The Queen's Journal, Volume 142, Issue 16

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T h u r s d ay , N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 4 — I s s u e 1 6

j the ournal Queen’s University — Since 1873


Queen’s to develop sexual assault policy Woolf to receive recommendations from working group by end of 2014-15 school year

“It does seem that there has been a bit of a lack of clarity around where to turn and who to turn to and how people who are appealed to should react, and I think that should certainly be a major focus of the policy.”

“[The policy is] not only a way to hold the University accountable in their actions but also it’s just not really fair to expect some people to deal with these things without some guidance or a policy to work with.”

— Daniel Woolf, Queen’s principal

— Mike Young, Queen’s rector

B y C hloe S obel News Editor After an investigation from the Toronto Star that related accounts of sexual assault at Queen’s, Principal Daniel Woolf has pledged to move forward in creating a specific sexual assault policy. The Journal published a feature about sexual assault at Queen’s on Oct. 8, later followed by an editorial criticizing University administration for lacking a specific policy for sexual assault. The only policy around sexual assault is in the University’s harassment and discrimination policy, stating that sexual assault as defined by the Criminal Code falls under sexual harassment. The policy was developed in 2000. Woolf wrote a letter to the editor after the editorial was published, stating that Queen’s is committed to individualizing support for survivors. After the Star‘s investigation was published on Nov. 20, Woolf released a public statement through the Queen’s Gazette regarding the story, and later a video message, stating that he’s instructed the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Working Group to expedite recommendations for the University to enhance and create

programs and initiatives to deal with sexual assault, including a sexual assault policy. While Woolf said he’ll ask the working group to make its recommendations and findings publicly available by the end of the school year, some initiatives and programs will be introduced before the end of the year. Woolf said he responded to the Star‘s story because it had used wording that implied a lack of interest, stating that he had “refused” an interview. “We provided lots of information to the Star but what we refused to do was discuss the specific cases and they were quite insistent that that’s what they wanted to talk about,” he said. “But I did feel I had to set the record straight that we were treating this issue very seriously ­— we have been for a while,” he added. “I thought that it was best that I indicate to the community that we would be prioritizing this and I would be speaking in the near future to the working group just to encourage them to pursue their work on a perhaps more aggressive timetable than they were doing.” In his letter to the Journal, Woolf wrote that every case of sexual assault needs to be handled in an See Rector on page 7


Philosophy prof reveals discrimination

News Ferguson spreads Page 2

Feature HCDS lacks space Page 3

Lifestyle Yes or Mo Page 17


Fall varsity squads

Adèle Mercier says she faced intimidation from administration B y M ishal O mar Assistant News Editor Adèle Mercier, a professor in the philosophy department, has accused Queen’s of using intimidation tactics to silence her and two other professors after she filed a complaint of gender discrimination against the department. Mercier spoke of her experience with gender discrimination at the Women’s Worth Week “Gender Across the Disciplines” event last Wednesday. In 2008, she filed complaints with the Human Rights Office after several female graduate students approached Mercier, professor Susan Babbitt and one other female philosophy professor about gender discrimination in the department. Mercier said she and the other professors came forward to 16 people, including deans and associate deans, “principals”, and the provost and vice provost. After a complaint was filed, an “External Climate Review”

was conducted in 2010. The review found the allegations of gender discrimination to be legitimate, and offered recommendations — including the decentralization of power in the department — to combat the issue. Since then, Mercier said only some of the recommendations have been implemented. She declined to give details on which specific recommendations from the “climate review” weren’t implemented in the philosophy department. Instead, Mercier alleges that since she filed a complaint with the department, she and the two other professors that came forward have faced intimidation tactics by University administration. As a result of these tactics, Mercier has filed two human rights complaints against Queen’s and other individuals involved in this issue to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. One was filed in Sept. 2012 and the other in Feb. 2013, and neither of these


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complaints have been resolved as of yet. Queen’s University Faculty Association (QUFA) has filed several grievances on behalf of Mercier in accordance with the Queen’s-QUFA collective agreement. One of these grievances was stated in the human rights complaint filed in Feb. 2013, and said that in May 2010, Mercier was given a letter by the University that relieved her of some of her responsibilities in her department that she didn’t wish to be relieved of. Mercier referenced this in her presentation on Wednesday when she alleged that she was “booted off” committees that she was once involved in. Mercier also said that she faced the brunt of the consequences since she was the only one to file an official complaint, but the other two professors who came forward have also been negatively affected. See Legal on page 7


Just brunch things

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Thursday, November 27, 2014


Protesters show solidarity with Ferguson

Rally underscores the importance of black lives after grand jury chooses not to indict Missouri police officer B y J enna Z ucker Staff Writer

Cities across North America are seeing protests and demonstrations following a grand jury’s decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Posters reading “Black Lives Matter”, “Race is not a weapon” and “No Justice No Peace” lined Market Square, where over 100 protestors gathered on Tuesday. A peaceful rally to stop police violence against black youth and demand justice in this case was held in honour of Brown. The freezing weather didn’t stop the protesters from their continuous chanting of “hands up, don’t shoot, black lives matter”, referencing the Brown family’s opinion that Michael posed no threat to Wilson. Passersby provided encouragement and support for the protesters, honking and cheering as they went by. The protesters also took part in four and a half minutes of silence to pay tribute to Brown’s death and recognize the four and a half hours that his body remained in the street. The predominantly white crowd stood in solidarity to “get people thinking about racial hatred and police brutality”, said protester Steven McLean, Nurs ’16. Though the shooting took place in Missouri, the rally was meant to “bring more awareness to the corruption in both the States and Canada”, said Laina Van Winckle, ArtSci ’15. The protest in the square lasted for about an hour, when the protesters decided to peacefully march up the sidewalks of Princess St. to Division St. to gain more exposure. One of the rally’s organizers, Alex Da Costa, said the event was organized just that morning as “a lot of people were following the verdict, and wanted to demonstrate their indignation”. “The goal is to attempt to reach out and connect with other people who are

indignant about the situation and hopefully demonstrate that this is not something people in society approve of,” he said. “A lot of communities are feeling this kind of pain and when we can reach out and demonstrate solidarity — that we’re thinking of them and that we want justice for them — then I think that we’re doing our best to support them from where we are in Kingston.” Da Costa said Ferguson is a “microcosm” of a broader situation. “If this demonstration can galvanize people to be aware and to move against this type of situation, we have succeeded,” he said. He added that the rally allows people to channel their energy “in a peaceful way that is seeking some type of change” and demonstrates the mistrust and anger that Canadians have about policing in the United States. “A lot of people were following the verdict and while a lot of people said they were not surprised by it, because they don’t really trust that the system brings justice, especially to Over 100 protesters gathered at Market Square on Tuesday. particular communities, in North America as a whole, so the indignation that people were feeling and wanting to demonstrate that people are aware of this and are not happy,” he said. “We feel for the family and are trying to make a statement as to that we want justice for Mike Brown, and others who are killed through police violence.” Demonstrations across North America will shed light on the black community’s claims of harassment and violence against them by predominantly white police forces, Da Costa said. He added that the anger with the verdict and the pain that a lot of these families and communities are suffering could bring change. “The goal is to attempt to reach out and connect with other people who are angry about the situation and hopefully demonstrate that this is not something people in Canadian society approve of,” he said.


Thursday, November 27, 2014



Lack of space limits progress Despite advancements on mental health initiatives, LaSalle impedes growth of Queen’s counselling services B y S ebastian L eck Features Editor Despite a Queen’s-wide focus on mental health, the University’s counselling services still lack the infrastructure they need. On Nov. 28, 2012, Queen’s released the 2012 Report of the Principal’s Commission on Mental Health (PCMH). The report identified major areas of concern for Queen’s and laid out 116 recommendations for improving mental health on campus. Principal Daniel Woolf commissioned the report in 2011 after the deaths of six students in 2010 and 2011. Three of the deaths were confirmed to be suicides. The Report of the PCMH outlined four “pillars” of addressing mental health issues: promoting a healthy community, easing transitions between high school and university, encouraging help-seeking behaviour and expanding mental health services. LaSalle — the building that houses Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCDS) — is at capacity and can’t support additional staff, according to HCDS Director Mike Condra. HCDS currently has two part-time psychiatrists and one general practitioner psychotherapist on staff, in addition to 10 full-time counselling positions and six casual counsellors, who work part-time or irregular hours depending on demand. Condra told the Journal via email that the physical space is the most significant challenge for creating an accessible service. “The older LaSalle Building, where the Counselling Service is currently located, and its layout can create barriers to access for some students. The quantity of space available is insufficient,” he said. Limited space restricts growth, Condra said, while the way the building is constructed makes changing the space “very expensive”. However, he said the University has added new counsellors by embedding them into different faculties and buildings on campus, such as the John Deutsch University Centre (JDUC). The university’s eight embedded counsellors include two in residences and one each in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, the School of Graduate Studies (SGS), the Faculty of Education, the School of Medicine, Queen’s School of Business and the JDUC. Four of the counsellors — one in

residences and those in the Faculty of Engineering, SGS and Faculty of Education — were added last year. “The University is currently evaluating how embedded counsellors in faculty and student-focused buildings (JDUC, Residences) across campus can promote access to service,” Condra said. The University is in the planning stages of a larger Student Wellness Centre, he said, which will be located in the Physical Education Centre (PEC). The implementation of a Student Wellness Centre was one of the recommendations the PCMH made in 2012. Since the report was released, the University has charged the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health with coordinating the implementation of recommendations and reporting on their progress. The Provost’s Advisory Committee on Mental Health includes representatives from HCDS, Student Affairs, the AMS, the SGPS and Queen’s faculty. Deputy Provost Laeeque Daneshmend — the delegate for Provost and Vice-Principal Alan Harrison on the committee — was unable to comment by deadline. Some of the PCMH report’s recommendations — such as establishing an Academic Advisory Committee and initiatives like Q-Success — have already been implemented. Q-Success is an academic transition program for first-year students, for which upper-year mentors and Queen’s staff run educational sessions throughout the year. The initiative was expanded this year to serve 300 students instead of the 100 students it served in 2013-14. Other recommendations, like the creation of an Exam Centre and consultations on exam scheduling, won’t be implemented until the 2015-16 school year, according to a report released in June by the Provost’s Advisory Committee. The Exam Centre, according to the original PCMH report, will serve as a venue for all exams, tests and midterms. The report stated that this would “normalize accommodations and ease the resource-intensive burden on individual professors and departments of finding space, time and proctors”. The last goal that will be implemented — increasing the number of full-time psychiatrists at HCDS to three — won’t be completed until the 2016-17 school year, according to the Provost’s Advisory Committee’s June report.

