Recreation and revitalization See Health and Wellness Supplement next issue T u e s d ay , J a n u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 11 — I s s u e 2 8
the journal
Q u e e n ’ s U n i v e r s i t y — C a n a da ’ s O l d e s t S t u d e n t N e w s pa p e r — S i n c e 1 8 7 3
AMS elections
Intramural invitational
AMS elections
The spell of SDL
B y K atherine Fernandez -B lance Assistant News Editor
B y J essica F ishbein Assistant News Editor
Team CES presidential candidate Morgan Campbell, vice-president (Operations) candidate Ashley Eagan and vice-president (University Affairs) candidate Kieran Slobodin describe themselves as AMS insiders with experience and research on their side this election. With a comprehensive platform that includes 16 initiatives, Team CES said one of their favourite points focuses on bringing more services to the Queen’s Centre. Over the summer, Eagan said she went on a Student Life Centre road-trip to investigate the possibility of bringing a pharmacy and a fresh-produce grocer into the empty spaces in the Queen’s Centre. The grocer would also have an online delivery component for students. “We knew [the AMS] would be getting control of the Queen’s Centre, and we knew that there was this empty space,” Eagan, ArtSci ’11, said. “Every student life centre I visited had a pharmacy, but the only grocery check-out store was at Western. I’ve been able to rack up a number of contacts through my travels, and the Queen’s administration is crazy about the idea.” The team reiterated that the services would operate as businesses, renting the space from the AMS. Furthermore, team CES said that they have been in contact with the Grocery CheckOut, the grocer at Western who is eager to expand to Queen’s. “Team CES is devoted to having simple, healthy food options on campus,” Eagan said. “I’m so excited about this.” But the platform extends beyond the green grocer. Team CES said they plan to convert the sustainability coordinator’s role into that of a sustainability commissioner. “It’s very clear that this campus is serious about sustainability initiatives,” Slobodin, ArtSci ’12, said, adding that the creation of an entire commission devoted to sustainability will allow the issue to be incorporated into all aspects of See CES on page 4
PHOTO BY justin tang
BEWIC overall champions B.Ed Rock celebrate their win at the 26th Annual BEWIC Sports Day. The ARC hosted 28 teams participating in events like inner tube waterpolo, floorball and rugby-basketball.
AMS approves Student Life Centre
House, MacGillivray-Brown Hall and the Queen’s Centre, minus the Athletics and Recreation Complex. Last Thursday at AMS Assembly, “What we said to assembly is that a management agreement for the this is sort of the culmination of 22 newly acquired Student Life Centre years worth of work at the AMS,” (SLC) was approved. The SLC AMS Vice-President (Operations) will include the JDUC, the Grey Ben Hartley said.
“The AMS Assembly approved the management agreement, as well as the constitution, however it will have to go through [other governing] bodies,” he said, adding that the Board of Trustees still need to approve the motion before it can become official. This issue will be brought up for discussion at the Mar. 4 meeting. Hartley said the AMS has been working towards the budget for the SLC, developing its serving up organizational structures, updating sustainability new management positions and revising a new JDUC constitution. Students in Queen’s cafeterias may decide against Currently the AMS has picking up a tray to updated job descriptions of the reduce waste. SLC Officer (SCO) and developed Page 2 new job descriptions for three new assistant manager positions (operations, programming and a faculty societies assistant manager). The AMS also hopes to hire a permanent full-time staff, who will directly report to the SCO. Quiz time “It’s not quite a service, it’s not AMS executive candidates quite an agency,” Hartley said. answer Queen’s quiz “The best way to describe it is that questions. it’s a service for all services, faculty societies and clubs.” —Labiba Haque
Inside Voter turnout
As AMS elections approach on Feb. 2, the Journal examines the history of student voter turnout. Page 3
say hello to Dragonette
Dragonette talks to the Journal in light of their gig at Ale House tomorrow night. Page 9
Presidential candidate Sacha Gudmundsson, vice-president (Operations) candidate Dan Szczepanek, and vice-president (University Affairs) candidate Lara Therrien Boulos are big on fun, but just as big on ideas. With nine main points in their ‘REDesign’ platform and numerous suggestions to improve the commissions and services, they have a lot to work with. The REDesign calls for a VIP Birthday line-skip at Alfie’s where students can skip the line with three friends during the week of their birthday. Team SDL’s platform also includes the development of an online database of resources to provide students with support when graduating. The database would include information about interview preparation workshops and a calendar of job and graduate school fairs for the 2011-12 year. Team SDL has made mental health awareness a focus of their platform and said they want to collaborate with Eric Windeler, Comm ’82, in support of the Jack Project to fight mental illness at Queen’s. Windeler’s son Jack, ArtSci ’13, committed suicide last March in his Leonard Hall residence room. The Jack Project aims to reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues and increase mental health support services. Gudmundsson, ArtSci ’11, said that because one in four people face mental health issues, it’s important to make resources more available. “We would be interested in hosting one initial mental health conference in the early fall for organizations to come together and discuss different objectives and initiatives they have,” she said. Therrien Boulos, ArtSci ’11, said the point of the conference would be for these organizations to find ways to collaborate each other instead of duplicating services already on campus. Bringing information to students is a major focus for team SDL. They plan to do this through the See SDL on page 4
Tray-less dining in cafeterias reduces food waste Main Campus Residence Council (MCRC) encourages diners to forgo trays in sustainability initiative B y h alla i mam Contributor Trays may become a thing of the past in Queen’s cafeterias. According to a Sodexo study, 2,000 gallons of water are saved for 1,000 meals served when trays aren’t used, resulting in an energy savings equivalent to 1.8 to 4.4 cents per tray. Annika Rinas, Comm ’13, said she’s impressed with the initiative to reduce cafeteria waste and has noticed a push towards taking what you need instead of stacking up a plate with an excess of food. “It’s important to encourage students to recognize that we can have a direct impact on the reduction of waste on campus,” she said. “Simply by being more conscious of what we are eating we can start to make big changes.” Bruce Griffiths, director of housing and hospitality services, said new cutlery and better dish
machines are just some of the start-up costs associated with the new program, but that if tray-less dining allows students to become more conscious of what they are eating and the amount they consume, then it’s well worth the cost.
We definitely “took notice of the
tremendous amounts of food that students would leave on their plates to be thrown out.
—Bruce Griffiths, director of housing and hospitality services “We want to try and change students’ customs when it comes to their dining experience,” he said. “If we want students to go tray-less then we need to acknowledge that there are some changes that need to happen,” he said. “The mini-cups used in the cafeteria are probably first on the
docket to go.” Main Campus Residence Council (MCRC)’s Green Team decided to implement a pilot tray-less dining program on West Campus after concerns arose over the excess waste generated by students in cafeterias, Griffiths said. The Green Team was created two years and aims to reduce waste on campus. “We definitely took notice of the tremendous amounts of food that students would leave on their plates to be thrown out. The Ban Righ dining hall was the perfect example,” he said. “At first we thought that introducing a mandatory one day a week tray-less dining experience would be something relatively simple to bring to the cafeteria. After speaking with students, we realized that we have to be much more flexible. “Students were telling us that although they agreed with our goals, they might be rushing to grab a quick meal after class, or having to sit to grab a bite to eat before a practice,” Griffiths said.
“There wasn’t an overwhelmingly positive response as a result. That’s the reality of the situation. We can’t expect everyone to immediately get used to our new initiatives.” This week marks the launch
of the Make-a-Choice campaign, where accessibility to trays in the cafeterias across campus will be limited as students are encouraged to go tray-less.
CorreCtions Team SDL is comprised of presidential candidate Sacha Gudmundsson, ArtSci ’11, vicepresidential candidate (operations) Daniel Szczepanek, ArtSci ’11, and vice-presidential candidate (university affairs) Lara Therrien Boulos, ArtSci ’11. Therrien Boulos is Campus Activities Commissioner. Minister John Baird is house leader. Incorrect information appeared in the Jan. 21 issue of the Journal. The Journal regrets the error.
Tray-less dining saves 2,000 gallons of water per 1,000 meals served, according to a Sodexo study. Main Campus Residence Council (MCRC)’s Green Team encourages students to pick plates over trays.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Seventy-five people attended a debate featuring VP University Affairs candidates from Team CES and SDL last night at Jean Royce Hall. Voter-turnout for AMS elections is consistently higher than other Student Unions.
