Critics of the new protection rules have been quick to point to previous instances of extravagant spending by members of the Royal Family being kept from public eyes, including an effort by the Queen to heat Buckingham Palace using a government poverty fund. They

Trials & Trivia M

y name is Andrew Stokes, and I am a recovered trivia addict. A white blood cell is called a leukocyte. My vice started when I was young. My parents purchased the regular gamut of children’s books, meaning to teach me about dinosaurs, science and ecosystems. They didn’t know that they were creating a monster. With a wide smile, I would tell them about the eating habits of kangaroos, the egg size of a liopleurodon or the surface temperature of Jupiter. The proper name for stomach rumbling is borborygmus. They crowned me “The King of Useless Knowledge,” but to me, trivia was a prized possession. Jeopardy!’s Alex Trebek became my comrade, helping others learn. Someone who writes crosswords is a cruciverbalist. I joined my high school Reach for the Top team and rose through the ranks to be captain. Charles Darwin’s ship, on which he explored the Galapagos, was called The Beagle. At my family get-together on New Year’s Day I endured the mundane stories about births and marriages—because I knew that after dinner, we would play Trivial Pursuit. Everyone was calm, friendly; they just wanted to have fun. I was a racehorse at the gate. Each pie chip I collected was an Olympic medal. I sat back, exultant, when the “game” was done. Cousins grimaced and aunts glowered, and I caught a glance of myself in a mirror. I was faced with the twisted visage of one who has become drunk with a lust for particulars, details—information. William Shakespeare had three insist that the solution is more brothers named Gilbert, Edmund and Richard. disclosure, not secrecy. I knew that I needed to change. The wide purview of the new rules is also problematic, as some I cut myself off. I forsook facts for have suggested that it could concepts and ideas. I realized that paradigms trump be applied outside of the Royal Family to any of its staff, effectively unconnected facts. Trivia was fun, creating a publication ban of any but knowledge was important. I documentation relating to the stopped caring about the length of batrachian hibernation and focused activities of the monarchy. Since the Royal Family draws on on finding out why frogs hibernate. funds dispersed by the government, I boxed up my almanacs. I bade a the government should be held teary-eyed farewell to Mr. Trebek. accountable for how that money It’s been a long road to recovery. is spent. I no longer shout out a factoid A spokesperson for Buckingham when it jumps into my head. I Palace indicated that the new rules don’t lose my cool in pub quizzes. would allow uncensored material I don’t sleep next to the Britannica. to be published 10 years earlier I’ve changed my ways. than under previous guidelines. Koala Bears sleep upward of 22 However, this doesn’t help hours a day. negotiate concerns about publicly Mostly. relevant material being withheld indefinitely.

Royal toils to hide spoils A

Andrew Stokes

Friday, January 14, 2011


Perspectives from the Queen’s community


With unbridled spending and no political motivation to change, the real economic crisis is quickly approaching.


The impending collapse of state finances


Talking Heads ... in the JDUC Photos By Craig Draeger

What’s your New Year’s Resolution?

The approaching economic crisis will be based on government debt, not industry last year. This means that its debt could not be paid even if the value of everything every Greek person did in a year could be applied to its national debt. It reacted by instituting massive spending cuts J ames S impson , A rt S ci ’11 and tax increases, resulting in widespread rioting and strikes. Yet even with these The recent economic collapse has hurt virtually everyone. Trillions unprecedented changes, its of dollars vanished and millions national deficit will increase by an of jobs were lost. Many of us additional 10 per cent of GDP will face repercussions, especially this year. The problem with because the decline in the value having national debt at such a high of investments means that tens of percentage of GDP is that interest thousands of baby boomers can payments become enormous. The United States, which “only” no longer retire and jobs are that has a national debt equivalent to much scarcer. Despite the magnitude of the 100 per cent of its GDP (up from collapse, it’s now understood 80 per cent a year and a half ago), that our economic situation has makes annual interest payments improved. But this improvement is of over $400,000,000,000. That’s four hundred billion dollars. simply the calm before the storm. Or in other words, it’s more Governments around the world have responded to the economic than three times as expensive as crisis by following the typical the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Keynesian ideal of spending their combined. Twenty cents of every dollar collected in tax way out of trouble. The problem with this is that revenue by the US are spent on they spent their way into debt interest payments. And deficits are rising. The before the recession even began. To spend more, governments have United States’ projected deficit for had to borrow fantastic amounts of 2011 is over $1.25 trillion, which money that they have no hope of is 50 per cent more than it will earn paying back. There’s a sad irony inrevenues.Toputthisinperspective, in this. The recent recession was imagine you earn $100,000 a precipitated by people spending far year but are spending $150,000 beyond their means. Governments a year. How quickly would you have responded by doing the same go bankrupt? Frighteningly, these economic but on a much larger scale. This is not realities are at odds with the a solution. Countries have begun to learn American political system. With an this lesson the hard way. Greece’s imbalance this massive, only a fool debt rose to 120 per cent of its would suggest that the economy gross domestic product (GDP) could be balanced by cutting