Queen’s has made progress on several recommendations made in 2012.

Student representation on the committee includes Rector Mike Young and AMS Vice-President of University Affairs Philip Lloyd. According to Young, most of the report’s goals will be completed by the end of the 2015-16 school year. He said this time period allows the group to focus on perfecting mental health protocols. “It’s better to roll something out in 2015 or 2016 and do it right so it’s here for years, instead of rolling it out now and have to fix it as we go,” said Young, ConEd ’15. Young said financial considerations have also made expanding student services more difficult, since a tight budget has meant reduced funding for student services. “Our options this year were to increase enrolment and maintain our budget, or sustain enrolment and have a reduced budget for student services. So either have more students need help and maintain your funding, or maintain the number of students and reduce your funding. So it’s a lose-lose situation,” he said. The University needs to “diversify its revenue” and depend less on enrolment to receive government funding, he said, or the problem will continue. Young has focused on mental health since his campaign for rector last winter, when he advocated for an increase in faculty-specific counsellors. He said he’s currently aiming to create a “Mental Health Award” for students who work on mental health issues. He said the award could go to students who helped other students in crisis, or who started a mental health initiative. Young added that he’d gather student feedback on the award before finalizing any details. While the original PCMH report recommended that the university consider a 13-week semester instead of the current 12-week model, Young said he’d prefer to see an additional three- or four-day weekend during the first semester instead.

“That’s what I would push for, rather than a fundamental restructuring of our schedule,” he said, noting that implementing a 13-week semester would affect orientation week schedules and exam scheduling. It’s also important to have professors coordinate syllabi to avoid overwhelming students with multiple assignments scheduled at the same time, Young said. “We need to get to the root causes of [mental health] issues, and in the interim look at things like a long weekend to mitigate some of the short-term issues,” he said. The infrastructure of the AMS Peer Support Centre (PSC) has improved since 2012, Young said. According to PSC Director Cara Chen, usage of the PSC has remained steady in the last two years, although the physical space has been made more accessible through a renovation this year. The PSC is located in Room 34 of the JDUC. Before it gained an administrative office in 2012 — located in Room 40 of the JDUC — the PSC had been a single room. Despite this measure, Young said the inadequate space allotted to HCDS is still a major concern. “There are more students and more need than that centre at this point can take,” he said. “That’s not necessarily a failure of anyone at that centre itself. They need more space and they need more money.” The Report of the PCMH recommended a review of HCDS and its services. Debbie Bruckner, the director of the Students’ Union Wellness Centre at the University of Calgary, and David McMurray, vice-president of Student Affairs at Wilfrid Laurier University, conducted the review on Oct. 28 and 29. They met with students and staff and held open meetings for students and staff in Ban Righ Hall and the JDUC. The review’s findings haven’t yet been released, but they will be


in the coming weeks, according to Queen’s Student Affairs website. The HCDS conducted a National College Health Assessment (NCHA) survey in 2013, which they’ll use again this year “as part of our prioritization and decision-making processes”, according to the Provost’s Advisory Committee’s June report. The 2013 survey, which polled 1,241 Queen’s students, found that 91.7 per cent of respondents reported feeling overwhelmed in the previous 12 months. It also found that 60.4 per cent felt overwhelming anxiety, 38.4 per cent had felt “so depressed it was difficult to function” and 10 per cent seriously considered suicide. Condra, the director of HCDS, told the Journal in September that HCDS considers the sample to be of “a sufficient size to draw conclusions about the entire student population”. Holly Mathias, one of the co-chairs of the Mental Health Awareness Committee (MHAC), said Queen’s needs to focus more on its upper-year students. MHAC runs events throughout campus to raise awareness about mental health issues and reduce the stigma around mental illness, according to Mathias, ArtSci ’16. While the University has many supports for first-years, especially in residence, she said, there aren’t enough in place for upper-years. “Usually upper-years fall through the cracks, so we’re looking at educating fourth-years who may not have been interested or paid attention to mental health issues in their first year,” Mathias said. Stigma around mental health has decreased in recent years, she said. She’s seen more students apply to positions in mental health groups, volunteer for initiatives and attend mental health events on campus than they did two years ago. “If stigma is [measured] in the way of people speaking out and talking about mental health and illness,” Mathias said, “then it has decreased since my first year here.”


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Thursday, November 27, 2014


Queen’s strengthens relationship with China A “two-plus-two” degree program between Queen’s and Shanghai’s Tongji University was announced on Nov. 20, adding to efforts by the University to increase international enrolment. Queen’s strategic framework noted that the University is aiming to increase the international undergraduate student population to 10 per cent of its total. Participating students will study at Tongji’s College of Environmental Science and Engineering for two years and spend a subsequent two at Queen’s School of Environmental Studies before receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental science from Queen’s. The first group of students — with each group likely to number around 15 students — is expected to arrive in fall 2015. The official signing of the agreement took place in Shanghai last week and was attended by Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Alan Harrison; Dean of Arts and Science

Susan Mumm; and Associate Vice-Principal (International) Kathy O’Brien. The partnership follows a series of other collaborations between the universities, including an Aquatic Biodiversity and Environmental Assessment joint field course and Sino-Canada Network for the Environment and Sustainable Development joint research initiative. It also comes after the launch of a new Chinese webpage by Queen’s, which includes information on the University and the City of Kingston. China is the number one country of citizenship for both undergraduate and graduate international students at Queen’s. Twenty-nine per cent of undergraduate international students and 24 per cent of graduate international students are Chinese citizens. — Natasa Bansagi

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Thursday, November 27, 2014


Islamic Centre vandalized in apparent hate crime Alcohol bottles thrown at building broke two windows, door B y A nisa R awhani Editorials Editor Last Saturday, a young girl brought her piggy bank to the Islamic Centre of Kingston’s international bazaar to help pay for the two windows and glass door that had been broken several hours before. Centre members discovered the vandalism Saturday morning when exiting to the side parking lot following early-morning prayer. The damage was caused sometime between 8:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21 and 6 a.m. Saturday when a suspect or suspects threw alcohol bottles at the building, according to police reports. Religious symbols — the Star of David and the Cross, among other unidentified pictures — were discovered drawn in the snow where the broken bottles lay, as well as footprints and tire tracks. The Kingston Police Force (KPF) arrived at the scene and collected potential evidence for analysis soon after the damage was discovered. Steve Koopman, media relations officer for the KPF, said investigators are still in the process of reviewing footage from the Centre’s security cameras. “We would consider the motive to be hate-based,” Koopman said. Mohammad Saleem, president of the Centre, said he believes the crime was an attempt to sabotage the Centre’s annual international bazaar, which took place Saturday. Despite the incident, Centre members decided to proceed with the event. Saleem, who moved to Kingston in 1987, said he thought the sabotage attempts backfired, as participation in the bazaar was higher than he’d ever witnessed. From his time in Kingston, Saleem said, such hate-based events are few and far between, and are in no way reflective of the Kingston

population as a whole. He said, however, that such events have occurred more so in recent years, with the most recent incident occurring on Oct. 6, 2013, when six Muslim Queen’s students were physically and verbally assaulted by four men. Saleem said he was very grateful for the Kingston community’s reaction. “We have been getting a lot of messages of support. Interfaith groups have been in the forefront,” he said. He added that support also came in the form of individuals, including the young girl with her piggy bank, offering to contribute to repairs, as well as a retired police officer who offered to patrol during the day and evenings to protect the building. “It makes me feel good to know that people feel that an attack on one is an attack on all,” he said. Mona Rahman, a Muslim post-doctoral fellow in the

department of biochemistry, said she found out about the vandalism when she arrived at the bazaar. Rahman, born and raised in Kingston, said she considers the vandalism a hate crime, but also an isolated incident. “I know my community, and I’ve seen how people rally around when things like this happen,” she said. “To me, those are individuals … [who are] not representative of Kingston. “Just as we as Muslims don’t like to be generalized, we shouldn’t generalize the community at large.” No arrests have been made at this time. Anyone with information is asked to contact Det. Cam Gough at 613-549-4660, ext. 6273, or via email at


Anonymous tips can be made to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or on the website at



The broken door at the Islamic Centre of Kingston.



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Thursday, November 27, 2014


Initial LGBTQ Action Week works toward safe spaces ASUS and EQuIP pair up to bring attention to identity issues B y J acob R osen Assistant News Editor


ASUS’s Social Justice Committee chose to make the first annual LGBTQ Action Week their primary project this year. The week’s events, in partnership with EQuIP, focus on creating safe spaces for members of the LGBTQ community at Queen’s and dispelling stereotypes associated with LGBTQ people. Joe Osborne, co-chair of the ASUS Social Justice Committee, said the committee chose LGBTQ issues as its focus because “often as a community it gets ignored and left behind”. The week’s events began with a promotional video that dealt with some of the stereotypes often associated with the LGBTQ community. The committee

also paired up with Common professors felt in the past. Ground to promote awareness Osborne said the LGBTQ through sticker advertisements on community of Kingston at large coffee cups. “suffers from invisibility” because An open forum was also held although Kingston is one of the Monday, featuring a panel of larger cities in Ontario, it lacks an openly LGBTQ faculty members established gay bar. to discuss experiences of coming The committee will be hosting out and the struggles associated a LGBTQ and allies night at the with societal acceptance. Underground on Friday to create “Something that we’re discussing an opportunity for LGBTQ now is that it’s impossible to students to have a safe space to go separate your own sexual or gender out, something that Osborne said identity from other parts of your is “lacking” and “that we wanted self-identity,” Osborne said. to engage with”. He added that LGBTQ There have been discussions communities are trying to include with the Underground, he said, other social identity issues, such about recurring LGBTQ nights, but as race, culture and ethnicity, in further progress with that project the greater LGBTQ concerns would depend on the popularity of of self-identity. Friday’s event. Another issue discussed in “There is an obligation to make Mondays forum was the lack of some sort of safe space for LGBTQ community that some of the older students on campus,” he said.


