The Queen's Journal, Issue 27

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F r i d ay , J a n u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 11 — I s s u e 2 7

j the ournal

Q u e e n ’ s U n i v e r s i t y — C a n a da ’ s O l d e s t S t u d e n t N e w s pa p e r — S i n c e 1 8 7 3

Heart on her sleeve


Unpaid tuition B y K atherine Fernandez -B lance Assistant News Editor

Kingston’s Blue Canoe Productions brings their rendition of Tony award winning musical Sweet Charity, a hopeful love story, to Convocation Hall.

Race for AMS executive begins At last night’s AMS Assembly, teams CES and SDL were placed on the election ballot. AMS elections take place Feb. 2. Presidential candidate Morgan Campbell, ArtSci ’11, vice-presidential candidate (operations), Ashley Eagan, ArtSci ’11, and vice-presidential candidate (university affairs) Kieran Slobodin, ArtSci ’12, make up team CES. Campbell, a political studies major, is student trustee. Academic Affairs Commissioner Slobodin majors in economics. Eagan is a fine arts major and is AMS retail services director. Team GSB includes presidential candidate Sacha Gudmundsson, ArtSci ’11, vice-presidential candidate (operations) Daniel Szczepanek, ArtSci ’11, and vice-presidential candidate (university affairs) Lara Theirran Boulos, ArtSci ’11. ASUS internal affairs commissioner and Queen’s Student Alumni Association vice-president Gudmundsson is taking a medial in gender studies and political studies. She is currently Campus Activities Commissioner. Theirran Boulos is an English major. Szczepanek is majoring in political studies and is executive producer for Queen’s TV. For full election coverage see the Journal beginning Jan. 25.

Photo By Christine Blais

30 per cent of engineering students are required to pay up to $3,000 in tuition by June 1 after the Registrar’s office mistakenly undercharged students on QCARD. The mistake occurred in September and was noticed by the Registrar’s office in midDecember after enrollment audits were complete. AMS IT Manager Cenk Ayitmur, Sci ’11, was undercharged tuition and said that as a student on OSAP, the extra tuition charge wasn’t something he had budgeted for. “It does make things a little tougher financially,” Ayitmur said. “OSAP isn’t going to be covering most of [the extra tuition], about one fifth.” Though not thrilled with the Registrar’s decision, Ayitmur said he understands where the University is coming from financially. “I went into the Registrar’s office and they were very open and helpful in [showing me] where I stood financially,” Ayitmur said.

Inside Ministers in the house Ontario Ministers come to Queen’s to speak about issues facing students. Page 2

poutine nation Features taste tests the

offerings from the Hub’s latest culinary trend. page 3

INt’l worries Dialogue examines the University’s plans for internationalization. page 7

guilded arms Arts previews the Golden Dogs return to the Grad Club tonight. page 9

lp of the week Brian from Brian’s Record

See We on page 4


Student equity plans released B y C lare C lancy L abiba H aque Journal Staff

Option offers the first in a series of vinyl picks. page 11


Equity is being made a priority for next year by both the AMS and Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS). Both student governments have finalized equity action plans for the 2010-11 academic year. Daniellla Dávila, AMS social issues commissioner, said the AMS equity plan is a strategic action plan meant to provide an overview of the goals of the Social Issues Commission (SIC). The plan includes internal and external initiatives, but the main goal is to raise awareness about equity and anti-oppression. Internal strategies are those relating to the functioning of the AMS, whereas external aims relate to campus at large. Externally, Davila said the plan focuses on outreach to students through the creation of the Anti-Oppression Seminar Series, as well as the SIC newsletter. The plan also provides for other groups on campus by encouraging them to work with the SIC. “We hope to branch out Daniella Dávila, AMS social issues commissioner, says See Planning on page 5

gaels redeem The men’s hockey team squeezes their points for the playoffs. page 12

triple gold The track and field team grab three golds last weekend in Ottawa. page 12

geese police Postscript gets into the

facts behind the Canada Goose jacket. page 16 Photo by justin tang

institutionalizing equity is a main goal of the AMS equity plan.


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Friday, January 21, 2011


Minister matters

photo by christine blais

John Milloy, minister of training, colleges and universities says qualified students should never be denied access due to funding.

B y K atherine Fernandez -B lance J essica F ishbein Journal Staff

Ministers John Baird, Brad Duguid, John Gerretsen and John Milloy visit Queen’s this week photo by christine blais

Minister of Consumer Affairs John Gerretsen spoke at en event called ‘Be Heard’ organized by the Ontario Young Liberals on Jan. 17.

Protest interrupts dinner University Club scene of protest against prison farm closure B y J ake E dmiston Features Editor Over 100 protesters gathered outside the University Club on Wednesday night where the Federal Minister of the Environment John Baird was attending a fundraising dinner for the local Conservative riding. Members of the Kingston activist group, Save Our Prison Farms, stood along Stuart St. protesting the federal government decision to close six prison farms across Canada—an issue they’ve contested since 2009. The organization’s leader, Dianne Dowling, said her group’s focus

has shifted since the farms were officially closed over the summer. “We just want the Conservatives to be aware that we’re going to be out at every political meeting and event before and during the next Federal election,” she said.“We’re reminding them that they were invisible during the Prison Farm campaign.” The government cited the program’s expenses and inability to provide inmates with marketable skills as reasons for the closures. The crowd, equipped with signs, blocked cars entering the facility chanting the Liverpool FC anthem “We Shall not

Photo by christine blais

Over 100 protesters block cars outside the University Club where Minister of the Environment John Baird attends a fundraising dinner.

be Moved”. The scene was a diluted replica of an Aug.8 protest in front of the Frontenac Institution’s prison farm that saw 11 protesters arrested in pouring rain after hundreds attempted to block cattle trucks from removing the Prison Farm’s herd of dairy cattle. The cattle trucks entered the farm that night and removed the cattle the next morning. “We’re just trying to show them that we’re not quieting down,” Tasha Proud, Sci ’11, said standing on the Stuart St. sidewalk. Proud’s family purchased a cow from the Frontenac herd at last summer’s auction as part of a movement to preserve the heritage of the now defunct farm. The Conservative riding for Kingston and the Islands—currently without a Federal candidate after Brian Abrams stepped down last month—hosted Baird and 20 others for the $400-a-head fundraising dinner last night. The riding’s president, Malcolm Stott, said the protest outside was predictable. “It’s not unexpected,” Stott said. “Protesters take every opportunity to express their views to important people in the government. “There’s a presumption there that it’s an important issue in the riding,” he said. “The economy is the main issue throughout the country … The opposition groups in the city, I call them the Forces of the Left, coalesced on this. They saw it as an opportunity to make political capital.”


This week three provincial ministers visited Queen’s to talk about issues facing students and Ontarians in general. Minister of Consumer Affairs John Gerretsen was formerly the minister of the environment. He came to Queen’s to speak about climate change at an Ontario Young Liberals event called ‘Be Heard.’ Gerretsen, who was first elected as the MPP for Kingston and the Islands in 1995, said coming to Queen’s allows students to become more aware of these issues, so they can get involved in the next provincial election. The election is slated for Oct. 6, 2011, and according to Gerretsen, climate change will be a hot topic. “With coal gone, we need [energy] replaced by renewables and by conservation—making our buildings more energy efficient,” he said, adding that in addition to looking for new solutions, his party believes in reducing carbon emissions though measures like the cap-and-trade system. The cap-and-trade system lowers the amount businesses can emit annually by implementing a yearly cap on greenhouse gas emissions. The companies that are doing better can trade the surplus to other companies and there is a dollar value to that. Brad Duguid, minister of energy and infrastructure, also spoke at the event held Monday in the McLaughlin rough in the JDUC. He said Ontario has significantly reduced its emissions over the last few years, but that the province needs to find a dependable source of renewable energy in the near future because coal will soon disappear in the province. “By 2014 we will be out of coal [all] together in Ontario,” he said. University students can make an impact by getting involved and participating in political activities to broaden their understanding of current issues. But, according to Duguid, university students are not the only people he speaks to. “I often [speak to] high school students, even grade five, which is when they start learning about the government. I enjoy doing sessions with students,” he said. Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities John Milloy visited Queen’s yesterday and spoke to Principal Woolf and

students in Richardson Hall about post-secondary education reforms. Milloy, said the McGuinty government has made several changes to Ontario’s Student Assistance Program (OSAP) to increase access to post-secondary institutions. “The government used to make OSAP applications available in May, which makes no sense because it frustrates students and provides them with uncertainty,” he said. “Students wouldn’t be able to access applications for months after they received acceptance and can’t do planning for their future.” OSAP applications are now available three months earlier and can be accessed online. “Qualified students should never be denied access due to funding. These steps are small but removing barriers can help people navigate through the system,” he said. Other changes to OSAP allow students to graduate with less debt by providing a no-interest, no-payment period on student loans for six months after graduation. “Now students can start paying once they have their feet back on the ground,” Milloy said, adding that affordability is a priority for both students and the government. Milloy, who has visited every post-secondary institution in Ontario, said meeting with students and student leaders is routine but important. “I constantly meet with OUSA [Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance] and attend their conventions and conferences,” he said. Significant investments have also been made in post-secondary institutions in terms of the creation of new labs, facilities and classrooms. Two hundred thousand more students are attending universities and colleges since 2002-03 and there’s a 13 per cent increase in enrollment at Queen’s. In addition, more disabled students, Aboriginal students and students who are the first in their families to attend post-secondary institutions are coming to universities, Milloy said. “Sixty-three per cent of Ontarians have post-secondary education. This is the highest in the world but still not good enough. We want to reach 70 per cent,” Milloy said. Milloy said that 70 per cent of new jobs require training beyond high school. “Unless we have a highly skilled workforce we won’t succeed economically,” Milloy said.