Photo by Christine Blais
AMS Elections
Examining AMS voter turnout Voter turnout for AMS elections historically higher than most other Ontario University student unions B y J ake E dmiston Features Editor Despite attracting less than half of students to vote in last year’s AMS election, Queen’s 40 per cent voter turnout makes it one of the highest among Ontario Student Unions. The University of Toronto’s Students’ Union (UTSU) saw 18 per cent of their 44,000 members vote in its election last year. “Last year we were able to double our voter-turnout,” current UTSU president Adam Awad told the Journal, adding that turnout averages have remained in the 10-15 per cent range over the past decade. “Some people will talk about [the election], but it’s sort of the same people who always talk about it,” he said.“Most students care about other things like tuition fees or academic rights.” In the past five years, AMS elections have consistently drawn turnouts of over 30 per cent. Current AMS Vice President of Operations Ben Hartley and his team clinched last year’s election with 54.5 per cent of the vote.
Hartley said interest in Student government elections is dependent on dialogue between candidates. During last year’s race, a platform point regarding the installation of solar panels at Queen’s snowballed into a campus-wide debate on the issue. “Voters at Queen’s award good debate and healthy debate,” Hartley said, adding that AMS initiatives like streaming debates online have increased the profile of such dialogue.
A large number of “students simply don’t care about Student Union elections. ” —Mike Lakusiak, Laurier Cord news editor
“When it comes to getting students involved with these debates, it involves making them more accessible in content format,” he said. Hartley said a recent trend in campus campaigns involving DIY videos have shown to be an
effective method of raising voter awareness. By Friday, executive candidate teams CES and SDL had promotional videos uploaded to their respective websites, Facebook profiles and Twitter accounts. “If you’re campaigning and you have 25 people on your campaign team and you get 25 people to take one piece of social media, a video or a poster, and post on people’s [Facebook] walls … it expands exponentially,” Hartley said. “Everyone in the whole school will have that piece show up in their [Facebook] News Feed. “It’s about proliferating into where students will absorb media because it’s different now. We’re seeing that students make decisions through information that’s accessible to them.” Last year, Guelph University’s Central Student Association elections drew 25.5 per cent of the school’s undergraduate population—a less than one-point increase on the previous year’s voter turnout. The University of Ottawa’s Student government saw around 10 per cent turnout last year—a significant drop from 2009’s 27.9 per cent.
AMS voter turnout over the years
Using information provided by AMS Information Officcer Dan McKellar, the above graph shows the change in voter turnout for AMS elections over the past 20 years.
Graphic by Lauri Kytömaa
Scott Matthews, an associate professor of Political Science specializing in voter turnout, said student government elections don’t have the same built-in pull factor that other elections have. “In national elections especially, there is a widely-held belief that participation is important, a ‘civic duty’ of every voter,” Matthews told the Journal via email. “It’s not clear that the beliefs about national elections will have any implications for attitudes to AMS elections.” This year’s Kingston municipal elections in October saw 36 per cent of voters cast their ballot at polling stations using a paper-ballot system. After transitioning into online voting last year, the AMS saw three-point improvement on 2009’s paper ballot votes. “I’m not sure if there’s a clear answer on [whether online voting affects voter turnout],” Matthews said. “All other things being equal, however, if it makes voting easier, then it should increase turnout, especially in (relatively) low turnout elections.” The Wilfred Laurier University Student Union (WLUSU) will switch its electoral method to an online system this year. WLUSU elections last year drew a 20 per cent voter turnout—10 per cent lower than the previous year. Mike Lakusiak, News Editor at the Laurier’s student newspaper The Cord, said WLUSU elections don’t generally garner much attention from the Laurier’s student population. “A large number of students simply don’t care about Student Union elections,” Lakusiak said. “If you’re involved in a club you vote and if you’re not and you’re off campus and you don’t care, then you don’t.” In the past 20 years, AMS voter turnouts peaked at 45 per cent in the 1991 election. Turnout rates dipped below the 30 per cent mark in the late 90s and early 2000s, but have stabilized in recent years. Professor Matthews said the geography of the Queen’s community gives it an advantage over other universities in terms of voter turnout for student government elections. “This must be connected to the general level of student
involvement in campus life, which, as we are regularly informed, is relatively intense at Queen’s,” he said. “At larger universities in urban areas, many of which are really “commuter campuses,” it’s easy to see why students might be—and feel that they are—less connected to each other than students at Queen’s.” The debate featuring VP Operations candidates will be held today at 7 p.m. in Common Ground. The presidential debate will be held tomorrow at 7 p.m. in the Lower Ceilidh of the JDUIC.
Across Ontario The Journal surveyed other Student Unions across the province to determine how voter turnout to AMS elections compares. Guelph University 2010: 25.5 per cent 2009: 25 per cent 2008: 25 per cent Laurier University 2010: 20 per cent 2009: 30 per cent 2008: 10 per cent University of Ottawa 2010: 10 per cent 2009: 27.2 per cent 2008: 12.2 per cent University of Toronto 2010: 18 per cent 2009: 9 per cent 2008: ~10 per cent — Jake Edmiston
4 •
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
CES totes professionalism Continued from page 1
AMS policy. If elected, the team also pledges to implement composting systems for the Queen’s Pub and Common Ground. “The services are already outputting so much organic waste, and we’d be partnering with Queen’s Hospitality and Food Services, which already compost in the cafeterias,” Eagan said. “We’d be working with them to get a pick-up system.” Team CES has already negotiated with Athletics and Recreation to pay for the renovation of MacGillivray-Brown Hall, so it would come at no addition cost to the AMS or students. The AMS-owned building currently houses the AMS Food Centre and AMS IT offices. “It’s about turning it into the campus hub that it should be,” Slobodin said. The renovated space would be used by intramural teams to play games, and also as a practice and performance space for AMS clubs. “A lot of [performance-based groups] don’t have a performance space that is sound proof. Having them able to practice here will be fantastic,” Campbell, ArtSci ’11, said. Team CES will also partner with Athletics and Recreation to create an incentive program, ‘Passport to your athletics,’ to encourage students to attend games to increase campus spirit. Every time Queen’s students attend a games,
they get a stamp in their passport, and lobbying the administration which will eventually lead to to do the same for university rewards like Gaels merchandise or owned buildings. Team CES will NHL tickets. also implement semi-weekly free Homecoming is another avenue women’s self-defence classes run that Team CES addresses in their through Athletics and Recreation. platform. Through the creation They also plan to create an of a Homecoming contract, online campus calendar for clubs Team CES hopes to outline to post their events and will lobby what is expected of students, the to bring the orientation week administration, and the City of concert back to campus. On the Kingston over the next three new SOLUS system that will be replacing QCARD in March, year suspension until 2014. “It’s not feasible to bring it back Team CES plans to lobby the but what our volunteers were administration to implement a saying to us was that if we just knew waitlist feature for classes. “We have the experience to what the administration wanted, it would be easier to deal with the know what’s feasible and practical, three year hiatus,” Campbell said. and we’re looking towards an “We want to lay out what everyone environmentally and financially expects, and we want to lay out sustainable AMS,” Campbell said. exactly what student rights mean.” “That’s a principle that a lot of Other platform points include Queen’s students embrace.” the creation of gender-neutral For the full platform see washrooms in AMS-owned spaces
Photo by justin tang
Presidential candidate Morgan Campbell (left), vice-president (Operations) candidate Ashley Eagan (right) and vice-president (University Affairs) candidate Kieran Slobodin (centre) want to bring a pharmancy and fresh-produce grocer to the Queen’s Centre.
‘I know how to ask the critical questions’ Presidential candidate Morgan Campbell, describes her team as professional, research-based and collaborative. “Our past experiences are very well suited for the portfolios we’re going for,” she said. Campbell has served as undergraduate student trustee for the past two years, a position where she oversaw the entire university budget. “I know how to ask the critical questions,” she said. “Having
a general sense of [the way the University is run] and where the AMS fits into the overall governance of the university is absolutely integral. You have to know the administrator’s side as well.” Currently Retail Services Director for the AMS, vice-president (Operations) candidate Ashley said experience in services has given her a good sense of how to manage AMS finances.