First employee resource group for women launched Group has been two years in the making at Queen’s B y N atasa B ansagi Assistant News Editor



Following years of examination into equity issues at the University, the first Employee Resource Group (ERG) for women was launched this month. Human Resources Organizational Development and Learning manager Mary Elms told the Journal via email that the ERG, a partnership between the Equity Office and Human Resources, will serve partly as a “communication conduit” at the University. The ERG, which was established on Nov. 14, will provide resources based on employees’ needs, she said, adding that seminars, networking, information sessions, mentoring opportunities and “the opportunity to communicate more broadly to the University community and to take a leadership role in breaking down barriers to equal participation” may be among the resources provided. Interest in ERGs was first explored two years ago, following the formation of ERGs at some American universities, and included

employee focus groups with Equity Advisors. “One of the strongest reasons a focus on women was chosen, was the fact that women are themselves a group identified through statistics and other studies as meeting with systemic inequities in the university environment,” Elms said. She added that women are part of “diverse communities” — Indigenous, immigrant, Lesbian/Queer and persons with disabilities, for example — that also experience “systemic inequities within the universities’ workforce”. Human Rights Office Director Irène Bujara told the Journal via email that Queer University of Toronto Employees is the only other ERG she is aware of at a Canadian university. “It is difficult to imagine that there are not others across Canadian Universities, but they may use different terminology and their goals may be somewhat different,” she said. She said support from the University through resources and encouragement, coupled with leadership from the employees, makes for a successful ERG.

“This means that employees see a benefit for themselves and wish to provide a benefit to the University through their participation in such a group,” Bujara said. “It also means that the employees need to make a time commitment to sustain a meaningful series of events that will attract the continued participation of employees.” Bujara said although an ERG wouldn’t be suited to every university, the response to the formation of the ERG at Queen’s has been “tremendous”, with “very few individuals who have not been supportive”, although faculty members had more questions about the ERG’s goals. “This is not surprising, given that a faculty member works in multiple worlds — as educators, researchers, and at times employers themselves when their research funding allow the hiring of individuals to assist in their research,” she said. “We are quite certain that this first step will lead to the formation of more groups focused on assisting the professional development of many staff members within Queen’s and enhancing the environment for everyone.”

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Rector reaching out to students on possible policy Continued from page 1

individualized manner. “I think we have to have an individualized approach because cases are very different and one size does not fit all,” he said. He added that it’s clear that universities are moving towards standalone sexual assault policies. “I do not believe for a minute that a policy will fix all the problems to do with sexual assault,” he said. “This is about a longer-term strategy, this is about education, this is about a whole bunch of things. But I also don’t think that a policy will hurt, and if indeed it provides clarity for victims and survivors as to where they should turn, how they will be supported, by whom, and clarity to how staff and faculty should deal with cases, then I think the policy will be a good thing.” What a policy might look like is still unclear. “We want to proceed with some dispatch but we also want to be careful that it’s a good policy,” he said. “From my mind, the key is support for survivors. Leaving aside issues of adjudication, legal proceedings against alleged

perpetrators, we must focus on the support for those who are in a situation where they have been sexually assaulted and it does seem that there has been a bit of a lack of clarity around where to turn and who to turn to and how people who are appealed to should react, and I think that should certainly be a major focus of the policy.” Arig al Shaibah, chair of the working group and assistant dean of Student Affairs, said the working group was established proactively in July 2013, rather than in response to specific incidents. Its mandate is to organize efforts to prevent and respond to sexual assault on campus. al Shaibah said the working group had been looking at a specific sexual assault policy as of a “couple of months” ago. “We were looking at our existing policy, the harassment and discrimination policy, and wondering if we should think about standalone sexual assault policy and so that would have been something that would have been recommended,” she said. While the working group would be the one to recommend a policy, there would be a number of

Woolf issued a video statement on the Star’s story.

bodies involved in contributing to a policy’s key components. “Clearly some of the best practices are putting in information about clear protocols and procedures, making the community aware of the actual resources and services that are available,” she said. al Shaibah added that they’re looking at policies from other universities, with the University of Guelph’s sexual assault protocol at the “top of the list”. Guelph’s protocol was implemented in 2011, and provides a list of on-campus and off-campus resources, a description of the ways students can report incidents of sexual assault and a definition of what constitutes sexual assault. In his Nov. 20 statement, Woolf said he would meet with the working group within two weeks; al Shaibah said the meeting’s tentative date is Dec. 2. Rector Mike Young said in developing a specific sexual assault policy, Queen’s needs to take into account how it’s different from other universities and ensure the policy is “very friendly” to Queen’s and the community. “[The policy is] not only a way to hold the University accountable in their actions but also it’s just not really fair to expect some people to deal with these things without some guidance or a policy to work with,” said Young, ConEd ’15. “I think it’s helpful for both sides, both for students to know where to go and also for university people to understand their roles, their responsibilities and perhaps it’ll lead to more training so people know exactly how to work with the policy.” Young said he’s reached out to students for consultation on what they think a sexual assault policy should look like and how they feel about Woolf’s statements on sexual assault. “I obviously have my thoughts about what needs to be done and what a good policy would look like and what needs to be accounted for, but I represent 24,000 independent thinkers, so I need those thoughts badly,” he said.




Legal proceedings underway Continued from page 1

“I’m not the only one to whom it’s happened,” she said. “It’s a kind of ubiquitous workplace phenomenon and it’s called mobbing.” Susan Babbitt, one of the other professors who came forward, told the Journal via email that philosophy is one of the most male-dominated and “white” disciplines, and that anyone entering this field as a feminist should expect career frustration. “Our department, several years ago, had a “climate review”, conducted by independent scholars and involving most members of the department. The report clearly identified systemic anti-feminist

bias,” Babbitt said. “Yet instead of motivating real change, the report was followed by personal attacks against the colleague most responsible for requesting the review. I saw it, and still see it, as silencing.” She added that the department has been resistant to change intended to improve the position of women within the department. “My department resists fundamental change to the curriculum, needed for women to be equally included in scholarship and intellectual community.” Queen’s Communications Specialist Kristyn Wallace spoke on behalf of the University in an email statement to the Journal responding to Mercier’s allegations.


“Queen’s believes that all faculty, staff and students should be able to work and study in an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination,” Wallace said. “There are currently ongoing legal proceedings involving the university and Professor Mercier. Because of those proceedings, it would not be appropriate to provide further details on the matter at this time.” Diane Beauchemin, the media contact from QUFA, declined to comment on the proceedings. “I can’t [comment] because there are grievances in progress,” she said. “We can’t divulge what’s going on.”



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Thursday, November 27, 2014


Editorials — The Journal’s Perspective


City should reprioritize snow removal Foot traffic must be accounted 15-minute walk to campus. District. They’ve yet to express the for in local snow removal efforts The University has done a same accountability over the area this year. thorough job of ensuring campus is in regards to sidewalk clearances, Meteorologists are projecting snow- and ice-free, but that doesn’t even though ice can pose a major that this coming winter will be matter if students can’t walk to safety concern to students. as bitter as the last. As such, it’s campus without fear of injury. The AMS’s Municipal Affairs critical that the City of Kingston The onus is on the University to Commission (MAC) should redesignate which areas are advocate for their students. continue to advocate for sidewalk prioritized for snow removal so Queen’s has committed to paying clearance to be treated as a priority. that sidewalks and pedestrians are the City over $100,000 annually to When snow and ice do persist, taken into account. help cover Homecoming police students need to take advantage of For snow and ice removal, costs for events in the University Physical Plant Services’ Fix It desk the City prioritizes roads based on street traffic, rather than pedestrian traffic. According to this classification, Division St., Stuart St. and University Ave. are bus routes rather than arterial roads, making them a lesser priority for removal. Last year, housing areas surrounding the University were neglected as a result of low street traffic, despite the high volume of foot traffic. This can’t be repeated again. A system needs to be implemented that accounts for the unique circumstances surrounding Queen’s as a public institution. Streets with a high concentration of pedestrian traffic should be lumped into a separate area of classification. Queen’s fall 2013 enrolment was 24,582, with 85 per cent per cent of students living within a

Jacob Rosen

To many Canadians, recent events in Ferguson might seem too far from home to understand. We often like to distinguish ourselves as an inclusive “cultural mosaic” that opposes our American sibling’s “melting pot.” We paint Canada as accepting and appreciative of all races, cultures and ethnicities, as though what happened in Ferguson would never happen here. But I beg to differ. The current racial tensions that persist in the United States find their roots in a history of colonization, slavery and oppression. The experience of black individuals in Ferguson is in some ways similar to that of Canada’s Aboriginal population. The economic and social hardships and inequality endured by

Editorial Board Editors in Chief

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Ferguson not so far from home the Aboriginal community is issues, they aren’t issues that deeply rooted in historical, should only concern black and institutional neglect. Aboriginal individuals. According to a 2013 RCMP We have to learn from Ferguson. investigation, there were roughly On an individual level, Canadians 1,200 police-reported murders and need to recognize that insidious cases of missing Aboriginal women systems of racial oppression exist from 1980-2012. Yet there still within our own institutions. hasn’t been a national inquiry into Queen’s campus is relatively the murders, and roughly half have quiet in terms of public protest been left unsolved. and political controversy. That’s Canada takes after its older not something students should be sibling — the United States proud of. — by ignoring and neglecting the Although the AMS has a systemic inequalities plaguing policy of neutrality to not impose minority populations. The message political views on the student they’re respectively sending is that body as a whole, we need to take black and Aboriginal lives aren’t individual initiative in supporting worth as much as white ones. political activism. While these incidents are Queen’s students may not be classified as black and Aboriginal directly affected by the events in Arts Editors Olivia Loncar-Bartolini Kashmala Omar

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Diana Anton

to report any unaddressed areas, so that improvements can be made. While budget constraints are understandable, funds need to be allocated for sidewalk treatment. It’s more expensive to pay for broken bones and hospital bills than it is to take preventative measures that will keep citizens safe.

“It’s more expensive to pay for broken bones and hospital bills than it is to take preventative measures that will keep citizens safe.”