C l a r i f i c a t i o n Negotiations between the United Steelworkers and the University will begin shortly. According to Al Orth, acting associate vice-principal (human resources) the outcome will not be known for some time.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Features food

Kingston’s poutine phenomenon The Journal investigates Kingston’s burgeoning Poutine arena in search of a clear winner B y Terra -A nn A rnone Web and Blogs Editor Bubba’s. Smoke’s. Poutine Place. They’re all popular for one thing and they’re all within two blocks of each other in downtown Kingston. According to Queen’s Business Professor Ken Wong, the newly formed Kingston poutine arena

The Drunk test At 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday night, three Alfie’s revelers barged into my Brock St. home to reenact a typical late-night practice— eating. The Journal organized a blind taste test for the three contestants’ drunken palates, comparing classic poutines from both Bubba’s and Smoke’s Poutinerie. “I know I won’t choose Bubba’s,” Max Fincham, ArtSci ’11, said. “They threw me out once.” Blindfolded with an old plaid shirt, Fincham tasted both and chose Bubba’s. The Journal provided the contestants with a score card divided into five categories: Consistency, Fries, Gravy, Curds and Overall Taste. The categories were scored out of five, with space provided at the bottom of the card for additional comments and questions probing on whether or not the contestant would pay for the poutine and recommend it to friends.

won’t be declaring a clear winner anytime soon. He said that despite the increase in restaurants, the downtown poutine market isn’t necessarily oversaturated. “You’re not expanding the size of the pie, you’re just slicing it up so that each competitor gets a smaller share,” he said. “It’s a result of market maturity.” Since this fall’s arrival of Poutine Place and Smoke’s Poutinerie, the battle for local poutine supremacy has seen businesses depend on loyalty, quality and innovative advertising techniques to establish and maintain a costumer-base. Luckily for the newcomers, Wong said local poutine success isn’t a matter of who came first. “If you’re the first mover and you have a product that tastes good, odds are you will survive,” he said. “If you’re the first mover and your products are less satisfactory, you won’t. “Whoever offers the variety first will have an advantage. They will define what poutine is meant to be, and if they are successful, will convince the market of that also.” With a portion of local poutine consumption dependant on Queen’s students, Wong said the poutine costumer-base is different than most, because loyalty only lasts four years. “Even though you’ve been around for years, you’re still introducing yourself to each freshmen class,” he said. “You have a category that is really catering to students; not exclusively but largely. There is a constant regeneration of the student market every year.” Wong said while Bubba’s minimal marketing methods rely on consumer loyalty and word-of-mouth, Smoke’s has taken a different approach all together. “Guerilla marketing goes beyond just coupons, it really says

that we’re going to use a whole different set of media instead of traditional communication devices,” Wong said, in reference to the now-ubiquitous Smoke’s face plastered about campus that rose awareness of the new poutine locale. “There’s nothing on that sticker that tells me anything about the quality of this product. You’re making the assumption that Queen’s students will be driven into the store by it,” he said. Getting the word out about Smoke’s opening in Kingston was a matter of targeting the main audience of students under age 25, Smoke’s Poutinerie’s Division St. franchise owner Andrew Kingston said. “It was a long time coming for a new player to be around,” he said. “We’re proud to say that we’re here and we’re not going anywhere anytime soon.” Kingston said the peak days for Smoke’s are Thursday through Saturday, when the Poutinerie experiences a high concentration of customers between 12:30 a.m. and 3 a.m. “Where there’s students and where there’s bars, that’s where a large volume of business can come our way.” The reasoning behind Smoke’s expansion to Kingston is the city’s eastern orientation, close to the dish’s Quebec origin. Kingston said Queen’s was the deal-maker. “Universities are the hottest market in Canada,” he said. “It’s a perfect storm with bars, students and the downtown hub. “With Bubba’s being there we knew poutine was already established as a stronghold so we chose to come in as well.” Despite Smoke’s presence downtown, Bubba’s Pizzeria manager Tina Doulas said it hasn’t

had any affect on their sales. “My sales are the same as they were last year and maybe a bit up”, she said. “I get a lot of people who have gone there and come back to mine. It’s people’s preference what they want to eat.” Bubba’s Pizzeria has had its location on Princess St. for 17 years. “A lot of people know Bubba’s,” Doulas said. “The name says it all.” She said Bubba’s poutine sales are propped up by the bars surrounding the Princess St. location. “Everybody goes out drinking and they want to eat something to fill themselves up,” she said, adding her poutine sales peak on Friday and Saturday nights. “The customers that come in between midnight and 2:30 a.m.” Doulas said Bubba’s hasn’t employed new marketing techniques despite new competitors in the area. “Well, if you like something, you’re going to go back to what you like,” she said. The newest player in Kingston’s poutine market, Poutine Place, targeted marketing toward Queen’s students by using local magazines and flyers on campus. Dimitrios Kotsovolos, owner of Poutine Place, said the restaurant also attracts student crowds after last call. “After midnight we probably serve 100 to 200 people on a busier night like Friday or Saturday,” Kotsovolos said. Luckily, these inebriated patrons haven’t caused trouble since the restaurant’s opening three months ago. “I’m almost surprised, you know how people get late at night,” Kotsovolos said, adding that his peak weekend hours are between 1:30 a.m. and 3:30 a.m.

Local expert Philip Asselstine jogged his palate yesterday afternoon, taste testing local poutines in a break before the dinner rush. Asselstine, the head chef at Megalos restaurant, said poutine experience is inevitable in his industry. “I’m a Canadian; every restaurant I’ve worked at has poutine,” Asselstine said. Sharing anecdotes of late-night poutine runs and off-site delivery, Asselstine added that poutine is an option at Megalos despite not being formally on the menu. “You make it but you don’t necessarily have to offer it,” he said. “People expect it to be there.” Smoke’s poutine, option two, stole the top spot in Asselstine’s blind taste test. Beating out Poutine Place’s dish by only one point, Asselstine attributed his high grade to the better gravy. Coming in second, Asselstine preferred Poutine Place’s sticky gravy which was welldistributed in each forkful. Between calculated bites, Asselstine looked up to say Poutine’s Place’s fries were his favourite. Despite being his goto poutine spot before the blind taste-testing, Bubba’s poutine ranked number three.


• Consistency: 3 • Fries: 2 • Gravy: 4 • Curds: 2 • Overall taste: 4 • TOTAL: 15

poutine Place

In the additional comments on his gravy-stained scorecard, Fincham wrote that he would pay for both of the poutines but added an asterisk stipulating that “I would pay for anything if I am drunk.”

• Consistency: 4 • Fries: 4 • Gravy: 3 • Curds: 4 • Overall taste: 3 • TOTAL: 18


• Consistency: 3 • Fries: 4 • Gravy: 4 • Curds: 4 • Overall taste: 4 • TOTAL: 19

OVERALL SCORES Bubba’s: 57/75 Smoke’s: 61/75

—Jake Edmiston

the expert

Philip Asselstine, Megalos’ head chef, blind taste-tests three local poutine options, choosing Smoke’s Poutinerie as the best.

Photo by Christine Blais

—Terra-Ann Arnone


4 •

Kieran Slobodin, AMS academic affairs commissioner, says he met with EngSoc and the Registrar to make sure students are aware of financial aid options.

‘We don’t want to add stress to people’s lives’ Continued from page 1

Andrew Ness, associate registrar, said the University has fully acknowledged the error and sent out emails to engineering students affected by the tuition change in early January.

I went to the “Registrar’s office

and they were very open and helpful in [showing me] where I stood financially.

—Cenk Ayitmur, Sci ’11 “We don’t want to add stress to people’s lives, so the [fees from] the re-assessed amount aren’t due until June,” Ness said. The fees were originally set

Holiday HouseCheck prevents break-ins Queen’s Holiday HouseCheck reported that over the recent winter holiday there were zero break-ins among houses that signed up for the free service. The service has seen the same results for the last two years. Queen’s Holiday HouseCheck is a student-run service, provided by the AMS’s Municipal Affairs Commission. Students can sign up in early December, to ensure their house will be checked twice a week, their snow will be stomped down and their mail will be collected. This year, the program doubled the amount of houses served, providing 218 homes with safety checks. AMS Municipal Affairs Commissioner Hilary Windrem said the program increased in popularity thanks to the tactics this year’s team used. “The team did a fantastic job

to be due May 1, but the date was extended after members of the Engineering Society expressed concern that some students would be unable to pay the fee without summer employment. Ness said the undercharge occurred in part because of the outdated QCARD system and the complicated manner of calculating tuition in the Faculty of Applied Science. Unlike faculties like Arts and Science which charge students per course, the Faculty of Applied Science has a fee ceiling in place, which caps the amount of tuition a student will pay if they take a full course load, Ness said. “A calculation is done [if students] are below the fee ceiling,” Ness said, adding that it was an error in this calculation that lead to some students being undercharged. of marketing this year. Halfway through they had to hire a third patroller to meet the demand,” Windrem, ArtSci ’11, said. Gracie Goad, the 2010 director of Holiday HouseCheck said that by marketing the service to students on campus in places like Stauffer Library and making forms accessible online, the service hugely increased in popularity. “If it’s easy for people to sign up, people will sign up,” Goad, ArtSci ’11, said. Holiday HouseCheck was started in 1993 by the AMS to address the long standing problem of break-ins to student houses during the holiday season. “It’s one of the only services of this kind run by university students for university students, Goad said. “It’s such a unique service.” —Katherine Fernandez-Blance

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cenk Ayitmur, Sci ’11, says being undercharged on tuition has made things tougher financially. Ayitmur is one of 770 engineering students required to pay additional tuition fees, due in June.

Because all first-year engineering students are required to take a full course load, they weren’t affected by the undercharge. 770 students are required to pay additional fees ranging between $100 and $1,460 for domestic students or $400 and $3,000 for international students. All of the affected students were taking less than six credits, however this doesn’t necessarily mean they weren’t full time students. Ness reiterated that the undercharge should not be causing

Much of what we “re-assessed we expect to be covered with Queen’s bursary money and provincial aid.