SDL reaches out to students
“I managed a $1.3 million budget as Destinations head manager [last year.] Although it did run at a deficit [due to factors beyond my control], I’ve been able to … implement better management within Tricolour Outlet this year,” Eagan said. “I’ve also been working closely with the vice-president (Operations) [Ben Hartley], which has given me so much background knowledge.” Vice-president (University Affairs) candidate Kieran
ensure there is full transparency of all AMS and that spending is happening in a responsible matter,” he said. SDL commits to making AMS According to Szczepanek, using in order to warn other students,” Continued from page 1 the South of Union approach Therrien Boulos said, adding the assembly less intimidating and and making the municipal affairs Golden Cockroach award is an more accessible by having meet ‘South of Union’ approach. “No one comes to the JDUC commissioner especially available AMS award given to landlords and greets with the executive prior anymore, and it’s ridiculous for on campus during November and responsible for the worst properties to AMS assembly and offering AMS to assume students will December will give students the in the Student Ghetto and it often web tutorials that explain how its come there to ask questions,” opportunity to learn about housing caused landlords to make changes run. SDL also wants to expand Gudmundsson said, adding that conditions and availability in the to their properties and improve employment opportunities by housing standards. allowing one semester employment she wants to establish AMS booths Student Ghetto. “Students don’t know that “Landlords whose properties terms for students who are athletes in Bio Sci, Goodes Hall and other landlords aren’t allowed to won this award have ended up and those going on exchange for places on campus. “We’ll have booths set up in kick them out of their houses winning the Key to the Village various places on campus with AMS without notice, or that landlords awards [for best properties] the information set out on table. AMS are required to uphold property next year,” she said. Keeping a balanced budget is reps will be right there to interact standards,” Therrien Boulos said. AMS team SDL decided to Team SDL wants to reintroduce another priority for Team SDL. with students,” Szczepanek, ArtSci break with convention and Szczepanek said stricter financial ’11, said. “If a student doesn’t know the Golden Cockroach award and someone in the AMS office it’s a Key to the Village awards in order review is necessary in all aspects of instead of running by their last very intimidating place. If a student to ultimately improve students’ the AMS. initials, they’ve decided to go by “We need to do monthly internal sees a person’s face on campus they relations with landlords. their first. would be more comfortable going “We think it’s important to reviews—sit down each month “I have a last name, but that’s into the office.” highlight poor housing situations with individual commissioners to not what I go by,” presidential candidate Sacha Gudmundsson said. “I’m a student and Sacha is what I introduce myself as—it’s more genuine to who I am.” According to Gudmundsson, the team encountered more difficulty in choosing a campaign colour. “We wanted a mustard yellow originally, but that didn’t look good on Dan,” she said. Gudmundsson is an ASUS internal affairs commissioner, Queen’s Student Alumni Association vice-president and chair of the Photo by justin tang Presidential candidate Sacha Gudmundsson (right), vice-president (Operations) candidate Dan Orientation Roundtable. Szczepanek (centre), and vice-president (University Affairs) candidate Lara Therrien Boulos (left) want to reintroduce
Slobodin is the academic affairs commissioner, a position he said has solidified his knowledge of the AMS on the government side. “I’ve worked closely with the vice-president (University Affairs) [Chris Rudnicki], and my commission operates very similarly to that portfolio…. I’m working with a budget that has consistently met its target,” Slobodin said. “Working with a smaller budget gives you a good eye for where you can spend your money well.” —Katherine Fernandez-Blance
one semester. Gudmundsson said the most important part of Team SDL’s platform is collaboration. “It comes down to work with the students,” she said. “We want to all work together and realize that even though we have a team, its not just the three of us—its about students and providing opportunities for Queen’s students to shape their own experiences.” For the full platform, go to
REDesigning the AMS
the Golden Cockroach award and Key to the Village award.
“My experience has allowed me to see a lot of university and student life, and it intrigues me what our student body does here,” she said. “I’ve learned a lot about people’s opinions, and AMS often forgets to listen to voices of students.” Vice-presidential (Operations) candidate Dan Szczepanek is the executive producer for Queen’s TV. He said his position has taught him the ins and outs of communication and how to manage different personalities. Vice-president (University Affairs) candidate Lara Therrien Boulos is the campus activities commissioner and said her experience overseeing volunteers and their initiatives is her contribution to the team. —Jessica Fishbein
Tuesday, january 25, 2011 online Feb. 1. Check REFERENDUM STATEMENTS Vote your Webmail for details
Over it’s 40 years of operation, Outlook has provided summer and winter camping services to youth free of charge through the generosity of volunteer staff, private donors, and fundraising drives. Nine to fifteen day canoe trips in Algonquin Park are conducted in the summer, involving a total of 120 to 130 campers each year. Volunteer staff members take groups of four to six youths on routes that can inspire an appreciation of the outdoors and a sense of accomplishment in learning camping and social skills. In fall and winter, Outlook conducts weekend trips as additional camping experiences, which include hiking, snowshoeing and shelter building. Almost all of our campers are referred to us by a social agency or school. Our recruiting seeks both male and female candidates who could especially benefit from a wilderness camping experience, either because of problems at home or at school, or simply because they could not otherwise afford to go on such a trip. Many campers qualify under more than one criterion. Most of our staff are Queen’s students and alumni. Outlook staff are all volunteers. Although staff are not paid, they do benefit from the chance to camp all summer and learn from their experiences in leading youths in a small, selfreliant group. This format ensures that our staff are motivated by a strong commitment to the primary aim of Outlook: to share with young people a love of wilderness camping in a fun and cooperative social group. The core purpose of Camp Outlook is to encourage youth to realize their worth as individuals, their abilities, and their potential to achieve, through a promotion of self-confidence and teamwork in a safe wilderness environment.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF or Doctors Without Borders) is an organization that provides rapid emergency medical relief in times of crisis in areas with little or no medical infrastructure. MSF operates independently from political, economic and religious influences. The purpose of the MSF club is to promote MSF and to raise awareness of the themes this organization supports. The club also fundraises to support the efforts of MSF. After the minimal operating expenses incurred for awareness events are covered, the rest of the opt-out fee funds will be donated directly to MSF-Canada.
The Queen’s Concrete Toboggan Team is a student run team that is focused on innovative design through the use of practical and theoretical applications. Student teams from across Canada are given the challenge to design, build, and race a five person toboggan. The toboggan must have a running surface made entirely of concrete and be equipped with a roll cage, a braking system, and a steering system. The Queen’s Concrete Toboggan team is a great way to learn and experience the combination of new innovative design and to interact with others in a team atmosphere. The team is very dependent on the support of the faculty, industry as well as the small contribution from each student and would not exist otherwise. This team is a great way to be involved in a Queen’s Club which allows you to broaden knowledge, learn great teamwork skills, as well as have the opportunity to design a real project. The goal of the team is to teach, learn and present.
The volunteer members of Queen’s First Aid offer emergency care to
the Queen’s Community without prejudice or bias. Care is provided in a competent and professional manner as directed by St. John Ambulance Council for Ontario. Members respond to all those in need through attendance at university events and as dispatched by the Emergency Report Centre while on-call. Queen’s First Aid has been providing First Aid Services to the Queen’s Community since 1986. Since then the service has evolved from being event based to also including an on-call system. The on-call system ensures that there are always two uniformed QFA Responders ready to respond to any first aid or medical emergency twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week (during the regular academic year). QFA’s presence is also seen at many events, both on and off campus, where first aid teams provide coverage free of charge. The team is also dedicated to First Aid and CPR education, offering courses at reduced rates to students, including the CPR-ATHON where members of QFA teach adult CPR free of charge. QFA trains upwards of four hundred students each year in First Aid and CPR. The Queen’s First Aid team is currently made up of fifty highly trained, professional volunteers. All Responders are required to volunteer a minimum of six hours a week, and attend mandatory monthly trainings. Volunteers are trained in Advanced Medical First Response including advanced first aid training in: airway management, spinal management, medical conditions, intoxication, etc., as well as training in the use of a defibrillator, oxygen administration, spinal boards, and more. Though QFA is entirely a volunteer service, our student fees are needed for training and purchasing supplies. We really enjoy serving the student body and we’d love nothing more than to continue to be able to do that.
The West Africa AIDS Foundation—Queen’s Chapter (QWAAF) is a chapter of the West Africa AIDS Foundation (WAAF), a clinic that is located in Ghana, West Africa. West Africa AIDS Foundation (WAAF) is a registered NGO founded in 1999. WAAF’s vision is to set up comprehensive health care centers in Ghana and West African subregions to provide quality health care and to reach out to identified target groups. WAAF’s mission is to help battle the spread of HIV/ AIDS and mitigate its effect on communities by providing care and support centers and developing and implementing intervention programs. Also, WAAF empowers people living with HIV and help improve their self sufficiency. ( As a chapter of WAAF, we aim to support their efforts in combating HIV/AIDS and its related stigma. The MAIN project that we are fundraising for is Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) project. These are children that have been directly or indirectly affected by HIV/AIDS. The OVC project aims to support these underprivileged children with a chance to go to school and get a basic education ... like you and I received in Canada. Giving them a chance to get out of the poverty cycle with the most powerful tool—education! West Africa AIDS FoundationQueen’s Chapter (QWAAF) is requesting an establishment of an opt-out student activity fee of $0.30. All funds that QWAAF raises go directly to West Africa AIDS Foundation with majority for the Orphans and Vulnerable Children project. Fight poverty & AIDS - one child at a time! For any inquiry about the West Africa AIDS Foundation - Queen’s Chapter, please email us: or visit
S TUDENTS FOR A CCESSIBLE E DUCATION Students for Accessible Education is a group that seeks to promote economic, political, social, physical and academic accessibility for all current and prospective students at Queen’s University and in the greater Kingston community. We promote economic accessibility through campaigns that ask the Ontario government to invest more in grants and bursaries for students in financial need and/or to lower the cost of education for all students. We also conduct research into the Queen’s Administration’s plans for changing or cutting the budgets for undergraduate programs and services. We promote physical accessibility by advocating for new measures to be taken by the Queen’s Administration and by supporting alternative educational spaces in making educational opportunities physically accessible through the introduction of infrastructure such as ramps, accessible bathrooms, etc. Finally, we promote academic and social accessibility by assisting and facilitating alternative education spaces and projects offered free to the Kingston community. We hope that initiatives such as these will help bridge the unfortunate divide between the City of Kingston and Queen’s University.