Calorie count not enough

The Ontario government’s efforts — Journal Editorial Board to include nutrition data on menus is worthwhile, but encouraging healthy choices can’t stop there. A proposed bill would make Ontario the first province to require all restaurants, fast-food outlets, supermarkets and convenience stores with 20 or more locations province-wide to include calorie data on their menus. From a study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto — where 17 to 30 per cent of 3,080 participants altered their food order after seeing calorie data on menus — it’s clear that nutritional information changes the way consumers look at menus. Consumers deserve to know what’s in their food so that they’re better able to make informed decisions. Certain menu items can be misleading, which might mean individuals, even when they want to ILLUSTRATION BY MICHAELLA FORTUNE make healthier choices, don’t adjust their choices accurately. The Heart and Stroke Ferguson and missing Aboriginal women, but maintaining a passive, Foundation has been a major bystander attitude is unacceptable. supporter of the bill, as heart disease Change begins with educating is the number one cause of death ourselves — by engaging with among Canadian men and women. But the Liberal government’s issues, cultures and populations that wouldn’t ordinarily cross efforts are in some ways limited, as calorie and sodium levels aren’t the our paths. It may be more difficult for most informative measures of the students to educate themselves at nutritional value of food. It would a university that reflects a culture be more valuable to include fats, of whiteness. But that doesn’t as trans fat is a major enemy to a excuse a lack of initiative in finding healthy heart. The greater issue at hand is resources to learn and take a stand. This education is more than the that the average consumer doesn’t fully understand the significance GPA on your transcript. The events that have unfolded of calorie, sodium and trans fat in Ferguson shouldn’t serve as a data. Consumers need to be cue for white guilt, but rather as an given the tools to understand example of the need to take action nutritional information. While menu labeling is a good against institutional oppression. The only way for change to way to help consumers think in happen is through mass support those terms, the province and — especially from allies who don’t organizations like the Heart and Stroke Foundation need to educate suffer the same neglect. consumers at every stage, rather than simply at the point of purchase. Jacob is one of the Journal’s Assistant News Editors. He’s a second-year film and media major.

Joshua Goodfield Alicia Hai

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Fraser Bruce Jacob Rumball Teddy Taggart Flora Wu Thursday, November 27 • Issue 16 • Volume 142

The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers.

— Journal Editorial Board Contents © 2014 by the Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the Journal. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. Subscriptions are available for $80.00 per year (plus applicable taxes). Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. Please direct editorial, advertising and circulation enquiries to: 190 University Ave., Kingston, ON, K7L 3P4 Telephone: 613-533-2800 (editorial) 613-533-6711 (advertising) Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: The Journal online: Circulation 6,000 Issue 17 of the Journal will be published on , January 9, 2015

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Opinions — Your perspective

Talking heads


... around campus

Pact lacks practicality


The U.S.- China emission pact has vision but omitted short-term goals

Are you concerned about this coming winter?

“Not really. I like snow, I want to go skating.” Emma Frappier, ArtSci ’17

“Ice and I don’t mix well.” PHOTO BY ARWIN CHAN

Laura Bossy, ArtSci ’16

Joshua Goodfield argues that the U.S.-China pact to reduce harmful emissions on the environment doesn’t have enough short-term goals.

year. Voters recently witnessed Nations climate summits in Prime Minister Stephen Harper Lima and Paris, China and the skip the UN Climate Summit in U.S. are now the leaders placing September. No more excuses can an inherent pressure on other be made now that the world’s two countries to join in on their heaviest emitters have set public ambitious goals. emission reduction targets. The main issue, quick to be Joshua Goodfield, ArtSci ’15 The U.S. is planning to pointed out by Obama critics, is reduce emissions by 26 to that this is a non-binding policy Earlier this month, Chinese 28 per cent below its 2005 seen in good faith. In 2025 or President Xi Jinping and United levels by 2025 , while China is 2030, it’s uncertain whether the States President Barack Obama committed to capping its world will still hold these values in established an agreement to emissions by 2030. This means the forefront of their minds. support the global effort to reduce that China’s emissions will As well, neither China greenhouse gas emissions. be documented in 2030 and nor the U.S. will face any Their meeting on Nov. 9 shouldn’t exceed that rate in domestic or international received grandiose public support the future. consequences if these policies aren’t due to the ambitious goals both No mandate has been met, which furthers the idea that as countries agreed to. It seemed placed as to how much those new political leaders are elected to promise the potential for emissions will be reduced and in the government will lose interest in international unity on the front of what time frame. these goals. addressing climate change. This goal has received This climate change This is an exciting prospect at international praise, as this is agreement won’t solve the drastic first glimpse. The U.S. and China the first public target ever set environmental issues at hand, and are the world’s largest economies by China, the world’s largest believing otherwise is detrimental and represent 40 per cent of global emitter. President Xi wants to to future policy-making. greenhouse gas emissions. place emphasis on zero-emissions, The goals are too long-term and However, this agreement is non-fossil energy sources that don’t set immediate pressures only the first step in addressing would eventually represent 20 per to act. the larger global issue of cent of China’s energy by 2030. Although this is a progressive climate change. The objectives In the eyes of start for two countries that used are long-term and the policy many, Xi and Obama shaking to hide behind one to avoid is non-binding. hands was a major step in a their climatic realities, there’s The agreement should sustainability-driven revolution. still more to the equation. have added short-term goals in As the levels of environmental With the possibility of a order to maximize its success. catastrophes increase, people looming “tipping point” — where The agreement should also are noticing how the our planet can no longer sustain place pressure on the Canadian state of the natural world impacts its carrying capacity — long-term government to follow suit with a their health and economy. From goals must also possess short-term similar plan. 1980 to 2009 there has been an 80 targets to ensure efficiency. This The agreement occurred before per cent increase in the growth of allows those concerned with the the upcoming Canadian federal climate-related disasters. progress of emission rates to track election, which will take place next In light of upcoming United these goals and remain engaged.

The issues that China and the U.S. are facing on a national scale are very different, but this agreement allowed both leaders to share with the world that their greenhouse gas emissions are a problem. This puts them on an optimistic trajectory. The next step is learning how to utilize the renewable energies at their disposal. An ironic example of this is China being a leader in producing infrastructure such as wind turbines and solar panels for innovative European countries, yet not harvesting much energy themselves through these methods. Hopefully, this agreement and the upcoming UN climate summits will inspire other countries — including Canada — to set firm goals of their own, and to commit to short-term efforts for transparency, accountability and consequences for non-compliance. Each country needs to work on setting realistic individual plans before successful international unity can be achieved. The hope is that this U.S.-China agreement makes it more likely that the upcoming summits will have a positive impact. Joshua Goodfield is a fourth-year geography and environmental science major.

“I hate winter. I should live in Florida.” Christine Somerville, Con-Ed ’16

“I’m worried about my roommate from Pakistan. He’s never experienced winter before.” Calum Thompson, ArtSci ’18

“I live in Wally, the walk won’t be fun.” Sameer Gupta, ArtSci ’18

Have an idea for Opinions? Send pitches to:

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Thursday, November 27, 2014



Art with no boundaries Profile of fine art student Katherine Boxall


Boxall pictured with her piece Bite Your Tongue.

B y K ashmala O mar Arts Editor Visual art is perhaps one of the most powerful mediums of abstract communication. Queen’s fine art student Katherine Boxall hopes for her newest visual-art project Bite Your Tongue to speak to audiences on changing the way society looks at female beauty and expression. With a specialization in oil painting, this fourth-year artist has learned throughout her time at Queen’s that it’s important to be critical of your own work. “Everyone who comes to Queen’s fine arts were the best in their class,” Boxall said. “Then you get here, and suddenly you’re like everyone else. My friend and I were called ‘calendar artists’ in first year, meaning we made images so dull they could be in a calendar. “Going from that to doing large paintings of uncomfortable, provocative images, and not receiving that feedback has been an

experience,” she said. Boxall was the Journal’s Editorials Illustrator in 2013-14. She has worked up the bravery to paint pieces with more personal meaning to her and adapting her style in ways that complement these big changes. When she started here, Boxall would paint pieces distant from her identity, and this gradually changed. “When images are close and more important to you, you’re reluctant to release them and you have a different complex with them,” she said. “You don’t want to slack off on it — it has to be your best work. You’re reluctant to release them unless you can really stand behind them.” Boxall’s latest work Bite Your Tongue is a piece that speaks volumes about that statement. It depicts Boxall in plain underwear, lying against a white background with one hand hooked around her mouth, pulling it to the side. The painting, which is based off an unedited photo of Boxall, is raw

and portrays her in a vulnerable, natural state. Bite Your Tongue, according to Boxall, is a reflection on society’s fascination with the female body and the ideas of beauty that are attached to it. It also reflects the idea that women. “I wanted to talk about that objectification of the female image in general,” the artist said. “I took a provocative genders course that blew my mind and made me really upset about gender issues on campus. I think every Queen’s girl has a sense of pressure with her appearance and desirability.” The painting was also created on the basis of women often feeling as if they have to gauge the consequences of their words before they say them, hence the name of the piece. The artist has pushed herself to present imagery and ideas in a way that make it easier, and more interesting, for people to connect with these ideas and project their feelings onto.

“‘Bite Your Tongue’ for me is kind of about the struggle I feel as a girl where sometimes I feel like when you speak out about something you’re trapped, which is why I’m trapped in the canvas.” Boxall spoke about the extreme frustration she has with the objectification of the female body and being angry about the pressure of having to feel as if you have to fit into a mold. “I think there’s a huge amount of pressure in art and in general to make beautiful things,” she said. “I want to make ugly things sometimes, and it’s scary. But that’s what really pushed me to paint that painting of myself because I’m ugly in it, and you know, I liked that.”

Boxall plans to carry out this theme in her future work and push her boundaries. “I think what I found out about this project was that using your own body gives you a lot of authority to say what you want and create imagery that’s yours — you can control the discourse,” she said. “If I was pushing my limits making this one, they’ve become even bigger and for the next one I want to push them even further.” The reception for Boxall’s work is this Saturday at 6 p.m., and her work will be displayed at the Union Gallery from Nov. 27-Jan. 17.


Listen Up Kid breaks through Kingston native band talks performing locally and remotely B y O livia L oncar -B artolini Arts Editor “Radio friendly but noisy,” are the first words that come to mind when describing the sound of Kingston-native five piece band Listen Up Kid. Drawing influences from bands such as The Beatles, The Used, and heavy California-based rock band Thrice, Listen Up Kid includes a wide variety of sounds and styles in their music. This is especially evident in their latest album, The Process Of Progress and The Possible Side Effects. “It’s very harmonic, melodic, lots of harmonies going on, catchy choruses, fairly atmospheric and

ambient. We’re all pretty influenced by the same stuff,” said Dennis Clark, the band’s lead vocalist and guitarist. Clark has been with Listen Up Kid since its conception. “I came up with the name two years ago. It came out of an acoustic side-project band that I was half-heartedly in,” Clark said. “Now that I got all of these guys together, who are my friends from different walks of life, we’re working on stuff that we’re all equally really proud of.” The members of Listen Up Kid include Clark, who’s the lead singer and guitarist, Jeremy Head on bass, Eric Lavigueur on vocals and guitar, Charlie Thomas on vocals and lead guitar and Justin Andre as

drummer and vocalist. When it comes to playing shows in Kingston, Listen Up Kid is familiar with the crowd and has had much success in the Kingston music scene. This being said, they don’t take just any gig they can get their hands on anymore. “We formed in Toronto and we like to keep our business as out of town as we can. We try and limit Kingston to opening for good touring acts if we can. We have the advantage of opening for good bands,” Clark said. “We opened for Aaron Carter, which was a sold-out show.” Besides opening for Aaron Carter, Listen Up Kid also placed first in Kingston and third in Ontario for Landmark Event’s

The band formed in 2012.