—Andrew Ness, associate registrar students financial stress. “Much of what we re-assessed we expect to be covered with Queen’s bursary money and provincial aid,” Ness said, adding that students on the Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP) have automatically been re-assessed their OSAP entitlement, which should help cover the addition cost of the tuition fees. “[In addition] students have

Feeling philanthropic This weekend, Queen’s Conference on Philanthropy is bringing together speakers and delegates from across the country to engage with this year’s theme of ‘Young and in love with mankind. Get intimate.’ The conference started three years ago. It aims to educate participants about philanthropy. Nourish, a nutritionally complete solid food product recently developed by Campbells for food banks and disaster relief, will be served to delegates for a lunch at an event on Friday. This is to provide delegates an opportunity to understand how socioeconomically disadvantaged people and the 900,000 Canadians who use food bank services feel in their daily lives. For more information, visit —Jessica Fishbein

to check to see whether these additional fees actually allow them to qualify for OSAP … There’s Queen’s bursary money in the budget that [students] can apply for. What would be really disappointing would be if a student did qualify for financial assistance but didn’t apply,” Ness said. Although he is aware that some students have been unhappy with the Registrar’s decision to charge the extra amount, Ness said that this was a necessary move for the University. “Thirty per cent of students were given a discount. It was an

Photos by justin tang

equity issue,” Ness said. AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner Kieran Slobodin said he met with EngSoc and the Registrar to ensure that students were aware of their financial aid options. “From our perspective, it was a really unfortunate situation …the Registrar didn’t consult the student government first. I wish there was better communication [at the beginning] but I think they handled the aftermath really well,” Slobodin, ArtSci ’12, said.

Campus Calendar Friday, Jan. 21

Monday, Jan. 24

Colloquium Presentation “Musical Reconciliation in Canada” Harrison-LeCaine Hall, Room 124 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Free

Legal Responses to the Trafficking of Women and Children Macdonald Hall, Room 201 1 p.m. to 2:20 p.m.

Saturday, Jan. 22 12th Annual Symposium ‘The Power of the Good Mind, Issues in Indigenous Mental Health’ Robert Sutherland Building Room 202 All day Free

Noontime Meditation Ban Righ Centre Flower Pot Room 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25 Summer Job Fair Gordon Hall, third floor 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 26

Sunday, Jan. 23 QPID Chili Fest Queen’s University International Centre (QUIC) 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. $7/student

Engineering/Internship Job Fair Gordon Hall, 3rd floor 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27 Workshop: Introduction to Excel 2010 Mackintosh-Corry Hall, Room B176 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. German Film Night Kingston Hall, Room 201 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.


Friday, january 21, 2011


Planning the future of equity at Queen’s Continued from page 1

and work together with other organizations and clubs that do equity work, one of them being the SGPS office,” she said. “Planning an event, every group on campus has different resources in regards to ant-oppression issues. By working together we can help each other.” Dávila said one internal aim requires that equity be institutionalized in every AMS portfolio. This would mean that each service and commission would be required to include equity in their annual strategic plan. Dávila said the SIC already provides equity and anti-oppression training to the commissioners as well as any groups who request it. In order to fulfill the goals of the 2010-11 equity plan, the next step would be to provide training to other levels of management including commissioners, the offices of all AMS extended council,

managers and head managers of services as well as all service staff. “That would mean that everyone working within the AMS would benefit from this,” she said, adding that the next goal is to train people who are returning to the SIC next year to give anti-oppression sessions. Dávila said only the SIC deputies will be provided with training to conduct anti-oppressions sessions as they are wellversed in the issues and are familiar with the concepts included in the training. Since May, 10 workshops have been provided to AMS management directly, but Dávila said that number increases every year. This is due to increased advertisement and changes in the structure of the workshops. “It’s a lot more accessible. Case studies more related to what people do in the services,” she said. Dávila said the equity plan, the first of its kind, was based on her strategic plan as commissioner written in May.

Carolyn Prouse, SGPS equity commissioner says one initiative in the SGPS equity plan is a campaign to fight against accent discrimination.

QUOTED “There’s concern with how the academic plan might disenfranchise certain students. There’s not enough [funding] for cross-cultural counseling at [Health Counnselling and Disability Services] (HCDS). Are we able to support people at Queen’s in the process of internationalization?” —Carolyn Prouse, SGPS equity comissioner, in refernce to why the Univeristy needs an equity plan now

“Strategic plans are done every single year. The social issue commissioner does one at the beginning of the summer,” she said. “Every plan is based on the previous one so there are still things carried over. I borrowed things from both the year before and two years ago. I wrote the strategic plan first and in meeting with Adnan Hussain [Chair of Diversity and Equity Taskforce (DET)] and Carolyn Prouse [SGPS Equity Commissioner], we decided it would be a good initiative to have them up on the website. Both the AMS and SGPS equity plans were working documents as of December, posted on the DET website.” Dávila said in writing the plan she made it as specific as possible to the AMS as opposed to other student organizations. “In writing the AMS equity plan, I thought specifically about the structure of the AMS … due to the differences in the structure of the student governments, as well as the populations of students they represent, some of the strategies to achieve our goals are different,” she said. Prouse said the SGPS equity plan also points to training as a vehicle for improvement. SGPS employees have undergone

Photo by ChRistinE bLais





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mandatory equity training for this year, but Prouse said that prior to this plan, nothing ensured there would be mandatory training next year. As part of the plan, equity training will be written into SGPS policy, which Prouse will be working on for the remainder of the term. Training will be provided collaboratively with the Human Rights Office (HRO), Prouse said. As well as implementing mandatory training, the SGPS equity plan calls for a campaign to fight against accent discrimination. “We want to get a good conversation on campus. We have a lot of TAs with our organization who have experienced discrimination based on accent. We need to redefine how we understand an accent,” She said, adding that the SGPS will be working with the HRO and Queen’s University International Centre (QUIC) on the campaign. “We’re at the very initial stages. It’s a long-term campaign,” she said. The campaign will include online educational component in conjunction with campus outreach through posters.

6 • About The Journal

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It’s irresponsible to tempt people who require serious support and structure with the distant promise of quick cash.

Coffee in a Star-bucket


At first, this move seems like egular visitors to their neighbourhood Starbucks a simple publicity ploy. Where an will be pleased to hear about the “extra-large” beverage option is the addition of a new beverage size. standard at traditional chain retailers, The Seattle-based coffee company Starbucks isn’t the first company has announced plans to introduce one might picture adopting a a 31 oz. serving size in its chain fast-food model. The chain’s locations across the US no later emphasis on trendy decor and upscale coffee beverages has than May 3. leaned towards The new “Trenta” size previously will be available in more than a certain degree of restraint eleven states by the beginning and understatement. Starbucks has stated that of February, and costs only 50 cents more than the “Venti” size— the new beverage size is a response which ranges from 20 to 24 to customer demand, which oz. The 917 ml Trenta container reflects the company’s gradual is intended for iced beverages, expansion into less urban areas. In like flavoured coffees, iced tea an urban environment, Starbucks and lemonade. These beverages is a daily norm, but in areas where typically come loaded with the concentration of the chain space-consuming ice, so a larger is less dense, it becomes a rare size provides greater relief from treat—and an indulgence. At the same time, Starbucks hot weather.

is facing great competition to retain its loyal customers. Many of the previously-esoteric beverage options it has brought into the mainstream have been adopted by other chain coffee shops and retailers, including McDonalds. Offering larger serving sizes across the board ensures that people get even more of their familiar favourites straight from the source. It’s a sound business move, but the new size seems a little overboard. Where the Trenta is intended for specific beverages, especially thirsty customers will surely load one up with their favourite cream- and sugar-laden drinks. While no Canadian release is yet on the horizon, if the idea takes hold below the border, it can only be a matter of time.

Christine Blais

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Photographers Rob Campbell



Paul Bishop Jacob Morgan Claire Nelischer Sara Melvin Amir Nosrat Nick Roy

Friday, January 21, 2011 • Issue 27 • Volume 138 The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2011 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus GST). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3P4 Telephone : 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal Online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 28 of Volume 138 will be published on Tuesday, January 25, 2011.


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Friday, January 21, 2011


Weight wage a wager P

erhaps the most common New gaining rewards. However, this Year’s resolution has to do particular combination seems with getting in shape—or more fraught with risks. The HealthyWage plan doesn’t specifically, losing weight. While some abandon these resolutions appear to ensure that an individual long before the summer months adopts a healthy plan to lose weight. begin, a US website is offering an While the website partners with added incentive to would-be fitness established gyms and fitness centres, the weight targets it measures are buffs: cash. offers dieters simply confirmed at the beginning $100 if they manage to reach a and ending of the target period pre-determined weight-loss target by a doctor or at an accredited within a given time frame. Those location—the weight loss doesn’t willing to put their own money have to be monitored by an expert. into the program can reap larger Furthermore, the targets rewards—an investment of $300 are determined by using Body can yield more than triple that Mass Index, a hard-and-fast amount. The website has signed up measurement that isn’t accurate for more than 75,000 participants in every individual. the two years since its creation, and For an individual in average plans to reach the Canadian market health and average shape this year. simply looking to shed a few The HealthyWage model is pounds, the HealthyWage program borne out by some research into might provide the right incentive to incentive-motivated weight loss, inspire lasting change. However, it’s likely that a and it isn’t the first institution to link addressing health issues to program like HealthyWage might

motivate an individual to use risky or drastic measures in order to hit a target weight. This isn’t just dangerous, it’s counter-productive, as it doesn’t ensure that the individual maintains a healthy bodyweight or lifestyle after completing the program. In order for the HealthWage plan to work ideally, it would have to ensure healthy and safe weight loss. This would have to include an emphasis on stable eating habits to protect against post-regiment weight gain, as well as monitoring pre-existing medical conditions, which might be aggravated by certain types of exercise or pound-shedding activities. It’s irresponsible to tempt people who require serious support and structure with the distant promise of quick cash. A healthy lifestyle isn’t simply about losing weight by any means necessary.