The United Way is a non-profit organization that strives to support and strengthen the organized capacity of the local community to care for one another. All funds donated to the United Way in Kingston are allocated to member agencies based on vital human care needs and serve to strengthen other non-profit organizations in the local area. Member agencies include the Kingston Youth Shelter, Canadian Mental Health Association, Food Sharing Project, and Big Brothers Big Sisters.
6 • About The Journal
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n an article published Jan. 20, the Globe and Mail’s Zosia Bielski considers the problems facing school administrators as they try to curb student misbehaviour. The misbehaviour in question is of a decidedly unexpected sort; not aggression or truancy, but an epidemic of in-school hugging. Certain schools in the US and Britain have taken aggressive steps to curb demonstrations of student affection. Measures include outright bans of physical contact to more permissive approaches that spare handshakes or allow hugging after scoring a point in basketball. School administrators present a variety of justifications for enforcing restrictions on physical contact. Some insist that hugging clogs up hallways between classes. Others see absolute touching bans as an easy way to spare teachers from having to police sexual behaviour, especially with older students. It’s easy to understand why
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011 • Issue 28 • Volume 138
Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Avenue, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3P4 Telephone : 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal Online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 29 of Volume 138 will be published on Friday, January 28, 2011.
Leave space to embrace
Andrew Stokes Catherine Owsik
The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. Contents © 2011 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $120.00 per year (plus applicable taxes).
Schools exist not only to teach students skills, but also how to function outside the structure of a classroom.
Justin Tang
Copy Editors
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
this sort of behaviour might especially those they don’t like. make school staff uncomfortable, In 2008, students at an Arizona especially in the case of one school, high school staged an extended ate ascom which had “girls running down “hug-a-thon” as a form of protest hallways to hug, squealing all the against physical contact restrictions. way.” However, the responses One student at a New England high adopted so far don’t seem well school has begun a petition, rightly pointing out that “interpersonal thought out. Trying to restrict physical contact touch is not inherently sexual.” Schools exist not only to teach simply raises other questions: is it appropriate to hug a crying friend? students skills, but also how to Outright bans get rid of these function outside the structure of questions, but present teachers a classroom. One of the realities t hardly surprised me to hear that with an exhausting number of of the public sphere is the ability MTV was criticized for its content potential issues to address on a to recognize what qualifies as this week. daily basis—distracting their time appropriate and inappropriate Any one of the network’s and energy from the business physical contact. many shows could be objected to. Schools need to have absolute A recent episode of Jersey Shore of teaching. Aside from these rules being rules about touching with sexual had Snooki treating a hangover by ineffective, some teachers would connotations, but should probably just remaining drunk, taking shots likely lose interest in constantly make less intimate contact subject with tourists and getting arrested. policing behaviour they could to “soft policies,” which can be Teen Mom 2 featured a teenage simply ignore. This would enforced on a discretionary basis. mother who verbally and physically encourage students to further This would allow instructors to assaulted her own mother after flaunt school policies. correct inappropriate behaviour, being deemed an unfit parent. Children of all ages like to without giving them a second But the criticism levelled at find ways of getting around rules, full-time job. MTV didn’t target any of these so-called ‘reality’ shows. Instead the focus was on a British import called Skins, which has caused a fuss amongst advertisers and the Parents Television Council. Skins is meant to portray a realistic version of being a modern teenager. The show has nothing to do with vampires, the Upper East Side or anonymous bloggers, and more to do with out-of-control parties, sex and drugs. The fuss around the show reminds me of a childhood favourite of my own. I was just a baby when Degrassi premiered on CBC. I caught syndicated episodes when I was in elementary school and, with the exception of the dated clothing and unfamiliar references, that show taught me what to expect in high school. If you smoked a joint, rehab would soon follow. If you had sex, watch out! Becoming a teen mom would be the next logical step. If you drank at a party while your friend’s parents were out of town, the cops would be called, someone would get alcohol poisoning and your boyfriend would cheat on you. Degrassi should and has been applauded for representing realistic situations and has not shied away from difficult issues such as abortion, homosexuality and drug use. What astounds me is that this sponsorship is a good idea, but that they remain a public health censoring photographs of famous risk, and one that was once show premiered in the late ’80s. Recent shows have been unable to almost ubiquitous. figures is a step too far. It’s true that photographs of fill the hole that Degrassi left. Even It’s simply a reality that some of history’s famous figures have famous figures smoking adds The Next Generation plays more been smokers. By creating a “safe” to the glamour of cigarettes like an afterschool special. The refreshing nature of version of a famous photograph, as a product, but these one draws attention to whatever photographs are significantly Skins is partly due to the lack of one is trying to hide—an enterprise less harmful than advertising, immediate consequences and the doomed to failure in the age of which targets individuals with non-judgement of the characters’ the Internet. demographic-relevant material behaviour. Degrassi never steered Instead of trying to hide a and images of smoking that are me the wrong way in high school, dirty secret about a famous figure, deliberately enticing. even with frank discussion on the public should be prepared to Many individuals and businesses teen pregnancies, suicide and acknowledge the truth about how in France have been largely resistant drug use. Degrassi brought he or she lived. to public smoking bans applied to much-needed attention to In the case of something as restaurants and bars. teenage issues, which is common as a cigarette, the Aggressively targeting those what Skins has done in its adage “out of sight, out of mind” businesses caught out of line native England. simply doesn’t hold up. As long would likely be more effective than MTV should examine as cigarettes are still available to worrying about hiding cigarettes in the rest of its content before the public, the most responsible old photos. bowing down to critics of a course of action is to acknowledge fictionalized show.
French smoke and mirrors
rench lawmakers have taken steps to adjust France’s rigid anti-smoking laws, citing concerns about endangering the country’s “cultural heritage.” The so-called “Evin” law prohibits any “direct or indirect” promotion of tobacco or tobacco products. Fear over falling onto the wrong side of the law meant pictures of iconic French figures like Jean-Paul Sartre were altered to remove cigarettes on posters and book covers. The bill brought before parliament equated this with “the falsification of history, the censorship of works of the mind, [and] the denial of reality,” which it insisted “must remain the heinous marks of totalitarian regimes.” There’s no denying that limiting cigarette advertisement and
Skins Wins
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Perspectives from the Queen’s community
Talking Heads Don’t miss next week’s AMS election point-counterpoint
Student Government
The future of AMS commissions
... around campus Photos By Craig Draeger
What’s the best part of the cold weather?
With AMS elections looming, the Journal spoke to each comission about what they’d like to see next year’s executive do and how they can improve the society A cademic A ffairs C ommission I can say with absolute certainty that the single most important priority for next year’s Academic Affairs Commission will be the provincial election taking place in the fall. Our provincial government is responsible for all matters pertaining to post-secondary education, from OSAP to tuition fees and institutional funding, and the parties will differ significantly in their visions for the future of the sector. The Progressive Conservatives favour deregulation of tuition and a shift from need-based to merit-based scholarships; the Liberals favour a cost-sharing model between the province and students; the New Democrats favour increased institutional funding and lower tuition fees. But what’s common to all three parties is that they don’t take the student vote seriously, because it’s well known that our age group is not politically active. If we continue to remain apathetic to electoral politics at the provincial level, we could see the same nightmare scenario that students in the UK are now facing: a 300 per cent increase in tuition fees. Unless the Academic Affairs Commission, and the AMS as a whole, takes a prominent role in blanketing the campus with targeted advertising advising students of the grave importance of this election, we could see a similar downloading of university costs to the students. —Chris Rudnicki C ampus A ctivities C ommission The Campus Activities Commission (CAC) is a unique body within the AMS. Essentially, its purpose is to entrench a set of activities that the
students find particularly valuable and provide them with consistent AMS funding. As we’ve seen in the past five months, however, the value of these events is not always clear to all students. This does not mean that the CAC must fundamentally re-think its role, but it does mean that it must find a way to constantly solicit the input of the general student body regarding its events.