Showcase Festival — a battle of the bands type event — in July of this year. According to Clark, playing shows remotely and experiencing the Toronto music scene has been a great learning experience, but nothing beats his hometown of Kingston. “I’m really glad I moved back to


Kingston two years ago and Toronto I found was very ‘everyone’s out for themselves’ — understandably so, everybody goes there to make it — but in Kingston everyone is a lot more laidback and we’ve got a good team right now,” Clark said. Listen Up Kid plays at the Mansion on Dec. 19.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

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’Staches rock at the Brooklyn EngSoc hosts fundraising concert for Movember B y D iana A nton Contributor At Queen’s, Movember season means valiant attempts at sprouting facial hair and several students ready to pinch their pockets to donate to a good cause. This year, Movember was brought to a close with a free charity concert, “Moustache Rock” featuring a local Kingston band, the Lazerbears. Taking place at The Brooklyn, the concert was a celebration

of the Kingston residents and Queen’s students’ dedication to the spirit and goal of the Movember Foundation. As a joint effort between the Queen’s Engineering Society — who organized the event — and the Brooklyn, the concert, despite having a late start, provided the ideal place to relax and unwind from the stress of the past semester. Once attendees started trickling in, the concert gradually gained momentum. LazerBear


Dramatic reality

Venus in Fur comes to Kingston B y A licia H ai Contributor Lights out. Rolls and crashes of thunder ensue. Theatre Kingston takes New York Broadway original, the transcending playwright Venus in Fur, David Ives’ story of alluring sexualityintoathemeforthemodern day society in thinking about our own privileges. Venus in Fur, inspired by the infamous erotic novel of the same name, takes audiences through the mind of writer-director Thomas

Novachek and his exploration of the female sex through the eyes of actress Vanda Jordan. Exasperated by the lack of female talent for his new play, Novachek is surprised when it’s the risqué and brazen Vanda who puts on an audition unlike anything he has seen before. Themes of masochism, sexism, and female dominance and empowerment are explored in this play-within-a-play adaptation. Played by Charlotte Gowdy, Jordan acts the perfect foil to Shane Carty’s Thomas, exemplifying how

was described by Daniel Khao, Sci ’17, as having an “indie sound”. The concert took off with the performance of their first song that showcased powerful vocals and an energy that would carry on throughout the show. This charisma was accompanied by a wide range of sounds that were at times rhythmic and upbeat, or mellow and melancholic that managed to draw in the audience. The loud and powerful rhythm and beat of the music often overpowered the vocals of the band, but the vibrant sounds still brought out the urge in the audience to clap and tap their feet to the beat and tune of the music. Listening to the band was labelled by Khao as being similar Novachek’s privileged upbringing has shaped the way he sees her and the female sex in general. Vanda, in playing her character, transforms from loud-mouthed city girl into a sophisticated woman of authority. The dynamic interactions between Jordan and Novachek are evident. As the lines between Jordan and Novachek and the characters they play became more and more blurred, the two get caught up in the characters they’re playing. Soon, the two separate periods transform into one, and the balance of power is challenged.

Johnny Cone, lead singer of LazerBear.


to an almost “religious experience” as a result of their unique and introspective lyrics. As such, the band’s smooth and at same time soulful sounds are also vaguely reminiscent of the well-known band the Black Keys. They both have an old time rock and roll feel to their music. In the end, The Brooklyn proved to be the ideal location for this low-key concert since the

cozy and intimate space provided a warm and welcoming atmosphere for its patrons. Complemented by the smooth and rhythmic beats of LazerBear, the bar provided the perfect avenue for the charity concert. Queen’s Eng Movember group has raised $400 in donations on their Movember Canada page thus far.

Technical aspects of the production heightened the overall tension of the play, as if the audience felt themselves to be invisible interlocutors within the setting. Where the lighting brought forth the intimacy of the two characters, the booming rolls of thunder heard throughout the 90 minutes added an intensifying sense of the power reversal that was soon to come. Brett Christopher, the director of Venus in Fur, took his experience from a “closed-door discussion” earlier in the summer where “artists of colour had an opportunity to

talk about their experiences in the Canadian theatre community”. Building upon this, he brings a fresh perspective to his directing style so that audiences are able understand the play in a new light. “As a white, liberal, privileged Canadian artist, I thought I understood and could relate to the problems that people of colour face,” he said. “Much like my own subterranean prejudice and ignorance, Thomas is given the opportunity to look at his life through the eyes of another.”

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Thursday, November 27, 2014


Men’s rugby above and beyond Provincial champs top our fall rankings; football fills out last spot after several early-season blunders 1. Men’s rugby The only fall team crowned provincial champions, men’s rugby is the clear top choice in our power rankings. The Gaels won their third OUA title in as many years, bringing the program’s total to 21. Queen’s dominated most of their regular season matchups, shutting out three opponents and holding two others to single-digits in points. The gang dropped only one match during the regular season, a back and forth affair against the McMaster Marauders that ended with the Gaels down 18-13. The loss did nothing to derail the Gaels and it was repaid in a big way — a 61-0 spanking of the Marauders in the semi-finals. The championship match versus the Guelph Gryphons didn’t begin as planned. The Gaels found themselves down 16-0 before turning things around and eventually winning 32-23. Queen’s was led by a fifth-year contingent with a wealth of big game experience. David Worsley was the OUA’s fourth-best scorer during the regular season, running in six tries and converting 21 kicks. Worsley was named an OUA All-Star along with fellow fifth-year standouts James Dent, Tommy Kirkham, Jacob Rumball and Brendan Sloan, as well as second-year Kainoa Lloyd. Rumball was also awarded league MVP. After yet another dominant performance, men’s rugby should be the front-runner for Queen’s varsity team of the year award. — Brent Moore

2. Cross country While individual success still defined cross country’s year, the road has been paved for overall success in 2015. Julie-Anne Staehli maintained her place as one of Canada’s premier collegiate runners, snagging a provincial bronze medal on her home course. She followed that performance up two weeks later with CIS silver, just one spot shy of a repeat national gold medal. With an All-Canadian performance from Claire Sumner,

the Gaels brought home CIS bronze, matching the medal they won last year. The squad also captured bronze on the provincial level. While the men couldn’t match the women’s success, a fifth-place OUA finish is nothing to scoff at. Last year’s top runner Jeff Archer sat out the season, and with the continued development of second-year Alex Wilkie, the men have the opportunity to make leaps and bounds in 2015. As a program on the verge, the future is looking strong for both the men and women. — Sean Sutherland

3. Women’s rugby Women’s rugby couldn’t keep the crown atop their heads this season and failed to reach the heights they hit last year. After capturing the first OUA title in program history last year, a fourth-place provincial finish was a disappointing outcome. Besieged by injuries for most of the season, the squad finished second in their division. The Gaels failed to qualify for the CIS championships this year despite the OUA having three berths. A 29-21 loss to the Guelph Gryphons in the provincial semi-final forced them into a bronze-medal match against the Western Mustangs, with a nationals berth assured to the winner. Queen’s couldn’t prevail in London, prematurely ending their campaign well short of the CIS bronze earned last season. Despite the outcome, there were still several positives from the year. An explosive offence led by all-time Queen’s leading scorer Lauren McEwen racked up a league-leading 286 points in only five games. Gillian Pegg joined McEwen on the All-Canadian squad. Another two Gaels — Miranda Seifert and Melody Clarke — were recognized at the OUA level. With some of the core leaving next year, the team will be hard-pressed to contend with Guelph for the OUA title. But with the CIS tournament coming to Queen’s, the Gaels will once again have a chance to prove themselves

on a larger scale in 2015. — Sean Sutherland

4. Rowing Both the men’s and women’s programs failed to surpass last year’s results in what was a rebuilding year for many boats. It was a repeat performance at the OUA championships. The women seized silver while the men took home bronze. Matt Christie won the heavyweight men’s single race and Larkin Davenport Huyer and Milica Banic combined to bring home gold in the women’s heavyweight double. The women’s side collected four OUA silvers and a bronze. The men had three bronze. At the Canadian University Rowing Championships, the women were boxed out of a podium finish and settled for fourth place at the event. Davenport Huyer picked up the Gaels’ only national gold, winning the women’s single. The men’s team dropped to seventh place after finishing fifth last year. Head coach John Armitage, who has led the program for 37 years, will be stepping down this offseason. Recruiting a top-notch coach will be crucial to the team’s continued success. — Brent Moore

5. Men’s soccer Head coach Christian Hoefler should be commended for his first season at the helm of the men’s soccer program, turning a team that failed to meet expectations last year into a potential contender. This year’s squad boasted an improved record and defence. For the second year in a row, though, they didn’t make it past the second round of the OUA playoffs. The men made definite strides on the defensive end, allowing only eight goals during the regular season compared with last season’s 17. There was also a slight increase in offensive production — 28 goals this year compared with 24 last year. Great improvement was demonstrated over the season

Football forfeited their first two games before losing the next three. They finished 3-5.