for the currency. Secondly, it means spending without raising taxes. Yet this is precisely what the foreign countries are going to be very unhappy if the United States Republicans are suggesting. Conversely, only a fool would were to print money since it would suggest that the economy could decrease the value of the currency be balanced by raising taxes and therefore devalue their reserves. The problem with a reserve while leaving spending intact. Yet this is precisely what the currency is that it is based on nothing more than faith. Democrats champion. If countries were to believe This is why a greater economic collapse is inevitable. Given the that the US was at risk of massive amount of debt there is printing money, they could stop only one solution: raise taxes and using the US dollar as a reserve cut spending. But such a solution currency. On a widespread basis, is not possible within the American this would destroy the value of the dollar and would lead to political system. Voting to increase taxes and Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation. Such a major change would reduce services is political suicide. As this cannot happen, national result in a worldwide depression, debt will continue to accumulate as the world’s largest consumer until it reaches a tipping point and would no longer be able to afford and consume foreign goods. a true correction occurs. Our trade with the United Normally, when such a correction occurs, governments can States would effectively stop, respond by printing money. This plunging our economy into inflation is bad because it raises the unimaginable chaos. This situation prices of goods and services, but it may seem impossible, but it is not also effectively decreases the value a question of “if,” it is a question of “when.” of outstanding debt in real terms. All it takes for these predictions However, the stakes are orders of magnitude bigger with the to become reality is for faith in the United States (and remember: United States dollar to be lost. This is already occurring. In the bigger it is…). This is because the currency of the US, the dollar, 2009, China called for a new is held by many countries as a reserve currency that uses a “basket” of currencies instead of a single one. “reserve currency.” Then, a month ago, Russia and For instance, China holds over $1 trillion US dollars. As a reserve China began allowing for the open currency, the US dollar is traded for exchange of the yuan and ruble. many goods like commodities. If This will begin to erode the value you lived in Argentina and wanted of the US dollar. With unbridled spending to buy an oil contract, you would first have to buy US dollars to do so. and no political motivation to This reserve currency status change, the real economic crisis is has two main effects. First, it quickly approaching. artificially increases the demand

“Take better care of myself.” Jesse Waslowski, ArtSci ’13

“To be more sassy.” Josie Qiu, ArtSci ’12

“To eat more bagels.” Calum Mew, ArtSci ’12

“To be on time.” Alex Miller, ArtSci ’11

LETTERS TO THE EDITORS Sweeping culture clash under the rug

critical analysis. Any attempt to identify and address the real tensions between cultural values in our society Re: “A question of values, not (unless it is a polemic against Anglo-American culture) is met race” (Dec. 2, 2010) with blanket denial and accusations of systemic prejudice. Dear Editors, Perhaps Mr. Yu has Sometimes I wonder if critics of not experienced a clash of Maclean’s ever stop to read their values between self-identified articles. If Mr. Yu had taken the time Anglo-American and Asian students, to read what was actually a well- but this would not give him grounds researched, thought-provoking to ignore the host of statistics problematic of real cultural and experiences of whites and issues (albeit with a sensationalist self-identified Asians interviewed headline), then he perhaps would in the article that all point to a not have wasted 800 words divisive cultural conflict within propagating another false prejudice, Ontario universities. If anything, recognizing the namely that Maclean’s is out to destroy multiculturalism through cultural conflicts that lead to baseless stereotypes. stereotyping and marginalization— I am not overly concerned conflicts many of us are engaged that Yu’s opinion is built up in without knowing it—helps against a straw man of Maclean’s us to avoid turning the lived as a reactionary, overtly racist experience of self-identified publication—I have my own members of social groups into reservations about some of their one-dimensional pigeon holes. The Maclean’s article rightly authors. However, it seems to me that his stance on this issue is states that “Discussing the reflective of a general trend in role that race plays in the selfanti-racist allies, and in university selecting communities that more students especially, to allow leftist and more characterize university prejudices to do the work of campuses makes many people

uncomfortable,” but that “it would behoove the leadership of our universities to recognize these issues and take them seriously.” The authors end by lauding the progressive approach of UBC, which emphasizes intercultural dialogue and campus as a “meeting place” where diverse groups do more than just avoid each other on the way to class. Is this really a display of “gross generalizations” and “hidden motives?” I don’t think so, but don’t take my word for it—read the article yourself.