If we continue to remain apathetic to electoral politics ... we could see the same nightmare scenario that students in the UK are now facing. Next year, finding a way to meaningfully involve students in decision-making regarding CAC events will be its greatest challenge. There are a number of ways to do this, from inviting more involved Assembly oversight to engaging the general student populace in a process of participatory budgeting for CAC activities. Regardless of how the next year’s executive chooses to move forward, this must be an area of focus. —Chris Rudnicki M unicipal A ffairs C ommission Looking forward for the Municipal Affairs Commission (MAC) in 2011/2012, the single greatest challenge I see facing the portfolio is student apathy and disengagement. Arguably, these same issues have faced the commission for the better part of five years. If experience has taught me one thing, you cannot (and will not) be successful as the municipal affairs Commissioner or Vice President (University Affairs) if you attempt to target every issue involving students living
to both empower and represent in Kingston. Instead, I would urge the Queen’s students. —Hilary Windrem incoming commissioner and VP (UA) to set their sights on tangible goals they can accomplish in their S ocial I ssues C ommission 12-month terms. This portfolio is massive and at times feels literally The Social Issues Commission’s all-encompassing. biggest challenge every year is that It’s in the best interest of the it lacks autonomy within the AMS. MAC, Queen’s students and the Being the only commission commissioner’s sanity to prioritize within the AMS that is tasked aspects of this challenge and focus with keeping the rest of the society on a handful of strategies. accountable when it comes to “Fixing” the complicated equity, it’s imperative that the SIC’s relationship between the City of influence is reflected in its ability to Kingston and Queen’s cannot be advocate for issues within Council, shouldered by one year’s executive. AMS Assembly and the student Rather, I would encourage population as a whole. incumbents to focus on dealing with student housing and facilitating It will be essential to opportunities in Kingston for increase the visibility students to seek employment in of the services the summer and after graduation. and support. One year cannot change the negative view some students hold of their AMS. However, The SIC is often seen as the the commissioner next year part of the AMS in charge of every must prioritize creating and social “issue” in the university. implementing a new marketing This is done to relieve the rest scheme and branding for of the society, and other university the commission. actors, from the responsibility to be committed to anti-oppression The SIC will need and equity but there will need the support of the to be a clear and concrete plan to de-tokenize the Social executive ... to bring Issues Commission. issues of equity to the To continue, the SIC will need forefront of the AMS the support of the executive, and the executive’s commitment agenda. to bring issues of equity to the Despite the negative rhetoric forefront of the AMS agenda. Only Queen’s student sometimes use in in this way will the SIC be able to regards to the City, I have found truly fulfill its role and influence students incredibly grateful for the the AMS. services the MAC can provide. The Without an open and clear trick is, then, increasing visibility of commitment to address these these services and information. issues, and a strong desire to see Student apathy is rampant equity and anti-oppression play a simply because most students role in every decision made by don’t feel they have a voice the AMS, the SIC will continue to on so many issues involving be tokenized, and its potential to town-gown relations. keep the university and the AMS For the incoming MAC accountable will be hindered. commissioner, it will be essential to —Daniella Dávila increase the visibility of the services and support offered and work
“When you freeze your scarf with the humidity of your breath.” Derek Polson, ArtSci ’11
“It makes you appreciate the warm weather so much more.” Erynn Wyse, ArtSci ’11
“Getting out of it.” Julia Mauer, ArtSci ’12
“That I get to wear my hat and mittens.” Alexis Wilkes, ArtSci ’13
LETTERS TO THE EDITORS Poverty action Re: “Student raises local poverty awareness,” (Jan. 18). Dear Editors, Thank you for your insightful piece about poverty in Kingston. We’d like to share the fact that there are numerous community groups that exist to fight local poverty and assist those in need. In particular, the United Way has long served the Kingston community and surrounding counties by raising and allocating funds each year to those in greatest need. United Way agencies have helped hundreds of individuals access emergency shelter, transitional or
permanent housing and counseling to stabilize their lives. The United Way developed “A Place First: a Community Plan on Homelessness and Affordable Housing in Kingston” and is currently working closely with the City of Kingston and Kingston’s Roundtable on Poverty to develop a community plan on what needs to be done to alleviate the impacts of poverty in the long run. There are many ways students can get involved and join the United Way’s efforts in fighting local issues that impact thousands in the area. For instance, the Queen’s United Way Committee’s “Days of Caring” give students the opportunity to volunteer at shelters that exist to alleviate the impact of poverty
and food insecurity, such as the St. Vincent de Paul Society and St. George’s Outreach. There are also other clubs on campus that allow students to learn more about local poverty such as Meal Exchange and Soul Food. Students are invited to provide input into community plans and call the United Way or visit their website ( to learn more about the issues and find volunteer opportunities in Kingston and area. Each year staff, students, faculty and retirees at Queen’s make up the largest workplace contribution to the United Way’s Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington (KFL&A) campaign, with about $20,000 of its contribution coming from AMS student fees.
With the United Way opt-out fee going to referendum on Feb. 1 and 2, students have the chance to make a difference in the lives of so many people. By voting yes for the United Way, students can continue to provide these funds to those who need it most and show their commitment to making beneficial change in the Kingston community. Leia de Guzman, B.Comm and B.ScH’ 13, Chair, Queen’s United Way Committee Bhavana Varma, President & CEO, United Way serving KFL&A
“The fresh air.” Connor Edington, ArtSci ’12
Have your say. Write a letter or visit to comment.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
concert review
Who said silence was golden? The Golden Dogs assaulted senses at their gig with The Main Sail at the Grad Club last Friday night B y M eaghan Wray Contributor It was -11°C outside and apparently felt like a brisk -19°C, but the pre-show excitement I always experience distracted me from Kingston’s fluctuating weather. It snowed softly and the
cool wind stung my cheeks, but I was overwhelmed with a curiosity of how this night would play out. Having never heard of the Toronto-based band The Golden Dogs prior to this show, I had little idea what I was in for. Walking into the Grad Club (which is accurately described as
campus’ “well-kept secret”) for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised to see how intimate the converted Barrie Victorian house was. Every show-goer on Friday night, despite age, gender, personal attire or drink of choice, seemed to fit just right. The dim lighting, quiet chatter of the show attendees and distant
clinking of pint glasses provided a certain genuine life to the house that is hard to come by in more commercial venues. The drooping red curtain in the background and single strand of Christmas lights, which seemed to light up to the beat of the music, only added more to the charm of the entire setting.
It seemed like another world on the inside, like an underground city reserved for a select group of music-appreciators of the diverse Kingston population. The peaceful, almost eerie atmosphere outside the cozy venue offered a perfect juxtaposition for what was See Armed on page 11
Arts online kidstreet An extended version of the Q&A on page 9 and 10 with Waterloo trio Kidstreet.
reelout Check out interviews with Reelout 12 filmmakers Caleb Seguin and Auden Cody Neuman.
antigone Be sure to check out the review of Vagabond Theatre’s Antigone. on limelight
festival guide
A solid lineup of films are selected for the Reelout Queer Film and Video Festival each year, mixing styles and messages, representing characters reflective of diverse LGBTQ communities.
‘This festival is about bringing people together’ This year marks a record high of 300 submissions and 83 narratives, short films, features and documentaries screening at the twelfth annual Reelout Queer Film and Video Festival B y A lly H all Arts Editor On the first Saturday of February each year, Reelout Queer Video and Film Festival volunteers and organizers celebrate another year under their belts with an epic wrap party. Two days later, Festival Director Matt Salton and his colleagues rub their eyes and return to the drawing table to commence planning for the following year’s edition of events. “Submissions are always coming into the office from around the globe,” he told the Journal in an email. “Pre-screening the films and year-round educational initiatives and administrative duties keep us busy all throughout the year.” Reelout honours the work and dedication of those who have championed queer film and video and its artists over the past decade and works towards showcasing the best and brightest LGBTQ cinematic offerings from around the world. Founded in 1999 by Marney McDiarmid and Kingston’s OPIRG project, the festival exists to celebrate queer media arts and to contribute to community vitality
by programming materials focusing on issues of sexuality, race, culture, religion, class, gender, ability, health and age. “The best thing about Reelout’s contribution to the community is the idea of raising the profile and visibility of our queer community,” Salton said. “We want queer-identified Kingstonians to ‘get ready for their close-up’. There is still a lot of homophobia in this world ... to create an ecology over ten days where the queer community shares the spotlight in 25 diverse programs and 83 films—that’s a fucking incredibly empowering experience.” Using real members of the community as models in the marketing campaigns, Reelout has weaved into and found strong footing here. “These models are just a small fraction of the beautiful people that reflect the sexual and gender diversity that comprises Kingston’s queer community,” Salton said. “In addition to the positive empowering effects, we don’t shy away from screening films that initiate challenging dialogue post-screening … we’re lucky
to have Queen’s professors like Samantha King, Dorit Naaman, Mary Louise Adams and Scott Morgensen participating in some of our post-screening discussions [this year].” As well as the initiation of challenging dialogue among members of Kingston’s queer community, the festival reaches beyond to the larger Kingston community. “We’re pleased to be screening films both on campus and downtown Kingston,” Salton said. “We’ve also incorporated other artistic disciplines throughout the festival, including musical performances.” The incorporation of new genres in the festival is demonstrative of the group’s drive to provide access to artistic work that may not otherwise be screened in Kingston, celebrate the city’s diversity and create an opportunity for members of the community to come together through a common artistic appreciation. With a record 300 submissions, films were pre-screened this year by a community panel interested in film appreciation.