SPORTS Captain Jacob Rumball (3) earned OUA MVP honours. Five other Gaels were named OUA All-Stars.

and culminated in a 9-2-5 record, third-best in the OUA East. The only losses of the year came against the East’s top teams, bumping the Gaels well ahead of their 6-5-3 season in 2013. Breakout rookie Jacob Schroeter led the team with six goals and will be counted on next year with the departure of veteran Eric Koskins. Goaltender Max Materne led the OUA in save percentage at .927. Defender Kristian Zanette was named an OUA East First-Team All Star while Materne, Chris Michael, Henry Bloemen and Schroeter were named Second-Team All Stars. — Brent Moore

6. Women’s soccer Exiting before the OUA Final Four was a new experience for the Gaels this year. 2014 marked the first time in six seasons Queen’s came up shy of the provincial semi-finals. A 1-0 loss to the Ottawa Gee-Gees in the OUA quarterfinal meant a premature exit for the Gaels. Hopes for the season were heightened by the return of striker Jackie Tessier, who became the program’s top scorer during the year. Injuries and inexperience would take their toll on the team, leaving them fourth in the OUA East at 9-4-3. It now marks two years without a CIS tournament appearance. Most of the players from the 2012 national runners-up squad have graduated, leaving many young players in important roles. The Gaels maintained a balanced performance throughout the season, sitting third in both goals for and conceded among OUA East teams. While their numbers were solid, occasional offensive lapses kept the team from meeting their potential. Tessier and midfielder Jessie de Boer led the way with eight goals apiece. de Boer was named an


OUA First-Team All-Star, as was defender Melissa Jung. Striker Brittany Almeida found a spot on the second-team. While the season as a whole wasn’t a write-off, the expectations for women’s soccer are always high and the team just couldn’t meet them this year. — Sean Sutherland

7. Football The Gaels made history this year — just not in a good way. On the way to missing the playoffs with a 3-5 record, the team also suffered the worst defeat in program history: a 66-0 thrashing at the hands of the Guelph Gryphons. The loss was the fourth in a string of five straight to kick off the year. Their season-opening victory over the Windsor Lancers was forfeited due to the Gaels dressing an academically ineligible player in defensive back Brendan Morgan. Unable to compete against the triumvirate of Guelph, Western and McMaster due to the lack of holdovers from last season’s Yates Cup finalists, Queen’s had to settle in among the middle of the pack. While the three wins to finish the season were nice, they only provided bragging rights, as the Gaels were out of the playoff picture before they could win a game. The season was a write-off, but several veteran players put forth top-rate efforts. Fifth-year slotback Alex Carroll led the league with 52 receptions for 875 yards and eight touchdowns, while quarterback Billy McPhee threw for an OUA-high 17 touchdowns. Despite the standout performances from McPhee and Carroll, the season as a whole can only be described as disappointing. — Sean Sutherland


Thursday, November 27, 2014

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Rematch heartbreak Blowout win comes before overtime loss against northern foe B y A dam L askaris Staff Writer For a few moments, it appeared Darcy Greenaway’s late goal on Saturday would be enough to give men’s hockey their second win in two nights. However, late defensive lapses mixed with untimely bounces saw the Lakehead Thunderwolves capitalize after Greenaway scored with 2:54 left in the third period. Lakehead (5-8-2) escaped with a 7-6 overtime win, one night after Queen’s (7-5-1) beat them 6-0. “We got away from detail,” Gaels assistant coach Andrew Haussler said following Saturday’s loss. “We got away from our structure, and it came back and bit us in the butt.” The back and forth affair saw each team score four times in the

first period, followed by a scoreless second. Though Lakehead never held an advantage until the end of the game, they erased six straight Queen’s one-goal leads. “It just seemed like whoever had the puck last was going to win,” Haussler said. “It’s tough to look at the positives when you give up seven [goals].” Lakehead forward Cody Alcock set up overtime by scoring the equalizer in the final minute of the third period. He followed this by emulating Greenaway’s celebration from moments earlier, dropping to a knee before swiping his hand upward along the ice. Alcock led Lakehead with four points in the game, while the Thunderwolves’ Cody Kostecki scored 1:12 into the four-on-four overtime frame after a goalmouth scramble and momentary confusion

over the goal’s legitimacy. Gaels goaltender Chris Clarke had an uncharacteristically shaky start on Saturday, making just one save on four shots before getting replaced in net by Kevin Bailie. Queen’s Spencer Abraham took over the league lead for assists from a defenceman, recording four on Saturday to raise his season total to 14. Although Saturday’s loss left a sour taste in the Gaels’ mouths, there were still positives drawn from the weekend. Forward Andrew Wiebe scored a pair of goals to lead Queen’s on Friday, marking his second straight two-goal performance. Gaels centre Darcy Greenaway had five points in See Clarke on page 16


the Gaels’ two games against the Lakehead Thunderwolves last weekend.


Overtime vengeance Women’s hockey wins in reversal of last year’s OUA Final B y S ean S utherland Sports Editor Women’s hockey stayed among the top teams in the OUA with split results last weekend. The Gaels topped the Laurier Golden Hawks in a 5-4 overtime battle Saturday, before falling 2-1 to the Waterloo Warriors on Sunday. Rookie Addi Halladay potted the overtime winner 4:34 into the added frame against Laurier, putting the Gaels past the defending OUA champions. The win over Laurier proved a little sweeter, as it was the first time Queen’s had travelled to play the Golden Hawks since their loss in game three of the OUA Finals in March. Head coach Matt Holmberg said the coaches didn’t discuss the playoff result, but it was on the players’ minds. “We had played Laurier already once in exhibition and beat them,”

Holmberg said. “But back in their arena where they had won it last year, I’m certain that for the players there was a little extra motivation, for sure.” Special teams proved a major factor in the game, as the Gaels gave up three power play markers and added a pair of their own, including Halladay’s game-winning goal. Holmberg said he’s happy with how his league-leading power play unit is playing, but the team needs to work on their penalty kill. “The only thing that concerned me a little bit was our PK,” he said. “We gave up three power play

goals to Laurier even though that’s an area we worked on specifically in the week leading up to it. They were still able to get three on us so that’s something we still need to work on moving forward.” Captain Shawna Griffin led the Gaels with a pair of tallies, bringing the team back from a pair of one-goal deficits. Neither squad was able to get the jump on the other as the contest mostly remained a tight affair. In addition to Halladay and Griffin’s contributions, defenceman Alisha Sealey and forward Emily

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The Gaels blew their 6-5 advantage in the final 2:54 of the third period to lose Saturday’s clash with Lakehead in overtime.

See OT on page 16


Wonderful weekend Gaels finish both opponents in straight sets, improve to 6-3 B y B rent M oore Assistant Sports Editor Queen’s made quick work of both their opponents this past weekend at the ARC. Head coach Michael Ling was satisfied with his team’s performances against the Lakehead Thunderwolves (2-8) and the Brock Badgers (5-6), which culminated in a pair of sweeps. “Both good matches for us,” Ling said. “Our service game was pretty good.” The Gaels (6-3) took down the Thunderwolves on Friday in three sets: 25-16, 25-14 and 25-22. Ling said Lakehead is a much better team than their record suggests and the Gaels had to make sure they didn’t take them lightly. “They’re a strong outside

hitting team and I think we spent a good portion of the week on our defensive play,” he said. A spike from Gaels outside hitter Brett Hagarty ended a dominant first set against the Thunderwolves, while middle blocker Niki Slikboer finished the second in the same manner. The women controlled the first two sets but appeared to let up in the third, making for a tighter final frame. Both teams alternated scoring runs, with Lakehead bringing the game even at 20 after a seven-point run. “They were starting to push a little bit harder and we didn’t respond as actively as we needed to,” Ling said. “[We] took a quick timeout and just reminded them of kind of

finishing an opponent as strongly as we could.” A kill and a service ace from rookie outside hitter Caroline Livingston put the Gaels up and a kill by Hagarty ended the match. Hagarty was a force against Lakehead, scoring 12 kills and 12 blocks. Slikboer also made her presence known at the net, contributing eight kills, five blocks and three digs. Libero Becky Wilson bolstered the defensive effort with 14 digs. Queen’s didn’t lose their focus on Saturday and ran through Brock even quicker, winning 25-9, 25-17 and 25-11. Other than a brief Badgers’ run to kick off the second set, the match was all Queen’s. “We did a good job on our See Solid on page 16




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Thursday, November 27, 2014


Injured, but not out Hazlett steps up after Boag goes down with injury B y J erry Z heng Staff Writer An injury to a key player proved costly for women’s basketball last weekend. Linchpin point guard Liz Boag suffered a concussion in the Gaels’ 65-55 victory over the Guelph Gryphons (3-2) on Friday. While she stayed in for the rest of the game, Boag sat out the team’s 73-64 loss to the Brock Badgers (2-3) the next day. She also missed the Gaels’ 73-38 decimation of the York Lions (0-6) last night. Queen’s moved to 3-3 with the win. Two starters are out now, as veteran wing

Gemma Bullard has yet to dress this year. Her return remains uncertain. Boag is averaging 12.2 points per game this season. The fifth-year guard sets the pace for Queen’s offence and draws tougher defensive looks because of it. Her shooting percentages are down this year, but head coach Dave Wilson said he isn’t concerned. “Two people in the area are paying attention to her … so the looks get really tough,” Wilson said. ”It’s much harder [for her] to get an open look than in the past.” With Boag out of the lineup, third-year guard Emily Hazlett stepped up and did an


Frenetic flourish

Late-game fireworks for Gaels in three straight B y S ean S utherland Sports Editor After finding themselves on both sides of a fourth-quarter comeback over the weekend, men’s basketball finally got their first win of the year last night. An 86-84 victory over the York Lions — their first contest with an OUA East opponent — propelled the Gaels record to 1-5 on the year. The victory came four days after the team came agonizingly close to winning against the Brock

Badgers (2-3). A furious 18-point rally in the final quarter to tie the game at the end of regulation wasn’t enough for the Gaels to keep it going in overtime, losing to Brock 98-89 on Saturday. Queen’s blew a late lead against the Guelph Gryphons (2-3) the night before, on the way to a 63-56 loss. The battle with York (2-3) went down to the wire, as the Lions trailed by two points in the dying seconds of the game. They couldn’t hit a shot with three seconds remaining and See In on page 16

Jenny Wright recorded 40 points in the Gaels past three games.

admirable job in the Brock game on Saturday. Hazlett posted her first career doubledouble in the loss with 19 points and 10 rebounds. She saw 37 minutes on court time, more than any other Gael. “Haz is a hell of a player,” Wilson said. “She has the ability to run our team and she did that really well down the stretch. I have utmost confidence in her to run our team.” Hazlett has shown tremendous improvement this season. She’s scoring 12.2 points per game, up from 6.9 in 2013-14. Her three-point shooting is at 50 per cent, good for 10th in the country. Wing Jenny Wright scored 13 points with four assists and four rebounds against Brock. Post Robyn Pearson gobbled 11 rebounds, while guard Abby Dixon added another 13 points in the loss. After suffering a shoulder injury in March, Hazlett was able to work on her shooting fundamentals in the offseason. “Staying [in Kingston] with some of the girls on my team, and having the coaching staff there to push us in individual and team workouts … really helped me up my game,” she said. Wright was effusive in her praise of Hazlett.