to move the conversation contributions. Ever ordered a about ThankQ beyond her London fog at the Tea Room? Want inadequate account. The premise to graduate in Grant Hall? of Ms. Stairs’ argument supposes Technology upgrades; library that the purpose of ThankQ is acquisitions; and the artwork to target students receiving that lines the hallways of our financial aid. historic buildings: that’s what the This is erroneous, and in several bag tags are for! Articles like this ways. While it is true that Queen’s further perpetuate the stereotype students are given an opportunity of ungrateful students and as an to thank alumni for their alumna I’m upset that the author contributions to the University, the has denigrated an event entirely event is also a chance to educate prompted as a positive, appreciative and raise awareness about the learning opportunity. positive impact alumni have made Not that this makes a difference and continue to make. Judging by to my argument, but I went to Ms. Stairs’ assumptions, we clearly Queen’s on a financial scholarship. Jeff Fraser, Artsci ‘10 did not achieve our latter goal. And I’d shout it from the rooftops Yes, Queen’s scholarship and that it made all the difference Defending ThankQ bursary winners are invited to in the world. But, I completely come to a table set-up by volunteers understand that some people Re: “No thanks to ThankQ” and pick up a bag tag. What she could feel uncomfortable saying (Dec. 2, 2010) fails to mention is that friends, that, which is why ThankQ would colleagues, sports teams, AMS never ask anyone to. Dear Editors, clubs and anyone who happens to Wearing a bag tag doesn’t pass by and want to express their identify you as a student who It’s unfortunate that Ms. Stairs appreciation are also invited. receives financial aid; it just didn’t get her facts straight or, The event is not just about those means that you recognize you it appears, look into any of the receiving direct financial assistance. are benefiting from the many other initiatives accomplished by ThankQ does not discriminate in contributions surrounding you. In the volunteers of the ThankQ who it invites to thank alumni for other words, you’re proud to be a committee before condemning helping make our university great. Queen’s student. them. As one of the originators of Ms. Stairs might not be aware this event in 2008, I feel compelled that all students benefit from alumni Melissa Pogue, ArtSci ’09

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

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Arts theatre

Capturing Carmen The Queen’s Student Opera Company takes Georges Bizet’s Carmen into the 20th Century, bringing the tale of flirtacious Carmen and her free spirited love into the age of rock & roll

The uniquely student run company stages a full performance each winter with past performances including last year’s Hansel and Gretel (2010).

photos by justin tang

film review

‘If the kid doesn’t work, there’s no movie’ The Coen Brothers bring their rich inventive writing and directorial flare to a new adaptation of Charles Portis’ 1968 Western classic True Grit B y P arker M ott Staff Writer Movie: True Grit Starring: Jeff Bridges, Hailee Steinfeld and Matt Damon Director: Joel & Ethan Coen (The Big Lebowski, Fargo) Run Time: 110 minutes

 True Grit will remind you of a classic Western—the old, expired and dearly missed genre. It’s not, however, the typical “Coen” movie with moral transgression, irony and odysseys. True Grit is more

Despite only being 14, Mattie Ross is truly the character with grit.


Hailee Steinfeld who plays the tough-as-nails Mattie Ross. She lost her father to a slimy bandit, The cinematography Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin), who brings that kind of is now wanted by the law. Mattie the film with her raw uplifting and spiritual dominates determination and belief that she glow of the Western can wield a gun. lands. It reminds us She resorts to hiring the soused why we fell in love and rigid “Rooster” Cogburn (Jeff with the Western to Bridges), a United States Marshal, to avenge her father. Bridges plays begin with. the Wayne role, not as Wayne the Duke, but as Bridges. He’s True Grit is very the unabashed, tough sharpshooter audience-accessible—a simple who likes to think he’s still got it. journey into the depths of After much negotiation, Cogburn California, full of the thick, dry agrees to help and sets off with terrain that can only remind us Texas Ranger La Boeuf (Matt of the aura of a Sergio Leone film. Damon), with Mattie on their tail. This is not a Spaghetti Western, En route, the focus of the but a more formal, reverent film shifts away from the one with an apt story and some plot—its objective in apprehending tasteful humour. The highlight of True Grit is Please see Mattie’s on page 15 faithful to Charles Portis’ 1968 novel of the same name.

Online the mikado

A review of the Queen’s Musical Theatre presentation of The Mikado.

boombox saints Interview with west coast hip hop group The Boombox Saints.


The Montreal quartet catches up with The Journal in light of their gig at The Mansion tomorrow.

Top 10 of ‘10

The year’s best and worst films.


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Friday, January 14, 2011

get out there Art Union Gallery Main Gallery Joseph DeLappe, Harrell Fletcher, Oliver Laric, Renzo Martens, SWAMP, Thompson & Craighead and Sarah Vanagt MyWar: Participation in an Age of Conflict January 15 - February 12 Reception: January 23, 3-5 p.m. at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre Modern Fuel Jason de Haan, Lauren Hall, James K-M, Mac McArthur, Iriz Pääbo and Holly Ward Paleofuturity January 15 - February 19 Film The Screening Room January 14: Made in Dagenham and The Tempest January 19: Zeitgeist III January 28: Vision Ticket times available at Etherington Hall Auditorium Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel January 19, 7 p.m. $10 general admission, $5 students at 613-533-2060 Music The Grad Club The Mackenzie Rhythm Section with Prop Department January 15, 9 p.m. $5 advance and $10 at the door

It works in theory, but will it work in the real world?