“Comments and ratings are compiled and reviewed in October and the panel meets over the weekend to piece together a solid line-up that represents characters reflective of our diverse queer community,” Salton said. Striving to represent 45 to 50 per cent Canadian content, this year’s selections feature 39 Canadian picks including two exploratory works from local filmmakers like Caleb Seguin and Auden Cody Neuman. Salton said he sees Reelout’s 12th edition as having a couple thematic undercurrents. “We’ve noticed that there are a lot of great works coming out that introduce us to emerging points of view that we’re traditionally not accustomed to watching,” he said. “These views can be painful and heart-breaking (Dreams Deferred: The Sakia Gunn Project or Gen Silent), but they can also be quite sexy and refreshing (male synchro swim doc Boys in the Pool or Cheryl Dunye’s post-modern film noire The Owls). In a sea of submissions, Salton said the not-so-standard presentations tend to stand out. “Originality in story-telling
is a welcome change,” he said. “Audiences are going to be quite grateful to see so many fresh approaches to telling celluloid stories.” Ultimately, attendees will reap rewards just by showing up. “This festival is about bringing the community together and not splitting us off into gender-specific programs, as a programmer I encourage audiences to see films they wouldn’t normally go see,” Salton said. “The warm fuzzies last at least until St. Patrick’s Day. The feelings I get from watching volunteers dedicate their time to making this community a little bit more tolerant and respectful truly is the ultimate reward.” Reelout kicks off this Thursday at Etherington Auditorium at 7 p.m.
For a detailed festival guide including party and film details please see
Tuesday, january 25, 2011
Mix & scratch Dragonette’s leading lady Martina Sorbara tells why comfort and familiarity may yield her best work B y TerrA -A nn A rnOne Blogs Editor It’s been a year since the Journal last spoke with Martina Sorbara of Dragonette. In that time, the band has seen unbridled success with their 2010 single “Hello” and have begun the launch of a globetrotting tour. When I called at 12:30 p.m. for our interview, my greeting was met with muffled voices and an out-of-breath Sorbara, “I’m making toast that I forgot about!” she said quickly. The Dragonette front woman takes her toast with peanut or almond butter and homemade blackberry jelly, in case you were wondering. This year the Canadian electro pop band saw their catchy single,
“Hello,” top charts in Europe and climb Canada’s own for the first time since their formation. “In some ways it’s proven to me that it’s more than a hobby,” Sorbara said. “It gives you more drive every time.” The band is currently working on a new album to follow 2010’s Mixin’ to Thrill. Sorbara said that Mixin’ to Thrill came as a strong picture to her, which has yet to appear for the new album’s inspiration. “The last album was very much a response to a lot of stuff that was happening in my life, so there was a clear ‘this song is about this’ and ‘this song is about this.’ So I guess in some ways I’m waiting for not the same picture, but a picture that represents this album,” she said. While Sorbara and her husband
Sorbara (centre) notes introspective time spent riding her bike as inspiration and fuel for creative production with her husband and fellow bandmate Dan Kurtz (left) and drummer Joel Stouffer (right).
and co-writer Dan Kurtz travel frequently, it’s not away from home that they pen songs. “I don’t feel inspired to write when I travel, but you collect things. I think you spend your traveling days gathering experiences and kind of putting phrases or words in your rolodex that you can dive into when you get to that place—your comfort zone,” she said, adding that inspiration comes to her frequently when riding her bike around. “[I feel most inspired] when I’m riding around in my city as opposed to some random place that I don’t know. I think it’s more important for me to be in a comfortable,
Q&a: Kidstreet
The word on the street
Kidstreet are stopping by with their non-stop dance party
Thickly falling flakes frame vocalist Edna Snyder’s face as she makes her way through thick snowdrifts. Occasional flashes of light and editing distort the Waterloo-based band Kidstreet’s video for “Penny Candy.” One third of the experimental synth-pop group, Snyder said she remembers when the band assembled. “When I was 18 and Karl
realized he had a little sister who could play piano and that I might be a resource worth using,” she said with a laugh. Mixing song and sibling may not work for everyone—ahem, Gallaghers—but Cliff, Karl and Edna Snyder undoubtedly have a certain X factor poised to break down any rivalry or conflict thrown their way. The Journal had
a chance to chat with the trio over the phone in light of their gig opening for Dragonette at Ale House tomorrow. Have you always been musical? Edna: Cliff and I both took piano as children, so we’re classically trained. I continued on
Upcoming EVERY WEEK Monday - All you can eat Spaghetti Tuesday - 1/2 Price Large Nachos for Members (5-close) Wednesdays - Open Mic - 9pm Thursday - Trivia - 9pm Friday Jan 21st The Golden Dogs with Mainsail Friday Jan 28th Braids with Cherry Chapstick Friday Feb 4th Cuff the Duke Friday Feb 11th NQ Arbuckle Saturday Feb 12th Jim Bryson and Weakerthans Band Friday March 4th Jenn Grant Saturday March 5th Yukon Blond with The Paint Movement Friday March 25th Born Ruffians Tickets available at Tricolour Outlet and The Grad Club and online at 613-546-3427 162 Barrie St.
See these on page 10
familiar place rather than being dropped in somewhere because it could be inspiring,” Sorbara said. The songstress rides a six gear Schwinn. Sorbara said the success of “Hello” made her ponder an emerging musical niche. “It makes me think about the genre and overlap with DJ dance music and pop music, and where they come together [on “Hello”],” Sorbara said. “There’s a very good recipe in that song which makes it good for a place like Europe, where there’s all these different languages. With the line being ‘hello,’ that’s something the song has going for it apart from being totally catchy.” She added that she sometimes wonders if that simple word, “hello” is part of the song’s genius. Heading into a new year, Dragonette is riding the wind. “It really is a totally open book. I have no idea. All I need to do
is write some songs for a new album and not think about what’s going to happen for Dragonette next year”. Old fans needn’t worry about “Hello” being goodbye to Dragonette’s classic pop style, though. “Nothing changes for us with what happened with the song ‘Hello’,” Sorbara concluded. Dragonette play Ale House tomorrow night at 9 p.m. with Kidstreet.
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Tuesday, january 25, 2011
Despite horrendous weather conditions, siblings and songsters Edna, Karl and Cliff Snyder (from left) shot their video for “Penny Candy” in just two shots.
These kids are alright Continued from page 9
with it at university a little bit. Karl, who writes most of the instrumentation and really, well mostly everything, he never really took lessons. Karl: I took three or four drum lessons and then decided it was going to ruin drumming for me … so I guess we always have been kind of musical, or at least our parents always gave us the opportunity to play instruments if we so chose to do that. When did you transition into playing production and synth-heavy tunes? Edna: When I was 18 and Karl realized he had a little sister who could play piano and that I might be a resource worth using. Karl: Yeah I guess that is kind of true. One of the things about playing music with your siblings is … you have the family resemblances when it comes to taste, but it also helps conflict resolution a lot because you’ve been doing conflict resolution your whole lives. You probably get asked this frequently, but how is it working, playing and touring with your siblings? Cliff: I think it’s awesome! No I’m serious. I’ve been in other bands where you’re not siblings and it’s kind of like being in a relationship … something goes wrong in the band and you break up and never speak to the other people again. Stuff falls out. But when it’s your brother and sister you don’t really have the option for stuff to really fall out. You’re always going to be brother and sister so you find ways to make it work
whereas with other bands you might just pack it in. You’re releasing a full length this April, how has the process been? Karl: It’s taken so long. About a year and a half ago we probably could have released an LP and it would have been very different from the one we’re releasing now. We just kept pushing it back and pushing it back and then we signed on with Nettwerk and everything got pushed back more and more and more. We released an EP when we first started which was completely instrumental and we just self-released it. That’s the only thing we’ve released other than the single … we’re kind of new to that whole thing. It’s done, it’s finished, I think we’re all excited to get it out there and see what the response is. You have such a captivatingly energetic live show, how do you translate that energy into a record? Karl: It’s almost a piece of contention in the band, with how to … you can’t really develop that onto a record. In certain ways, maybe we’ll learn how to do that as we go, but as it stands … how do you replicate jumping around? We haven’t quite figured it out yet. It’s fairly difficult to replicate that I’d say. —Ally Hall
Please see for the full Q&A with Kidstreet.