Tyler Ball

Go Ricky C

elebrities are stupid, stupid people. They’re almost as stupid as the reporters that write about them. In the ‘wake’ of Ricky Gervais’ brilliant hosting of the 68th Golden Globe Awards, this stupidity has become painfully apparent. Gervais delivered a sharp criticism of Hollywood with a fervour not seen on this side of the Atlantic. He took shots at Charlie Sheen, Sex and the City 2, Tom Cruise, Hugh Hefner and the Hollywood Foreign Press Agency itself. HFPA president Philip Berk said he thought Gervais “definitely crossed the line,” as reported by the Hollywood Reporter. What line exactly? The line of excitement. Award shows are, by nature, totally boring. They are among the most controlled and choreographed events on television, devoid of much unpredictability or controversy. Without Kanye West, they’d all be like watching paint dry. Nobody even cares who wins! Gervais didn’t go after anybody who didn’t deserve it. Hefner called his jokes “cheap shots” on his Twitter, but he married a woman 60 years his junior. I think he deserves all he can get. Here’s how celebrity works. A group of relatively talentless beautiful people ask us to invest our time and money into worshipping both them and their products. They complain about the paparazzi and the perils of fame, but they have it pretty easy. There are plenty of celebrities who stay out of the spotlight and are able to live their lives. Johnny Depp is a great example. It’s no wonder that the ones that have the least talent are the ones who are the most threatened. The rumour mills are reporting that meatheads Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone almost started a fight with Gervais—stopped only by class-acts Alec Baldwin and Mark Wahlberg. These aforementioned rumour mills are also to blame. They will sensationalize any award show controversy, however trivial. Contrarily, CNN compiled some interviews with Christian Bale, Paul Giamatti, Al Pacino and other smart, talented actors that understood and supported the mechanisms of Gervais’ routines. Bride of Skeletor Jennifer Lopez also said she threatened to fight him. Obviously, that’s a sign that you’re doing something right.

Friday, January 21, 2011



Talking Heads ... in the JDUC

Perspectives from the Queen’s community

Photos By Craig Draeger

How were your first two weeks of class?

“It was rough.” Evan Wilson, ArtSci ’13

The Queen’s University International Centre (QUIC) helps serve the approximately 1,500 international and exchange students studying at Queen’s.

Photo by Justin Tang


The internationalization question We need internationalization with a focus on international students’ needs

A mir N osrat , M.A.S c . ’11

home university. The second group consists of 1,100 students who come to Queen’s to complete their degree and are required to pay tuition equivalent to two or three times their domestic counterparts. Arguably, this category is often referred to as ‘international students’ and are subject to the highest degree of financial, academic, and cultural barriers. But they are only one part of internationalization at Queen’s.

Recently, there has been much discussion on how Queen’s University should situate itself in the international arena after Principal Woolf had identified ‘internationalization’ as a principle strategy in his ‘Where Next?’ There must be document in early 2010. entrenched policies The student opposition to a that shift the power rise in international student tuition balance in favour of fees resulting from the Board of international students Trustee’s November meeting is a vivid testament to the surprisingly in student-faculty controversial nature of diversifying relations. universities with citizens This brings to light a fallacy from abroad. While the most frequently in the administration’s logic discussed issue surrounding when advocating for increased international students are the international tuition fees. If the exorbitant and disproportionate resources made available for tuition fees many of them have ‘internationalization’ are accessed to face, there are many more by 4,400 people, why is the financial pressing issues that often escape onus placed on only a quarter of the beneficiaries? such conversations. Furthermore, why are services First, there must be a very clear understanding of the word for Queen’s students going abroad “internationalization.” For the of a relatively higher quality than University, internationalization those arriving here, despite the has two broad targets, Queen’s financial burdens placed on the University students going abroad latter group? Sure, the province may not and individuals arriving here from cover expenses related to the outside of Canada. The former, comprising education of international students, approximately 3,000 students but part of international student in 2009-2010, are primarily tuitions are used to fund QUIC participants of Queen’s’ many and other administrators in charge exchange programs and arguably of international student affairs that receive first-class services by the do not necessarily get covered by Queen’s University International government compensation for domestic students. Centre (QUIC). When the administration is The latter is further broken down into two categories. One pressed for details on how they category belongs to roughly 300 calculate tuition fees based on exchange students who come to ‘expenses incurred by international Queen’s for one or two terms and students,’ ambiguity and lack pay domestic fees required by their of knowledge are the most

sciences that often breed apolitical common responses. Even when there are ’town hall and complacent cultures. In a preliminary report meetings’ to ask such important questions, communication and conducted by the Society of and Professional decisions usually travel one Graduate way: from the administration to Students (SGPS) equity office, there were five identified core international students. But my intention is not to be issues facing international students. entirely critical of the University’s First, barriers imposed by tuition approach to international students. fees and the University Health Balancing budgets and ensuring Insurance Premium (roughly $800 operational viability, especially in a year) impose significant strains on such tough economic times, are their financial health and at times very challenging tasks. Even so, the academic quality. While it may be hard to curb University has taken many positive tuition fees for international steps toward internationalization. the Office of Our ‘study abroad’ programs are students, perhaps one of the best in Canada Advancement can play a crucial and must remain so to expose role in establishing bursaries our students to other cultures and grants aimed at reducing these burdens. and perspectives. The administration offers mandatory insurance (at the This is admittedly expense of international students), challenging to eversincetheprovincialgovernment accomplish, as stopped offering healthcare cultural and language benefits to international students in barriers tend to the 1990s. They have established the impede international international tuition bursary for students in voicing graduate students intended to their concerns. ameliorate the financial burdens Furthermore, student societies of international student tuition fees. Even right now, there are can initiate similar bursaries dedicated and hardworking staff and grants from modest student members that are proactively activity fees. Second, academic resources are strategizing and planning heavily focused on North American internationalization at Queen’s. This process, however, must and European topics. Aside come with a strategy focused from failing to attract students on international student needs. specializing in non-Western Internationalization must not only fields and diverse perspectives, be an attempt to raise Queen’s’ international students may feel profile worldwide, but an attempt disconnected and overwhelmed to listen to our international by dominant Eurocentric courses. students and enhance their Investment in academic databases, books, lecturers, researchers experience here. This is admittedly challenging and programs with non-Western to accomplish, as cultural and focuses are crucial in providing a language barriers tend to impede friendly academic environment for international students in voicing international students. Third, there is no centralized their concerns. Furthermore, most international and visible space belonging to students are heavily clustered around natural and applied See Better on page 8

“Wonderful. Love being back.” Mike Cannon, ArtSci ’12

“Awesome.” Erin Cannon, ConEd ’11

“Nice to be back, but I’m not ready for school work.” Avalon McLean-Simts, ArtSci ’12

“It’s been pretty slack.” Meghan Pratt, ArtSci ’11

Have your say. Write a letter or visit to comment.


8 •

Better services for students Continued from page 1

international students. aside from limited housing and administrative space, international students are incapable of reciprocating their backgrounds into the Queen’s community. investment in infrastructure and space that is central and visible on the Queen’s campus must accompany any long-term internationalization strategy. Fourth, professors and research supervisors have been shown to systemically take advantage of

Friday, January 21, 2011

LETTERS TO THE EDITORS International student

reducing their per-student cost. What many people don’t realize is that there is a finite pool of applicants and of those applicants, only a limited number are qualified. By increasing the number of students at university, one is invariably increasing acceptance rates and, thus, increasing the number of marginally qualified applicants accepted. accepting more marginally qualified applicants means the average quality of a university student is lowered. Because anglophone Canadian society is unwilling to fail unqualified or unintelligent students, the value of a university degree accordingly falls. this is what has happened at Queen’s University. since coming here, i’ve seen Queen’s fall universally throughout the So long as the league tables. quality of education on Maclean’s tables, Queen’s becomes worse, and has fallen from first to fourth. our fees become higher, university is no longer even on we will be less and the times education supplement’s top 200, a popular education less willing to attend for internationally-minded this university. prospective students. as an international student, i Due to the government’s rules for setting domestic tuition fees— can say with confidence that we are which ban individual universities only willing to pay what our degree from setting their own fee is worth. so long as the quality schedules—universities across the of education becomes worse, and province have financial difficulties the fees become higher, we will and are no longer able to pay for be less and less willing to attend as many programs or recruit star this university. faculty members. Dan Osborne, ArtSci ‘12 Queen’s, in particular, has President, Queen’s Campus chosen to address their Queen’s Libertarian Association Park-caused financial difficulties by admitting more students, increasing class sizes and consequently

international students’ cultural, QUiC and counselling services that on internationalization legal and financial disadvantages. attempt to address these issues. instances of derogatory so let’s take a moment and re: “the price of remarks and threats by faculty think about how Queen’s is going i n t e r n a t i o n a l i z a t i o n , ” towards students seem to be to internationalize. (Jan. 14, 2011) disproportionately experienced by i feel that we as international international students. students require more intricate Dear editors, there must be entrenched planning than the Predictable policies that shift the power balance tuition Framework. Prospective university students in favour of international students choose their future school on a in student-faculty relations. variety of factors, above all on Amir Nosrat is international Fifth, international students coordinator in the Society of the value of their education for face endemic cultural and language Graduate and Professional their dollar. barriers that adversely affect mental Students (SGPS). in spite of high tuition fees health. these can be ameliorated for international students at by the expansion of programs in universities like harvard or oxford, international students flock to these schools, because of the high quality of their degrees. Unfortunately, Queen’s is, at best, of mediocre quality and falling fast.

Are you keen on current events in the Queen’s community and around the world?

Journal Dialogue is looking for members of our new discussion panel. Send an email to: and include: •

An example of your past journalistic, personal, or academic writings.

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We hope to hear from you soon!

Friday, January 21, 2011



Arts Flaxen folks The Golden Dogs’ new versatility defies confines of demographics B y C laire N elischer Staff Writer

The Golden Dogs balance their familiar frantic rocking and reeling with newly crafted intelligent pop on their latest record Coat of Arms. Guitarist Dave Azzolini and keyboardist Jessica Crassia say it’s their best work yet.



A tale of two drummers

Amidst lo-fi and nostalgic chillwave, underground metal act Kylesa stands out B y J acob M organ Staff Writer Recent trends in independent rock music seem to be going in paradoxical directions. Amidst the horde of lo-fi indie pop and the hazy nostalgia of so-called “chillwave,” there’s a much darker and heavier subgenre that is currently exploding with creativity. Don’t call it a comeback, but underground heavy metal is one of the most interesting and vibrant music scenes right now. Kylesa, who will be playing at Time to Laugh on Sunday, is one such band that has enjoyed the resurgence in popularity of metal among more typically indie publications. For example, websites like Pitchfork and Stereogum both ranked Kylesa’s newest album, Spiral Shadow, among their top 50 of 2010. The Journal recently had the chance to talk with vocalist and guitarist Laura Pleasants. The group formed in 2001 in Savannah, Georgia. Pleasants


and Philip Cope, also guitarist and vocalist, are the only original members left in the lineup. “Kylesa started like 10 years ago, out of the ashes of Philip’s old band, Damad, who were very active in the underground in the 90s. They did a lot to help the local scene, booked a lot of shows,” Pleasants said. “I would go to all those shows because I was hungry for music. They turned a lot of people on to what was underground at the time”. This context reveals the long gestation period Kylesa has undergone and how at the beginning, they were decidedly ahead of their time. Pleasants has noticed a number of big changes over the past decade.