The Mansion Michou January 15, 7-10 p.m. (all ages show) and 10 p.m. -1 a.m. (19+) $10

The Clark Hall Pub Bravestation, Dora Alexander and Monuments and Statues January 20, 9:30 p.m. Free The Grad Club The Golden Dogs January 21, 9 p.m. $10 The Merchant Tap House The Stares January 22, 10 p.m. Cover TBA Time to Laugh Comedy Club Kylesa with Rosetta, Fight Amp and Ponderous Chain January 23, 7 p.m. $15 Ale House Dragonette January 26, 9 p.m. $20 The Grad Club Braids with Cherry Chapstick January 28, 9 p.m. $10 The Mansion Mookie and the Loyalists January 28, 9 p.m. $7 The Mansion New Country Rehab with Corin Raymond January 29, 9 p.m. Cover TBA Theatre The Grand Theatre The Mikado January 12 - January 16 Tickets and times at

The Mansion The Stanfield, Gloryhound and guests January 19, 9 p.m. $7


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Friday, January 14, 2011


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• 13


14 •

Friday, January 14, 2011

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Mattie’s moxie



Continued from page 11

Chaney—and and on to the characters. I liked that; it’s a blend of Samuel Beckett absurdism and Sam Peckinpah’s vicious, yet always jocular character quarrels. On this journey, the three converse with two troglodytes (which ends in a fingerless affair), four freebooters and a bear-masked horse rider (played by Ed Corbin).

The screenplay ... is inventive and rich with humour. The cinematography, by Roger Deakings, brings that uplifting and spiritual glow of the Western lands. It reminds us why we fell in love with the Western to begin with. The screenplay, written by both the Coens, is inventive and rich with humour. But, it lacks their familiar punch lines. I would call this a modest achievement. Shot vividly, but not too indulgently. It depicts its settings right, creates characters cleverly, with some being more interesting than others. What draws us into True Grit is the role of Mattie. For once this is not about a man bringing retribution, but about a girl taking the law and faith into her own hands. Everything else here is effective, but seems to just be going through the motions. Ethan Coen admitted it himself to the New York Times, “We were aware if the kid doesn’t work, there’s no movie.” That’s because it’s not Cogburn, but Mattie who has the true grit.





Shapeshifting is an appropriate The best way to describe Les title for Young Galaxy’s third Jupes debut album Modern Myths, studio album, set for release on is by comparing it to your crazy, Feb. 8. The Vancouver group possibly schizophrenic friend who, tossed their characteristic lofty and despite their obvious flaws, you harmonic vocals onto an entirely love anyway. The album is a mix new backdrop of percussion heavy, of Kings of Leon with a splash synth-pop. The band’s first two of Feist, a whole lot of Great Big albums were reminiscent of Arcade Sea and an unfortunate undertone Fire and Velvet Underground’s of a very watered down grunge echoing soft rock, but Shapeshifting band … you get the schizophrenia reference now. brings a pop fusion sound. The band is at its best when The album’s only song reminiscent of their rocking it allows its musicality to shine roots is track eight, “Cover through with Michael Petkau Falk’s Your Tracks,” a sure bet for fans smooth baritone voice, which of Young Galaxy’s earlier work. resembles Johnny Cash’s famous Daring and experimental, the rumble.It’s the highlight of the rest of Shapeshifting collides album. The band manages to add sharp orchestra strings with tribal spark to their music through guitar rhythm—a style that is most riffs, saxophone solos and most successful in the album’s title track. notably humming in “This Place The combination of background Owes Us.” —Alyssa Ashton vocal harmonies and a catchy chorus riff in “B.S.E.” prove that disco is stayin’ alive in their risky For the entire Les Jupes & Braids reviews, please new pop. see Young Galaxy certainly took note of the progression to house pop already ruling 2011’s Billboard Charts, and it’s reflected in this stylistic rebirth. While Shapeshifting may leave Young Galaxy purists stung, a new generation will undoubtedly be lust-struck by the juxtaposition of ominous lyricism and utopian pop beats. —Terra-Ann Arnone

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Friday, January 14, 2011


Men’s Volleyball

RMC is no match for the Gaels

inside Men’s Hockey

Men’s volleyball wins in straight sets in first game back B y A nand S rivastava Staff Writer The men’s volleyball team opened the second half of their season last weekend with a dominating straight-sets victory over their Kingston rivals, the RMC Paladins. Middle Michael Amoroso and outside Will Sidgwick had 14 points apiece and setter Jackson

Dakin provided 19 assists to lead the Gaels to the 25-22, 25-17, 25-18 decision. The win moved Queen’s into second place in the OUA standings with a record of 9-2, trailing only the Western Mustangs. Head coach Brenda Willis said she took the opportunity to play some of her younger players against the winless Paladins.

“We got better and better as the match went on,” Willis said. “There was a bit of tentativeness at first, as they don’t get a lot of starts. When you’re playing a team that you know isn’t going to pose a huge threat to you, it is a good opportunity to develop some of the younger players and play some guys who are really itching to get out there.” While this was their first league game in over a month, the Gaels stayed game ready over the break, travelling to British Columbia to take part in the Trinity Western Spartan’s Holiday Classic. Queen’s finished third in the tournament, winning games against the Thompson Rivers Wolfpack and the University of British Columbia T-Birds, but falling to the host Spartans.