1 1 0 2 7 2 n m a J p , 0 rs -9:0 101 u h T 8:00 ci 1 : e t Da Time: : BioS n o i t Loca th
Tuesday, january 25, 2011
Armed with energy Continued from page 8
to come, which was, quite simply put, an invigorating assault on my senses. The main show area (which could otherwise be called a living room with a small stage) packed slowly as the opener, The Main Sail, graced us with their long-haired and lanky presence. Not long after, the room was filled with heavy bass riffs and raw garage band-esque vocals from the group, whose front man, Taylor Knox, is also the drummer for The Golden Dogs. Although their short set of catchy, head-bob worthy songs seemed to all sound relatively similar, The Main Sail definitely pleased the small crowd that had formed around the stage. They established the wall-shaking tone for the rest of the evening, but the night hadn’t reached its full potential until The Golden Dogs took the stage. The audience eagerly awaited the band they’d trekked through the blistering cold to see, chatting with fellow Golden Dogs fans, and sipping alcoholic beverages as the stage was being set up. Casual is the perfect word to describe the situation. As I watched them set up the stage, I wondered who in their right mind would be wearing a scarf, hat, vest, and long-sleeved shirt inside a pleasantly cramped venue that we all knew would only become warmer once the band began. Little did I know, the man I was scrutinizing was Dave Azzolini, front man of The Golden Dogs. With Jessica Grassia, Azzolini’s incredibly enthusiastic sidekick on keyboard, The Golden Dogs left the audience no time to adjust and jumped right into their opening number “Dark Room.” After an infectious keyboard introduction,
Azzolini’s voice hauntingly filled the room, capturing my attention immediately. And you know shit’s going down when Grassia throws her tambourine and pounds the keys for that rhythmical, addictive beat. To switch it up a bit, Grassia took over the drum kit and Azzolini, to my delight, picked up a ukulele to perform a perfect cover of Tom Waits’ “Rain Dogs.” Following this, The Golden Dogs presented one of their newest songs and announced they would be releasing an album this summer. Finally getting out of their rut after waiting four years to release Coat of Arms. Besides the music, what was most appealing about The Golden Dogs was their intense enthusiasm that rubbed off on the crowd. On top of that, Azzolini’s little quirks made for some great entertainment value—his spontaneous dance moves and bellyful yelps, as well as the sporadic shake of a maraca. Occasionally, guitarist James Robertson and bassist Jay McCarroll would share a microphone as they rocked out. Also appreciated were the creative homemade signs, declaring each song title as they progressed through the show. They finished off their set with “Song Name Here.” Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Azzolini stepped into the crowd to face the stage for the second time during their set, jumping crazily as the song reached its climax. The Golden Dogs’ love for their music made me hope I could someday love something as intensely. Maybe Azzolini holding a strobe light to his face wasn’t the safest of ideas, but it was pretty rock and roll. The Journal caught up with Jessica Grassia of The Golden Dogs in light of their show last Friday night, check out the interview at
Dave Azzolini captivated the crowd with last Friday’s return to Kingston. Keyboardist and harmony vocalist Jessica Grassia told the Journal she never has to worry if she’ll enjoy herself at the Grad Club.
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Q 12 •
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
SAY GOOD-BYE TO QCARD! Introducing SOLUS (Student On-Line University System)
The new Student Administration System is going live on March 8, 2011 You are invited to a
STUDENT TOWN HALL MEETING February 9th 5:30 p.m. Bioscience Complex 1101
Find out what’s changing:
- SOLUS – student self-serve demonstration - New Tuition Payment Dates - New Transcript
Sponsored by the Office of the University Registrar Unable to attend? The Town Hall will be captured and availabe for rebroadcast on the OUR website at
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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B.Ed Rocks BEWIC Journal photographers Christine Blais and Justin Tang capture the excitment of the 26th Annual BEWIC Sports Day. The ARC was taken over by 966 students in 28 teams, including the overall champions ‘B.Ed Rock’, competing in events like rugby-basketball and floorball over the weekend
Men’s Basketball
Gaels not singing Blues Men’s Volleyball
Veteran presence
Queen’s pulls off win against the University of Toronto following a loss to the Ryerson Rams last weekend. B y L auri Kytömaa Assistant Sports Editor
The five point margin ballooned to a 12 point margin in the third as the Gaels couldn’t keep up with In a turbulent season filled with Ryerson’s play. In the fourth quarter, more downs than ups, a victory the team imploded allowing over the second place Toronto Ryerson to score 33 points while Veterans Bryan Fautley recorded Varsity Blues came out of the blue only pocketing six of their own. B y K ate B ascom 21 kills against the Mustangs and for the men’s basketball team last Overall the team was outscored Sports Editor Joren Zeeman had 16 against weekend. The Gaels had just lost 48-14 in the second half of A strong weekend road trip by the Lancers. to the sixth place Ryerson Rams the game. “The media tends to focus very 89-50 on Friday night, extending Head coach Duncan Cowan the men’s volleyball team was highlighted by their win over the highly on kills and [Fautley and their losing streak to five games. said the problems stemmed from Western Mustangs in London. Zeeman] definitely are our top two Touting a 2-14 record entering Ryerson’s quick style of play. “We struggle with speed and Queen’s got the ball rolling on kill guys,” she said. “But just as Saturday, all the shots fell their way Friday night against the Windsor essential is the setter who delivers and the Gaels came out with an athleticism,” he said. “The chaos Lancers, defeating them in straight the ball. [Setter] Rukavina passes impressive 80-66 upset victory over that speed creates is something that sets. After falling behind 2-1 more court than anyone else on our the Blues. we don’t deal with well.” Saturday night, the Gaels rallied team. Without the pass, we can’t A road trip to Toronto started off Moreover, Cowan said the back to win the game over their run the set and those guys don’t get with one of the Gaels’ worst games team’s offensive struggles didn’t do to score.” of the season against Ryerson. With much to help the situation. OUA rivals, the Mustangs The nationally ranked Gaels playoff implications on the line “When you’re shooting badly Head coach Brenda Willis said the team is playing with confidence took on the 6-9 Lancers in a game Queen’s knew they needed the the other team is getting more that was reinforced by the addition that saw outside hitter Zeeman points from the sixth place Ryerson. chances,” he said. “Shooting a of fourth-years Niko Rukavina and reach double digits in kills for As expected, the game started off good percentage helps control the Dan Rosenbaum to the line-up. the fourth consecutive game. He hotly contested: the score after the tempo of fast teams.” The Gaels enjoyed a complete “It’s the reinjection of some of is now ranked seventh in the first half read 41-36 in favour of the vets that’s made a difference,” CIS with kills per set. Rukavina the Rams, as the Gaels battled to role-reversal the next day against she said. See Queen’s on page 14 keep the game close. See No on page 14
Strong play by Zeeman and Fautley give Queen’s four points.
Next Issue Matt O’Donnell The Journal talks to the Gaels’ offensive lineman who took part in the Shrine Bowl in Florida.