‘She’s coming into herself this year and she’s driving to the bucket harder than ever.” Wright said. “I know I don’t like to go against her in practice.” On Friday night, the Gryphons didn’t have an answer to the total team effort from the Gaels. Queen’s built a heavy lead, never trailing in the game. They held an 18-point advantage heading into the final quarter. Scoring came from every position, as four Gaels — Hazlett, Boag, Wright and Dixon — all scored in double digits. Wright led the way with 15 points, followed by 11 points from Boag. Dixon also stood out on the defensive end, notching five steals. The Gaels once again scored by committee against York last night. Wright put up a team-high 12 points, while six other players recorded at least seven points in the blowout win. The contest was the team’s first meeting with one of their divisional foes in the new OUA East division. Queen’s took advantage of an undisciplined York team, scoring 31 points off the Lions’ 30 turnovers. The Gaels will make a home stand this weekend against the Algoma Thunderbirds (0-5).

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Thursday, November 27, 2014


A taste of competition First-years see plenty of game time in four-set win over RMC B y B rent M oore Assistant Sports Editor Youthful talent carried men’s volleyball to victory last Friday. Head coach Brenda Willis started first-year outside hitters Ben Harper and Dylan Hunt and second-year Aidan Roos in the Gaels’ four-set victory over the winless RMC Paladins, while veterans Mike Tomlinson and Philippe Goyer initially watched from the sidelines. “We put out a lineup that hadn’t played a lot, just to see how they would fare,” Willis said. “Try to evaluate them in a game I thought we had a good shot of winning.” The Gaels (4-4) controlled the first half of the match before faltering in the third set. Willis brought in the starters to finish up, on the way to a 25-10, 25-18, 23-25 and 25-9 victory.

The first two sets went smoothly for Queen’s. Third-year outside hitter Markus Trence hit well and the younger players held their own. “First set I think RMC was really tentative, they didn’t go after anything and it made it a little bit easy for us,” Willis said. “And then they definitely played better in the second and I thought we held our own just fine.” RMC (0-8) closed the gap in the third set, though, taking advantage of Queen’s complacency. “We seemed to relax and lose focus, which is not an uncommon thing for young players,” Willis said. “You get a little comfortable when you’re up 2-0.” RMC clawed their way back from a four-point hole, tying the game at 23 before scoring another two to win the set. “We made a couple errors right at the end that we shouldn’t be

Outside hitter Ben Harper (lower left) started alongside fellow first year Dylan Hunt.


making,” Willis said. After watching the younger players struggle, she inserted her top players for the fourth set, allowing them to pick apart the Paladins and end the match quickly. “I didn’t want to risk it going to five [sets],” Willis said. “Just reading the confidence level of guys in the huddle, I felt that they weren’t as confident as they needed to be.” Trence generated the most offence with 16 kills and Tomlinson added eight kills of his own, but the real story of the match was Roos’ play. The 6’10” middle blocker racked up eight kills, six assisted blocks and two digs. “Aidan played great,” Willis said. “I was particularly impressed with his serving. He served very well.” The other young players played their parts well. Hunt had five kills, three digs and three blocks, while Harper added two kills and two blocks. Willis, for the most part, was pleased with the pair, adding that gaining experience will help the two rookies improve. “When things were in control, I thought they did a very good job,” she said. “The issue is more when things got a little more hectic, out of sync and out of system, they’re not making the adjustments yet that they need to, to be consistent.” Willis saw the RMC game as a chance to push her younger players — with an eye toward the future. “I believe as a coach you’re always coaching your current team to win but you’re also finding opportunities to develop your future team,” she said. “When you’re playing a team that hasn’t won in the league yet, you look for those opportunities.” This weekend, the Gaels are on the road to wrap up the 2014 half of their campaign. They face the York Lions (5-3) on Saturday before travelling up north to take on the Nipissing Lakers (1-7) Sunday.




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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Clarke pulled Continued from page 13

“If I could have 20 Andrew Wiebes, we’d win a lot of hockey games,” said Gaels head coach Brett Gibson. “I can’t say enough about him.” The Gaels scored three goals in the first 2:11 of the second period on Friday to jump ahead to a 3-0 lead. Bailie said the rapid onslaught was something the Gaels had been looking to achieve this year. “Traditionally, we haven’t had the fastest starts to period,” Bailie

OT win, tight loss

said. “We decided it was our time.” Bailie also managed his first shutout of the year in the win, stopping all 22 pucks he faced. “That’s probably the best solid team game we’ve played all year,” he said. Queen’s hosts the Nipissing Lakers (8-6-1) and Laurentian Voyageurs (8-5-2) this weekend in their final home games of 2014. After a stretch of seven straight losses to the Lakers, the Gaels have won both of their most recent matchups.

Continued from page 13

Patrick McGillis’ 14 points rank third among all Gaels players this season.


Solid service Continued from page 13

service game and our defensive side to back it up as well,” Ling said. Ling said the scores weren’t indicative of Brock’s potential. “They’re a good team and we handled them pretty well,” he said. Scoring was communal in this contest as four Gaels — outside hitter Shannon Neville, Slikboer, Brett Hagarty and middle blocker Katie Hagarty — tallied seven kills apiece. On the defensive end, Wilson had 15 digs, Neville had 10 and Brett Hagarty had nine. The team kept errors to a minimum against Brock,

Caroline Livingston had five kills and four digs in women’s volleyball’s straight-set victory over Lakehead.

committing only one in the first set and a total of eight compared to the Badgers’ 24. “I think it was a good performance for us because we’ve been trying to minimize our errors in each set,” Ling said. The team has been working diligently all season on minimizing errors while maintaining an aggressive attack, according to Ling. This weekend, the women travel to face the York Lions (4-4) and Nipissing Lakers (3-5) for their two final games before the winter break. The match with the Lions is crucial, as the Gaels sit two wins ahead of them for the fourth and final playoff spot in the OUA East.

Gervais also notched goals. The offensive touch wasn’t there the next afternoon, as only Taryn Pilon found the back of the net for Queen’s against Waterloo. The Warriors’ Marissa Redmond scored the difference maker with just over five minutes left in the game. Holmberg said the Gaels needed to be able to get out in front on teams. “We just didn’t seem to have that killer instinct to put them away,” he said. “The game remained tied, remained tied and then they scored on a very fluky play and that was it.” Despite the loss, rookie goaltender Stephanie Pascal put forth a strong effort in net, turning away 23 of the 25 shots she faced. The Gaels are now just over the halfway point of the campaign and sit among the top two in the OUA in several key statistics. They rank first in goals for per game and power play percentage and trail only the Western Mustangs in goals against average at 1.58. Queen’s hosts the league-leading Mustangs on Sunday after facing off with the Windsor Lancers (8-2-2) tomorrow. “We’re really looking forward to these games. Western’s currently in first for the league and Windsor’s tied with ourselves for second,” Holmberg said. “I can’t think of a better way to end the first half than to test ourselves against two of the top teams in the league.”


In winner’s circle Continued from page 14

the Gaels took home the win. Veteran guard Greg Faulkner scored 23 points and added eight rebounds against the Lions. His 25.6 points per game lead the OUA. The two previous losses set the tone for a win against York — one that head coach Stephan Barrie was confident was coming. He said the other two games showed that Queen’s developing roster is able to keep games competitive to the final whistle, even if they don’t come out with the victory. “We’re finding ways to be in games, to be in that position at the end,” Barrie said. “Certainly, when your record isn’t very good, there’s a lot of reasons to not be in that position and our guys are not falling down that trap.” He added that the next step for the team is to execute in late-game situations so they’re able to secure more wins. They were almost able to do so against Brock. Buoyed by Faulkner’s 40-point, 13-rebound

performance, the Gaels stormed back in the fourth quarter, tying the game on a late shot from guard Cy Samuels. “We knew and felt that the comeback was going to happen, it just took a little bit of time,” Barrie said. “Sure enough, in the fourth it started to happen and it rolled from there. Our guys at no point thought it was going to happen or doubted it was going to happen.” While the Gaels took an early three-point lead in overtime, they didn’t reclaim it after Brock evened the game back up, eventually falling by nine. “It’s disappointing for sure,” Barrie said. “They’re smart guys — you’re not a Queen’s student without having a pretty good IQ — and they know what they did to come back and that they were never down. That it takes a lot of character to be in that position.” He said the team will grow from the confidence they gained in launching the comeback. On the other hand, the Gaels took an early lead against Guelph

The Gaels outscored their opposition 52-49 in the fourth quarters of three games over the last week.

on Friday, but lost due to an abysmal second half in which they only managed 14 points on 16.1 per cent shooting. Faulkner once again led the way and scored 18 points to go along with 16 rebounds, while post Mike Shoveller also hit double digits with 14 points. “It was a one-possession game in the last minute,” Barrie said. “We’ve got to execute a little better.” The Gaels next game goes tomorrow when they take on the Algoma Thunderbirds (0-5) at 8 p.m.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

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Post-Movember ’staches: grow or no? Our contributors make the case for ditching or keeping your Movember facial hair


Alex Watt, ArtSci ‘15 Thinking about ditching that Movember ‘stache? Before picking up the razor, consider the benefits of growing your facial fur into December and beyond. Given the lack of awareness surrounding men’s mental health and prostate cancer, coupled with the stigma associated with these issues, many men frequently ignore their symptoms. Movember began as a way to draw attention to and provide support for men with these conditions. It was an opportunity to bring attention to men’s health issues that had been previously swept under the carpet. These big furry ‘staches attract immediate attention. As a result, they instigate conversations on topics many are reluctant to embark upon. Canada has become one of the largest contributors to Movember of any country, with generous donations from family and friends shepherding individuals along their mo’ journey. Male friends of mine sport their moustaches proudly. They regularly document the progression of their furry friend on their Mo Space page, Facebook or Instagram. “Likes” may help generate more donations for the cause, but they also provide moral support as a bit of an ego-booster — the more attention they receive the better During Movember, it’s not only accepted to sport the oftentimes sparse and straggly facial hair above the upper lip, but it’s essentially encouraged. So why not keep up the awareness? Now that you’re through the awkward, early growth stage and are likely sporting a thick, full and luxurious moustache, why shave it off now?