Willis said she was pleased with her team’s level of play against the top teams from the Canada West division. “[Thompson Rivers University] struggled with their serving game and made a lot of errors and we seemed to get momentum,” Willis said. “Even when they settled in, we pushed back and we won fairly handily three straight. That was great as they’re ranked [ninth] going in to the tournament whereas we had fallen out of the rankings.” Queen’s battled the top ranked team of the tournament, Trinity Western, taking them to four sets in the semifinal game. “We … had a chance to win it,” she said. “There were a few situations where we could have taken control and broken away but

Gaels are 7-9-2 after two victories over the RMC Paladins and the Toronto Varsity Blues. page 17

Athletes of the week The Journal talks to women’s basketball forward Hanna Koposhynska and men’s hockey forward Payton Liske page 18

Please see How on page 18

women’s basketball

Queen’s set sights high

Despite rough start to season and mounting injuries, Gaels turn the page on 2010 with win over the York Lions B y K ate B ascom Sports Editor

Guard Liz Boag is one of the many rookies helping the Gaels this season through injuries and team development.

Journal File Photo

Need to Know Men’s/Women’s Volleyball Gaels play the Waterloo Warriors on Saturday and the Laurier Golden Hawks on Sunday. Both games are at the ARC. The women’s games are at noon and the men’s game are at 2 p.m.

Men’s/Women’s Basketball Queen’s faces the Carleton Ravens on Friday

and the Ottawa Gee-Gees on Saturday. Both games are at the ARC.The women play at 6 p.m. and the men play at 8 p.m.

Women’s Hockey The Gaels are at the Memorial Centre this weekend facing the Toronto Varsity Blues on Friday and the York Lions on Saturday. Puck drops at 8:30 p.m.

A disappointing start to the season saw the women’s basketball team go 2-9 but the Gaels are looking to start fresh in 2011. After losing to the Laurentian Lady Vees 74-50, Queen’s rebounded with a 71-62 victory over the York Lions. “I don’t think the first half of the season was what we expected it to be,” said post Hanna Koposhynska who scored a career high 20 points in the victory. “I definitely think we learned that each game really matters … [and] you can make it into the playoffs by just one game. … We’re really going to try to move forward as a team.” The Gaels competed in the Concordia Women’s Basketball Tournament over the holidays in Montreal. Playing three games over three days, Queen’s prevailed over Bishop’s University and Memorial University of Newfoundland. Their only loss came against the University of British Columbia. With a tournament that saw the Gaels enjoy as much success as they had all season, head coach

Dave Wilson was frustrated to see Queen’s lose in their first game back. “[I] was really very disappointed with how we played against Laurentian,” Wilson said. “We were very flat. ... There seemed to be a whole lack of intensity, lack of execution and lack of focus when we played Laurentian. I thought all those things came back in our York game.” Queen’s benefited from four Gaels posting points in the double-digits. Guards Paige Robinson and Brittany Moore scored 12 and 11 points respectively while post Jill Wheat recorded 10 points and 10 rebounds. With their win against York, the Gaels are now 3-8 and sit in fifth place in the OUA East, tied with Laurentian. The Gaels have been suffering through injuries and the growth of a young team. Four players have been shelved for the season including guard Meaghan MacDougall who suffered a knee injury at the end of November. Wilson said leadership from the veterans is only more important as many players experience a difficult

start to their rookie season. “In terms of play, the veterans are really comfortable,” he said “With the young players that we’ve brought in, [the veterans] know they can play.” “I think the leadership aspect [is] helping them through these [difficulties],” he said. “It’s a much longer season than they’re used to, a lot more physically demanding and along with the academics that goes on here as well. They need to help them through that, through all those tough things.” The Gaels look to move forward in their season and make a push for the playoffs. Even with the loss of players to injury and the youthfulness of the team, Wilson said the Gaels’ future looks bright. “We’re definitely getting better,” he said. “We’re just very, very young. But we’re definitely getting better. We still have consistency issues obviously, as the Laurentian game pointed out. But we’re also capable of beating everyone in our league.”