She explains, “the kind of music we do is more accepted now than it was in 2001, things were just different in the underground, and the metal scene wasn’t as accepting of bands using outside influences like indie rock, punk or psychedelic.”

the expected metal signifiers like the thrash of Slayer or the electrified riffs of Black Sabbath, they also amalgamate the hardcore punk of Black Flag, the headiness of Pink Floyd, the relentlessly slow sludge of the Melvins and the DIY rock of Fugazi into their sound. Spiral Shadow retains the dynamically complex and brutal Tripped out naked force of 2009’s Static Tensions, women in the woods while incorporating more overtly and extremely psychedelic elements. psychedelic. “Philip and I wanted to explore more of our psychedelic side and influences but part of it also —Laura Pleasants, Kylesa’s vocalist was just a natural progression,” and guitarist said Pleasants. For evidence of this aesthetic, see the video for This factor is hugely important “Tired Climb,” directed by David to Kylesa’s recent success. Beyond See More on page 11


A State for one man Greek tragedy descends on The Mansion’s Wine Cellar

green hornet Film review of The Green Hornet starring Seth Rogan. on

antigone An inside look at Vagabond Theatre’s production of Antigone at The Mansion. on

the liptonians Album review of The Liptonians’ Let’s All March Back into the Sea. on limelight

photos by justin tang

Directed by Nathaniel Fried, Jean Anouilh’s Antigone exemplifies the Vagabond Theatre company’s mandate—to create universally accessible theatre with the ability to resonate with a modern audience.

The raw energy of a live show is a difficult thing to capture on a record, but the Golden Dogs, known for their boisterous, adrenaline-charged performances may have accomplished just that. Last July, the Toronto-based group released their third full-length album, Coat of Arms, to widespread critical acclaim. The album stays true to the group’s unique style of power pop while incorporating new sounds to produce a fresh take on indie rock, resulting in an infectious, melody-driven record with an effortless, vintage vibe.

2009 was a pretty “rough year for us

personally ... the studio was kind of everyone’s saving grace.

—Jessica Grassia, The Golden Dogs’ harmony vocalist

Jessica Grassia, the group’s harmony vocalist, attributes the high energy and quirky character of Coat of Arms to the individual attention invested in each track. “Each song kind of gets whatever treatment it needs. Certain songs need certain vibes. On this record, we tried to have more people playing at once to get that vibe,” Grassia said. “We had a lot more power on this record and we learned from our past mistakes. It was a process of finding out how it is that we’re supposed to sound on record.” Following their 2008 tour, the Golden Dogs parted ways with their record label and took some time off as a group. Feeling refreshed and confident after some changes to their line-up, the Dogs returned to the studio to record Coat of Arms with help from Carlin Nicholson and Mike O’Brien of Torontobased rock group Zeus. “There was no pressure; we kind of called all the shots,” Grassia said. “For this [record], we decided to do it with our friends, Carlin and Mike, in their studio … it was a really good vibe and it was just fun.” “Nothing was really planned out, it was all just full of surprises. We left a lot of things open. Some songs didn’t really even see the light of day ‘til the studio,” Grassia said, adding, “2009 was a pretty rough year for us personally and the studio was kind of everyone’s saving grace.” This natural recording process allowed the Golden Dogs to create the record they had always wanted to. Throughout the album’s 42 minutes of dizzying energy, the band stays incredibly tight and See Gilded on page 11


10 •

Friday, January 21, 2011

artist in profile

‘Be a part of it’ 1. Who are you? I am James Gilbert and I am a third-year Queen’s student and musician.

photo by christine blais

Sweet Charity tells the story of a down-and-out burlesque dancer who uses generosity to try get ahead in life and love.

2. What do you do?


I spend most of my time writing music, listening to other people’s music and trying to play as much as possible. I’m putting together a band with Sam Edwards and Devin Clancy. Playing. Having fun.

Glimmers of hope, mantras of love

Blue Canoe Productions kicks off a new season with their first leading lady B y N ick R oy Contributor It’s certainly the season for dramatic productions on Queen’s campus and Kingston as a whole. With Queen’s Musical Theatre and Queen’s Student Opera Company wrapping up their fall productions, the spotlight has fallen on Blue Canoe Productions and their staging of Sweet Charity. And they’ve certainly delivered; the company’s 13th production was entertaining in so many aspects and packed a powerful dramatic punch. Sweet Charity originally ran from Jan. 29, 1966 to July 15, 1967, for a total of 608 performances, and was a critical success in its run, garnering nominations for 12 Tony Awards. What makes this show special and different from Blue Canoe’s previous productions in their five years of existence is the show is the first they have ever done that features a focus on the female lead. Sweet Charity tells the story of Charity Hope Valentine, a down-and-out burlesque dancer in New York City in the early 1960s. Faced with a seemingly loveless





3. Does this band have a name? Our name was going to be the Sam Edwards experience ft. Beatmaster D—we’re not sure yet. Maybe the 10 o’clock people, named after a Stephen King short story.

life, and determined to break free of the grim prospects of working in a “gentlemen’s club,” she uses her innately generous nature and kind and friendly personality to try and get ahead for the first time in her life. As Charity, Lucie Robathan provides an exceptional performance. She manages to perfectly balance a happy-go-lucky nature with an innate confidence, while all the while maintaining a noticeable nervous energy to her character that’s able to propel the story forward and keep emotion at the forefront. She shows particular charisma onstage with Dylan On, in the role of Oscar. One notable scene occurs near the end of the first act when the two are trapped in an elevator and must deal with their various anxieties such as claustrophobia and running out of air. The two combine for a hilarious scene that will certainly leave audiences doubled over in laughter ...

4. Your music sounds like?






7. If you could kill anyone in history, who would it be? I would avoid killing if I could. But if I had to, it would probably be the Bee Gees—that’s three people. 8. Dream collaboration?

I heard a rumor this year about It’s basic rock and roll. Stuff Jack White and Jay-Z working that generates energy. Stuff that together. If it’s true … people are interested in moving to. We want to revive the sense that 9. Where would people have seen live music can make people feel you before on campus? energetic and feel included. On the street. I spend a lot of time writing in the Queen’s Centre. 5. Why should anyone care? Clark Hall, Grad Club, Common They shouldn’t. But I really Ground and the Mansion. think music is interesting nowadays Anywhere you can perform really. with the top 40’s domination, it’s good to get back to the basic 10. What comes to mind when you rock roots. Music isn’t exclusive, think of Kingston? everyone can be a part of it, and Prisons, and a lot of trees that enjoy it. That’s important. are trying to live but can’t because it’s too cold. There’s a big university 6. Have you been in other bands? in the middle of it. Yes. The Fishwives, a Toronto-based Beaches band 11. What’s your favourite planet? that won the Battle of the Bands. Neptune. It’s got a great name. We split up to go to respective universities. Me and Caleb Mitchell [drummer from the Fishwives] 12. What’s the best song you’ve performed together at Queen’s as ever written? the Brothers Molotov.

Please see for the full review of Sweet Charity.


Gilbert (left) cites a goal of reviving the powers of live rock music as inspiration for his creation.





Sunday 23 January Philosopher’s Café: “Wars never really end: Digital Media Projections and Memory of Dispossession” 2 pm Opening Reception 3:15 – 4:30 pm All are welcome.

Queenʼs University, Kingston, Canada K7L 3N6 613.533.2190 Media Sponsor ´ Image: Milica Tomic, One Day, 2009. Courtesy of the artist.

photo by christine blais

None of them are very good. 13. What’s the most fun show you’ve ever played? Every show can be fun if you don’t worry about it too much. 14. Why are you the right man for the job? Because I will play anywhere, anytime, for free. —Andrew Stokes

Want to be in a PS I Love You music video? head to the grad club this sunday at

11 a . m .

Upcoming EVERY WEEK Monday - All you can eat Spaghetti Tuesday - 1/2 Price Large Nachos for Members (5-close) Wednesdays - Open Mic - 9pm Thursday - Trivia - 9pm Friday Jan 21st The Golden Dogs with Mainsail Friday Jan 28th Braids with Cherry Chapstick Friday Feb 4th Cuff the Duke Friday Feb 11th NQ Arbuckle Saturday Feb 12th Jim Bryson and Weakerthans Band Friday March 4th Jenn Grant Saturday March 5th Yukon Blond with The Paint Movement Friday March 25th Born Ruffians Tickets available at Tricolour Outlet and The Grad Club and online at 613-546-3427 162 Barrie St.


Friday, January 21, 2011

LP of the week

‘More dense and more raw’ Continued from page 9

Brodsky, which Pleasants described as “tripped out naked women in the woods and extremely psychedelic, we just wanted to have it reminiscent of late 60s counter culture.” The stylistic diversity does

much to dispel the common misconception of metal’s stagnant sameness. In comparison to the band’s earlier work, Pleasants said that the two latest albums are “more refined in ideas and output, less stripped down, more dense and more raw.” The rhythmic intricacy of the

• 11

songs is underscored by the use of two drummers. They’re able to use this chemistry effectively, Pleasants says, “with just rehearsal and jamming over the years, because we’ve been doing it since 2006, initially to be heavier and more pummeling. But as time went on and we were jamming with two drummers we started writing songs with specific parts in mind for the two drums.”

Our fan base has “always been pretty

diverse, a combination of punks, metal heads, indie rockers, stoner rockers ... a nice mix in my opinion.

—Laura Pleasants, Kylesa’s vocalist and guitarist

Kylesa have become known for their unique brand of heavy metal incoporating indie, pop and psychedelic influences.