Haven’t you become significantly attached to your soft furry friend? Could you really take a cold, hard blade to those handlebars you lovingly nurtured over the month? Not only are the moustaches continuing to draw attention and support, but they’re beginning to experience a fashion revival. Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling and Will Farrell have all recently become mustachioed, even before Movember. These moustaches have taken on qualities that surpass the awareness criteria for which they were originally grown. Words like “sophisticated”, “cute”, and even “poetic” have been tossed around to describe them. If that’s not enough motivation to wear your moustache with pride, I don’t know what is. But if these aren’t reason enough to hold on to that beloved facial hair and you do decide to expose your upper lip to the elements, just remember: winter is coming. So you may as well fend off the cold with an extra layer of protection, while making a statement for a worthy cause.

As Movember ends, many in our community are faced with a choice: to shave or not to shave. With the cold weather mounting, I’ve come to appreciate the added insulation afforded by my beard. Movember, however, isn’t on my list of reasons to maintain my face-garden. The time will soon be upon us to decide whether to keep our newly grown facial hair, and as we consider our commitment to the ’stache, it’s worth taking a look at the movement as a whole. But the thing is, Movember just isn’t doing it for me — and it’s just not doing it

and created the first gift card in 1994, as a solution to counterfeit gift certificates. Starbucks introduced the reusable card in 2001, thus beginning the boom. Last holiday season, the company sold about $1.4 billion in gift cards. The practice is working for Starbucks, but what has it done to the art of gifting? I’m guilty. I’ve bought friends gift cards you knew you had an 80 per cent chance and I’ve enjoyed using them. But I also enjoy of ending up with a shiny plastic rectangle the struggle of picking out the perfect gift. instead of a pretty set of cheese plates you’d I love to see the person’s face when they never use. open up something that’s clearly chosen So now, I’ve taken issue with the gift card. exactly for them. Chances are you’ve probably given one in Gift cards sell the idea that you can give an attempt to appear more thoughtful than the person exactly they what they want. giving a wad of cash when you’re at a loss If they’re the ones who choose their gift, for gift ideas. disappointment is avoidable. You’ve also probably received one and But all it’s really doing is taking the soul happily took advantage of the freedom to out of gifting. buy whatever you wanted in a specific store. It’s not about what the gift is. It’s truly the But when we lost the magic of presents, thought that counts. we lost the magic of the game and the The holidays are about making holidays altogether. memories with family, and giving that It was Blockbuster who first marketed thoughtful gift — no matter how big or

Think carefully before gifting a card this season While the gift card might be an easy solution to the endless question, “What should I get them?”, it’s actually ruining the holiday season. The so-called “Christmas game” revolves around mystery gifts hidden under the tree that you open when your name is called. It’s a surprise. But over the past few years, the boxes have gotten smaller and the presents less creative and more predictable. Everyone was opting for gift cards. The game became less endearing when

Luke Kessaram, ArtSci ‘16


Keep on giving B y R achel H erscovici Staff Writer


for men anymore either. Since starting in Australia in 2003, Movember has become a truly global phenomenon. The organization has made great strides in its effort “to change the face of men’s health.” The success of the initiative corresponds with a rise of what I call “moustache-mania.” As seen on Google Trends, interest in moustaches and Movember reached its peak in 2012 and has never reached that benchmark since. There’s no denying that moustaches were trendy — all you had to do was browse through Urban Outfitters to see that. But if you ask me, I’d say this whole moustache hullaballoo is on its way out. What are we to make of this? Think of all the great times we had. Our bristly upper lips gave us something to bond over with our pals. Movember was a source of camaraderie, which is perhaps one of the reasons that the initiative had so much success — it was a way to be “one of the boys.” In this way, the movement satisfied one of its primary goals: to spark conversations, with the intention of helping to subside the stigma surrounding men’s health. But isn’t “being one of the boys” the reason that men’s health is stigmatized in the first place? If that’s the case, then the stigmatization of men’s health seems to have more to do with popular conceptions of gender performance than anything else. I suggest that using masculinity to combat masculinity isn’t the most effective way forward. The flaw in Movember is that, although it seeks to alleviate the strict expectation that men don’t admit to the weakness of illness, it also reinforces existing stereotypes about what it is to be “manly” and in fact further perpetuates the issue. It’s time to change gears. Moustaches are out; gender equity is in. It’s starting to look like the key to eliminating the stigma might just be to shave it away; to look beyond the ‘stache, and indeed, deeper still. Because, while hair follicles may be dermal, stigma isn’t skin deep. So, as December looms, remember this: don’t let your moustache define you. Shave your ’stache or keep it, but either way it’s time to move on from Movember. small — creates a meaningful appreciation neither party will soon forget. Keep the people in your life special during this holiday season and think before you gift card.

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

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Thursday, November 27, 2014


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Thursday, November 27, 2014


The danger of deprivation

Between cramming for exams and cranking out papers, sleep is rarely prioritized B y S ean S utherland Sports Editor With only a few days left before exams kick off and final papers are due, sleep is the last thing on many students’ minds. It’s a time-honoured tradition on campus, as many forgo sleep to cram for an exam or finish up that last essay before classes wrap up. I’m just as guilty of this as any other student, constantly staying up until the early hours of the morning to finish writing stories or studying for an exam. Since the average person needs six to eight hours of sleep each night, it becomes incredibly hard to function when you’re running on one or two hours of sleep. If there’s a run of such nights, as I’ve had consistently this year, it can come with several consequences as a student. After pulling an all-nighter, I’ve slept in class, at work and in myriad places around campus. I’ve missed out on crucial information in lectures because I simply couldn’t focus on anything other PHOTOS BY EMILIE RABEAU than the effort required to keep my In addition to the obvious negative effect on mental state, sleep deprivation can seriously impact your physical health. eyes open. taking more than a quick nap. through my alarm after spending That said, not every student point where last year I experienced struggle with sleeping at night. Rest is critical for Part of the impact of sleep the two previous nights going to who’s lacking sleep is facing an a lot of nightmares,” she said. “I students — the less sleep someone deprivation, according to HCDS, bed after 5 a.m. Luckily, I was able exam or essay. Sometimes there are will avoid going to sleep.” Chu, ArtSci ’17, started gets, the more likely it will impair is the fact that attention and to reschedule, but the lack of sleep more personal reasons for a lack of sleep and the havoc it can cause on attending counselling and sees their learning and memory the ability to learn new tasks is can be costly on more than just the one that works specifically on her processes. That’s why small inhibited by just some deviation physical levels if you can’t make up a person. for what you’ve already lost. A study conducted by U.K. sleep issues. One of the things the differences in sleep hygiene, like from your normal sleep pattern. When a student pulls an Although consequences can be researchers in 2012 concluded counsellor has worked with her on ensuring the bedroom is dark and avoiding intense exercise before all-nighter, it can lead to an severe after a week, it takes just that insufficient sleep and the is practicing good sleep hygiene. “It’s pretty much just practicing bedtime, is so crucial. occurrence known as microsleep, one night to experience heightened interruption of circadian rhythms While she’s been using these in which a person is conscious emotions and appetite, a weakened has a negative effect on the good sleep habits,” she said. “Some expression of genes. This can lead things about sleep hygiene would strategies to help her sleep, but not aware of what is going on immune system and, according to a 2014 study in the journal SLEEP, to obesity, cardiovascular disease be like half an hour before bed, deprivation can still be a problem around them. you don’t look at your cell phone for Chu. She said her “record” for I’ve hit this point at various the loss of brain tissue. and impaired cognitive function. Megan Hendry said she hasn’t The study observed that just or screens or watch anything at all consistent good sleep patterns was times during my three years at one week of insufficient sleep because all that extra stimulation two or three weeks, whereas she’s Queen’s, where I come to after slept through an alarm, but going gone through the same length of having blanked out for five or without sleep has caused her to was sufficient to impair the will keep your brain up.” She added that going to bed time sleeping during the days. so seconds. miss classes to try and make up for expression of genes — the up- or “There was a time for three In addition, HCDS’ peer mentor the rest she didn’t get. down-regulation of 711 genes due and waking up at the same time “I have actively tried not to miss to sleep deprivation was seen in every day and performing certain weeks straight for when I became handbook for the effect of sleep total. These genes affect circadian routines before sleeping are literally nocturnal,” she said. deprivation notes that motivation things, but I usually do it out of rhythms, sleep homeostasis, some of the other strategies she’s “So I would sleep at 7 a.m. and is one of the first casualties when the choice of I decide to not to go wake up late in the afternoon or sleep is ignored. to class because I want to go to metabolism and other important been taught. Health, Counselling and evening even. I would miss all of For Sarah Besseau, the impact sleep,” said Hendry, ArtSci ’15. “It health factors. Michelle Chu was a victim of Disability Services’ (HCDS)’ Be my classes and I’d be behind on from sleep deprivation can make it depends on how exhausted I am. hard to balance class and sleep. She If I’m literally dying, then I’ll just abuse in her past and part of her Well-Do Well website includes my assignments.” She said there have been times often doesn’t fall asleep until 7 a.m., sleep and actively choose not to go difficulties with sleeping come several of these tips. It also includes ideas like getting up to do when she has been awake but felt making it difficult for her to get up to the class.” from that. When she goes to class on little “Sometimes it affects me something that isn’t too stimulating as though she wasn’t conscious as a for her 8:30 classes. “I try not to sleep during the day sleep, Hendry said it’s difficult psychologically really hard to the and avoiding daytime naps if you result of going three days without because I have classes obviously,” for her to be attentive. She also said Besseau, ArtSci ’18. “But this said she doesn’t get as involved week I’ve been missing a lot of class in discussions during lectures and because I’m so incredibly tired.” seminars as she does when she’s She added that the worst not tired. situation she’s found herself in due “When I’m sleep deprived in to lacking sleep is making it up class I kind of call myself a living by sleeping until she missed all zombie,” she said. “So I just go her classes. to class, try and make notes as According to HCDS, a sleep much as I can. Just try to be as debt comes from failing to meet present on the paper, if I’m not the number of hours you require present mentally.” asleep each night. Eventually, it will Two weeks ago Hendry slept be made up through extra sleeping. from 2-5 a.m. and suffered from The stress Besseau experiences several ailments that come along from being sleep-deprived leads with a lack of sleep. When coupled her to even more sleeping issues. with the fact that she had to be in “It stresses me out and when class until mid-afternoon, it made I get stressed out, I get more for a feeling she compared to antsy,” she said. “Then I can’t “dragging my corpse around.” sleep for even longer and it keeps And when Hendry finally gets a piling up.” chance to sleep she admits, “It’s the My worst case of sleep best reward I can think of.” deprivation impacting me was missing a critical doctor’s — With files from Chloë Grande Sleep hygiene habits, like avoiding electronics before bedtime, help establish healthy rest. appointment because I slept

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