Friday, january 14, 2011

Men’s HoCkey

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to take a 3-0 lead and simply held on to “Those three games, best goaltending take the 3-1 win. Head coach Brett Gibson we’ve had all year,” he said. “It’s been a said that travel and a lack of rest could have sour point for our team. Our team knows factored into the result. it and our goalies know it. Even in Steele’s “I don’t take a moral victory that’s for sure, effort [against UQTR] I saw a much better but it was a bad situation,” he said. “The game. That’s what I expected at the start of team had to wake up at seven, it was close the season.” to a six hour [drive], and [then] play [one of] The six game losing streak at the end of Forward Payton Liske said RMC’s penalty the top teams in the country but we hung 2010 puts the Gaels in a difficult hole in the B y L AUri KytÖmAA woes were a natural result of the score. in there.” OUA East. Their 7-9-2 record puts them Assistant Sports Editor One of the brightest spots of the weekend in seventh place with 16 points. Ahead of “Any time a team goes down four or five was the strong play of both Queen’s goalies. them lie McGill, UQTR, Carleton, Nipissing, The men’s hockey team started off the New goals things start to get chippy,” he said. Eleven Gaels recorded points and five OUA rookie goaltender David Aime stopped Ottawa and Concordia. Although McGill Year with two much needed wins. The Gaels triumphed 6-1 last Thursday over their players had a multi-point night. The power 22 of the 23 shots and 33 of 36 shots against has pulled away from the pack with an play clicked, going four for eight to help RMC and Toronto respectively. Although 18-0-2 record, the rest of the field remains Kingston rival, the RMC Paladins. Aime has struggled at times this season, he in reach with second place UQTR with 26 The next evening they hosted the Toronto carry the Gaels to the win. The matchup against Toronto would holds a 4.58 goals against average, he was points. Nevertheless the Gaels will need a Varsity Blues, winning a tight 4-3 match in a shootout. The weekend ended with a tough prove to be a much tighter contest. The red-hot this weekend. Although Steele De very strong second half to do any damage in 3-1 road loss to the Université du Québec a Gaels were down 1-0 in the first but Fazio didn’t take home the win he also the standings. responded early in the second with a goal. made some noise by stopping 32 of 35 “We dug ourselves a hole and we need to Trois-Rivières (UQTR) Patriotes on Sunday. get back on the playoff race. We need to stay The win over the Paladins showcased However Toronto bounded back taking a against UQTR. Gibson spoke well of both of his committed to our systems and commit to our a balanced attack and strong goaltending. 3-1 advantage by the halfway mark of the goaltending,” said Gibson. The Gaels opened up the scoring on the second period. Undaunted, the Gaels fought net minders. power play 12:47 into the first period as back with a power play goal by forward defenceman Stephane Chabot tallied his first Alexi Pianosi at the end of the second and goal of the season. Forwards Scott Kenway tied the game early in the third with a goal and Joey Derochie each potted even-strength by forward Kelly Jackson. In such a tightly matched 3-3 game it was goals in the first to close the period up 3-0. The Gaels didn’t let up in the second as they only fitting that the decision would end up found the back of the net early in the period going to a shootout. Goaltender David Aime but RMC would follow up with a goal of closed a second strong game by stopping all three shooters while forward Payton Liske their own on a man-advantage. That would be all they would get, as scored the only shootout goal for the Gaels frustration sank in with RMC facing a 4-1 to give them the 4-3 win. The Sunday matchup against the UQTR deficit. RMC committed six penalties in the third and the Gaels made them pay, scoring Patriotes lacked the lustre of the earlier games. UQTR blitzed the Gaels in the first twice to finish the game.

Good start to long climb The men’s hockey team will push for a playoff spot amid tough competition in the OUA

The men’s hockey team continue to battle for a playoff spot in OUA against teams like Carleton, Nipissing, Ottawa and Concordia.

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How the West was won

Friday, January 14, 2011

Athletes of the Week

Continued from page 16

we made unforced errors.” Queen’s battled injuries over the first half of the season but the Spartan’s tournament marked the first time that the team was back to full health. “When we were in BC we were 15 deep for the first time this year,” she said. “I feel pretty good that the talent we have will actually get to be utilized in the second half.” Willis said she hopes the experience gained against these teams in friendly competition will be helpful to the Gaels should they meet again at the national championships. “We’re very much over the mental hurdle that a team is from Canada West,” Willis said. “There used to be this idea that ‘we need to play Canada West teams because they’re better than we are.’ I don’t think the guys think that now, I think they think that the top three or four teams in the country are better than us but we’re legitimately fighting to be in that top four or five.” However, before the team can begin to think about the playoffs, they must first take care of the remaining regular season schedule, beginning with the arrival of the Waterloo Warriors and the Laurier Golden Hawks this weekend. “When we’re playing the teams in Ontario now, I don’t think our team should be satisfied by performing well enough to win,” she said. “We need to set the tone of the match and keep playing with the shots and the execution that is going to get us a medal at the national level.”

ACROSS 1 Collision 6 Got sore 11 Jenna Elfman TV role 12 Tiny 14 Eminem, for one 15 Finale 16 “Guinness Book” suffix 17 Irate 19 Judge Lance 20 On 22 Second person 23 War god 24 Showed over 26 “No more wire —!” 28 Snapshot 30 Appomattox also-ran 31 Friendly 35 Provide 39 “A — home is ...” 40 Still, in poetry 42 Spanish hors d’oeuvre 43 Fool 44 Big parties 46 Gasoline stat 47 Electronic insecticide 49 Sharply dressed 51 “Seinfeld” role 52 Belong naturally 53 Rage 54 Horseman’s handful DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pure Bird of prey Dadaist artist Eurasian duck Dwight’s predecessor True Hexagonal state

8 9 10 11 13 18 21 23 25 27 29 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 41 44 45 48 50

Swab Sovereign’s domain Hopeful loser? Gloomy Intersect La-la lead-in Half a 1960s quartet Rep Penpoint Originally named Less confusing Stupefy Spice mixture, in Indian cuisine Yoke Slithery one Get wet Amphetamines Tidal flood Bottom point DNA component Logical Glutton — Beta Kappa