Gilded harmony Continued from page 9

united. Grassia’s sweet-sounding harmonies are offset by Dave Azzolini’s disheveled baritone, while Taylor Knox holds down a rocking and strong backbeat. The Golden Dogs have displayed incredible growth in Coat of Arms, creating a more confident and cohesive record without abandoning their signature sound. This album is 12 tracks of bright, boisterous rock that is easy to listen to and easy to love. Following their January tour, the Golden Dogs are planning to return to the studio to record a fourth album, the first with their current line-up that includes James Roberston on guitar and Jay McCarroll on bass. The Dogs are hoping that this album will reflect the growth the group has experienced as a result of touring together. “We feel more confident and more empowered … We’re really excited about making a record with a full band,” Grassia said, adding, “It’s just a really good dynamic.” After a studio stint and a visit to the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, the Golden Dogs will perform their first show overseas at the Liverpool Sound City Festival in May, alongside their friends Zeus. Grassia said she’s grateful for the support the Golden Dogs

have received from Zeus over the years, and attributes the success of their work together to an existing strong friendship. “It’s always happening. We’re a part of each other’s lives all the time. [Zeus is] just starting to do a record now and they’re already saying, ‘When are you guys gonna come by?’ It’s just support, really, and it’s mutual respect.” The Golden Dogs’ show in Kingston this Friday will mark the second of a five-show mini-tour of Ontario and Quebec. The group is excited to be back on the road and is looking forward to playing the Grad Club, promising to bring their high-energy, hip-shaking best to the show. Grassia said, with a laugh, “I never have to worry if I’m gonna have a good time at the Grad Club.” The Golden Dogs play The Grad Club tonight, doors open at 9 p.m.


Special 2 12” Cold Cut Subs

$ 8.00




With this format, they’re able to push the compositional envelope and explore new corners and possibilities within the genre. Also, the aggressive rhythms lend a poignancy missing from today’s hippie jam bands and prog-rockers. The most immediately accessible track from the new album is “Don’t Look Back,” featuring tastefully intertwining percussion, a wash of hook-laden guitar melodies reminiscent of Kevin Shields gazing at his shoes and a cathartically catchy vocal part. This song proves that Kylesa is able to communicate visceral hard rock that is straight to the point with simple and tight songwriting. The fact that many music media sources outside of exclusively metal circles have embraced and lauded bands like Mastodon (with whom Kylesa have toured), Sunn 0))), Boris, High on Fire, and many others, has led to a bit of a backlash. Blogs and message boards have been aflame with accusations of “hipster metal” and complaints that indie kids have assimilated all that is good in heavy music. Pleasants put this all into perspective when she explains that Kylesa have “always been a band that’s cross-pollinated a lot, we have indie influences … our fan base has always been pretty diverse, a combination of punks, metal heads, indie rockers, stoner rockers. It’s always been a nice mix in my opinion.” It’s time to erase the stereotype of metal being stuck in past decades; the genre has so much new and eclectic music to offer. Kylesa play with Rosetta, Fight Amp and Ponderous Chain at Time to Laugh on Sunday at 7 p.m.

The first review of songwriter John Prine’s work was penned by a then young Chicago critic, Roger Ebert.

Brian Lipsin, resident vinyl virtuoso and owner of Brian’s Record Option on Princess St., treats the Journal to an anecdote in light of his pick this week, John Prine’s self-titled album, as told to Ally Hall. “This album came out in 1971 and I remember when I first heard it … even though he was in his early twenties, a postman, he was very good with lyrics. I thought there was so much experience coming out of his lyrics. It was not like a man of 21 but a man in his eighties with all this past experience. When I found out he was in his early twenties it just blew me away. Some of the songs on it, ‘Donald of Lydia,’ ‘Paradise,’ ‘Hello in There,’ they’re standards now.

ended up having “a We beer together and going down to Morocco because of this song.

—Brian Lipsin

“I took a year off of University and I was in Europe for $5 a day, I was in Southern Spain in a place called Algeciras. I was in a urinal. Now, I don’t usually talk to the person next to me in a urinal. But this guy happened to be whistling a tune from this album which was ‘Hello in There.’ I sort of looked at this guy and said, ‘You know who John Prine is?’ And he looked at me and said, ‘I thought I was the only one who was into John Prine.’ This guy was from Puerto Rico and we ended up having a beer together and going down to Morocco because of this song. “Years later, I went to Colorado for a vacation and a musician from Kingston named Spencer Evans was playing with Cowboy Junkies at the time … I thought I heard my


name being called and then thought that’s impossible, no one knows me here, but it was Spencer yelling at me, ‘are you coming to the gig?’ and I said, ‘what gig?’ and he said ‘were playing with John Prine!’ and I said ‘No way!’ He left a ticket at the gate. “Anyway, to make a long story short, the kid sitting next to me, he was in the Cowboy Junkies and he was going to leave after the Cowboy Junkies and I said ‘wait a minute why are you leaving?’ so I started telling him different stories about Prine … after the concert Spencer said why don’t you come backstage? So I went backstage. It was pretty awkward … he grabs John Prine from upstairs and brings him down. I was very shy and John Prine was very shy. So we have these two bumbling fools trying to have a conversation, which was impossible. “This kid that was next to me, he must have known people backstage so he sees the two idiots having the conversation and says, ‘is that all you can say to your hero?’ and proceeds to tell John Prine the story about Algeciras. He grinned ear to ear.”

journal file photo

Lipsin owns Brian’s Record Option at 381 Princess St.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

sports inside

Women’s Basketball

Ravens edge Gaels Back-to-back losses for Queen’s B y C raig D raegar Dialouge Editor

Post Jordan Tomas tries to defend against the Ottawa Gee Gees during a loss at home.

Photo by Justin Tang

The first home games of the year ended with defeat for the women’s basketball team. The Gaels played the Carleton Ravens on Friday and the Ottawa Gee Gees on Saturday. The Gaels fought a hard battle with the Ravens but were ultimately edged out, 64-62. Thanks to the efforts of second-year guard Paige Robinson—who contributed 15 points and five rebounds— and fourth-year guard Brittany Moore—who added 17 points— the Gaels were able to stay competitive with the top-ranked OUA East Ravens. The lead changed hands a total of 21 times during the game. “Overall, there were no huge runs in the game ... and I thought we were sort of able to even out our performance a little more than we have in the past,” head coach Dave Wilson said, adding that the Ravens physicality and defensive abilities helped them secure the win. “It [was] a very physical game,” he said. “Carleton is ranked sixth in the country primarily because of their defence. In fact, us putting up 62 points is very unusual for them.” He said he was satisfied with

the way his team mitigated the Ravens’ strengths. “Generally speaking, I think we managed to execute against their defence reasonably well.” Wilson said he’s happy with the improvements the team has made but they’ll need to start winning games to make it into the playoffs. “I’m pleased with how our team is progressing overall,” Wilson said. “It’s getting to a point where we need the wins ... but [our progress] is going to pay dividends [eventually].” It seemed much more difficult to put a positive spin on Saturday’s game against the second-ranked OUA East Gee Gees, where the Gaels were blown out 71-57. They struggled right out of the gate, falling 21-10 in the first quarter. The Gaels were able to stop their progress only slightly, and the Gee Gees built on their lead in the second quarter to finish the half up 39-23. “We were not mentally prepared to play,” Wilson said. “If you don’t have your brain working, you’re going to look horrible.” The Gaels outscored the Gees Gees in the second half but were ultimately unable to dig themselves out of the hole they were in from See Struggles on page 14

Men’s Volleyball Gaels suffer upset at the hands of the Waterloo but rebound against the Laurier. Page 13

Athletes of the week The Journal talks to Gaels hockey players Kelsey Thomson and Jordan Mirwaldt. Page 15

Need to Know Cure Cancer Classic The Queen’s School of Business hosts its annual hockey tournament at the Kinsmen Arena. Look inside for more details. Jan. 21 - 23

BEWic Students will storm the ARC to compete in events like innertube waterpolo and rugby basketball at the ARC. Jan. 21 - 22

Men’s hockey

Queen’s climbing towards playoffs

Track and Field

Forwards Payton Liske and Jordan Mirwaldt collect six points over the weekend B y L auri Kytömaa Assistant Sports Editor Some familiar names topped the score sheets in the last week as the Gaels picked up two important wins over their OUA competitors. The action started with a tough 6-2 loss against the Ryerson Rams on Thursday but the team bounced back to take a 5-4 overtime win against the Toronto Varsity Blues the next day and a 4-2 win against the RMC Paladins on Tuesday night.

take a 3-2 lead into the third frame. The third period ended up being all Ryerson as they broke away with a goal 6:35 in and then closed out the match with two empty netters. Head coach Brett Gibson said that the Gaels could only blame themselves. “We didn’t capitalize on our opportunities,” he said. “We sort

of just let them stay around and hang in there. Then one weak goal was scored [by them] and we lost momentum.” Luckily a Friday game gave the Gaels the opportunity they needed to turn things back on the right track, but with both of their previous games against Toronto going to overtime, the game wasn’t set to be an easy one.

The situation looked daunting for the Gaels early on as Toronto took a 2-0 lead at the beginning of the second. However, they had trailed the Blues by two in their last matchup and ir ended as a win for Queen’s. With the thought of missing the playoffs beginning to loom for See Postseason on page 14

Queen’s track and field takes home seven medals B y K ate B ascom Sports Editor

We are ready to make a run at it.

—Jonathon Lawrance, forward The match against Ryerson was much closer than the score suggested but the Gaels would ultimately fail to capitalize on their chances. Queen’s forward Daniel Mandel opened things up four minutes into the first to put the Gaels up 1-0. Ryerson scored twice in response to take a 2-1 lead heading to the locker room. Forward Jordan Soquila scored early in the second to knot things up, but Ryerson would once again enjoy the last laugh of the period to

Strong start to winter season

Goaltender David Aime makes a save against the UQTR Patriotes on Nov. 12 Aime was in net in the Gaels’ 6-2 against the Ryerson Rams.