Athletes of the Week Joren Zeeman of the men’s volleyball team and figure skater Renee Tse talk to the Journal about their experience as Gaels.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
No margin for Queen’s beats error left “We were more patient with what we wanted to do [than against Toronto. The game opened up with Ryerson],” Cowan said. “We ran competitive and scrappy play; the our systems more effectively and Gaels took a 17-13 lead in the getting off quick shots when we first quarter going head to head were open.” Bannister led the way with a with the Blues. The second quarter was more of the same theme as 52.9 shooting percentage and 25 Toronto outscored the Gaels 14-12, points to his name in addition to bringing the halftime score to seven rebounds, four assists and 29-27 with the Gaels holding a slim four steals. The fourth-year guard holds the second most points in the two-point lead. OUA and has been vital to the team all season. Cowan said that Bannister has We struggle with been important, even outside of speed and athleticism. the offence. The chaos that speed “The intangibles have been creates is something very important,” he said. “He has that we don’t deal with become more of a vocal leader than he has ever been and in the well. last month he has become our best defender as well.” In order for the 3-14 Gaels to —Duncan Cowan, men’s basketball make the playoffs they will need head coach to leap-frog Ryerson, Ottawa or Laurentian in the standings. Both With an utter collapse in the Ryerson and Ottawa are currently second half the night before, the 6-8 while Laurentian is 6-9. With Gaels wouldn’t let it happen again. seven games remaining in the The flood gates opened in the third season, time has caught up to the quarter as Queen’s filled the basket struggling Gaels and in order to see with shots. The team scored 34 post-season action, a high winning points to take a big 63-45 lead. Up percentage is needed to close out by 18, the team just needed to hold the season. Bannister said to do this, firm in the fourth to take the final the team needs to remain focused. “We know we are in a struggle score of 80-66. The win came on the back of an to make the playoffs,” he said. “We excellent overall team performance. are trying to take it one game at a Guards Dan Bannister and Chris time. We’ll see where we are in a Barrett and forwards Matthew few weeks.” Not all the odds are stacked Baker and Nikola Misljencevic all scored double digit points as the up against them; the team’s final team finished with a combined 50 five games are at home and they will get one more shot at Ryerson, per cent shooting percentage. Cowan said a large part of the Ottawa and Laurentian before the end of the season. There’s no success was hitting shots early. “Once you start hitting shots question that the team is in a hole, you get that confidence, it sort but the only way to get out is to of passes through the team,” he start climbing. said. “Players coming in hit their first shots.” He also said that the team exhibited greater offensive control. Continued from page 13
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rival ‘Stangs Continued from page 14
recorded 10 kills and seven digs while libero Alex Oneid had nine digs. The Gaels focus was on their Saturday match against the Mustangs who they had lost to twice this year, both coming at home. The Queen’s Invitational saw a rare straight set loss for the Gaels and later in the regular season, Queen’s battled in five sets against Western. The Gaels have been forced to five sets in only five games this season, losing two of the matches. Western offers Queen’s the type of tough and intense competition that they will see in the playoffs and at the CIS level. Willis said the quality of games makes them important for the Gaels, who dropped their first game to the Mustangs in five sets at the ARC.
media tends “toThe focus very highly
on kills ... But just as essential is the setter who delivers the ball. ... Without the pass, we can’t run the set and those guys don’t get to score.
—Brenda Willis, men’s volleyball head coach
“The more we play teams that are at our level and higher, the better we get,” Willis said. “Both the Western coach and I, when we shook hands, said ‘gosh I wish we could play each other more often.’ ... We got a lot closer [to] beating them in five in their gym, [which] shows that our progression as a unit is moving at a pace that is higher than their progression.” In the fourth set, with Queen’s down 2-1, Willis changed the Gaels’ approach. “We’ve been playing with a couple different serve-receive systems and we now have more options in our passing game,” she said. “I don’t think we went through any discomfort in making that change. We’re more versatile now because of it ... We looked more polished in the fourth and fifth [sets].” With competition in Toronto coming up, Willis said the Gaels simply need to focus on their own progress as the playoffs get closer. “My biggest concern is simply that we need [to] serve tougher and more consistently,” she said. “The tough servers aren’t consistent and the consistent servers aren’t tough. We need to shore that up. The other part of our game that I’m feeling is not at championship level is our passing, so that will continue to be a prime focus in our training for the next several weeks.”
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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Walk the line Jaywalking: why an illegal activity became an indicator of urban lifestyle
According to David Gordon, Director of the School of Urban and Regional Planning, jaywalking can be a sign of a healthy city.
B y Terra -A nn A rnone Web and Blogs Editor Monday through Friday, thousands of students swarm the streets as they make their way from class to class. While many busy intersections on campus legally accommodate pedestrian traffic, jaywalking seems to have become unconsciously incorporated as a standard mode of travel from class to class. “Whenever I see there’s space to cross, I do. As long as I don’t think I’m going to get hit,” said Jeff Costen, ArtSci ’13. While Costen has never been hit crossing illegally, he said he knows of others who have had close calls. “I don’t think most people think there’s a real risk associated with it,” he said, adding that Union St. and University Ave. are most popular for jaywalking on campus. “It would save time instead of walking all the way to an intersection,” he said. Julie Lotfallah, ArtSci ’12, said she commutes to campus by car around three times a week. She said she’s seen her fair share of reckless pedestrians. “They walk when they want to walk,” she said. “They don’t really give us a right of way.” However, she said, as a student she understands the jaywalking mindset. “They all have places to go. It’s their domain,” she said, adding that it’s important to be cautious when driving around student areas. “Always expect that someone is
just going to pop [out] on the road … Especially at the intersections.” An interesting response to crosswalk design issues has been put forward by Korean designer Jae Min Lim. His idea of “ergonomic crosswalks” was shortlisted in a design competition for, a website dedicated to industrial design, architecture and art. The design attempts to quell jaywalking in urban centers by mimicking the pattern that many pedestrians take at crosswalks. The crosswalks are cut out in a half-moon shape, which accommodates the common tendency for pedestrians to cut corners after crossing. The wider crosswalks cause vehicles to stop further back from the intersection, but otherwise affect traffic flow very little. David Parker, a professor in the department of history, told the Journal via email that he buses or bikes down Union St. to campus about 75 per cent of the year. He said there isn’t necessarily a need to enforce laws against jaywalking on campus. “Out of all the priorities out there, I don’t think it is the highest. Crossing roads away from the corner is less of a problem than crossing at corners,” Parker said, adding that intersections are the most problematic, especially during busy moments in between classes. “Hundreds of pedestrians make it impossible for cars to turn right or left, and cars have to aggressively
carve out a space for themselves, playing chicken with pedestrians, in order to proceed,” he said. “Yet in these cases, both the cars and the pedestrians are acting within the law, so it’s not really jaywalking.” Parker said traffic and pedestrian problems are mainly caused by design and engineering issues. The Campus Planning and Development Committee is made up of board of trustees and senate appointees who discuss urban design flaws on campus and attempt to generate solutions for these issues. David Gordon, director of the School of Urban and Regional Planning, sat on the Committee during his undergraduate years at Queen’s and still does today. “My view of jaywalking as an urban planner is that it is the sign of a healthy city,” he said. “For example, in downtown Kingston, people cross every which way on Princess St. Cars know that you can’t drive 60 km an hour down that street during a busy Saturday afternoon.” Queen’s is viewed as an urban campus, he said. “There are some universities, designed in the 60s and 70s, like York and Laval where there’s a ring road with a pedestrian area inside of it. I suppose it’s safer for the pedestrians in the inside of the area, but that doesn’t work in an established city.” Gordon said he thinks there are also issues with sidewalk and road width, which add to campus
traffic violations. “Union St. is way too wide; it’s a two lane street that is so wide you don’t realize you’re hitting it going 60 km an hour,” he said. “There needs to be street trees, parked cars, sidewalk cafes and other life that causes people to realize the sort of area it is.” These suggestions are traffic calming measures, which are used to make certain spaces distinctly urban and remind drivers of necessary precautions. “What you want is all the signals being sent to the drivers that this is an area where you go slow,” he said, adding that he thinks an ideal example of traffic calming is the area near Market Square at King St. and Brock St. “We’ve been trying to design Union St. and University Ave. to make it safer for people to cross, notwithstanding the laws of Ontario,” he said. “It’s sad that at 2:30 in the afternoon, when there are 5,000 people on the streets of campus, 50 vehicles have the right of way.” The committee is trying to make high-volume pedestrian crossing a safer venture, he said, by creating wider sidewalks, narrower streets and encouraging parked cars, which help to slow down traffic and accommodate pedestrian movement. However, he said, their plans to execute these ideas are still in the discussion phase. “It’s not a short-term thing,” he said, adding that implementing
photo by justin tang
these plans can be difficult because of restrictions put in place by the city of Kingston. “The problem here is that the streets are owned by the city of Kingston, so the campus cannot do anything,” he said, adding that to rebuild University Ave. a few years ago, Queen’s had to raise money from alumni. “We need the city of Kingston to change its attitude about pedestrians and traffic on campus,” he said. “The city has the authority, responsibility and veto but the University is required to spend the money.” According to a census performed in the summer, Gordon said Kingston has the second highest proportion of walking and bicycling to work in Canada, beat out only by Victoria, British Columbia. “In the core of the city where most of the students live, that’s a majority lifestyle,” he said, and streets like Union St. are difficult for pedestrian lifestyles because of large amounts of asphalt and skinny sidewalks. While jaywalking poses a safety concern, he said he thinks it’s still an implicit aspect of urban communities. “I think a city with no jaywalking is an indication that it’s pretty dead.” —With files from Kelly Loeper
why we say jay The word “jay” can be traced all the way back to the 16th century. It was a colloquial expression used to describe “a stupid, silly person; a simpleton.” —Source: Oxford English Dictionary
Jae Min Lim designed an “ergo crosswalk” in a competition for, a website about design culture. It mimics people’s habits as they cross intersections: taking the shortest route possible.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011