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Payton Liske Men’s Hockey

Hanna Koposhynska Women’s Basketball

After averaging 4.1 points per game, the women’s basketball team benefited from a career high 20 points from post Hanna Koposhynska in their win over the York Lions. Koposhynska was 9-for-14 from the field and recorded five rebounds in the Gaels’ first action back after the holidays. At 6’2, Koposhynska was able to use her height against the York defence in creating space and opportunities for herself and her teammates. “The other team didn’t really have anyone to go against me and my teammates did a really good job of finding me when I was open,” she said. “It was a team effort definitely.” A tournament in Montreal afforded the Gaels little rest over the holidays before they were back on the court for league play against the Laurentian Lady Vees and the York Lions. Koposhynska said the tournament went well, with the team tallying a 2-1 record. “It was probably one of the best we’ve had that’s not been in league play,” she said. “Hopefully we can take that aggression and intensity that we had in the tournament and translate it into league play.” Queen’s couldn’t pull off a win against the Lady Vees but rebounded with a 71-62 win over the Lions for their third victory of the season. “[Against] Laurentian, I think we kind of didn’t play how we wanted to or how we expected,” she said. “We were just more aggressive and shared the ball really well which got everyone scoring opportunities. ... I think we did a good job at pulling —Lauri Kytömaa it together and really playing as a team against York and pulling off a win.”

After leading the Gaels in scoring his rookie season and being chosen for the OUA All-Rookie team for his efforts in the 2009-2010 season, Payton Liske has found his second year on the Queen’s men’s hockey team somewhat less glamorous. The forward has been on and off this season playing only nine of the team’s 18 games because of a nagging ankle injury. Many of the games he did play aggravated the injury and it forced him to take further time off. Yet things seem to be turning around for Liske. “I’m feeling a lot better,” he said. “I made the mistake of trying to come back too early. The second time through I let it heal it completely. I gave it a good rest and Christmas break helped me tremendously.” This past weekend was a demonstration of what Liske means to the Gaels’ offence. From the team’s victories against RMC and Toronto, Liske recorded a total of two goals and two assists as well as a shootout-winning tally. Liske began playing hockey at the age of four in his home town of Welland, Ontario and found himself drafted in the OHL to the Owen Sound Attack at the age of 15. From there, he matured to join the St. John’s Sea Dogs in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League. Liske played with the Sea Dogs for three years until he was approached by Queen’s head coach Brett Gibson. “I came down here and toured the school.” he said. “Met a quite a bit of the guys, it was a good group of people. I liked the program and I liked the school. It was a good fit for me all around.”

—Kate Bascom

Stat of the Week

613-544-3258 The 6-1 victory over the RMC Paladins on Jan. 6th was the first regulation win of the season for the men’s hockey team. The Gaels’ first five wins all came in either the shootout or overtime.



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Friday, January 14, 2011


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Health & fitness

Getting the dirt on cleanses Juice cleansing is an increasingly popular way to get healthy in the New Year. But is it as safe and effective as some proponents claim?

B y K elly L oeper Postscript Editor It’s that time of the year again—everyone’s trying to follow their New Years resolutions, most commonly staying on a health kick after holiday indulgences. Many seem to be following in the footsteps of celebrities and health companies with the latest health trend: cleansing. One popular cleanse, juice cleansing, usually involves drinking a number of different combinations of fruit and vegetable juices for three to 10 days, according to Many health companies are catching on to this trend fast, providing health-conscious consumers with claims such as weight loss, detoxification and increased energy levels. With so many different cleanses and claims, how do you actually know what works and what’s worth it? Intrigued and bloated from the holidays myself, I decided to take matters into my own hands. The mission: Go on a juice cleanse for two days. recommends switching to a diet of strictly fruits and vegetables a few days before the start of the cleanse so that it will be more comfortable switching to an all-liquid diet. My diet leading up to my cleanse: a long stint at an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant, beer and nachos. Oops. Day 1: I made four juice recipes that I found on Each is approximately 100 to 200 calories. • “Vegetable Super Juice”: One whole cucumber, four sticks of celery, two to four handfuls of spinach, eight lettuce leaves and water. • “Blood Builder”: two bunches of grapes, six oranges, eight lemons, 1/4 cup honey and water. • “Ginger/Lemon Cleanse”: 1-inch slice fresh ginger root, one lemon, six carrots with tops, one apple and water. • “Stomach Cleanser”: one bunch of grapes, one basket of strawberries, three apples, four sprigs of fresh mint and water. I drank a large glass of juice every few hours, which ended up being around five to six times a day. Some weren’t great tasting, but I sucked it up. The “Blood Builder” tasted the best, since I could taste the added honey. The worst was probably the “Vegetable Super Juice”—I definitely wasn’t used to having vegetables in juice form. I was feeling hunger pains by dinnertime; I already missed solid food. I drank lots of water with the juices to try and fill myself up more. Day 2: I woke up hungry and immediately went to make juices (the same recipes as the day before).

According to many juice cleanse claims, people on the diet will give their digestive systems a break, experience decreased bloating, increased energy and clearer skin. However, many health experts advise caution.