Photo by ron yan

Good effort led to great results for the Queen’s track and field team last weekend at the Super Saturday Series hosted by the University of Ottawa. The team brought home seven medals including three golds. The Gaels had gold medal performances by Rachel Boyle in the triple jump, Clay Patterson in the 1000m and Alecia Kallos in the 600m. Boyle improved her career best by 19 cm, clearing 10.84m. Both Patterson and Kallos were challenged by opponents in their races but managed to pull through to grab golds. Gaels head coach Melody See Plenty on page 13


Friday, january 21, 2011

• 13

men’s VolleyBall

Mixed emotions in Gaels’ win-loss weekend Nationally ranked men’s volleyball team upset by Waterloo but defeat Laurier at the ARC B y P auL B isHoP Staff Writer An unusually inconsistent men’s volleyball team went 1-1 at the ARC on the weekend. Queen’s suffered a shocking four set loss (22-25, 20-25, 30-28, 20-25) against the Waterloo Warriors on Saturday, but bounced back on Sunday with a sweep (2518, 25-18, 25-20) of the Laurier Golden Hawks. Saturday’s defeat left the home crowd in disbelief as the defending OUA Champions, aside from a strong rally in the third set, put on a lacklustre performance. The game was not expected to be a tough contest for the Gaels, who had defeated the Warriors in November. Waterloo sits in sixth place with a 4-8 record. Outside Joren Zeeman, who totaled 31 kills over the course of the weekend, said that Saturday’s loss helped remind the Gaels not to be complacent. “We definitely underestimated Waterloo a bit and it cost us,” he said. Zeeman was quick to add that it was not just complacency that lost Queen’s the game and applauded the Warriors’ strong performance.

“They really brought their ‘A’ game and we brought our ‘B’ game,” he said. “They were really excited to play us. I mean when you’re the defending champions you always have a bit of a target on your back … and [they] prepared very well.” Sunday saw a complete turnaround, as Queen’s cruised to a comfortable straight-set win against Laurier in the ARC. The weekend leaves the Gaels with a 10-3 record and tied for third place in the OUA along with the 10-4 Guelph Gryphons. Zeeman added that the sting of the loss to Waterloo was factor in their win over Laurier. “We learned our lesson about underestimating the other team,” he said. “No one wanted a two-loss weekend, so we prepared well and played well.” Head coach Brenda Willis also highlighted the importance of Saturday’s loss for the team. “When we played them in the fall, we went five sets with them,” she said. “They play fast, low and quick. I think we didn’t give them enough respect before the game. It was a bit of a wake-up call. It showed us what happens if you don’t take care of your side of

Plenty of positives in season opener Continued from page 12

Torcolacci said the team had a good showing for the first meet of the season races. “It was a solid opening meet,” she said. “The results were of good quality. They’re going to get better as the season goes on. It shows that there’s going to be some excitement later on in the season.” The holidays were not necessarily a break for the track and field team. Some Gaels participated in a meet in New York in early December and many of the athletes have been dedicated to training programs over the holidays. Torcolacci said the Gaels’ commitment to these programs was obvious in their achievements in Ottawa. “They’ve been working hard over the Christmas break,” she said. “They were given a training program to do while they were

away. It looks like pretty much everyone did some quality work.” Much of the Gaels’ training is done at RMC over the winter months when the cold keeps athletes indoors. “We have access to the RMC track so that helps a lot” she said. “It would be virtually impossible without the track right now to do a lot of good quality training, especially on the sprints and jumps side.” The Gaels use these meets to prepare for the OUA and CIS championships, which take place at the end of February and beginning of March. Torcolacci said that these meets are extremely important in preparing the athletes for their postseason and different methods are tested to improve their results. “Basically all of our meets are what we would call preparatory meets, so they allow us to do

the net.” A win over Waterloo would have put the Gaels within striking distance of league-leading Western as the Mustangs suffered a defeat against the McMaster Marauders on Saturday. “Not only was [the loss] a lesson, it was an expensive one,” she said. “With Western losing to McMaster, we would have been in prime position to host the Final Four.” The Queen’s Gaels will face the Western Mustangs next weekend, in a hotly anticipated contest between two of the OUA’s top contenders. Willis said she was optimistic about her team’s chances. “We’re pretty even with Western,” she said. “When we played them in the fall, we went five sets.” Willis added that her team could now take on the Mustangs with some of her top players who were not in the line-up for the Gaels’ loss to Western in November. “Last time we played them, we didn’t have Niko [Rukavina] or [Daniel] Rosenbaum,” she said. “It will be good to have some of or top guys back with us. “It should be two good teams, playing to the best of their abilities, which is what sports is all about,” she said. “We had a bit of a shaky match last time we played them. We didn’t pass very well so this should be a chance to improve on that.” Outside Bryan Fautley jumps up for the spike as his teammates watch on.

different events [and] athletes to experiment with things,” she said. “[We’re] asking them to try a different strategy, so sometimes things don’t necessarily always go perfectly but they’re all meant to build towards the championships.”

Photo by baLPrEEt KuKrEJa

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14 •

Friday, January 21, 2011

Struggles Postseason hopes continue still high for Gaels Continued from page 12

the first half. “We outscored them in the third quarter, we outscored them in the fourth quarter. Still, we were not at all sharp,” he said. “Every part of the game we were doing incorrectly, that’s how mentally out of the game we were. It’s frustrating, very frustrating for the players.” Moore led scoring for the Gaels with20points,whileRobinsonadded 14 and second-year post Hanna Koposhynska contributed 12. “Obviously it was a disappointing loss,” Moore said. “Each person on the team needs to take responsibility to prepare for next Saturday’s game.” She said the team’s expectations may have sunk their chances. “We were very excited to play Carleton, and I don’t think we were as excited to play [Saturday’s] game, and that’s what killed us,” she said.”We need to come together as a team and [prepare], because each game is very important, and whoever comes out to play will win.”

The Tuesday night match against RMC provided a good the seventh place Gaels, forward result but lacked the effort of the Payton Liske scored a pivotal Toronto game. Struggling with response goal on the power play. injuries, RMC was only able to Toronto remained undeterred, start 13 skaters. scoring once again in the third to Despite this, they were able to take a comfortable 3-1 lead. give the Gaels a game. The score But the Gaels offence would was only 2-1 Queen’s until the end not be denied either; Mirwaldt, of the second when Liske broke Liske and forward Alexi Pianosi the game open. He would also all scored to swing a 4-3 lead over score again to begin the third and to the Blues. A late Toronto goal guarantee the Gaels a 4-2 win. forced the third overtime matchup Gibson said his team needed to between the two teams. put in a better effort. “I wasn’t happy at all [with the game],” he said. “I was only happy about the result. I didn’t think we I was only happy played well at all. We played at about the result. I their level. They only came with didn’t think we played 13 players and played real hard. We well at all. We played had a lot of passengers.” at their level. The weekend was highlighted The Gaels will be in Toronto this weekend facing off against Photo by Ron Yan by the big play of Payton Liske the Ryerson Rams. and Jordan Mirwaldt, who each —Brett Gibson, men’s hockey head coach registered a total of six points. Both players had 40 points in goaltenders continued to struggle. Forward Jonathon Lawrance The two forwards were the Gaels’ 28 games last season. Thus far, David Aime only stopped 25 of potted his sixth of the season 4:23 co-point leaders in the 2009-10 Mirwaldt has 20 points in 19 30 against Ryerson and Steele De into the period to give the Gaels campaign but have been slowed games and Liske has only 15 points Fazio stopped 34 of 38 against Toronto and 17 of 19 against RMC. the two points they desperately down by nagging injuries in the in 13 games. first half of the season. On the back-end of the ice, the Both goalies are below a .900 save needed after the loss to Ryerson. percentage on the season. Steele holds 3.71 goals against average and Aime a 4.64. Both Steele and Aime are in the bottom ten for goals against average in the OUA. Team captain Lawrance said that the team’s mentality remains positive. “We’ve been building ever since Christmas,” he said. “We are ready to make a run at it. Right now we are somewhere between struggling to make the playoffs or making a run at third, fourth or fifth. We are looking to shoot for the four spot.” After suffering a tough six-game losing streak in 2010, the Gaels will need all of their offensive and defensive talents to turn things around. A 4-2 start to the New Year is a good first step. Continued from page 12

Guard Brittany Moore is guarded by an Ottawa Gee Gee during the Gaels’ 71-57 loss at the ARC over the weekend.

Photo by Justin Tang


Friday, January 21, 2011

Athletes of the Week

Jordan Mirwaldt Men’s Hockey

Kelsey Thomson Women’s Hockey

The men’s hockey team turned around their luck with a rare midweek game against the RMC Paladins. After going 1-1 against the Toronto Varsity Blues and the Ryerson Rams, the Gaels picked up a victory over RMC to improve their record to 9-10-2. Over the three games, forward Jordan Mirwaldt played a part in six of the Gaels’ 11 goals, scoring two of his own. Before coming to Queen’s, the second-year economics student was playing for the Alberta Junior Hockey League’s Fort McMurray Oil Barons. He was contacted by Gaels’ head coach Brett Gibson about attending Queen’s and joining the team. “Gibson sold it well,” he said. “I’ve heard great things about [the academics] … and that’s something I value very highly.” The assistant captain is following up a standout rookie season with 40 points, he finished 10th in the OUA in points. Mirwaldt continues to lead by example as his 20 points is the most by any Gael this season. Even though the Gaels grabbed four points, Mirwaldt said the team didn’t give their best effort over the weekend, which was obvious in their loss against Ryerson. “We definitely didn’t come out and execute like we wanted to [against Ryerson],” he said. “[We had a] slow start. We need to put in a better effort to get a better fate.” The Gaels rebounded on Friday against the Varsity Blues who have been tough competition in the past. Queen’s had squeaked past the eighth place Toronto team in their last two games, one of which went to overtime. “We matchup very evenly with them,” he said. “Every game has been very close. When two teams are battling for a position you’re going to see some good games. [It was a] really emotional game. … [It] kind of had a playoff intensity feel to it. [A] good win to get our confidence back.”