I wasn’t as hungry by dinner as I was the day before, but I still made sure to drink lots of water so hunger wouldn’t creep up on me later. The verdict: By Day 3, I didn’t feel any more or less energetic or refreshed, but I did feel less bloated. Would I do it again? I’m undecided; maybe in the future if I ever need to fit into a tight dress for a day! Maybe I needed to do it longer than two days, but I would definitely miss solid food too much. Rebecca Malen is the President of Total Cleanse, a company that manufactures and distributes juice cleanses throughout Ontario. “Right now the juice cleanse is very popular,” she said. “It doesn’t take a huge commitment because you only have to go on it for three, five [or] seven days. It’s easy to fit into your everyday lifestyle.” Celebrity participation has also influenced the growing popularity of juice cleanses. “[But] overall people realize that it feels really good at the end of the day,” she said, adding that juice cleanses are particularly useful after eating a lot during a holiday or vacation. It also helps motivate people to continue a healthy diet, she said. Other benefits of a juice cleanse include decreased bloating, increased energy levels, better breath and clearer skin, Malen said. In terms of concerns about hunger on an all juice diet, she said a surprising amount of people don’t feel deprived. “During the first day it’s sometimes difficult for people,” she said, often because of the slight decrease in calories of juice cleanses and not eating solid foods. However, Malen said juice cleanses such as Total Cleanse are still safe, unlike other cleanses that provide very few calories and nutrients.

For example, the Total Cleanse program consists of drinking six juices every two to three hours. Each juice contains slightly under 200 calories, which equals around 1000 or so calories in a day, in comparison to the average recommended intake of 2000 calories per day on a regular diet. “It’s not an extremely low calorie cleanse ... you are getting a lot of nutrients,” she said, because of the vegetables and fruits being consumed. “It’s just about giving your body a break and giving it time to rebuild itself,” she said, adding that the digestive system also gets a break.

You’re obviously “missing lots of other

nutrients. You’re missing things like fibre and protein and healthy fats.

—­Lee Fisher-Goodchild, coordinator of Health Education

Lee Fisher-Goodchild, coordinator of Health Education and Health Promotion at Queen’s, said people should still be careful when deciding to do a juice cleanse. “You’re obviously missing lots of other nutrients. You’re missing things like fibre and protein and healthy fats,” Fisher-Goodchild said. “To do anything like that for a long period of time can lead to problems.” She said she also questions the claims made by many juice cleanses about ridding the body of toxins and helping the digestive system. “If you look at how your whole digestive system works, it’s really effective at doing that job itself. The liver is really what has a huge role in removing the toxins from the things we’ve eaten,” she said.

“There haven’t been any good studies that show cleanses improve upon that process,” she said, although cleanses do allow solid foods to move through the digestive system. “Some people like the way that feels, to empty out their intestines ... [but] they really don’t need a break.” Additionally, Fisher-Goodchild said juice cleanses tend not to have much success in weight control. “If your caloric intake goes way down, your body actually works to hold on to the calories ... [your] metabolism slows down,” she said, adding that you may lose water weight, but your body will end up going into starvation mode. However, Fisher-Goodchild said that if people want to participate in juice cleanses, they shouldn’t experience any problems as long as the cleanse is short, such as a period of 24 hours. People should also watch out for cleanses on the market that contain different sorts of supplements, she said, and that people should consult with a physician or someone who has a knowledge of their different properties. “There are lots of [health] stores that promote lots of products ... ultimately they are promoting a product to make money. If that’s my source of information, I tend to be really sceptical about it until I can validate it somehow,” she said. “They’re putting lots of things in these products that we really don’t know.” So what’s a good way to go about getting the “cleanse” experience? Fisher-Goodchild said she recommends going a period of time without ingesting any processed chemicals, especially if someone is looking to rid their body of toxins. This includes eating a diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lots of water, lean meats, beans,

photo by christine blais

legumes and nuts. She also recommends cutting out all sources of refined and processed foods, sources of caffeine, alcohol, added salt and sugar. “It’s incredibly hard to keep it up ... it does mean having to turn away from a lot of the foods you typically eat.” Elise Gordezky, ArtSci ’12, said she went on a similar cleanse to Fisher-Goodchild’s recommendation last year for a period of six weeks. “I went on a cleanse because I felt that I’d consumed a lot of crappy food as well as alcohol in my first two years of university,” she said. “I was often tired and stressed and had headaches.” “My mom had done a number of cleanses so I thought I’d give one a try to rid my system of all the [unhealthy foods] it took in and hopefully I’d feel better.” Gordezky said she ate lots of vegetables, eggs, mostly organic white meat and whole grains. She said she eliminated all processed food and sugar, everything containing yeast or flour, milk products, starchy vegetables, coffee, black tea and alcohol. “I had to buy and prepare all my own food,” she said. “The idea is to maintain a lot of what you did during the diet to stay healthy.” She said after the cleanse, she noticed her headaches were gone, she had more energy and an improved mood. “It’s a really challenging cleanse, especially when you’re around people [who] aren’t on it,” she said, adding that she would recommend people to choose their time wisely if they want to start. Would she do it again? “I felt really healthy afterward and think it’s an important thing to do once in a while.”

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