Kelsey Thomson had some competition in earning her CIS Athlete of the Week. Seven points including a hat trick during a win over the York Lions Saturday was enough to take down Olympic medalist and Calgary Dino’s rookie Hayley Wickenheiser. Thomson, when told of the accomplishment, laughed and said it was an exciting honour to top the 2010 Team Canada Captain. “Wickenheiser is obviously a very talented hockey player,” she said. “I can’t really take the credit for beating Hayley Wickenheiser. It’s definitely coming from my team.” Thomson, a fifth-year forward, said the team has changed in dynamics over her five seasons with the Gaels. She said this year’s group has been the most cohesive, in part due to coaching. “A big change has been in the coaching,” she said. “Matt Holmberg has been with us for all five years but for the past two years he’s been head coach. I think that’s definitely been a very positive change. He’s focused on really hard work and team chemistry.” Thomson has been lacing up her skates since she was about three, encouraged by her two older brothers. Academics and her love of hockey played into her decision to attend Queen’s. “When I was deciding what schools to come to, I looked at the education and [Queen’s] was one of the best obviously,” she said. “Ultimately I wanted to get a good education and be able to play hockey at a competitive level. “ As a Con-Ed student, Thomson is interested in pursuing teaching after graduation but also wants to try her hand at coaching. “Eventually I want to get into coaching,” she said. “I definitely want to get into coaching hockey and share a little bit of my knowledge about the game with others.” With three wins in their past four games, Thomson said the Gaels feel confident going into the weekend —Kate Bascom and Lauri against Windsor and Western. “The team feels really good,” she Kytömaa said. “It’s kind of nice to get a couple in the win column and I think we’re starting to peak at the right time. I definitely think we’re going to be a huge opponent in the upcoming playoffs.” —Kate Bascom


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• 15

Pick-up hockey for a cause This weekend the Kinsmen Arena at the Cataraqui Centre will welcome eight different university business school teams to compete in the Cure Cancer Classic hockey tournament. Queen’s, UBC, McGill, Western, Guelph, Laurier, Brock and Carleton will compete. The event is hosted annually by the Queen’s School of Business to raise money for cancer research and attendance is free. — Lauri Kytömaa

O’Donnell to represent Queen’s in East-West Shrine Bowl

Gaels offensive lineman Matthew O’Donnell will be traveling down to the Florida Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Florida to play for Team West this coming weekend. The event is used to exhibit eligible players for the NFL draft. O’Donnell will be playing under the former head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, Wade Phillips. — Lauri Kytömaa

Medals for Queen’s Fencing team The Queen’s fencing team attended the Carleton Invitational last weekend and medaled in both Men’s Sabre and Women’s Épeé. Scott Bowman, Frank BeaucageGauvreau and Greg Nonato brought home gold in the Men’s Sabre A on the Saturday with the Men’s Épeé A finishing in eighth. The final day of the event saw Laura Bartha, Janice Lao, Sarah Kim and Nora Magyarody fenced to a bronze medal in the Women’s Épeé A. The Women’s Sabre A placed fourth. Both the men and women will be competing in the OUA Championships on Feb. 5 and 6.

—Kate Bascom

Stat of the Week In her last two games Queen’s forward Kelsey Thomson recorded five goals and two assists for a total of seven points. In her previous 18 games entering the weekend she had 17 points.

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Last Issue’s Answers




Canada Goose jackets seem to attract many divided opinions—people either love them or hate them. Is the hefty price tag actually worth it?


A flock of geese “

If you wear one, you are 100 per cent establishing your status as a conformist.

Canada Goose jackets used to be exclusively for Arctic climates. Today, you can spot the Goose all across campus. How did this trend transform from a necessity to a luxury? B Y S ARA M ELVIN Contributor Once our campus starts to resemble Narnia’s winter wonderland and the frigid temperatures eliminate any possibility of casual backyard keggers, the Queen’s student population breaks out their unintentional mass uniform. As for footwear, Uggs are for powder, fleece-lined Hunters for slush and Sorels for hardcore trekking all the way to Etherington Hall. Winter coats, on the other hand, are only Queen’s campus uniform-worthy if they’re undeniably puffy, fur-hooded, often bomber style and branded with the characteristic white circular patch with a miniaturized Arctic stitched into the center. Move over, TNA and NorthFace—Canada Goose coats are all the rage, and according to Goose enthusiasts, for good reason too. Of course, trends rarely come to be without their share of divided opinions. When the company was founded in 1957, a small warehouse in Toronto manufactured custom orders for those with job descriptions that meant a lot of standing around in the cold—provincial police departments, Arctic researchers and expeditions, the Environment Ministry and correctional officers in penitentiaries. Snow Goose, the company’s name prior to its international expansion, had only a domestic clientele for those whose jobs required heavy-duty winter wear. Now, let’s flash forward half a century. These $350 to $900 coats frequent the streets of cities and campuses across Canada where temperatures rarely dip below minus 20. After interviewing Canada Goose advocates, fashionistas and haters alike, some interesting perspectives have come about as to why one chooses to wear what CEO Dani Reiss calls the number one warmest jacket in the world. According to Annette Burfoot, a professor in the department of sociology, the Canada Goose coat carries a message that confuses the idea of both luxury and necessity. “Items that were designed for a very particular hostile environment, the cold in this case, becoming

luxury items raises the question as to how we define luxury,” she said. In the past, luxury items were unnecessary and which the wealthy acquired with their disposable income to show that they could afford such extravagances. “Hyper-neccesity [is] becoming luxury,” Burfoot said. For instance, technically speaking, Canada Goose jackets go beyond the requirements (and break the bank while doing so) of Kingston winters. “You’re not just wearing a really good coat. I could go out and find another really good coat that the military wears in the arctic; it looks really distinct, but there’s more than that,” she said. “[It’s] effectively very warm and it’s making a fashion statement, if you can afford to pay $700 for a coat … without a doubt the Goose carries a certain message.” Interestingly enough, the trend of Canada Goose coats can trace back to the origin of our country. Women in England used to wear fur coats because they were a luxury item and indicated status. However, the weather across the pond is not cold enough to justify fur coats in the slightest; the women wore them but didn’t need them. As soon as England’s own beaver population was decimated, British colonizers came to Canada for the Canadian beaver population. At the same time, they encountered Northern Canadian winters where beaver pelts were a necessity and easily acquirable, so both the indigenous and colony populations wore their pelts with pride and need. As one of the most expensive coats out there, you can’t help but avoid coat check at all costs and feel extreme paranoia when taking a washroom break—there’s always a high possibility it may be swiped by a greedy Goose gobbler. Besides the klepto factor, maintaining unique style and avoiding trends plays a huge role in the big Goose debate. Clearly, mass production via foreign counterfeit companies isn’t always needed to diminish the individuality of a product. Emily Valentini, ArtSci ‘14, said she already fears her individual style is getting lost in the sea of fur hoods on campus. “I bought mine two years ago. Now everyone has

them. Oh well, next year I’ll get a Parajumper,” she said, which is a more expensive and rare-find appropriation of the Goose. After making the big purchase this holiday season, Tasha Belle, Sci ’13, said she has a similar sentiment. “This year eight out of 10 girls at Queen’s have it … I get kind of jealous when I see someone wearing a warm coat that isn’t a Canada Goose.” However, she said, she loves her bomber and it’s by far the best coat she’s ever had. For some, conforming to the Goose trend is just as terrible as waiting in Frost Week’s Ale House line naked. Kenny McIntyre, Sci ’12, is the resident Alfie’s Wednesday DJ. “If I see another one, I’m going to have a brain aneurysm. They are absolutely stupid because if you wear one, you are 100 per cent establishing your status as a conformist,” he said. “Canada Goose, or Canada douche?” Claire Nelischer, ArtSci ’11, said she believes that you’re buying into mainstream culture or you’re buying into the counter culture; either way, you’re buying. “If you choose to buy a Canada Goose jacket because of the status associated with the product, you’re choosing to identify yourself with that culture and those meanings associated with it,” she said. “But if you consciously choose to buy a different coat because you wish [to] distance yourself from that culture, you’re still using your purchase to communicate your identity to others. You are using material goods to create and communicate your identity to others … So even counter culture is material culture.” Katie O’Callaghan, ArtSci ’11 and a passionate advocate of the Goose, said she has done her fair share of research and hard work to acquire her grey jacket from the Montebello Parka line. She, too, said she feels self-aware of the status and conformity associated with her coat. “I feel like I’m looked at differently because I have a Canada Goose coat. But I actually worked hard for this. I waitressed all summer,” she said. “What people don’t realize is that it’s such an investment. It’s not

something that you just buy; you have to think about it.” Although she said she admits to feeling uncomfortable and judged from time to time, in the end her Goose is definitely worth it, she said. Like O’Callaghan, many students who buy Goose coats are knowledgeable consumers. Many also have ethical concerns with what they’re buying. Ever wonder why you’ve been on the Holt Renfrew wait list for the Goose coat for a year? Two words: fur shortage (thankfully). According to their website, Canada Goose employs aboriginal workers to gather coyote fur and guarantees no animals are endangered; their hunters have been culling the animals for generations. Jake Erola-Channen, ArtSci ’12 and the creative director of the Vogue Charity Fashion Show, said he’s noticed a trend in that the ethical concerns of consumers are appeased if a fur comes from indigenous people or people trapping in “traditional” methods. That also seems to be the reasoning Canada Goose is appealing to. Erola-Channen said he’s also a Goose wearer. “I’ve had my Goose for three years now and I still love it. I bought it because I worked at Walkhome in first year and needed an exceptionally warm jacket for walking at 2 a.m.,” he said. “Now you can’t walk down a street without seeing a flock of geese.” Although I’m the proud owner of a Swedishproduced Soia&Kyo kneelength black wool coat that does just the trick, I do get chilly sometimes. Having never put on a Canada Goose coat in my life, I was tempted to simply call out those trend-following, frivolous, status-craving people who have to unzip every time they step inside. However, I tried my hand at some market research when a friend from McGill lent me her Goose for my frosty weekend in Tremblant. Well, I’ll just say it. I felt like a happy Poptart nestled deeply in a toaster, invincible to the wind chill and falling flakes; a pig in a blanket.

I was in heaven. I was never cold or miserable for the entire weekend. Like every single person I interviewed admitted, it is the best and warmest coat I’ve ever worn. And that is that. But who knows—maybe Canada Goose coats are so popular this year because people are wearing less and less underneath them. With the American Apparel crop top trend taking off, any other coat just wouldn’t cut it!

WHAT’S TRENDING AT QUEEN’S? • Crop tops: Stores like American Apparel are bringing this 90s trend back, with new ways to wear it—show just a small amount of stomach or layer with longer tops. • Uggs: These quickly rose to fame as a staple winter boot years ago. Although many still sport them around campus, they may be on their way out as the motorcycle boot makes its way in. • Blazers: No longer just for businesswear, many stores are offering a variety of styles that can complement even the most casual outfits. •

Birkenstocks: Birks have had a longtime cult following; but many keep them exclusivley for taking out the garbage.

—Kelly Loeper

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